Agro-Ecology and Farming System For Third Year Students
Agro-Ecology and Farming System For Third Year Students
Agro-Ecology and Farming System For Third Year Students
Mizan-Tepi, Ethiopia
Origin of the word “ecology” that is, it is a Greek origin: OIKOS = household,
environment (such as light, water, wind, nutrients in soil, heat, solar radiation,
in the soil and water; Producers such as green plants; Consumers such as
interact with one another and how they interact with their non-living
environment (
B. Agro-ecology
mechanisms for the systems to sponsor their own soil fertility, productivity
Agro-ecology has emerged as the discipline that provides the basic ecological
principles for how to study, design and manage agro-ecosystems that are both
productive and natural resource conserving, and that are also culturally
sensitive, socially just and economically viable. Agro ecology goes beyond a
ecosystems”. This can apply not just at the farm-level, but also across the
food production systems, processing and marketing, the role of the consumer,
and the policy level. As such, it uses knowledge from a range of disciplines,
support production.
through what they buy, but also in the ways in which they shop and organize
consumer; and
innovation are enjoyed by all sectors of society including the poor and
previously disadvantaged.
Nutrient cycles.
dioxin in fertilizers.
C. Farming system
Farming as a system
Farm: is an area of land and its buildings which is used for growing crops and
external stimuli.
Any farm can be viewed as a system, with inputs, processes, and outputs.
Inputs: are the factors that a farm needs to work. Inputs can be divided into
two groups. Physical inputs: are naturally occurring things such as water, raw
materials, and the land. Human/Cultural inputs: are things like money, labour,
and skills.
Processes: are the actions within the farm that allow the inputs into outputs
and the money gained from the sale of those productions. The negative outputs
A farm = a system
Outputs from the system; e.g. profits can be reused back in the system.
Depending on the type of farming, the type & amount of inputs, processes and
▪ Boundary what belongs to the farm, what the environment that farming is
going to be operated;
formation and energy originating outside the system but utilized within the
system; and
Farms are systems because several activities are closely related to each other
by the common use of the farm labour, land and capital, by risk distribution and
to the farmer. The farm products other than the economic products, for which
the crops are grown, can be better utilized for productive purposes in the
system is a decision making unit comprising the farm household, cropping and
livestock system that transformed land, capital and labour into useful products
➢ Population – one species live in one place at one time (e.g. many fish).
➢ Community – All populations (diff. species) that live in a particular area (e.g.
many fish + other organisms). All the populations of the different species
B. Agro-ecosystem
produce food, fiber, fuel and other products for human consumption and
and human elements. It focuses on the form, dynamics and functions of their
interrelationships and the processes in which they are involved. An area used
ecological processes found under natural conditions also occur, e.g. nutrient
mechanisms are global principles that are common to all agro-ecosystems and
Minimize Toxics:
Reduce or eliminate the use of materials that have the potential to harm the
• Conserve Soil: We have to sustain soil nutrient and organic matter stocks.
• Conserve Water: employ Dry farm and Use efficient irrigation systems.
• Conserve genetic resources: Save seed, maintain local landraces and use
heirloom varieties.
Integrate Livestock.
recycling of nutrients. Return crop residues and manures to soils and when
conditions of the farm rather than modifying the farm to meet the needs of
strip tillage, Maintain riparian buffer zones and use rotational grazing.
Use multiple species of crops and animals on farm and Use multiple varieties
✓ Economics:
Organic markets.
Empower People:
§ Build soil fertility over the long-term that means it build soil organic matter.
Value Health:
These are mainly human, cultural, and environmental health; Animal and plant
health. Value most highly the overall health of agro-ecosystems rather than
Farming system
A. Koppen’s methods of climatic classification
Köppen. His aim was to devise formulas that would define climatic boundaries
were being mapped for the first time during his lifetime. Köppen published his
first scheme in 1900 and a revised version in 1918. He continued to revise his
five major types, which are represented by the capital letters A, B, C, D, and
precipitation input to the soil in which the plants grow and the evaporative
classifying the world's climates. Its categories are based on the annual and
The Köppen system recognizes five major climatic types; each type is
➢ A - Tropical Moist Climates: all months have average temp above 18°C.
