Career Technology
Career Technology
Career Technology
Career Technology Curriculum for B7/JHS1- B9/JHS3
Enquiries and comments on this Curriculum should be addressed to:
The Director-General
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA)
Ministry of Education
P. O. Box CT PMB 77 Cantonments Accra
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In the twenty-first century, memorisation of facts and figures is no longer a sufficient learner attribute. Therefore, the CCP focuses on the acquisition of the 4Rs
(Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic and cReativity) and core competencies to afford learners the ability to apply knowledge innovatively to solve everyday problems.
Personal projects, community projects and community service have been integrated into the CCP as part of a comprehensive assessment programme, including
assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that mainly emphasise what learners can do. It is hoped that the content of this curriculum will promote
better high school education that meets the varied learning needs of the young people in the country and addresses the shortfalls in the current school curriculum
in relation to learning and assessment.
The Ministry of Education is committed to ensuring that our schools develop globally competitive high school graduates who have the requisite employable skills
and workplace ethos. The CCP curriculum will, therefore, play an important role in this regard. The Ministry will support the effective implementation of the
CCP to include capacity development of all teachers to ensure improved learning experiences and outcomes for our young people.
This Common Core Programme (CCP) curriculum was developed together with the National Pre-tertiary Learning Assessment Framework (NPLAF) and
Teacher’s and Learner’s Resource Packs. All these documents were developed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), under the
oversight and strategic direction of the Ministry of Education (MoE) with support from some agencies of the MoE and other relevant stakeholders.
NaCCA, acting on behalf of the Ministry of Education (MoE), would like to express its sincere gratitude to all its partners who participated in the professional
conversations and discussions during the course of the development of the CCP curriculum.
NaCCA also extends special commendations to the leadership of the Ghana Education Service (GES), National School Inspectorate Authority (NaSIA), National
Teaching Council (NTC), Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Commission for TVET) and other agencies of the MoE.
Additionally, NaCCA acknowledges the contributions of staff from various Universities and Colleges of Education as well as teachers and learners within the
Ghana Education Service.
Special thanks go to those who also contributed to shaping this curriculum content through the consultation process, including the national stakeholder
engagement conducted in Accra in February, 2020.
The common core attributes of the learner, which describe the essential outcomes in the three domains of learning (i.e. cognitive, psychomotor and affective), are
at the centre of the CCP (see Figure 1). Inspired by the values which are important to the Ghanaian society, the CCP provides an education of the heart, mind and
hands in relation to the learner’s lifetime values, well-being, physical development, metacognition and problem-solving abilities. Ultimately, this will produce
character-minded learners who can play active roles in dealing with the increasing challenges facing Ghana and the global society.
The features that shape the Common Core Programme are shown in Figure 1. These are:
• learning and teaching approaches—the core competencies, 4Rs and pedagogical approaches
• learning context—engagement service and project
• learning areas—mathematics, science, computing, languages (English, Ghanaian Language, French and Arabic), career technology, social studies, physical
and health education, creative arts and design and religious and moral education.
• The 4Rs across the Curriculum: The 4Rs refer to Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic and cReativity, which all learners must become fluent in.
Learning Areas
The CCP comprises the following learning areas:
The expectation of Career Technology seeks to achieve the goals of the Education Strategic Plan (ESP 2018–2030). The Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2018–2030
lays out Ghana’s vision and goals for the Education Sector up to 2030, as well as detailed strategies for how these goals will be achieved. As part of the policy
objectives, the teaching of Career Technology from JHS 1 to JHS 3 (Basic 7 to Basic 9) as a Common Core Programme has become a very meaningful aspect of
the vision of education in Ghana. In response to the Education Strategic Plan 2018–2030, the Career Technology Course is thus expected to:
• Improve the nation’s economy by bridging the connection between schooling, employment, productivity and trade.
• Enhance learners’ outcomes in employment-related skills and competencies.
Career Technology employs pedagogical approaches or strategies of social constructivism, differentiation, scaffolding, inclusion, among others which are to cater
for differences in ability and aspirations of learners. The main strengths of Career Technology as a Common Core Programme are:
• It provides learners with basic knowledge, skills and values to enable them function in society
• It creates opportunity for the development of special aptitudes and talents through elective courses
• Learners are able to solve real life problems since content is built around problems in the society
• Learners’ understanding of concepts is reinforced since there is integration of subjects.
Teaching Philosophy
Ghana as a developing country, believes that an effective Career Technology education should be inquiry-based to ensure sustainable development. Career
Technology education must therefore, provide learners with opportunities to expand, change, enhance and modify the ways in which they view the scientific,
technological, industrial, and economic world. It is pivoted on learner-centred technology, teaching and learning approaches that engage learners physically and
cognitively to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes. This involves the acquisition of critical thinking, collaboration and communication, creativity and innovation,
problem solving in an activity-driven environment.
Learning Philosophy
Career Technology as a subject, recognises the unique endowment of every learner. It promotes the development of individual talents based on creativity,
innovation, critical thinking, and graphical expression of ideas of the learner’s capacity as an individual. It offers learners the opportunity to work at their own pace
without discrimination or comparison. Activities in Career Technology provide the learner with various options that promote brainstorming, decision making and
expressive learning, self-assessment and evaluation. This approach of learner-centredness helps learners to appreciate every aspect of the subject.
Based on the interactive, exciting and stimulating nature of Career Technology, it enables learners to discover their talents and develop their lifelong, core
competencies, functional and foundational skills. The learning environment (classroom, workshops, sites and laboratories) in Career Technology should encourage
learners to participate and collaborate inclusively, understand and respect their skills, abilities and experiences as well as those of others. This sets a sustainable
pace in achieving expected learning outcomes in the 4Rs— Reading, wRiting, aRithmetric and cReativity.
General Aim
The Career Technology Curriculum is aimed at developing individuals to become creative, innovative, technologically minded, digital literates and problem solvers.
They should have the ability to think critically and have both the confidence and competence to participate fully in Ghanaian society as responsible local and global
Specific Aims
Furthermore, the subject aims to;
• Educate the learner in Career Technology through the Head, Heart and Hands (3-H) Therapy.
• Develop the learner’s thinking capacity, reasoning power and an understanding of the environment.
• Provide learners with the opportunity to respond and act creatively according to intuition.
• Instil in the learner a lifelong independent and critical mind for analytical and problem-solving skills like critical analysis, creativity and innovation.
• Instil in learners the ability to challenge stereotypes about gender disability. religion, ethnicity, economic status etc. that limits in some career pathways.
• Develop the personality in terms of emotional balance, material, spiritual, cultural and intellectual life of an individual.
• Strengthen the learner’s power of imagination, creative thinking, self- expression, critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
• Predispose the learner to the technical and vocational identities of Career Technology and entrepreneurial skills needed for industrialisation.
• Develop in the learner the sense of appreciation and appraisal of Career Technology skills of the specific areas for future development.
• Develop the spirit of curiosity, creativity, innovation and critical thinking for investigating and understanding their technological environment.
• Develop skills, habits of mind and attitudes necessary for scientific and technological inquiry.
• Communicate graphical, technological, engineering, industrial, scientific ideas effectively.
• Use technological, engineering, industrial, scientific, entrepreneurial, employment concepts in explaining their own lives and the world around them.
• Develop humane and responsible attitudes towards the use of resources in Ghana and elsewhere.
• Show concern and understanding of the interdependence of all living things, and manufactured products and the Earth on which they live.
• Design activities for exploring and applying scientific, technological, engineering, industrial, entrepreneurial, employment ideas and concepts.
• Develop skills for using science, technology, and entrepreneurship to enhance learning and living.
• Use resources and materials in their environments in a sustainable manner.
• Develop the ability to identify and address gender and inclusion issues related to career opportunities and choices.
In this curriculum, learning indicators are stated with action verbs to show what the learner should know and be able to do. For example, the learner will be able
to describe something. Being able to “describe” something after teaching and learning has been completed means that the learner has acquired “knowledge”. Being
able to explain, summarise, and give examples, etc. means that the learner has understood the concept taught.
Similarly, being able to “develop”, “defend”, etc. means that the learner can “apply” the knowledge acquired in some new context. Each of the indicators in the
curriculum contains an “action verb” that describes the behaviour the learner will be able to demonstrate after teaching and learning has taken place. “Knowledge,
Understanding and Application” is a domain that should be the prime focus of teaching and learning in schools. Teaching in most cases tend to stress knowledge
acquisition to the detriment of other higher-level behaviours such as applying knowledge.
Each action verb in any indicator outlines the underlying expected outcome. Each indicator must be read carefully to know the learning domain towards which to
teach. The focus is to move teaching and learning from the level of mere acquisition of “knowledge” that involves memorisation of facts, reliance on formulas,
remembering of facts learned without reviewing or relating them to the real world known as surface learning to a new position called deep learning. Learners
are expected to deepen their learning by applying their knowledge to develop critical thinking skills, to explain issues, and reasons to generate creative ideas to
solve real life problems they would face in school and in their later adult lives. This is the position where learning becomes beneficial to the learner.
The explanations and the key words involved in the Profile Dimensions - “Knowledge, Understanding and Application” domain are as follows:
Understanding: The ability to explain, summarise, translate, rewrite, paraphrase, give examples, generalise, estimate or predict consequences based
upon a trend. Understanding is generally the ability to grasp the meaning of some material that may be verbal, pictorial or symbolic.
Applying: This dimension is also referred to as “Use of Knowledge”, and is the ability to use knowledge or apply knowledge, apply rules,
methods, principles, theories, etc. to situations that are new and unfamiliar. It also involves the ability to produce, solve, plan,
demonstrate, discover, etc.
Analysing: The ability to break down material/information into its component parts; to differentiate, compare, distinguish, outline, separate,
identify significant points etc., ability to recognise unstated assumptions and logical fallacies; ability to recognise inferences from
facts, etc.
Synthesising: The ability to put parts or ideas together to form a new whole. It involves the ability to combine, compile, compose, devise, plan,
revise, organise, create, generate new ideas, and solutions.
Evaluating: The ability to appraise, compare features of different things and make comments or judgement, contrast, criticise, justify, support,
discuss, conclude, make recommendations, etc. Evaluation refers to the ability to judge the worth or value of some material based
on some guide.
Creating: The ability to use information or materials to plan, compose, produce, manufacture or construct other products.
From the foregoing, creating is seen as the highest form of thinking and learning and is therefore the most important behaviour. This, unfortunately, is the area
where most learners perform poorly. In order to get learners to acquire critical thinking skills right from the lower primary level, it is advised that teachers do
their best to help the learners develop reasoning skills.
To be effective, competent and reflective citizens who will be willing and capable of solving personal and societal problems, learners should be exposed to
situations that challenge them to raise questions and attempt to solve problems.
• select teaching and learning activities that will ensure maximum learner participation
• avoid rote learning and drill-oriented approaches and rather emphasise participatory teaching and learning with special focus on the cognitive, and
psychomotor domains wherever appropriate.
• re-order the suggested teaching and learning activities and also add to them where necessary in order to achieve the best learning situation.
• help learners apply their knowledge in dealing with issues both in and out of school.
• help learners to be problem solvers.
In Career Technology, learners are expected to acquire valuable basic practical skills to serve as a foundation for further skills development. Observe and also
ensure that learners exhibit skills and values in their behaviour and in career activities.
Suggested mode of evaluating learners’ performance in Career Technology lessons/activities are as follows:
• Design sets of tasks and assignments that will challenge learners to apply their knowledge to issues and problems
• Engage learners in creating new and original items/compositions
• Assist learners to develop positive attitudes for activities
• Emphasise the issues of conceptualisation, planning and making as key components in evaluating learners’ work
• Guide learners to transform what they know, understand and can do into creating products
• Career Technology should be taught as a practical subject. It is basically for acquisition of practical skills. Learners are to be taught and evaluated practically.
• Though learners are to be taken through some theoretical lessons, these are to be reinforced through their learning of designing, idea conceptualisation,
brainstorming and critical thinking to find solutions to identified problems.
• Learners must observe, listen, describe, reflect, brainstorm, discuss, design, make, test, evaluate and report.
Practical Skills
Practical skills refer generally to the psychomotor domain. This involves the demonstration of manipulative skills using tools/equipment and materials to carry out
practical operations, pre-image to solve practical problems, and produce items. The teaching and assessment of practical skills should involve projects, case studies
and creative practical tasks. The basic skills required for effective practical work are the following:
Observation: The learners should be able to use their senses to make accurate observation of skills and techniques during demonstrations. The learners in this
case should be able to apply or imitate the techniques they have observed for performing other tasks.
Craftsmanship: This involves the skilful and efficient handling of materials and tools for accomplishing specific tasks according to the level of the learners.
Perception: The learners should be able to respond to their environment using all the senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting and movement or
kinaesthetic. The learner should be encouraged to apply these senses to every project that is undertaken.
Originality/Creativity: The learners should be encouraged to be creative or original and be able to use new methods in carrying out projects to be original in
making own artefacts/products, and not to copy existing work. The teacher should help the learners to be creative and original by encouraging any little creative
effort, technique and product they may develop.
Communication: The learners should be guided to develop effective oral and written communication skills necessary for group work, reporting and
To be effective, competent and reflective citizens, who will be willing and capable of solving personal and societal problems, learners should be exposed to
situations that challenge them to raise questions and attempt to solve problems. Learners therefore, need to acquire positive attitudes, values and psychosocial
skills that will enable them participate in debates and take a stand on issues affecting them and others.
The Career Technology curriculum intends to help learners to acquire the following:
At the heart of this curriculum is the belief in nurturing honest, creative and responsible citizens. As such, every part of this curriculum, including the related
pedagogy, should be consistent with the following set of values:
Respect: This includes respect for the nation of Ghana, its institutions and laws and the culture and respect among its citizens and friends of Ghana.
Diversity: Ghana is a multicultural society in which every citizen enjoys fundamental rights and responsibilities. Learners must be taught to respect the views of all
persons and to see national diversity as a powerful force for nation development. The curriculum should promote social cohesion.
