Transfer Taxation (CH 6 Donor's Tax)
Transfer Taxation (CH 6 Donor's Tax)
Transfer Taxation (CH 6 Donor's Tax)
- Tax upon gratuitous transfer of property a. Not more than 30% of said gift shall be
between two or more living persons at the used by such donee for administrative
time of transfer whether the transfer is purposes
direct or in trust and without regard to the b. Donee entity must be organized as a
type of property transferred non-stock entity.
c. Donee entity does not pay dividends.
Nature of Donor’s Tax d. Donee entity’s board of trustees earns
1. Privilege Tax – Tax upon the privilege to no compensation
transfer property gratuitously during the
lifetime of the donor. 3. To recoup future loss of income tax
2. Proportional Tax – Tax is based on a fixed revenue
percentage of net gift - Similar to succession, a donation of property
will cause the spread of income-generating
3. Annual Tax – Tax is imposed on yearly net
properties to multiple individual taxpayers.
gifts of donor’s in excess of 250,000
This will cause a reduction in future income tax
4. Ad Valorem Tax – Tax depends upon the
- The transfer is subject to donor’s tax to recoup
value of the property donated future loss of government income tax revenue
5. National Tax – Tax imposed by the national
government Exempt Gifts
6. Revenue or Fiscal Tax – Tax intended to 1. Donations to exempt donees under the
provide the government income. NIRC and special laws
Rationale of Donor’s Taxation 2. Donation for election campaign
3. Transfers for insufficient consideration
1. To control tax evasion of the estate tax involving real property classified as capital
- If there is no tax on donation, a person may assets
transfer his properties while he is still living 4. General renunciations of inheritance
to avoid estate tax 5. Donations with reserved powers
- Donor’s tax is intended to minimize tax 6. Donations to the government for public use
evasion on estate tax 7. Donation to accredited non-profit
2. To control tax evasion on income tax institution.
8. Quasi-transfers
9. Void donations - The gratuitous portion of transfers for
10. Foreign donation of non-resident alien insufficient consideration (complex
donors transfers) is subject to donor’s tax
11. Donations of property exempt under - This is intended to control tax evasion on
reciprocity income tax when the selling price is
intentionally set a lower amount
Donation to certain exempt donees under the
- However, this rule does not apply to the
NIRC and special laws
sale of real property capital asset. The sale,
exchange, and other disposition of real
property classified as capital asset is subject
to a capital gains tax of 6% based on FV or
gross selling price, whichever is higher
- This income tax scheme has a flexible tax
base. If the selling price is set lower than
FV, FV is taxed.
- There could be no income tax evasion to
arise from manipulation of the selling price.
Hence, there is no need to impose the
Gross Gifts
- Real and personal property, whether
tangible or intangible, or mixed wherever
- Composition of gross gift will depend on the
Valuation of Gross Gifts
citizenship and residence of donor
Consideration in measuring net gift
Amount to be included in the gross gifts
1. Valuation rules
2. Timing of Valuation
3. Donation of common properties
4. Encumbrances on the property donated