Efecto P4
Efecto P4
Efecto P4
determine the magnitude of P4 responses throughout the through the liver is completely cleared of P4, in other
body. words 100% metabolism of P4 in liver blood (Bedford
Circulating P4 concentrations (Fig. 1) represent et al., 1974; Freetly and Ferrell, 1994), then any
a balance between the production of P4, primarily by increase in rate of blood flow to the liver would produce
the CL (shown on left), and the metabolism of P4, a corresponding increase in rate of P4 metabolism.
primarily by the liver (shown on right). If P4 production Blood flow to the liver comes from two major blood
is increased by an increase in luteal tissue without a vessels, the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The portal
change in liver blood flow, then circulating P4 will vein drains the blood from the digestive tract and takes
increase. Conversely, if liver blood flow doubles, from this blood to the liver. Any increase in blood flow to the
1000 to 2000 l/h, then there will be a corresponding digestive tract, for example due to an increase is feed
decrease in circulating P4 even though P4 production intake, will necessarily increase blood flow to the liver
has not been altered. Thus, an understanding of through the portal vein. Thus, an increase in feed intake
regulation of circulating P4 must carefully consider the will increase blood flow to the digestive tract,
factors regulating P4 production and P4 metabolism. increasing blood flow to the liver and thereby increasing
Over 80% of P4 production during the estrous cycle of the rate of P4 metabolism solely due to higher amount
the cow is due to constitutive P4 production by the large of P4 entering the liver due to greater volume of liver
luteal cell (Niswender et al., 1994; 2000; Diaz et al., blood flow (Sangsritavong et al., 2002). It is also likely
2002). Regulation of constitutive P4 production by the that P4 is metabolized in the tissue of the digestive tract,
CL does not appear to require stimulatory pathways but as well as the liver (Bedford et al., 1974; Freetly and
can be dramatically decreased during luteolysis induced Ferrell, 1994). This simple physiological explanation
by exogenous or endogenous PGF. These concepts are helps to illustrate how various physiological states could
more fully developed in a companion manuscript on produce dramatic changes in circulating P4 solely due to
regulation of the CL (Wiltbank et al., 2012). changes in P4 metabolism.
Conversely, although liver enzymes involved in P4 Metabolism of P4 by the liver generally
metabolism can be regulated, we speculate in this model involves enzymatic reactions that have been described
that the primary regulation of P4 metabolism in the as phase I or phase II reactions (Fig. 1). The phase I
lactating cow is related to the rate of liver blood flow. reactions can either hydroxylate progesterone in
The role of feed intake in regulating P4 multiple positions using the P450 enzymes, primarily
metabolism and thus circulating P4 was initially CYP3A4 and CYP2C enzymes, as well as other CYP
demonstrated in studies with pigs and sheep enzymes. A more active pathway for P4 metabolism in
(Christenson et al., 1985; Parr et al., 1993; Prime and bovine involves reduction of the double bond at the 4-5
Symonds, 1993). For example, the studies in sheep position to a 5-alpha or 5-beta reduced progesterone and
showed convincingly that as feed intake increased, there reduction of the ketone at the 3 position to a hydroxyl
was a clear increase in liver blood flow with a group. The ketone at the 20 position is also
corresponding decrease in circulating P4 (Parr et al., hydroxylated to produce a tetrahydrosteroid from the P4
1993). Our studies extended these studies to the molecule. The enzymes involved in these reactions are
lactating dairy cow by demonstrating the clear the 5-alpha reductase enzyme producing 5-alpha-
relationship between dry matter intake, liver blood flow, reduced progestins and AKR1D1 producing 5-beta
and circulating concentrations of P4 as well as another reduced progestins. The 5-beta reduced progestins
steroid hormone, estradiol-17ß (Sangsritavong, 2002; account for about two-thirds of the mass of steroids that
Sangsritavong et al., 2002; Wiltbank et al., 2006). After are inactivated. Reduction of the 3-ketone to a 3-
matching Holstein cows for weight and age, high hydroxy and reduction of the 20-ketone to a 20-hydroxy
producing dairy cows had more than twice the liver blood are mediated by the AKR1C enzymes with AKR1C4