1. Tropical Moist Climates (A): Tropical moist climates extend northward and
southward from the equator to about 15° to 25° of latitude. In these climates
all months have average temperatures greater than 18° Celsius. Annual
precipitation is greater than 1500 mm. Three minor Köppen climate types exist
➢ Tropical wet is a tropical climate where precipitation occurs all year long.
cumulonimbus clouds form early in the afternoons almost every day. Daily
highs are about 32° Celsius, while night time temperatures average 22°C.
wet, but most of the precipitation falls in the 7 to 9 hottest months. During
winter. Precipitation during the wet season is usually less than 1000
2. Dry Climates (B): The most obvious climatic feature of this climate is that
extend from 20 - 35° North and South of the equator and in large continental
climate include:
➢ Dry arid (desert) is a true desert climate. It covers 12% of the Earth's land
and k are used generally to distinguish whether the dry arid climate is found
➢ Dry semiarid (steppe). Is a grassland climate that covers 14% of the Earth's
land surface? It receives more precipitation than the BW either from the
the additional letters h and k are used generally to distinguish whether the
3. Moist Subtropical Mid-Latitude Climates (C): This climate generally has warm
and humid summers with mild winters. Its extent is from 30 to 50° of latitude
mainly on the eastern and western borders of most continents. During the
The humid subtropical climate has hot muggy summers and frequent
thunderstorms. Winters are mild and precipitation during this season comes
Marine climates are found on the western coasts of continents. They have a
humid climate with short dry summer. Heavy precipitation occurs during the
Mediterranean climates receive rain primarily during winter season from the
the subtropical highs and may exist for up to 5 months. Locations in North
climates have warm to cool summers and cold winters. The location of these
warmest month is greater than 10° Celsius, while the coldest month is less than
-3° Celsius. Winters are severe with snowstorms, strong winds, and bitter cold
from Continental Polar or Arctic air masses. Like the C climates there are three
minor types: Dry winters; Dry summers; and Wet all seasons.
Polar climates have year-round cold temperatures with the warmest month
less than 10° Celsius. Polar climates are found on the northern coastal areas
➢ Polar ice caps have a surface that is permanently covered with snow and
Thornthwaite established the fact that not only the amount of precipitation,
but the rate of evaporation as well is significant for the growth of natural
vegetation. Thus, besides the precipitation amount and the evaporation rate,
For each month the ratio 11.5 (rt-10)10/9 where r = mean monthly rainfall (in
The sum of the 12 monthly ratios gives the precipitation effectiveness (also
On the basis of P/E indices and boundary values for the major vegetation
regions, five humidity provinces were defined. Main Climatic groups based on
precipitation effectiveness.
E (Arid) Desert 16
point. The index is thus the annual sum of (t-32)/4 for each month. In other
T/E index. Again, the world was divided into 6 temperature provinces on the
A-Tropical 127
B-Mesothermal 64-127
C-Microthermal 32-63
D-Taiga 16-31
E-Tundra 1-15
F-Frost 0
temp in °F.
combination with vegetation physiognomy and one orographic zone within each
forest dominant.
environmental problems
From a management perspective, the agro-ecological objective is to provide
systems that mimic nature, optimal use can be made of sunlight, soil nutrients
and rainfall.
nutrients and organic matter turnover, closed energy flows, water and soil
exploits the complementarities and synergisms that result from the various
preventative nature and which act by reinforcing the "immunity" of the agro-
providing crop nutrients and breaking the life cycles of several insect pests,
➢ Poly cultures: Complex cropping systems in which two or more crop species
agro ecosystem.
➢ Cover Crops: The use of pure or mixed stands of legumes or other annual
plant species; under fruit trees for the purpose of improving soil fertility,
following features.
met through the use of no-till practices, mulch farming, and use of cover
plant growth.
❖ Diversity reduces risk for farmers, especially in marginal areas with more
populations of wild biodiversity. Yet our production systems have not been
recognized that much of this may have come at the price of sustainability.
The bountiful yields of modern agriculture have been “purchased” with high
levels of nonrenewable and often toxic inputs such as fossil fuels, inorganic
are often imported and strain the importing country’s balance of payments.
