64f18e37617569224a28e78a - Digi T&C - Contract Add-Ons
64f18e37617569224a28e78a - Digi T&C - Contract Add-Ons
64f18e37617569224a28e78a - Digi T&C - Contract Add-Ons
Contract Add-Ons
The full terms and conditions of the use of the selected products and/or services are as
set out at http://digi.my/tnc ("General Terms"), including the Privacy Notice as set out at
vacy%20Notice.pdf; all of which form an integral part of full terms and conditions of the
said products and/or services (collectively, the "Terms and Conditions"). The Terms and
Conditions are also accessible via Digi's website at http://www.digi.com.my. All terms and
reference used herein shall be the same as the General Terms unless otherwise defined.
1. General
1.1. Digi provides Add-ons to Customers who opt to add on a 12-month or 24-month or
36-month contract (“Contract”) to his/her Principal or Supplementary Line(s)
subscribed under a Digi Postpaid plan (“Plan”), subject to eligibility and availability
herein provided Contract Offerings.
1.2. Effective from 1st August 2023, types of Contract Offerings are:
More details on each Contract Offering are set out further below.
1.3. All benefits derived from the Contract Offering must be utilised within the same bill
cycle unless stated otherwise. For the avoidance of doubt, any benefit derived
from the Contract Offering will not roll over to the next bill cycle unless otherwise
stated in these Terms and Conditions.
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Terms & Conditions: Contract Add-Ons DG00202
1.4. Except expressly provided under these Terms and Conditions, the benefits derived
from the Contract Offering are not eligible for transfer or sharing between
Principal to Supplementary, Principal to Principal or Supplementary to
Supplementary Lines.
1.5. Digi may assign or transfer any of its rights, title and interest to receive payments
from the Customer under these Terms and Conditions without any prior consent of
the Customer. An email notification will be sent to the Customer should there be
any assignment or transfer of the payment receivables or any part thereof to a
third party.
1.6. The Terms and Conditions and the terms and conditions herein shall be read
together with:
1.6.1. the Digi Postpaid terms and conditions, in particular the section on Add-Ons
(Contract); and
1.6.2. the Fair Usage Policy and account management, all of which the Customer
hereby agrees to be bound by. The terms and words used in the Terms and
Conditions here shall bear the same definition and meaning as stated in the
General Terms.
1.7. Digi reserves the right to vary, delete or add to any of these Terms and Conditions,
alter, cancel, terminate or suspend the Contract Offering and/or any part thereof
without any prior notice and without any liability at any time upon its sole and
absolute discretion without having to assign any reasons 0 whatsoever. Digi makes
no representation or warranty over the quality, condition, usability or efficacy of
the Contract Offerings.
2. Tenure
2.1. Depending on the Contract Offering selected, Customer agrees and shall commit
to a 12-month or 24-month or 36-month contract (“Term”) commencing from the
registration date of the Contract.
2.2. At the expiration of the Term, the Customer may opt to:
2.2.1. Renew the Contract for a further Term on the same or updated terms and
conditions as Digi may prescribe;
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2.2.2. Select a new Contract Offering, subject to eligibility and availability of the
material time; or
2.2.3. Not renew the Contract and continue using the regular Services under Digi
Postpaid. Digi shall be entitled to renew the Contract as is should the
Customer omit to exercise his/her option by the expiration of the Term.
2.3. All successful registration of a Contract Offering cannot be cancelled, and Digi
shall not be liable for a refund under any circumstances whatsoever.