flow as found in non-lactating cows. Similarly, the being the most abundant enzyme with the high catalytic
metabolic clearance rate of estradiol and P4 were much efficiency. However other AKR1C isoforms may also
greater in lactating than non-lactating cows, probably be important in metabolisms of P4 in cattle. The most
reflecting the increased blood flow to the liver. Thus, when common pathway, based on ovine liver microsome
P4 was infused at a constant rate in lactating and non- metabolism of P4, is 6-beta hydroxylation (Murray,
lactating dairy cows, the concentration of P4 that was 1991) or 21-hydroxylation (Murray, 1992). However,
reached at steady-state in the blood was much greater in almost all P4 metabolites found in blood, urine, or feces
non-lactating than lactating cows due to the high are 5-alpha or 5-beta reduced pregnanes (Stupnick and
metabolic clearance rate of P4 in the lactating cows. Williams, 1968; Chantilis et al., 1996; Schwarzenberger
Thus, if there was the same production of P4 from the et al., 1996), indicating that the reductase and AKR1D
CL, a lactating cow will have a much lower circulating pathways represent a major part of in vivo P4
P4 concentration than a non-lactating cow. metabolism. These pathways are considered the phase I
The underlying physiology for the decrease in pathways and P4 metabolism by liver microsomes has
circulating P4 seems to be relatively simple (Wiltbank been found to yield a myriad of different metabolites
et al., 2006). If we assume that any blood that flows apparently through multiple liver enzymes, as
Figure 1. Physiological model of the factors that regulate circulating P4 concentrations in the lactating dairy cow
(center of model). Production of P4 (left side of model) is primarily a function of production in the corpus luteum
through pathways that convert cholesterol from HDL (high density lipoprotein) into P4. The cholesterol transport
protein, StAR, and the 2 steroidogenic enzymes, CYP11A1 and HSD3B, are critical for this conversion. Although
stimulators, such as LH, and inhibitors, such as PGF, can regulate P4 production by CL, it is emphasized in the
model that the primary factor determining greater P4 production is likely to be CL volume due the constitutive
nature of P4 production in the bovine CL. On the right side of the model are pathways involved in P4 metabolism
tending to decrease circulating P4. The 2 Phase I pathways are hydroxylation, with CYP3A4 shown as an example,
and 5-alpha or 5-beta reduction. Phase II conjugation pathways are also involved in producing hydrophilic P4
metabolites. Although stimulation and inhibition of the P4 metabolizing enzymes has been reported, this model
emphasizes the critical role of the elevated liver blood flow in producing the extraordinary rates of P4 metabolism in
high producing lactating dairy cows.
Importance of high P4 during follicular growth The key role of greater P4 prior to AI on
before AI fertility of lactating dairy cows was first described by
(Fonseca et al., 1983). More recent manipulative studies
Although the effects of P4 on reproduction are have shown some improvements of ~5-7% in pregnancy
numerous, this review will divide these effects into by using a P4 vaginal dispositive such as a CIDR during
three time periods that will be discussed in the next the Ovsynch program prior to AI (Stevenson et al.,
three sections of this manuscript. These time periods 2006, 2008; Chebel et al., 2010). Nevertheless, the
will be in relationship to the time of breeding. In this results from these studies may be somewhat confounded
manuscript, we will briefly discuss this relationship due to improvements in synchronization rate that may
during timed AI programs focusing on the role of P4 accompany the use of CIDR in the Ovsynch protocol. In
concentrations before, during, or after timed AI. the study mentioned above we tested the effects of
There is a clear association between milk elevated P4 on fertility to a timed AI during the Double
production and double ovulation and it is now clear that Ovsynch program (Cunha et al., 2008). Cows (n = 564)
this association is, at least partly, related to the were randomly assigned to have either high or low P4
circulating P4 concentrations near the time of follicle during the Ovsynch protocol. The cows with low P4
selection (Wiltbank et al., 2000; Lopez et al., 2005a). had increased double ovulation rate, which would be
From a practical standpoint, high percentage of cows expected to potentially increase fertility in these cows.
