Unit1. PROGRAMMING IN C: Review of basics of C, structure & pointer type, variables, singly and
doubly linked lists, I/O and text file handling, command line arguments.
Unit2. OOP FUNDAMENTALS: Concept of class and object, attributes, public, private and protected
members, derived classes, single & multiple inheritance,
Unit3. PROGRAMMING IN C++: Enhancements in C++ over C in data types, operators and
functions. Inline functions, constructors and destructors. Friend function, function and operator
Unit4. Working with class and derived classes. Single and, multiple and multilevel inheritances and
their combinations, virtual functions, pointers to objects.
Unit5. Working with text files, templates, file handling in C++, Input output flags and formatting
Unit1. INTRODUCTION: Introduction to circuit elements and their characteristics. Current and
voltage reference. Response of single element, double element and triple element circuits.
Resonance, selectivity & Q-factor in ac circuits.
NETWORK ANALYSIS: Network voltages. Mesh & node systems of network equations and
their comparison. Graph of network, tree, incidence matrix, fundamental circuit functions, cut
sets, f-circuits analysis and f-cut set analysis, node and node pair analysis. Duality. Method of
obtaining dual network.
Unit2. NETWORK THEOREMS: Thevenis’s, Norton's, Superposition, Reciprocity, Compensation,
Millman's, Tellegen’s, Maximum power transfer and Miller`s theorems.
Unit3. POLYPHASE CIRCUITS: General circuit relations: Three phase star, three phase delta, star
and delta combination, four wire star connection, balanced three phase voltages and unbalanced
impedances. Power and reactive volt-amperes in a 3-phase system. Power relations in AC
circuits: Instantaneous power in AC circuits, power factor, apparent power, reactive power,
power triangle, complex power.
Unit4. NON-SINUSOIDAL WAVES: Complex periodic waves and their analysis by Fourier series.
Different kinds of symmetry, determination of co-efficients. Average and effective values of a
non-sinusoidal wave, power in a circuit of non-sinusoidal waves of current and voltage, form
factor, equivalent sinusoidal wave and equivalent power factor. Response of linear network to
non-sinusoidal periodic waves.
Unit5. TIME DOMAIN AND FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Response of networks to step,
ramp, impulse, pulse and sinusoidal inputs. Time domain and frequency domain analysis of
circuits. Shifting theorem, initial and final value theorems. Special signal waveforms with
Laplace transform & applications to circuit operations.
Unit1. Measuring Instruments: Moving coil, moving iron, electrodynamic and induction instruments-
construction, operation, torque equation and errors. Applications of instruments for measurement
of current, voltage, single-phase power and single-phase energy. Errors in wattmeter and energy
meter and their compensation and adjustment. Testing and calibration of single-phase energy
meter by phantom loading.
Unit2. Polyphase Metering: Blondel's Theorem for n-phase, p-wire system. Measurement of power
and reactive kVA in 3-phase balanced and unbalanced systems: One-wattmeter, two-wattmeter
and three-wattmeter methods. 3-phase induction type energy meter. Instrument Transformers:
Construction and operation of current and potential transformers. Ratio and phase angle errors
and their minimization. Effect of variation of power factor, secondary burden and frequency on
errors. Testing of CTs and PTs. Applications of CTs and PTs for the measurement of current,
voltage, power and energy.
Unit3. Potentiometers: Construction, operation and standardization of DC potentiometers – slide wire
and Crompton potentiometers. Use of potentiometer for measurement of resistance and voltmeter
and ammeter calibrations. Volt ratio boxes. Construction, operation and standardization of AC
potentiometer – in-phase and quadrature potentiometers. Applications of AC potentiometers.
Unit4. Measurement of Resistances: Classification of resistance. Measurement of medium resistances
– ammeter and voltmeter method, substitution method, Wheatstone bridge method. Measurement
of low resistances – Potentiometer method and Kelvin's double bridge method. Measurement of
high resistance: Price's Guard-wire method. Measurement of earth resistance.
Unit5. AC Bridges: Generalized treatment of four-arm AC bridges. Sources and detectors. Maxwell's
bridge, Hay's bridge and Anderson bridge for self-inductance measurement. Heaviside's bridge
for mutual inductance measurement. De Sauty Bridge for capacitance measurement. Wien's
bridge for capacitance and frequency measurements. Sources of error in bridge measurements
and precautions. Screening of bridge components. Wagner earth device.
Unit1. LAPLACE TRANSFORM: Laplace transform with its simple properties, applications to the
solution of ordinary and partial differential equations having constant coefficients with special
reference to wave and diffusion equations, digital transforms.
Unit2. FOURIER TRANSFORM: Discrete Fourier transform, Fast Fourier transform, Complex form
of Fourier transform and its inverse applications, Fourier transform for the solution of partial
differential equations having constant coefficients with special reference to heat equation and
wave equation.
