Crim Law 2 Midterm Notes
Crim Law 2 Midterm Notes
Crim Law 2 Midterm Notes
Crimes under this title are those 3. The person detained has no
which violate the Bill of Rights ailment which requires
accorded to the citizens under the compulsory confinement in a
Constitution. Under this title, the hospital.
offenders are public officers,
except as to the last crime –
offending the religious feelings The crime of arbitrary detention
under Article 133, which refers to assumes several forms:
any person. The public officers
who may be held liable are only (1) Detaining a person without
those acting under supposed legal grounds under;
exercise of official functions, albeit
illegally. (2) Having arrested the offended
party for legal grounds but
without warrant of arrest,
and the public officer does Note that in the crime of arbitrary
not deliver the arrested detention, although the offender is
person to the proper judicial a public officer, not any public
authority within the period of officer can commit this crime. Only
12, 18, or 36 hours, as the those public officers whose official
case may be; or duties carry with it the authority to
make an arrest and detain persons
(3) Delaying release by can be guilty of this crime. So, if
competent authority with the the offender does not possess such
same period mentioned in authority, the crime committed by
number 2. him is illegal detention. A public
officer who is acting outside the
Distinction between arbitrary scope of his official duties is no
detention and illegal detention better than a private citizen.
1. In arbitrary detention --
Questions & Answers
The principal offender must
be a public officer. Civilians
can commit the crime of 1. A janitor at the Quezon
arbitrary detention except City Hall was assigned in cleaning
when they conspire with a the men’s room. One day, he
public officer committing this noticed a fellow urinating so
crime, or become an carelessly that instead of urinating
accomplice or accessory to at the bowl, he was actually
the crime committed by the urinating partly on the floor. The
public officer; and janitor resented this. He stepped
out of the men’s room and locked
The offender who is a public the same. He left. The fellow was
officer has a duty which able to come out only after several
carries with it the authority hours when people from the
to detain a person. outside forcibly opened the door.
Is the janitor liable for arbitrary
2. In illegal detention -- detention?
Yes. Expulsion.
Under Title IX (Crimes against
2. If a Filipino citizen is Personal Liberty and Security), the
sent out of the country, what crime corresponding article is qualified
is committed? trespass to dwelling under Article
280. Article 128 is limited to public
Grave coercion, not officers. The public officers who
expulsion, because a Filipino may be liable for crimes against
cannot be deported. This crime the fundamental laws are those
refers only to aliens. who are possessed of the authority
to execute search warrants and
warrants of arrests.
Article 128. Violation of
Domicile Under Rule 113 of the Revised
Rules of Court, when a person to
Acts punished be arrested enters a premise and
closes it thereafter, the public
1. Entering any dwelling against officer, after giving notice of an
the will of the owner thereof; arrest, can break into the premise.
He shall not be liable for violation
2. Searching papers or other of domicile.
effects found therein without
the previous consent of such There are only three recognized
owner; or instances when search without a
warrant is considered valid, and,
3. Refusing to leave the therefore, the seizure of any
premises, after having evidence done is also valid.
surreptitiously entered said Outside of these, search would be
dwelling and after having invalid and the objects seized
been required to leave the would not be admissible in
same evidence.
3. Writing, publishing, or
The crime of sedition does not circulating scurrilous libels
contemplate the taking up of arms against the government or
against the government because any of the duly constituted
the purpose of this crime is not the authorities thereof, which
overthrow of the government. tend to disturb the public
Notice from the purpose of the peace.
crime of sedition that the offenders
rise publicly and create commotion
ad disturbance by way of protest to Elements
express their dissent and
1. Offender does not take direct
part in the crime of sedition; 2. Offender, who may be any
person, prevents such
2. He incites others to the meetings by force or fraud.
accomplishment of any of the
acts which constitute
sedition; and Article 144. Disturbance of
3. Inciting is done by means of
speeches, proclamations, Elements
writings, emblems, cartoons,
banners, or other 1. There is a meeting of
representations tending Congress or any of its
towards the same end. committees or
Only non-participant in sedition constitutional commissions or
may be liable. committees or divisions
thereof, or of any provincial
Considering that the objective of board or city or municipal
sedition is to express protest council or board;
against the government and in the
process creating hate against 2. Offender does any of the
public officers, any act that will following acts:
generate hatred against the
government or a public officer a. He disturbs any of such
concerned or a social class may meetings;
amount to Inciting to sedition.
Article 142 is, therefore, quite b. He behaves while in
broad. the presence of any
such bodies in such a
The mere meeting for the purpose manner as to interrupt
of discussing hatred against the its proceedings or to
government is inciting to sedition. impair the respect due
Lambasting government officials to it.
discredit the government is Inciting
to sedition. But if the objective of
such preparatory actions is the
overthrow of the government, the
crime is inciting to rebellion. Article 145. Violation of
Parliamentary Immunity
2. Resistance or serious
disobedience is committed
only by resisting or seriously Who are deemed persons in
disobeying a person in authority and agents of persons in
authority or his agent. authority under Article 152
1. Offender was already
convicted by final judgment
of one offense;