07 4 15 SC
07 4 15 SC
07 4 15 SC
The 2023 Amended Rules shall take effect fifteen ( 15) days after
publication once in a newspaper of general circulation or in the Supreme
Court Official Website but its effectivity shall in no case be later than
October 15, 2023 .
(original signed)
Chief Justice
Notice of Resolution -4- A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
August 29, 2023
Clerk of Court
Resolution -5 - A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
\._ ...
These Rules shall govern the filing of pleadings, practice, and procedure in
election protests and petitions tor quo warranto before Election Courts
involving Bnrangay and Sangguniang Barangay offici.als.
SEC. 3. Definition <~l Terms.·- For purposes of and as used in these Rules,
the hereunder terms shall mean as follows:
(a) Audit Log - refers to the electronic document, stored in the vote
counting rnachine.'s data storage device, contuining the list of all
activities the vote counting machine performs from the tim e it is
powered on until it is turned off.
(g) Data Storage Device -· refers to the device that stores electronic
documents from where the data may be obtained when necessary to
verify the accuracy and correctness of election data. The data storage
de vice used in a vote counting machine shal I be under the custody nnd
direct responsibility of the election officer after the completion of the
voting process. A data storage device includes the back-up storage device
under COMELEC's custody that likewise stores authentic electronic
copies of data.
U) Election Courts - refers to first level courts and single-sala first level
courts, such as the Metropolitan Trial Courts (MeTC), Municipal Trial
Courts in Cities (MTCC), Municipal Circuit Trial Courts (MCTC), and
Municipal Trial Courts (MTC) designated to handle election contests.
(k) Electronic Election Return - refers to the copy of the election return
defined in item (rn) of this Section, in electronic form , generated by the
vote counting machine for purposes of automated BSKE.
the conduct of the e lections , the casting and counting of the ballots, and
the preparation and canvassing of returns. The issue is who obtained the
plurality of valid votes cast.
(m) Election Return - refers to the document showing the date of the
election, the province, city, municipality, barangay, and the precinct
where voting is held, and the number of votes, both in words and 111
figures, for each candidate in clustered precincts or mono precinct.
(p) Picture Image of the Ballot- refers to the image of the ballot captured
by the Vote Counting Machine (VCM) from the time the voter feeds
his/her ballot, ,vhich image is later stored in a memory or removable data
storage device to the VCMs.
SEC. l. Jurisdiction . - The E lection Courts sha ll have exclus ive o rig ina l
jurisdiction over a ll election contests involving elective Barangay and
Sangguniang Kabataan offic ia ls.
An electio n .protest shall not include a petition for quo warranto, nor
s hall a petition for quo warranto include nn election protest.
Resolution -9- A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
( a) the al legations in the pleading are true and correct based on his or
her personal knowledge, or based on authentic documents; and
(iii) the petitioner's cited ground for ineligibility or the specific acts of
disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines.
Resolution - 12 - A.M. No . 07-4- 15-SC
( i) that the protestant was a candidate who had duly fil ed a certifi cate
of candidacy and had been voted for the same position. The protestant
shall also allege his rank whether in a s ing le o r a multi-slot position in
accordance with Section 4 of Rule 2 of these Rul es·
( ii ) the total number of clustered precincts or m ono precincts, as the
case may be, in the barangay;
( iv) the precinct number and location of the pilot protested cl ustered
precincts or mono precincts, as the case may be, which sha ll not be
less than and n earest to twenty percent (20%) of the total number of
protested clustered precincts or mono precinct that w i 11 best illustrate
the merits of th e protest and which shall be subj ect to the initial
revision of ba llots under Section 4, Rule IO of these Rules, provided
that the identification of the pilot protested clustered precincts or m ono
precincts, as the case may be, is only required in e lection protests
w here the total number of protested clustered precincts or mono
precincts is at least twenty (20) c lustered precincts or mono precincts;
parties and counsels are required to indicate in their pleadings their email
addresses and contact numbers.
