3 Ku
3 Ku
3 Ku
School of Engineering
Undergraduate Admission 2023/2024
Information on
KUCAT Computer Based Test (KUCAT-CBT) and Test Syllabus 2023
July 2023
School of Engineering
Undergraduate Admission
Kathmandu University Common Admission Test
(KUCAT-CBT 2023)
Kathmandu University calls for application for admission in Undergraduate Programs in School
of Engineering for the academic year 2023/2024.
In order to be fully eligible for admission, candidates must have passed 10+2 level (or
equivalent) with a minimum aggregate CGPA of 2.0 (aggregate 50% in percentage scale) and
must have appeared in Kathmandu University Common Admission Test (KUCAT-CBT 2023)
and obtained the required threshold score in the test. Candidates are strongly suggested to read
the ‘Application Call 2023’ to avoid any confusion.
All candidates seeking admission in the undergraduate programs for intake 2023/2024 of School
of Engineering shall appear in the KUCAT-CBT 2023 and obtain the score above the minimum
threshold required. Candidates are tested for their abilities in PCM (Physics, Chemistry, and
Mathematics) for the entire offered program. Admission is offered in merit basis based on
KUCAT score in all the categories described in the application call 2023.
KUCAT currently is conducted in computer based mode called Computer Based Test (CBT).
For the academic session 2023/2024 CBT test is conducted at three different centers. List of
centers are given below,
Center 1: Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavrepalanchok ,
Center 2: B.K.V. M., Biratnagar , Morang ,
Center 3: Nepathya College, Manigram (near Butwal), Rupandehi .
Please note that the test is not available ONLINE.
This document describes the KUCAT-CBT 2023 and outlines the syllabus for various subjects.
Candidates are strongly recommended to go through this document carefully to get better
prepared for the test. For updated information, one should always check KU website h
ttp://www.ku.edu.np and http://apply.ku.edu.np/ .
Overview of KUCAT-CBT
Total duration of each test (KUCAT-CBT) is two hours and has 120 multiple choice
questions in total.
The test contains three parts one for each in PCM. There are 40 multiple choice
questions in each part. The questions are distributed uniformly across the topics of the
syllabi provided at the end of this document.
For each subject, the syllabus has 40 topics. In actual test, one question will be asked
from each topic.
Questions are categorized into one of the five possible difficulty levels from 1 to 5; 1
being the easiest and 5 being the toughest.
Each part of the exam starts with a difficulty level 1 question. If a candidate answers a
question of a particular difficulty level correctly, the difficulty level of the subsequent
question will be increased by 1. Similarly, if a candidate answers a question of a
particular difficulty level incorrectly, the difficulty level of the subsequent question will
be decreased by 1. However, answering a difficulty level 5 questions correctly or a
difficulty level 1 question incorrectly will not change the difficulty level of the
subsequent question.
Initial score of the candidate is zero. Answering a question of difficulty level 1 will add
11 points to the candidate’s total score while the score added by higher difficulty level
question increases by 2 for each of the higher difficulty level. (For e.g. answering
question of difficulty level 5 correctly, adds 19 to the total score).
CBT scores range from 0 to 2220, 0 being the score for attempting all the questions and
answering all of them incorrectly and 2220 being the score for answering all the
questions correctly.
The candidates are n ot allowed to skip any questions or go back to the submitted q uestions but
are allowed to switch between the subjects (parts) any time during the test.
The candidate will be able to view their KUCAT-CBT scores at the end of their tests.
Pay the required application processing fee. Fees can be paid using any method
specified in the Procedure of Application and Admission 2023. Refer admission call
document for details. Upload/Provide the evidence of fee payment through online form.
Download and color print the admission card after it becomes available in your registered
email account. Date, time and center for the CBT test are mentioned in admission card.
Appear at test center accordingly.
3 Appearing in the Test
3.1. Appear in KUCAT-CBT-2023 on the exact date and exact time as notified. Note the
following for appearing in the test:
3.1.1. Arrive at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination at the
examination hall.
3.1.2. Any candidate arriving late of his/her test time will decrease their allocated time
of 2 hrs. Scheduled time will not be extended for delayed candidate for
whatsoever reason.
3.1.3. Do not forget to bring your color printed admission card and original personal
identification (the one that was uploaded at the time of filling the application
form). Scanned copy and photo (printed copy or non-printed copy) are not
accepted as original ID.
3.1.4. Any sort of calculators are not allowed. If necessary, the candidate will have t o
use calculator available on the desktop of the computer.
3.1.5. Only pens and pencils are allowed in the test room. Other electronic items and
writing materials are not permitted inside the examination hall. Mobile phone,
wireless devices, or any other portable electronic devices are strictly prohibited.
3.1.6. Attempting to cheat in the entrance exam, by any means, or failing to comply
with invigilators’ instructions may disqualify the candidates from the admission
3.1.7. The candidates are advised to wait quietly outside their respective examination
halls for invigilator’s instruction to enter the examination hall.
