Social Dynamics of Diffusion of Neologisms On Twitter

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published: 01 November 2021

doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.648583

Social Networks of Lexical Innovation.

Investigating the Social Dynamics of
Diffusion of Neologisms on Twitter
Quirin Würschinger *

Department of English and American Studies, LMU, Munich, Germany

Societies continually evolve and speakers use new words to talk about innovative products
and practices. While most lexical innovations soon fall into disuse, others spread
successfully and become part of the lexicon. In this paper, I conduct a longitudinal
study of the spread of 99 English neologisms on Twitter to study their degrees and
pathways of diffusion. Previous work on lexical innovation has almost exclusively relied on
usage frequency for investigating the spread of new words. To get a more differentiated
picture of diffusion, I use frequency-based measures to study temporal aspects of diffusion
and I use network analyses for a more detailed and accurate investigation of the
Edited by:
Jack Grieve, sociolinguistic dynamics of diffusion. The results show that frequency measures
University of Birmingham, manage to capture diffusion with varying success. Frequency counts can serve as an
United Kingdom
approximate indicator for overall degrees of diffusion, yet they miss important information
Reviewed by:
Alina Maria Cristea,
about the temporal usage profiles of lexical innovations. The results indicate that
University of Bucharest, Romania neologisms with similar total frequency can exhibit significantly different degrees of
Aleksei Ioulevitch Nazarov,
diffusion. Analysing differences in their temporal dynamics of use with regard to their
Utrecht University, Netherlands
age, trends in usage intensity, and volatility contributes to a more accurate account of their
Quirin Würschinger diffusion. The results obtained from the social network analysis reveal substantial differences in the social pathways of diffusion. Social diffusion significantly correlates
with the frequency and temporal usage profiles of neologisms. However, the network
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to visualisations and metrics identify neologisms whose degrees of social diffusion are more
Language and Computation, limited than suggested by their overall frequency of use. These include, among others,
a section of the journal
highly volatile neologisms (e.g., poppygate) and political terms (e.g., alt-left), whose use
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
almost exclusively goes back to single communities of closely-connected, like-minded
Received: 31 December 2020
Accepted: 13 July 2021 individuals. I argue that the inclusion of temporal and social information is of particular
Published: 01 November 2021 importance for the study of lexical innovation since neologisms exhibit high degrees of
Citation: temporal volatility and social indexicality. More generally, the present approach
Würschinger Q (2021) Social Networks
of Lexical Innovation. Investigating the demonstrates the potential of social network analysis for sociolinguistic research on
Social Dynamics of Diffusion of linguistic innovation, variation, and change.
Neologisms on Twitter.
Front. Artif. Intell. 4:648583. Keywords: lexicology, lexical innovation, sociolinguistics, diffusion, social media, Twitter, time-series analysis,
doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.648583 social network analysis

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | 1 November 2021 | Volume 4 | Article 648583

Würschinger Social Networks of Lexical Innovation

1 INTRODUCTION example, previous approaches have used computational

modelling to test the validity of the S-curve model (Blythe and
Societies continually evolve, new products and practices emerge, Croft 2012), and to model processes of simple and complex
and speakers coin and adopt new words when they interact and contagion of linguistic innovations in social networks (Goel et al.,
share information. How do these new words spread in social 2016). Applying social network analysis to bigger samples of
networks of communicative interaction? neologisms and tracking their use and spread on social media
In a recent paper analysing contagion patterns of diseases in datasets promises to provide a more detailed picture of social
Nature Physics, Hébert-Dufresne et al. (2020) suggest that the diffusion. Social network information has the potential to more
spread of viruses like SARS-CoV-2 follows principles of complex accurately assess the degrees to which the adoption of new words
contagion through social reinforcement, and that it matches the remains limited to closely connected sub-communities or
dynamics of diffusion of cultural and linguistic innovations such whether they reach larger parts of the speech community.
as new words and internet memes. Does this confirm the This paper aims to explore the role of network information and
widespread perception that new words ‘go viral’? Influential temporal dynamics in assessing the diffusion of lexical innovations on
sociolinguistic models of the spread of linguistic innovations Twitter. I use several quantitative and qualitative methods to study
like the S-curve model (Milroy 1992) share fundamental diffusion. I conduct a longitudinal study monitoring the use of a broad
features with earlier economic models of diffusion (Rogers sample of neologisms to analyse their usage frequency and the
1962). It is often assumed that diffusion in social networks temporal dynamics underlying their use. Next, I use social network
follows universal trajectories and that rates of spread depend analyses to get a better picture of the sociolinguistic dynamics at play,
on social dynamics such as network density and the presence or to assess different pathways and overall degrees of diffusion. Lastly, I
absence of weak ties (Granovetter 1973). Unlike research on combine both approaches to get a more detailed picture of the
biological and cultural diffusion processes, however, diffusion of the neologisms in the sample, and to assess the results
sociolinguistic research has only recently been provided with of both approaches to diffusion.
data sources that are equally suitable for large-scale, data-based The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces the
approaches which can rely on network analyses to study these theoretical framework for modelling and measuring the diffusion
phenomena empirically. of lexical innovations which forms the basis for the empirical
Social media platforms like Twitter have changed the way we study. Section 3 presents information about the sample of
communicate and how information spreads, and they offer neologisms and the Twitter dataset this study is based on.
valuable data for empirical research. For linguists, social media Section 4 describes the methods used for analysing diffusion.
provides large amounts of data of authentic language use which Section 5 presents the results of the empirical study. I analyse
opens up new opportunities for the empirical study of language diffusion on the basis of frequency and social networks and
variation and change. The size of these datasets as well as their integrate the results obtained from both approaches. Section 6
informal nature allow for large-scale studies on the use and summarises and discusses the results from the empirical study
spread of new words, for example, to gain insights about and draws implications about the role of frequency and network-
general trajectories of diffusion (Nini et al., 2017) or about based measures for the study of diffusion.
factors that influence whether new words spread successfully
(Grieve, 2018). Moreover, metadata about speakers facilitate the
study of aspects of diffusion that go beyond what can be captured 2 MODELLING AND MEASURING THE
by usage frequency alone. Recent work has used Twitter data to DIFFUSION OF LEXICAL INNOVATIONS
investigate the geographical spread of lexical innovations
(Eisenstein et al., 2014; Grieve et al., 2016), for example. 2.1 Modelling Diffusion
Data about the communicative interaction of speakers Neologisms are on a continuum from entirely novel word-
additionally allows performing network analyses of the social formations to fully established lexemes which are familiar to
dynamics of diffusion processes. Network science approaches to the majority of the speech community. Neologisms have spread
social media data have been successfully employed in diverse to some extent, but are still perceived as new or unknown by
fields, for example, to study the spread of diseases (Lu et al., 2018), many speakers (Schmid 2016). On one end of the continuum, ‘ad-
opinions (West and Hristo, 2014) and political attitudes (Pew hoc formations’ are new words that have been coined in a
Research Center 2019). While the study of social networks has a concrete communicative situation, but are not adopted by
long research tradition in sociolinguistics and has shaped interlocutors and do not diffuse beyond their original usage
influential models of diffusion (e.g., Milroy and Milroy 1985), contexts (Hohenhaus 1996). On the other end, fully
large-scale network analyses of sociolinguistic phenomena have established words are known and used by the majority of the
only recently become more widespread. These new data sources speech community. Neologisms occupy an intermediate position
and methodological advances put computational sociolinguistics between both poles and can be defined as ‘(. . .) lexical units, that
in an excellent position to gain new insights and to test long- have been manifested in use and thus are no longer nonce-
standing theoretical models empirically. formations, but have not yet occurred frequently and are not
In the area of lexical innovation, this can serve to evaluate widespread enough in a given period to have become part and
important theoretical concepts like the role of early adopters, parcel of the lexicon of the speech community and the majority of
network density and weak ties in the diffusion of new words. For its members’ (Kerremans 2015, 31).

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | 2 November 2021 | Volume 4 | Article 648583

