ASSESSMENT 2 - Chapter 1,2,3

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Chapter I: Assessment as an Integral Part of Teaching

 Assessment in the Context of Teaching-Learning:

1. Diagnostic Assessment

 Pre-assessment that allows a teacher to determine individual student’s

prior knowledge including misconceptions before instruction.
 Used to diagnose what students already know and don’t yet know in order
to guide instruction.
 The results provide a basis for comparison to determine how much
learning has taken place after the learning activity is completed.
 Usually done by giving diagnostic pretests.

2. Formative Assessment

 Takes place during instruction (during the formative process) to provide

the teacher with information regarding how well the learning objectives of
a given learning activity are being met.
 Teachers monitor student learning to get ongoing feedback.
 Students are helped to identify their strengths and weaknesses and target
areas that need work.
 Recognize where students are struggling and so address problems
 It is evidence-based improvement of on-going teaching-learning.
 Referred to as “assessment for learning”.
 How do teachers do formative assessment? By asking students questions.

3. Summative Assessment

 Used to evaluate student learning at the end of a defined instructional

 Referred to as “assessment of learning”.
 It is assessment of learning typically at the end of a project, unit, course,
semester, program, or school year, after diagnostic assessment, teaching
and formative assessment are done.
 It is a picture of how much learning took place and to what extent the
learning, chapter, unit or course outcomes were attained.
 The results of summative assessments are the bases for grades and
report to parents.
 Summative assessments are done through paper-and-pencil tests and
non-paper-and-pencil tests.

 Traditional Assessment and Authentic Assessment

 Traditional Assessment – includes paper-and-pencil tests. Paper-
and-pencil tests are either the selected-response type or constructed-
 Selected-response type – alternate response (T-F, Yes-No, -x);
multiple choice; matching type
 Constructed-response type – short answer; essay; problem
 Authentic Assessment – coined by Grant Wiggins (1993) a leading
proponent of reform in testing.
o Assessment is termed authentic because students’ knowledge and
skill are assessed in a context that approximates the real world or
real life as closely as possible.
o Requires student performance that models realistic encounters in
life in contrast to taking a written test or writing an essay.
o Likewise called performance assessment.
o Also known as non-traditional assessment and alternative
o Alternative assessment offers students more choices than
just taking a paper-and-pencil test like multiple choice or an essay.
It implies that there is another way of assessing learning other than
the traditional or paper-pencil test that we have been used to.
o Authentic assessment can be in the form of students’
performance to display skills learned, mastery of a process or
procedure or in the form of a product or concrete output.

 Norm and Criterion-referenced Assessment

o Criterion-referenced assessment
 Compare a student’s performance against a criterion of
success which is the predetermined standard.
 Each student’s performance is compared directly to the
standard, without considering how other students performed
in the assessment,
 Often use “cut scores” to place students into categories such
as “basic”, “proficient”, and “advanced”.
o Norm-referenced assessment
 Compare a student’s performance with the performance of
other students, the norm group, not against a predetermined
 Norm-referenced scores are generally reported as a
percentile ranking.

Note: The meaning of a norm-referenced score is derived from a

comparison of students’ scores against other students’ scores (as
stated in the scores of the norm group} while the meaning of a
criterion-referenced score is derived from comparing students’
scores with established criterion of success. The norm-referenced
score will not tell you whether a student met, exceeded, or fell
short of the standard of proficiency. It is the criterion-referenced
score that will tell you whether or not a student met the established
standard of success or proficiency.
 Contextualized and Decontextualized Assessment
o Contextualized assessment
 Focus is on the students’ construction of functioning
knowledge. It is the students’ performance in their
application of knowledge and skills in the real work context
of the discipline area.
 Makes use of performance-based tasks which are authentic
in nature. They reflect “real-life” tasks and require students
to utilize higher order thinking skills to fulfill on demand
duties and tasks.
o Decontextualized assessment
 Includes written exams which are suitable for assessing
declarative knowledge, and do not necessarily have a direct
connection to a real-life context.
 It focuses on declarative knowledge and/or procedural
knowledge in artificial situations detached from the real work

 Establishing High Quality Assessments: (QA³)

1. Quality assessments are in accordance with contemporary view of

active learning and motivation – learners discover and construct

meaning. Involve learners in the assessment process beginning with the

setting of goals, monitoring of their own learning and in building self-

confidence because learners are intrinsically motivated to learn.

2. Assessment of high quality is valid – if it measures what it is

supposed to measure.
3. Assessment of high quality is reliable – test produces consistent


4. Assessment of high quality is fair – assesses what it is supposed to

be assessed as stated in the learning outcome which is expected to have

been taught.

Assessment is unfair if it is biased against subgroups of


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