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LANKESTERIANA 18(2): 85–91. 2018. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15517/lank.v18i2.




Martín Carrera1, Luis Baquero2–5 & Vlastimil Zak1

Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, Colegio de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales COCIBA,
Herbario de Botánica Económica QUSF, Quito 170901, Ecuador
Carrera de Ingeniería Agroindustrial y Alimentos. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias
Agropecuarias. Universidad de Las Américas, Calle José Queri, Quito 170137, Pichincha, Ecuador
Jardín Botánico de Quito, Pasaje #34, Rumipampa E6-264 y Av Shyris, Interior Parque La Carolina,
Quito, Ecuador
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Pasaje Rumipamba 341 y Av. de los Shyris, 170135, Quito,
Pichincha, Ecuador
Corresponding author: lbaquero@hotmail.com

Abstract. A new species of Pleurothallis from Ecuador, Pleurothallis quitu-cara, is described, illustrated and
compared with the similar species P.corysta. The new finding is a surprise for the orchid flora of Quito and its
Resumen. Una nueva especie de Pleurothallis de Ecuador, Pleurothallis quitu-cara se describe, ilustra y compara
con la especie similar P. corysta. El hallazgo es una sorpresa para la flora orquidácea de Quito y sus valles.
Key words: Acronia, callus, glenion, Hoya de Quito, Pleurothallis quitu-cara

Ecuador holds about 15% of the world’s described jupiter was described by Luer (1975) and placed
species in the family Orchidaceae, with 4,032 species in the section Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae Lindl.
of orchids, a third of which are endemic to the country Szlachetko & Margonska (2001) proposed the genus
(León-Yánez et al 2011, Neil 2012, Christenhusz & Zosterophyllanthos for species of section Macrophyllae-
Byng 2016). The diversity of orchids from Ecuador Fasciculatae, but Luer (2005) resurrected the genus
is still understudied, and new species continue to Acronia for previously included species in sections
be discovered and described every year (Doucette, Acronia, Amphigya and Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae.
Portilla & Cameron 2016, Wilson et al. 2016, Baquero Molecular analyses have evidenced that species of the
2017, Baquero & Iturralde 2017, Baquero & Zuchan section Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae are closely related
2017, Jost & Iturralde 2017, Wilson et al. 2017a, b). with the type species of Pleurothallis, P. ruscifolia
Within the large subtribe Pleurothallidinae, several R.Br., thus supporting its inclusion in Pleurothallis
taxonomic problems have been identified at generic sensu stricto (Pridgeonet al. 2001, Wilson et al. 2011,
and infrageneric levels (Chase & Pridgeon 2001, 2013). Based on morphological similarity to other
Karremans 2016). Traditionally, hundreds of species member of the section Macrophyllae-Fasciculatae
have been included in the genus Pleurothallis sensu (Table 1), we describe here a new species as a member
lato (Luer 1986), but morphological and molecular of the genus Pleurothallis.
analyses evidenced its polyphyly (Pridgeon & Chase
2001). Several proposals to split it have been presented, Results
with different generic and infrageneric definitions Plant material.— Specimens collected in 1994 are
and circumscriptions (Szlachetko & Margonska deposited in the collections of the Herbario de Botánica
2001, Chase et al. 2003, Luer 2005). Pleurothallis Económica del Ecuador QUSF. Flowers are preserved

Received 29 January 2018; accepted for publication 14 May 2018. First published online: 24 May 2018.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Costa Rica License

Figure 1. Pleurothallis quitu-cara. A, habit. B, disected flower. C, flower close-up. D, dorsal view of the lip, flattened (left),
with normal bent apex (right). E, lip close up showing with portruding abaxial callus (Illustration: Luis Baquero).

LANKESTERIANA 18(2). 2018. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018.