Würschinger Social Networks of Lexical Innovation

Diffusion can be seen as the process that transports successful More recently, social media data have become an increasingly
neologisms along this continuum while they are becoming important alternative to web corpora. Language use on social
increasingly conventional in the speech community. The media is informal and creative, which makes it a hotbed for lexical
S-curve model (Milroy 1992; Nevalainen 2015; Labov 2007) innovation. Recent work using Twitter data has focused, for
expects an S-shaped trajectory for the spread of linguistic example, on the identification of neologisms (Grieve et al.,
innovations and makes specific assumptions about the 2018), on their geographical diffusion (Eisenstein et al., 2014),
sociolinguistic characteristics of speakers involved in the and on trajectories of diffusion (Nini et al., 2017). Empirical
diffusion process. In a first stage of slow diffusion, only a investigations on the basis of Reddit data include studies of the
small number of early adopters take up the innovative words. linguistic dissemination of neologisms (Stewart and Jacob. 2018)
These individuals typically form dense networks which are and the role of innovators and adopters (Del Tredici et al., 2018).
connected by strong ties. In the case of successful diffusion, The present study is based on Twitter data and goes beyond
the initial stages are followed by an acceleration in spread previous work in its focus on the sociolinguistic dynamics of diffusion,
when new words increasingly reach speakers outside the initial which are at the core of theoretical models of diffusion. Most previous
communities. Weak ties (Granovetter 1973) play an important empirical investigations of the spread of new words have been limited
role in allowing the innovations to reach a bigger parts of the to using frequency measures as an indicator of diffusion. While
speech community. During later stages, rates of diffusion slow frequency counts have proven useful in previous work, they can
down again as the majority of the speech community has already only provide limited insight into the sociolinguistic dynamics of
adopted the new words, while a minority of speakers remains diffusion (Stefanowitsch and Flach 2017). In addition to usage
resistant to take up the new words. frequency, I will therefore use network information to assess the
The Entrenchment-and-Conventionalization Model (Schmid social pathways of diffusion in the present dataset.
2020) conceptualises the conventionalization of linguistic
innovations as involving two processes: usualization and
diffusion. Diffusion is defined as the process that ‘brings about 3 DATA
a change in the number of speakers and communities who conform
to a regularity of co-semiotic behaviour and a change in the 3.1 Neologism Sample
conformity regarding the types of cotexts and contexts in which The present study is based on a selection of 99 neologisms and
they use it.’ (Schmid 2020, 178–179, emphasis mine) In the case of a investigates their use on Twitter from its launch in 2006 to the
given new word, it is coined by an individual speaker and first reaches end of 2018. The lexemes were selected to cover a broad spectrum
a community of speakers who might be closely-connected to the of lexical innovation. Previous work by Kerremans (2015,
coiner and/or share interests related to the given neologism. With 115–147) has identified four main clusters of neologisms on
more advanced diffusion, the word spreads to larger numbers of the conventionalization continuum: ‘non-conventionalization’,
speakers and increasingly also becomes conventional in other ‘topicality or transitional conventionalization’, ‘recurrent semi-
communities of speakers. The process of usualization, by contrast, conventionalization’ and ‘advanced conventionalization’. The
leads to the increasing establishment of a given neologism by repeated present sample was designed to cover these categories and
use within one community of speakers. Neologisms thus show high largely contains neologisms taken from the NeoCrawler
degrees of conventionality, when they exhibit high usage intensity (Kerremans et al., 2012), which uses dictionary-matching to
across a large number of speakers and communities. retrieve a semi-automatic, bottom-up selection of recent
neologisms on the web and on Twitter (Kerremans et al.,
2.2 Measuring Diffusion 2019). I have additionally included several lexemes that were
Earlier empirical work on lexical innovation had to rely on statistically identified to have been increasing in frequency on
smaller, general-purpose linguistic corpora. The low-frequency Twitter in recent years by Grieve et al. (2016). I limit my selection
nature of neologisms limited earlier studies to conducting case to neologisms whose diffusion started after 2006 to have full
studies on selected neologisms (Hohenhaus 1996) or on specific coverage of the incipient stages of their spread on Twitter.
domains of neology (Elsen 2004). In recent years, research on
lexical innovations has seen an upsurge in large-scale empirical 3.2 Twitter Corpus
investigations on the diffusion of neologisms, thanks to the Twitter is a popular micro-blogging platform that was started in
availability of new data sources and computational methods. 2006 and has become one of the most popular social media
The increasing availability of web corpora significantly platforms today. Its broad user base and informal nature allow for
extended the opportunities for large-scale corpus analyses. a more representative picture of language use than domain-
Modern corpora like the NOW corpus (Davies 2013) allow to specific studies of, for example, newspaper corpora.1 Twitter
study more comprehensive samples of neologisms and enable corpora have been successfully used to identify patterns of
researchers to monitor their use over time, which is essential for sociolinguistic variation in numerous previous studies. A
investigating diffusion processes. In addition to general-purpose
web corpora, several research groups built dedicated tools and
specialized corpora for the monitoring and analysis of neologisms 1
The present dataset was restricted to tweets in the English language. Due to the
(Renouf et al., 2007; Kerremans et al., 2012; Lemnitzer, 2010; absence of the required metadata, the data cannot be further restricted to specific
Gérard et al., 2017; Cartier 2017). geographical regions, and it is not possible to identify native speakers of English.

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | 3 November 2021 | Volume 4 | Article 648583

Würschinger Social Networks of Lexical Innovation

recent study by Grieve et al. (2019), for example, has values indicate higher degrees of variation in the use of a
demonstrated the reliability of large-scale Twitter datasets for neologism, which is typical of topical use of words such as
studying lexical variation. burquini; lower values indicate relatively stable use of words
Twitter is particularly well-suited for studying lexical such as twitterverse.
innovation due to the scale and types of data it provides, and To investigate the diffusion across social networks over time, I
due to the nature of language use on Twitter. The large size of subset the time series into four time frames of equal size, relative
Twitter’s search index facilitates the quantitative study of to the total period of diffusion observed for each neologism. I set
neologisms, which requires large-scale datasets due to their the starting point of diffusion to the first week in which there were
inherently low frequency of occurrence. Twitter is widely used more than two interactions which featured the target lexeme. This
to discuss trends in society and technology, which makes it a good threshold was introduced to distinguish early, isolated ad-hoc
environment for studying the emergence of linguistic uses of neologisms by single speakers from the start of
innovations. The informal and interactional nature of accommodation processes during which new words
communication on Twitter fosters the rapid adoption of increasingly spread in social networks of users on Twitter.
linguistic innovations, and the use of neologisms on social This specific limit was determined and validated empirically
media platforms like Twitter often precedes and drives the by systematically testing different combinations of threshold
diffusion of new words in more formal sources or on the web values for the offset of number of users and interactions
(Würschinger et al., 2016). among early users. Setting a low minimum level of
The data for this study were collected using the Python library interactions per week proved to reduce distortions in the size
twint, which emulates Twitter’s Advanced Search Function. For of time windows, and enabled a more robust coverage of the
each word in the sample, I performed a search query to retrieve all relevant periods of diffusion. For each neologism, I divided the
tweets found in Twitter’s search index. Due to the large volume of time window from the start of its diffusion to the end of the period
more frequent lexemes, I limited the sample to contain only covered by the dataset into four equal time slices that are relative
candidates for which I could collect all entries found in Twitter’s to the varying starting points of diffusion for all words in the
index. The combined dataset for all 99 lexemes in the sample sample. The starting points of each time frame are marked by
contains 29,912,050 tweets. The first tweet dates from May 5, dashed vertical lines in the usage frequency plots presented below
2006 and involves the neologism tweeter, the last tweet in the (Figure 2).
collection is from December 31, 2018, and includes dotard. To investigate the social dynamics of diffusion over time, I
generated social networks graphs for each of these subsets. Nodes
in the network represent speakers who have actively used the
4 METHODS term in a tweet and speakers who have been involved in usage
events in the form of a reply or a mention in interaction with
I processed the dataset to remove duplicates, tweets that do not others. The resulting graphs represent networks of
contain tokens of the target neologism in the tweets’ text body. This communicative interaction. Communities are formed based on
was mostly relevant in cases where Twitter returned tweets in which the dynamic communicative behaviour observed, rather than on
the target forms were only part of usernames or URLs.2 Hashtag information about users’ social relations as found in
uses were included in the analysis. Retweets were excluded, since follower–followee networks. This methodology is supported by
the data did not provide reliable information about previous research, which suggests that interactional networks of
retweeting activity for the social network analysis. The this kind are better indicators of social structure, since the
resulting dataset contains about 30 million tweets, and dynamic communicative behaviour observed is more reliable
each tweet contains at least one instance of the 99 and socially meaningful than static network information (Goel
neologism under investigation. et al., 2016; Huberman et al., 2008). While users often follow
To investigate the diffusion of these lexemes in terms of usage thousands of accounts, their number of interactions with others
frequency, I use time-series of the neologisms’ frequency of provides a better picture of their individual social networks,
occurrence over time. I binned the number of tweets per which are much more limited in size (Dunbar 1992).
lexeme in monthly intervals to weaken uninterpretable effects To construct the networks, I extracted users and interactions
of daily fluctuations in use, and to achieve a reasonable resolution from the dataset to build a directed graph.3 Nodes in the graph
to compare the use of all lexemes, which differ according to their correspond to individual Twitter users, edges represent
overall lifespan. I visualize the resulting time series as presented in interactions between users. I captured multiple interactions
Figure 2. between speakers by using edge weights, and I accounted for
To capture different degrees of stability vs. volatility in the use active vs. passive roles in interaction by using directed edges. I
of neologisms over time, I calculated the coefficient of variance assessed the social diffusion of all neologisms quantitatively by
for all time series. The coefficient of variance (cv ) is a measure of generating and comparing several network metrics, and I
the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean: cv  σμ. Higher

I used several R packages (R Core Team 2018) from the tidyverse library collection
The post-processing and all quantitative analyses were performed in R Core Team (Wickham et al., 2019) for the network pre-processing; igraph and tidygraph were
(2018), and the source code is available on GitHub: used for constructing the networks and for calculating network metrics.