Unit3. FOURIER SERIES: Expansion of simple functions in Fourier series, half range series, change
of interval, harmonic analysis.
CALCULUS OF VARIATION: Functional, strong and weak variations, simple variation
problems, Euler’s equation
Unit4. COMPLEX VARIABLES: Analytic functions, Cauchy–Riemann equations, Elementary
conformal mapping with simple applications, Line integral in complex domain, Cauchy’s
theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula.
Unit5. COMPLEX VARIABLES: Taylor’s series, Laurent’s series, poles, Residues. Evaluations of
simple definite real integrals using the theorem of residues. Simple contour integration.
1. Study the following devices: (i) Analog & digital multimeter (ii) Function/ Signal generators (iii)
Regulated d. c. power supplies (constant voltage and constant current operations)
2. Study of digital storage CRO and store a transient on it.
3. Study of analog CRO, CRO probes, measurement of time period, amplitude, frequency & phase
angle using Lissajous figures.
4. Plot V-I characteristic of P-N junction diode & calculate cut-in voltage, reverse Saturation
current and static & dynamic resistances.
5. Plot V-I characteristic of zener diode and study zener diode as voltage regulator. Observe the
effect of load changes and determine load limits of the voltage regulator.
6. Plot frequency response curve for audio amplifier and to determine gain bandwidth product.
7. Plot drain current - drain voltage and drain current – gate bias characteristics of field effect
transistor and measure of Idss & Vp
8. Plot gain- frequency characteristic of two stages RC coupled amplifier & calculate its bandwidth
and compare it with theoretical value.
9. Plot gain- frequency characteristic of emitter follower & find out its input and output resistances.
10. Plot input and output characteristics of BJT in CB, CC and CE configurations. Find their h-
11. Study half wave rectifier and effects of filters on wave. Also calculate ripple factor.
12. Study bridge rectifier and measure the effect of filter network on D.C. voltage output & ripple
1. Speed control of D.C. shunt motor by (a) Field current control method & plot the curve for speed
vs field current. (b) Armature voltage control method & plot the curve for speed vs armature
2. Speed control of a D.C. Motor by Ward Leonard method and to plot the curve for speed vs
applied armature voltage.
3. To determine the efficiency of D.C. Shunt motor by loss summation (Swinburne’s) method.
4. To determine the efficiency of two identical D.C. Machine by Hopkinson’s regenerative test.
5. To perform O.C. and S.C. test on a 1-phase transformer and to determine the parameters of its
equivalent circuit its voltage regulation and efficiency.
6. To perform back-to-back test on two identical 1-phase transformers and find their efficiency &
parameters of the equivalent circuit.
7. To perform parallel operation of two 1-phase transformers and determine their load sharing.
8. To determine the efficiency and voltage regulation of a single-phase transformer by direct
9. To perform OC & SC test on a 3-phase transformer & find its efficiency and parameters of its
equivalent circuit.
10. To perform parallel operation of two 3-phase transformers and determine their load sharing.
11. To study the performance of 3-phase transformer for its various connections, i.e. star/star
star/delta delta/star and delta/delta and find the magnitude of 3rd harmonic current.
1. Study working and applications of (i) C.R.O. (ii) Digital Storage C.R.O. & (ii) C.R.O. Probes
2. Study working and applications of Meggar, Tong-tester, P.F. Meter and Phase Shifter.
3. Measure power and power factor in 3-phase load by (i) Two-wattmeter method and (ii) One-
wattmeter method.
4. Calibrate an ammeter using DC slide wire potentiometer.
5. Calibrate a voltmeter using Crompton potentiometer.
6. Measure low resistance by Crompton potentiometer.
7. Measure Low resistance by Kelvin's double bridge.
8. Measure earth resistance using fall of potential method.
9. Calibrate a single-phase energy meter by phantom loading at different power factors.
10. Measure self-inductance using Anderson's bridge.
11. Measure capacitance using De Sauty Bridge.
12. Measure frequency using Wein's bridge.
Unit1. FEEDBACK AMLIFIERS: Classification, Feedback concept, transfer gain with feedback.
General characteristics of negative feedback amplifiers. Analysis of voltage series, voltage shunt,
current series and current shunt feedback amplifiers. Stability criterion.
Unit2. OSCILLATORS: Classification of oscillators and Criterion for oscillation. RC-phase shift,
Hartley, Colpitts, tuned collector, Wein Bridge and crystal oscillators. Astable, monostable and
bistable multivibrators. Schmitt trigger.
Unit3. OP-AMP AND ITS APPLICATIONS: Operational amplifier: inverting and non-inverting
modes. Characteristics of ideal op-amp. Offset voltage and currents. Basic op-amp applications.
