CH - 10 Gravitation

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Newon's Law of Gravitation

I t states that evey body in the univese
atra cts evey othr body with a force which is
lirecty o h e product ot thir mases
and id invwraely propontionmal to h e squ o tha
olistanL betuLn them

F mm2 and F a
So F X m m

F Gmm G Urniversal Gravitaional Const.


G 667 X16Nm7ki
Dimensions oh G = CMT
The valuL ob G s same throughout the universe, G doe
not dupend on the natwu and size or he bodies and
notune o the medium betwen t h bodies.

Vector Form o fNewton's Law of Gravitation-

Let T2 and T ae displacement m
Vectovs tTom m to ma and m to
Also Fr2 and Fa anL gravitahional
tOTCR exeted on m by Ma and an
m by m Yspectively.
Then aravitationa) force in vector fovm is

Fia-GmM t and F - Gm,mz

He Negative sign shows that the gravitaionad force is

attracHve in notwre.

1J Gravitaiona forcus ahe Central forces a s thay act
ine joining the Cerre ob two bodies.
2J The qravitational foreas ane censervaive forees ,so
wrork dome by
by gravitational force eloes not dupends
upon path.
3The tota araitational force on one poniele due to
numbe oy othwn pastide is the raultant oy fora
of attruction exeted OnhL zin Ppeticte d u tod
indiviedual parhieles.
Hence it folloosPainciple oy Superpositon'.
Acceleroctlon duu to Grovity (8)
The f o r oh attracion exeated by the earth on a
booly Calld gavity.
The accelnation produced in the moton of a body
undu the efect of gravity is calud acceleration eluu to
raity i t is denoted by 'g°.
Let a body ob mam m, lying
on he swfae o eath,then
GvavitaHional Force F GMM
R Earth
whe M and R ahL mass and
rmdius of he eadh respecHvely.
Ion he
is accelaion clue to
bocy du so earm
aravity than
h forc

F mna Force e mas nacceleration

Henc mg GM

In form of density

8 7PGR 8 PR
P density o eth

A 3 9.8 m/s2
on the Aurfaca o eath ]
Acceleration dus to aravity is a vector quantiy is
a vecto quanity and ts direction is always towards
the centre o the planet.
Vaniation In gravitaional accelnation a
1 DuL to altituolu Chight)
Accelenation due to gravity at
the Suface ob ehth

Accelenouhon du #0 Gravty at
hzight h from +he swrface of R
the eanth GM O
Hence R

or )
8 3(1
sy Binomial theorem 2

The above foTmula is valicd ih h is uptd 5
o eath Yadius (320 Km).
Ib h is greater then sz ob eath radius we

Use ony GM
2 Du to dupth d in icle the eanth-
Accelunation duu o qravity at --g
the Sunjau o tath
- 3
Accelrau' on du to qTavi ty at
depth d rom the Swntae oo
8 T PG (R-d)
8' a [ ]
TA The value o decreases tm 3oing belou h e
Suac of the eanth A+ the Cenre Ca R) becomes
o O ie. the acceleratio due to ravity
Zero at h e Cantre oy h eanth

2 Th rate o decrease o gravity outside thi eah

(i h>> R) is double to hat o insidi he enth.

DuL to Rotation ob_ Erth-

As he eanth otates, a booy
Placed on its surfate exbeiences
a centrifugal forca., due to it P
tha appanent weight o the body
decreses. mg mg
th bocy Oj m a s m lying
at point P, whose Jaitude is
A, then du to rotaion o o
eonth its ap patent weight Con
be aiven by

ma ma+F F muwr = mwRCosA

ma(mg+F + 2mg F Cos (18s-A)

mg' / (mg+ (msRCosA)+ 2mg mu'RCosj) ass)

By Solving we z 8 wR CoA
(4.) Variation of 'a'lue to shapa o eanth
TRshape o he eath
is eliptical
The equadorial Yadius of
eakth about 21 km
iA lomger
than polan Yalius.


As Re Rp

The weiat og body increases as it is taken

from equator to h e Pole.

T Latitudi at a point on the swnface oh
th ath is duhinad as the omgle., which the line
joining thet point the centre oy eat makes
with equatorial plane IA s dunoted bg A.
For Poles A = 96 and for equator A = o*'.

2Mas ot the eth M 5.98 X10ka 105 .


Density oty the eonth P s478. K/m

Ieanth stops rotation about its own axis

Then adt the equatoy the valus of & inereases
by R and weigt inereases by mRW
Comparlson betwen Mas Ond eight
Mass Cm )

Lt oq quanity ot matter | Tt i he attractive forte

Cotainud in a body. eRerted by earth on hu body

Its valu does not Chonge Its valun chages with 8

Tts valuL Can nevey be zero At infimity at the

Centre ob eanth its valus
for any madeial panHele
Tt is a Scalah quanHfy . Tt is a vector quantity.