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | 4 November 2021 | Volume 4 | Article 648583

Würschinger Social Networks of Lexical Innovation

produced network visualisations for all subsets for more detailed, et al., 2009). Force Atlas 2 is a force-directed algorithm that
qualitative analyses. attempts to position the graph’s nodes on a two-dimensional
On the graph level, I rely on the measures of degree space such that edges should be of similar length and there should
centralization and modularity to quantify the degree of be as little overlap between edges as possible. In the present social
diffusion for each subset. Degree centralization (Freeman network graphs, the algorithm places nodes (speakers) closer to
1978) is a graph-level measure for the distribution of node each other if they have one or more edges connecting them
centralities in a graph. Nodes have high centrality scores when (communicative interactions in the form of replies and
they are involved in many interactions in the network and thus mentions). Attempts to evaluate and compare these
play a ‘central’ role in the social graph of users. The degree visualisations with results obtained from different algorithms
centrality of a graph indicates the extent of the variation of degree such as Multi-Dimensional Scaling and Kamada Kawai
centralities of nodes in the graph. A graph is highly centralized showed similar results across methods for parts of the dataset,
when the connections of nodes in the network are skewed, so that but could not be used for the full dataset due to the computational
they center around one or few individual nodes. In the context of complexity involved in the generation of large-size graphs of
diffusion, the graph of a neologism tends to have high high-frequency neologisms. Force Atlas 2 is particularly well-
centralization in early stages when its use is largely confined suited for handling social networks in big data contexts and has
to one or few centralized clusters of speakers. Diffusion leads to been widely applied in network science approaches to Twitter
decreasing centralization when use of the term extends to new data (Bruns 2012; Bliss et al., 2012; Gerlitz and Rieder 2013).
speakers and communities and the distribution of interactions in To assess and visualize the influence of individual users in the
the speech community shows greater dispersion. social network, I use the PageRank algorithm (Brin and Page
The normalized degree centralization of a graph is calculated 1998). PageRank assesses the importance of nodes in a network
by dividing its centrality score by the maximum theoretical score based on how many incoming connections they have. It was
for a graph with the same number of nodes. This enables the initially used to analyse the importance of websites on the World
comparison of graphs of different sizes, which is essential for Wide Web, but it is also frequently applied to determine the
drawing comparisons across lexemes in the present context. The influence of agents in social networks (e.g., Halu et al., 2013;
neologisms under investigation differ with regard to their lifespan Pedroche et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013). In the present context,
and usage intensity, resulting in substantial quantitative PageRank assigns higher scores to speakers who receive more
differences in network size. This needs to be controlled for to incoming replies and mentions, which I visualise by bigger node
allow for an investigation of structural differences of the sizes in the network graphs. To account for varying degrees of
communities involved in their use. strength in the connection between users, I use edge weights for
Modularity (Blondel et al., 2008) is a popular measure for repeated interactions, visualised by the edges’ width in the graphs.
detecting the community structure of graphs. It is commonly
used to identify clusters in a network and provides an overall
measure for the strength of division of a network into modules. In 5 RESULTS
the social context, this corresponds to the extent to which the
social network of a community is fragmented into sub- 5.1 Frequency-Based Measures of Diffusion
communities. Networks with high modularity are 5.1.1 Overall Usage Frequency
characterized by dense connections within sub-communities, As described in Section 2.1, successful diffusion involves an
but sparse connections across sub-communities. In the context increase in the number of speakers and communities who
of the spread of new words on Twitter, diffusion leads from use know and use a new word. The degree of diffusion of new
limited to one or few densely connected communities to use in words is often approximated by usage frequency, i.e., by how
more and more independent communities. This is reflected by many times speakers have used a given word in the corpus. The
higher degrees of modularity of the full graph representing the most fundamental way of using this information is to aggregate
speech community as a whole. Modularity complements degree usage counts and to rely on the total number of uses observed.
centralization since it provides additional information about the The underlying assumption is that neologisms that have been
number and size of sub-communities who use the target words. I used very frequently in the corpus are likely to be familiar to a
rely on the modularity algorithm to perform community large group of speakers who have actively produced the observed
detection, and I visualize the eight biggest communities in uses (‘corpus-as-output’) or have been passively exposed to these
each graph by colour. neologisms (‘corpus-as-input’) (Stefanowitsch and Flach 2017).
Since modularity is sensitive to the number of edges and nodes Aggregating all instances of usage to total counts is taken to
in a graph and thus cannot provide reliable results for comparing represent the total amount of exposure or active usage, indicating
graphs of different size, I use degree centralization to analyse the degree of conventionality in the speech community. In the
diffusion over time, and to assess differences in degrees of following, I will use this most basic measure of diffusion as a
diffusion between lexemes on the macro-level. Its conceptual baseline before I zoom in to get a more differentiated picture of
clarity and reliable normalization allow for more robust the temporal and social dynamics of diffusion.
comparisons on the macro-level. The present sample of neologisms covers a broad spectrum of
For visualizing network graphs, I rely on the Force Atlas 2 usage frequency. Tables 1–4 presents the candidates under
algorithm (Jacomy et al., 2014) as implemented in Gephi (Bastian investigation in four groups: six examples around the

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | 5 November 2021 | Volume 4 | Article 648583

Würschinger Social Networks of Lexical Innovation

TABLE 1 | Total usage frequency (FREQ) in the corpus. Most frequent lexemes. a date’) or begpacker (‘backpackers funding their holidays by
Lexeme FREQ begging’).
However, total frequency counts only provide a limited picture
tweeter 7,367,174 of diffusion since they are insensitive to temporal dynamics of
fleek 3,412,807
usage. Neglecting temporal information about the lifespan and
bromance 2,662,767
twitterverse 1,486,873 the period of active use of a new word can distort the quantitative
blockchain 1,444,300 assessment of its degree of conventionality in two directions.
smartwatch 1,106,906 Firstly, it carries the danger of overestimating the status of words
such as millennium bug4, whose total usage frequency largely goes
back to a short period of highly intensive usage, after which they
fall into disuse, become unfamiliar to following generations of
TABLE 2 | Total usage frequency (FREQ) in the corpus. Examples around the speakers, eventually becoming obsolete. Secondly, total counts
can underestimate the conventionality of words such as
Lexeme FREQ coronavirus, which have already become familiar to the vast
majority of speakers, but show comparatively moderate total
white fragility 26,688
monthiversary 23,607
frequency counts, since they have started to diffuse only fairly
helicopter parenting 26,393 recently.
deepfake 20,101 Among the most frequent neologisms presented in Table 1,
newsjacking 20,930 words such as twitterverse and blockchain, for example, have
twittosphere 20,035 similar total frequency counts, but differ significantly with regard
to their temporal usage profiles. The neologism twitterverse has
been in use ever since the start of Twitter, while the diffusion of
TABLE 3 | Total usage frequency (FREQ) in the corpus. Least frequent lexemes. the much younger blockchain only started in 2012. Despite its
shorter lifespan, blockchain accumulated roughly the same
Lexeme FREQ
number of uses, but shows significantly higher usage intensity
microflat 426 in the more recent past, and can be assumed to be familiar to
dogfishing 399 bigger parts of the speech community.
begpacker 283 Similar effects are even more pronounced in the remaining
halfalogue 245
groups of neologisms, since words from the lower ranges of the
rapugee 182
bediquette 164 frequency spectrum are typically affected more strongly by
temporal variation in their use. In the following sections, I will
include temporal information to get a more fine-grained picture
of diffusion.
TABLE 4 | Total usage frequency (FREQ) in the corpus. Case study selection.

Lexeme FREQ 5.1.2 Cumulative Frequency

Visualising the cumulative increase in usage frequency of new
alt-right 1,012,150
words complements total counts by taking into account the
solopreneur 282,026
hyperlocal 209,937
temporal dynamics of their usage intensity over time. Figure 1
alt-left 167,124 presents this information for the case study selection.
upskill 57,941 While the end points of the trajectories in Figure 1 mark the
poppygate 3,807 target words’ total frequency counts as shown in Table 4, the
offsets and slopes of the trajectories of usage frequency reveal
minimum, around the median, and around the maximum total additional characteristics about differences in their diffusion
usage frequency observed in the corpus, as well as six words that patterns. The selected neologisms differ regarding their total
will serve as case studies in the following sections. These cases lifespan observed, which is indicated by diverging starting
reflect a set of prototypical examples of different pathways of points of diffusion. The term hyperlocal, for example, is the
diffusion, and I will use these cases to illustrate more detailed oldest new word among the selected neologisms, and it is
characteristics of diffusion before I present the general patterns commonly used to refer to information that has a strong focus
found for the full sample of neologisms. on local facts and events. While it was hardly used in the first
The grouping of neologisms on the basis of their total usage years of Twitter, it started to increase in its use in 2009 and was
frequency presented in Tables 1–4 largely seems to fit intuitions added to the OED’s Third Edition in 2015. Around this time, the
about diverging degrees of conventionality between the neologism solopreneur only started to significantly increase in its
frequency-based groups listed in Tables 1–3. Neologisms use. A blend of solo and entrepeneur, it keeps a low, flat trajectory
such as blockchain and smartwatch, which are probably
familiar to most readers, can be assumed to be more
conventional than neologisms from the low end of the 4
The neologisms millennium bug was used to refer to ancipated technical problems
frequency continuum such as dogfishing (‘using a dog to get caused by inconsistent formatting of timestamps at the turn of the century.