SEC. 11. Raffle <~{ Cases. - ln multi-sa/a stations, the Supreme Court shall
designate the Election Courts which shall take cognizance of election protests
and petitions for quo warronto. In the event that two (2) or more Election
Courts are designated in multi-sa/a stations, a raffle shall be conducted by the
Executive Judge to determine the assignment of cases to these designated
Election Cou11s. No Election Court shall assume jurisdiction over an election
contest unless the case has been properly assigned to it.
At least twenty-four (24) hours before the raffle, the clerk of court must
serve personal notice to the parties, stating the date and time of the raffle.
Proof of service to the patiies shall be submitted to the court, and the raffle
shall be open to the public. The Supreme Court, through the Office of the
Court Administrator, shall issue the necessary circular implementing this
SEC. 12. Summary Dismissal ofE/ection Contest. -The Election Court shall
summarily dismiss, motu proprio, an election protest, counter-protest, or
petition for quo warranto on any of the following grounds:
(a) the Election Court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter;
( d) the filing fee is not paid within the period for filing the election
protest or petition for quo warranto; and
(e) the deposit is not pnid within the period mentioned in Section 2, Rule
7 of these Rules, in case of an election protest where cash deposit is
Resolution - 14 - A.M. No. 07-4-1 5-SC
SEC. 2. SerFice <~f Summons. - The summons shall be served w ithin forty-
eight (48) hours from issuance thereof~ by handing copies of the summons and
of th e protest or the petition to the protestee o r respo ndent in person or, in case
of the protestee's or the respondent's refusal to receive and s ign such copies,
by tendering them to him or her, that is by leaving the summons within the
view and in the presence of the protestee or respondent.
The answer may set forth admissions and denials, special and
affirmative defenses, and a compulsory counterclaim, if any, the summary of
the witnesses' intended testimonies whose judicial affidavits shall be attached
in the preliminary conference brief, · including documentary and object
evidence, if any. Only witnesses whose judicial affidavits are attached to the
preliminary conference briefs shall be allowed to testify regarding the
al legations in the answer.
(a) Defenses and objections not pleaded. - Defenses and objections not
pleaded are deemed waived. The Election Court shall dismiss the claim when
it appears from the pleadings or the evidence on record that: (1) the court has
no jurisdiction over the subject matter; or (2) there is another action pending
between the same parties for the same cause; or (3) the action is barred by a
prior judgment or by the statute of Iimitations.
SEC. 2. Pr{)(~l<~/SerJJice Necessary. -The Election Court shall not act on any
written motion, except upon submitted proof of service on the adverse party.
(f) Motion for extens ion of time to file pleadings, affidavits or other
(g) Memoranda;
(n) Motion for execution pending appeal filed beyond the second day
after the promulgation ofjudgment.
If c laims for damages and attorney's fees are set forth in a protest or
counter-protest, additiona l fi ling fees sha ll be paid in accordance with the
sc hedul e provided for in Ru le 141 of the Rules of Court, as amended.
SEC. 2. Casi, Deposit. - (a) ln addition to the fees prescribed in the preceding
section, the protestant in an e lection protest requiring revi s ion of ball ots or
exam ination, verification or re-tabu lation of election returns, or e lectronic
e lection returns, or which may require th e bri nging of copies of other e lection
Resolution -- 20 -- J\ .M. No. 07--4--1 5--SC
docume nts and paraphernalia to the E lection Co urt, sha ll m ake a cash deposit
with the co urt in the following amounts:
(i) One Thousand Pesos (PI-IP 1,000.00) for each Clustered Precinct or
Mono Precinct, as the case may be, covered by the protest or counter-
protest, prov ided that the deposit sha ll in no case be less than Twenty-
Five Tho usa nd Pesos (PHP 25,000.00) to be pa id upon the filing of the
election protest or counte r-protest;
(iii) If the req uired deposit shall exceed One Hundred Thousand Pesos
(Pl-IP I 00,000.00), in case of a Sanggun iang Barangay position, and Fifty
Thousand Pesos (PHP 50,000.00), in case of a Sangguniang Kabataan
position, a cash depos it in the amount of One 1--:lundred Thousand Pesos
(PI-IP I 00,000.00) or Fifty Thousand Pesos (PHP 50,000.00), as the case
may be, sha ll be made with in ten (10) calendar days from the filin g of
the protest or counter-protest, without need for an o rder from the E lection
Court. The balance sha ll be paid in installme nts under the schedu le the
E lection Court m ay req uire after hearing the protestant or counte r-
protestant o n the matte r.