Often, purchased inputs are used primarily on export crops, and do not
The main social and ecological costs associated with industrial agriculture:
➢ Soil degradation, resulting for example from their overexploitation and the
➢ Water pollution and depletion of water resources, for example due to water
growing expenses related to the use of pesticides (notably due to the use of
the industrial meat industry, and the ploughing under of the world’s
them to walk long distances for water because of water scarcity. Higher
pesticides is another example. They are often the ones that are assigned
commonly confront.
But it is equally possible to reverse this approach, to find the ways and means
appropriate balance.
➢ Policy makers are biased toward large scale plans, whereas much of agro
biodiversity is fine-scaled.
Agro-ecology as a science
principles of ecology to the redefinition of agronomy. The term was first used
plants. In 1965, in what is probably the first book titled ‘agro ecology’, the
as plants, animals, soils, and climate, and their interactions within an agro
and practices which provide the means to make agriculture more sustainable.
sustainable agriculture.
But while this definition remains widely used, since the 1930’s the scope and
social sciences (Wezel et al., 2009; Schaller, 2013). This evolution can be well
principles (that are precisely understood as those which form the basis of
that look after the subsistence needs of its members & very much privileges
the local: providing for local markets that shorten the circuits of food
process is the systematic search for the best combinations of techniques and
environments, the right combinations of practices that will best allow for
from one context to another, since each context has its own characteristics
and therefore its own conditions to achieve sustainability. This is one of the
reasons why, while some types of practices have been typically described as
from the environment to which they apply. It relies on the quality of complex
Jules Pretty (2008), from University of Essex in the United Kingdom (UK),
diversity for pest, disease and weed control, and seeks only to use pesticides
fix nitrogen within farm systems with the need to import inorganic and
so that soil can be conserved and available moisture used more efficiently.
into farm systems, such as into irrigated rice fields and fishponds, and so
6. Water harvesting in dry land areas, which can mean formerly abandoned and
degraded lands can be cultivated and additional crops grown on small patches
7. Livestock integration into farming systems, such as dairy cattle, pigs, and
While the Green Revolution model has favored a top-down approach which
experts have all too often had the objective of replacing peasant knowledge
with purchased chemical inputs, seeds and machinery. On the contrary, agro
are not delivered top-down but developed on the basis on farmer’s knowledge,
climate change impacts and selection pressures are greatest. This enables
➢ Plant breeding: Traditional farmers – particularly women and the old – are
active plant breeders, conserving local landraces and selecting seeds for
➢ Wild crop relatives: Local communities often draw on wild areas for crop
for resilience and adaptation, such as biodiversity, water, soil and nutrients.
local scale. Traditional farmers can also monitor climate change in specific
According to GRAIN (2009): some practices for reducing GHG emissions and
What is sustainability?
➢ The word "sustain," from the Latin sustinere (sus-, from below and tenere,
➢ Goals include:
Sustainable Agriculture:
➢ Reduces inputs.
➢ Cycles nutrients back into the soil for fertility and health.
➢ Organic farming
➢ Biodynamic
➢ Permaculture
➢ Low-input
Environmental Sustainability
ecosystem function.
➢ Diversifying our farms with various enterprises, both animals and crops, we
area available for photosynthesis and by cycling the stored energy through
➢ An effective water cycle includes: no soil erosion, fast water entry into the
➢ Management decisions on the farm that add to ground cover and soil organic
➢ Effective water use on the farm results in low surface runoff, low soil
➢ In nature, minerals needed for plant and animal growth are continuously
from the soil to crops and animals and then back to the soil, basically a circle
of nutrient renewal.
➢ A farm will be dynamic and healthy if it has a high diversity of plants and
livestock systems that maintain productivity, that are profitable, and that
protect the environment and the personal health of farmers and their
agricultural systems.
➢ Reducing the use of off-farm, external and non-renewable inputs with great
potential not to damage the environment or harm the health of farmers and
consumers, and a more targeted use of the remaining inputs and with a view
local resources.
➢ Working to value and concern biological diversity and making optimum use of
by farmers.
➢ Biodiversity is preserved,
(Vandermeer 1995):
components of the farm system, i.e. plants, animals, soil, water, climate and
people, so that they complement each other and have the greatest possible
synergetic effects;
➢ reducing the use of off-farm, external and non-renewable inputs with the
farmers and consumers, and a more targeted use of the remaining inputs
local resources;
➢ improving the match between cropping patterns and the productive potential
➢ working to value and conserve biological diversity, both in the wild and in
the other hand highly productive, socially equitable and economically viable.