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | 6 November 2021 | Volume 4 | Article 648583

Würschinger Social Networks of Lexical Innovation

FIGURE 1 | Cumulative increase in usage frequency for the case study lexemes5.

of sporadic use for about 7 years after its first appearance in the In the case of solopreneur, we observe a big spike in frequency
corpus. The first two attestations in the corpus indicate the sense following its increased popularity in the entrepreneurial
of novelty and scepticism towards the term in its early phases: community in 2014. While it shows the highest total
frequency count in Figure 1, the majority of its uses fall into
1) I’m trying to figure out if I like the term ‘solopreneur’ I just the second part of its observed lifespan.
read (July 27, 2007). An even shorter and steeper increase can be seen in the use of
2) hmmmmmmm new word added to my vocab  ‘solopreneur’ alt-left, which is the youngest neologism to enter the scene at the
!! (January 6, 2008). end of 2015. alt-left was coined as a counterpart to the term
alt-right. The latter neologism is a shortening of Alternative
Most speakers increasingly ‘like the term’ and ‘add them to their Right, introduced by the white-supremacist Richard Spencer
vocabulary’ only much later, after 2014, when the phenomenon of in 2010 as a new umbrella term for far-right, white nationalist
individual entrepreneurship attracts increasing conceptual salience groups in the United States. Facing substantial criticism for
in the community, which seems to be both reflected and propagated racist attitudes and actions, proponents of this far-right
by the publication of several self-help books for entrepreneurs in this political camp coined and attempted to propagate the
year, which all explicitly use this new term in their titles (e.g., the derogatory term alt-left to disparage political opponents.
popular guide Free Tools for Writers, Bloggers and Solopreneurs by Despite its late appearance in the corpus, alt-left occurs in
Banes (2014)). The following short, but intense period of use results a total of 163,809 tweets, which places it in the medium range
in a higher overall number of uses for solopreneur as compared with of the sample in terms of total frequency counts. However, its
hyperlocal, even though the use of the latter term shows a longer trajectory in Figure 2 shows that the majority of its uses go
lifespan of continual use5. back to a single period of highly intensive use in the second
In addition to differences in age, the slopes of the cumulative half of 2017, soon after which it slows down considerably.
trajectories in Figure 1 indicate differences regarding the The cumulative increase in usage intensity of the selected
dynamics of diffusion underlying the aggregated total number neologisms illustrates that similar total frequency counts of
of uses over time. neologisms can be the product of highly different trajectories
Neologisms such as hyperlocal and upskill (‘to learn new of diffusion. These data complement total counts in that they
skills’) show a steady, gradual increase in usage frequency over show differences in the total lifespan and in the intensity with
longer periods of time. By contrast, the use of other candidates which a given neologism was used over time – types of
such as solopreneur and alt-left is much less stable and less evenly information that are highly relevant for assessing the degree to
distributed over time. which they have spread in the speech community.

5.1.3 Usage Intensity

alt-right was omitted from this plot because its high usage frequency would have Going beyond cumulative counts, absolute usage frequency
inhibited the interpretability of the other lexemes; its frequency over time is counts provide a more fine-grained view of the temporal
presented in Figure 3D. dynamics of diffusion. Most importantly, analysing usage

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FIGURE 2 | Temporal dynamics in usage frequency for the selected neologisms.

intensity highlights to what degree new words are being used accelerated in recent years. While its future remains uncertain,
consistently over time. Figure 2 presents this information for the its previous trajectory resembles most closely the earlier phases of
selected neologisms. In the following section, I will illustrate spread as predicted by S-curve models.
prototypical differences by referring to the selected cases, before I While hyperlocal also exhibits a marked increase in usage
discuss the results for the full sample6. frequency during its earlier stages, its peak in popularity is
The absolute frequency plots confirm differences regarding the followed by a decline in use, after which it settles at a
lifespan and dynamics of usage intensity among the neologisms relatively stable level of about 1,000 tweets per month. This
discussed above. In terms of lifespan, Figure 2 shows that upskill coincides with the OED’s decision to take up hyperlocal in its
and hyperlocal are much older than alt-right and alt-left. The 2015 edition. Despite fluctuations, hyperlocal has been used
absolute counts also highlight the fact that while there is a low level relatively consistently in the recent past.
of use of solopreneur since 2007, its main period of diffusion starts The neologism solopreneur has been in use since 2007 and
much later, in 2014, with a subsequent spike in usage intensity. shows an overall increase in usage frequency, but its use fluctuates
more strongly than that of hyperlocal. After its initial peak around
5.1.4 Volatility 2015, which coincides with the release of several self-help books
Besides, the absolute frequency counts over time provide a more featuring the term, its frequency plummets, becomes less stable,
detailed picture of the temporal dynamics of use. While the cumulative and shows an overall downward trend.
counts in Figure 1 suggest more gradual trajectories, the plots in As was mentioned above, alt-right and alt-left are closely related.
Figure 2 indicate that the selected neologisms differ significantly in Both terms show high levels of volatility in their usage
terms of the volatility with which they are used in the corpus. frequency. The former, older term shows significant diffusion
The neologism upskill shows the smoothest trajectory of in 2016, particularly in the period leading up to Donald Trump’s
diffusion among the candidate neologisms in Figure 2. Aside election, after which alt-right remains in consistent use to a
from two smaller spikes, at the end of 2016 and 2018, it has relatively high degree, at about 25,000 tweets per month. Its
gradually increased in its use since its first attestation in the counterpart, alt-left, enters the scene much later, during the
corpus at the end of 2007. Neither its frequency counts, nor the infamous Charlottesville Rally in 2017, whose topical effect
corpus data suggest that its spread was triggered or propagated by causes a huge spike in the use of both terms. However,
specific topical events or by the determining influence of unlike alt-right, which reverts to its previous usage intensity,
individual users or user groups. After a long period of very the use of alt-left seems to largely disappear from Twitter in the
slow, but consistent increase in frequency, its diffusion has aftermath of the event.
The final example among the selected candidates, poppygate,
also exhibits high degrees of volatility, and it features the most
Neologisms with a lifespan shorter than 1 year and/or less than 2,000 tweets (n  distinctive pattern of spikes in its usage intensity. Unlike the
5) were excluded since the coefficient of variation does not provide robust measures single topical spike for alt-right and alt-left, its use follows a
for these infrequent, short-lived outliers. recurrent, regular pattern: speakers use it almost exclusively

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FIGURE 3 | Social network graphs for the last subset of the selected neologisms.

around Remembrance Day, which takes place in November. The degrees of variation, we find words whose frequency-based
term poppygate represents a last category of neologisms in the measures suggested high degrees of conventionality. For
sample, which show strong fluctuations in usage intensity, but for example, twitterverse is listed among the most frequent
which these patterns follow a regular temporal pattern. neologisms in Table 1 and is also one of the oldest
To quantify the degree to which neologisms are used with neologisms, with its first attestation in the corpus dating back
consistent frequency over time, I calculate and compare the to December 19, 2006.
coefficients of variation for each neologism in the sample. This
metric captures the overall volatility in usage frequency of
words over their lifespan relative to their average frequency of TABLE 5 | Coefficients of variation (VAR) for the selected neologisms.
occurrence in the corpus. Tables 5–7 presents the coefficients Lexeme VAR
of variation for the selected neologisms, as well as for the top
and bottom six neologisms that show the highest and lowest hyperlocal 0.98
upskill 1.14
degrees of variation in the sample.
solopreneur 1.20
The results in Tables 5–7 show that the sample covers a broad alt-right 1.81
spectrum of volatility in usage frequency. Among the neologisms poppygate 4.75
that were used the most consistently, i.e., exhibit the lowest alt-left 5.31

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TABLE 6 | Coefficients of variation (VAR) for the six neologisms with the lowest TABLE 8 | Degree centrality scores (CENT) for the selected neologisms; the
scores in the sample6. scores are based on the most recent time slice for each neologism in the
Lexeme VAR
Lexeme CENT
followership 0.71
lituation 0.72 upskill 0.0021
twitterverse 0.72 hyperlocal 0.0085
detweet 0.74 alt-right 0.0144
remoaners 0.76 alt-left 0.0238
twittersphere 0.77 solopreneur 0.0523
poppygate 0.0566

TABLE 7 | Coefficients of variation (VAR) for the six neologisms with the highest TABLE 9 | Degree centrality scores (CENT) for the six lexemes with the lowest
scores in the sample. scores in the sample; the scores are based on the most recent time slice for
each neologism in the corpus.
Lexeme VAR
Lexeme CENT
upskirting 9.39
youthquake 6.32 baecation 0.0005
alt-left 5.31 fleek 0.0009
birther 5.00 ghosting 0.0013
poppygate 4.75 man bun 0.0016
cherpumple 4.69 big dick energy 0.0018
twittersphere 0.0020

