Quality Plan Template

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Moonlit System Project Quality Plan Template



Project Name: Party Monsters Event Management System
Prepared by: Moonlit System Solustions
Date (MM/DD/YYYY): October 18, 2018

1. Moonlit System Solutions Quality Policy

The Moonlit System Solutions’ choose the ISO 9126 to interpret their quality model for
the system. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was founded in 1946 in
order to facilitate international trade, international coordination and unification of industrial
standards by providing a single set of standards that would be recognized and respected
(Praxiom Research Group). ISO 9126 was originally developed in 1991 to provide a framework
for evaluating software quality and then refined over a further ten year period (Abran et al.
2003). Many studies criticize ISO 9126 for not prescribing specific quality requirements, but
instead defining a general framework for the evaluation of software quality (Valenti 2002). We
believe that this is in fact one of its strengths as it is more adaptable and can be used across
many systems, including e-learning systems. The original model defined six product
characteristics. These six characteristics are further subdivided into a number of sub-

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Moonlit System Project Quality Plan Template

2. Project Quality Definition

The table below shows the characteristics and its respective sub-characteristics on
how the system passes or qualified for the requirements and qualifications of ISO 9126.

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Moonlit System Project Quality Plan Template

1. Moonlit System Solutions Quality Policy

Efficiency Time Behavior
The system's response time is within three (3) seconds.and its
processing time is within 3-5 seconds.
Resource Utilization Since the system is web based, the use of its resources is very
minimal. In terms of memory, network usage, etc.
Efficiency Compliance The system ensures that the users can use it efficiently.
Maintainability Analyzability The system can notify or respond users if they've entered a wrong
data or any other error occur during the interaction with the
The system is easy to modified by the developers itself according
to the requirements that can be varied in several necessary
changes. The modifications in system is not open to anybody who
wants to modify something in it.
The system can still continuous to be functional even if the
changes and modifications is implemented specially if minor
chnages, but if the system will take major changes, the system
needs to be down temporarily.
The system can easily tested by party monsters' and their various
customers, since the system includes helpful instructions thru the
process of transacting in the system.
Maintainability Compliance The system ensures that it can maintain its usefulness for the
developers and to its corresponding users.
Portability Adaptability
The system can be moved easily to other environment, since the
system is web-based as long as the users are connected to the
internet, and have browser in their device, whether it's a pc or
mobile they can access the system easily.
Since the system can access thru online, the users does not need to
worry about the installation of the system in their devices. Since
our devices nowadays already have a built-in web-browsers.
The system complys to a set of standards that is given by the Party
Monsters' and different and necessary requirements to meet the
needs of the system users to successfully complete a transaction.

The system can be replaced by other similar software as long as it
strictly followed the system requirements that is need to be
implemented. And if this software will improve more the process
of transacting with Party Monsters' online.

Portability Compliance
The system ensures that it is accessible anytime and anywhere for
its various users.

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Moonlit System Project Quality Plan Template

3. Deliverables and Acceptance Criteria

List significant project deliverables, including contract deliverables and milestone checklist. For each deliverable,
describe the acceptance criteria that will be used in product acceptance testing. List relevant quality standards
where applicable. (Add rows as needed.)
Deliverables Acceptance Criteria / Applicable Standards

1. Functionality of the Software  Suitability

 Accurateness
 Interoperability
 Security
2. Reliability of the Software  Maturity
 Fault Tolerance
 Recoverability
3. Usability of the Software  Understandability
 Learnability
 Operability
 Attractiveness
4. Efficiency of the Software  Time Behavior
 Resource Utilization
5. Maintainability of the Software  Analyzability
 Changeability
 Stability
 Testability
6. Portability of the Software  Adaptability
 Instability
 Conformance
 Replaceability

4. Quality Assurance Activities

Define Quality Assurance (QA) activities for the project. Include at least the items listed below:
 What steps will you take to ensure that Quality is built into the product?
To ensure that the quality policy are being mandated and followed by the team, project manager, project
supervisor and even the Party Monsters itself have a daily testing for the software, to be able to monitor and control
that the quality plan is implemented to the system.
 How will you ensure that adequate testing is done? How do you define “adequate”?
To assure that an adequate testing is done, we have a survey that needs to be answer by the Party Monsters
and its several customers, for us to know if the quality plan is successfully Implemented.

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Moonlit System Project Quality Plan Template

4. Quality Assurance Activities

 Will the test team work from a Test Plan? Do they understand their responsibilities?
Yes, the Moonlit System Solutions will have a test plan that must be followed by the test team accordingly. In
the test plan it also includes the task and responsibilities of each member.
 How will you ensure that Requirements are correct, complete and accurately reflect the needs of the Customer?
We get this through gathering and analyzing facts about on what are needed in the software thru our interview
with the party monsters and of course their customers that is the main users of the system. We interviewed them and
analyze how we can implement these requirements to the software to meet their needs.
 How will you verify that Specifications are an accurate representation of the Requirements?
Through the response of party monsters and their various clients, that’s how we measure the accurateness of
the representations of the requirements for the software.
 What steps will you take to ensure that the project plan (e.g. Risk Management Plan, Change Management
Plan, and Procurement Plan) is followed?
First is to assign each member on their specific task on each activity that needs to be done. Next is to set
deadlines for the said activities that is according to the project milestones and strictly needs to be followed. Then
double check each finished activity if it’s done correctly. And last, monitor and maintain the plan for the necessary
changes that needs to be implement.

5. Project Quality Plan / Signatures

Project Name: Party Monsters Event Management System

Project Manager: Marco Robby Jimenez

I have reviewed the information contained in this Project Quality Plan and agree:

Name Role Signature Date

Qkuinzy Inochzim Guingab Database Administrator

Jia Claire Matnog Technical Writer
Alec Sison Software Developer

The signatures above indicate an understanding of the purpose and content of this document by those
signing it. By signing this document, they agree to this as the formal Project Quality Plan document.

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