The goal is to design an agro ecosystem that mimics the structure and
function of local natural ecosystems; that is, a system with high species
diversity and a biologically active soil, one that promotes natural pest control,
crops, or agroforestry,
parameters, or
persist today. Potential similarities, on the other hand, are concerned more
in agro-ecological zonation.
assessments were introduced about 200 years ago. The method was first
(1769 – 1859) in the early years of the 19th Century. Von Humboldt observed
distinct vegetation belts when leading a bio geographical expedition along the
large spatial unit in the case of the map on agro-ecological belts of Ethiopia.
are grouped into relatively homogenous area having similar agricultural land
➢ Bereha; Hot & hyper-arid (hot lowlands, <500m, In the arid east, crop
production is very limited , in the humid west root crops & maize are largely
Later on, scientists confirmed this traditional Ethiopian zonation and added a
Dejen, farmers who are living at elevations above 3000 m a.s.l. would say that
land users below them live in the Kolla belt, although these villages are as high
In the Wurch zone, usually no rain fed crops would be expected to grow.
dominant land use type if altitudes are not too high even for these perennial
or annual grasses. The Dega zone usually is a zone where crops such as barley,
wheat, and pulses are grown. However, no teff and maize would be expected
to grow in this belt. Within the Dega, a differentiation can be made between
the High Dega belt, where only barley and sometimes potatoes are grown, but
no wheat and pulses, and a Lower Dega or "Dega proper" belt, which would
additionally allow for wheat and pulses, but still be an area with relatively cold
The most dominant Ethiopian agricultural belt is called Weyna Dega. All major
rain fed crops can be grown in most parts of this belt, particularly teff and
are highly suitable for rain fed farming. The lower part of the Weyna Dega is
also suitable for cash crops such as coffee and tea, or for inset, another
major staple crop of southwestern & southern Ethiopia. The Weyna Dega belt
usually has sufficient rainfall, allowing at least one cropping season per year.
Below theWeyna Dega belt there is the Kolla belt, where there are moisture
limitations for crops such as maize, potatoes, wheat and pulses. However,
sorghum is a dominant crop in the Kolla belt, and teff and maize will also be
highlands, and where there is higher rainfall variability and recurring drought
conditions. Below the Kolla is the Berha Belt, where no rain fed cultivation is
normally possible. Hot temperatures and persistent drought render the area
along major rivers have been developed in some parts of Ethiopia, particularly
The country has very diversified agro-ecologies that are may be difficult to
correctly describe. Hence, most recently the agro-ecology of the country has
Ethiopia. Some crops are found within several zones while others are
classification, length of crop growing period (LGP) was taken into account.
appropriate regional and global strategic responses and detract from the
overall impact of the analysis. Only the major farming systems have,
The classification of the farming systems has been based on the following
➢ Available natural resource base, including water, land, grazing areas and
and off-farm activities; and taking into account the main technologies used,
➢ Irrigated farming systems, embracing a broad range of food and cash crop
supplemented by irrigation;
➢ Rain fed farming systems in steep and highland areas, which are often
➢ Rain fed farming systems in dry or cold low potential areas, with mixed
crop-livestock and pastoral systems merging into sparse and often dispersed
aridity or cold;
livestock production.
(i) water resource availability, e.g. irrigated, rain fed, moist, dry;
(vi) Dominant livelihood source, e.g. root crop, maize, tree crop, artisanal
fishing, pastoral;
(vii) Dual crop livelihoods, e.g. cereal-root, rice-wheat (note that crop-
Farm as a unit transfers input into agricultural output and which undergoes
changes over time. In the process of adapting cropping patterns and farming
location and the aims of the farmers, distinct farming systems are developed.
normal subsistence food supply. It is only in few cases like wild oil palm in
some parts of West Africa and gum Arabic in Sudan and wild honey in
on previously cropped land, i.e. the grass is allowed to grow for some years
and used for grazing. Wild and unregulated Ley is common in the savannah. In
regulated Ley, the swards are established during the non-cropping period.