© NaCCA, Ministry of Education 2021 xxi
Equity: The socio-cultural and economic development across the country is uneven. Consequently, it is necessary to be deliberate in addressing the specific needs
of learners and to ensure an equitable distribution of resources. Ghana’s learners have varied needs influenced by their gender, abilities, economic status,
geographical background etc. which require the provision of equal opportunities for all to promote life-long learning.
Commitment to achieving excellence: Learners must be taught to appreciate the opportunities provided through the curriculum and persist in doing their best
in any field of endeavour as global citizens. The Career Technology curriculum encourages innovativeness through creative and critical thinking and the use of
contemporary technologies.
Teamwork/Collaboration: Learners are encouraged to be committed to team-oriented working and learning environments. This also means that learners should
have an attitude of tolerance to live peacefully with all persons.
Truth and Integrity: Learners will be helped to develop learners into individuals who will consistently tell the truth irrespective of the consequences. In addition,
be morally upright with the attitude of doing the right thing even when no one is watching. They will be true to themselves and be willing to live the values of
honesty and compassion. Equally important, is the practice of positive values as part of the ethos or culture of the workplace, which includes integrity and
perseverance. These values underpin the learning processes to allow learners to apply skills and competencies in the world of work.
In Career Technology, it must be emphasised that all forms of assessment are based on the 3 domains of learning. In developing assessment procedures, try to
select indicators in such a way that you will be able to assess a representative sample from a given strand. Each indicator in the curriculum is considered a criterion
to be achieved by the learners. When you develop assessment items or questions that are based on a representative sample of the indicators taught, the
assessment is referred to as a “Criterion-Referenced Assessment”. In many cases, a teacher cannot assess all the indicators taught in a term or year. The
assessment procedure you use i.e. class assessments, homework, projects and group work presentations must be developed in such a way that the various
procedures complement each other to provide a representative sample of indicators taught over a period of time.
Assessment as Learning is about the ongoing self-assessment by students in order to monitor their own learning, which is “characterised by students reflecting on
their own learning and making adjustments so that they achieve deeper understanding.” (Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education
[WNCP], 2006, p.41)
Learners must be guided through the process of understanding their own cognitive processes so that students learn to monitor their own learning and make
What do we assess?
• Emphasis in assessment in the CCP is on the Common Core Learner Attributes, which are essential outcomes in the three domains of learning (i.e.
cognitive, psychomotor and affective).
• Knowledge and skills with emphasis on the 4Rs in the learning areas
• Core competencies with emphasis on attitudes and values developed through the learning and its context as well as the pedagogical approaches.
• The process is illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 2.
The following are samples of relevant records that can be kept on the student’s learning.
The grading system presented, shows the letter grade system and equivalent grade boundaries. In assigning grades to pupils’ test results, or any form of evaluation,
the above grade boundaries and the descriptors may be applied. The descriptors Highly Proficient [HP], Proficient [P], Approaching Proficiency [AP], Developing
[D], Emerging [E]), indicate the meaning of each grade.
In addition to the school-based assessment (SBA), a national standards assessment test is conducted in Basic 8 to provide national level indicators on learners’
1. creation of learning-centred classrooms through the use of creative approaches to ensure learner empowerment and independent learning;
2. positioning of inclusion and equity at the centre of quality teaching and learning;
3. use of differentiation and scaffolding as teaching and learning strategies for ensuring that no learner is left behind;
4. use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a pedagogical tool;
5. identification of subject specific instructional expectations needed for making learning in the subject relevant to learners;
6. integration of assessment as learning, for learning and of learning into the teaching and learning process and as an accountability strategy; and
7. questioning techniques that promote deep learning.
Learning-Centred Pedagogies
The learner is at the centre of learning. At the heart of the CCP curriculum is the learning progression and improvement of learning outcomes for Ghana’s young
people with a focus on the 4Rs—Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic and cReativity. It is expected that at each curriculum phase, learners would be offered the essential
learning experiences to progress seamlessly to the next phase. Where there are indications that a learner is not sufficiently ready for the next phase a
compensatory provision through differentiation should be provided to ensure that such a learner is ready to progress with their cohort.
The curriculum encourages the creation of a learning-centred classroom with the opportunity for learners to engage in meaningful “hands-on” activities that bring
home to the learner what they are learning in school and what they know from outside of school. The learning-centred classroom is a place for the learners to
discuss ideas through the inspiration of the teacher. The learners then become actively engaged in looking for answers, working in groups to solve problems. They
also research information, analyse and evaluate information. The aim of the learning-centred classroom is to enable learners to take ownership of their learning. It
provides the opportunity for deep and profound learning to take place.
The teacher as a facilitator needs to create a learning environment that:
Inclusion is ensuring access and learning for all learners, especially, those disadvantaged. All learners are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum in every
school in Ghana. The daily learning activities to which learners are exposed should ensure that the learners’ right to equal access and accessibility to quality
education is met. The curriculum suggests a variety of approaches that addresses learners’ diversity and their special needs in the learning process. When these
approaches are effectively used in lessons, they will contribute to the full development of the learning potential of every learner. Learners have individual needs
and learning experiences and different levels of motivation for learning. Planning, delivery and reflection on daily learning experiences should take these differences
into consideration.
The curriculum therefore, promotes:
1. learning that is linked to the learner’s background and to their prior experiences, interests, potential and capacities.
2. learning that is meaningful because it aligns with learners’ ability (e.g. learning that is oriented towards developing general capabilities and solving the practical
problems of everyday life); and
3. the active involvement of the learners in the selection and organisation of learning experiences, making them aware of their importance and also enabling
them to assess their own learning outcomes.
Differentiation by task involves teachers setting different tasks for learners of different abilities. For example, in sketching the plan and shape of their classroom
some learners could be made to sketch with free hand while others would be made to trace the outline of the plan.
Scaffolding in education refers to the use of a variety of instructional techniques aimed at moving learners progressively towards stronger understanding and
ultimately greater independence in the learning process.
It involves breaking up the learning task, experience or concepts into smaller parts and then providing learners with the support they need to learn each part. The
process may require a teacher assigning an excerpt of a longer text to learners to read and engaging them to discuss the excerpt to improve comprehension. The
teacher goes ahead to guide them through the key words/ vocabulary to ensure learners have developed a thorough understanding of the text before engaging
them to read the full text.
1. give learners a simplified version of a lesson, assignment, or reading, and then gradually increases the complexity, difficulty, or sophistication over time;
2. describe or illustrate a concept, problem, or process in multiple ways to ensure understanding;
3. give learners an Exemplar(s): or model of an assignment they will be asked to complete;
4. give learners a vocabulary lesson before they read a difficult text;
5. describe the purpose of a learning activity clearly and the learning goals they are expected to achieve; and
6. describe explicitly how the new lesson builds on the knowledge and skills learners were taught in a previous lesson.
ICT has the potential to innovate, accelerate, enrich, and deepen skills. It also motivates and engages learners to relate school experiences to work practices. It
provides opportunities for learners to fit into the world of work.
Some of the expected outcomes that this curriculum aims to achieve are:
Learners need to be exposed to various ICT tools around them including calculators, radios, cameras, phones, television sets and computers and related software
like Microsoft Office packages—Word, PowerPoint and Excel as teaching and learning tools. The exposure that learners are given from JHS 1-JHS3 (Basic 7 – Basic
9) to use ICT in exploiting learning will build their confidence and will increase their level of motivation to apply ICT use in later years, both within and outside of
education. ICT use for teaching and learning is expected to enhance the quality and competence level of learners.
In using this curriculum, we hope that certain core competencies will be developed in learners to help them develop our country, Ghana. These competencies
Classroom, workshop/site and laboratory discussions, to guide learners to be aware that creative activities are used to solve identified problems. For example:
1. The Career Technology products are used to provide food, clothing, shelter and furniture for our homes, schools, churches, mosques, palaces and work
places. The Career Technology subjects can provide job opportunities for various endeavours in life.
2. Lead learners to identify problems in their environment; home, school and community that affect the individual, family, community and the country.
3. Guide learners to discuss the effects of these problems on their education, health and sanitation, cultural beliefs and practices, job creation and employment,
4. Lead learners to investigate the causes of these problems through interviews, visits, observations, reading and group or class discussions, etc.
5. Guide learners through brainstorming, discussions, exploration with available tools, materials, instruments and techniques (individually or in groups) to
design and create projects to help solve identified problems.
6. Get learners to plan, display and share their artefacts through exhibitions and performances with peers and other members of the community.
7. Guide learners to appreciate, appraise and critique their works, document the outcomes, reflect creatively on their findings and use the feedback to make
modifications or undertake new projects.
The curriculum is organised under the following key headings:
Content standards are the expected level of knowledge, skill and/or attitude that a learner must attain at each grade level.
Indicators are the distinct outcomes that learners must exhibit for each content standard at each level of learning.
Exemplars clearly explain the distinct outcomes or indicators. They support and guide the facilitator/teacher in helping learners to achieve the content standards.
STANDARD with Exemplars
A unique annotation is used for numbering the learning indicators in the curriculum for the purpose of easy referencing as indicated in Table 4, below.
1 Strand Number
1 Sub-Strand Number
B7/JHS1.1.1.1 B7/JHS1. Discuss the need to stay healthy Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate knowledge of Personal Development (PL), Creativity
basic concept of staying and Innovation (CI)
1. Explain what is meant by staying healthy. CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
E.g. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details.
Staying healthy: physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and as a resource for
CP5.1: Ability to combine information
living a full life—exercise the body, have enough rest, eat a balanced diet,
and ideas from several sources to
avoid drug abuse and negative peer pressure
reach a conclusion.
2. Discuss and present in groups the consequences of not taking good care of CC9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills
one’s body of working towards group goals.
E.g., Contract disease and fall ill.
NB: Use different ways or means for presentation—power point, posters,
pictures, illustrations (differentiation).
3. Research and write on materials and strategies (ways) used for improving PL6.2: Division of tasks into solvable
personal hygiene and discuss, in groups. units and assign group members task
B7/JHS1.1.1.1 B7/JHS1. Describe ways of maintaining personal hygiene CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
Demonstrate knowledge of with relevant details.
1. In groups, discuss ways of maintaining personal hygiene.
basic concept of staying CC9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and
healthy E.g., skills of working towards group goals.
CONT’D - Wash the body often. PL5.6: Ability to set and maintain
- Clean the teeth at least twice a day. personal standards and values.
- Wash hands after visiting the toilet.
2. Demonstrate the following in groups.
E.g., Care of finger nails, hair, nose, ear, mouth and teeth
B7/JHS1.1.2.1 B7/JHS1. Describe accidents in the workshop/site/laboratory Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate knowledge of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
preventing accidents in the (CP)
1. Explain what is meant by accidents.
workshop/site and laboratory
E.g., Accidents in the workshops are injuries that occur in the workshop/site
or laboratory unexpectedly. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details.
2. Discuss the types of accidents that occur in the workshop.
CP5.2: Analyse and make judgement
E.g., Falls, cuts, bruises and explosions. about viewpoints expressed in an
3. Predict the causes of accidents that can occur in the workshop/food argument.
E.g., Tiredness/fatigue, poor lightening and ventilation.
B7/JHS1.1.2.1 B7/JHS1. Explain the need for keeping the workshop/site and CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
Demonstrate knowledge of the laboratory safe with relevant details.
preventing accidents in the 1. Identify personal safety measures in the workshop/site/food/sewing CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
workshop and laboratory laboratories.
CONT’D E.g., Proper use of personal protective equipment in the workshop and CP6.3: Identify important and
laboratory and adherence to safety rules and regulations. appropriate alternatives.
2. Discuss how to keep tools and equipment safe to prevent accidents in the
workshop /site/food/sewing laboratories.
E.g., Proper storage of food, materials, tools and equipment.
3. Demonstrate ways of preventing accidents in the
workshop/site//food/sewing laboratories.
Follow instructions and do not rush through work
Good lighting and ventilation, work systematically and carefully
Keep oneself from harm, observe safety precautions,
Wear personal protective equipment (PPEs) such as goggles, nose
masks and boots.
B7/JHS1.1.3.1 B7/JHS1. Discuss the factors of environmental health Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate knowledge of Critical Thinking and Problem
basic concept of Solving(CP), Creativity and
Environmental Health Innovation(CI)
1. Explain what is meant by Environmental Health.
E.g., It is a way of protecting quality of life through the prevention and CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details
treatment of disease that relates to the natural and built environment that may
CC 9.6: Ability to work with all group
affect human health and fosters healthy and safe communities. members to complete a task successfully
CP5.1: Ability to combine information
and analyse to make distinct judgement
2. Identify the factors (constituents/pillars) of environmental health, in
E.g., Disease control, clean water, sanitation and hygiene.
3. Identify and discuss the causes of environmental health and other sources
and report in class.
E.g., Air, water and soil pollutions, chemical exposures
4. Research the consequences of poor environmental health, in groups and
present for class discussions.
E.g., Transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis
A, typhoid, polio, Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and exacerbates stunting
4. Document the growth stages of the tree and report in class for
appraisal using charts, pictures and videos.
B7/JHS1. Distinguish between types of compliant CP6.3: Ability to identify important and
materials appropriate criteria to evaluate each
1. Classify the various compliant materials under their types:
- Paper
- Card
- Fabric/Textile
2. Give examples of each class of compliant materials: CC8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas
- Paper—copy paper, construction paper
- Card—solid white board, corrugated card,
- Fabric/Textile—cotton, nylon
3. Read out the summary of the lesson.
B7/JHS1.2.1.1 B7/JHS1. Explain how compliant materials are CP5.1: Ability to combine information
Demonstrate knowledge of manufactured/produced and ideas from several sources to
basic concept of compliant reach a conclusion
1. Search for information on how paper/card is obtained, in groups.
CONT’D E.g.,
Paper is made from wood; a tree is felled, broken into chips, chips are boiled in
water and chemicals added to form pulp; the pulp is pressed with rollers. The
more the layers, the thicker the paper i.e. card.
2. Find information from books and other sources on how fabric/textile is
obtained, in groups
Fabric/Textile is obtained from natural and man-made fibres which are turned
into yarns and threads. They are made through weaving, knitting,
crocheting, braiding or bonding, knotting, and felting.