Differential Amplifier and common mode rejection ratio. Differential DC amplifier and stable ac
coupled amplifier. Integrator and differentiator. Analog computation, comparators, sample and
hold circuits, logarithmic & antilog Amplifiers and Analog multipliers.
Unit4. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS: Precision AC/DC converters-precision limiting, Precision half
wave and full wave rectifiers. Active average and peak detectors, A to D and D to A converters.
IC 555 timer and its application. Regulated power supplies, Series and shunt voltage regulators,
Brief idea of Monolithic regulator.
Unit5. POWER AMPLIFIERS: Class –A large signal amplifiers, second harmonic distortion, higher
order harmonic generation, Transformer coupled audio power amplifier, collector efficiency.
Pushpull amplifier: Class A, Class B and Class AB operations. Comparison of performance with
single ended amplifiers
Unit1. NUMBER SYSTEMS AND CODES: Radix and Radix conversions, sign, magnitude &
complement notation. Weighted and non-weighted codes, BCD codes, self-complementing
codes, cyclic codes, error detecting and correcting codes, ASCII & EBCDIC codes.
Alphanumeric codes. Fixed point and floating point arithmetic. BCD arithmetic.
Unit2. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND DIGITAL LOGIC GATES: Features of Boolean algebra,
postulates of Boolean algebra, theorems of Boolean algebra. Fundamental logic gates, derived
logic gates, logic diagrams and Boolean expressions. Converting logic diagrams to universal
logic. Positive, negative and mixed logic. MINIMIZATION TECHNIQUES: Minterm,
Maxterm, Karnaugh’s maps, simplification of logic functions with K-map, conversions of truth
tables in SOP & POS forms, incompletely specified functions, variable mapping, Quinn-
Mcklusky method.
types of logic families: RTL, TTL, open collector TTL, three state output logic, TTL
subfamilies, MOS, CMOS, ECL IIL.
Unit4. COMBINATION SYSTEMS: Combinational logic circuit design, Half and full adder &
subtractors. Binary serial and parallel adders, BCD adder. Binary multiplier, comparator,
decoders, encoders, multiplexer, de-multiplexer, Code converters.
Unit5. SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS: Latches, Flip-Flop: R-S, D, J-K, T, Master slave. Flip-flop
conversions. Counters: asynchronous & synchronous counter. Counter design, counter
applications. Registers: buffer & shift register.
Unit1. INTRODUCTION: General equation of inducted emf, AC armature windings: concentric and
distributed winding, chording, skewing, effect on induced emf. Armature and field mmf, effect
of power factor and current on armature mmf, harmonics. Rotating fields.
Unit2. INDUCTION MOTORS: Construction of squirrel cage & slip ring induction motor, basic
principles, flux and mmf waves, induction motor as a transformer. Equivalent circuits, torque
equation, torque-slip curves, no load & block rotor tests, circle diagram, performance
calculation. Effect of rotor resistance. Cogging, Crawling. Double cage squirrel cage induction
motor, induction generator, induction regulator.
starting & speed control of squirrel cage & slip ring motor, cascade connection, braking.
Single-Phase Induction Motor: Revolving field theory, starting methods, equivalent circuits.
Unit4. SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR: Construction, types, excitation systems, principles.
Equation of induced emf, flux and emf waves, theory of cylindrical rotor and salient pole
machines, two-reactance theory, phasor diagrams, power developed, voltage regulation, OC &
SC tests, zero power factor characteristics, potier triangle and ASA method of finding voltage
regulation, synchronization, parallel operation, hunting and its prevention.
Unit5. SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS: types, construction, principle, phasor diagrams, speed torque
characteristics, power factor control, V-curves, starting methods, performance calculations,
applications, synchronous condenser, synchronous induction motor.
Unit1. UNIX- Introduction to following basic commands (excluding shell programming): who, touch,
cat, cp, rm, mv, ls, unmask, pwd, mkdir, rmdir, bc, expr, factor, logname, id, uname, try, date,
banner, dspace, du, ulimit, passwd, cal, wc, sort, cut, grep, dd, head, pg, lp, tail, compress, man,
Unit2. VI EDITOR: Text entry and command modes, cursor movement commands, string replacement
commands and set commands.
Unit3. JAVA: Variation from C++ to JAVA. Introduction to JAVA bytecode, virtual machine,
application, application & applets of Java, integer, floating point, characters, Boolean, literals,
and array declarations.
Unit4. OPERATORS AND CONTROL STATEMENTS: Arithmetic operators, bitwise operators,
relational operators, Boolean logic operators, the assignment operators, ?: operators, operator
precedence. Switch and loop statements.
Unit5. PACKAGE AND INTERFACES: Packages, access protection, importing & defining
packages. Defining and implementing interfaces. I/O APPLETS: I/O basics, reading console I/O,
input and print stream classes, applet fundamental and string handling, mouse and keyboard
interfaces, awt tools and controls.