with double ovulation appears to be the underlying Ovulation of more follicles could potentially result in a
cause of increased twinning rate in lactating dairy cows, greater probability of pregnancy. However, cows with
with 93% of twins being non-identical (del Rio et al., lower P4 before AI had much lower fertility (37.1%
2006). Numerous factors have been recognized as pregnant at day 29 pregnancy diagnosis) compared to
possible regulators of twining rates, including age of cows with high P4 (51.0%; P < 0.001). This indicates
dam, season, genetics, use of reproductive hormones or that increasing P4 prior to timed AI can result in a
antibiotics, ovarian cysts, and days open; however, peak substantial improvement in fertility, suggesting that the
milk production is clearly the largest contributor (Kinsel reason for the lower fertility in lactating dairy may be,
et al., 1998; Wiltbank et al., 2000). We have done two at least partly, due to reduced P4 concentrations during
studies that evaluated the effect of milk production on the time period prior to AI. Obviously, we produced an
double ovulation. In cows synchronized with the artificial reduction in P4 during this study; however,
Ovsynch protocol (Fricke and Wiltbank, 1999), double under normal conditions, P4 concentrations may be
ovulation was much greater in cows that were above reduced due to the high feed intake and increased P4
average milk production, 40.7 kg/day, than below (20.2 metabolism of lactating dairy cows. In the future,
vs. 6.9%; P < 0.05). Similarly, in a study with cows that practical programs may be developed that target an
were evaluated near natural estrus (Lopez et al., 2005a), elevation in circulating P4 in order to increase fertility.
almost 50% of cows that were above 40 kg/day of milk One further observation of this study was
production had double ovulation, whereas less than 10% related to pregnancy loss. Pregnancy loss is generally
had double ovulation for cows producing below 40 kg/day. defined as the number of pregnancies that are lost
These effects were similar for multiparous or between the pregnancy diagnosis at Day 28 after AI
primiparous cows (Fricke and Wiltbank, 1999; Lopez et compared to Day 60 after AI. This time period is
al., 2005a). It should be noted that neither of these critical for implantation and development of the
studies involved manipulation of milk production and embryo. We observed a decrease (P < 0.05) in
were only performed as an analysis of the percentage of pregnancy loss between day 29 and day 57 when cows
cows with double ovulation compared to different levels had high P4 (6.8% loss) vs. low P4 (14.3% loss). Thus,
of milk production. the high P4 group not only had increased number of
The underlying physiology that produces the pregnancies at the day 29 pregnancy diagnosis, but also
relationship between milk production and double had less susceptibility to pregnancy loss after this time.
ovulation is becoming clearer. There is an increase in This was not due to P4 after AI because circulating P4
FSH near the time of follicle selection that is associated concentrations after AI were actually somewhat higher
with a decrease in circulating P4 concentrations (Lopez in the cows that had low P4 prior to AI (2.9 ng/ml)
et al., 2005b). Manipulative studies have now been compared to the cows with high P4 prior to AI (2.5 ng/ml).
performed that have demonstrated a decrease in Thus, there was a positive effect of elevated P4 prior to
percentage of cows that double ovulate when circulating AI on subsequent maintenance of pregnancy even after
P4 is increased (Cunha et al., 2008; Cerri et al., 2011b). 29 days following AI.
It is postulated that the endocrine mechanism that Studies by Bisinotto et al. (2010) also
underlies the decrease in double ovulation in the demonstrate the importance of higher P4 during the
presence of high P4 is related to a decrease in growth of the final follicular wave. Two studies were
circulating FSH during a critical time of follicle performed in which the effect of P4 during the Ovsynch
selection, although this idea has not yet been protocol was evaluated. In the first study, cows were
experimentally evaluated. evaluated for P4 concentration at the time of the first
GnRH of Ovsynch and 7 days prior to this first GnRH. cows with follicle development occurring in low vs.
Cows were classified as anovular, or as beginning high P4. We found a greater percentage of grade 1 and 2
Ovsynch with high P4 or low P4. Cows that began embryos from cows with high P4 than low P4 prior to
Ovsynch with high P4 had greater pregnancies per AI AI (86.5 vs. 61.5%; P < 0.02). Thus, these results are
(P/AI = 43.0%) than cycling cows that had low P4 consistent with the idea that low P4 during follicle
(31.3%) or that were anovular (29.7%) at the time of growth reduces fertility and this fertility decrease is
initiation of Ovsynch (Bisinotto et al., 2010). In the evident in embryo quality at day 7 after AI. This
second study, cows were presynchronized with two PGF reduction in embryo quality has been observed in
treatments and Ovsynch was initiated either 3 days or single-ovulating cows (our study) and in superovulated
10 days after the second PGF. This design would cows (Rivera et al., 2011).