Its unit s Kilbgram (ka). Ttunt is Neoton (N).

Intial Mass
It is the mas o the madeual oh he
booly which meaures its inestiq.

Newton's . second das =

inertial mas miauontity of mettar

Gravity no
ehtect on

inetial mas
It is independent of size,
shape and temberahure of
he body

Gravitationa Mas -
Tt i the mam of the materia o a
bocdy which dutemines he aravitational pull acting
Grvavitational pul on the body SMm
Fa R

Gravitational mas ma

Spina balan
measures aravitational
balana measures iner tial maM.
Gravitaiona Field
The Space Surounding a mateia booy in
ichgravitational fovce of attraction Can be expoientsl
is callid its gravi taional tid

GravitahiomalField Intenaity-
Ttis dubined asthe gravitational force experienced
by a umit m a placad at amy Point in he grevitational
feld of a body.
Lt a dest ma m at a
point in a aravitadhional field Test Mas
pekjent a force F Hhen

Caravi tahona Held Ltensihy

Sowce Mas

I GM In vector for|T GM

SI Unit -N/Fa or ms Dimensions LM°LT2]

It i a vector quantity and is alwaus directed towads
the Cenhve oh qravity o the body tohose aravitational fiet
2 As by duhination TE i-e.F mT,So force
apolmt mas (m) is multi plication of intensity
of field and mas ob he point Mas.
3J Intensity o gai tadi on a Aeld ze t infmity.
ie. Ye o).

Gravitat' onal tielel intenaiy oluu t difeunt Poind

mases can be calculated by vector Sum o ou Keunt
Tnet T ++..Tn
SAs I GM/ and also a GM/R
Thus t h intensity o ravitationa field at a p i t
in the feld is equat to acceleaation o test mas
placs a hat poit.

Gravitationad feld intenaity for di fount Bodles

Uniform Saltd Sphere Sphaiea shu
Outside he surface (Y> R) Outside 4the sufau (r>R)

On the Sunfau Y= R) On the swafau (T =R)

T I =
Inside the S j a (r<R) Tnside he Swnfaca(r«R)
I =GMY I 0


O r=R O r= R
Gravilaiona Patential
Carevitati onal Potential s h amount o w*
done in bingin9 boely ob unit mam rm infinite
to that Pot, wi thout accelerotion.

V -f()dr GM

v = aM

At V o Vma
Hence aravitatíonal potential is maximum at infinite.

aravitational otentiad is a scalas quardity.

S T Unit -

s/ra. Dimenaion& C MtT]

From V T I

i-e. negaive gradient a potential s equal to the
zravitationad field intensity
Here negative sim indicats Hhat the elirection ao
ravitotiona ield intensity is in h e lirection of
decreasing potemtial.

2 Gravitatienal Potentia diference

I t Js defined as the worK done omove a
unit mas rom one point to another point in h e
gavitaioma fiel.
V AMA9-Gm(
3. Gravitational petentio due to q number ot panhide
sgiven by Scalan adedi ion of all the potentiods.
V V+ V2 t . . . Vn

OY V -G .

Gravitatioma! Potertial due to DiHerunt Bocddes-

Uniform Solid Sphere Spheital shall

Outside the snface (r>R) Outsie the Suhjaca r>R

V aMM V - GM

On the Sunfaca r R) On the swrfau (r=R)

V= G V: - GM

Inside the swfaca (Y< R Inside the Swrfau(r<R)|

V =

at the centre (Y= o

Veentre - a M = Vmax

Vcentre Vsnjoc

R r =R

-3GM/2R -GM/R
CGravitational tenfial Ene
TR avitational potentia) enargy o
a pointf
is dupinid h e amount o worKabody done in
the body from infinite to that point
brngng againat
e gavi
U W : GMm dx - GM [.

U W =
- GMm

Grav taiona potentia enrgy in

adways negadive
he 9ravitatona field becase the forca is always
attractive. in natwu.
Gravitatu'onad Potential Eneray is a scalar quenity

S I Unit-Jae Dimenaion>- [MTr2j

A s the distanu Y incrtasts, the jrovitationaJ potenia
ener&y becomes dus negative ie. it increabes.
At Y a hen Uma

2Ia body ob mas m move poaition Yto Ya then

chamge in potemtial
chomge energ i gien a


aU GMm
Relation between U and V
U U my
Escape Velociy-
The mimimum velouty with whleh a body muxt
be prejectes u So asto enable it to jut overCema
the gravitaional pull, is Knoum as escape veloci ky.
The work done to displace a body rom the surfau
of eanth (Y= R) to infinity is