2.4. During the Term, the Customer may opt to change from one Contract Offering to
another (“Change(s)”) subject to the following terms:
2.4.1. If Customer performs a Change after staying in Contract for a period of less
than 2 months, Customer will need to pay the termination fee tied to the
previous Contract
2.4.2. If Customer performs a Change after staying in Contract for a period of at least
2 months, the termination fee of the previous Contract will be waived
2.4.3. No Changes are applicable for Device Offerings;
2.4.4. Changes are only permitted after Customers have enjoyed a Contract Offering
for a period of at least two (2) months;
2.4.5. Notwithstanding a Change, the Term shall remain unchanged;
2.4.6. Upon a Change taking effect, all existing benefits derived from the previous
Contract Offering shall be forfeited and the Contract start date will be changed
to the date of Change;
2.4.7. Digi reserves the right to charge an administrative fee for each Change
2.5. During the Term, the Customer may opt to upgrade his/her Plan to a higher value
plan (“Change of Plan”). The terms of the Contract will remain unchanged after the
Change of Plan. For the avoidance of doubt, the Customer is not allowed to
downgrade the existing Plan to a lower value plan.
3. Eligibility
3.1. The Contract Offerings are eligible to new and existing Digi Postpaid Customers.
For existing Digi Postpaid Customers, Customers are required to undertake a
change of plan to be eligible for the Contract Offerings.
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3.2. A Customer can register up to a maximum of one (1) Contract for each Principal and
Supplementary Line.
3.3. Effective from 1st August 2023, the eligibility for a specific Contract Offering is
dependent on the Plan subscribed by the Customer, as illustrated in the table
below. For the avoidance of doubt, eligibility shall always be assessed in the name
of the Customer registered under the Principal Line.
Principal Line
Contract Offering Digi Digi Digi Digi Digi Family Family Family
Postpaid 40 Postpaid 60 Postpaid 90 Postpaid 120 Postpaid 150 20 30 45
Pakej PowerJimat x x x x x
PhoneFreedom x x x
Normal Contract x x x x x
Internet Top-Up
Unlimited Social x x x x
Digital Service x x x x x x x x
Unlimited Gaming x x x x x x x x
Unlimited x x x x x
5G Booster x x x x x x x
1. Digital Service Rebate is no longer offered with effective 3rd October 2022, existing
subscribers with Digital Service Rebate may continue enjoy this offer until the
contract ends and renew the contract with other Digi Postpaid Freedom Add-Ons
2. Unlimited Gaming is no longer offered effective 1st August 2023, existing
subscribers with Unlimited Gaming may continue to enjoy this offer until the
contract ends and renew the contract with other Digi Postpaid Freedom Add-Ons
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3.4. Digi shall have the sole and absolute discretion to accept and/or reject a
Customer’s application to this subscription service.
4.1. The Customer shall, upon the submission of his/her application for registration of
the Contract, pay Digi the Advance Payment and/or Deposit and such other fees,
charges and taxes as required by Digi.
4.2. For the duration of the Term, the Customer is responsible for all the monthly fee
and charges related and applicable to the specific Contract Offering. The
applicable monthly fees payable by the Customer are illustrated as follows.
Charges published are exclusive of all applicable taxes including Service Tax:
Principal Line
Contract Offering Digi Digi Digi Digi Digi Family Family Family
Postpaid 40 Postpaid 60 Postpaid 90 Postpaid 120 Postpaid 150 20 30 45
Subject to device selection
Normal Contract
Subject to device selection
Digital Service
x x x x x x x x
Unlimited Gaming x x x x x x x x
5G Booster x RM0 x x x x x x
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5. Termination
5.1. All requests for termination must be completed at selected Digi Stores and Digi
Store Express only.
5.2. The Customer must complete payment of all outstanding fees owed by the
Customer to Digi before termination is allowed.
5.4. Early Termination is subject to a termination fee. The Customer is liable to pay the
fee amount as illustrated in the table below, including all outstanding amount owed
by the Customer to Digi:
5.4.1. The termination fee will be charged during point of sale (POS) during the Early
Termination process at selected Digi Stores and Digi Store Express.
Otherwise, the Customer will receive the amount charged to the bill.