produce cows that ovulate a dominant follicle from At this time it is not possible to provide a
either the first or second follicular wave near the definitive explanation for the reason that high P4 prior
timed AI. Similar to the first study, cows that ovulated to AI produces greater fertility. Nevertheless, the
the second follicular wave in which P4 concentrations fertility enhancing effects are dramatic and consistent in
are higher had greater P/AI that cows ovulating the lactating dairy cows. Future studies are needed to define
first follicular wave that grew during low P4 the mechanism for this effect and to design reproductive
concentrations (41.7 vs. 30.4%; Bisinotto et al., 2010). management programs that optimize these fertility-
Thus, it seems clear that increasing P4 during growth of the enhancing effects.
follicular wave increases fertility more than 10% to the
subsequent timed AI. The mechanisms that produce this Importance of low progesterone near time of AI
increase in fertility are still being investigated.
An elegant study in superstimulated cows Inadequate luteolysis can result in an elevation
(Rivera et al., 2011) showed that high P4 concentrations in circulating P4 near AI and a reduction in fertility.
during superstimulation increased the subsequent This is clearly a problem with some cows during timed
quality of embryos flushed on day 7 after AI programs (Souza et al., 2007; Brusveen et al., 2008)
superovulation. Cows began superstimulation during the but also may be a problem in AI programs based on
second follicular wave with high P4, during the first detection of estrus. Studies on cows that receive AI
follicular wave with low P4, or during the first follicular based on estrus, have generally reported that minor
wave with P4 supplementation using 2 CIDRs to elevations in P4 near AI are detrimental to fertility (De
increase P4 concentrations. Although, total number of Silva et al., 1981; Waldmann et al., 2001; Ghanem et
embryos/oocytes that were collected was not different al., 2006), although some studies did not obtain this
between groups, the percentage of structures that were result (Erb et al., 1976; Plym Forshell et al., 1991).
transferable embryos was much less for cows During Ovsynch, the percentage of cows that do not
superstimulated during the first follicular wave (55.9%), have complete CL regression following the PGF
than during the second follicular wave (88.5%) or treatment before timed AI has been reported to range
during the first follicular wave with P4 supplementation from 5-30%; Moreira et al., 2000; Gumen et al., 2003;
(78.6%). This result is consistent with a positive effect Souza et al., 2007; Brusveen et al., 2009; Martins et
of elevated P4 during follicle growth on embryo al., 2011). A recent extensive study of incomplete
development prior to Day 7 of the estrous cycle. It is luteolysis evaluated multiple blood samples in cows at
postulated that effects of P4 during growth of the first AI (n = 652) and second or greater AI (n = 394;
follicles may allow production of a better oocyte for Martins et al., 2011). They defined complete luteolysis and
subsequent fertilization and embryo development low P4 (<0.5 ng/ml) at 56, 72, and 96 h after PGF. At first
(Rivera et al., 2011). However, a recent study that AI, 80% of cows underwent complete luteolysis, whereas
flushed embryos from single ovulating cows that had at the second AI only 71% underwent regression.
follicles growing during low or high P4 did not find a Surprisingly, greater P4 concentrations at the time of PGF
difference in embryo quality on day 7 (58.3 vs. 53.3%; were associated with greater probability of luteolysis
Cerri et al., 2011b). A companion study (Cerri et al., after PGF treatment and greater fertility (50 vs. 28%).
2011a) indicated that although cows with low P4 had To study whether P4 near AI had an effect on
increased basal LH concentrations and altered follicular fertility during timed AI protocols our laboratory (Souza et
dynamics and follicular fluid composition that could al., 2007; Brusveen et al., 2009) used lactating cows
alter oocyte quality, a particularly distinct difference in synchronized with Ovsynch on three commercial dairy
cows with low P4 was the premature development of herds. We collected blood samples for P4 measurement
pathways leading to uterine PGF secretion. Thus, near the time of the last GnRH of Ovsynch. Both studies
altered uterine function could also have an important supported the concept that greater circulating P4 near AI
role in reducing fertility in cows that have low P4 decreases fertility. This decrease was observed even when
concentrations prior to AI. Our laboratory (Wiltbank et only cows that ovulated to the second GnRH were
al., unpublished) has recently completed a study evaluated for fertility. Combining the data from both
evaluating day 7 embryo quality in single ovulating studies (Fig. 2) it is clear that there is a dramatic decrease
in pregnancy per AI (P/AI) as P4 increases above 0.4 to 0.5 also increased total α-inhibin production by the cumulus-
ng/ml near the time of the second GnRH of Ovsynch. The oocyte complex, which may reduce embryo development
decrease that we observed was similar to the decrease after cleavage (Silva et al., 1999). Further, the reduced
described in a pioneering study (De Silva et al., 1981) endometrial thickness with slight elevations in P4 (Souza
using visual detection of estrus in lactating cows and et al., 2011) may indicate other major effects of P4 on the
heifers. uterus that could result in reduced embryo development.