By contrast, the group of lexemes that show the highest degree

TABLE 10 | Degree centrality scores (CENT) for the six lexemes with the highest
of volatility in usage frequency is comprised of neologisms with scores in the sample; the scores are based on the most recent time slice for
lower degrees of conventionality, which are generally less each neologisms in the corpus.
frequent and were coined more recently. Notably, topical
Lexeme CENT
spikes play a crucial role in the diffusion processes of all
examples in this category: the diffusion of alt-left and birther7 rapugee 0.2580
was promoted by extralinguistic political events, upskirting8 and levidrome 0.2373
kushnergate 0.2309
youthquake9 were advanced through increased metalinguistic
dronography 0.1530
salience after they were added to the OED and awarded Word dotard 0.0979
of the Year 2017 by Oxford University Press. Both poppygate and ecocide 0.0922
cherpumple10 exhibit recurrent topicality, and are typically only
used in the contexts of their seasonal relevance in autumn and
The selected neologisms cover the spectrum of volatility in substantial limitations of frequency-based approaches to studying
usage frequency found in the full sample of neologisms, and the diffusion.
coefficients of variation represent quantitative measures which The present data demonstrate considerable variation in the
reflect the differences in volatility between the selected degrees of diffusion of neologisms with similar frequency of
neologisms visualised in Figure 2 and discussed above. The occurrence in the corpus. Total frequency counts alone would
frequency-based analysis of the three neologisms discussed predict high degrees of diffusion for neologisms such as alt-left,
above demonstrates that usage frequency counts, particularly for example. However, its usage history reveals that its use largely
when combined with an analysis of their underlying temporal goes back to a short period of high usage intensity linked to a
dynamics, can help to approximate the spread and success of specific topical event. The term’s background suggests that it
neologisms to a certain degree. However, the results also point to might not have spread far beyond one particular community of
speakers. Such potential distortions of frequency-based measures
could partly be resolved by in-depth analyses of temporal usage
profiles combined with insights from corpus data and
extralinguistic events. However, these in-depth analyses of
Proponent of the ‘birther movement’, a conspiracy theory which claims that diffusion are not possible through a systematic frequency-
President Obama’s birth certificate was forged and that he was not born in the based analysis alone, and they cannot be extended to the
United States. large-scale study of larger samples of neologisms. Hence it
‘The habit or practice of taking upskirt photographs or videos’ (OED).
remains unknown to what degree frequency-based metrics
‘A significant cultural, political, or social change arising from the actions or
influence of young people’ (
adequately capture social pathways of diffusion. In the
Cherpumple is short for cherry, pumpkin and apple pie. The apple pie is baked in following section, I will complement the frequency-based
spice cake, the pumpkin in yellow and the cherry in white (https://en.wikipedia. approach by social network analyses to get a more
org/wiki/Cherpumple); typically consumed during the holiday season in the US. differentiated view of the sociolinguistic aspects of diffusion.

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5.2 Social Networks of Diffusion consciously coined and propagated by a closely connected
As described in Section 4, the social network analysis is based on community of far-right activists to disparage refugees, and
the interactions between all speakers who have used the that its use on Twitter and on the Web has remained largely
neologisms in the sample. Speakers are represented as nodes limited to these communities (Würschinger et al., 2016). This
in the network graph, and interactions between users in the form low degree of diffusion is reflected by the low centrality score for
of replies or mentions are represented as edges. The network rapugee.
structure of the resulting graphs allows analysing the degree to The following sections use network visualisations to provide a
which the target neologisms have diffused in these networks. To detailed, partly qualitative analysis of the diffusion for the selected
monitor diffusion over time, I split the observed lifespan of each cases to illustrate the social dynamics captured by the quantitative
neologism into four equally-sized time slices. These time measure of centralization as an indicator of diffusion. The
windows are marked by dashed vertical lines in Figure 2. I examples represent prototypical pathways based on
then generated network graphs for each time window for each centralization scores. The in-depth analysis of the social
neologism in the sample to analyse the individual pathways of dynamics at play is guided by the detection of communities
diffusion over time and to compare degrees of diffusion between using modularity clustering (Section 4). The algorithm identifies
all neologisms in the sample. the eight largest communities in each graph, visualised by colour.
Moreover, I rely on the PageRank algorithm (Section 4) to assess
5.2.1 Degrees of Diffusion the importance of users in the network, visualised by node colour.
As discussed in Section 4, I mainly rely on degree centralization I use manual inspection of user accounts to validate and further
as a quantitative measure of diffusion. I consider increasing investigate the role of these communities and influential users in
diffusion to be reflected by decreasing degree centralization of the selected diffusion processes.
the graph, thus lower values of centrality indicate higher degrees The centrality scores for the selected neologisms cover a broad
of diffusion across social networks. spectrum of degrees of diffusion, as can be seen in Table 8.
For example, the social graph users of a new word shows high Figure 3 presents the full network graphs for four of the selected
centralization in early stages when its use is largely confined to one cases to illustrate differences in the social networks of speakers
or few centralized clusters of speakers. When increasing diffusion which are captured by centrality scores.14 The network graphs in
extends the use of the term to new speakers and communities, the Figure 3 are sorted according to their degrees of social
distribution of interactions in the speech community shows greater diffusion–as measured by centrality scores–from (a) to (d).
dispersion, which should be reflected by lower centrality scores for Note that the number of nodes in each graph is very similar,
the social network of speakers. differences between the visualized structure of network graphs are
Tables 8–10 report the degree centrality scores for the selected thus due to differences in the underlying social structure of
neologisms and for six lexemes with the highest and lowest scores communities rather than a mere function of differences in
in the sample network size.
The neologisms with the lowest scores for degree centrality are also The neologism upskill exhibits the highest degree of diffusion,
among the most frequent lexemes in the sample. Overall, frequency which is reflected by the highest degree of dispersion of nodes
and centrality generally tend to produce similar results when used to across the graph in Figure 3A. At the center of the graph, we find a
assess degrees of diffusion. This shows usage frequency and social relatively large cluster of speakers who are only loosely connected.
diffusion correlate, as one might expect. Notable deviations exist, Many of these speakers are connected via their affiliations to the
however, and will be further discussed in Section 5.3. world of business, where the term upskill is most commonly used.
Correspondingly, the neologisms with the highest centrality However, on the whole, the use of upskill is not limited to a
scores rank among the least frequent candidates in the sample. coherent, closely-connected community. The majority of nodes
Notable trends among lexemes with high centrality scores are appear towards the fringes and have no connections to the rest of
that they tend to be more recent (e.g., dronography11) and/or to the graph. Speakers use the term independently from each other,
exhibit high degrees of volatility (e.g., ecocide12). Moreover, this without being unified in their motivations to use the term by a
group includes political terms such as Kushnergate13 and common affiliation with a certain community of practice. The
rapugee which are controversially discussed on the left and social network of upskill thus shows an advanced degree of
right ends of the political spectrum. For example, rapugee is a diffusion.
derogatory term which was coined after sexual assaults by The graph for hyperlocal in Figure 3B also shows a high degree
refugees during New Year’s Eve 2015/16 in Cologne, of social diffusion, but its use depends more strongly on a central
Germany. Previous work has shown that this term was community of users. This core sub-network of speakers forms
several smaller clusters which can be linked to certain domains of
interest such as journalism, business, and startups, in which the
‘Dronography is the science, art and practice of creating durable images or video term is most popular. Notably, we observe a stronger role of
by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation by means of a drone flying
around or above a certain scene (Urban Dictionary)’.
‘the destruction of large areas of the natural environment as a consequence of
human activity (Merriam Webster Online Dictionary)’. The network graphs for alt-right and poppygate were omitted as their difference
Referring to a political scandal involving Trump’s senior adviser Jared Kushner in network size does not allow for comparative analyses (alt-right: 2,74,686 nodes,
allegedly meeting Russian officials. poppygate: 2473 nodes).

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FIGURE 4 | Pathways of diffusion for the selected neologisms. The graph shows DEGREE CENTRALITY scores over time, each SUBSET representing one network graph
which was generated for each of the four equally-sized time slices for each neologism in the sample.

individual user accounts such as influencers and marketing Lastly, the social network of speakers using the term
agencies, which is illustrated by bigger node sizes (representing solopreneur also shows limited diffusion. A significant
high PageRank scores). Yet, as in the graph for upskill, the majority proportion of its use comes from a diverse set of individual
of occurrences of hyperlocal can be traced back to a large number of speakers and micro-communities, which are placed at the fringes
speakers from a diverse set of sub-communities, which can be of the graph. However, similar to the social graph for alt-left, a
interpreted as a sign of advanced diffusion. relatively well-connected, large core of speakers is responsible for
The social graph for alt-left shows very limited diffusion of the majority of its use in the corpus. Moreover, unlike the example of
the term. Almost all of its use can be traced back to one closely- alt-left, this central community of users is in turn dominated by the
connected community of users. This core community of users high centrality of a small number of individual accounts. Inspecting
demonstrates typical characteristics of an echo chamber in that the network of users reveals that these ‘influencers’ are all either
it is dense and features strong ties within the community, but proud, self-proclaimed solopreneurs, or coaches and agencies that
has few weak ties connecting it to the rest of the social graph. are using the term to promote their services to aspiring
This observation is in line with the socio-political background entrepreneurs. Overall, solopreneur has achieved significant
of the term, which was coined and propagated by far-right popularity within certain communities, but its use in these
activists in an attempt to unify political efforts (‘Unite the communities is unevenly distributed and depends strongly on a
Right Rally’) and to distance themselves from and protest small number of individual users. The term does not show signs of
against the political left. Inspection of the network reveals advanced diffusion since its use is largely limited to certain individual
that the most influential node in the network is Donald Trump. speakers and communities of practice.
His use of the term was followed by a sharp increase in usage In summary, the social networks of speakers reveal significant
intensity in the course of the Charlottesville Rally in August differences in the degrees of social diffusion for the neologisms in
2017. The high degree of social compartmentalization in the the present dataset, as observed in the period leading up to the
use of alt-left is also reflected in the ratio between the number cutoff point at the end of 2018.
of nodes and edges in its graph, which confirms that its While the centrality measures generally concur with the
community of speakers is much more closely connected frequency-based analysis of the neologisms discussed in Section
than that of the remaining neologisms15. Notably, the same 5.1, the network metrics and visualisation add information by
applies to the community of alt-right, which occupies the providing a more detailed picture of degrees of social diffusion and
opposite pole of the political spectrum. The results for these highlight cases for which the social dynamics of diffusion diverge
two terms are in line with previous work reporting effects of from what could be observed by relying on usage frequency alone.
political polarization in online social networks for these
political communities (Sunstein. 2018). Overall, alt-left thus 5.2.2 Pathways of Diffusion
shows a low degree of diffusion. It has received significant To investigate the pathways of social diffusion, Figure 4 presents
popularity in certain parts of the speech community, but its use the degree centrality scores for the selected neologisms over time.
remains strongly limited to these communities. The scores for Subset 4 represent the final degrees of diffusion as
presented in Table 8. The corresponding network graphs for this
stage were presented in Figure 3. The centrality scores for the
preceding subsets now add information about the diffusion history
The numbers of edges per node for all selected cases in descending order: alt- of these neologisms. The diverging trajectories of centralization
right: 1.49, alt-left: 1.24, solopreneur: 0.83, hyperlocal: 0.62, upskill: 0.62, over time indicate significant changes over time as well as
poppygate: 0.53. differences in the pathways of diffusion between neologisms.

