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1 author:
Chris Han
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Introduction fluid content has been approached by several of these authors. The
Low frequency seismic anomalies have long been a subject of published work largely used model-based techniques to predict
interest to geoscientists involved in hydrocarbon exploration AVO effects for different frequencies (Figure 1b), and then applied
since such ‘gas-shadows’ can be a direct hydrocarbon indicator this information to aid interpretation of anomalies observed on
(DHI). Published studies have demonstrated evidence for them iso-frequencies sections. The results convincingly suggest that
potentially resulting from increased seismic attenuation and there are differences in the spectral content of seismic data which
velocity dispersion, as a result of hydrocarbon saturation. The could be exploited for improved hydrocarbon identification. The
topic gained wide interest during the 2000s with well-cited results of these pioneering publications is the basis from which the
publications by Castagna et al. (2003), Ebrom (2004), Chapman workflow presented in this paper was conceived. Here these ideas
et al. (2005, 2006) and Odebeatu et al. (2006), to name a few. are approached from an interpretation perspective and applied in a
The consensus of these studies was that hydrocarbon related fre- practical manner using commercial interpretation software.
quency effects are predicted to be detectable on stacked seismic
data. Furthermore, it has been suggested that low frequencies Background theory
tend to show the highest sensitivity to fluid changes. (e.g. Numerous potential causes of frequency anomalies below reser-
Korneev et al., 2004). The effect has been shown not only from voirs have been previously identified, for example Ebrom (2006)
seismic data; studies involving laboratory tests and borehole outlined ten possible mechanisms split between stack-related and
data provide similar conclusions. Overall there is general agree- non-stack-related. High levels of attenuation and dispersion in
ment that the effect exists. However the physical cause remains response to hydrocarbon presence, particularly gas, tend to be
inconclusive. Several studies have also shown evidence that the favoured candidate mechanisms for genuine non-processing
hydrocarbon reservoirs have an amplitude-versus-offset (AVO) related anomalies, though there are likely multiple linked factors
frequency dependence (e.g. Chapman et al. (2005, 2006), Ode- involved. Dvorkin and Mavko (2006) concluded that there is
beatu et al. (2006), Liu et al. (2006), Ren et al. (2007), Zhang et enough evidence to agree that attenuation and dispersion in
al. (2007), Chen et al. (2008), Wu et al. (2014)). In the modelled sedimentary rocks are related to fluids. Elevated attenuation
case of gas-saturated sands, low frequencies have tended to levels may be associated with strong velocity dispersion which
show the greatest change in amplitude with offset (Figure 1a). could potentially explain the observed frequency dependence
The idea of using AVO and Spectral Decomposition (SD) to of impedance. (Batzle and Wang, 1992; Chapman et al., 2006).
understand frequency anomalies and potential links to reservoir The outcome of a combination of these effects is that anomalies
Figure 1 a) Modelled AVO curves at various frequencies for a gas saturated case (from Odebeatu et al., 2006). b) Modelled variation between gas vs wet amplitudes at
different offsets for a thin bed (from Ren et al., 2007).