W - U GMm

This wdk requirecd to zo prject the body So a *o

escape the gravitahonal Pull. This work provides

equa amourut o Kinetic energy to the body at he

Susfae o he eath
m v : GMm Ve

Ve 2R C ]
For eanth 9.83.8 m/s and Re 6400 km

Ve 2x 9.8 xCugdxID Ve

Ve 112 km/s Ve GRP

Escape velocty loes not olpensl on mas o tha

body , amgle anod olirecttom o prmjechion.
Atmosphere on moon s absent because rot mean
Squaa velocity o gas parhcle sgreaey then the
escape velocity.
Kepler's Laws o Planatany Motion
The Lawoh Orbits
Evey planet rewolves aound the Sun in an
ellipthca orbits with sun at one o ha focub.

when a particle move with respect to tuo fixed
Points m such a way hat he sUT o he Astanus
from these tud points alwags Const, Hhan thu pouth
of the particle ellipse. The two fixes points
points a n
caltd focus points

The Law oh Are

The Une Joining he sun to the plamet Sweaps ouct
equal auas im equa intewal ob time
Accovding to this lauo pamat unll move slotaly
shen it is fanthest trom Sun and move rapidly ohn
it ib neaest to sun

Area Covened by plonet in
Shont intervad o time max
oA bose x height A
dA x(yat)x 1
r v : Constant

Hene aeal spud (AJA4) F v

of planet is always Consiant.

I n planetay motion YVConstant
Or mr Constant 2m Conatomt
L Constant L Anaular Mermuntum)
So in planeta Mofion angular momentum o tha
planet is alwas Conseed.

2 Apply
Consevation o anaulou momandum between
points A amd
LA Le m Vmax Ymin Vin Ymax
Vmax Ymin Vmin Tmax

3 TheLaw o Perioals
The Squant ob h ime peiod o tetlution (T)
of any planet around the sun is directly proportional
to the Cube ob the semimajor oxis of the orbit
Tmar Ymin

Or TKr
whwr K i Kpler's Constant

K u : 2.97%10"spn Ms Mas o the Sun

Satelllte Motion

1 orbitad velouty of Sodellite-

A Satellüte o mas m moving in an orbit o
yadius r with Specdv thon yequire Centipeta
forcL Provided by aravitation.
Fe Fa
mv GMm

GM Earth

ohwre r: R+h
For aSodellite vey close to the eath Surfacu
ie rER R Radlius oh £enth
h <<R

V =9R = 8 Kms

i) Orbita velocty is inpen dant o he ma o the
0rbiting baoy.
Orbitad velocity dupends on the mas of planet, radius
ooTbit, 3 ad plane and dunsty ot planet
F o r a iven planet V v « i e . qreatey the radius of
orbit, lesse wi be th orbital veloci ty ob Satellite.
2J Time Perlod of Satelllte -
It is he time takan by satellite to go once
around h e eath.

Circumteunce ot he orbit
Ovbital Velouty

T 2t/,GM )
T : 2Jt

For neanby Satellitee R 6\00 Km. and 8 9.8 misa

then T 84. min

3 Tota Mechanical Enug ot a satelite -

Kinetie Energy K.E. mv GMm2m7
Potential Enugy PE G M m
-_LM2y -mmvyaz

Tota Enn KE. + P.E.

Tota Ewgy -my2 -GM = -2 m r


K Perigee Focus - a Apogee

K.E. = max
Seml major KE.=min
P.E. = min P.E max
Binding Engy- of Satellite-
Total enengy o a Satllite in its orbit is neaative,
enhg the 3tellite u bomd t the central
tohich means that
attracHve force and energy must be
booly (Plant) by an
Supplied td remeve it rom the orbit to infinity

The enengy equiree o remove the satllite tom

its orbit to infinity s callud Binding Entagy oh the
Binding Enwmay z -
TE. = GMm

Chanae in the orbit of Sateltite-

when t h satellite is transferred to a hight
orbit ( Ti7 Y) then
Werk done in chomping the orbit W E -E

(- 2
W () T2

Heht oh the satelite

We Knouo that time peiod ob satellite is

T 2 2JtRh

By squaring and rearranging both sides, we zet

(Rh h (
in Satellte-
6 . Weightlessness
when a planet moves anound the eanth in a
circular orbit then h e acceleraion ob Ssadellite

GM/y towards the Centre o eanth.

1 a booy o mas m is placad on suface insidee
a Sateli te moving aound h e earth, then force on thu
bocy are
Gravitahona force oh earth 9 Satellte

h ma
Reachion by the swface=
By Nawton's Law GMm

GMm R ma Earth

CaMm -R = m(
Thus h Sunfaca does not exent any force om he body
and hence its apparsnt weight is zero. Such a state is
Callel eightless ne sSs

Gepstatioyay Sadtellite-
The satellite which apþears stationay relative to
eanth s Callud aeostationay satellite T+s ime perioc
around he earth should be Same a that oj eath.

T 2 27t R+h) 2u hr
Subs tituting tha value ot Gand M we gef
R+hY y200o km. 7R
Height o zostahonany satellite trom the Swa face ob eath

h 6R =
360oo Em.
* Orbitad veloity 0 Geostatiomaouy satellite 3. Km/s

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