2. Find out information from different sources including online, on the two types of CP5.1: Ability to combine information
plastics and give examples. and ideas from several sources to
E.g. reach a conclusion
3. Make a table and match products to the types of plastics they are made from, CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
E.g. adequately meet selected criteria
Material Products
Polythene toys, carrier bags, packaging film
Urea formaldehyde textile, (white) electrical fittings,
B7/JHS1.2.2.1 4. Explain briefly how wood is obtained. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
Demonstrate knowledge of with relevant details.
E.g., A mature living tree is felled, the branches are cut off to obtain the log,
basic concept of resistant which is then converted (sawn) to standard sizes, then seasoned. CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
materials adequately meet selected criteria.
5. Distinguish between solid timber and man-made boards and give
examples. CP5.2: Analyse and make distinct
E.g., Solid timber is made from harvested trees or similar natural sources, judgement about the viewpoints.
whereas man-made boards are often produced from small pieces of wood or
waste wood
6. Compare the weight of products made from solid timber and man-made CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
boards with relevant details.
E.g. CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
Solid timber products: heavier in weight, less flexible adequately meet selected criteria.
Man-made board products: lighter in weight, more flexible
7. Explain briefly how metals are obtained
E.g., The raw material is mined from the earth; it undergoes processes such
as crushing, washing and grading; several other processes are carried out to
get it in a refined form.
8. Identify products made from each category of metals
Ferrous metals: machine parts, nails, hand tools
Non-ferrous metals: kitchen cooking utensils, window frames, electrical wires
Alloys: sculptures, statues, ornaments
Smart: shape memory alloy (SMA)
B7/JHS1.2.2.1 9. Identify and classify materials used for building under natural and man-made. CP5.2: Analyse and make distinct
Demonstrate knowledge of judgement about the viewpoints.
basic concept of resistant
materials - Natural: sand, stones, clay
CONT’D - Man-made: cement, lime
10. Discuss the sources of the natural building materials. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
E.g. with relevant details.
B7/JHS1.2.3.1 B7/JHS1. Explore the general properties of smart and modern Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate materials (CC)
understanding of the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
1. Describe smart and modern materials. (CP)
properties of smart and
modern materials E.g.
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
- Smart materials (intelligent or responsive materials) are designed materials with relevant details.
that have one or more properties that can be significantly changed in a
controlled fashion by external stimuli, such as stress, moisture, electric or
magnetic fields, light, temperature, pH or chemical compounds.
- Modern materials are materials developed through the invention of new or
improved process to have improved properties and are used for sportswear,
medical and safety wear, and fashion clothing.
2. Identify the main factors that affect the properties of smart and modern CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
materials. that adequately meet selected criteria.
E.g. Light, temperature (hot/cold/warm), moisture.
3. Describe the effects of light on smart and modern materials and products. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
E.g. with relevant details.
Demonstrate CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
5. Discuss how moisture affects products made from smart and modern
understanding of the with relevant details.
materials and products
properties of smart and
modern materials
E.g., Graphene oxide (electrical insulator) based materials bend when exposed
CONT’D to moisture.
6. Present findings in class for discussion.
B7/JHS1.3.1.1 B7/JHS1. Classify and use measuring and marking out tools and Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate equipment for production. (CC)
understanding of Critical Thinking and Problem
measuring and marking 1. Identify and classify the types of measuring and marking out tools and equipment. Solving (CP),
out tools and equipment Example: Creativity and Innovation (CI)
for production. Place of work Measuring Marking out Tools
CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
that adequately meet selected
Food laboratory (kitchen) measuring cups grater and cutter criteria.
Sewing workshop tape measure, pencil, tailor’s chalk CC8.1: Speak clearly and explain
yard/ meter rule ideas.
Building site surveyor’s tape profile board, peg, chalk CC8.2: Explain ideas in a clear
Wood workshop tape measure, pencil, marking gauge, order with relevant details.
folding rule marking knife
Metal/plastic workshop steel rule, tape pair of compasses,
measure scriber, pair of dividers
2. Think-write-pair and share at a plenary session, the uses of each tool and equipment CP5.6: Demonstrate a thorough a
identified in: generalised concept and facts
specific to task or situation.
- Food laboratory (kitchen)
- Sewing workshop CC8.2: Explain ideas in a clear
order with relevant details.
- Building site
- Wood workshop
- Metal/plastic workshop
B7/JHS1.3.1.1 3. Discuss the importance of measuring and marking out items. CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
Demonstrate that adequately meet selected criteria.
E.g., Accuracy, avoidance of waste of material, achieving desired results
understanding of
measuring and marking 4. Identify from a displayed realia or pictures, tools and equipment used for CI 6.1: Exhibit strong memory,
out tools and equipment measuring and marking out: intuitive thinking and respond
for production - Food laboratory (kitchen for liquids/dry ingredients: weighing scale, appropriately.
CONT’D measuring cups, spoons, calabash, olonka
- Sewing workshop/laboratory: tape measure, yard rule
- Building site: tape measure, builder’s square, head pan, straight edge
- Wood workshop: tape measure, folding rule, try-square, marking knife
- Metal workshop: tape measure, steel rule, pair of compasses
5. Sketch and label parts of measuring and marking out tools and display sketches
for appraisal.
6. Demonstrate how to use the measuring and marking out tools and equipment. CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
thinking behind thoughts and
B7/JHS1. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain measuring CC8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
and marking out tools and equipment used for production with relevant details.
1. Share experiences from home on how to care for tools and equipment used for
2. Discuss cleaning agents/materials used to clean and maintain tools and equipment
based on the respective material used in making the tool.
CP6.7: Implement strategies with
Silvo for cleaning silver, brasso for cleaning brass, oil to avoid rust, cloth for
cleaning and dusting.
3. Demonstrate how to care for measuring and marking out tools and equipment
according to the material used in making them.
B7/JHS1.3.2.1 B7/JHS1. Identify cutting and shaping tools and equipment used Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate for production. (CC)
understanding of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
1. Identify the displayed cutting tools: (CP)
cutting/shaping tools and
equipment for production - Food laboratory:
• Cutting tools: All kinds of kitchen knives (pairing, chopping bread), biscuit CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
cutters. that adequately meet selected criteria.
• Shaping tools: Cake tins, moulds, scoops for ice cream etc.
- Sewing workshop/laboratory - . Scissors, pinking shears, seam ripper and
French curves)
- Woodwork—Rip saws, cross cut saw, tenon saw, firmer chisel, mortice
chisel, spoke shave, rasp file.
- Building—Bolster, brick hammer, mould box
- Metal/plastics—Hacksaw, junior hacksaw, hand file, flat file, square file,
rectangular file, file card, cold chisels, drills and bits
B7/JHS1. Use appropriate skills in cutting, chopping, slicing, dicing CP6.7: Implement strategies with
and shaping products accuracy.
1. Demonstrate the appropriate techniques in cutting, chopping, slicing and dicing
in food production.
2. Demonstrate the appropriate techniques in cutting, paring, moulding in wood,
metal and building.
B7/JHS1.3.2.1 B7/JHS1. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain cutting and CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
Demonstrate shaping tools used for production with relevant details.
understanding of 1. Share experiences on how to care for, and maintain cutting and shaping tools CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
cutting/shaping tools and and equipment for production. that adequately meet selected criteria.
equipment for production
E.g., oil metal parts of tools, wash and clean mould box. CP6.7: Implement strategies with
2. Identify cleaning agents used to clean tools and equipment according to the accuracy.
material used in cleaning cutting and shaping tools
E.g., Silvo and grounded and sifted egg shell for cleaning stainless steel, oil for
cleaning metal parts of tools.
3. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain cutting and shaping tools and
equipment according to the material used in making them and discuss in class.
B7/JHS1.3.3.1 B7/JHS1. Describe joining and assembling materials, tools and Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate equipment used for making artefacts/products (CC)
understanding of joining Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
and assembling (CP) Creativity and Innovation (CI)
1. Identify joining and assembling materials, tools and equipment used for:
materials, tools and
- Sewing and crocheting—Thread, needle, crocheting hooks/ pins, sewing CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
equipment used for
machine that adequately meet selected criteria.
- Food production—Corn starch, gluten, tapioca, gelatin, egg white, milk.
- Woodwork—Mallet, glues, clamps, screws
- Metal/plastic work—Soldering bit, bolts and nuts, epoxy resin, rivets, mallet,
screws, screw drivers
- Building—cement/lime
- Paper—glue
2. Research for more joining and assembling materials, tools and equipment using
ICT tools and other sources and discuss in groups.
3. Sketch/make an album of joining and assembling materials, tools and equipment.
4. Display the sketches/album for appraisal. CP5.1: Ability to combine information
and analyse to make distinct judgement
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
thinking behind thoughts and processes.
B7/JHS1.3.3.1 B7/JHS1. Use appropriate skills for joining and assembling artefacts CP6.7: Implement strategies with
Demonstrate using the materials, tools and equipment accuracy.
understanding of joining 1. Demonstrate the appropriate techniques in using joining and assembling materials
and assembling and tools in:
materials, tools and
- Sewing—(stitching- temporary stitches)
equipment used for
production - Food production— (cooking methods - boiling and stewing)
CONT’D - Wood products—nailing, bolting, screwing, gluing
- Metal products/Plastic—soldering, using bolts and nuts, screwing, using adhesives,
bolts and nuts
- Building —bonding of bricks, blocks and stones.
- Paper work—gluing
B7/JHS1. Demonstrate skills in the classification of kitchen essentials CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
1. Identify and classify kitchen essentials according to sizes. that adequately meet selected criteria.
- Small: spoons, can opener
- Large: refrigerator, cooker, broilers, cupboard
- Mechanical: blender, food mixers
B7/JHS1.3.5.1 B7/JHS1. Identify finishes and finishing applied to products/ Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate knowledge artefacts (CC) Critical Thinking and Problem
of finishes and finishing Solving (CP)
1. Explain what is meant by finishes and finishing. CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain
E.g., Finishes are the substances applied on the surfaces of products/artefacts. ideas.
Finishing is the final surface treatment given to products/artefacts to improve CP 6.5: Ability to select alternatives
their beauty, attractiveness and protection. that adequately meet selected criteria.
B7/JHS1.4.1.1 B7/JHS1. Outline the uses of structures in construction Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate (CC)
understanding of 1. Explain what is meant by structures in construction. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
structures in E.g., Method of supporting loads (triangulation, truss) to prevent collapse. (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI)
2. Identify and classify structures under natural and man-made CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain
E.g. ideas.
- Natural: structures created by nature to provide support (spider’s web,
honeycomb and human skeleton).
CP 6.5: Ability to select alternatives
- Man-made: structures made by man to provide protection and support, that adequately meet selected criteria.
(chairs, helmets, suspension bridge).
3. Classify structures under frame and shell.
- Frame structures: crane, electricity pylon and building.
- Shell structures: body of motor car shaped from panels. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details.
4. Discuss the uses of structures in construction.
- Carrying loads for which they were designed without toppling over or collapsing
- Supporting the various parts of artefacts CI 6.1: Exhibit strong memory,
intuitive thinking and respond
5. Make sketches of both frame and shell structures and prepare a sketch album appropriately.
to use as materials for learning structures.
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
6. Display the sketch album for appraisal. thinking behind thoughts and processes.
B7/JHS1.4.1.1 B7/JHS1. Discuss the causes of structural failures in CP 6.5: Ability to select alternatives
Demonstrate construction that adequately meet selected criteria.
understanding of
1. Explain what is meant by structural failure in construction.
structures in
construction E.g., when a structure collapses or fails to do its job. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
CONT’D 2. Identify types of structural failure. with relevant details.
B7/JHS1.4.1.1 B7/JHS1. Design and make simple structures CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
Demonstrate 1. Identify compliant and resistant materials, tools and equipment used for adequately meet selected criteria.
understanding of making structures.
structures in
Materials: paper, cardboards, wood, metal and plastic. CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
CONT’D ideas to create novel things.
Tools: knives, saws, chisels.
CI 5.4: Ability to visualise alternatives of
2. Plan and design the artefact. skills see possibilities and identify
E.g., prepare working drawings, showing detailed dimensions. problems and challenges.
3. Make mock-ups of simple structures. CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
thinking behind thoughts and processes
E.g., frame and shell.
Note: Examples of structures are car bodies, types of roofing, chairs, aircraft,
train, radio and cupboard.
4. Test and evaluate the mock-ups by indicating the strengths and weaknesses of
the structures and make modifications
5. Display the mock-ups for appraisal
B7/JHS1.5.1.1 B7/JHS1. Identify drawing materials, instruments and Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate equipment used for Graphic Communication Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
knowledge and skills of (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI)
drawing materials,
1. Identify drawing materials, instruments and equipment. CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
E.g., drawing materials, instruments and equipment (drawing paper, drawing adequately meet selected criteria.
lines and their
applications, and board, tee square, pencils, a pair of compasses, a pair of dividers, rule). CP6.7: Implement strategies with
freehand sketching accuracy.
B7/JHS1.5.1.1 B7/JHS1. Discuss the types of lines used in graphic CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
Demonstrate knowledge communication adequately meet selected criteria.
and skills of drawing 1. Identify lines used in communicating ideas.
materials, instruments,
E.g., horizontal lines, vertical lines, inclined lines, arcs, continuous thick and thin
lines and their
lines, short dashes,
applications, and CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
freehand sketching 2. Describe the features and uses of the lines. thinking behind thoughts and processes.
- Continuous thick lines—for drawing outlines;
- Continuous thin lines—for drawing construction lines
3. Illustrate the applications of lines in drawn objects.
E.g., indicate how a dimension line is used for showing dimensions on an object
4. Make a chart of how the lines are applied on drawings.
5. Present the chart for appraisal.
B7/JHS1.5.1.1 B7/JHS1. Make sketches of objects CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
Demonstrate knowledge 1.Discuss what is meant by sketching. with relevant details.
and skills of drawing
E.g., a quick way of putting ideas down using freehand with a pencil or any
other marker.
lines and their 2. Illustrate the techniques of sketching objects in two-dimensional (2-D), plane CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
applications, and figures. ideas to create novel things.
freehand sketching E.g., square, triangle, circle, rectangle, oval
CONT’D CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
3. Illustrate the techniques of sketching objects in three dimensional (3-D), solid thinking behind thoughts and processes.