The cash deposit sha ll be a pplied by the E ledion Court to the payment
of the compensation of revi sors as provided under Section 3, Rule l O of these
Rul es, and of s l l the expenses incide nta l to revision, inc luding but not limi ted
to th e cost of s upplies and miscell aneous expe nses of the revis ion committee,
the cos t of the productio n in Election Court and the storage and m a intena nce
of e lecti on equipment and paraphernalia.
(b) The fees and deposits required under these Rules may be paid or settled
using th e nvailable e lectro nic payment syste m before the co ncerned co urt o r
(c) Failure to m ake the cash depos its required w ithin the presc ribed tim e limi t
shall result in the automatic chsrnissal of the protest, or counte r-protest.
Resolution - 21 - A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
SEC. 2. ~Vhen Ballot Boxes and Election Documents are Brought Before
the Election Court. - Within forty-eight (48) hours from receipt of the answer,
when the allegations in a protest or counter-protest so warrant, the Election
Court shall order the ballot boxes with their keys, lists of voters with voting
records, books of voters, and other election documents or paraphernalia
involved in the protest or counter-protest, to be brought before it.
The Election Court shall notify the parties of the date and time for the
retrieval and transfer from their respective custodians of the ballot boxes with
their keys, lists of voters with voting records, books of voters, and other
election docurnenrs or paraphernalia. The parties may se11d representatives to
witness the activity. The absence, however, of a representative of a party shal I
not be reason to postpone or delay the retrieval or transfer of the ballot boxes,
election documents, and paraphernalia.
The Election Court, at its discretion, may seek the assistance of the
Philippine National Police (PNP) or the Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP) in ensuring the safe delivery and storage of the the ballot boxes with
Rl:solulion - 22 - A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
their keys, lists of voters with voting records, books of voters, and other
election documents or paraphernalia to its custody.
In the event that the station where the Election Court is located has been
placed on lock.down or other analogous circumstances, the required ballot
boxes and election documents for turnover thereto shall remain in the custody
of the concerned municipal treasurer or election officer or COMELEC official
during the duration of the lock.down or until so ordered by the concerned
Election Court. However, if it is only the Election Court that is placed on
lock.down or other similar circumstances, but the other courts in the station
remain open or operational, then the above items may be turned over either to
the Office of the Clerk of Court or the pairing court, in the presence of the
1x1rties or their representatives.
( e) The nature of the testimonies of the witnesses and whether they relate
to evidence aliunde the ballots, or otherwise;
(h) The precinct number and location of the pilot protested clustered
precincts or mono precincts, as the case may be, which shall not be less
than and nearest to twenty percent (20%) of the total number of protested
clustered precincts or mono precincts that will best illustrate the merits
of the protest and which sha ll be subject to the initial revis ion of ballots;
Provided, that the identification of pilot protested clustered precincts or
mono precincts, ss the case may be, is only required in election protests
where the total number of protested clustered precincts or mono
precincts is at leas·t twenty (20) c lustered precincts or mono precincts;
(i) Such other matte rs as may aid in the prompt disposition of the case.
Resolution - 24 - A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
before the date of the preliminary conference. The briefs shall contain th e
(b) The iss ues to be tried or resolved (i.e., for election protests, the
alleged frauds or irregularities committed in the conduct of the election;
for quo warranto proceedings, th e ground for inelig ibility or acts . of
SEC. 6. Failure to File Brief - The failure to file the required brief or to
provide the briefs mandatory contents shall have the same effect as the failure
to appear at the preliminary conference.
