Bauer 1971
Bauer 1971
Bauer 1971
A colorimetric method for estimating “free” chlorine precautions were taken. But only the a-tolidine test has
(hypochlorous acid, hypochlorite ion) in water has been
developed using syringaldazine buffered at pH 7 as been widely accepted as a convenient field test, even though
the chromophoric agent. The reagent is sensitive to it is known to react with various chloramines ( 2 ) . With
hypochlorite but i s insensitive to bound chlorine such most natural water, this presents a minor problem; but in
as chloramines, thus making it an important reagent water containing ammonia and other contaminants, the
for free chlorine in the presence of chloramines. a-tolidine test may indicate adequate chlorination where little
Syringaldazine reacts with chlorine on a mole for
mole basis. Under these conditions, the molar ab- or no unbound chlorine exists.
sorptivity ( E ) for the reaction i s about 65,000 at X = 530 The wide use of chlorine in bleaches and disinfectants has
nm. The developing color does not follow strictly further increased the need for new chlorine tests, especially
Beer’s law, but in dilute solutions of syringaldazine those tests which measure free chlorine.
and chlorine, the standard curve (absorbance vs.
chlorine concentration) is a straight line deviating only In searching for a convenient test for free chlorine, several
slightly from the origin. compounds which produce colored oxidation products were
studied. Since Bradley (3)and Gretton (4) have demonstrated
DIFFERENCES in the bactericidal properties of “free” (hy- the usefulness of syringaldazine and vanillinazine in the
pochlorous acid or hypochlorite ion) and “bound” chlorine estimation of hydrogen peroxide, it was decided to investigate
has focused attention on the need for a test for free chlorine in
water. Nicolson ( I ) has studied nine different methods seek-
( 2 ) “Chlorine, Its Manufacture, Properties, and Uses,” J. S.
ing an ideal colorimetric method. Several of these methods Sconce, Ed., Reinhold, New York, N. Y.,1962, pp 461-482.
were found to adequately measure free chlorine if certain (3) Wm. Bradley, Diagnostic Composition, U. S. Patent 3,233,974
(4) N. B. C. Gretton and J. T. Rees, Test Composition and Device
(1) N. J. Nicolson, Anaiyst, 90, 187-198 (1965). for Detecting Glucose, U. S. Patent 3,290,228 (1966).
9 0.4
i” 0.2
0.5 1.0 2 .o 3 .O
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I0
Figure 3. Effect of increased mole ratio of syringaldazine
Figure 4. Standard curve for the chlorine-syring-
to chlorine (Cl,) upon color intensity
aldazine reaction
Lower curve: Chlorine held constant at 0.705 X 10-5M
Upper curve: Chlorine held constant at 1.41 X 10-5M 1 ml syringaldazine, 0.008 in 0.025M phosphate buffer,
pH 7; 10 ml chlorine water. X = 530 nm
Investigations on the effect of ionic interferences in liquid junction potentials, and spurious interferences which
potentiometric precipitation titrations with ion selec- change the activity of the analyte. The cost of this increased
tive electrodes are reported. When the inflection point
of the titration curve is used to locate the end point, accuracy and precision is a decrease in the speed and con-
serious errors (>l%) can result which are often outside venience of measurement.
the range of the ultimate analytical precision (0.1%) It is widely recognized that ion selective electrodes are not
achievable in such analyses. Results are presented in perfectly selective (7,8)and that in actual practice the absolute
terms of p, a dimensionless variable related to the solu- accuracy of direct potentiometric measurements with such
bility product and the initial analyte concentration, and
b, a parameter related to the concentration and selec- electrodes depends critically upon the presence of potential
tivity ratio of interfering ions. I n general, errors result determining foreign ions. It is generally considered that
from finite selectivity ratios and from the intrinsic the presence of these interfering ions in a potentiometric
absence of symmetry in the titration curve. The titration ultimately limits the magnitude of the “end point
errors are negligible only in the limit of very sparingly
soluble materials or in the absence of any interfering break” and, concomitantly, the precision of measurement.
ions. The fact that such interferences can seriously influence the
position of the inflection point of a titration curve and thus
THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS have witnessed a renaissance of its analytical accuracy has not yet been widely appreciated
potentiometry as an analytical tool (1-3). Most of this is (9). As will be shown, such errors often amount to several
due to the development of both anion and cation selective per cent, well outside the range of the precision (hO.1-0.2 x)
electrodes which measure the activity rather than the concen- routinely obtainable by potentiometric titration.
tration of the species of interest. For thermodynamic and Although there has been some discussion (10, 11) as to
kinetic studies, activity is of principal importance (4). Ana- evaluation of the extent of electrode selectivity, there seems
lytical measurements, however, are mainly concerned with to be fairly general agreement that if the liquid junction and
determining the concentration of analyte. Concentration reference electrode potentials are constant, then the potential
can be measured from a calibration curve, a plot of cell of a cell containing an ion selective electrode is well repre-
potential us. the decadic logarithm of concentration, from sented as follows:
the measured activity and knowledge of activity coefficients,
by precision null point potentiometry (5, 6), or by titration. E = const + RT In ( y x C x + B )
Titration to the inflection point of the potential-volume
curve will generally be more precise and accurate than any In this equation (12), species X is the ion of interest (gen-
of the above direct measurement techniques. This method
minimizes errors due to variations in activity coefficients,
(7) J. W. Ross, Jr., “Solid State and Liquid Membrane Ion Selective
Electrodes,” in Ion Selective Electrodes, R. A. Durst, Ed.,
(1) G. A. Rechnitz, Accounts Chem. Res., 3,69 (1970). National Bureau of Standards, Special Publication 314 (1969).
(2) “Ion Selective Electrodes,” R. A. Durst, Ed., National Bureau (8) G. A. Rechnitz, Chem. Eng. News, 43 (25), 146 (1967).
of Standards, Special Publication 314 (1969). (9) M. Whitfield and J. V. Leyendekkers, Anal. Chim. Acta, 45,383
(3) “Glass Electrodes for Hydrogen and Other Cations: Principles (1969).
and Practices,” G. Eisenman, Ed., Marcel Dekker, New York, (10) M. S. Frant, ANAL.CHEM., 40,457 (1968).
N. Y . ,1967. (11) A. Shatkay, ibid., p 458.
(4) E. A. Guggenheim, J . Phys. Chem.. 34.1758 (1930). (12) G. A. Rechnitz, “Analytical Studies on Ion Selective Mem-
( 5 ) H. V. Malmstadt and J. D. Winefordner, Anal. Chim. Acta, 20, brane Electrodes,” in Ion Selective Electrodes, R. A. Durst,
283 (1959). Ed., National Bureau of Standards, Special Publication 314
(6) R. A. Durst, ANAL.CHEM., 40,931 (1968). (1969).