E.g., isometric, oblique, perspective.
4. Practise how to sketch plane figures and solid objects to build an album
and display for appraisal.
B7/JHS1.5.2.1 B7/JHS1. Work with a given design brief Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of (CP),
Designing Creativity and Innovation (CI)
1. Study a given design brief to identify the problem.
2. Analyse the problem and list the possible ideas for the solution. CP5.2: Analyse and make distinct
judgement about viewpoints expressed in
3. Discuss ideas in groups. an argument.
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details.
CI 5.5: Ability to try new alternatives and
B7/JHS1. Generate ideas different approaches.
1. Use freehand to generate three possible ideas for solving the identified problem
CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
and write descriptive notes.
ideas to create novel situation or things.
2. Verify if the generated ideas satisfy the solution for the problem identified.
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
3. Select the best design and draw it in pictorial form. thinking behind thoughts and processes.
4. Provide suitable dimensions to the selected design.
5. Prepare a simple working drawing of the selected design for the working
drawing prepared in communication design such as front view, plan and end
B7/JHS1.5.3.1 B7/JHS1. Discuss the factors to consider when planning a meal Communication and collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of planning (CP) and Creativity and Innovation (CI)
1. Identify and explain the different types of meals served in a day.
for making
artefacts/products E.g., breakfast, lunch, snack, elevenses, brunch and supper.
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
2. Explain the factors to consider when planning a meal.
with relevant details.
• Nutritional needs of family members CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
adequately meet selected criteria.
• Food available
• Family budget
B7/JHS1. Discuss skills needed in planning for preparing food using CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
moist methods of cooking with relevant details.
1. Discuss reasons for cooking food, in groups. CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
adequately meet selected criteria.
- make food edible, CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
ideas to create novel things.
- improve flavour of food, kill germs.
2. Identify the different moist methods of cooking.
Moist Method—boiling, stewing, poaching
N.B: Review lesson on B7/JHS1.
B7/JHS1.5.4.1 B7/JHS1. Demonstrate skills in preparing food using moist Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate skills of methods of cooking Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
making artefacts/ (CP),
products BOILING & STEWING Creativity and Innovation (CI)
Note: Guide learners to appreciate, appraise and critique their works and use the CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
feedback to make modifications or undertake a new practical work. thinking behind thoughts and processes.
CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
adequately meet selected criteria.
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details.
B7/JHS1.5.4.1 B7/JHS1. Demonstrate skills of making artefacts/products in sewing CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
Demonstrate skills of and crocheting ideas to create novel things.
making artefacts/ CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
products SEWING - STITCHING thinking behind thoughts and processes.
CONT’D 1. Make specimens or samples of permanent stitches individually.(Review lesson on
E.g., running stitches, back stitches, overcasting.
1. Make specimens of basic crocheting stitches.
E.g., chain stitch, slip stitches, double crochet, treble crochet stitch.
2. Display specimens for appraisal.
B7/JHS1.6.1.1 B7/JHS1. 6.1:1.1: Evaluate own learning styles, interests and reasons for Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate awareness pursuing Career Technology Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
of own learning styles, (CTPS), Creativity and Innovation (CI),
interests, biases, beliefs Personal Development and Leadership
and reasons for (PL)
pursuing 1. Think-pair-share with whole class’ own learning styles, interests and reasons for
Career Technology pursuing Career Technology. Why are you studying Career Technology? CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
E.g. with relevant details.
- To determine my future career path based on my interests and abilities. CP 5.1: Ability to combine information
and analyse to make distinct judgement.
- To have a distinctive knowledge of the various courses available.
PL 5.1: Understanding of one self
2. Examine own biases and beliefs, as a male or female, about some vocations. (strengths, weaknesses, goals and
E.g. aspirations, reacting and adjusting to novel
- Women are not to offer courses such as Building Construction, Mechanical
Engineering, Carpentry, Plumbing etc.
- Men are not supposed to study courses such as Food and Nutrition, Sewing, Home
Management, Hair Dressing etc.
B7/JHS1.6.2.1 B7/JHS1. Explain what is meant by ‘entrepreneurship’ and Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate ‘entrepreneur’ Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of E.g. (CP),
Establishing and 1. Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on Creativity and Innovation (CI), Personal
managing a Small financial risks in the hope of profit. Development and Leadership (PL)
business Enterprise
B7/JHS1. Describe the characteristics of a successful CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
entrepreneur with relevant details.
1. Explain the characteristics of an entrepreneur. CP 5.1: Ability to combine information
and analyse to make distinct judgement.
An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business or businesses taking on financial
risks in the hope of making profit.
Characteristics of an entrepreneur: creative, passionate, motivated, optimistic, future
oriented, persuasive, flexible, resourceful
2.Discuss the characteristics that lead to successful entrepreneurship
Note: Use illustrations, ICT tools and other sources to facilitate discussions.
E.g., Opportunity seeking, goal setting, risk taking, perseverance and persistence, self-
confidence, commitment to work, hardworking, planning, information seeking, and
problem-solving skills.
B7/JHS1.6.2.1 B7/JHS1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of being an CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
Demonstrate entrepreneur relevant details.
understanding of 1. Discuss in groups, the advantages and disadvantages of being an entrepreneur
Establishing and
Managing a Small
Business Enterprise - Advantage: self-management, employment creation
CONT’D - Disadvantage: irregular income stream, difficulty in securing funds
B7/JHS1. Identify entrepreneurial opportunities in the locality CP5.1: Ability to combine information
1. Explore your locality, observe, and interact with entrepreneurs, taking into and ideas from several sources to reach
consideration the safety and welfare of learners. a conclusion.
2. Research for entrepreneurial opportunities CC8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
E.g., mechanical engineering, welding, fitting, hairdressing, car washing, catering,
masonry, block work, wood work, tiling, fashion designing, farming (fish and
agriculture)) in the locality.
3. Write down the names of some popular enterprises seen in your locality.
4. Visit a few enterprises in your potential trade area and find out the following:
- How the business was started
- The challenges the business is facing
- Solutions to the challenges
5. Write down the findings for presentation in class
B8/JHS2.1.1.1 B8/JHS2. Demonstrate skills of personal hygiene Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of basic (CP),
practices that depict Creativity and Innovation (CI), Personal
personal and food hygiene Development and
1. Think-pair-share on the causes of bad body odour.
E.g., not bathing well. Leadership (PL)
2. Prepare personal hygiene cards/posters in groups to show causes of bad CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
body odour. with relevant details.
3. Identify the appropriate materials used to prevent bad body odour. CP5.1: Ability to combine information
E.g., Lime/lemon, deodorant. and ideas from several sources to
reach a conclusion.
4. Demonstrate how to prevent bad body odour using the materials.
CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
adequately meet selected criteria.
5. Plan and organise campaigns to educate the school community on the
elimination of bad body odour.
B8/JHS2.1.1.1 B8/JHS2. Demonstrate skills in keeping food safe (food hygiene) CP5.1: Ability to combine
Demonstrate 1. Watch videos and pictures of the processes and skills of maintaining information and ideas from several
understanding of basic sources to reach a conclusion.
food hygiene and write down the observations.
practices that depict CC8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
personal and food E.g.
hygiene CONT’D Store food appropriately both before and after cooking.
Keep hair clean and cover with a cap
Cut/trim finger nails short
No wearing of jewellery at work.
Sneeze and cough into a handkerchief.
Wash hands regularly, before and after handling food.
Note: Use this website as a guide.
B8/JHS2.1.2.1 B8/JHS2. Demonstrate basic skills in applying First Aid to self and Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate knowledge others Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
of preventing accidents in (CP),
the workshop/site/ Creativity and Innovation (CI), Personal
food/sewing laboratory Development and Leadership (PL)
1. Explain what is meant by First Aid.
E.g., It is a help given to an injured/sick person till full medical treatment is CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
available. with relevant details.
- Burns: Is tissue damage that results from dry heat– by an iron or fire,
overexposure to the sun or other radiation. CC8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
How to administer first aid: After holding the burns under cool running
water, apply cool wet compresses until the pain subsides.
- Scalds: they are caused by something wet, such as hot water or steam.
How to administer first aid: cool the scald with cool or lukewarm running
water for 20 minutes– do not use ice, chilled/cold water, or any creams or
greasy substances such as butter.
- Falls: are events which results in a person coming to rest accidentally on the
ground or floor or other lower level causing injury to the person.
How to administer first aid: Place a cold compress or ice pack on any bumps
or bruises
B8/JHS2.1.3.1 B8/JHS2. Discuss the causal factors, effects and prevention of Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate desertification and deforestation (CC)
understanding of the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
basic concept of (CP),
Environmental health Creativity and Innovation (CI),
1. Identify the causal factors and discuss the effects and preventive measures of
desertification and deforestation, in groups. Personal Development (PDL).
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
- Deforestation with relevant details.
Causal factors—mining, bush fires CP5.1: Ability to combine
information and ideas from several
Effects—polluted water bodies, global warming
sources to reach a conclusion.
Prevention—alternative livelihood (agriculture), greening the environment PL6.2: Division of tasks into solvable
- Desertification units and assign group members to tasks
Causal factors—deforestation, urbanisation
Effects—loss of plant species, climate change
Prevention—afforestation, ruralisation
2. Group Project: Research the causal factors, effects and preventive measures
of desertification and deforestation and develop a folder.
B8/JHS2.1.3.2 B8/JHS2. Identify proper management and disposal of household Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate and industrial waste Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of basic (CP)
1. Research the proper management and disposal of household and industrial
ways of disposing of
waste, in groups.
household and
industrial/workshop/site/ i. Discuss and report on the following: CP5.1: Ability to combine information
laboratory waste - The different ways of disposing off home and industrial waste; and ideas from several sources to
reach a conclusion.
E.g., landfills, combustion.
CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and
- The proper ways of disposing off household and industrial waste; skills of working towards group goals.
E.g. sanitary landfill disposal and incineration disposal, recycling household and
industrial waste. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details.
B8/JHS2.2.1.1 B8/JHS2. Discuss the basic characteristics of compliant materials Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate (CC) Critical Thinking and Problem
understanding of the Solving (CP).
properties of compliant 1. Identify the properties of paper and card board that make them suitable for
materials use. CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
E.g. adequately meet selected criteria.
- Paper:
Medium weight, fairly smooth and fairly stiff; Ideal for
making small paper models.
- Cardboard:
Stiff, smooth and thin;
Good for creating greeting cards, paper models and other stand-up
building projects.
2. Describe the properties of fabrics/textiles that make them suitable for use. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
E.g. with relevant details.
B8/JHS2.2.2.1 B8/JHS2. Explain the basic properties of resistant materials Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of (CP).
1. Discuss the physical properties of resistant materials.
properties of resistant
E.g., density, fusibility, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details.
2. Investigate the working properties of resistant materials;
CP5.1: Ability to combine information
E.g., strength, hardness, toughness, malleability, ductility, elasticity and ideas from several sources to
3. Make a chart on the various properties of resistant materials. reach a conclusion.
Physical Properties Working Properties
Density Strength
Fusibility Hardness
B8/JHS2.2.3.1 B8/JHS2. Discuss smart and modern materials Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Demonstrate understanding (CP).
and the use of smart and
1. Identify areas where smart and modern materials are in use. CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
modern materials
E.g., food industry, textile industry, electricals/electronics industry, healthcare that adequately meet selected criteria
industry, building industry, engineering industry. CP5.1: Ability to combine information
and ideas from several sources to reach
2. Search for products made from smart and modern materials using ICT a conclusion.
tools and other sources.
- Modified starches—used in pizza toppings
- Sanitised fabrics—for sportswear and socks
- Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs)—for organic light-emitting diodes
- Photochromic pigments—for lens in glass, windows
B8/JHS2.2.4.1 B8/JHS2. Explore the functions of food to the body Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Demonstrate (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI).
understanding of the
1. Classify food commodities according to their basic functions. CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
functions of food
E.g., body-building foods, energy-giving foods and protective foods adequately meet selected criteria.
2. Relate food commodities to their functions. CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
ideas to create novel things.
- Body-building—meat, egg, beans
- Energy-giving—cereals, fats and oils
- Protective—fruits, vegetables
3. Prepare a chart on the 3 functions of food commodities, and display in class
for appraisal.
B8/JHS2.3.1.1 B8/JHS2. Identify tools and equipment for measuring and Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate marking out Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of measuring (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI)
and marking out tools and
equipment for production 1. Describe the procedure for measuring and marking out CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
artefacts/articles/products in the: adequately meet selected criteria.
- Food laboratory (kitchen) CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
- Sewing workshop with relevant details.
- Building site CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
- Wood workshop thinking behind thoughts and processes.
- Metal/plastic workshop
2. Sketch and label parts of some measuring and marking out tools and
3. Present the sketched tools and equipment for appraisal in class.
B8/JHS2.3.1.1 B8/JHS2. Take measurements of body/products/artefacts/articles CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
Demonstrate understanding (A) Take body measurements: relevant details.
of measuring and marking 1. Discuss the importance of taking body measurements in sewing: CI 6.3: Ability to use tool effectively for
out tools and equipment working.
for production 2. Discuss the guidelines for taking body measurements.
CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills
of working towards group goals.
- Take measurements over well-fitted foundation garment
- Use a firm tape measures for accurate measurements
- Record all measurements taken
3. Take each other’s body measurements for garment construction.
E.g., bust, waist, hips, across back, chest
- Boys should take measurements of boys and girls should take
measurements of girls.
- Check for accurate measurements and record.
(B) Take measurements of artefacts/products:
1. Demonstrate how to handle the tape measure to take measurements in
millimetres, in groups.