These are rare in the tropics but are found in some highlands (Kenya) and in
Latin America. Field systems occur where arable crops follow another and
fallow period
fallow period within one cycle. The symbol R is the number of years of
100. If 20% of available land in one holding is cultivated, then R is 20%, the
shifting cultivation: When R> 33% and< 66% it is Fallow systems: while it is
permanent cropping when R > 66%. Permanent cropping can again be classified
that 50% of the area is carrying two crops a year and three crops a year for
a value of 300.
implement or simple tools. In the Sahara desert nomads sow millet without
without touching the soil. Rice growers in Thailand make use of water buffalo
to trample on moist fields. The main divisions vary from hoe-farming or spade
farming to farming with ploughs and animal traction to farming with ploughs
and tractors.
The 1970 World Census on Agriculture classified farms into three groups
Low yields in grassland area of the arid and semi-arid areas necessitated
They do not practice regular cultivation and their families move with the
practiced however, they travel with their herds to distant grazing areas.
their herds tended by herdsmen for long period of time to distant grazing
animal husbandry occurs where the animals remain on the holding or in the
types of farming found all over the world. Four broad types are: (a) arable;
pastoral and mixed farming; (b) subsistence and commercial farming; (c)
shifting cultivation and sedentary farming; and (d) extensive and intensive
classification (arable, pastoral and mixed farming) are similar in such a way
grouped under one category. But what makes them different is that the first
combines both crop and livestock production. So the varied types of products
i. Arable farming: - the growing of crop; usually on flatten lands where soils of
high quality. It has led the first permanent settlers in the Tigris-Euphrates,
iii. Mixed farming: - is the growing of crops & rearing of animals together. It
improve their product due to lack of capital, land and technology not lack of
effort or ability.
ii. Commercial farming: - it takes place on large profit making scale. Farmers
produce cash crops and seek to maximize yields/hectares. Cash crops operate
successfully where transport is well developed, domestic markets are large &
Shifting cultivation is now limited to a few place where there are low
population densities and a limited demand for food. However, most of the
farming systems of the world is now sedentary way of farming where farmers
remain in one place to look after their crops and rear their animals. It is a
On the basis of amount of labor, capital and land involved in the farming
its productivity.
farming where the aim is to get the maximum return per unit of land area,
extensive farming aims at producing the maximum product per unit of man
reverse situation.
plants and animals for human use. In a broad sense agriculture includes
cultivation of the soil, growing and harvesting crops, breeding and raising
Evolution of agriculture
The history of agriculture may be divided into five broad periods of unequal
A. Prehistoric agriculture
➢ Europe: along the Danube River and in Macedonia, Thrace, and Thessaly.
Early centers of agriculture have also been identified in the Huang He (Yellow
River) area of China; the Indus River valley of India and Pakistan; and the
The dates of domesticated plants and animals vary with the regions, but
most predate the 6th millennium BC, and the earliest may date from 10,000
BC. Scientists have carried out carbon-14 testing of animal and plant remains
Middle East in the 8th millennium BC; millet and rice in China and Southeast
Asia by 5500 BC; and squash in Mexico about 8000 BC. Legumes found in
Thessaly and Macedonia is dated as early as 6000 BC. Flax was grown and
production was gradual, and in a few isolated parts of the world this
➢ Neolithic farmers lived in simple dwellings — caves and small houses of sun
-baked mud brick or reed and wood. These homes were grouped into small
➢ In the Neolithic Period, the growth of cities such as Jericho (founded about
stock raising, was the most common Neolithic pattern. Nomadic herders,
however, roamed the steppes of Europe and Asia, where the horse and
➢ The earliest tools of the farmer were made of wood and stone. They
included the stone adz, an ax -like tool with blades at right angles to the
handle, used for woodworking; the sickle or reaping knife with sharpened
stone blades, used to gather grain; the digging stick, used to plant seeds
modified tree branch used to scratch the surface of the soil and prepare it
for planting. The plow was later adapted for pulling by oxen.
hunting peoples, villages had to be moved periodically in some areas when the
fields lost their fertility from continuous cropping. This was most necessary
in northern Europe, where fields were produced by the slash -and -burn
method of clearing. Settlements along the Nile River, however, were more
permanent, because the river deposited fertile silt annually from the
highlands of Ethiopia.