Such order s hall be issued within three (3) calendar days follo w ing the
termination of the pre liminary confe rence. The E lection CoLlli shall specify in
its order when the revis ion of ballots or the re-tabulation of election returns or
e lectronic e lection returns sha ll commence, the starting date of w hic h shal l be
within fiv e (5) calendar d ays from the termination of the preliminary
SEC. 1. Start <~f'Rel'ision. -The revi sion of ba llots shall commence on the
elate spec ified in the preliminary conference order, w hich should not be
beyond five (5) calendar days from the termination of the pre liminary
confe rence.
The revis ion committee shall conduct the revision in the cou11 premises
or at such othe r secured place the Election Court may desig nate withi n the
territorial jurisdiction of the Election Court, in every case under its strict
The revisors shall discharge their duties with the highest degree of
integrity, conducting the proceedings with the same dignity and discipline as
if undertaken by the E lection Court itself. They shat1 exercise extraordinary
diligen ce and take precautionary measures to prevent the loss, di sappearance
or impa irment of the integrity (such as marking or spoilage by any means) of
the ballots c.rnd e lection doc uments, and the misuse of election parapherna lia.
Resolution /\.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
SEC. 3. Compensation of the Revisors. - The Election Court shall fix the
compensation of the revisors at Eight Hundred Pesos (PHP 800.00) per ballot
box for the chairperson and Three Hundred Pesos (PHP 300.00) per ballot box
for each party revisor. The party revisors shall be entitled to an additional per
diem of Five Hundred Pesos (PHP 500.00) each per day. The compensation
for a recorder shal I be Three Hundred Pesos (PHP 300.00) per ballot box.
These compensations shall be chargeable against the cash deposit as provided
for in Section 2, Rul e 7 of these Rules.
SEC. 4. Initial Recount <~l the Ballot. - If the election protest consists of at
least twenty (20) protested clustered precincts or mono precincts, as the case
may be, the pilot protested clustered precincts or mono precincts, wh ich shall
not be less than and nearest to twenty percent (20%) of the total number of
protested clustered precincts or mono precincts, that w ill best illustrate the
merits of the protest shall be the subject of an initial recount of the ballots, in
accordance w ith the provisions of Sections 6, 7, and 8, Rule l O of these Rules.
The initial recount in the protest is intended to determine if there is a
substantial recovery wherein the protestant is able to recover from the pilot
protested c lus tered precincts or mono precinct, as the case may be, at least
twenty percent (20%) of the overalI vote lead of the protestee, through the
appreciation of ballots and other submitted election documents.
Substantia l
Recovery that
Overall Vote Multiplied by .20 -- must be
Lead of the established by the
Protestee protestant after
the initial recount
of the pilot
precincts or mono
precincts, as the
case may be.
Based on the above determination, the Election Court shall dismiss the
protest, without further proceedings, if no substantial recovery could be
established from the pilot protested clustered precincts or mono precincts, as
the case may be.
Resolution - 27 - J\.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
The provisions of Sections 4 and 5 of these Rules shall not apply if the
total number of protested clustered precincts or mono precincts, as the case
may be, in the election protest is less than twenty (20) clustered precincts or
mono precincts.
The parti es arc likewi se deemed to have waived their right to the revi s ion
for that day, and the ballots shall no longer be revised, if the revisors of
both parties and their alternates are also absent or late within thirty (30)
minutes after the scheduled start of the revision.
In both instances, the bc1llot boxes scheduled for rev ision on that day, and
the corresponding ballot box keys in the possession of the chairperson,
shall be returned to th e Election Court's ballot box custodian. The
chairperson concerned shal I state t he facts of absence or tardin ess and
waiver in the revi sion report.
SEC. 7. Prohibited Access. - During the revision, no person other than the
judge, the clerk of court, the chairperson and the members of the revis ion
committees, th e parties and their duly authori zed representatives, shall have
access to the revision area.
