Can - Can't

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Can – Can’t

 CAN is a modal verb and expresses ABILITIES.

 CAN doesn’t work as main verb, so it must be joined by an infinitive verb in

the sentence.

You study something.

CAN swim

Subject modal infinitive verb rest of

the sentence.


and – but –

or are conjuctions.

What CAN they do? = yes = no

dance speak French drive a car cook pizza





Make sentences using the connectors:


Mary CAN sing play the guitar she CAN’T dance play the piano.
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ .
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ .
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ .
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ .

REMEMBER: Replace the subject (Mary= she)

Verbs always infinitive.

Conjunctions AND for affirmative, BUT - OR

for negative.

Answer the questions: Yes or not.

1. Can Emma speak German? (-) _______________________________________ .

2. Can Lucy and Tom dance rock’n roll? (+)_______________________________ .

3. Can Eric swim in the sea? (+) _______________________________________ .

4. Can Tommy cook pasta? (-) _________________________________________ .

5. Can Sam fish in the lake? (+)_________________________________________ .

6. Can Any drive a car? (-) _________________________________________ .

7. Can Poly fly on a plane? (+) _________________________________________ .

8. Can Susan sing as Beyoncé? (-) _________________________________________ .

9. Can my parents jump the rope? (-) _________________________________________ .

10. Can you walk on your hands? (____) _________________________________________ .

What CAN they do?
1. __________________________________dance.

2. __________________________________ ride a bike.

3. __________________________________ play football.

4. __________________________________ hang in the park.

5. __________________________________ play the flute.

5. __________________________________ fly a kite.
6. __________________________________ paint .

7. __________________________________ play tennis.

8. __________________________________ play judo.

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