4.7 Radioactivity

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Table of Contents
Stability of Isotopes of Elements..........................................................................................................2
Radioactivity as a Nuclear Reaction................................................................................................... 3
Types of Radioactivity.......................................................................................................3
Types, Characteristics and Properties of
radiations........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Radioactive Decay and Half-Life...........................................................................................................5
Nuclear Reactions....................................................................................................................................... 7
Applications of Radioactivity.................................................................................................................9
Dangers of Radioactivity....................................................................................................................... 10
Environmental Pollution..................................................................................................10
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
(a) Define radioactivity, half-life, radioisotopes
and nuclides.
(b) State the types of radioactivity, name the
particles emitted during radioactive decay
and state their properties.
(c) Carry out simple calculations involving
half-life (t- ½).
(d) Write balanced nuclear equations.
(e) Distinguish between nuclear fission and
(f) State the uses of some radioisotopes and
dangers associated with radioactivity.


Stability of Isotopes of Elements

A particular nucleus of an atom characterised by its protons and neutrons is known as a nuclide.
Nuclides can either be stable or unstable. Most stable
nuclides have a neutron/proton(n/p) ratio of about 1 : 1.
For example, 40Ca has 20 neutrons and 20 protons, hence
the n/p ratio is 20 : 20= 1 : 1.
For nuclides of high atomic number, the n/p ration
increases progressively up to about 1.6 : 1 which is still
within the stability region. Above this value the
nucleus becomes too large and unstable.

The unstable nuclide normally undergoes some

changes by emitting radiation in form of particles and
energy. Such emissions results in the production of new
nuclides of completely different composition.

Radioactivity as a Nuclear Reaction

Radioactivity is the process where an unstable nuclide breaks up to yield another nuclide of different
composition with emission of particles and energy.
Substances, which undergo radioactivity, are said to be radioactive. Isotopes, which are radioactive, are
known as radioisotopes.
The spontaneous disintegration of radioactive nuclides is known as radioactive decay. Radioactivity is a
nuclear process and not a chemical reaction.

Differences between chemical and nuclear reactions

Nuclear Reaction Chemical Reaction
1. Takes place within the nucleus and Takes place on the outer energy levels containing the
involves neutrons and protons. valence electrons. Does not involve protons and
2. Releases large amounts of heat The heat energy released is much less.
3. Not affected by environmental Are affected by environmental factors such as
factors such as temperature. temperature and pressure.

Types of Radioactivity

There are two types of radioactivity namely natural and artificial.

Natural radioactivity occurs when radioactive nuclei split spontaneously yielding a new nuclide with the
emission of radiation and energy.
For example, the nucleus of uranium– 238 undergoes natural radioactive decay to form Thorium – 234 and
some radiation.

Artificial radioactivity occurs when large stable nuclides are bombarded with fast moving high-energy
particles. In the process, the nuclides split into relatively smaller nuclei with emission of radiation and

Types, Characteristics and Properties of radiations

When radioactive nuclides disintegrate, they emit radiations namely alpha particles (α), beta (β) and gamma

Characteristics of Radiations
Alpha radiations are particles which are positively charged helium nuclei, He 2+. They are represented as
4 +
2He in nuclear equations. Alpha particles have an electrical charge of 2 . They are the heaviest of the three

Beta radiations are particles which are negatively charged. They are represented as -1e . They are electrons,
which originate from within the nucleus and not from the outer energy levels. They are formed when a
neutron changes into a proton within the nucleus.
1 1 0
0n 1p e
+ -1
neutron → proton electron
The –1 is not an atomic number. It represents the charge on the particles. Beta particles have an electrical
charge of –1.
Gamma radiations are high energy rays. They do not have an electrical charge. They are not emitted on their
own but normally accompany the emission of alpha or beta particles.
Properties of Radiations

Penetrating power
Alpha particles have very low penetrating power. They do not pass through a sheet of paper. The have a
range of only a few centimetres in air.

Beta particles have higher penetrating power. They can pass through a sheet of paper but are stopped by a
sheet of aluminium foil.
Gamma rays have the highest penetrating power. They pass through a sheet of paper and a sheet of
aluminium. They are however stopped by a thick lead block.

Deflection by an Electric Field

Alpha particles are positively charged. They are
therefore attracted to the negative plate in an
electric field. Since they are heavy they are only
slightly deflected.

Beta particles are negatively charged and so are deflected to the positive plate in an electric field. The
deflection is greater than that of alpha particles due to their much smaller masses.
Gamma rays do not have a charge and are therefore unaffected by an electric field.