SEC. 8. Conduct of Revision. - The revision of the votes on the ballots shall
be done ma nually and visually according to the procedure below:
(a) On the scheduled day of revision, the ballot boxes containing the
ba llots in protested and counter-protested clustered precincts or mono
precincts, as the case may be, should be in the custody of the Election
(b) The revi s ion committee shall initially note the condition of the ballot
box and its locks and locking mechanism, and record this condition in
th e revis ion report.
(c) The ballot box shall then be opened and the ballots taken out. The
valid-ballots shall first be counted, without regard to the votes obtained
by the p,.1rties. This will be followed by the counting of th e torn, unused
stray and rej ected baliots, as classified at the polling place.
Resolution - 29 - A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
(e) Prior to the actual revision, the revision committee must authenticate
each and every ballot to make sure that it was the same ballots cast, and
in case of automated BSKE, cast and fed to the VCM, during the voting.
The authentication shall be through any method or device certified by the
COMELEC to be capable of performing the desired authentication
requiren,ent through the use of bar codes and ultra-violet ray code
detection mechanism;
(f) For purposes of automated BSKE, the revision shall only proceed
after the revision committee, through its chairperson and members, has
determined that the integrity of the ballots has been preserved. In the
event that the revision committee determines that the integrity of the
ballots and the ballot box have not been preserved, as when proof of
tampering or substitution exists, the Election Court shall issue an order
directing the COMELEC to decrypt and print the picture image of the
brdlots stored in the data storage device for the precinct in accordance
with the COMELEC's Minute Resolution No. 22-0787. The expenses for
the decryption and printing of the picture image of the ballots shall be
borne by the protestant or protestee, as the case may be.
(g) The revision committee shall thereafter proceed to look at the ballots
and count the indicated votes for the contested position.
(h) The revision committee shall bear in mind that the will of the voters
reflected as votes in the ballots shall as much as possible be given effect,
setting technicalities aside. Furthermore, the votes are presumed to have
been made by the voter and shall be so considered unless reasons exist
to justity their rejection. The rules on the appreciation of ballots under
Section 211 of the Omnibus Election Code shall apply.
(i) However, for purposes of automated BSKE, marks or shades that are
less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the oval, based on visual
examination, shall not be considered as valid votes, unless circumstances
show otherwise. The rules on the appreciation of the ballots under
Section 21 l of the Omnibus Election Code shall apply suppletorily when
(j) There shall be a tally sheet in at least five (5) copies, plus additional
copies depending on the number of additional parties, that shall be used
to tally the votes as they are counted through the use of taras and sticks.
(k) Afrer a! I the hallots from one ballot box have been counted, the
1·evision committee shall secure the contested ballots and complete the
recount report. for the precinct Thereafter, it shall proceed to recount the
votes from the ballots or the next precinct.
Resolution - 30 - J\.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
(m) ln the event that the area where the revision is being conducted is
placed on lock.down or other analogous circumstances, the judge should
determine a suitable place for the continuation thereof taking into
consideration the health, safety, and security protocols that should be
observed and that the subject place should be within his or her territorial
jurisdiction, provided that the parties or their representatives are duly
notified of such transfer.
(2) self-locking security metal or plastic seals (inner and outer) and
padlocks of the ballot boxes;
(t) the votes of the parties per ballot box copy of the election returns or
electronic election returns and per the tally sheet/board found inside the
ballot box;
(g) the number of ballots objected to by the parties indicating therein the
exhibit numbers;
(k) the entri es in the M inutes of Voting and Counting, particul arly :
(3) the num ber of officia l ballots, together w ith the ir serial numbers,
used in the e lection;
(4) th e n um ber of ballots actua lly used indicating the seria l num bers
of the ba llots ; and
(5) the unused ba llots together w ith their seri a l numbe rs.
The revis ion fo rms sha ll be made avail able pri or to revision. T he per-
precinct revis io n report shall be s igned and certified to by the chairperson and
the revisors of the parties, and sha ll form part of the records of the case. A
copy of th e required form fo r the revision report is hereto attached.