There may be multiple physiological In summary, high circulating concentrations of
mechanisms that result in the reduced fertility when P4 P4 near AI has been shown by a number of large field
is elevated near AI. First, P4 may alter sperm or oocyte studies to be detrimental to fertility in dairy cattle, but
transport by altering uterine or oviductal contractility the underlying physiological mechanisms that reduce
and thus reduce fertilization (Hunter, 2005). Second, fertility are not well understood. Further, the causes of
addition of P4 to in vitro fertilization (IVF) media elevated P4 near AI probably differ for cows bred after
reduced blastocyst rate (Silva and Knight, 2000) natural estrus compared to cows bred following timed
suggesting that there may be direct effects of P4 during AI protocols such as Ovsynch. However, an additional
IVF on subsequent embryo development. The PGF treatment in cows receiving Ovsynch and more
detrimental effect of added P4 was reversed by precise detection of estrus may help to minimize
treatment with the P4 antagonist, RU-486, suggesting a percentage of cows having somewhat greater circulating
role for P4 receptors in this action. Elevated P4 in vitro P4 near AI.
Effect ofcirculating
circulating P4
P4 near
near AI on fertility
AI on fertility of
oflactating Effect of of
Effect circulating
circulatingP4 nearAIAI
P4 near onon fertility
fertility of primiparous
of primiparous (n=458,
dairy cows (n = 1539) (n = 458, dashed)
and multiparous (n = 1081,
multiparous (n=1081, continuous)
continuous) dairydairy
cows cows
lactating dairy cows (n=1539)
0.6 70
0.5 60
Conception rate
Conception rate
0.1 10
00 00
00 0.2
0.2 0.4
0.4 0.6
0.6 0.8
0.8 11
00 0.2
0.2 0.4
0.4 0.6
0.6 0.8
0.8 11
Circulating progesteronenear
progesterone near AI
AI (ng/ml) Circulating progesterone
Circulating nearAIAI (ng/ml)
progesterone near
Figure 2. Relationship between circulating P4 near AI and conception results in lactating dairy cows receiving
Ovsynch (data from Souza et al., 2007 and Brusveen et al., 2009 combined).
Importance of high progesterone after AI studies reported no relationship between post-AI P4 and
fertility (Bulman and Lamming, 1978; Larson et al.,
The role of the “CL hormone” after ovulation 1997; Mann and Lamming, 1999; Gumen et al., 2003;
in maintaining pregnancy was described more than Stronge et al., 2005; Lonergan et al., 2007; Morris and
100 yr ago and was recognized well before the chemical Diskin, 2008). More extensive modeling of P4
structure of P4 was identified (Fraenkel and Cohn, concentrations with pregnancy using logistic regression
1901; Magnus, 1901). Recent studies continue to have demonstrated a relationship between circulating P4
characterize the effects of P4 in inducing the dramatic on days 5, 6, and 7 after AI with P/AI in dairy cows and
changes in the uterus, termed progestational changes, a relationship between rate of P4 increase and P/AI
that are essential for inducing an environment (Stronge et al., 2005). They reported that 60-85% of
compatible with embryo growth, implantation, and dairy cows had sub-optimal circulating P4 for
maintenance of pregnancy (Arck et al., 2007). pregnancy, based on absolute P4 concentrations during
Although there is unequivocal evidence that an the early luteal phase or rate of P4 increase (Stronge et
absolute requirement for P4 is needed for pregnancy al., 2005). Many recent studies have attempted to
maintenance, results have been somewhat more unravel the mechanisms involved in the complex
equivocal about the relationship between concentrations relationship between circulating P4 concentrations and
of circulating P4 after AI and fertility in lactating dairy fertility in lactating dairy cows.
