Student Learning Independence in Online Learning D

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Advances in Engineering Research, volume 196

International Joint Conference on Science and Engineering (IJCSE 2020)

Student Learning Independence in Online Learning

Depends on Motivation
Meini Sondang Sumbawati1,* Munoto1, Ismet Basuki1, Euis Ismayati1, Tri Rijanto1
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email:

Online learning requires high internal motivation and learning independence to achieve satisfying results. Student
learning independence is a internal ability to study independently, and can overcome its own problems related to the
internet and the use of applications, so as to be able to motivate themselves for online learning. This study want to
find out how the independence of student learning in online lectures, the obstacles to implementing online lectures,
and the factors supporting the independence of student learning in Department of Electrical Engineering. Research
data collection conducted by a questionnaire through survey research with an online system. The research sample is
students who study in the even semester 2019-2020 in the Department of Electrical Engineering whose lectures are
with online systems. Five courses are selected in each study program in the Department of Electrical Engineering, and
10 students per course. Data were analyzed descriptively as a percentage. The obstacles that are often experienced by
students are internet disruption, limited internet quota, and rarely use certain applications. Factors that support student
learning independence are wanting to succeed and continue studying even though studying online from home.

Keywords: Online learning, Learning independence, Motivation for success

1. INTRODUCTION semi lock down by asking the community to do 3B

(study, work, and worship) at home. The impact of
The Covid-19 pandemic occurred not only in school from home (SFH) is limiting lecturer and student
Indonesia, but almost all over the world, with regardless interactions and learning activities. This encourages
of country, religion, position, age, rich or poor, everyone humans to using communication and information
can be infected as well as transmitting to others the technology as an efficient tools of use in the remote
disease covid 19. Covid-19 is a global disaster, anyone is activity method, and the world of education is no
potentially exposed if their immune system is not strong, exception. Development information technology and
they do not adopt a lifestyle healthy, or not applying digital technology in the era of the fourth industrial
physical distancing, and a common enemy that must be revolution (4.0) are becoming very important where data
fought, for example, breaking the chain of its spread. is unlimited, and information is also unlimited.
The status of the Covid 19 pandemic becomes the Online learning is not only assigned and done, but
emergency eesponse stage on March 17, 2020. The deep in learning there are interactive activities between
President has also issued Presidential Decree No. 7 of students and lecturers, such as giving material
2020 concerning the Task Force Acceleration of Corona explanations or making presentations or students have to
Handling to accelerate handling of COVID-19 through present the results their work during lessons is done from
synergy between ministries/ agencies and local home. These online lectures requires tools that frequently
governments, to increase readiness and ability to prevent, used ones such as Zoom meetings, Google Meets,
detect and respond to COVID-19. Google Classroom, Edmodo, Schoology, and Unesa's
The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic not only has an Vi-learn (Vinesa). Briggs argued that learning media
impact on health problems but also humanitarian issues were messengers that could be used for learning
that have an impact on social, educational, economic, purposes [1]. Students in general are very enthusiastic
and aspects the economy of the State. The government about participating in learning programs such as video
introduced a policy to stop school activities by doing a conference (vicon) based tutorials because they can feel

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press B.V.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 342
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 196