Unit1. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS: Finite differences - Forward backward and central difference.
Newton’s forward and backward differences interpolation formulae. Sterling’s formulae,
Lagrange’s interpolation formula. Solution of non-linear equations in one variable by Newton
Raphson and Simultaneous algebraic equation by Gauss and Regula Falsi method. Solution of
simultaneous equations by Gauss elimination and Gauss Seidel methods. Fitting of curves
(straight line and parabola of second degree) by method of least squares.
Unit2. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS: Numerical differentiation, numerical integration trapezoidal rule,
Simpson’s one-third and one eighth rule. Numerical Integration of ordinary differential equations
of first order, Picard’s method, Euler’s & modified Euler’s methods. Miline’s method and Runga
Kutta fourth order method. Simple linear difference equations with constant coefficients.
Unit3. SPECIAL FUNCTIONS: Bessel’s function of first and second kind, simple recurrence
relations, orthogonal property of Bessel functions, Transformation, Generating functions,
Legendre’s function of first kind, simple recurrence relations, orthogonal property, Generating
Unit4. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY: Elementary theory of probability, Baye’s theorem with
simple applications, Expected value. Theoretical probability distributions – Binomial, Poisson
and Normal distributions
Unit5. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY: Lines of regression, co-relation and rank correlation.
TRANSFORMS: Z-transforms, its inverse, simple properties and application to difference
1. Plot gain-frequency characteristics of BJT amplifier with and without negative feedback in the
emitter circuit and determine bandwidths, gain bandwidth products and gains at 1KHz with and
without negative feedback.
2. Study of series and shunt voltage regulators and measure line and load regulation and ripple
3. Plot and study the characteristics of small signal amplifier using FET.
4. Push Pull amplifier: To study variation of output power & distortion with load.
5. Study Wein bridge oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on oscillator frequency
6. Study transistor phase shift oscillator and observe the effect of variation in R & C on oscillator
frequency and compare with theoretical value.
7. Study the following oscillators and observe the effect of variation of C on oscillator frequency:
(i) Hartley (ii) Colpitts
8. (i) Study op-amp in inverting and non-inverting modes. (ii) Use op-amp as scalar, summer and
voltage follower.
9. Use of op-amp as differentiator and integrator.
10. Study Op-amp characteristics and get data for input bias current, measure the output-offset
voltage and reduce it to zero and calculate slow rate.
11. Obtain a frequency response of filters.
12. Analyze filter circuits to produce voltage frequency & phase-frequency response graphs using
1. Separation of transformer core losses and to determine the hystersis and eddy current losses at
rated voltage and frequency.
2. To plot the O.C.C. & S.C.C. of an alternator and to determine its regulation by synchronous
impedance method.
3. To synchronize an alternator across the infinite bus (RSEB) & summarize the effects of variation
of excitation on load sharing.
4. To plot the V-curve for a synchronous motor for different values of loads.
5. To perform sumpner’s back-to-back test on 3 phase transformers, find its efficiency &
parameters for its equivalent circuits.
6. To perform the heat run test on a delta/delta connected 3-phase transformer and determine the
parameters for its equivalent circuit.
7. To perform no load and blocked rotor test on a 3 phase induction motor and to determine the
parameters of its equivalent circuits. Draw the circle diagram and compute the following (i)
Max. Torque (ii) Current (iii) slip (iv) p.f. (v) Efficiency.
8. To perform the load test on a 3-phase induction motor and determine its performance
characteristics (a) Speed vs load curve (b) p.f. vs load curve (c) Efficiency vs load curve (d)
Speed vs torque curve
9. Determination of losses and efficiency of an alternator.
10. To find Xd and Xq of a salient pole synchronous machine by slip test.
1. Use of advanced vi commands.
2. Sorting of files containing records using sort command.
3. Searching patterns in files.
4. Use of bc, expr, factor commands.
5. Use of head, tail, compress commands.
6. Memory management commands, dfspace, du, ulimit etc.
7. Programs based on matrix: addition, multiplication, transpose, check if matrix is symmetric /
upper triangular / lower triangular / unit matrix.
8. Representation of complex numbers and their operation: add, multiply; divide, subtraction,
magnitude (mod) etc.
9. Complex matrix representation and operation: add, subtract, multiply.
10. Defining packages for sorting algorithms.
11. File handling operations: input from file, output to file, file copy, file concatenation.
12. Mouse and keyboard event handling programs.
13. Programs based on string operations.
14. Drawing in applet and use of buttons check boxes, text fields and labels in applets.
INDIA: Brief history of Indian Constitution, farming features, fundamental rights, duties, directive
principles of state. History of Indian National Movement, socio economic growth after
SOCIETY: Social groups- concept and types, socialization- concept and theory, social control:
concept, social problem in contemporary India, status and role.