In add itio n to the per-p recinct revision report, the revisio n committee
sha ll a lso prepare a nd submit to the E lection Court, w ithin fi ve (5) calendar
clays from termin ati on of th e revision, a committee report summ ari z ing the
data, votes, ba llo t objections and c la ims, and s ignificant o bservations made in
the revisio n of ballots from the protested c lustered precincts o r mono
precincts, as the case may be, and later from the counter-protested c lustered
precincts o r 111 011 0 prec incts, if so conducted, based on th e prov isions of
Secti o n 4, Rul e 10 of these Ru les. Each party fu rni shed w ith a copy of the
·- commi ttee repo rt may submi t the ir comments th ereon w ithi n a non-extendi ble
peri od of fi ve (5) calendar days fro m noti ce, failure of w hi ch sha ll be deemed
a waiver on the pa rt of the said party to do so. No further pleadings are
::ii lowed.
SEC. JO. Order of Revision. - Rev ision of ballots shall start with those from
the protested precincts or mono precincts, as the case may be, of the protestant,
s ubj ect to the prov is ions ofSecti ons 4 and 5, Rule 10 of these Rul es .
(c) the objections made in the course of the revision of ballots which the
movant intends to substantiate with the results of the technical
examination; and
The expenses for technical exam ination shall be fo r the account of the
party requesting the exam in ation and under the supervision of the c lerk of
SEC. 3. Experts; ~Vho shall ProPidc. - Experts necessary for the conduct of
technical examination shall be provided by the party requesting the same and
may come from the National Bureau of Investigation, the PNP Crime
Laboratory, the COMELEC, the Department of Science and Technology or
experts from the private sector. The other party may secure the services of
Resolution - 33 - A.M. No. 07-4- 15-SC
their own expert who may only observe, not interfere with, the examination
conducted by the movant's experts.
(b) the protes tee o r respondent sha ll then add uce evidence in suppo rt of
the defense, counterclaim or counter-protest, if any; and
shall the postponements of hearing granted to each party exceed three (3)
times of three (3) calendar days interval each. The filing of dilatory pleadings
or motions shall constitute direct contempt of court and shall be punished
SEC. 5. Burden (~{ Pr{}(~(. - Burden of proof is the duty of a party to present
evidence of the facts in issue, necessary to establish one's claim or defense.
(2) The burden of proving that the integrity of the ballots has been
preserved in such a manner is on the protestant;
(i) The election of candidates was held on the date and at the
time set and in the polling place determined by the
(vi) For purposes of automated BSKE, the Audit Log contains the
I ist of all activities performed by the VCM from the time it
was powered on until it was turned off.
( c) On appreciation of ballots:
SEC. I. Rendition of Decision. - The Election Court shall decide the election
contest within thirty (30) calendar days from the date it is subm itted for
decision, in no case beyond six (6) months after its fi ling, unl ess the Supreme
Court, through th e Office of the Court Adm inistrator, authorizes an extension
in writing. After the submission of the case for decision, the judge, during the
thirty (30)-day peri od to dec ide the election contest or until the promulgati on
of the decision therein, prior to the lapse of the said period, shall prioritize the
resolutio n of the election contest over his or her other adjudicative duties and
function s.
(a) On Jv/arked Ballots - The Election Court must specify and point to
the marking clearly indicating the voter's intent to identify the ballot;
(b) On Fake or Spurious Ballots - The Election Court must specify the
COMELEC securi.ty markings or features th at are not found in the
ballots, election documents or paraphernalia, or for purposes of
automated BSKE, machine, device or paraphernalia considered fake or
spurious, or the operation aspects of the machine, device or paraphernalia
that resulted in fake or spuri ous results;
(c) On Stray Ballots - The Election Court must specify and state in detail
w hy the ballots are considered stray;
Resolution - 38 - /\.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
(e) On Claimed Ballots - The Election Court must specify the exact basi s
for admitting claimed votes or cred iting these to either party.
SEC. 9. Appeal Fee. - The appellant in an election contest shall pay to the
Election Court that rendered the decision an appeal fee of Two Thousand
Pesos (PI-IP 2,000.00), simultaneously with the filing of the notice of appeal.