an atmosphere similar to lectures at regular universities activities to achieve learning goals. High learning
which are face-to-face so that bold learning will be independence will be more successful than low learning
maximized. However online learning can be successful, independence. High learning independence is needed in
if students consciously feel a need to understand the learning with an online system. Interest and
material and can organize themselves to learn, on the independence of learning will grow and be maintained if
other hand, lecturers also continue to apply student- teaching and learning activities are carried out in a varied
centered learning. Although students and lecturers need manner, both through a variety of models and interactive
time to adjust to the lecture schedule because it is not learning media. For this reason, a study was conducted,
only lectures that are held during the work from home to determine student learning autonomy in online
period, but there are other agendas for both students and learning, especially during the covid-19 pandemic.
lecturers. Learning with an online system, encouraging
Based on the description of the problem above, the
students to be more active in determining themselves in
research objectives of the researcher are: 1) to find out
learning, and able to create independent character in
the independence learning of student in online courses in
them. Learning does not not only on the learning model
the Department of Electrical Engineering during the
and the technology that supports it, but learning is
covid-19 pandemic; 2) to find out the obstacles that
essentially a process interaction between teachers,
students encounter during the implementation study
students and learning resources. Online learning or e-
online during the covid-19 pandemic; 3) to find out the
learning can be used independently by students, but the
supporting factors learning independence for student in
existence of lecturers is very meaningful as adults who
online lectures in the Department of Electrical
function to provide support, direct and accompany
students in the learning process [2]. Besides that, there
are very varied types of video conferencing, some can be 1.1. Online Lecture
clear face and voice, but there is also the opposite, there
is no face and voice, such as using google classroom. Online lectures or e-learning is learning that is
The existence of various video conferences, making supported by the internet and is a tool that can be a
students more independent and creative, while lecturers learning solution during the covid-19 pandemic hits
become more innovative and find it easier to update Indonesia and the world. This online lecture can be
material or choose fun learning strategies. Moreover, implemented because not constrained by distance, time
makes it easy to control student assignments. However, and cost, but still prioritizing the interaction between
with a variety e-learning system has not been fully students with subject matter, students with other
effective in improving learning because the e-learning students, and interaction with the teacher.
application process requires a stable internet connection This is because in online lectures, students don't
in order to get it running smoothly besides that the listen to material descriptions from educators only, but
lecturers have not fully understood the various also actively observing, doing, demonstrating, and
operational methods video conference. Online learning actively asking or responding. Teaching materials can be
requires internal motivation and high independent virtualized in various format so that it is more interesting
learning to achieve satisfactory results. and more dynamic, besides that the material can also be
Independent learning frees students to carry out searched for by students themselves, so as to motivate
learning activities according to their learning style, students to learn more about a material. Learning using
learning speed, interests and talents [3]. Independence is the e-learning model has the advantage that students can
needed especially independence in learning, because learn without the limits of time and space. E-learning
students learn from home, none of his classmates can refers to an alternative method of teaching and learning
help to study, while the lecturer is also at their home, so using all electronic media, including the internet,
that internal abilities determine the continuity of each network, audio / video tape, and CD-ROM. Learning
learning individual. Brookfield argues that independent with the e-learning model has the advantage that students
learning is learning that is carried out by students freely can learn without the limits of time and space, E-learning
in determining their learning goals, using learning also provides a one-stop service for teachers and learners
resources they choose, making academic decisions and in order to create and deliver educational content
carrying out activities to achieve their learning goals [4]. quickly, effectively, and economically[5]. E-learning is
In other word, students are free to plan their learning an alternative method for learning that uses media
strategies, choose learning sources, and carry out electronic internet, intranet, satellite, Smart TV and