2. Demonstrate how to mark out measured part(s), in groups.
3. Demonstrate how to record measured part(s), in groups.
4. Demonstrate how to indicate dimensions on marked out part(s), in groups.
5. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain measuring and marking out tools and
B8/JHS2.3.1.1 B8/JHS2. Use appropriate techniques to measure CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
Demonstrate 1. Discuss portion control, equipment used and reasons for portion control. with relevant details.
understanding of measuring CP5.1: Ability to combine information
E.g., Portion control is the art of controlling the size or quantity of ingredients
and marking out tools and and ideas from several sources to reach
for meal preparation and food to be served per a person.
equipment a conclusion.
for production Equipment: scales and handy measures such as spoons, jugs etc.
CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
CONT’D Reasons: it reduces waste of food, helps in food cost ideas to create novel situation or things.
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
2. Plan how to apply portion control in meal preparation and service thinking behind thoughts and processes.
E.g. 8oz (226.80 g/0.227kg) yam per person
4oz (113.40 g/0.113kg) rice per person
2 ladles of soup/porridge per person
3. Discuss the inaccuracies in using measuring tools and equipment that are faulty
or tampered with and how this affects individuals and others.
E.g., It affects quantity and quality of products/works/produce
B8/JHS2.3.1.1 B8/JHS2. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain measuring CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
Demonstrate and marking out tools used for production with relevant details.
understanding of 1. Share experiences from home on how to care for tools and equipment for CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
measuring and marking out production. adequately meet selected criteria.
tools and equipment
2. Identify cleaning agents/materials used to clean and maintain tools and
for production
equipment based on the respective material used in making the tool.
E.g., Silvo for cleaning silver, Brasso for cleaning brass, oil to avoid rust, cloth
for cleaning and dusting.
3. Demonstrate how to clean measuring and marking out tools and equipment
according to the materials used in making them.
B8/JHS2.3.2.1 B8/JHS2. Identify and use cutting and shaping tools and Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate equipment Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of cutting (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI).
and shaping tools and
1. Identify cutting and shaping tools and equipment used in the following areas: CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
equipment for making
- Building site adequately meet selected criteria.
artefacts /products
E.g., bolster, brick hammer
- Wood workshop
E.g., firmer chisels, jack plane, rip saw
- Metal/plastics workshop
E.g., cold chisel, hack saw, hand file
2. Discuss the uses of the various types of cutting and shaping tools, in groups, CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
and present in class. with relevant details.
CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
ideas to create novel situation or things.
3. Sketch and label cutting and shaping tools, and display them for appraisal.
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
thinking behind thoughts and processes.
B8/JHS2.3.2.1 B8/JHS2. Use appropriate techniques to cut and shape CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
Demonstrate artefacts/products ideas to create novel situation or things.
understanding of cutting 1. Use appropriate techniques to shape a design in: CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
and shaping tools and - Food laboratory (kitchen)—moulding of banku, aparansa, tuo zaafi, biscuit thinking behind thoughts and processes.
equipment for making
cutting, designing of fruits and vegetables
- Sewing workshop/laboratory—use French curves to shape necklines and
CONT’D armholes. Design different styles for dresses, shirts and shorts, blouses on
paper and practice design cutting of styles designed on paper
- Building site
- Wood workshop
- Metal/plastics workshop
2. Display works for appraisal.
B8/JHS2. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain shaping and CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
cutting tools and equipment relevant details.
1. Discuss how to care for and maintain cutting and shaping tools and equipment
used in:
- Food laboratory (kitchen)
- Sewing workshop/laboratory
- Building site
- Wood workshop
- Metal/plastics workshop
B8/JHS2.3.3.1 B8/JHS2. Identify joining and assembling materials, tools and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Demonstrate equipment used for making artefacts/products (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI).
understanding of joining
and assembling materials, 1. Identify materials, tools and equipment used for joining and assembling CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
tools and equipment used artefacts/products from displayed charts, pictures or realia in the following adequately meet selected criteria.
for making artefacts/ areas:
CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
products - Food laboratory (kitchen)—modern methods of joining/combining using ideas to create novel situation or things.
silicon, gelatin, oats
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
- Sewing workshop/laboratory— Seams (Conspicuous seams—overlaid,
thinking behind thoughts and processes.
machine and fell and Inconspicuous seams—French, plain/open)
- Building site
- Wood workshop
- Metal/ plastic workshop
2. Sketch and label basic tools and equipment used for joining and assembling in
each of the above trade areas.
B8/JHS2.3.3.1 B8/JHS2. Use appropriate tools, equipment and techniques to join CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
Demonstrate and assemble patterns/artefacts/products ideas to create novel situation or things.
understanding of joining 1. Demonstrate the appropriate techniques used in the sewing workshop. CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
and assembling materials,
E.g., Handling and using the sewing machine to make stitches on paper patterns thinking behind thoughts and processes.
tools and equipment used
correctly for straight stitching, stitching in circles, stitching around curves, for
for making artefacts/
using the crochet pin/hook in making stitches
2. Demonstrate the appropriate techniques used for joining products made from
the following materials:
- Wood
- Metal
- Bricks/blocks
- Plastics
- Paper
3. Display specimens and artefacts for appraisal.
B8/JHS2. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain tools and CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
equipment used for joining and assembling ideas to create novel situation or things.
1. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain tools and equipment used for
joining and assembling the following:
- Sewing workshop/laboratory—dust and oil sewing machine after use
- Building site—wash and clean tools
- Wood workshop—clean tools, oil metal parts of tools
- Metal/plastic workshop—clean tools, oil metal parts of tools
B8/JHS2.3.4.1 Demonstrate B8/JHS2. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain kitchen Communication and Collaboration (CC),
understanding of essentials Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP)
maintaining kitchen
essentials 1. Discuss suitable materials for cleaning kitchen essentials according to the
materials used in making them.
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
E.g. relevant details.
- Aluminium— steel wool, vim CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
- Stainless steel— silvo, ground sifted egg shell ideas to create novel situation or things.
2. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain basic kitchen essentials for
appraisal, in groups.
- Washing
- Cleaning
- Sterilising
B8/JHS2.3.5.1 B8/JHS2. Demonstrate skills of finishing edges of sewing articles CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
Demonstrate understanding and food products adequately meet selected criteria.
of application of finishes 1. Review B7/JHS1 lesson on finishes and finishing. CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
CONT’D 2. Discuss reasons why edges of sewing articles are finished. ideas to create novel situations or things.
E.g. CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
- to prevent edges from fraying thinking behind thoughts and processes.
- to neaten raw edges
- to decorate raw edges
3. Demonstrate skills of working the following edge finishes.
E.g., binding, hemming, fringing, pinking
4. Discuss items that can be used as garnishes in the food laboratory
E.g., green pepper, tomatoes, carrot, herbs (parsley), icing, cherry fruit
5. Use skills in chopping, dicing, slicing to garnish boiled, yam and rice
6. Display specimens/food products for appraisal.
B8/JHS2.4.1.1 B8/JHS2. Perform experiments on principles of forces acting on Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate understanding structures Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP),
of application of principles of Creativity and Innovation (CI), Personal
forces acting on structures Development and Leadership (PL).
1. Research on types of forces that can act on structural members in CP5.1: Ability to combine information
construction. and ideas from several sources to reach a
E.g., tension, compression, shear, torsion and bending conclusion.
Note: Use ICT tools and other sources to identify types of forces acting on
CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
2. Make sketches and notes of types of forces acting on structural members. ideas to create novel situations or things.
E.g., tension, compression, shear, torsion and bending
CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
adequately meet selected criteria.
3. Identify suitable resistant materials that can be used to perform the
experiments: Forces acting on structural members.
E.g., wood, metal, plastic, brick.
B8/JHS2.4.1.1 4. Perform experiments to show the following: CP5.1: Ability to combine information
Demonstrate understanding - how tension force can force a member to ‘stretch’ and ideas from several sources to reach a
of application of principles of - how compression force can cause a member to ‘squash’ or ‘buckle’ conclusion
forces acting on structures - how shear force can cause a material to slide over each other
CONT’D - how torsion force can cause a member to twist
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
- how a bending force which acts at an angle to a member tends to make relevant details.
it bend
CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills
5. Write their observations and discuss in class, in groups. of working towards group goals.
B8/JHS2.5.1.1 B8/JHS2. Draw plane figures using instruments Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate understanding Creativity and Innovation (CI).
of drawing plane figures and
1. Identify two dimensional (2-D) figures-plane figures. CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
solid objects using drawing
E.g., circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons creative tools for work and give reasons
for choice.
2. Draw circles, triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons using instruments.
CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
3. Cut shapes of plane figures drawn and prepare an album. ideas to create novel situations or things.
4. Use the cut-out shapes to make a game. CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
E.g., flash cards thinking behind thoughts and processes.
5. Exhibit work for appraisal
B8/JHS2. Draw objects in pictorial using instruments CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
relevant details.
1. Explain what is meant by pictorial drawing.
CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
E.g., Drawing objects to show the three (3) dimensions i.e., length, breath and
ideas to create novel situations or things.
2. Identify methods of drawing objects in pictorial form. CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
thinking behind thoughts and processes.
E.g.: isometric, oblique and perspective
3. Illustrate the techniques of drawing objects in isometric, oblique and
4. Draw objects in isometric, oblique and perspective using instruments.
5. Display drawings for appraisal.
B8/JHS2.5.2.1 B8/JHS2. Generate ideas/possible solutions CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
Demonstrate knowledge and 1. Use freehand to sketch at least three possible ideas/solutions. adequately meet selected criteria.
skills of Designing 2. Write descriptive/annotated notes on each of the generated ideas CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
CONT’D thinking behind thoughts and processes.
3. Compare and select the best idea or design
4. Develop the selected idea and prepare the working drawings and folios.
B8/JHS2. Make artefact using resistant materials CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
1. Study the design folios with reference to the design, working drawings and creative tools for work and give reasons for
cutting list developed in communication design. choice.
2. Identify the materials, tools and manufacturing processes involved, and check CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
the conditions suitable for working. ideas to create novel situations or things.
3. Organise the working environment to ensure health and safety during the CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
making of the artefact. thinking behind thoughts and processes.
4. Undertake in sequence the making of the artefact using the appropriate
materials, tools and processes.
5. Select the appropriate finishing materials and apply on artefact
B8/JHS2. Test and evaluate the made CP5.5: Effectively evaluate the success
products/artefacts of solutions used in an attempt to solve
a complex problem.
1. Test the artefact using the design specifications as a guide.
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
E.g., check shape, function, finish, material and construction. thinking behind thoughts and processes.
2. State the strengths and weaknesses of the artefact and verify.
3. State the proposed suggestions for modifications on the artefact.
4. Rate the quality of the artefact as excellent, very good, good, fair or poor.
B8/JHS2.5.2.1 B8/JHS2. Demonstrate basic skills in cutting out designs without CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
Demonstrate knowledge patterns in SEWING with relevant details.
and skills of Designing
CONT’D CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
1. Explain what is meant by free-hand cutting technique. creative tools for work and give reasons
for the choice.
E.g., It is a technique of using an individual’s body measurements to cut
garments/articles directly on fabric without patterns.
CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the
2. Apply the free-hand cutting technique in cutting out a simple blouse/ shirt. success of solutions used in an attempt
E.g. to solve a complex problem.
- Cut required size of fabric based on the measurements taken.
Note: Consider chest and hip measurements
CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the
- Fold fabric into two with right sides facing each other
success of solutions used in an attempt
- Measure the length of blouse and continue. to solve a complex problem.
B8/JHS2.5.3.1 B8/JHS2. Plan and make wooden, metal/plastic artefacts Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate 1. Study the design folio and critically examine the working drawings. (CC)
understanding of planning Critical Thinking and Problem
for making E.g., plan, detailed drawings and cutting list. Solving (CP),
artefacts/products and 2. Study the workshop environment to check on health and safety conditions of the Creativity and Innovation (CI)
table setting place.
- Go over the workshop rules, regulations, ventilation and light situations, and
ensure any necessary workshop repairs are carried out before the start of work.
- Study the conditions of the timber pieces, tools and the processes involved for CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
first-hand information to avoid any mistake. that adequately meet selected
- Seek guidance or tutorials on aspects concerning materials, tools and processes criteria.
or skills not conversant with before the actual work. CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives
that adequately meet selected
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear
B8/JHS2. Plan and make building artefacts order with relevant details.
1. Describe the properties of cement, sand, stones. CI 5.2: Ability to merge
2. Prepare a chart on properties of building materials. simple/complex ideas to create
novel situations or things.
3. Discuss reasons for choosing a type of material for a building project.
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and
4. Make mock-ups of simple building projects. explore thinking behind thoughts
5. Display mock-ups for appraisal. and processes.
- It stimulates appetite
- It makes eating pleasant
Note: Use ICT tools and other sources to further explain table setting and a cover.
B8/JHS2.5.4.1 B8/JHS2. Demonstrate skills in table setting CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
Demonstrate Set a table for one person (a cover) for appraisal, in groups. ideas to create novel situations or
understanding of things.
designing artefacts/ CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
products, and models and thinking behind thoughts and processes.
table setting
B8/JHS2.5.4.1 B8/JHS2. Demonstrate skills in making sewing artefacts/products CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the
Demonstrate using arrangement of fullness success of solutions used in an
understanding of attempt to solve a complex problem.
1. Identify basic methods of arranging fullness in sewing.
designing artefacts/ E.g., Gathering, darts, ruching, shirring, ruffles, smocking, pleats
products, and models and CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
table setting ideas to create novel situations or
2. Explain factors to consider when choosing methods for arranging fullness in
CONT’D things.
E.g. Purpose for which article will be used, type of fabric.
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
3. Make specimen or samples of arrangement of fullness. thinking behind thoughts and processes.
E.g., darts and gathering
Note: Guide learners to appreciate, appraise and critique their works and use
the feedback to make modifications or undertake new projects.
B8/JHS2.5.4.1 B8/JHS2. Make artefacts/products using wood, metal/plastics CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex
Demonstrate ideas to create novel situations or
1. Organise the workshop in readiness for working.
understanding of things.