5.4.2. Digi reserves the absolute right to suspend, block and/or terminate the Plan,
Contract Offering and/or device without compensation or prior notice as a
result of a breach of the Terms and Conditions, or other related terms and
conditions; where fraud is suspected or found to have been committed; or
failure to make payment for two (2) consecutive months or any other period as
may be reasonably determined by Digi from time to time. Digi’s rights here are
in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights that it has.
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Unlimited Social
5G Booster
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Terms & Conditions: Contract Add-Ons DG00202
1.1. General
1.1.1. This Contract Offering is a mobile device offering which requires the
Customer to subscribe to a 24-month or 36-month Contract (referred
as “PF365 Plan” for purposes of this section) offered to Customers
who meet the eligibility criteria. The Customer hereby consents to
Digi to undertake all necessary checks to determine Customer’s
1.1.2. This Contract Offering is offered to all new and existing subscribers
of Digi Postpaid Plan with the following requirements to be met
during registration:
1.1.3. PF365 Plan is restricted to one (1) Customer with a valid original NRIC
for up to maximum three (3) registration only according to the
principal plan eligibility as per below:
1.1.5. For customers, who choose a credit card as the payment option,
auto-billing will be mandatory.
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1.1.7. All successful registration at Digi Store, Digi Store Express and Digi
Online Stores cannot be cancelled. No refund will be entertained and
an early termination fee is imposed for customers with existing
1.1.9. The monthly payment under the PF365 Plan consists of (a) payment
for the device (“Device Payment Monthly Price”); and (b) the Postpaid
Plan (“Mobile Service Plan”). Advance Payment may be applicable in
accordance with checks on Customer’s eligibility.
1.2.1. Eligible customers for PF365 Plans are entitled to sign up only one (1)
Mobile Device per NRIC from Digi Store Online.
1.2.2. For purchases made via Digi Store Online, both the Device Payment
Monthly Price and monthly Mobile Service Plan fee will be activated
immediately once the transaction is successfully processed during
pre-order or while the Mobile Device is being delivered.
1.2.3. For port-in customers, plan and device Advance Payment are
applicable upon checkout via Digi Store Online.
1.2.4. Customers must not have any overdue bills before proceeding to
make a purchase on Digi Store Online.
1.3. Miscellaneous
1.3.1. Electronic Delivery: The Customer expressly and knowingly agree and
consent to permit Digi (including any third party vendor, or
representative through which we provide services under this Device
Subscription Agreement) to make disclosures and provide notices to
the Customer in electronic form, including but not limited to e-mail
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2. Pakej PowerJimat
2.1. This Contract Offering is a mobile device bundle offering, where Customer
will pay a pre-determined amount in advance and subscribe to either a 12-
month Contract or a 24-month contract, for the use of a mobile device
provided by Digi. The upfront amount and monthly fee commitment shall
depend on the mobile device selection. All mobile devices are subject to
2.2. The advance payment shall be refunded into the monthly Plan bill throughout
the contract period.
2.3. The eligibility for this Contract Offering is dependent on the Plan subscribed
by the Customer, as illustrated in the table below. For the avoidance of
doubt, eligibility shall always be assessed in the name of the Customer
registered under the Principal Line:
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2.4. Both Malaysians and non-Malaysians are eligible to subscribe to the Device
Offering subject to the eligibility criteria determined by Digi from time to
Pakej PowerJimat Digi Store Digi Store Digi Dealer Digi Online
Express Stores
Digi Postpaid 40 12-month ✓ ✓ ✓ X
24-month ✓ ✓ X ✓
Digi Postpaid 60 12-month ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
24-month ✓ ✓ X X
Digi Postpaid 90 12-month ✓ ✓ ✓ X
24-month ✓ ✓ X X
2.6. Upon acceptance, all successful registrations at the Digi Store, Digi Store
Express, Digi Dealer and Digi Online Stores cannot be cancelled. The
Contract Offering and Device are not refundable and cannot be exchanged
for cash. In the event of any cancellation requests during the Contract
period, early termination fees shall be imposed as specified below:
2.7. The customer is restricted to only one (1) Contract Offering per postpaid line
for up to a maximum of the principal plan eligibility below:
3. Normal Contract
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3.1. This Contract Offering is a mobile device bundle where Customer will pay a
determined upfront amount and subscribe to a 24-month Contract, for the
use of a mobile device provided by Digi. The upfront amount and monthly fee
commitment shall depend on the mobile device selection. All mobile devices
are subject to availability.