With the close of the Neolithic period and the introduction of metals, the
age of innovation in agriculture was largely over. The historical period— known
records and monuments; and Chinese, Greek, and Roman writings — was
of bronze and iron were longer lasting and more efficient, and cultivation was
greatly improved by such aids as the ox-drawn plow fitted with an iron-tipped
millennium BC a funnel -like device was attached to the plow to aid in seeding,
and other early forms of seed drills were used in China. Threshing was also
binding, and winnowing was still done by hand. Egypt retained hand seeding
through this period on individual farm plots and large estates alike.
Mixed farming and stock raising, which were flourishing in the British
throughout the next 3,000 years. In many regions, fishing and hunting
C. Feudal Agriculture
The feudal period in Europe began soon after the fall of the Roman Empire,
reaching its height about AD 1100. This period was also marked by
development of the Byzantine Empire and the power of the Saracens in the
As the Arab influence extended to Egypt and later Spain, irrigation was
By the 12th century agriculture in the Middle East had become static, and
➢ Under the direction of an overseer, they produced the crops, raised the
meat and draft animals, and paid taxes in services, either forced labor on
➢ A large manor had a mill for grinding grain, an oven for baking bread,
➢ Woolen garments were produced from sheep raised on the manor. The wool
was spun into yarn, woven into cloth, and then sewn into clothing. Linen
textiles could also be produced from flax, which was grown for its oil and
➢ Leather was produced from the manor’s cattle. Horses and oxen were the
beasts of burden; as heavier horses were bred and a new kind of harness
week might be left for work on the family strips and garden plots.
Wood and peat for fuel were gathered from the commonly held wood lots, and
animals were pastured on village meadows. When surpluses of grain, hides, and
raise sheep for their wool alone. The rise of the textile industry made sheep
(France), Tuscany and Lombardy (Italy), and the Augsburg region of Germany.
At the same time, regions about the medieval towns began to specialize in
garden produce and dairy products. With the decline in the labor force, only
the best land was kept in cultivation. In southern Italy, for instance,
care were produced, such as wine, oil, cheese, butter, and vegetables.
D. Scientific Agriculture
production was again expanding. The nature of agriculture there and in other
➢ Europe was cut off from Asia and the Middle East by an extension of
Ottoman power.
➢ Colonial agriculture was intended not only to feed the colonists but also to
produce cash crops and to supply food for the home country. This meant
cultivation of such crops as sugar, cotton, tobacco, and tea, and production
➢ From the 15th to the 19th century the slave trade provided laborers
early slaves replaced indigenous peoples who died from diseases carried by
the colonists or were killed by hard agricultural labor to which they were
what would become the southern United States. Native Americans were
from the prisons of Great Britain, provided both skilled and unskilled labor
to many colonies. Both slavery and serfdom were substantially wiped out in
➢ The scientific revolution resulting from the Renaissance and the Age of
as in other fields.
a few new strains of cattle and sheep were developed. Notable was the
➢ Crop rotation, involving alternation of legumes with grain, was more readily
practiced outside the village strip system inherited from the manorial
producer of crops; and the landless laborer, the hired hand of American
farming lore. Drainage brought more land into cultivation, and, with the
early 1700s, and the spreading of limestone on farm soils in the late 1700s.
1600s with small iron points fastened onto the wood with strips of leather.
➢ Science and technology developed for industrial purposes were adapted for
➢ In the 17th and 18th centuries the first systematic attempts were made
rail lines enabled farmers to obtain needed supplies from remote suppliers
new hybrids, and intensive cultivation methods adapted to the climates and
Industrial revolutions paved the way for a qualitative change in the nature of
It is characterized by:
➢ extensive irrigation;
➢ large -scale animal husbandry involving animal confinement and the use of
vast distances.
➢ Industrial agricultural has been credited with lowering the cost of food
production and hence food prices, while creating profitable businesses and
➢ Intensive use of water, energy, and chemicals. Many aquifers and other
water reservoirs are being drained faster than they can be renewed.
➢ The use of synthetic fertilizers has affected the ability of soil to retain
has also stimulated algae growth in water systems. Finally, herbicides and
as much food as possible at the lowest cost, the main goal of sustainable
➢ rotating crops from field to field to prevent the depletion of nutrients from
the soil,
products, and
developing world where resources such as arable land and water are in short
Types of agriculture
of agriculture which mainly depends on the rainfall bestowed from the nature.