2. Check the dimensions on the cutting list and on the working drawings.
designing artefacts/ CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore
products, and models and thinking behind thoughts and processes.
3. Follow the operational sequence to make the artefact.
table setting
CONT’D E.g., Prepare the work pieces, measure, mark out, cut the work pieces to size, cut
the joints and assemble the various parts to form the artefact.
4. Prepare the surfaces of the artefact and apply the appropriate finish.
5. Test, evaluate and modify the artefact.
B8/JHS2.6.1.1 B8/JHS2. Explore the various career pathways and opportunities in Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate knowledge Career Technology Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
of career opportunities in (CP),
Career Technology Creativity and Innovation (CI), Personal
Development and Leadership (PL).
1. Research in groups, the various career pathways and opportunities using different CP5.1: Ability to combine
sources. information and ideas from several
sources to reach a conclusion.
2. Write a brief report and present in class.
CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and
3. Examine your interests, skills and values in the light of the career opportunities.
skills of working towards group goals.
PL 5.1: Understanding of oneself
- What are your top skills? (strengths, weaknesses, goals and
- What interests you the most? aspirations, reacting and adjusting to
novel situations).
4. Compare your most promising career options against your list of prioritised skills,
interests and values.
- What is the current demand for this field?
B8/JHS2.6.2.1 B8/JHS2. Explain what is meant by Micro, Small and Medium-sized Communication and Collaboration (CC)
Demonstrate Business Enterprises Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of (CP),
establishing and Creativity and Innovation (CI), Personal
managing micro and 1. Discuss what is meant by Micro, Small and Medium-sized Business Enterprises in Development and Leadership (PL)
small business groups. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
enterprises with relevant details.
A micro business enterprise is a business with a capital of up to 10,000 Cedis CP6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
with a work force of 1 to 5 and uses simple technology. adequately meet selected criteria.
2. Identify any known businesses that fit the criteria of Micro, Small and Medium-
sized Business Enterprises.
3. Discuss the steps involved in setting up micro and small business enterprises.
4. List four known businesses in your locality that fits the criteria of a small and
medium-sized business enterprise.
5. Look at pictures of various enterprises and classify them under micro, small and
medium-sized business enterprise to develop a photo album.
6. Display photo albums for discussion and appraisal.
1. Explain what is meant by good grooming and relate it to personal CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
CC 8.2: Explain idea in a clear order with
E.g.: Good grooming means practising good hygiene techniques and relevant detail, using correct construction
general composure. and structure of speech.
2. Discuss good grooming practices, in groups. CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
E.g., proper sitting, proper walking, proper talking, proper eating understanding of a generalised concept and
manners and wearing neat clothes. facts specific to task or situation.
3. Discuss the importance of good grooming, in groups. PL 5.6: Ability to set and maintain personal
standards and values.
E.g., Enhances one’s personality and interpersonal relationships
4. Demonstrate good grooming practices.
E.g., proper sitting, proper walking, proper talking, proper eating
manners and wearing neat clothes.
5. Write short messages on good grooming and tag them in and around
the classroom, in groups.
B9/JHS3.1.1.1 B9/JHS3. Observe appropriate food hygiene practices. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in clear order and
Demonstrate skills that 1. Explain what is meant by food hygiene. relevant detail, using correct construction
relate to personal and food and structure of speech.
hygiene to self CI 5.5: Ability to try new alternatives and
CONT’D It is the conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety of food different approaches.
from production to consumption.
CI 6.2: Ability to reflect on approaches to
creative task and evaluate the effectiveness
2. Outline the appropriate food hygiene practices. of tools used.
E.g. CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
- Wash hands before handling food. understanding of a generalised concept and
facts specific to task or situation.
- Do not sneeze or cough near food.
- Do not smoke or eat in any kitchen areas.
- Put clothes/jackets/bags in a separate area away from cooking areas.
B9/JHS3.1.2.1 B9/JHS3. Describe procedures for reporting accidents and Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate skills that unsafe practices in school and in the laboratory/workshop/site Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
relate to personal, (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI)
workshop and laboratory
1. Discuss the procedures for reporting accidents and unsafe practices in the CP 5.1: Ability to combine information
laboratory/workshop/site and ideas from several sources to reach a
E.g. conclusion.
B9/JHS3.1.2.1 B9/JHS3. Use appropriate personal protective equipment CP 6.3: Identify important and appropriate
Demonstrate skills that when working alternatives.
relate to personal, 1. Identify the various personal protective equipment in groups
workshop and laboratory
E.g., goggles, ear muffs, gloves.
safety CC 9.4: Help group work on relevant
CONT’D 2. Discuss the importance of wearing personal protective equipment, in activities.
- Decreases the likelihood of injury and illness.
- Ensures a safe and happy working environment for all.
CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills
3. Demonstrate the use of the personal protective equipment, in groups. of working towards group goals.
- For eye protection—goggles/ visor face shield
- For ear protection—ear muffs and plugs
- Hand/finger protection—gloves, thimble
- For foot protection—booths
- For nose/mouth protection—nose mask
4. Project work: Design and make personal protective equipment using
compliant and resistant materials (fabrics) in groups.
E.g., Nose mask, gloves, apron, cap, goggles
B9/JHS3.1.2.1 B9/JHS3. Maintain safe working environments CC 8.2: Explain idea in a clear order with
Demonstrate skills that 1. Explain what is meant by maintaining safe working environments relevant detail, using correct construction
relate to personal, and structure of speech.
E.g., Procedures for ensuring that a surrounding environment is free from
workshop/site and CP 5 .6: Demonstrate a thorough
dangers that can cause harm to workers
laboratory safety understanding of a generalised concept and
CONT’D 2. Discuss the importance of keeping the working environment safe, in
facts specific to task or situation.
E.g., To reduce/prevent accidents
3. Demonstrate safety practices at workplaces.
- Tag faulty equipment
- Report frayed flexes
- Repair/replace frayed flexes
- Repair/replace broken parts of tools.
4. Project work: Design posters to create awareness on the need to
maintain a safe working environment, and post them around the school.
Note: School Health Education Programme (SHEP) clubs to educate
other learners, cooks, food vendors, and staff of the school on food
hygiene practices. The school should form a SHEP club if there is none in
the school.
B9/JHS3.1.3.1 B9/JHS3. Discuss the causes and prevention of poor Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate sanitation in the school/home/ Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP),
understanding and community/workshop/site/laboratory. Creativity and Innovation (CI), Cultural
practice of environmental Identity and Global citizenship (CG)
health in the school/home
CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
1. Discuss the causes of poor sanitation in the home, school, community,
CP 6.1: Ability to effectively define goals
towards solving a problem.
E.g., Littering around, poor disposal of waste, indiscriminate defecation.
CG 5.1: Show a strong sense of
2. Discuss ways of preventing poor sanitation in school and home. belongingness to one’s culture.
E.g., Putting bins at vantage points for waste to be put in instead of putting CI 5.1: Examine alternatives in creating new
it on the ground. things.
3. Undertake a project on the need for people to keep the school and
community clean.
E.g., clean-up exercise in the school and community.
4. Undertake a project in re-use of waste, in groups.
E.g. Use old wine/champagne corks to create a floating key ring/holder.
Note: Invite an expert in the school or from the community to assist in
the re-use project.
B9/JHS3.1.3.2 B9/JHS3. Discuss what is meant by clean energy and improved Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate understanding cookstoves and fuels. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP),
of clean energy, and Creativity and Innovation (CI)
Improved Cookstoves (ICS)
1. Explain what is meant by clean energy. CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain idea.
and their accompanying
fuels E.g., It is energy produced through means that do not pollute the
2. Identify improved cookstoves and fuels
CP 5.2: Analyse and make distinct
judgement about viewpoints expressed in an
3. Watch pictures and videos on improved cookstoves and fuels and traditional argument.
cookstoves and fuels and make comparison of them. CP6.4: Ability to identify important and
Note: Visit the website for more information. appropriate criteria and use them to
evaluate available alternatives.
5. Search and present in class, the various improved cookstoves and fuels using
ICT tools and other sources.
E.g., Gyapa, holy cook, gas stoves, pellets, briquettes, Liquefied Petroleum Gas
B9/JHS3.1.3.2 B9/JHS3. Discuss the benefits of improved cookstoves and CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
Demonstrate understanding fuels relevant detail, using correct construction
of clean energy, and 1. Brainstorm the benefits of improved cookstoves and fuels, in groups and and structure of speech.
Improved Cookstoves (ICS) present in class. CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
and their accompanying creative tools for working and preparedness
E.g., They save money, protect the cook and people around against illness.
fuels to give explanations.
CONT’D 2. Demonstrate the uses of the following stoves, in groups.
CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
E.g. working towards group goal.
• improved cookstoves and fuels CI 5.1: Examine alternatives in creating new
• traditional stoves things.
3. In groups, plan and organise a campaign to educate the school and the
community on the use and benefits of improved cookstoves.
B9/JHS3.2.1.1 B9/JHS3. Discuss the factors that influence the selection of Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate skills in compliant materials Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP),
selecting compliant Creativity and Innovation (CI)
materials for making
1. Review the knowledge on properties of compliant materials and safe CI 6.2: Ability to reflect on approaches to
products and artefacts
practices of working with tools/equipment. creative tasks and evaluate the effectiveness
Note: Refer to compliant materials in B7/JHS1 and B8/JHS2 of tools used.
2. Discuss the factors that influence the selection of compliant materials CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
relevant details, using correct construction
E.g. and structure of speech.
- Purpose/function of product CP 5.2: Analyse and make distinct
- Availability of material judgement about viewpoints expressed in an
- Skills of designer.
3. Demonstrate the processes involved in working with compliant materials.
E.g., measuring, marking, cutting, folding, joining, surface finishing.
4. Make artefacts from compliant materials.
5. Display artefacts and appraise in groups.
B9/JHS3.2.2.1 B9/JHS3. Discuss the factors that influence the selection of Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate skills in resistant materials Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP),
selecting resistant Creativity and Innovation (CI)
materials for making
1. Review the knowledge on properties of resistant materials and safe practices CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
of working with tools/equipment. relevant details, using correct construction
Note: Refer to B7/JHS1 and B8/JHS2 on resistant materials. and structure of speech.
2. Discuss the factors that influence the selection of resistant materials. CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
creative tools for working.
CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
- Purpose/function of product
- Availability of material
- Skills of designer
3. Demonstrate the processes involved in working with resistant materials
E.g., Measuring and marking out, cutting/shaping.
B9/JHS3.2.2.1 B9/JHS3. Discuss the reasons why resistant materials require CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
Demonstrate skills in particular techniques and tools for their safe handling and use relevant details, using correct construction
selecting resistant 1. Explain why specific tools are used to work on specific resistant and structure of speech.
materials for making materials. CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
products/artefacts understanding of a generalised concept and
CONT’D facts specific to task or situation.
Saws designed for woodwork should not be used to cut metals else the
cutting edge will become blunt.
2. Relate the correct safety precautions to the appropriate process in
working with resistant materials when making an artefact.
- When planning wood, check that the plane is sharp and correctly set.
- When using sharp edged tools, always keep both hands behind the cutting
- Fix the hacksaw blade such that the teeth point away from the handle/
B9/JHS3.2.3.1 B9/JHS3. Discuss reasons for using smart and modern materials Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP)
Demonstrate for making products/artefacts
understanding of using
1. Review the knowledge on smart and modern materials and their properties. CP 5.1: Ability to combine information and
smart and modern
idea from several sources to reach a
materials for making Note: Refer to B7/JHS1 and B8/JHS2 CT Curriculum for more information on
products/artefacts smart and modern materials.
CP 5.2: Analyse and make distinct judgement
2. Compare uses of smart and modern, and compliant/ resistant materials for
about viewpoints expressed in an argument.
production, and present in a table.
CP 6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
adequately meet selected criteria.
Smart/Modern Materials Compliant/ Resistant
1. Can cause material to change shape 1. Material shape is fixed
B9/JHS3.2.4.1 B9/JHS3. Discuss how to select food commodities used for meal Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate skills in preparation Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP)
selecting food
1. Revise the classification of food commodities.
commodities in meal
preparation Note: Refer to CT B7/JHS1 for more information on food commodities. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order and
2. Describe the qualities to look out for when buying food commodities, and relevant details, using correct construction
present in a table. and structure of speech.
E.g. CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
Animal products Plant products Processed foods CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that
i. Meat should have a i. Fruits and i. Cans should not adequately meet selected criteria.
deep red colour vegetables should be bulging,
with white or be crisp, fine and dented, or
creamy fat free from rusty.
ii. Fish should have ii. Root crops ii. Dried foods
firm flesh and should be free should not
shiny skin with from bruises be mouldy or
a lot of tightly and firm to coloured.
clinging scales touch
B9/JHS3.2.4.2 B9/JHS3. Discuss the basic food requirements for different Collaboration (CC), Critical Thinking and
Demonstrate skills in members of the family Problem Solving (CP), Creativity and
planning meals for Innovation (CI)
various members of the
1. Identify the different members of the family and their basic food CP6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that
requirements. E.g. adequately meet selected criteria.
Different members of the Basic food requirements
Toddler Body Building Protective
Adolescent Body Building
B9/JHS3.3.1.1 B9/JHS3. Discuss tools and equipment used for measuring and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP),
Demonstrate marking out Creativity and Innovation (CI)
understanding of
1. Identify tools and equipment used for measuring and marking out in the following CP 6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
measuring and marking
trade areas: adequately meet selected criteria.
out tools and equipment
- Building site CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and
- Wood workshop appropriate criteria and use them to evaluate
- Metal/plastic workshop available alternatives.
2. Classify measuring and marking out tools and equipment in the following areas:
- Building
-Wood work
-Metal work/plastic
B9/JHS3.3.1.1 B9/JHS3. Demonstrate how to use the tools and equipment for CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that
Demonstrate measuring and marking out adequately meet selected criteria.
understanding of 1. Demonstrate how to use measuring and marking out tools and equipment for CI 5.7: Putting forward constructive
measuring and marking making artefacts/products in the following areas: comments, ideas, explanations and new ways
out tools and equipment of doing things.