Ionising Effect of Radiations

Alpha particles have very high ionising power. They produce a large number of ions as they pass through
gases due to their slow speed and high charge. Their slow speed enables the alpha particles to be in contact
with target atoms for a longer time.
Beta particles have lower ionising power and produce fewer ions in gases.
Gamma rays have very low ionising power.

Radioactive Decay and Half-Life

When a radioactive nuclide decays, a new nuclide is formed. As disintegration proceeds, fewer and fewer
unstable atoms remain.
The Table below shows the radioactive decay for a sample of 400 g of iodine – 131

Decay of iodine -131

Time Mass (g) of radioactive iodine
(days) remaining
0 400
8.1 200
16.2 100
24.3 50
32.4 25

A graph of the data given is shown alongside.

From the graph it can be seen that after every 8.1 days
the amount of substance remaining is half the previous
The fractions of the original amount remaining after:

From the graph, it is also observed that the remaining amount never reduces to zero. The time taken for the
mass to reduce to half the previous value is a constant, i.e., 8.1 days. This constant value is referred to as the
half-life. It is denoted by t .
The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the time taken for a given mass or number of nuclides to decay to
half its original mass or number.

From the sample of 400 g iodine – 131 given in the example, the amount remaining after the first half-life
(8.1 days) will be 200 g. After the second half-life (16.2 days) it will be 100g. This can be illustrated as

The amount remaining after the first half-live is half the previous amount. The remaining amount after
successive nuclide decay can be worked out by using the formula;

Remaining amount = × original amount, where n is the number of half-lives undergone. For example

the remaining amount after 24.3 days (3 half-lives) is

Given the remaining amount, the original amount can also be determined. For example: if 3g of Lr
whose half -life is 8 seconds remain after undergoing radioactive decay for 32 seconds.

Alternatively, the original amount can be found using a step by step method thus;

The original amount is 48 g.

Each radioactive isotope decays at its own rate and therefore has its own half- life. Half-life range
from fraction of a second to millions of years. For example:

The shorter the half-life, the faster the rate of decay of the nuclide. The longer the half-life, the slower the
rate of decay of the nuclide. The rate of radioactive decay is unaffected by any chemical or physical change.

The half-life of radioactive isotopes is one of the factors used to determine their application. For example,
carbon-14 is used to determine the age of dead organic matter. The process is known as carbon-dating. The
carbon in plants which is taken up during photosynthesis contains a small portion of radioactive carbon-14.
When the plant dies, the carbon-14 in the dead plant continues decaying hence the amount decreases.
Carbon-14 has half-life a of about 5,600 years therefore by determining the carbon content in the dead
material it is mathematically possible to determine the age of the sample.
Sodium-20 with a half-life of 0.3 seconds is used to detect leakages because it has a short half-life.

Nuclear Reactions
When an alpha particle is emitted from the nucleus, both the atomic number and the mass number of the
nuclide decrease. A new nuclide is formed as represented by the following equation

The equation above is referred to as a nuclear equation.

The sum of the mass number on the right hand side of the equation is equal to the mass number of the left
hand side. The sum of proton numbers on the right hand side equals the number of protons on the left hand
When a beta particle is emitted, the atomic number increases by one and the mass number remains
constant. This is because:
(i) During beta emission, a neutron spontaneously changes into a proton and emits an electron. That is:

The positive charge increases in the process.

(ii) The mass of the particles emitted is negligible.

Consider the following nuclides, which emit beta particles.

The emission of gamma rays which is a form of energy always accompanies other radioactive emissions.
They are produced when the remaining particles in the nucleus re-organise themselves into more stable
arrangements. Gamma rays are not shown when writing nuclear equations because they have no effect on
mass number and atomic number of a nuclide.
For example:
2 36 1 41 92 1
92 U 56 Ba + 36 Kr + 3 0n + energy

Radioactive Decay Series.

A radioactive decay series represents the sequential and continuous disintegration of unstable nuclide until
a stable nuclide is formed. For example starting with thorium–232.
The following series is obtained;

In this decay series, natural decay ends when stable lead-208 is formed. Notice that the ratios of lead –208
is about 1.5:1 which is in the stable region. This decay series is known as the Thorium decay series.