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FIGURE 5 | Social network of diffusion for hyperlocal over time.

Figure 5 presents the full network graphs for all stages of local audiences and use the term very frequently to label this
diffusion for the term hyperlocal to illustrate the social dynamics new approach.
underlying the quantitative measures. In Subset 2, the community of journalists grows and starts to
Both the quantitative measure in Figure 4 and the network include also bigger news outlets such as The Guardian. Additionally, a
visualizations in Figure 5 indicate that hyperlocal shows new community of practice adopts the term: several marketing
increasing, successful diffusion over time. Its use is relatively agencies start promoting their services using the term hyperlocal.
centralized in its earlier stages, which can be seen from the fact At this point, the usage intensity of the term peaks, as was
that most speakers who have used the term are closely demonstrated in Figure 3B. However, the social network data
connected in the social graph in the first quarter of its indicate that at this point its use is still mainly the product of
observed lifespan. Inspecting the most influential speakers high popularity and usage intensity within a small number of
and sub-communities in the network (based on PageRank dense sub-communities rather than a sign of advanced diffusion
and Modularity scores) reveals that hyperlocal is mainly used across bigger parts of the speech community.
by a relatively small community of individual journalists in the The network graphs show that the social diffusion of
first subset, who are early adopters in trying to target news to hyperlocal is only significantly advanced in the last two stages.

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FIGURE 6 | Relationship between total USAGE FREQUENCY and degree centrality (CENTRALIZATION) for the full sample of neologisms (n  99) and the selected cases.

TABLE 11 | Correlations of ‘degree centralization’ (CENTRALITY) with the variables

By contrast, solopreneur and poppygate show a negative trend in
total usage frequency (FREQUENCY), coefficient of variation (VOLATILITY), and terms of diffusion. The term solopreneur features low degrees of
observed lifespan in the corpus (AGE) for the full sample of neologisms (n  99) diffusion in its earlier stages, but its use becomes more centralized over
using Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Spearman 1961)17. time. This is in contrast with its usage intensity over time (Figure 2):
ρ p while its earlier period of moderate use goes back to a decentralized
cluster of users, its increase in usage frequency coincides with a
Frequency −0.44 <0.001 narrowing of its user base. As the network analysis in Figure 3D
Age −0.29 0.004
demonstrates, it becomes increasingly limited to a relatively small
Volatility 0.28 <0.001
community which shares interest in a small professional niche.
The case of poppygate exhibits a similar trend towards
While we see only few weak ties during the earlier stages of its use, increasing centralization. Its temporal dynamics show a
the term now increasingly diffuses beyond its early adopters. pattern or recurrent topical usage (Figure 2). The social
Inspecting the network reveals that the use of the term becomes networks of poppygate suggest that while the term was used by
increasingly popular in the world of business and startups as well a broader audience in its earlier stages, its use in the more recent
as the general public on Twitter. The network metrics indicate past goes back to certain communities of speakers for which a
that individual agents and sub-communities now play a far specific topical event emerges as a salient occasion to use the term.
smaller role in its overall use. While hyperlocal shows less For example, its most recent spike in usage intensity in November
usage intensity during these later stages, the network metrics 2016 was caused by a controversy about whether Fifa was right to
indicate a high degree of diffusion for the second half of its take disciplinary action against the national teams of England and
observed lifespan. The timing of its addition to the OED in 2015 Scotland after their players wore poppy armbands during a
supports these observations. The term hyperlocal has successfully football match between the two nations on 11 November.
spread beyond its subcommunities of early adopters, and it seems Protests by the football community caused a spike in usage
to be used by a diverse community of speakers from different intensity for poppygate, but did not trigger its diffusion
backgrounds, which renders it a case of advanced diffusion. This beyond this community17.
process of increasing diffusion for hyperlocal is also reflected in its Lastly, alt-right and alt-left show limited degrees of diffusion over
decreasing measures for graph centrality in Figure 4. their lifespan. While the centrality of alt-right remains fairly stable
The remaining cases in Figure 4 show different pathways of over time, alt-left shows increasing centralization. Both terms are
diffusion, both in terms of their overall degree of diffusion and strongly tied to the political discourse surrounding the Unite the Right
diachronic trajectory. Due to space limitations, I can only provide Rally in the United States and consequently exhibit a sharp increase in
an overview of their development over time. usage intensity in the course of the event in August 2017 (Figure 2).
Besides hyperlocal, the second neologism which exhibits This increase in use is, however, reflected by increased centrality
advanced diffusion is upskill. In this case, however, we observe
little change over time, its degree centrality has been very low since
its early attestations in the corpus. This indicates a gradual spread 17
All variables entering the correlation analysis were log-transformed and centred. I
across speakers which is not significantly affected by a small group of report Spearman’s correlation coefficients to avoid assumptions about the linearity
influential speakers. The term upskill has been used by a wide variety of the variables involved. I additionally calculated Pearson’s correlation
of speakers throughout its observed lifespan and shows the highest coefficients, for which the correlation coefficients are slightly higher: FREQUENCY:
degree of diffusion among the selected cases. ρ  −0.45, p < 0.001; AGE: ρ  −0.38, p < 0.001; VOLATILITY: ρ  0.23, p < 0.001.

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scores for both lexemes in Figure 4. This period of highly intense use information. The fact that these age effects are captured by degree
is thus characterised by relatively smaller rather than larger degrees of centrality supports the usefulness of the social network approach.
diffusion for both lexemes. While the use of alt-right reverts to more Lastly, VOLATILITY shows a significant positive correlation with
decentralized use afterwards, the use of alt-left remains at this high centrality. Again, this result is in line with expectations.
level of centrality. This seems to confirm the echo chamber effect for Neologisms such as poppygate, whose use exhibits substantial
alt-left discussed in Section 5.2.1: the term has become conventional temporal variation tend to show lower degrees of diffusion than
and popular among a community of like-minded individuals, but its neologisms such as hyperlocal, whose use is more consistent and
use remains limited to this community. Given the extreme, far-right less dependent on the topical salience of extralinguistic events.
attitudes and political orientations prevalent in this group, the
majority of Twitter users do not want to be associated with this 5.3.2 Deviations Between Centrality and Frequency
community of users. Since the term alt-left has become highly For a closer analysis of the interactions between these variables
indexical of support and membership of this political camp, very beyond correlation coefficients, Figure 6 presents all neologisms
few speakers are willing to adopt and use the term. according to their usage frequency and centrality scores. While
In summary, studying the temporal dynamics of social Figure 6A covers the full sample, Figure 6B is based on the same
networks highlights changes in the use of neologisms over data, but zooms in on the frequency range which covers four of the
time and reveals differenct pathways of diffusion in the sample. selected cases to provide a clearer view of this section of the sample.
The general trend in the plot confirms the inverse relation
captured by the negative correlation coefficient between
5.3 Combining Frequency and Network centrality and frequency. Neologisms with high frequency
Information such as fleek have low centrality scores and would thus be
Having applied the frequency-based and the social network assigned a high degree of diffusion by both approaches. The
approach to assess the diffusion of the present sample of inverse applies to candidates from the lower end of the
neologism, this section will combine the results obtained from frequency spectrum such as microflat.
both approaches and show how they complement each other16. However, Figure 6A also shows substantial variation between
frequency and centrality scores. Notably, the observed deviations
5.3.1 Correlations are almost exclusively found towards the right of the diagonal
A first evaluation of the social network approach to diffusion trend, i.e., for cases where centrality assumes lower degrees of
relies on the correlations of degree centrality with the total usage diffusion than frequency. For example, while fleek and bromance
frequency of neologisms, with their volatility, and with their age are assigned similar scores in terms of their usage frequency, their
as observed in the corpus. Table 11 reports the correlation centrality scores suggest a much lower degree of diffusion for the
coefficients for these variables. latter neologism. Similar to cases like solopreneur and alt-left,
Firstly, centrality shows a significant negative correlation with which were discussed in detail in Section 5.2.1, centrality thus
FREQUENCY. This confirms earlier observations in Section 5.2 which provides additional information for cases in which the social
indicated an inverse trend between total usage frequency and network structure indicates that the observed usage intensity
centrality. More frequent neologisms show on average higher overestimates the degree of diffusion of a target neologism. This
degrees of diffusion, i.e. increase in frequency correlates with wider can arise if its observed uses go back to a disproportionately
spread across the speech community. The fact these two central smaller number of speakers and subcommunities.
measures for diffusion correlate can be seen as a cross-validation of Analysing these deviations highlights two main groups among
both approaches. While external data sources would be needed for a the selected neologisms, for which total usage frequency and social
more rigorous evaluation, this overall convergence in results suggests network structure seem to diverge in systematic ways18. A first
that both metrics capture important aspects of diffusion. group contains neologisms marked by high degrees of volatility in
Secondly, the AGE of neologisms in the sample shows a their frequency of use. As shown above, centrality is significantly
significant negative correlation with centrality. As expected, correlated with volatility. In addition to poppygate and solopreneur,
the use of more recent neologisms tends to still go back to which were already discussed above, refollow, gaslighting,
more centralized communities, while neologisms with a longer solopreneur, and coworking also show little consistency in their
history of use tend to show more advanced diffusion. Unlike usage. For all of these terms, social diffusion is out of sync with the
frequency counts, which are directly influenced by the temporal increase in usage intensity in Figure 6A. It thus seems that the
usage history of neologisms, the centrality measure is blind to this social network approach adds an extra layer of information which
comes to the fore especially where frequency-based measures
overestimate degrees of diffusion due to the strong impact of
short periods of highly intensive use of neologisms in certain
parts of the speech community.
It should be noted that a strict evaluation of both approaches is in principle
impossible without external data about the degrees of diffusion for the neologisms
under investigation. While such a gold standard for evaluation is inconceivable in
the present context, it would be desirable to use additional data sources such as
questionnaires, dictionaries or web corpus data for a more rigorous validation of The present dataset does not allow to assess whether the deviations of the two
the present approach. This will have to be left for future work. groups that emerge in this analysis are generalisable.