- Food laboratory (Kitchen)
for making artefacts/
- Sewing CI 6.1: Exhibit strong memory, intuitive,
products and care and
- Building thinking and respond appropriately.
- Wood work
CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the success of
- Metal work/plastic
solutions they have used to attempt to solve
2. Select and use appropriate measuring and marking out tools to make the a complex problem.
following products:
- Wooden chair
- Sheet metal funnel CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
- Setting out a wall understanding of a generalised concept and
- Dresses—use knowledge in body measurement to make dresses/blouses facts specific to task or situation.
- Meals—use knowledge in portion control to prepare meals for two persons
3. Prepare a chart showing the activities and the appropriate tools used.
4. Display charts in class for appraisal.
5. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain measuring and marking out tools
used for making artefacts/products
- Wash and clean tools after use
- Oil metal parts of tools
B9/JHS3.3.2.1 B9/JHS3. Discuss tools and equipment used for cutting and shaping Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP),
understanding of Creativity and Innovation (CI)
1. Identify tools and equipment for cutting and shaping in the following trade areas:
cutting/shaping tools
- Building site CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and
and equipment used for
appropriate criteria and use them to
making artefacts/ - Wood workshop
evaluate available alternatives.
products - Metal/Plastic workshop
CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and
2. Select appropriate cutting and shaping tools for making the following products:
appropriate criteria and use them to
- Wooden tables evaluate available alternatives.
- Bottle opener
CI 6.2: Ability to reflect on approaches to
- Bricks/blocks
creative task and evaluate the effectiveness
- Dresses (shirts/blouses) of tools used.
- Meals
CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the success
3. Write the procedures/steps involved in making the products. of solutions used in an attempt to solve a
complex problem.
4. Prepare a chart showing the activities and the appropriate tools used.
B9/JHS3.3.2.1 B9/JHS3. Demonstrate how to use shaping and cutting tools and CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
Demonstrate the equipment for producing artefacts/products understanding of a generalised concept
understanding of 1. Demonstrate how to use cutting and shaping tools and equipment for making and facts specific to task or situation.
cutting/shaping tools products, in groups. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
and equipment used for with relevant details, using correct
making artefacts/ construction and structure of speech.
products and care and -Wooden cabinets
maintain CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the success of
- Sheet metal dust bins
solutions they have used to attempt to
- Bricks/blocks solve a complex problem.
- Dresses—practise more designing and cutting out on paper
- Meals—practise biscuit cutting into different shapes and practise designing of
fruits into different shapes e.g., water melon, pawpaw, cucumber, carrot
2. Write the procedure/steps involved in making the products, and discuss in class.
3. Exhibit products for appraisal.
4. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain cutting and shaping tools and equipment
used in the following trade areas:
- Food laboratory (kitchen)—wash, clean and sterilise tools
- Sewing workshop/laboratory—dust, wipe, oil tools
- Building site—wash and dry the wooden tools
- Wood workshop—clean and oil wood chisels and saws regularly-
- Metal/plastic workshop—clean and oil metal parts of tools
B9/JHS3.3.3.1 B9/JHS3. Discuss joining and assembling materials, tools and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Demonstrate equipment used for making artefacts/products (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI)
understanding of
1. Identify tools and equipment used for joining and assembling products in the CP 6.3: Identify important and
materials. tools and
following trade areas: appropriate alternatives.
equipment used for
joining and assembling - Building site CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s)
artefacts/products - Wood workshop that adequately meet selected criteria.
- Metal/plastic workshop CI 6.3: Ability to select the most
- Food laboratory effective creative tools for work and
- Sewing workshop give reasons for the choice.
B9/JHS3.3.3.1 B9/JHS3. Demonstrate appropriate skills in the use of joining and CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
Demonstrate assembling tools and equipment for making artefacts/products understanding of a generalised concept
understanding of and facts to task or situation.
materials. tools and 1. Demonstrate how to use materials, tools and equipment for joining and assembling
equipment used for products/artefacts:
joining and assembling CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
artefacts/products and E.g.
understanding of a generalised concept
care and maintain - A wooden bookshelf and facts specific to task or situation.
- Metal scoop
- Bonding a wall
- Garment—sew garments from cut-out styles in cutting/shaping lesson. Use glue to join
parts of the garment. Note: There are modern methods of joining parts of articles
such as fusing and adhesives
- Meals—use modern joining methods such as use of oats, silicon, and egg white to
prepare food.
E.g., Cabbage, fufu
2. Demonstrate how to care for and maintain joining and assembling tools and equipment
used for making artefacts/products, in groups.
- Wash and clean tools after use.
- Dry tools thoroughly before storage
B9/JHS3.3.4.1 B9/JHS3. Select and purchase suitable kitchen essentials to meet Communication and Collaboration
Demonstrate skills of specific needs (CC) Creativity and Innovation (CI)
selecting and purchasing
kitchen essentials and 1. 1. Discuss factors to consider when selecting and purchasing kitchen essentials.
understanding and skills in CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear
the choice of basic kitchen order with relevant details, using
- Money/funds available correct construction and structure of
- Space for storage speech.
- Intended purpose/use
- Availability of spare parts
B9/JHS3. Demonstrate understanding of using mechanical or
labour-saving kitchen essentials
1. 1. Explain what is meant by mechanical or labour-saving kitchen essentials and give CC8.1: Speak clearly and explain
examples ideas.
E. E.g., These are kitchen essentials that mostly use electricity to operate and are
purposely for labour saving such as refrigerator, blender and food slicer.
CC8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
2. 2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using mechanical or labour-saving with relevant details, using correct
kitchen essentials. construction and structure of speech.
3. E.g.,
E. - Advantages— They help to save energy by speeding up the physical task involved in
carrying out cooking process.
- Disadvantages—They are expensive. CI5.4: Ability to visualise
alternatives, see possibilities, and
4. 3. In groups, undertake a research and present on the types of mechanical or labour- identify problems and challenges.
saving kitchen essentials used in the school, home and community for appraisal.
Note: Use internet to facilitate the research.
B9/JHS3.3.5.1 B9/JHS3. Demonstrate the techniques of applying finishes to resistant Communication and
Demonstrate materials Collaboration (CC),
understanding of Critical Thinking and Problem
application of finishes 1. 1. Identify finishes and tools for finishing resistant materials
Solving (CP)
- Finishes—lacquer, paints, thinner, turpentine CP 6.4: Ability to identify important
- Tools—brushes, spray can, roller and appropriate criteria and use them
to evaluate available alternatives.
2. 2. Identify materials used for preparing surfaces of wood, metal and wall to be finished.
E.g., sanding sealers, sand paper, emery cloth, filler CP 6.3: Identify important and
appropriate alternatives.
3. 3. Prepare the surface to be finished by using glass paper for wood, emery cloth for
metal, and filler for walls.
CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
4. understanding of a generalised
5. 4. Demonstrate the procedure for applying finishes to resistant materials, in groups. concept and facts specific to task or
- Mix lacquer with thinner
- Apply first coat and allow to dry
- Apply second coat and allow to dry
CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
understanding of a generalised
6. 5. Demonstrate how to wash the finishing tools after use. concept and facts specific to task
7. E.g. or situation.
- Use thinner to wash brush used for applying lacquer
- Use water to wash brush used for applying emulsion paint
B9/JHS3.4.1.1 B9/JHS3. Describe mechanisms used for making Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate knowledge products/artefacts Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CP),
of mechanisms in Creativity and Innovation (CI), Digital
projects construction Literacy (DL), Personal Development and
Leadership (PL)
1. Explain what is meant by mechanisms.
It is a system of parts working together in a machine; a piece of machinery. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
2. Explore different types of mechanisms using ICT tools and other sources. relevant detail, using correct construction and
structure of speech.
CP 6.3: Identify important and appropriate
- Pulley system alternatives.
- Chain and sprocket system DL 6.3: Use digital tools to create novel
- Gear system things.
- Screw mechanism
- The crank mechanism
CP 5.8: Identify and prove misconceptions
- Cams
about a generalised concept or fact specific to
- Levers and linkages a task or situation.
3. Identify artefacts in the environment that operate on mechanisms.
E.g., bicycles, vehicles, motor bikes. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
4. Research from different sources on how mechanisms operate, in groups. relevant details, using correct construction and
structure of speech.
5. Write findings and present in class for discussions.
B9/JHS3.4.1.1 B9/JHS3. Describe the features and principles of operations of CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
Demonstrate mechanisms
CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
understanding of 1. Use charts, models or real objects to describe the features of the various types of understanding of a generalised concept
applications of mechanisms. and facts specific to task or situation.
mechanisms in project
2. Use simple diagrams to illustrate the operations of the various types of mechanisms.
Rack and pinion, cams, levers and linkages.
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of mechanisms.
CI 5.4: Ability to visualise alternatives, see
E.g., Pulley system: possibilities, and identify problems and
- Advantages: No lubrication needed, quiet in operation challenges.
- Disadvantage: A slip can occur
4. Watch videos on the various types of mechanisms in operation and discuss in class.
The operations of the crank, cams, rack and pinion, chain and sprockets
CC 9.5: Appreciate the importance of
including all team members in discussions
and actively encourage contributions from
B9/JHS3.4.1.1 B9/JHS3. Design and make simple school technology projects using CP 6.3: Identify important and
Demonstrate two or more of the mechanisms appropriate alternatives.
understanding of 1. Identify simple school projects. CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that
applications of adequately meet selected criteria.
E.g., wall clocks, crazy snake, toy cars, bicycles, aeroplane/air craft, train, wind
mechanisms in project
turbine/mill CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
2. Identify compliant and resistant materials, tools and equipment for making mock- relevant detail, using correct construction
ups/prototypes. and structure of speech.
3. Select appropriate mechanisms based on the function of the project. CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
creative tools for work and give reasons
E.g.; for the choice.
PL 6.3: Ability to manage time effectively.
This is whether the project will provide:
- linear motion-one dimensional motion along a straight line
- reciprocating motion-repetitive up-and-down or back-and-forth linear motion
- oscillatory motion-moves to and fro about its means position in a fixed time
- rotary motion-act of rotating as if on an axis
4. Discuss the reasons for the choice of mechanisms for a particular job.
- Usage (easy to use)
- Place of use
- Who to use/where to use
- Availability of mechanism/material/tools and equipment
- Cost of mechanism/material
- Skill level of designer
5. Plan, design and prepare a folio of products/artefacts following the design
B9/JHS3.5.1.1 B9/JHS3. Describe prisms and pyramids and discuss the importance Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate of developing them Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI)
developing surfaces of
objects for production/ 1. Identify types of prism and pyramid. CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
manufacturing creative tools for work and give reasons
for the choice.
- Prisms; cylinder, square prism, triangular prism, rectangular prism
CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that
- Pyramids: cone, square pyramid, triangular pyramid, rectangular pyramid adequately meet selected criteria.
2. Sketch types of prism and pyramid. CC 8.2: Explain the idea in a clear
E.g., cone, square pyramid, triangular pyramid order with relevant details, using
correct construction and structure of
3. Differentiate between prisms and pyramids.
Prisms have their front view in the form of rectangles, whereas, pyramids have their
front view in the form of triangles
4. Discuss the importance of developing surfaces of objects
before manufacturing them.
- Enables easier duplication of templates
- Minimises waste of materials
- Saves time spent on production
B9/JHS3.5.1.1 B9/JHS3. Develop surfaces of pyramids using instruments CI 6.2: Ability to reflect on approaches to
Demonstrate 1. Illustrate the techniques of developing prisms and pyramids using instruments creative tasks and evaluate the effectiveness
understanding of of tools used.
E.g., Draw the front view and plan, and then project them to draw the surface
developing surfaces of CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
development of the prism and pyramids.
objects for production/ creative tools for work and give reasons for
manufacturing 2. Develop surfaces of simple objects (cylinder, cone, square prism, square pyramid) the choice.
CONT’D to required dimensions.
CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that
3. Cut out the shapes of developed surfaces leaving flaps for joining. adequately meet selected criteria.
CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and
appropriate criteria and use them to evaluate
4. Fold and join the cut-outs as expected to obtain the objects available alternatives.
E.g., milk tin, milo tin, match box, sugar box, pizza box, funnel, Christmas hat. CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the success
of solutions used to attempt to solve a
5. Plan and mount an exhibition of the objects for appraisal. complex problem.
B9/JHS3.5.1.2 B9/JHS3. the principles of orthographic projections Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate Creativity and Innovation (CI), Critical
understanding of Thinking and Problem Solving (CP)
orthographic projections
1. Explain what is meant by orthographic projection.
Drawing the three views of objects in two dimensions. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
relevant details.
2. Discuss the principles of orthographic projections for both first and third angle CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
orthographic projections. CI 5.1: Examine alternatives in creating
E.g. new things.
- For first angle (British method), the plan is projected below the front view CC8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
relevant detail.
- For third angle (American method), the plan is projected above the front view.
Note: Use mock-ups to facilitate understanding
3.Sketch the symbols for first and third angle orthographic projections.
B9/JHS3.5.1.2 B9/JHS3. Draw objects in first and third angle orthographic projections CI 5.1: Examine alternatives in creating
Demonstrate new things.
understanding of CP 6.5: Ability to select alternatives that
orthographic projections adequately meet selected criteria.
1. Sketch objects in pictorial indicating the appropriate dimensions, and directions of
CONT’D the three views (front view, plan and end view). CI 5.3: Identification of requirements of a
2. Draw the three views to the given dimensions, at their respective positions using the given situation and justification of more
appropriate projection lines. than one creative tool that will be suitable.
Note: Draw the front view first. CP 5.7: Provide new insight into
controversial situation or task.
3. Indicate the dimensions on the views and label the views appropriately.
CI 5.3: Identification of requirements of a
4. Use the idea to prepare detailed drawings of artefacts to be made.
given situation and justification of more
than one creative tool that will be suitable.
5. Project work: Go round the community, observe artefacts and draw four (4)
artefacts in both first and third angle orthographic projections.