Nuclear Fission
Nuclear fission is the splitting process a heavy nuclide undergoes when bombarded by a fast-moving
The large unstable nuclide absorbs a neutron and immediately splits up into two approximately equal
fragments together with a number of smaller particles such as a neutron. During this process, much energy is
For example:
236 1 141 92 1
92 U + 0n 56 Ba + Kr + 3 0 n + energy

The mass of the products added together equal the mass of the original nuclide plus the mass of the neutron.
The three neutrons produced further bombard more nuclei and more neutrons are formed. This results in a
chain reaction.
Energy is liberated due to the fact that the total mass of the products is slightly less than the mass of the
initial nuclides. This difference in mass is radiated as energy. A very small loss in mass results in an
enormous amount of energy being released.
This energy can be tapped and utilised to generate electrical energy and other forms of energy under
controlled conditions. The enormous heat is used to heat water to produce steam which then turns turbines to
produce electricity. The energy of an atomic bomb is due to nuclear fission of uranium–235.
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion occurs when nuclei combine together when they are made to collide at high velocity
resulting in the formation of a heavy nucleus and release of energy.
Some sub-atomic particles such neutrons are also released during nuclear fusion. The energy released after
fusion causes other nuclide to collide and a chain reaction occurs. For example:

+ energy

The sum of mass numbers and atomic numbers of the products equal the sum of mass numbers and atomic
number of the reactants.
The energy released during nuclear fusion can be harnessed and converted into other forms of energy such as
electrical energy.
The hydrogen bomb works on the principle of nuclear fusion.
Nuclear fission and fusion are similar in that:
1. In both cases a large quantity of energy is released.
2. Both processes results in chain reactions.
3. In both cases sub-atomic particles such as neutrons accompany the process.

4. The energy released can be harnessed and converted into other forms of useful energy such as electrical
5. The large amount of energy produced in both reactions can be very destructive when misused such as in
nuclear warfare.

Applications of Radioactivity
Besides production of energy, other uses of radioactivity include the following:
Medical applications
- Used to destroy cancerous tissue when a patient is exposed to correct dose of radiation from
radioactive nuclide such as a cobalt–60 and caesium–137, it is possible to destroy cancerous growth
without serious damage to other tissues of the patient.
- Sterilisation of surgical instruments using gamma radiation.
- Radioactive iodine (iodine–131) is used in patients with defective thyroid to enable doctors to follow
the path of iodine through the body.
- Used to monitor growth in bones and healing of fractures.
- For providing power in heart pace setters.
- Detecting leakages in underground water or oil pipes without digging them out.
Agricultural applications
Radioactivity may be used in monitoring:
- Photosynthesis and related process; Carbon(VI) oxide containing radioactive carbon –14 is used, and
the path of this carbon can be followed during the growth of the plant.
- Absorption of phosphate fertilisers; radioactive phosphorus can be used to determine the rate of
absorption of the fertiliser.
Other uses
- Preservation of food by exposing micro-organisms to gamma radiation which kills them.
- Gauging the thickness of thin metal and paper sheets.
- Measuring the level of food in canned and packed food.
- Determining the age of archeological materials in fossils from carbon –14 dating.
- Manufacture of nuclear weapons and atomic bombs.
Dangers of Radioactivity

Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution occurs when radioactive materials emit radiation into the atmosphere. Long term
exposure to low dosages of these radiations can cause genetic mutation in living tissue leading to anaemia,
bone cancer and other forms of cancer.
Disposal of nuclear waste is of particular concern since some of the radioactive materials have very long
Testing of nuclear weapons in the oceans also causes environmental pollution since plants and other living
organisms may take in the radioactive materials released in the water.
When not put into proper use, radioisotopes can be used as weapons of mass destruction as it happened in
the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan during the Second World War.

Control of Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution can be controlled by proper use, storage and disposal of radioactive materials as
well as regular checks of equipment which emit radiations.

Revision Exercise

1. 2006 Q 4
(a) Complete the nuclear equation below. (1
37 37
18 A + ………→ 17B

(b) (b) State one:

(i) Use of radioisotopes in agriculture. (1
(ii) Danger associated with exposure of human beings to radioisotopes.
(1 mark)

2. 2007 Q 14 P1
(a) Distinguish between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
(2 marks)

(b) Describe how solid wastes containing radioactive substances should

be disposed of.
(1 mark)

3. 2008 Q 24 P1
(a) A radioactive substance emits three different particles. Give the symbol
of the particle with the highest mass.
(1 mark)

(b) (i) Find the values of Z1 and Z2 in the nuclear equation below.
(1 mark)

Z1 1 37 140 1
92 U +¿ 0n → 17
B + Z 2 Xe +2 0n

(ii) What type of nuclear reaction is represented in represented in b (i)

(1 mark)

4. 2009 Q 6d P2
Naturally occurring uranium consist of three isotopes which are
Isotope 234
U 235
U 238
Abundance 0.01% 0.72% 99.27%
(i) Which of these isotopes has the longest half-life? Give reasons.