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A second, converse group with diverging scores contains empirical investigations of lexical innovation have not been based
neologisms whose use is tied to political communities. The on social network information, but have relied on frequency
neologisms alt-right, alt-left, birther, covfefe, Pizzagate, and measures as an indicator for the diffusion of neologisms
Kushnergate are politically controversial and differ strongly in (Stefanowitsch and Flach 2017). The present study used a large
popularity between political camps. It should be noted that Twitter dataset to investigate the sociolinguistic dynamics of
these terms also exhibit considerable volatility in their use. diffusion of neologisms in online social networks. Aside from
Figure 6A shows comparatively lower centrality than frequency an in-depth analysis of the spread of neologisms in the present
scores for these lexemes. Similarly to the cases of high volatility, sample, the aim of this paper was to assess the usefulness of using
centrality thus suggests that usage frequency overestimates degrees usage frequency and social network data as indicators of diffusion.
of diffusion for these cases. While neologisms such as alt-right
show high frequency counts, the social network analysis reveals 6.1 Temporal Dynamics of Diffusion
that these terms have not spread successfully across communities, The frequency-based approach revealed that frequency measures
and that their use remains limited to certain subcommunities. can be used to assess degrees of diffusion of lexical innovations with
varying success. Total frequency counts (Tables 1–4) proved
5.3.3 Predicting the Success of Lexical Innovations successful for a coarse-grained distinction between cases of high
The results from the network approach show that community (e.g., tweeter, smartwatch), medium (e.g., monthiversary, helicopter
structure can be used to assess degrees of diffusion. The social parenting), and low degrees of diffusion (e.g., begpacker,
structure of communities during the early stages of diffusion is bediquette). However, differences in the temporal dynamics of
commonly assumed to be an important factor for the successful use have proved to be necessary for a more accurate assessment of
spread of linguistic innovations. While a detailed analysis is beyond the degrees and pathways of diffusion of neologisms.
the scope of the present paper, the present approach yields initial Considering the nature of the process and products of lexical
results of the predictive power of social network information. innovation, this temporal sensitivity is not surprising. Models of
The dataset shows a significant correlation between the network linguistic diffusion such as the S-curve model assume competition
structure in the first period of diffusion and the overall success of processes in which several formal variants compete to become the
neologisms. Correlating CENTRALITY scores for all neologisms in conventional linguistic means to express a certain meaning/function
Subset 1 with their total usage FREQUENCY observed across their in the speech community. In cases of grammatical innovation, which
full observed lifespan in the corpus yields Spearman correlation is at the core of most models and most previous empirical
coefficient of −0.43 (p < 0.001). This means that neologisms are investigations of diffusion, the communicative need for expressing
overall more likely to spread successfully if their use is not limited to a the target concept/function remains stable over time. While
centralized network of speakers in their early stages. Among the grammatical means are, of course, also subject to language change
selected cases presented above, upskill fits this pattern: it shows a (e.g., going to, will future), the salience of the target semasiological
consistent, successful trajectory of diffusion and its use has been the space (e.g., ‘expressing future intention’), remains stable over time for
product of a decentralized bunch of users since its early attestations. all speakers in the speech community. Both the direct competition
Of course, the diverging pathways of diffusion for other words such as between linguistic variants and the social and temporal invariance of
hyperlocal and solopreneur presented in Figure 4 represent exceptions the conceptual space over time are tacit assumptions of S-curve
to this general trend. While this trend fits theoretical expectations and models of diffusion (Blythe and Croft 2012).
the empirical observations in the present dataset, these results remain Earlier work by Nini et al. (2017) suggests that the diffusion of
preliminary. Since centrality correlates with frequency scores, future lexical innovations also follows S-curve trajectories, and the
work based on larger samples, external data for evaluation, and more authors use the term ‘semantic carrying capacity’ to refer to
robust statistical tests is needed to test whether the predictive power of the semantic potential of neologisms during diffusion. It seems
social network features can be confirmed. plausible that the semantic carrying capacity of new words
exhibits significant volatility over time and across communities
of speakers. While the present study cannot measure or control
6 DISCUSSION for changes in semantic potential over time, it tries to account for
the temporal sensitivity of neologisms by going beyond
In this paper, I have studied the spread of neologisms on Twitter to cumulated frequency counts and studying their temporal usage
provide a multi-layered picture of the diffusion of lexical profiles.
innovations in terms of 1) overall usage frequency, 2) changes The present study focused on three main aspects of the
in usage frequency over time (volatility), and 3) pathways of social temporal dynamics of diffusion: trends in usage intensity, age
diffusion across members and networks in a larger speech and volatility. Firstly, trends in usage frequency add information
community. The process of diffusion entails social processes about changes in the degrees of diffusion of neologisms over time.
which lead to the spread of innovations in social networks Going beyond total frequency counts, visualising the cumulative
(Rogers 1962). Theoretical models characterise the spread of increases in usage frequency over time in Figure 1 revealed
linguistic innovations to new speakers and communities as the significant differences in the pathways of diffusion of
key feature of the process of diffusion (Weinreich et al., 1968; neologisms with similar total frequency counts. The neologism
Schmid 2020). Despite a broad consensus over the fact that hyperlocal showed the most linear trajectory indicating fairly
diffusion entails spread in networks of speakers, most previous consistent use, the convex curve of upskill indicated a positive