cows. A number of studies have reported lower P4 in Early embryos express different types and
non-pregnant than pregnant cows, whereas, other concentrations of P4 receptors (Clemente et al., 2009)
raising the possibility that P4 may be acting directly on development can improve fertility in lactating dairy
the embryo to improve embryo development. An cows continues to be an area of investigation, as
elegant series of experiments found no effect of P4 discussed below.
supplementation, in vitro, on blastocyst yield, in the Many studies have investigated the P4-induced
presence or absence of bovine oviductal epithelial cells changes in gene expression that occur in the endometrial
(Clemente et al., 2009). Thus, it appears that tissue and these will not be extensively reviewed in this
development of the early embryo is not directly altered manuscript. However, it seems clear that there are
by treatment with P4. In a surprising twist, these dramatic differences in endometrial gene expression as
researchers treated recipient cows with a intravaginal the luteal phase progresses and that early
P4-releasing device (PRID) starting on day 3 after estrus supplementation with P4 can induce earlier expression
with in vitro produced blastocysts transferred on day 7. of this P4 program (McNeill et al., 2006; Forde et al.,
Circulating P4 concentrations were elevated in the 2008, 2009, 2011). The P4-induced changes in uterine
recipient cows from days 3 to 6 but were not elevated in gene expression can have dramatic consequences for the
treated cows after that time. Thus, the rise in P4 development of the embryos (Forde et al., 2011). There
concentrations in treated cows occurred prior to the have been numerous studies that have evaluated the
transfer of embryos. Nevertheless, embryos that were effects of P4 supplementation on fertility in cattle with
transferred into recipients that had received prior P4 the earliest experiments conducted in the 1950s
exposure from day 3 to 6 with increased P4, were much (Herrick, 1953; Wiltbank et al., 1956). Throughout the
longer and the embryos had a larger surface area on day last 60 yr (Mann and Lamming, 1999), there have been
14 than embryos transferred to unsuplemented recipients. numerous methods to increase P4 including: treatment
(Clemente et al., 2009). The authors conclude that “P4- with exogenous P4 (injectable P4; P4 releasing
induced changes in the uterine environment are responsible intravaginal device, PRID; or controlled internal drug
for the advancement in conceptus elongation reported release, CIDR) or by treatments attempting to ovulate a
previously in cattle and that, interestingly, the embryo does follicle and produce an accessory CL using human
not need to be present during the period of high P4 in chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or gonadotropin
order to exhibit advanced elongation” (Clemente et al., releasing hormone (GnRH). These experiments have
2009). These results are consistent with the studies of varied considerably in regard to type of animal (beef vs.
Larson et al. (2011) that also failed to find a direct effect dairy, heifers vs. cows), supplementation/administration
of P4 during either days 1 to 3 or days 4 to 7 of culture on day relative to AI, utilization of synchronization prior to
percentage of embryos that developed to the morula or AI, and number of animals in the trial. Of the 30 trials
blastocyst stage; although small differences in glucose that we evaluated, the vast majority (25/30) showed a
metabolism were observed. Further evidence for a lack numeric improvement in fertility with P4
of P4 effect in early embryo is found in the studies of supplementation, although only six of these trials
Carter et al. (2008, 2010). In the first experiment, 210 showed significance (P < 0.05). Of these six trials, only
crossbred beef heifers were used to analyze the effects one (Stevenson et al., 2007) used greater than 100
of in vivo supplementation with P4 on embryo animals per comparison.
development. These researchers observed no difference The most extensive trials to increase P4 have
in early embryo development by day 5 or 7 after AI, been done by inducing formation of an accessory CL
however dramatic effects of P4 supplementation on with hCG or GnRH treatment. When hCG or GnRH is
embryonic length could be observed on days 13 and 16 administered on day 5 after AI, there is generally
after AI (Carter et al., 2008). In an elegant study that formation of an accessory CL and increase in P4 by day
continued this research focus (Carter et al., 2010), in 9. Previous work has demonstrated that ovulation occurs
vitro produced embryos were transferred to the oviduct most often when GnRH is administered between days 5
of beef heifers that received or did not receive a PRID and 12 of the estrous cycle (Vasconcelos et al., 1999).
on day 3 after estrus. There was no detectable effect of Our large unpublished trial using hCG treatment on
P4 on the proportion of embryos that developed to the day 5 produced only a 3.5% increase in fertility.