3.2. Both Malaysians and non-Malaysians are eligible to subscribe to the Device
Offering subject to eligibility which Digi may determine from time to time.
3.3. All registrations must be completed at any participating Digi Store and Digi
Store Express.
3.4. All successful registration at Digi Store and Digi Store Express cannot be
cancelled. No refund will be entertained and an early termination fee is
imposed for customers with existing contracts.
4. Internet Top-Up
4.1. This Contract Offering allows Customers to enjoy additional Mobile Internet
Data every month when Customer subscribes for a 12-month or 24-month
4.4. The additional Mobile Internet Data provided under this Contract Offering is
subject to Digi Postpaid terms and conditions, in particular the section on
Mobile Internet Quota Allocation.
4.5. In the event that customers are eligible for unlimited data and hotspot
offering as part of internet top-up with Contract, customer’s hotspot usages
are limited to 10Mbps and only 3 devices at any point of time and peer to peer
downloads are capped at 64kbps.
4.6. Fair Usage Policy applies to the Unlimited Internet & Unlimited Hotspot add-
on quota. If the Customer's usage exceeds Digi's fair usage limit of 600GB
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4.7. In respect of the Customers who are in violation of Digi’s Fair Usage Policy,
Digi may, at its option and discretion, take any responsive action including,
but not limited to, having the Customer's bandwidth managed, Digi Internet
Services suspended or terminated (with or without notice as Digi considers
appropriate). Digi reserves the right to review its Fair Usage Policy at any
time without prior notice.
5. Unlimited Social
5.1. This Contract Offering allows Customers to enjoy Unlimited Mobile Internet
Data every month for Social Media consumption on Instagram, Facebook,
TikTok and Twitter (“Social Media Sites”) when Customer subscribes for a 12-
month or 24-month Contract.
5.3. Fair Usage Policy applies to the Unlimited Social add-on quota. If the
Customer's usage exceeds Digi's fair usage limit of 600GB per month, the
Customer’s internet usage will automatically be switched to their next
available bucket, which may be chargeable, and/or the Customer's internet
access will be limited and switched to 2G speed until the start of the
following bill cycle or subscription.
5.4. In respect of the Customers who are in violation of Digi’s Fair Usage Policy,
Digi may, at its option and discretion, take any responsive action including,
but not limited to, having the Customer's bandwidth managed, Digi Internet
Services suspended or terminated (with or without notice as Digi considers
appropriate). Digi reserves the right to review its Fair Usage Policy at any
time without prior notice.
5.5. Customers subscribed to this Contract Offering shall be eligible to access all
allowed Social Media Sites.
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5.6. Customers’ Internet plan quota will not be used when Customers access the
Social Media Sites.
6.1. This Contract Offering offers a rebate of up to RM15 from Google Play, Apple
App Store and EasyAdd platform (excluding RGG) (“Rebate”) when Customer
subscribes for a 12-month Contract.
6.2. Rebate will be applicable to Customers who subscribes to digital services for
Google Play, Apple App Store and EasyAdd platform (excluding RGG) via
his/her Postpaid Line.
6.3. The digital services transaction (“Transaction”) needs to be done via Digi
Operator Billing (DOB) in order for the Rebate to be successful.
6.4. If the value of the Transaction is higher than the value of the Rebate,
Customer will be liable to pay the difference to perform the Transaction. If
the value of the Transaction is lower than the value of the Rebate, the
difference shall be forfeited and Digi will not be liable to refund the
difference or carry forward the same for the Customer.