Corresponding author, E-mail: Chris.Han@geoteric.com
observed at hydrocarbon reservoirs tend to show characteristics ii. Far minus near times far (FNXF)
of low-frequency amplification and high-frequency attenuation iii. Far minus near times near (FNXN)
(Wang et al., 2014). In this paper the author does not intend iv. Gradient (G)
to enter the discussion of the complex mechanics behind the v. Intercept (R(0))
phenomenon but aims to provide a simple method of recognising vi. AVO product (PR) = R(0)G
such anomalies more easily and promote the use of frequency
restricted analysis to aid seismic interpretation. While these attributes are typically computed for the full-band-
For context, a brief description of the logic and assumptions width data, a new approach was investigated to create them using
made are provided as follows. Working under the assumption that restricted frequencies as input. Spectral Decomposition provides
elevated attenuation does indeed occur for hydrocarbon bearing an ideal tool for isolating specific frequency bands of seismic data
zones, the amount of attenuation should be expected to vary with (Partyka et al., 1999). It can be easily tailored to specific objec-
offset causing AVO effects, as evidenced by several previously tives in terms of bandwidth, filter length, output types such as
referenced studies. In simplified terms, differences in the ray-path bandpass, magnitude and phase components, and is highly repeat-
angles and travel distances with offset should lead to variable able (subject to the algorithm used). Attributes (i-iii) are far-near
amounts of (a) ‘natural’ (i.e. non-hydrocarbon related) attenuation combinations which can be calculated using either SD ‘bandpass’
during wave propagation to reservoir (e.g. geometrical spreading, (filtered reflectivity with phase and amplitude retained) or
absorption, transmission losses, anisotropy etc.) (b) differences restricted versions using ‘magnitude’ (instantaneous-amplitude/
in energy partitioning at reservoir interface(s), and (c) potential envelope with no phase information) (e.g. Barton and Gullette,
differences of wave attenuation and dispersion when passing 1996). Both were investigated as part of the study. Where the
through the hydrocarbon saturated reservoir. AVO compliant seis- enveloped input has been used the attribute will be referred to as
mic processing attempts to address factor (a) by spectral balancing ‘restricted’. The remaining attributes (iv-vi) require the bandpass
based on areas without AVO anomalies, with the aim of leaving equivalent as input since polarity information is an essential part
just effects of (b) and (c) in the resulting angle gathers and stacks, of their calculations. Calculation of G and R(0) using angle-stack
both of which are fluid related, and likely intrinsically linked to volumes also requires an assumption that the signal content of the
one another. If we assume that the amount of attenuation is fre- stack is a fair representation of the mid-angle.
quency-dependent, with low frequencies tending to experience the
most sensitivity to fluids as literature suggests, it seems logical that Results and examples
combining the sensitivity of angle response to fluids and the sen- Two example studies are presented using Australian datasets,
sitivity of low frequencies to fluids should offer the best chance of courtesy of Geoscience Australia. Seismic data are in time domain
fluid discrimination. (With a caveat that the effects of each do not and in the examples shown a hard event is represented by a peak.
oppose and cancel one another out). This theory forms the premise
of this study where a combination of SD and AVO techniques are Example 1 – Stybarrow Oil Field
applied to identify amplitude variations at specific frequencies. The first example is from the well documented Stybarrow oil
Typically, AVO studies are carried out using full bandwidth data; field, located in the Exmouth Basin. The reservoir is formed of a
perhaps differences in the AVO response at specific frequencies high-quality sandstone of the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous
could provide increased sensitivity to attenuation related effects. Macedon Member within a tilted fault block trap.
Spectral Decomposition was applied to create a set of
Methodology frequency bandpass and magnitude outputs across the spectrum
Spectral Decomposition and AVO techniques are combined into from the Near (0-15°) and Far (21-31°) angle stacks. Figure 2
a unified workflow to produce reconnaissance attributes aimed at shows a comparison of the SD Near versus Far stack responses
frequency anomaly detection. The inputs were 3D partial angle- between Stybarrow-1, located in the centre of the field, and
stack volumes, which were deemed of high enough data quality for Stybarrow-3, located downdip near the OWC. The former
the analysis, including spectral balancing applied by the seismic encountered clean, oil-bearing sands with net pay of 19 m. The
contractors. Processing will not be discussed in detail but is always latter encountered poorer quality sands with only 2.1 m net pay;
a concern to the validity of results from any amplitude analysis. below the seismic resolution.
Detailed AVO studies are typically performed by analysing the At Stybarrow-1 the low frequencies show a clear brightening
CDP gathers in the pre-stack domain. However, it is common for at far offsets compared to nears at the top reservoir and extending
seismic interpreters to receive partial angle-stacks for interpretation down beneath. Stybarrow-3, where the sand is very thin and
purposes, and the pre-stack gathers investigated by rock physics below seismic resolution, shows no such anomaly with well-bal-
specialists should any targets of interest be identified for a quanti- anced amplitudes across the spectrum.
