Ebooks From Your Library Service: Upfront

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Compiled by Pete Folly, Library Manager
Your BDA Library service is available at the touch of a button - you don’t need to visit us to
make use of our resources, which include ejournals, document supply service, evidence-based
literature searches, and over 660 eBooks.

Adult Orthodontics (2nd Edition)

Edited by Birte Melsen and Cesare Luzi for adult orthodontics, including patient
2022; John Wiley & Sons demographics and aetiology; Treatment
481 pages planning considerations, including patient
eISBN 9781119775782 case profiles, initial outcomes and longer-
term expectations; Interdisciplinary and
Now in its 2nd edition, this complete multidisciplinary approaches, including
reference work covers the increasingly Further
the information
links between adult orthodontics
prominent area of adult orthodontics. and periodontics, prosthetics, and
Adult Orthodontics is an authoritative temporomandibular disorders; Clear
Go to http://www.bda.org/ebooks to see our
resource, written and edited by experts in aligners
selectionand theirebooks
of dental role. This
or tobook is an
the field, combining clinical guidance with invaluable reference for professionals
bda.org/library/student-services to view our
a thorough evaluation of the evidence base. providing orthodontic
range of student services.treatment to adults
Diagnostic issues and problems are clearly and those dealing with orthodontics as part
defined, and solutions and limitations of the
Anyinterdisciplinary management
questions or comments? of the
Email library@
elucidated using case studies. Topics adult dentition.
bda.org or call 020 7563 4545.
discussed within the book include: Context

Tooth wear: An Authoritative Reference For Dental

Professionals and Students (3rd edition)

Edited by Andrew Eder and Maurice difficulties encountered in the diagnosis

Faigenblum and prevention of tooth wear, problems
2022; Springer International associated with controlling the process
313 pages and strategies for providing management
eISBN 9783030861100 solutions. Each of the 32 authors is actively
involved in clinical research or management
Tooth wear is becoming an increasing of patients presenting with worn teeth. The
problem as people are living longer and result is a significantly expanded text that
keeping their teeth for longer, with recent is accessible to the entire dental team and
UK surveys showing that at least 75% of covers the problematic presentation and
adults and more than 50% of children multifactorial aetiology of tooth wear.
now have some form of identifiable tooth
Further information
wear. This latest edition, targeted at all
dental professionals including dental Go to http://www.bda.org/ebooks to see our
students, addresses this growing challenge selection of dental ebooks or to https://www.
by describing clinical techniques for bda.org/library/student-services to view our
identification of the aetiological factors range of student services.
responsible for erosion, attrition and
abrasion and by offering guidance in the Any questions or comments? Email library@
planning and delivery of patient care. bda.org or call 020 7563 4545.
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