6.6. The Rebate shall only apply to the Digital Services subscription fee excluding
any Service Tax. Customers are required to fully pay the Service Tax incurred
from the digital subscriptions.
7.1. This Contract Offering allows Customers to enjoy free data roaming quota in
70 countries by subscribing for a 24-month Contract.
7.2. Standard domestic charges shall continue to apply in accordance with the
Customer’s Digi Postpaid Plan.
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7.3. Upon utilisation of the free data roaming quota, data browsing will be
suspended. Customer can continue browsing the Internet by purchasing a
Roaming pass while roaming.
7.4. Unless stated otherwise, the general terms and conditions for Roam Like
Home shall apply to this Contract Offering. For more details on roaming,
please click here.
8.1. This Contract Offering allows Customers to enjoy Unlimited Mobile Internet
Data every month for gaming consumption on the specified game titles
under Digi RDY Game Partners when Customer subscribes for a 12-month
8.2. The game titles covered are limited to the following only:
• Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
• FreeFire
• Call of Duty
• AoV (Arena of Valor)
• League of Legends (Wild Rift)
• League of Legends (PC)
8.4. Fair Usage Policy applies to the Unlimited Gaming add-on quota. If the
Customer's usage exceeds Digi's fair usage limit of 600GB per month, the
Customer’s internet usage will automatically be switched to their next
available bucket, which may be chargeable, and/or the Customer's internet
access will be limited and switched to 2G speed until the start of the
following bill cycle or subscription.
8.5. In respect of the Customers who are in violation of Digi’s Fair Usage Policy,
Digi may, at its option and discretion, take any responsive action including,
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but not limited to, having the Customer's bandwidth managed, Digi Internet
Services suspended or terminated (with or without notice as Digi considers
appropriate). Digi reserves the right to review its Fair Usage Policy at any
time without prior notice.
9. Unlimited Streaming
9.1. This Contract Offering allows Customers to enjoy Unlimited Mobile Internet
Data every month for streaming movies and videos on Netflix,YouTube,
Astro Go, Viu, Dailymotion, Eros Now, and iQiyi (“Streaming Platforms”) when
Customer subscribes for a 12-month or 24-month Contract. Digi reserves
the rights to revise, provision, cancel, suspend, terminate the Streaming
Platforms or any part thereof without any prior notice and without any
liability at any time upon its sole and absolute discretion without having to
assign any reasons whatsoever.
9.3. Fair Usage Policy applies to the Unlimited Streaming add-on quota. If the
Customer's usage exceeds Digi's fair usage limit of 600GB per month, the
Customer’s internet usage will automatically be switched to their next
available bucket, which may be chargeable, and/or the Customer's internet
access will be limited and switched to 2G speed until the start of the
following bill cycle or subscription.
9.4. In respect of the Customers who are in violation of Digi’s Fair Usage Policy,
Digi may, at its option and discretion, take any responsive action including,
but not limited to, having the Customer's bandwidth managed, Digi Internet
Services suspended or terminated (with or without notice as Digi considers
appropriate). Digi reserves the right to review its Fair Usage Policy at any
time without prior notice.
9.6. Customers’ Internet plan quota will not be used when Customers are
streaming on the Streaming Platforms.
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10. 5G Booster
10.1. This Contract Offering allows Customers to enjoy Free uncapped 5G Access
every month for Mobile Internet Data consumption when Customer
subscribes for a 24-month Contract.
10.2. The free 5G Booster will automatically be provisioned to customers every
month and will begin upon the registration of the Contract.
10.3. Customers subscribed to this Contract Offering shall be eligible to utilize 5G
network (where available) across all Mobile Internet Data consumption.
10.4. Any consumption will be utilizing Customer’s available Mobile Internet Data
Bucket. No Additional Internet Quota will be provided from this Contract
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