➢ Recurrent flood
➢ Drought
➢ The area is less densely populated than irrigated area in the country level.
➢ Low land and labor productivity mainly due to the tenure system.
rainfall to fall.
countries, lack of capital and technology force them to design their schemes
As rapid climatic fluctuations of glacial period affects plants and animals food
effort but as out growths of the keeping of young wild animals. The
other to herder by hunter all strengthened the human -animal connection that
animals, or livestock, for the production of food, fiber, work, and pleasure.
units that generate animal products at the highest rate of return for
in small lots, enriched feed, and growth stimulation by various means, and
are raised in small units under less efficient conditions and at lower rates of
independently in more than one world region over a time span between
100,000 – 200,000 years ago. Most wide spread European food crops were
dispersed rapidly from there across the mid latitude. Although not clear,
evidences also exist that African people were raising crops of wheat, barley,
litters and peas on the flood plain of the Nile River as early as 185,000 years
hunters and gatherers. In those society females were assigned the primary
food gathering role and thus developed the greatest familiarity with nutritive
animals can be traced to a limited number of original areas from which its
of the Stone Age turned to the cultivation of favored species. Modern crops
were gradually derived from their wild ancestors through continual selection
for larger seed size, improved fruit, and other desired traits.
Fish farming
around the world. Throughout history, humans have used fish protein as a
food source, with wild caught fish providing the bulk of fish protein. Fish
have also been farmed in large quantities for more than 2000 years in China.
Recent advances in fish farming, especially with some African cichlids have
from sports fisheries are far larger than commercial catches from most
Aquariums provide an intimate acquaintance with the aquatic world. More than
20 million home aquariums are kept in the United States alone. Among the
many fish kept in aquariums, the most common are minnows, characins, and
timber production, it now also involves the management of grazing areas for
World Agriculture
everywhere have discovered the food value of wild plants and animals, and
The most important crops are cereals such as wheat, rice, barley, corn, and
rye; sugarcane and sugar beets; meat animals such as sheep, cattle, goats, and
pigs or swine; poultry such as chickens, ducks, and turkeys; animal products
such as milk, cheese, and eggs; and nuts and oils. Fruits, vegetables, and olives
are also major foods for people. Feed grains for animals include soybeans,
plants, tobacco, and oil seeds used in synthetic chemical compounds, as well as
animals rose for pelts. Conditions that determine what is raised in an area
Farm size varies widely from region to region. In the early 2000s the
average farm size is by far larger in the developed countries like Canada and
nations is too small. Size also depends on the purpose of the farm.
Commercial farming, or product ion for cash, usually takes place on large
holdings. The latifundia of Latin America are large, privately owned estates
cocoa. Wheat farms are most efficient when they comprise thousands of
sheep stations and other livestock farms must be large to provide grazing for
thousands of animals.
population in sub -Saharan Africa to less than 3 percent in the United States
and Canada. In Asia and the Pacific the figure was 60 percent; in Latin
Denmark specializes in dairy products, Australia in wool, and New Zealand and
Argentina in meat products. In the United States, wheat, corn, and soybeans
Because nations depend on agriculture not only for food but for national
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) directs
steadily from the 1960s to the 1990s. Per capita food production saw
sustained growth in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, and the Pacific, and
limited growth in the Near East and North Africa. The only region not to
experience growth during the 1980s and 1990s was sub -Saharan Africa,
A. Physical factors
Although there has been a movement away from the view that agriculture is
❖ Temperature
This is a critical for plant growth because each plant or crop and animal type
members of the grass family, which include most cereals, cannot grow- an
equator, both temperatures and the length of the growing season decrease
❖ Altitude
with height. As height increases, so too does exposure to wind and the
amount of clouds, snow and rain while the length of the growing season
The mean annual rainfall for an area determines whether its farming is likely
The type of precipitation is also important. For instance, long, steady periods
of rain allow the water to infiltrate into the soil, making moisture available
for plant use. On the other hand, short, heavy downpours can lead to surface
runoff and soil erosion and so are less effective for plants. Hail, falling during
the heavy convectional storms in summer, can destroy crops. In the absence
of rain, cops also fail disastrously. In regions like Sahel and Sub -Saharan
Africa a fluctuation of precipitation from the mean can ruin harvests and
❖ Wind
Strong winds can increase evapotranspiration rates which allow the soil to dry
out and to become vulnerable to erosion. Several local winds also have harmful
effects on farming.
it is better to understand that some other winds are important for farming
Slope affects the depth of soil, its moisture content and it’s PH, and hence
the type of crop which can be grown on it. It influences erosion and is a
limitation on the use of machinery. Until recently, 5 º slope was the maximum
to 11º.