(1 mark)

(ii) Calculate the relative atomic mass of uranium. (2


(iii) 92 U is an alpha emitter. If the product of the decay of this
nuclide is thorium (Th), Write a nuclear equation for the process.
(1 mark)

(iv) State one use of radioactive isotopes in the paper industry.

(2 marks)

5. 2010 Q 9 P1
14 14
Carbon -14, 6C , is used in carbon dating. It decays to form nitrogen, 7 N
The graph below shows the amount of carbon -14 left in a sample against
its age in years.

(a) Write a nuclear equation for the decay process of carbon -14.
(1 mark)

(b) From the graph, determine the;

(i) Half-life of carbon -14; (1

(ii) Percentage of carbon -14 in a sample whose age is 1950 years.


6. 2011 Q 2 P1
(a) Complete the nuclear equation below: (1
131 131
53 I 54 I + ________

131 131
(b) The half-life of 53 I is 8 days. Determine the mass of 53 I remaining if 50
grams decayed for 40 days.
(1 mark)

(c) Give one harmful effect of radioisotopes.

(1 mark)

7. 2012 Q9 P1
120g of iodine - 131 has a half-life of 8 days decays for 32 days. On the grid
provided, plot a graph of the mass of iodine - 131 against time.
(3 marks)

8. 2013 Q8 P1
Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate how alpha, beta and gamma
radiations can be distinguished from each other.
(3 marks)

9. 2013 Q6 P2
(a) Distinguish between a neutron and proton.
(1 mark)

(b) What is meant by a radioactive substance?

(1 mark)
(c) State two dangers associated with radioactive substance in the
environment. (2 marks)

(d) The two isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium T react to form
element y and neutron particles, according to the equation below;
2 3 a 1
1 D +¿ 1T → b
Y + 0n

(i) What is the atomic:

(I) Mass of Y? (1
(II) Number of Y? (1

(ii) What name is given to the type of reaction undergone by the isotopes

of hydrogen?
(1 mark)

(e) (i) What is meant by half-life of a radioactive substance?

(1 mark)
(ii) 288 g of a radioactive substance decayed to 9 g in 40 days. Determine
the half-life of the radioactive substance.
(2 marks)

10. 2014 Q8 P1
(a) Complete the nuclear reaction below. (1
88 Q 222
86 P+ ¿

(b) State two uses of radioisotopes in health.

(2 marks)

11. 2015 Q19 P1

A radioactive substance weighing M kg took 1900 years for the original
mass to reduce to 15 kg. Given that the half-life of the radioactive
substance is 380 years;
(a) Determine the original mass of the radioactive substance.
(2 marks)
(b) State two uses of radioactivity in medicine.
(1 mark)

12. 2017 P1 Q2.

Calculate the values of X and Y in the following nuclear equation.
239 X
92 U → Y Th +2α+2β (2 mark)

13. 2017 P2 Q7.

The decay rates of a sample of a radioisotope of bismuth at different time
intervals is indicated in the following table.
Time (hours) 0 5 10 15 20 25
Rate of disintegration 73 57 45 36 29 23
in counts s 0 0 5 5 2 2

(i) Draw a graph of disintegration rate against time.
(3 marks)
(ii) Determine the half-life of bismuth. (1
(iii) What would be the effect on the curve if half the
amount of sample of bismuth were used.

(1 mark)

(b) Radioactivity has several applications. State one application of

radioactivity in:
(i) Medicine (1
(ii) Agriculture (1
(iii) Tracers (1
(iv) Nuclear power station (1

(c) State two dangers associated with radioactivity.

(2 marks)

14. 2018 P1 Q 19.

(a) Give the symbols of the two charged particles emitted by a radioactive
(2 marks)
(b) An isotope 82Pb disintegrates by emitting two beta particles. Determine
the mass number and atomic number of the resulting nuclide.
(1 mark)

15. 2019 P1 Q 22.

The diagram in figure 6 shows radiations emitted by a radioactive sample.

(a) Identify radiations:

(i) M ................ (1
(ii) N .................. (1
(b) Explain what would happen when a sheet of paper is placed in the
path of the two radiations.
(1 mark)

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