Carrera et al. –– A new Pleurothallis from Quito 87

in 75% ethanol with glicerine. Living individuals as the dorsal sepal. Lip oblong, 6.8 × 4.1 mm, sides
were found and examined at the type locality in bent downwards, papillose, apex obtuse, apiculate,
2015 and 2016, but no specimens were collected, bent upwards, with a small swollen callus underneath,
and photographs were taken in-situ. Research on the pubescent at the margins, the base truncate with a
material lead to the knowledge that it belonged to a small elliptical glenion with an elevated center, the
new species. quadrangular disc convex, minutely pubescent, lemon-
coloured above, milk-white color at the base suffused
Study area.— The only known population of the new
with leather-yellow in xanthic form, lemon-coloured
species was discovered close to Quito, in the sourthern
suffused with a sanguine color above, milk-white color
valley of Los Chillos near Pita river.
at the base, suffused with leather-yellow in the middle
and suffused with sanguine color below in non xanthic
Pleurothallis quitu-cara Carrera & Baquero, sp. nov.
form. Column stout, 2.5 mm long, 2.3 mm wide, foot
(Fig. 1–3).
thick, rostellum and bilobed stigma apical. Pollinia 2,
TYPE: Ecuador. Provincia de Pichincha: Valle de los yellow.
Chillos, Río, -0.436431°S, -78.4118900°W, 2980 m,
Eponymy: Honoring Quitu-Cara, the indigenous group
April 10th, 1994, V. Zak 6543 (holotype: 2380 QUSF).
which originally inhabited Quito and the valley near
Diagnosis: Pleurothallis quitu-cara is similar to P. Quito, where the known population of the new species
corysta Luer, from which it differs in the rectangular persists.
lip with an elliptical small glenion with an elevated
center at the base, a minutely pubescent, protruding Distribution and habitat: Pleurothallis quitu-cara
callus and the apex of the lip bent upwards versus the has been found only at one locality in the Hoya de
erect, subovate, without an obvious glenion and an Guayllabamba, valley of Los Chillos, on the canyon of
elevated line on the disc and the apex of the lip not the River Pita (Fig. 4). A population of approximately
bent in P. corysta (Fig. 3). 50 plants of Pleurothallis quitu-cara grows at the
type locality. Two color forms, a xanthic and a non-
Plant medium in size, epiphytic or terrestrial, xanthic form, coexist (Fig. 2B). It is not clear if the
caespitose, with slender roots. Ramicauls stout and species is always represented by this two colour forms,
glandular, pendent to horizontal, 25–35 cm long, with or other phenotypes could be found somewhere else.
three, 8–10 cm long, tubular sheaths. Leaf horizontal Nevertheless, no other populations of the species are
to pendent, coriaceous, oblong, slightly undulated, known by the authors at the moment, which does
leaf-margins slightly deflexed, 13–20 × 6–8 cm, base not necessarily mean P. quitu-cara is restricted to
sub sessile, cordate to deeply cordate, apex rostrate this single population. More exploration is needed
and acute. Inflorescence a fascicle of 1–4 medium to confirm if this original population is the only one
sized simultaneous flowers subtended by a spathe 1 cm known for the species. This finding confirms that,
long, peduncles 10–12 mm long withing the spathe; even so close to Quito, the capital of a well explored
floral bracts 4.5–6.0 mm long; pedicel 7.0–8.5 mm country, when it comes to orchids, a new species of
long; ovary smooth, six-ridged, 5.0–5.5 mm long. orchid can still be found anywhere.
Dorsal sepal deeply concave, ovate, acute, 19 × 12
mm, 7 veined, sulphur-coloured (xanthic above and Conservation status and extinction risk: The type
below) or sulphur coloured with 7 sanguine color locality of Pleurothallis quitu-cara is located in
veins (non xanthic above, below without colored one of the most populated valleys of the northern
veins). Lateral sepals connate into a side-decurved, Andes, Los Chillos. Habitat destruction in Los
lanceolate, acute synsepal, 16 × 8 mm, 6 veined, Chillos is extensive, mostly produced by expansion
yellow-sulphur coloured, powdered with sanguine of the agricultural frontier focused on monocultures,
color glands (non-xanthic form with more obvious). especially for the floral industry, and expansion
Petals pubescent, deeply decurved below the lip, of the urban frontier. The few remnants of natural
crescent shaped, subacute, 10.0 × 1.8 mm, colored ecosystems in Los Chillos are found in ravines,
LANKESTERIANA 18(2). 2018. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018.