3.1.8. After verifying the admission cards and photo IDs, the candidates will be
provided with the login credentials for CBT. The candidates are required to leave
their bags and belongings at the assigned place before taking seats at their
respective computer. Additional instruction may be provided at the time of test if
3.1.9. The candidates can login to their tests, using the credentials provided, after the
invigilator’s indication to do so. The candidates shall verify their names on the
3.1.10. The candidates can start with one of the three subjects from the list. The exam
starts as soon as the candidate clicks on one of the subjects. Time remaining to
finish the exam is shown on the screen.
3.1.11. If the candidates face any difficulties or have queries during the test, they can call
the invigilators by raising their hands. The candidates are not allowed to
communicate with or look at the screens of peer candidates at any point of time
during the test.
3.1.12. After completing the test, the candidates are required to view their results, show
it to one of the invigilators. The invigilators will record the score manually on the
record sheet and the candidate need to properly sign their score before logging
out from the CBT system and leaving the examination hall.
3.1.13. Use of restroom is permitted only 30 minute after the starting of test and
restricted again 15 minutes before completion time.
3.1.14. Note any other rules mentioned in the KUCAT-CBT-2023 admission card and
comply with the rules.
3.1.15. Failing to comply with the examination rules and attempt of use of any unfair
means in the examination will result in disqualification from the admission
• One candidate can have only one application and will be allowed to appear in
KUCAT-CBT only once. If multiple applications are identified from the same
applicant (using same or different identification document) or if the candidate
appears in KUCAT-CBT exam more than once, his/her exams will be cancelled and
he/she will be disqualified for the admission process.
In order to get familiar with CBT procedure, take online practice test. Online
practice test will be available at:
http://apply.ku.edu.np/opt or http://cbtdemo.ku.edu.np
The online practice test is intended to make the applicants familiar with the
Computer Based Test (CBT) and has two parts with five questions each. The number
of questions, topics and difficulty levels do not reflect the actual computer based
entrance test.
Syllabus for Physics Syllabus for Chemistry
A. Mechanics: A. General & Physical Chemistry:
1. Physical Quantity 1. Language of Chemistry
2. Kinematics 2. Gaseous state of matter
3. Dynamics 3. Liquid state of matter
4. Energy 4. Solid state of matter
5. Rotational motion 5. Laws of Stoichiometry
6. Gravitation 6. Avogadro's Hypothesis and its important
7. Structure and Properties of Matter applications
8. Elasticity 7. Atomic structure
9. Viscosity 8. Quantum numbers
10. Surface tension 9. Chemical bonding
B. Heat & Thermodynamics: 10. Oxidation and Reduction
11. Heat and temperature 11. Periodic Table
12. Transmission of heat 12. Acids, Bases and Salts
13. Basic assumption of kinetic theory of gasses 13. Acidimetry and Alkalimetry
14. Thermodynamics 14. Electrochemistry
C. Optics: 15. Electrode potential
15. Reflection 16. Chemical Kinetics
16. Refraction 17. Chemical Equilibrium
17. Speed of light 18. LeChatelier’s Principle
18. Dispersion of light 19. Chemical Thermodynamics
19. Optical Instrument 20. Entropy and spontaneity
20. Photometry B. Inorganic Chemistry:
D. Waves: 21. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen
21. Wave motion 22. Carbon
22. Sound 23. Sulphur and its compound
23. Electromagnetic waves 24. Halogen and halogen acids
E. Electrostatics and D. C. Circuits: 25. Introduction to Metals
24. Simple Electrostatic Phenomenon 26. Alkali and alkaline earth metals
25. Charge flow 27. Coinage metals
26. Resistance 28. Heavy metals
27. Effect of Current C. Organic Chemistry:
28. Capacitors 29. Introduction to Organic Chemistry
F. Magnetic field and Current: 30. Hydrocarbons
29. Magnetic field 31. Organic halogen compounds
30. Force on conductor 32. Alcohols
31. Magnetic materials 33. Ethers
32. Electromagnetic induction 34. Carbonyl Compounds
33. Alternating current 35. Carboxylic Acids
G. Modern Physics: 36. Amines
34. Electron 37. Aromatic Hydrocarbons
35. Photons 38. Aniline and Nitrobenzene
36. Electronic 39. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Nucleic Acids,
37. Atoms Lipids
38. Nucleus 40. Polymers, Pesticides, Dyes and Drugs.
39. Radioactivity
40. Elementary particles
Syllabus for Mathematics
1 Representation of Data
2 Measures of Location and Spread
3 Probability
4 Permutation and Combination
5 Probability Distributions
6 Binomial Distributions
7 Expectation and Variance of a random variable
8 Normal Distribution
9 Surds and indices
10 Functions and Graphs
11 Quadratics and Inequalities
12 Differentiation
13 Application of Differentiation
14 Sequences
15 Binomial Theorem
16 Trigonometry
17 Extending Differentiation
18 Vectors
19 Geometric Sequences
20 Second Derivative
21 Integration
22 Volume of revolution
23 Polynomial
24 The Modulus function
25 Exponential and Logarithmic function
26 Differentiating Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
27 Differentiating Trigonometric Function
28 Determinants
29 Matrices
30 Equation of Straight Lines
31 A pair of lines
32 System of linear equations
33 System of Linear Inequalities and Graphs
34 Complex Numbers
35 Limits and Continuity
36 Coordinate Space
37 Plane
38 Concept of Sets
39 Relation
40 Functions