Emertxe Training Project Documentation Framework

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Emertxe Information Technologies (P) Ltd

IOT based Home Automation Solution
REVISION DATE: 08-06-2022

1 Overview

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the document is to understand the requirements of “Home Automation
using Arduino (picsimlab)and Blynk application ”. This document will be used by the
students to develop the project. This document will also be used for requirement
1.2 Scope
The Home automation should be simulated on the picsimlab simulator, Blynk iot
mobile applications used to control the devices . Should be able to control the
lights, temperature of the home , inflow and outflow of water in the water tank.

2 Assumptions, Dependencies, Constraints

2.1 Assumptions
Describe the assumptions that can affect the requirements specified in this document.

All the peripherals are simulated and no real time objects are interfaced .

2.2 Dependencies
Describe the dependencies that can affect the requirements specified in this RDD.

Based on Blynk Mobile app

2.3 Constraints
Describe the constraints that can affect the requirements specified in this RDD.


3 Requirements
3.1 Functional Requirements
3.1.1 Garden lights control
Description :
Read the LDR sensor value, based on the reading from LDR, vary the brightness
of the led, which resembles controlling garden lights based on the availability of

Requirement No 1 – Garden lights control

Description Inputs - LDR Sensor

Process - Read the LDR sensor value, based on

the reading from LDR, vary the brightness of the
led, which resembles controlling garden lights
based on the availability of sunlight.
Output - Garden Lights
3.1.2 Temperature Control System
Description :
The temperature control system consists of a heating resistor, an LM35
temperature sensor, and a cooler. Which resembles the temperature control system at
home. Read the temperature from the temperature sensor LM35 and display it on the
CLCD. Control the temperature of the system by turning ON/OFF the heater and cooler
through the Blynk IOT mobile app .

Requirement No 2 – Temperature Control System

Description Inputs - Temperature Sensor.

Process - Read Temperature from temperature sensor


Output - Display Temperature on Gauge Widget,

Display Temperature on CLCD.

Requirement No 3 – Cooler Control System

Description Inputs - Button Widget(Cooler button) on Blynk iot

app .
Process - Detect the change in the logic level

Output - if the Button widget is at logic high, turn ON

the cooler.
if the Button widget is at logic low, turn OFF the cooler.

Requirement No 4 – Heater Control System

Description Inputs - Button Widget(Heater button) on Blynk iot

app .

Process - Detect the change in the logic level

Output - if the Button widget is at logic high, turn ON

the heater.
if the Button widget is at logic low, turn OFF the heater.

Requirement No 5 – Threshold temperature control

Description Inputs - Temperature sensor

Process - Read and compare the temperature with 35


Output - if the temperature is more than 35 turn OFF

the heater and send notification to Blynk IOt app and
display the same on the CLCD.

3.1.3 water tank inlet and outlet valve control

Description :
Read the volume of the water in the tank through Serial Communication and
display it on the CLCD, control the volume of the water in the tank by controlling the
inlet and outlet valve, by sending commands through serial communication. Display the
volume of water in the tank on the CLCD.
Requirement No 6 – Display the volume of water in the tank

Description Inputs - Serial tank.

Process - Read the volume of the water in the tank by

sending commands through serial communication.

Output - Display the volume of the water on Gauge

Display the volume of water on CLCD.

Requirement No 7 – Inlet valve control

Description Inputs - Button Widget(Inlet valve button) on Blynk iot

app .

Process - Detect the change in the logic level

Output - if the Button widget is at logic high, turn ON

the inlet valve by sending commands through serial
if the Button widget is at logic low, turn OFF the inlet
valve by sending commands through serial
Requirement No 8 – Outlet valve control

Description Inputs - Button Widget(outlet valve button) on Blynk iot

app .

Process - Detect the change in the logic level

Output - if the Button widget is at logic high, turn ON

the outlet valve by sending commands through serial
if the Button widget is at logic low, turn OFF the outlet
valve by sending commands through serial

Requirement No 9 – Control the volume of water in the tank

Description Inputs - Serial tank.

Process - Read the volume of the water in the tank by

sending commands through serial communication.

Output - if the volume of water in the tank is less than

2000 ltrs turn ON the inlet valve, and send notification
to the blynk mobile app and display the same on the

3.2 User Interfaces

BLYNK Application
Blynk was designed for the Internet of Things. It can control hardware remotely, it
can display sensor data, it can store data, visualize it and do many other cool things.

Create widgets on Mobile blynk application

Button widgets to control heater, cooler, inlet valve , outlet value.

Gauge widgets to display temperature and volume of the water in the tank on the
mobile application
Terminal widgets to display the notifications whenever threshold is crossed like
“Temperature is more than 35 degrees”, “” turning OFF the heater”, “water level is full “
“Water inflow disabled”

Fig 2 : (Tab1) Button widgets to control inlet valve, outlet valve, gauge to display volume
of water in the tank and terminal to print the notifications.
Fig 3:Tab2 Button widgets to control the heater, cooler and gauge widget to display the

Threshold control
When the heater is ON if the temperature rises above 35 degree celsius then
heater should turn OFF automatically and message “Temperature is more than 35
degree celsius Turning OFF the heater” should be displayed on the virtual terminal,
When the water in the tank is full, turn off the inlet valve automatically and display
“water level is full water inflow disabled” .
Fig 4 : Notifications on CLCD
Fig 5 : Notifications on Virtual terminal

Using BLYNK Iot application and Picsimlab simulator, simulated home
automation, where LED, temperature system, Serial tank resembles Light, Heater,
Cooler and Water tank in real time.
CLCD acts like a dash board used for displaying the events, Widgets from Blynk
Iot app like button widgets are used to control heater, cooler and inlet valve, outlet
Gauge widgets to display the temperature and volume of the water.

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