Za Ss 66 Medicine During The Middle Ages Ver 3
Za Ss 66 Medicine During The Middle Ages Ver 3
Za Ss 66 Medicine During The Middle Ages Ver 3
The Middle Ages, 476 AD until 1453, was not a great time to be alive, especially
if you got sick! People were only expected to live to about 30 years old and one in
five children died before they turned one. Many people died from simple injuries
like cuts or broken limbs and women often died during childbirth. Diseases were
also a major killer along with leprosy and smallpox.
Unfortunately for the people alive during that time, medicine was worse than it
had been during the time of the Roman Empire. It was based around a mixture of
supernatural superstitions, herbal remedies, bleeding and purging.
During plagues and epidemics, people would blame witches or groups who were
culturally different for causing the illness. Some believed that the illness was a
punishment sent by the Gods or that it was due to the alignment of the planets.
Because of the lack of understanding of what caused the illness, the treatments
that doctors administered were not always successful at treating the patient at
all, and some treatments actually made the problem worse. Treatments included:
• Applying leeches.
• Giving the patient something to make them vomit or give them diarrhea.
• Praying.
Medieval Surgery
During the middle ages, there were many conflicts and the resulting wars gave
doctors a chance to work on their surgical skills. These doctors made a few
discoveries that proved to be major steps forward for medicine. They discovered
the following:
• Wine could be used as a mild antiseptic.
• Drugs, such as opium, could be used as painkillers.
• Surgery could be used for closing up wounds to help them heal.
1. When did the Middle Ages take place?
2. List three reasons why the writer of this passage feels that the Middle Ages was not a great time to
be alive, especially if you are sick
4. Other than The Four Humours not being in balance, what other four explanations were given for
an illness?
5. Of all the treatments used by medieval doctors, which proved effective and is still used today?
6. Where did doctors get to develop and practice most of their surgical skills?
9. Why do you think the bubonic plague of the Middle Ages is often referred to as The Black Death?
10. Suggest two things that people could have done to prevent the spread of the black death?
Medicine During the Middle Ages
1. When did the Middle Ages take place?
476 AD until 1453
2. List three reasons why the writer of this passage feels that the Middle Ages was not a great
time to be alive, especially if you are sick.
Any three: People were only expected to live to about 30 and 1 in 5 children died
before they turned one. Many women died during childbirth and people died
from simple injuries like cuts or broken limbs. Diseases were also a major killer
along with leprosy and smallpox. Doctors did not understand diseases.
4. Other than The Four Humours not being in balance, what other four explanations were
given for an illness?
People would blame witches or groups who were culturally different for causing the
illness. Some believed that the illness was a punishment sent by the Gods or that it was
because of the alignment of the planets.
5. Of all the treatments used by medieval doctors, which proved effective and is still used
The use of herbs
6. Where did doctors get to develop and practice most of their surgical skills?
On the battleground
9. Why do you think the bubonic plague of the Middle Ages is often referred to as The Black
Any suitable – many people died so a dark time, the rats were black
10. Suggest two things that people could have done to prevent the spread of the black death?
Any suitable – quarantine, masks, get rid of rats and fleas