tative study. In the arsenal of the seismic interpreter are workflows AVO attributes created for isolated frequencies allowed
to calculate AVO attributes from the partial angle-stacks. Given expansion of the analysis from the well locations. Figure 3 shows
the high quality of modern data processing these datasets are the results of the FN attribute volumes displayed on the base
increasingly reliable and can add significant value to interpretation. reservoir horizon, where the impact of attenuation is likely to be
Common AVO attributes which can be generated using partial the most significant. For the full spectrum no significant AVO
angle stacks (e.g. Avseth et al., 2005; Simm et al., 2014) include: response is produced. However, in frequency restricted attributes,
i. Far stack minus the near stack (FN) the reservoir is clearly delineated at 20Hz and 30Hz as a strong
Figure 2 Comparison of band restricted seismic for Near vs Far Stack traces at Stybarrow-1 and Stybarrow-3 wells. The Far stack shows brightening at and below the reservoir
for low frequencies.
positive anomaly (strong Far Stack amplitude relative to Near). were plotted using the full spectrum and SD attributes. Five
It is not apparent at higher frequencies. The full bandwidth data sample areas were selected: Stybarrow-1 and -2 locations; both
encompasses all the frequencies and as a result tends to take the oil-bearing sands, Stybarrow-3; a very thin oil sand below
characteristic of the dominant frequency of approximately 45 Hz. seismic resolution, and two additional areas; a further oil sand
Interestingly, significant AVO variation was observed at the base and non-reservoir area below the OWC.
reservoir but not so apparent at the top. The full-spectrum intercept vs gradient cross-plot shows
In previous analyses of Stybarrow published by Emton et al. a predominant Type-III AVO response with discernible fluid
(2004), AVO modelling of well data predicted a slight discrimina- trend. Non-reservoir samples plot along a distinct background
tion between oil bearing and brine sands. An ‘enhanced AVO gra- trend line through the zero-crossing, while a gradual transition
dient’ calculated by (F–N)*N had been found to highlight a ‘subtle through the oil sands occurs. The frequency-restricted plots tell
but discernable’ anomaly over the Stybarrow structure down to the different stories. At low frequencies distinct separation of the
OWC. This attribute was generated and showed the same subtle non-reservoir zones to the oil-bearing zones occurs, with tight
result reported by Emton for the full spectrum data. The SD low clusters for each being produced. The non-reservoir samples are
frequency versions were found to be significantly more successful shifted off the theoretical background line into distinctly nega-
at highlighting the reservoir as an anomaly (Figure 4). tive R(0) zones, i.e. high impedance, decreasing AVO (class-I).
To attempt to understand why such results may occur a series This differentiation is likely to be the key to low-frequency
of AVO cross-plots were generated (Figure 5) using the Intercept attributes more successfully highlighting the anomaly from the
and Gradient (Rutherford and Williams, 1989; Castagna et al., background. The ‘true’ non-reservoir sample is also differenti-
1998). A series of sample areas on the base-reservoir reflector, ated from the thin sand at Stybarrow-3, which plots as negative
Figure 4 Comparison of the ‘Enhanced Gradient Attribute’ generated for Full Spectrum Data, 20 Hz and 30 Hz band restricted components, displayed on base reservoir
horizon. The Full Spectrum result is as described by Emton et al. (2004) a subtle AVO anomaly at the Stybarrow Structure is observed. The 20 Hz and 30 Hz results show a
very obvious anomaly which conforms to the structure. There are also some near field anomalies highlighted.
Figure 5 AVO cross plots of intercept (R0) versus gradient (G) for different frequency bands using different samples of the Base-Reservoir event. The relationship between
intercept and gradient is seen to vary for different frequencies. Lower frequencies show best separation of oil sands whilst the high frequencies do not show an AVO
response. The Full Spectrum data has a dominant frequency of around 45Hz and shows a close match to the cross-plot results at the isolated frequencies.