B9/JHS3.5.2.1 B9/JHS3. Clarify user requirements CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that
Demonstrate knowledge 1. Analyse the problem graphically by developing problem analysis chart. adequately meet selected criteria.
of Designing 2. Develop questions to address the analysis chart. CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and
CONT’D appropriate criteria and use them to
3. Identify sources of getting information and conduct research for the design. evaluate available alternatives.
4. Prepare a questionnaire and interview guide to conduct research for the design. CI 5.3: Identification of requirements of a
5. Develop observation schedules, visit relevant places, and take appropriate photos given situation and justification of more
linked to the problem and solution. than one creative tool that will be suitable.
6. Analyse the research and write a report. CI 5.4: Ability to visualise alternatives,
see possibilities, and identify problems
7. Study the research report and develop design specifications based on the analysis of
and challenges.
the problem.
CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the success
8. Cross-check the specifications to ensure that all the design requirements are met.
of solutions used in an attempt to solve
a complex problem.
B9/JHS3.5.2.1 B9/JHS3. Develop the selected solution CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and
Demonstrate knowledge 1. Identify the best design that meets the specifications and select it for further appropriate criteria and use them to
of Designing consideration. evaluate available alternatives.
CONT’D 2. Indicate the reasons for selecting a design for development. CC 8.2: Explain idea in a clear order with
relevant detail, using correct construction
3. Examine the selected design to identify parts that need to be modified. and structure of speech.
4. Redesign the selected solution to obtain the final design. CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and
appropriate criteria and use them to
evaluate available alternatives.
CI 5.1: Examine alternatives in creating
new things.
B9/JHS3.5.3.1 B9/JHS3. Identify basic dry methods of cooking and foods that can be Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate prepared using the method Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of planning (CP),
for making BAKING AND GRILLING Creativity and Innovation (CI), Personal
artefacts/ products/ Development and Leadership (PL)
meals 1. Identify and describe the basic dry methods of cooking.
CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
E.g., baking, grilling
2. Identify foods that can be prepared using the dry method of cooking.
CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and
appropriate criteria and use them to
Baking—bread, cake, aboloo evaluate available alternatives.
Grilling—plantain, fish, chicken
3. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of baking and grilling methods of cooking.
E.g. CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and
appropriate criteria and use them to
- Advantage—Promotes the caramelisation of surface sugars in foods evaluate available alternatives.
- Disadvantage—Food can easily burn or dry out
4. Discuss the principles of baking and grilling methods of cooking.
E.g. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details, using correct
- Baking—All ingredients need to be measured carefully. construction and structure of speech.
- Grilling—Marinate foods in the refrigerator, not on the kitchen counter or CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
outdoors CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s)
that adequately meet selected criteria.
B9/JHS3.5.3.1 B9/JHS3. Demonstrate how to clarify user requirements CP 5.1: Ability to combine information
Demonstrate 1. Study the working drawings and cutting list obtained from the communication and ideas from several sources to reach
understanding for design. conclusion.
planning for making CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that
2. Observe the workshop environment to identify the health and safety needs of the
artefacts/ products adequately meet selected criteria.
3. Study workshop rules and regulations for better familiarisation before the actual PL 5.6: Ability to set and maintain
work. personal standards and values.
4. Study about the needed materials, tools and processes to be employed for better CC 9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills
understanding. of working towards group goals.
5. Write down a summary of your study and observations and discuss in class. CI 5.3: Identification of requirements of a
given situation and justification of more
6. Experiment with similar materials, tools and processes to gain confidence prior to
than one creative tool that will be suitable.
the making of artefacts.
B9/JHS3. Describe ways of using the natural building materials for CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
production relevant details, using correct construction
1. Discuss how clay/laterite is used for producing bricks/blocks. and structure of speech.
- Identify types of clay/laterite brick/block
- Describe the methods of manufacturing clay/laterite bricks/blocks—extruded,
moulded, dry-pressed
B9/JHS3.5.4.1 B9/JHS3. Demonstrate skills in preparing food using the dry methods Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate of cooking Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding of (CP), Creativity and Innovation (CI)
gathering materials, 1. Prepare a dish each using baking and grilling methods of cooking.
CP 5.1: Ability to combine information
tools and equipment for E.g.
and ideas from several sources to reach
making/preparing meals
Baking—bread, cake, aboloo a conclusion.
and articles
Grilling—plantain, fish, chicken CI 5.1: Examine alternatives in creating
new things.
2. Display food for evaluation and appreciation. CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the
success of solutions used in an attempt
to solve a complex problem.
B9/JHS3. Create advanced articles using crocheting and embroidery CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
stitches creative tools for work and give reasons
1. Review work on tools, equipment and stitches used in sewing and crocheting. for the choice.
N.B: Refer to B7/JHS1 and B8/JHS2 on stitches and crocheting. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant detail, using correct
2. Discuss some crocheted and embroidered articles and their uses. construction and structure of speech.
E.g. CI 5.1: Examine alternatives in creating
Shoes—to protect one’s foot/feet. new things.
3. Make advanced articles using crocheting and design or make patterns to decorate CI 5.1: Examine alternatives in creating
using embroidery stitches. new things.
E.g. CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the success of
Hand bags, jackets/cardigans, shoes (baby and adult) and purse. solution used in an attempt to solve a
complex problem.
4. Plan and mount an exhibition of products for appraisal.
B9/JHS3.5.4.1 B9/JHS3. Demonstrate how to gather materials, tools, and CI 5.4: Ability to visualise alternatives,
Demonstrate equipment for making artefacts see possibilities, and identify problems
understanding of and challenges.
gathering materials, 1. Study and examine the design folio to understand the working drawings and the CI 6.4: Imagining and seeing things in a
tools and equipment for operations or processes involved. different way.
making/preparing meals 2. Check the dimensions of the working drawings and the cutting list to ensure CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough
and articles and evaluate accuracy of work. understanding of a generalised concept
CONT’D 3. Apply the making operational in sequence to make the artefact. and facts specific to task or situation.
Note: Decide on the materials, measuring, marking out, cutting to the complete CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective
the work creative tool for work and give reasons
for the choice.
4. Apply the appropriate finish to the artefact ready.
B9/JHS3.6.1.1 B9/JHS3. Describe how the changing nature of the workplace can Communication and Collaboration (CC),
Demonstrate bring about global competition and technology Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
understanding about the (CP),
changing nature of the Creativity and Innovation (CI)
1. Find out from various sources, how changes at the work place can bring about
workplace, the value of
work to society, and the global competition and technology
connection of work to E.g. CI 6.8: Recognise and generalise
the achievement of information and experiences; search for
- Introduction of automation at work place
personal goals trends and patterns.
- Use of ICT
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
- Use of robots and drones relevant details, using correct construction
- Use of machines and structure of speech.
2. Discuss the findings, in groups and write a summary individually.
B9/JHS3.6.1.1 B9/JHS3. Analyse the value of work to the individual and society in CP 5.2: Analyse and make distinct
Demonstrate general judgements about viewpoints expressed in
understanding about the 1. Analyse and report the value of work to the individual and society in general, in an argument.
changing nature of the groups. CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
workplace, the value of relevant details, using correct construction
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working for self and others. E.g.,
work to society, and the and structure of speech.
connection of work to Self:
the achievement of - Advantage: More control over income; choose the people you work
personal goals with.
CONT’D - Disadvantage: Difficult to raise capital; working may be much longer
and irregular; sickness results in the business suffering.
- Advantage: Retirement benefits; regular work hours
- Disadvantage: Less job security; less freedom
B9/JHS3. Develop a career plan that would assist in the transition CC 9.4: Help group work on relevant
from school to eventual entry into a career option activities.
CP 6.2: Ability to explain plans for
attaining goals.
1. Discuss the need for a career plan, in groups.
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with
2. Identify and discuss the steps in an effective career plan.
relevant details, using correct construction
E.g. and structure of speech.
- Identify your career options
- Prioritise
- Make comparisons.
- Consider other factors
- Make a Choice
3. Write a summary of your discussion and read to class.
- Settle on one name as the name of the business CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
with relevant details, using correct
4. Read on licensing/registration processes, and visit licensing/registration agencies to construction and structure of speech.
learn more about licensing/registration procedures.
5. Write the summary of findings from visit and discuss in class, in groups.
B9/JHS3.6.2.1 B9/JHS3. Explain how to manage resources of small business CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
Demonstrate enterprises
understanding of 1. Think-pair-share on products and services that are in demand, and write down your
establishing and views. CC 8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas.
managing a small
2. Discuss factors to consider when running and managing a small-scale business.
business enterprise
CONT’D E.g.:
- Land
- Labour
- Capital
- Market
- Location
CC 8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order
3. Discuss the processes of managing a business, in groups. with relevant details, using correct
E.g. construction and structure of speech.
- Planning
- Organising
- Communicating
- Delegating
- Motivating
- Controlling
CC7.1: Identify words or sentences in context CC8.1: Speak clearly and explain ideas. Share a CC9.1: Demonstrate behaviour and skills of
appropriately narrative or extended answer while speaking to a working towards group goals
CC7.2: Interpret correctly and respond to non- CC8.2: Explain ideas in a clear order with relevant CC9.2: Understand and use interpersonal skills
verbal communication such as facial expressions, details, using correct construction and structure of
cues and gestures speech
CC7.3: Provide feedback in areas of ideas, CC8.3: Apply appropriate diction, and structure CC9.3: Understand roles during group activities
organisation, voice, word choice and sentence sentences correctly for narrative, persuasive,
fluency in communication imaginative and expository purposes
CC7.4: Identify underlying themes, implications CC8.4: Anticipate different responses from the CC9.4: Help group work on relevant activities
and issues when listening audience and plan for them
CC7.5: Identify and analyse different points of CC8.5: Vary the level of detail and the language CC9.5: Appreciate the importance of including
views of speaker used when presenting to make it appropriate to all team members in discussions and actively
the audience encourage contributions from them
CC9.6: Ability to work with all group members to
complete a task successfully
CC9.7: Effectively perform multiple roles within
the group
CC9.8: Demonstrate an awareness of the wider
team dynamics and work to minimise conflicts in
the team
CP 5.1: Ability to combine information and ideas from several sources to CP 6.1: Ability to effectively define goals towards solving a problem
reach a conclusion
CP 5.2: Analyse and make distinct judgements about viewpoints expressed CP 6.2: Ability to explain plans for attaining goals
in an argument
CP 5.3: Create simple logic trees to think through problems CP 6.3: Identify important and appropriate alternatives
CP 5.4: Generate hypotheses to help answer complex problems CP 6.4: Ability to identify important and appropriate criteria and use them
to evaluate available alternatives
CP 5.5: Effectively evaluate the success of solutions used in an attempt to CP 6.5: Ability to select alternative(s) that adequately meet selected
solve a complex problem criteria
CP 5.6: Demonstrate a thorough understanding of a generalised concept CP 6.6: Preparedness to recognise and explain results after implementation
and facts specific to task or situation of plans
CP 5.7: Provide new insight into controversial situation or task CP 6.7: Implement strategies with accuracy
PL5.1: Understanding oneself (strengths, weaknesses, goals and aspirations), PL6.1: Ability to serve group members effectively
in reacting and adjusting to novel situations
PL5.2: Demonstrate a sense of belongingness to a group PL6.2: Division of tasks into solvable units and assigning group members to
task units
PL5.3: Recognise one’s emotional state and their preparedness to apply PL6.3: Ability to manage time effectively
emotional intelligence
PL5.4: Ability to understand one’s personality traits PL6.4: Ability to manage and resolve conflicts
PL5.5: Desire to accept one’s true self and overcome weaknesses PL6.5: Ability to monitor team members to ascertain progress
PL5.6: Ability to set and maintain personal standards and values PL6.6: Ability to mentor peers
PL6.7: Actively promote effective group interaction and the expression of
ideas and opinions in a way that is sensitive to the feelings and background of
PL6.8: Actively assist group identify changes or modifications necessary in
the group activities and work towards carrying out those changes
CG5.1: Show a strong sense of belongingness to one’s culture CG6.1: Understanding of influences of globalisation on traditions, languagesand
CG5.2: Develop and exhibit ability to defend one’s cultural beliefs, practicesand CG6.2: Recognise resistance to global practices that are inimical to ourculture
CG5.3: Develop and express respect, recognition and appreciation ofothers’ CG6.3: Know the global discourse about the roles of males and females
CG5.4: Develop and exhibit a sense of cultural identity CG6.4: Exhibit a sense of nationality and global identity
CG5.5: Adjust to the demands of customs, traditions, values and attitudes of
CI 5.1: Examine alternatives in creating new things CI 6.1: Exhibit strong memory, intuitive thinking, and respond appropriately
CI 5.2: Ability to merge simple/complex ideas to create novel situations or CI 6.2: Ability to reflect on approaches to creative tasks and evaluate the
things effectiveness of tools used
CI 5.3: Identification of requirements of a given situation and justification of CI 6.3: Ability to select the most effective creative tools for work, and give
more than one creative tool that will be suitable reasons for the choice
CI 5.4: Ability to visualise alternatives, see possibilities, and identify problems CI 6.4: Imagining and seeing things in a different way
and challenges
CI 5.5: Ability to try new alternatives and different approaches CI 6.5: Anticipate and overcome difficulties relating to taking initiatives
CI 5.6: Understand and use analogies and metaphors CI 6.6: Being open-minded, adapting and modifying ideas to achieve creative
CI 5.7: Putting forward constructive comments, ideas, explanations and new CI 6.7: Look and think about things differently and from different
ways of doing things perspectives
CI 6.8: Recognise and generalise information and experience; search for
trends and patterns
CI 6.9: Interpret and apply learning in new contexts
CI 6.10: Reflect on work and explore the thinking behind thoughts and
- The core competencies outlined in this document must be assessed taking into consideration, learners with special needs
(physical disabilities, learning disabilities, etc.).
- Consider the use of realia for visual and visually-; challenged learners.
Cambridge International
Sampson Damptey Tettey Commission for TVET
Dr. Mrs. Ellen Louise Olu Fagbemi University of Education, Kumasi Campus
Mr. Emil Frempong Al-Rayan International School