❖ Aspect
Aspect is an important part of the micro climate. South facing and north
facing slopes in northern hemisphere, that are wind ward and lee ward
respectively, can influence cropping. Crops and trees both grow to higher
altitudes on the wind ward slopes as they have the chance to get high er
aeration, texture, structure, PH, leaching and mineral content of the soil.
For instance:
➢ Clay soils tend to be heavy, acidic, poorly drained, cold and ideally should be
➢ Sandy soils tend to be lighter, less acidic, perhaps too well drained, warmer
➢ Lime soils (chalk) are light in texture, alkaline, dry and give high cereal
Scientists agree that the greenhouse effect will not only lead to an increase
temperature will allow many parts of the world to grow crops which at
❖ Land tenure
employees on the land which they farm. For instance in cash tenancy, farmers
rent to the land owner whereas share cropping is when the farmer has to
give 50 percent for the land owner. In sum tenure security affects the
farming system because farmers are expected to invest more when they feel
farmer the land is divided equally among all his sons (rarely among daughters).
This tradition has led to the sub -division of farms in to numerous scattered
and small fields. Fragmentation results in much time being wasted in moving
❖ Farm size
However favorable the physical environment may be, it is of limited value until
❖ Transport
This includes the type of transport available, the time taken and the cost of
moving raw materials to the farm and produce to market. For perishable
commodities like milk and fresh fruit, the need for speedy transport to
market demands an efficient transport network, while for bulky goods, like
cases, the items should ideally be grown as near to their market as possible.
❖ Market
The role of markets is closely linked with transport (perishable and bulky
goods). For further understanding, read the von Thünen least cost theory.
❖ Capital
over time have been used to build up capital-intensive types of farming such
and using of modern and expensive farming machineries will be difficult for
such countries.
❖ Technology
animal s, improved machinery and irrigation may extend the area of optimal
advantages of these advances and so the gap between them and the
❖ Government
In centrally planned economies it is the state, not the individual, which makes
the major farming decisions. This can affect the overall profitability of the
6. Agricultural Policy
certain issue.
Policy making
Agricultural Policy
the benefit of the individuals, society, & the nations’ economy at large.
Broadly speaking, agricultural policy involves the full range of public decisions
➢ Policy – a set of principles and directions that guide the decisions and
actions of an organization.
action plan sets out what will be done, who will do it, when, with what
Agricultural input markets are markets through which the resources and
agricultural product markets are markets through which farm and food
laws, government rules and regulations that apply to these markets. For
protection measures,
lunch programs,
international trade.
Policy issues related to the agricultural input markets and output markets
with food policy issues. Broadly, agriculture and food policy involves the
that deals with agriculture and food. Understanding farm policy requires
knowledge of both the political process by which laws are enacted and
this context, the goals of food and agricultural policy could be:
Ethiopia has a consistent set of policies and strategies for agriculture and
rural development that reflect the importance of the sector in the nation’s
development aspirations.
but see its relative importance decline in favor of an even more dynamic
provides goods and services for the rural population, also has an important
role to play recognizing that it currently accounts for around a third of GDP.
Demand for such goods and services are expected to expand in line with rising
based on the ADLI platform. The RDPS recognizes that the development
for rural infrastructure and social development programs and for trade and
the RDPS include: rural and agricultural centered development as a means of:
of land to people who seek to make a living out of land, and assisting
infrastructure development.
development, and plans for accelerated growth for the sector on the
productivity and production is the main thrust of the plan and will be
among the three main agro-ecological zones. In the adequate moisture areas
extension-farmer linkages.
In the moisture deficit areas the focus will be on soil and water
In the pastoral areas the FYGTP will focus on livestock development; water