gradient, while the non-reservoir is positive. At high frequencies Example 2 – Anomalies and migration pathways
(>50 Hz) no AVO anomaly is observed, only a background trend (Calliance/Brecknock)
line. This indicates there could be low signal-to-noise ratio, The second example uses the ‘Rosewall and Calliance 3D’
also at high frequencies phase complications become a greater from the Browse Basin to illustrate application of the workflow
issue for reliable AVO. Based on these results, it appears that for reconnaissance. The same process was applied to create a
20-25 Hz are the best bulk discriminator of oil sand versus restricted 20 Hz FN attribute from partial angle stacks. This
wet-sand/shale, while the 30-40 Hz range may better divide the was then co-visualised with an edge attribute using opacity
oil sands among themselves. High frequencies do not appear to blending to give structural context to anomalies. A colourmap
be contributing to the useful AVO response; their inclusion may was selected to give focus to elevated far stack response (i.e.
potentially be detrimental to the full spectrum result. strongly positive result) which represent AVO Class-II and III
anomalies, typically the classes most likely to be indicative of Shoals formation. This formation is of transgressive marine
hydrocarbon bearing sands. The ‘restricted’ FN attribute was origin comprising claystone and interbedded sandstone. It is
favoured for reconnaissance, since low-frequency ‘shadows’ regionally extensive and forms a major seal but also potential
are likely not to be restricted to a single seismic event it makes source and reservoir rocks, though is not a primary reservoir
sense to remove the phase from the equation for simplicity. target. Though the anomalies are strikingly obvious in the
This eliminates varying polarity of anomalies so they will be low frequency restricted FN-attribute, the seismic response is
represented by a single amplitude-change sign. Therefore, larger typically low-mid amplitude and not particularly eye-catching
more cohesive anomalies will be produced, making them easier any of the stacks or in full-bandwidth attributes. The anomaly
to identify. top correlates to soft events which are laterally restricted by
The low frequency restricted FN attribute showed a strong stratigraphic terminations (Figure 7). Often the response can be
correlation to the results at well locations within, and in traced moving upwards into other similar features at locations
close proximity to the Calliance gas field, with restriction to which coincide with fault zones, potentially providing evidence
depositional features, in agreement with the fluvio-deltaic of migration pathways, with faults breaching the seal and
environment of the Mid-to-Lower Jurassic, Plover Formation providing conduits (Figure 8).
reservoirs. Figure 6 illustrates how the low frequency result Across the dataset multiple lines of evidence support that the
created large, obvious anomalies, compared to the scattered attribute is responding to some form of fluid response:
and less discriminate response of the full-bandwidth data. • Limited to specific stratigraphic sequences regionally known
Elsewhere in the survey, large low frequency AVO anomalies to be hydrocarbon bearing
were identified in the Uppermost Jurassic/Early Cretaceous, • Strong conformance to structure. Faults seen to act as baffles
within and immediately above the Aptian Upper Echuca and likely conduits. Anomaly strength changing at faults.
Figure 8 Examples of Potential Migration pathways highlighted by low frequency AVO. Coloured arrows indicate potential pathways which the response appears to follow. A
possible sequence of events is shown. Faulting appears to play a crucial role in the location and strength of anomalies.
Areas of strong response tend to have underlying fault path- Cross plotting of samples on the top anomaly pick (Figure 9)
ways to them which could have allowed charge. helped to explain why the response is much brighter in the 20 Hz
• Dispersion and loss of response at heavily faulted zones. attribute than the full bandwidth. Anomaly samples are shifted
• Correlation of major anomalies with depositional features away from the background trend or Class-III zone for full band-
• Anomalies are not restricted to single reflector but move width, further into the class II/IIp zone at low frequency, which
between them in a predictable up-dip manner. means a stronger more exaggerated amplitude change with offset
• Not restricted to high amplitude or poor data quality areas. occurring at low frequency. Areas outside the anomaly remain
close to the background trend line.
Figure 9 Investigation of large low frequency AVO anomaly. Left: comparison of full spectrum Restricted FN attribute to 20 Hz. Anomaly is not very apparent in full spectrum
data but very striking in the 20 Hz. Middle: AVO cross plots for sample areas on top anomaly reflector event. Right: 20 Hz Restricted FN attribute display on top anomaly
reflector with sample area locations marked.