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 196

Mobile that are electronic media used in learning often, independent learners make use of existing learning
both synchronously (at the same time) or asynchronously resources and appropriate learning strategies to
(at different times). overcome difficulties that occur in the learning process
[7]. Appropriate with the definition in the large
Accordance with the 4th industrial revolution era,
Indonesian dictionary (KBBI online), independence is
Indonesia is developing the system distance learning or
defined as a state that can stand alone without depending
through online learning further, so there is no learning
on others. Students who have high learning
space boundaries (borderless). The development of
independence tends to can learn better, be able to
information technology, it is increasingly easy for
monitor, evaluate, and set a schedule learn it effectively.
humans to obtain information, in just seconds without
Learning independence can be influenced by internal and
time and space limits. The development of digital
external factors. External factors are the creation of
technology has given rise to various new applications
relationships between teachers and students and the
including in the field of education, and used as a learning
formation of a supportive environment, while internal
tool. Online lectures emphasize on student-centered
factors are skills that students must possess such as
learning, and improve 21st century skills (critical
focusing memory and attention and problem solving,
thinking skills, communication, collaboration, creativity,
understanding how learning occurs, and skills, feelings
IT literacy, cross culture understanding, problem solving,
and emotions.[8] The data collection instrument used
self-directed learning).
was an independent questionnaire student learning with
Gagne argues that learning is a kind of change that is indicators includes 4 (four) aspects, that is: self-
shown in changes in behavior, which are different from confidence, responsibility, initiative and discipline [9].
before the individual is in a learning situation and after Learning independence can be achieved by exercising
taking similar actions. The learning situation in this case self-control such as 1) intention control only focuses on
is not only soft, but also physical, such as roads, tasks, 2) emotional control and motivation by aligning
television, computers, and so on [6]. The environment in motivation with learning objectives and avoiding
this case is not only soft, but also physical, such as roads, emotional states that can hinder task completion, 3)
television, computers, and so on. The existence of virtual controlling actions, 4) controlling willpower in putting
learning media can help students easily understand the discretionary efforts into achieving goals.[10] If the
content of a course. The success of learning that is built students themselves can develop his independent
through online models in schools and colleges is learning ability, then the learning outcomes achieved will
required: 1) students are able to independently learn and be of higher quality, original, and durable.
manage learning time, manage the effectiveness of
internet use and various motivating applications, and
organize themselves in online learning; 2) educators are 1.3. Motivation
able to develop knowledge and skills, facilitate learning, Motivation has an important role in learning. This is
understand learning and things needed in learning, and; because motivation can determine the level of speed at
3) availability of adequate infrastructure facilities. which a person works in doing something to achieve
their goals. Thus the motivation that students have can
1.2. Learning Independence determine whether the learning is effective or not. With
the motivation that students have, it can provide
Students who have independent learning have encouragement to achieve their desires because it has
characteristics, namely, 1) independent in learning, targeted goals so that learning achievement will increase,
namely being able to take full responsibility in in education motivation affects the success of learning
analyzing, planning, implementing, and evaluating their carried out by students [11]. Motivation appears
own learning activities independently, 2) self- characterized by feelings and reactions in achieving
management, namely being able to identify what they goals which are manifested in a real activity in the form
need during the learning process , set individual learning of physical activity [12]. There are two types of learning
goals, control their own time and efforts to learn, and motivation, namely intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
organize feedback for their work, 3) have a desire to Intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from within
learn for the purpose of acquiring knowledge, motivation students to complete their assignments. Meanwhile,
of independent learners to learn is very strong, and 4) extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from
problem solving to achieve learning outcomes best, outside such as the environment. Students who are

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 196

intrinsically motivated will complete the task and show taught online in the semester 2019-2020 and represents
better performance than students who are extrinsically each study program in the Department of Electrical
motivated [13]. The learning experience of students who Engineering, that were Electrical Engineering
are intrinsically motivated will be more meaningful Undergraduate Study Program, Electrical Engineering
because students explore the material being studied [14]. Education Undergraduate Study Program and Diploma 4
Electrical Engineering Study Program. Five courses are
Keller stated that there are four categories that
selected for each study program, and students who
represent motivational characteristics, namely, 1) student
program these courses.
interest in subjects in building curiosity and continuous
attention, 2) relevance between subjects and the interests
students need in learning, 3) student expectations of the 2.3. Data Collection Technique
subject. these lessons in building self-confidence through Data collection technique used a questionnaire by
success motivation, 4) student satisfaction from the collecting primary data from the respondents who were
learning process of these subjects in managing intrinsic selected to be the research sample. The research
and extrinsic reinforcement [15]. With developments in questionnaire/ questionnaire is prepared by submitting a
the four categories mentioned, the learning activities closed statement and the choice of answers on a likert
carried out will run effectively. Conversely, no matter scale.
how good the learning design that has been made, but
students are not motivated to learn, learning activities
2.4. Data Analysis Technique
will not occur because students will not perceive
information in the ongoing learning. McLelland said Descriptive analysis is an analysis used to analyze
there are six indicators of motivation to learn [16], data by describing the data that has been collected as it is
namely 1) enjoy assignments or personal responsibility, without intending to make general conclusions or
2) enjoy feedback on tasks performed, 3) enjoy moderate generalize. This research uses a questionnaire.
tasks whose difficulty level is not too difficult but also
not too easy, 4) diligent and resilient in work, 5) full The results of the calculation of the percentage of
consideration and calculation, 6) success of the task and independent learning are then interpreted by the
remain realistic. following criteria [9].
Table 1. Interpretation of learning independence
Percentage Criteria
The approach and method used refers to the
0%-20% Very Bad
formulation of the problem and the research objectives.
This research used a quantitative approach with a survey 21%-40% Bad
method. From the data, facts or information obtained 41%-60% God
through the survey, the condition of each variable under
81%-100% Very good
study can be described so that it is possible to know the
effect of one variable on another. This research was The criteria for student learning independence in the
conducted online, especially data collection. assessment indicator items are good if the percentage
obtained is ≥ 61%.
2.1. Place and Time of Research
This research was carried out in the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 3.1. The Independence Learning of Student
Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The research
implementation time was in the odd semester of the Learning activities from home require independent
2020-2021 academic year. learning in students. Lectures that are conducted online
require students to be able to be independent in learning,
2.2. Population and Research Sample
manage the use of the internet and various motivating
The population of this research is all students in the applications, and organize themselves in online learning.
Department of Electrical Engineering, while the research To find out how independent student learning was
sample is students who take a program courses that are conducted a survey using an online questionnaire to the