( The appeal fee provided in this section shall be separate and distinct
from the COIVlELEC appeal fee which the appellant may be required to pay
with the COMELEC pursuant to the provisions of the COMELEC Rules of
Procedure. Further, any expense that may be required for the transmission of
election paraphernalia shall be shouldered by the interested party.
SEC. IO. Immediate Transmittal ofRecords ofthe Case. -The clerk of court
shall, within fifteen ( l 5) calendar days from the perfection of the appeal,
transn1it to the Electoral Contests Adjudication Department of the
COMELEC, the complete records of the case, together with all the evidence,
including the original and three (3) copies of the transcript of stenographic
notes of the proceedings.
(a) Execution pending appeal shall not issue except upon motion and
heming within the five (5)-day calendar period to appeal. The motion for
execution pending appeal, which must be filed by the prevailing party,
must be supported by good reasons cited and stated bY, the Election Court
in a special order. These reasons must:
Resolution - 40 - J\.M. No. 07-4- I 5-SC
SEC. 2. Damages and Attorney's Fees. - In all election contests, the Election
Court may adjudicate damages and attorney's fees, as it may deem just and as
established by the evidence, if the aggrieved paiiy has included such claims
in the pleadings.
SEC. 2. Effectivity clause. - The 2023 Amended Rules shall take effect
fifteen (15) days after publication once in a newspaper of general circulation
'\. or in the Supreme Court Official Website but its effectivity shall in no case be
later than October 15, 2023.
Notice of Resolution -42- A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
Associate Justice and Chairperson Presiding Judge and Member
Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure
in Election Contest Before the Second and in Election Contest Before the Second and
First Level Courts First Level Courts
Supreme Court Regional Trial Court, Branch 29
San Pablo City, Laguna
Presiding Justice and Vice-Chairperson HON. GLENDA R. MENDOZA-RAMOS (reg)
Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure Presiding Judge and Member
in Election Contest Before the Second and Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure
First Level Courts in Election Contest Before the Second and
Court of Appeals First Level Courts
Manila Regional Trial Court, Branch 36
Calamba City, Laguna
Court Administrator and Member **HON. DIVINA LUZ P. AQUINO-SIMBULAN (reg)
Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure Presiding Judge and Member
in Election Contest Before the Second and Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure
First Level Courts in Election Contest Before the Second and
Supreme Court First Level Courts
Regional Trial Court, Branch 41
ATTY. ANTONIO CEASAR MANILA (x) City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure HON. MA. CONSEJO M. GENGOS-IGNALAGA (reg)
in Election Contest Before the Second and Presiding Judge and Member
First Level Courts Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure
Office of the Chief Justice in Election Contest Before the Second and
Supreme Court First Level Courts
Regional Trial Court, Branch 100
Head Secretary
Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure HON. HERMENEGILDO C. DUMLAO II (reg)
in Election Contest Before the Second and Presiding Judge and Member
First Level Courts Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure
Office of Associate Justice Antonio T. Kho, Jr. in Election Contest Before the Second and
Supreme Court First Level Courts
Regional Trial Court, Branch 81
HON. ROSMARI D. CARANDANG (x) Malolos City, Bulacan
PhilJA, Supreme Court HON. RIGOR R. PASCUAL (reg)
Acting Presiding Judge and Member
MANDATORY CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure
OFFICE (reg) in Election Contest Before the Second and
4th Fir., IBP Bldg., 15 Dona Julia Vargas Ave. First Level Courts
Ortigas Center, Pasig City Regional Trial Court, Branch 14
Malolos City, Bulacan
Presiding Judge and Member
*for circularization Special Committee on the Rules of Procedure
**party added in Election Contest Before the Second and
First Level Courts
Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch 35 --. v}
Quezon City if
Notice of Resolution - 43- A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
August 29, 2023
lntramuros, Manila
A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC
kat 8/29/23 (signed res) 9/21/23