To confirm the validity of the anomaly, investigation of the restricted data in this way is another discussion, certainly care
geology at the interval of interest was carried out. Using high is required.
definition frequency decomposition RGB colour blending, it Directly combining Spectral Decomposition and AVO to
was possible to image extremely subtle depositional features look for frequency anomalies may be advantageous over using
at the anomaly event (Figure 10). Submarine channels and the full-stack data, or iso-frequencies from various stacks in iso-
fans are interpreted, suggesting amalgamated sand bodies. The lation, for several reasons. Previous gas shadow examples tended
anomalies are well restricted to these bodies, so look likely to focus on identifying iso-frequency brightening on individual
to be responding either to their lithology, fluid content, or a stacks. Calculating differences between angle stacks allows for
combination. Interestingly while such significant low frequency the potential combination of both brightening and dimming
AVO anomalies were produced, the full spectrum result is quite effects to be incorporated. Instead of the ‘base amplitude’ used
understated in comparison; one might have expected the higher to define anomalies being that of surrounding areas, it is now
frequency content to be more sensitive to tuning of thin events the amplitude of the other stack at the same location. Therefore,
if it was purely lithology controlling the amplitudes. anomalous differences in low amplitude areas may be revealed
which would not be identified from individual iso-frequency
Discussion sections purely due to their low amplitude. Conversely it may
The study illustrates how amplitude analysis may potentially prevent over-interpretation of bright events which could be cre-
be improved by using the most appropriate frequency ranges. ated by other factors such as tuning. The workflow also avoids
Castagna et al. (2003) made a salient point that conventional the comparison of low to high frequency signals to define what
amplitude analysis carried out on the full-spectrum data essen- constitutes an anomaly. Since different frequencies are subject to
tially means the interpretation is based on the ‘accidental’ dom- different amounts of ‘natural’ (i.e. non-hydrocarbon) attenuation,
inant frequency, rather than frequencies selected purposefully dip-dependence, and interference effects due to varying tuning
for the objectives at hand. Since different frequencies show thicknesses, in addition to a non-white source spectrum, complex
variable sensitivity to geological parameters useful information treatment to account for these effects across the frequency
may be neglected by restricting interpretation to the dominant spectrum is required to enable any true hydrocarbon related
frequency. Frequency restricted AVO cross-plot classifications anomalies to be revealed this way. Such workflows have been
also vary as a function of frequency. Perhaps this could be used successfully demonstrated in research papers (e.g. Wang et al.,
as a tool to determine which frequencies are the best fluid or 2014). However, due to the complexity of calculations required
lithology discriminators and where there is no useful signal. they are inaccessible to most interpreters. Here, by calculating
Whether it is appropriate to use AVO classification on frequency the AVO differences of isolated frequencies, the aim is not to
Figure 10 Depositional features imaged at the anomaly interval near the Top
Echuca Shoals Formation. a) High Definition Frequency Decomposition Colour
Blend result revealing extremely subtle depositional features at the location of
large low frequency AVO anomaly. Small channels and submarine fan lobes are
interpreted. b) 20 Hz Restricted FN AVO attribute clearly defines several of the
interpreted lobes as an anomaly. c) Full Spectrum Restricted FN AVO attribute
does a poorer job of delineating the fans and would not have highlighted this
feature as a convincing anomaly.
achieve a direct measure of attenuation, but potentially a proxy which would not be possible based on a purely 2D approach.
to it. Or at least to identify the most fluid sensitive components Numerous lines of evidence suggest that the results are genuine,
of the seismic signal for interpretation. though it is unclear how the anomalies relate to hydrocarbons in
place vs residual hydrocarbon and lithology. While the results
Conclusions are compelling, further research is required to better explain the
The workflow explored use of frequency restricted attributes findings.
to assist in identifying low frequency AVO anomalies, which
could potentially aid hydrocarbon detection. The observed Acknowledgements
results support that AVO is a frequency dependent technique, The author would like to thank Geoscience Australia for making
and this can potentially be exploited to improve discrimination the data publicly available, Dr Peter Szafian for proof reading and
of fluid content from seismic data. Results suggest that invaluable feedback, and to the referenced authors whose shared
inclusion of high frequencies in the full spectrum data may act findings led to this study being carried out.
to mask fluid-related AVO effects, which appear better distin-
guished at lower frequencies. AVO anomalies that were not References
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