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 196

research sample. The questionnaire consists of 5 assignments given by the lecturer with the help of their
indicators, namely self-confidence, being able to work peers. This is still related to the lack of mastery of the
alone, active in learning, having the desire to compete to material being studied independently.
advance, and being able to make decisions. To find out
In this connection, it is also influenced by the level of
the level of self-confidence they have, it is necessary to
self-confidence. There are still many students who do not
look at the aspects of students in believing in their own
believe in their abilities which leads to completing
abilities, having the courage to express their opinions,
assignments assisted by friends. To increase their self-
speaking fluently during online lectures, enthusiastically
confidence, students must be brave in expressing their
participating in group discussions, and trying to do their
opinions and be enthusiastic in participating in the
own assignments. The ability of students to work alone
discussions that are being held. Thus, the knowledge that
can be seen in the aspects of students doing tasks without
is owned will increase and concepts that may not be
being ordered by others, completing tasks without the
mastered can be understood through the discussion that
help of others, and being satisfied with the results
is carried out.
obtained. In the student's ability to be active in learning,
it is necessary to look at the aspects of students asking
questions, answering lecturer questions, having the 3.3. The Supporting Factors Learning
courage to ask questions that are not yet understood, and Independence
daring to respond to friends' questions based on the
concepts they understand. The desire to compete for Supporting factors learning independence in online
progress that is owned by students needs to be seen in lectures can be divided into internal factors and external
the aspects of curiosity they have, their experiences, and factors. Internal factors are factors that come from
their creativity. In addition, students in making decisions themselves. Internal factors that greatly influence are
need to be careful in making decisions and be able to discipline, motivation and responsibility. Students who
solve problems on their own. have a high level of discipline will have a big influence
on their independent learning. This is because the
To determine the independence of student learning, it
attitude of the discipline that they have will help students
is necessary to pay attention to the average based on the
in managing the time that must be determined to carry
overall aspects. The results obtained are based on the
out independent learning activities according to their
questionnaire that has been given, it is known that the
abilities and characteristics. Motivation affects the
total average value for each aspect is 1363 with 17
independent learning carried out by students in terms of
aspects, so the overall aspect average value can be
the indentation they have to achieve the desired goal, and
calculated by dividing the average number of each aspect
that is mastering the concept of a material with their own
by the number of aspects and multiplying by 100. % .
abilities. The responsibilities that students must have
The result of the calculation is 80.1%. In accordance
play an important role as a manifestation of their
with the interpretation of the percentage of independent
awareness of their obligations. As a student, students
learning in table 1, independence learning of student is at
must be aware of their obligation to master the concept
a percentage of 41% -60% so it can be said to be good.
and complete the assigned task properly.
External factors are factors that come from outside
3.2. The Obstacles that Student encounter such as the family and school environment. The family
The obstacles that student encounter to independent environment plays a very important role in student
learning in doing online learning activities are in the learning independence. This is because in online
indicators of students' ability to work alone and self- learning, students carry out independent learning
confidence. Most students in face-to-face learning activities at home. Thus students and family members
activities require a lecturer or friend to understand the must have good interaction and cooperation in order to
material or complete the assignment given. The level of create a learning environment that is conducive to
difficulty in understanding the material increases when independent learning. The school environment has a role
learning activities are carried out independently. This can in supporting students in carrying out independent
be due to a lack of knowledge due to lack of reading or learning activities. Because learning activities are carried
the material being studied is indeed difficult material to out online, schools can support students in learning such
master if studied independently. Likewise with the as helping to provide internet access, that is by providing
completion of assignments, most students complete data packages to students.

Advances in Engineering Research, volume 196

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