The Use of Orange Citrus Sinensis Peel As Antimicr
The Use of Orange Citrus Sinensis Peel As Antimicr
The Use of Orange Citrus Sinensis Peel As Antimicr
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hariri Ahmed on 11 January 2019.
Received: 28 January 2017 / Accepted: 25 July 2017 / Published online: 01 September 2017
Due to rapid growth of the food processing industry and the consumption of processed foods,
the demand for natural antimicrobial agents is on the rise. Consumers
Consumers have become more
aware about the health effects of the synthetic preservatives used in food. Hence natural
preservatives are developed to meet the demand of consumers. These natural antimicrobials
are developed either from plants or their parts, animals
anim or even microorganisms
microorganisms. Even the
waste generated from the food industries is being considered as an alternative to produce
natural antimicrobials. The aim of the present study was to utilize the waste generated from
the citrus fruit processing (peel) industry.
i This study was to utilize the powder from the peel
of Citrus sinensis in food (Oil of olive and cream dessert)
dessert to preserve their quality, this peel
can be used as antimicrobial and antioxidant activity so food preservation purpose.
Key Words: Citrus sinensis peel,
peel powder, food, antimicrobial activity,, antioxidant activity
The genus Citrus,, belonging to the Rutaceae
Rut or Rue family [1], comprises of about 140
genera and 1,300 species. Citrus sinensis (Orange), Citrus paradise (Grapefruit), Citrus limon
(Lemon), Citrus reticulate (tangerine), Citrus grandis (shaddock), Citrus aurantium (sour
orange), Citrus medica (Citron), and Citrus aurantifolia (lime) are some important fruits of
genus Citrus. Citrus are well known as one of the world’s major fruit crops that are produced
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K. Ould Yerou et al. J FundamAppl Sci. 2017, 9(3), 1351-1357 1352
in many countries with tropical or subtropical climate. Brazil, USA, Japan, China, Mexico,
Pakistan, and countries of the Mediterranean region, are the major Citrus producers. Citrus
fruits and their by-products are of high economic and medicinal value because of their
multiple uses, such as in the food industry, cosmetics and folk medicine. Anatomically, the
fruit consists of two distinct regions, the pericarp, also called the peel, skin or rind, and the
endocarp or pulp with juice sac glands. The skin consists of an epidermis of epicuticular wax
with numerous small aromatic oil glands that give of its particular smell. The pericarp
consists of the outer flavedo or epicarp, largely made of parenchymatous cells and cuticle.
The albedo or mesocarp lying beneath the flavedo consists of tubular-like cells joined
together to constitute the tissue mass compressed into the intercellular area. The fruit usually
contains a sweet pulp and several to numerous seeds within. The fruit pulp is typically formed
of eleven segments of juice filled with flavor that goes from sour to sweet. In orchards it is
sensitive to frost. [2]
These health benefits are as a result of vitamins, especially vitamin C [3], phytochemical
compounds like liminoids, synephrine, hesperidin flavonoid, polyphenols, pectin.A single
orange is said to have about 170 phytonutrients and over 60 flavonoids. [4].
After the broadcast on a thermal treatment wall -on Samples, the temperatures which are
Chosen : 150 ° C, 200 ° C and 250 ° C during 30 minutes, our samples obtained Cooled and
are undergo various analyzes( physical-chimiqual and microbiological) .
Preparation cream dessert
The custard is produced thick consistency June presenting , made from pasteurized milk ,
sugar, cocoa , starch and gelling then adding powder orange peel ,then applied analyzes
(physicochemical and microbiological).
We notice that this index in the control increases with increasing temperature but the added
sample Orange peel powder, saponification decreases with the increase of the treatment
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According to our results, the acid number augments prominently among samples when
temperatures rise .This imperative means that olive oil does not remain insensitive to the
possible hydrolysis of fats, including glycerides.
Citrus cinensis is a rich source of secondary metabolites which contribute to the
pharmacological activities attributed to this plant.
The antimicrobial potency of plants is believed to be due to tannins [6], saponins, phenolic
compounds, essential oils [7] and flavonoids. These compounds are known to be biologically
active and therefore aid the antimicrobial activities of the plants [8]. These secondary
metabolites exert antimicrobial activity through different mechanisms. Tannin as observed in
Citrus sinensis peel extract have been found to form irreversible complexes with
proline.Citrus plants could be regarded as medicinal due to the high level of flavonoid content
in them. [9]
A high quality orange is one that is mature with good color intensity uniformly distributed
over the surface. Such oranges must be firm with a fairly smooth texture and shape that is
characteristic of the variety, free from decay, defects and other blemishes.
In recent years there has been increasing interest in plant antioxidants because of their
potential health-promoting properties. The above antioxidant activities of Citrus cinensis are
attributed to the presence of five C-glycosyl flavones: lucenin-2, vicenin-2, stellarin-2,
lucenin-2-4′-methyl ether and scoparin; one 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl glycosyl flavonol: 3-
hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl glycosyl quercetin; and one flavone O-glycosides: chrysoeriol 7-O-
neoesperidoside [10]
These group of pigments as found in plants and together with anthocyanin play a role in
flower and fruit colouration. Also, they are present in dietary fruits and vegetable, and
exercise their antioxidant activity in several ways. Studies indicate that flavonoids are
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excellent radical-scavengers of the hydroxyl radical, due to their to ability to inhibit the
hydroxyl radical and donate hydrogen atom. Oranges as excellent source of vitamin C [11]
contain powerful natural antioxidant, folate, dietary fiber and other bioactive components, like
carotenoids and flavonoids that prevent cancer and degenerative diseases.
Natural products have been and will be important sources of new pharmaceutical compounds.
Recently, there has been a renewed interest in natural product research due to the failure of
alternative drug discovery methods to deliver many lead compounds in key therapeutic areas.
In this sense, considering the health benefits of C. sinensis it presents excellent options for
treating or helping in a disease due to its bioactive compounds (drug candidates) that show
important activities or for developing new products, there is the need for public enlightenment
on the importance of C. sinensis and finding and discovering new and effective drug
compounds, so this review represents an excellent source of information about this natural
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