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trend in its use, and the concave trajectories of solopreneur and to these cases of lexical innovation. The network approach to
alt-left suggested negative trends in the recent past. diffusion in Section 5.2 revealed a negative correlation between
Cumulated frequency counts, which are, in their pure form as volatility and degrees of diffusion. It seems that neologisms that are
total counts, agnostic to temporal trends, have successfully been used used less consistently over time are less likely to reach advanced
as an approximation of the ‘potential exposure’ (Stefanowitsch and degrees of diffusion. Moreover, comparing frequency counts and
Flach 2017) of speakers to linguistic constructions in previous degree centrality indicated that frequency tends to overestimate the
usage-based corpus-linguistic studies. The present results degree of diffusion of topical neologisms. This is in accordance with
emphasize, however, that temporal trends and changes in usage the observation that isolated spikes in usage intensity tend to go
frequency cannot be neglected when assessing the social diffusion back to disproportionally smaller parts of the speech community.
of neologisms, since innovation in the lexicon is subject to high
degrees of temporal variation. Notably, trends in usage frequency 6.2 Social Dynamics of Diffusion
in the present sample can almost always be traced back to changes To get a more differentiated view of the social dynamics of
in the neologisms’ semantic carrying capacity and are not merely diffusion, I conducted a social network analysis of the present
the product of onomasiological competition between formal dataset. Successful diffusion was defined in Section 2 as spread to
variants19. Typical examples of the influence of topical salience new speakers and new communities. Unlike measures such as
on the use of neologisms are re-current topical neologisms like frequency and volatility which are solely based on the occurrence
poppygate discussed in Section 5.1.1. of neologisms in the corpus, the network approach is based on the
Secondly, it was shown that the age of neologisms provides social structure of the networks of speakers who have used the
important information about their diffusion processes. Neologisms target neologisms and thus provides a more direct
such as hyperlocal and alt-left, which are comparable in total use operationalisation of social pathways of diffusion.
frequency, but differ strongly with regard to their observed lifespan in The present results show considerable overlap between
the corpus, show different pathways and degrees of diffusion. Older frequency and network measures of diffusion. Network
neologisms whose use is distributed more evenly across longer periods centrality significantly correlates with usage frequency, and
of consistent usage (hyperlocal) typically show higher degrees of social visualising the relationship between both metrics (Figure 6A)
diffusion than younger neologisms whose use almost exclusively goes confirms this trend. Both metrics assign high scores for diffusion
back to a short period of highly intensive use (alt-left). The positive to established neologisms such as man bun, and low scores to less
relationship between the age of neologisms and their degrees of established candidates such as microflat. Moreover, centrality
diffusion was supported by the significant correlation with shows significant correlations with age and volatility, thus
centrality in the network analysis. While a longitudinal, predictive confirming the intuition and general finding that higher usage
approach to the fate of lexical innovations is beyond the scope of the intensity correlates with wider social diffusion.
present paper, it seems possible that neologisms follow Lindy’s Law: The more detailed evaluation of both approaches in Section
the longer new words have been in use in the speech community, the 5.3.2 also revealed that usage frequency is an imperfect predictor
less likely they are to become obsolete in the (near) future (Eliazar of social diffusion. Centrality generally tends to assign lower
2017). The fate of new words ultimately depends on the conceptual degrees of diffusion than frequency for some of the cases in the
salience of the objects and practices they denote, however: whether sample. The main groups affected consist of neologisms whose
smartwatch and blockchain outlive previous neologisms such as use goes largely back to specific communities of practice (e.g.,
Walkman and Discman ultimately depends on the future success solopreneur), political communities (e.g., alt-left), and/or highly
of these products in our society. volatile neologisms (e.g., poppygate). A closer analysis of these
Lastly, the results showed that volatility in use is an important cases in Section 5.2 showed that in these cases the observed
factor in the diffusion of neologisms. While some candidates show number of uses of these neologisms stems from a comparatively
fairly consistent usage frequency over time (e.g., hyperlocal, upskill), smaller number of speakers and communities. It thus seems that
most exhibit considerable fluctuations. For some words in the the social network information contained in the measure of
sample, recurrent spikes in usage intensity are an inherent part of centrality manages to account for cases in which total usage
their usage profile. The neologism youthquake is characterised by frequency overestimates degrees of diffusion.
spikes in usage intensity when relevant to current public affairs, but These discrepancies in results reflect two perspective on the
shows low frequency of use in the intermediate intervals. Due to the process diffusion. Successful diffusion of neologisms was defined
nature of this behaviour, this pattern has been termed ‘topical’ by as spread to new speakers and new communities. Using the
Fischer (1998). Cases such as poppygate, for which these topical frequency of occurrence of a neologism in a corpus to
spikes occur in fairly regular, periodic intervals, have been classified approximate to what degree it is familiar to bigger parts of the
as ‘recurrent semi-conventionalization’ by Kerremans (2015). For speech community thus has to rely on several assumptions which
both groups of neologisms total frequency counts cannot provide are only accurate to a certain extent.
an accurate estimation of degrees of diffusion since they lack Firstly, the number of uses observed might diverge from the
information about these patterns of volatility which are central number of speakers who are familiar with the term. Frequency
can overestimate the latter, for example, if the observed use is the
product of high usage intensity by a smaller number of speakers
As an exception, the sample contains two sets of formal variants: monthversary & (e.g., solopreneur) rather than moderate use by a higher number
monthiversary and rapefugee, rapeugee & rapugee. of speakers (e.g., hyperlocal).

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Secondly, usage frequency only captures active uses of the Moreover, neologisms typically arise in specific communities
term and is blind to the number of speakers who are familiar with of practice and often show, at least initially, high degrees of social
the term, but have not used it in the corpus. By contrast, social indexicality with regard to these communities. The present
network metrics also include speakers who have only been dataset includes several neologisms which are associated with
passively exposed to the term, and thus covers a broader, and youth language (fleek, lituation) and political discourse (birther,
arguably more relevant definition of ‘familiarity’. Network alt-left), for example. A term like alt-left, which could in principle
metrics are free from the assumption that the observed output be used neutrally to designate the political far-left, is highly
of speakers in the corpus is representative of the input to speakers socially indexical of the far-right community it emerged from.
in the speech community (Stefanowitsch and Flach 2017). Therefore it is less likely to be used by speakers outside this
Lastly, the number of uses observed might not be indicative of community, unless they are willing to be associated with this
whether a neologism has spread beyond certain sub-communities community. Neologisms which are socially indexical are thus
and has reached a broader spectrum of the speech community. more community-specific. Even when speakers outside this
Many of the neologisms for which centrality indicates community are familiar with these terms, they are less likely
significantly lower degrees of diffusion than frequency are to use them. Usage frequency counts miss such effects, since they
socio-politically loaded and known to be used by fragmented only capture active uses of neologisms.
and polarized communities, mainly from the far-right end of the
political spectrum (Sunstein. 2018). Figure 6B features terms
such as alt-right, alt-left, birther, covfefe, Pizzagate, and 7 CONCLUSION
Kushnergate. Among the selected cases, alt-left and hyperlocal
show a similar total number of uses. Moreover, the numbers of In summary, the present study has shown that frequency and
users involved in its use in the last temporal subset are almost network-based approaches capture different kinds of
identical: 26,367 vs. 26,548. Yet, their social network structure in information about the use and spread of new words. As we
Figure 3 and their centrality scores indicate far lower degrees of have seen, both approaches show considerable overlap in their
diffusion for alt-left. While this political term has become popular overall assessment of degrees of diffusion. On the one hand,
among a closely connected community of users, its measures which are based on the occurrence of neologisms in the
conventionality remains limited to this social niche and does corpus such as frequency, age, and volatility capture important
not extend to bigger parts of the speech community. Its isolated aspects about the temporal usage profiles of neologisms. On the
use is in accordance with the socio-linguistic background of the other hand, social networks provide a more differentiated view of
term which was consciously coined by far-right activists as a the social dynamics of diffusion. They allow to visualise and
disparaging out-group term in an attempt to ‘Unite the Right’. quantify different pathways and degrees of diffusion, which
The potential distortions that may arise when assessing the enables a more detailed analysis of the spread of new words
degrees of conventionality of linguistic constructions on the basis to new speakers and communities. While the approaches differ
of usage frequency alone apply in principle to all linguistic in their strengths and weaknesses, combining information from
domains. However, the underlying assumptions are both approaches provides the most complete picture of diffusion,
particularly problematic in the case of lexical innovation. of course. In corpus-linguistic practice, total frequency counts
Firstly, linguistic innovations are by definition new and not (yet) are the most readily available and most widely used measure for
conventional among the speech community. It is therefore to be the conventionality of linguistic constructions. The present
expected that their use is unevenly distributed across communities of results suggest that the additional consideration of temporal
speakers. Since frequency counts alone do not provide information dynamics of use and social network information can contribute
about this distribution, sociolinguistic data are needed to assess the substantially towards a more detailed and accurate picture of
degrees of social diffusion of linguistic innovations. diffusion.
Secondly, unlike linguistic innovations in other domains such as As I have argued, the use of network information is of particular
morphology or syntax, lexical innovations are often consciously importance for the study of neologisms, due to the nature of the
coined and have a very specific communicative function. Their process of lexical innovation. However, social network analysis also
usefulness is closely tied to the conceptual salience of the entity has great potential for sociolinguistic research in other domains.
they denote. The semantic carrying capacity of new words is thus One of its biggest advantages is that it is usage-based and captures
much more likely to exhibit social and temporal variation than the the communicative behaviour of speakers in interaction. It thus
functional potential of grammatical constructions. While speakers of enables very fine-grained analyses of the sociolinguistic dynamics
English from all walks of life have felt the urge to talk about the future, of communities, which can be visualised and qualitatively
the urge to talk about the future of ‘blockchain’ has only come up very inspected on the basis of network graphs. Additionally, network
recently, is (still) limited to specific parts of the speech community, science offers powerful algorithms to quantify and model the social
and might not persist in the future. In other words, the use of lexical characteristics of communities on a macro level.
innovations exhibits greater social and temporal variation than The interactional dynamics discovered by network analyses can
innovations in other linguistic domains. The interpretation of be a valuable addition to more traditional, static sociolinguistic
aggregated frequency counts, which suggest a uniform distribution information such as metadata about groups of speakers.
of use across time and across the speech community, is thus Moreover, network analyses can be used in cases where metadata
particularly problematic for assessing the diffusion of new words. about speakers are unavailable, as in the present study. Since the

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | 18 November 2021 | Volume 4 | Article 648583

Würschinger Social Networks of Lexical Innovation

importance of online social networks like Twitter and Reddit is only AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
going to grow in the future, both in terms of their role in society and
in academic research, network analyses have great potential for The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and
future sociolinguistic research. has approved it for publication.


The data analyzed in this study is subject to the following licenses/ I would like to thank Stefano Coretta, Cornelius Fritz, Hans-Jörg
restrictions: Twitter’s Terms of Service. Requests to access these Schmid, Maximilian Weigert, and the two reviewers for their
datasets should be directed to QW, comments on this paper.

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Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence | 20 November 2021 | Volume 4 | Article 648583

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