Figure 2. Photos of Pleurothallis quitu-cara. A, leaf with a inflorescence with succesive flowers; 1 = callus at the abaxial
surface of the lip; 2 = apex of the lip bented upwards. B, two color forms, non xanthic form at the left and xanthic form
at the right. C, petals notably crossed below the lip (Photos: Kilian Zuchan, Luis Baquero).

gorges and protective forests, although most of them in ex situ situations. However, it is important to
are in precarious state of conservation. Unfortunately, remember that in situ conservation actions should
the area is not under any type of formal protection. lead the way to preserve biodiversity, while ex situ
Exploration of additional surrounding canyons and management by itself is only complementary and
surrounding areas is needed to confirm how restricted alone has little conservation impacts (Wilson et al.
is the distribution of this new species. Urgent 2016).
conservation actions are needed in order to preserve
the known population of P. quitu-cara and other Discussion. In its general shape of the flower, P.
species that are restricted to the particular ecosystem. quitu-cara reminds some other species and species-
We are unaware of the presence of this new species complex of Pleurothallis; P. corysta, P. adonis Luer,
LANKESTERIANA 18(2). 2018. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018.
Carrera et al. –– A new Pleurothallis from Quito 89

Figure 3. Comparison between Pleurothallis corysta Luer Figure 4. Collection location of Pleurothallis quitu-cara
and Pleurothallis quitu-cara. A, P. corysta (left) and (red star) in the gorge of “Río Pita” in “Valle de los
P. quitu-cara (right). B–C, P. corysta in situ (habit Chillos” near Quito (Map: Emilia Peñaherrera).
and flower). Photo by Martín Carrera (A) and Luis E.
Baquero (B–C).

P. linguifera Lindl., P. grandiflora Lindl., P. jupiter of an obvious glenion separates it from P. quitu-cara
Luer and P. sarcochila Garay (Table 1). It is most (Fig. 1, 2A, 3).
similar to P. corysta but, the size of the flowers,
the pubescent, slim petals and the shape of the lip
are totally different among the two species (Fig. 3).
Acknowledgements. We thank the anonymous reviewers
Two distinctive traits are present in P. quitu-cara for their comments. We express our gratitude to Camilo
lip; an elevated, microscopically pubescent, and Ortiz, Emilia Peñaherrera and Kilian Zuchan for their
quadrangular disc, and a small, protruding callus support to our research. Laboratory work was funded by
at the upward bent apex of the lip. Considering grants from Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ
that the final portion of the lip bents upwards, the (to Vlastimil Zak). Work by Martín Carrera and Vlastimil
protrusion in the apex of the lip is most conspicuous Zak was supported by Universidad San Francisco de Quito,
and might have something to do with pollinator Colegio de Ciencias Biológicas y Ambientales COCIBA-
USFQ (project ID 34). Work by Luis Baquero received
attraction. Pleurothallis corysta, on the other hand,
funding from Universidad de Las Américas UDLA, support
has a similar growing habit to the new species and from Quito Botanical Garden and also support from
a swollen apex of the central vein at the apex of the INABIO (Intituto Nacional de Biodiversidad). Research
lip, also similar to P. quitu-cara although the shape permits were issued by the Ministerio del Ambiente de
of the petals, the glabrous flowers and the absence Ecuador (005-2015-FLO-DPAP-MA).

LANKESTERIANA 18(2). 2018. © Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018.


Table 1. Comparison between Pleurothallis quitu-cara and other related species.

Species Ramicaul Petals position Lip apex Glenion Disc

P. quitu-cara Horizontal to Crossed forward in Bent upwards and with Elliptical, slightly Quadrangular,
pendant front of the lip a protruding callus in the elevated convex, elevated
abaxial side and microscopically
P. corysta Suberect to Downwards, Sides revolute above Not obvious Subrhombic to broadly
horizontal decurved the middle, the apex elliptical. Glabrous
narrowly obtuse with
the end of the mid
vein beneath markedly
P. jupiter Suberect Forward (petal tips Sides bent downwards Broad, above the Subquadrate, verrucose
touching) and tip remains unfolded base and ciliate above the
P. adonis Erect Forward (without Sides bent downwards, Small, at the base Not given
crossing) tip unfolded
P. linguifera Erect Forward (petals tips Slightly bent downwards Small at the base Not given
may touch) with a small crest like
P. grandiflora Erect Downwards Bent upwards with a Above the base More or less convex
canal in the middle
P. sarcochila Erect Down and forward Bent downwards Not given More or less convex

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