blastocyst stage by day 7 when embryos were recovered Although this result was statistically significant, it was
or during subsequent culture of the embryos in vitro. not of a large magnitude. Combining all of the results
However, there were subtle but intriguing differences in for hCG indicated a slight improvement in fertility from
gene expression, detected by microarray, in the embryos 38.1% (1511/3963) in control cows to 41.6%
recovered from recipients that received P4 (1616/3884) in hCG-treated cows (+3.5%). This result
supplementation (Carter et al., 2010). Thus, it seems indicates that there is some improvement due to the
clear that increased P4 during days 3 to 7 induces hCG treatment, however, it is unclear why the effect is
changes in the uterus that increase embryo elongation not of a larger magnitude. It seems possible that
by day 14. Whether a P4-induced increase in embryo formation of the CL and the increase in P4 following
hCG or GnRH administration is not sufficiently early in Bedford CA, Harrison FA, Heap RB. 1974. Splanchnic,
the cycle to induce the uterine changes that are needed ovarian and adrenal uptake of progesterone and 20-alpha-
to optimize fertility. Further research may clarify and dihydroprogesterone in pregnant and nonpregnant sheep.
improve on these results. J Endocrinol, 62:277-290.
Bisinotto RS, Chebel RC, Santos JEP. 2010.
Conclusions Follicular wave of the ovulatory follicle and not cyclic
status influences fertility of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci,
This manuscript has attempted to describe the 93:3578-3587.
underlying physiology that produces the changes in Brusveen DJ, Cunha AP, Silva CD, Cunha PM,
circulating P4 in lactating dairy cows and the potential Sterry RA, Silva EP, Guenther JN, Wiltbank MC.
reproductive challenges associated with suboptimal P4 2008. Altering the time of the second gonadotropin-
concentrations. Metabolism of P4 appears to be the releasing hormone injection and artificial insemination
primary cause of lowered P4 in lactating dairy cows, (AI) during Ovsynch affects pregnancies per AI in
although changes in P4 production by the CL have not lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 91:1044-1052.
yet been experimentally excluded. This manuscript Brusveen DJ, Souza AH, Wiltbank MC. 2009. Effects
reviewed the scientific literature on P4 and fertility with of additional prostaglandin F-2 alpha and estradiol-17
clear evidence for effects of P4 at all three time periods beta during Ovsynch in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy
that were analyzed. Prior to AI, there were very Sci, 92:1412-1422.
dramatic effects observed with more than 10% units Bulman DC, Lamming GE. 1978. Milk progesterone
difference in P/AI observed by increasing P4 levels in relation to conception, repeat breeding and
concentrations. The lactating dairy cow may have factors influencing acyclicity in dairy cows. J Reprod
insufficient P4 during this time period and insufficient Fertil, 54:447-458.
P4 at this time may, at least partially, underlie the high Carter F, Forde N, Duffy P, Wade M, Fair T, Crowe
incidence of double ovulations and low fertility that is MA, Evans ACO, Kenny DA, Roche JF, Lonergan P.
characteristic of high-producing dairy cows. Near the 2008. Effect of increasing progesterone concentration
time of AI, it is critical that P4 concentrations are below from day 3 of pregnancy on subsequent embryo survival
a critical value, which appears to be about 0.4 ng/ml and development in beef heifers. Reprod Fertil Dev,
during Ovsynch-type protocols in which ovulation 20:368-375.
before FTAI is induced with GnRH. Even small Carter F, Rings F, Mamo S, Holker M, Kuzmany A,
increases in P4 near the time of AI were associated with Besenfelder U, Havlicek V, Mehta JP, Tesfaye D,
dramatic reductions in fertility, either in cows bred to Schellander K, Lonergan P. 2010. Effect of elevated
natural estrus or after timed AI protocols. Following AI, circulating progesterone concentration on bovine blastocyst
there are dramatic effects of increasing P4 on embryo development and global transcriptome following
elongation, however, these dramatic effects have endoscopic transfer of in vitro produced embryos to the
generally not been observed in field trials focused on bovine oviduct. Biol Reprod, 83:707-719.
improving fertility by supplementing P4 after AI. Thus, Cerri RLA, Chebel RC, Rivera F, Narciso CD,
although substantial research has investigated the role of Oliveira RA, Amstalden M, Baez-Sandoval GM,
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