Geometallurg Charact & Automated Mineralogy Gold Ores
Geometallurg Charact & Automated Mineralogy Gold Ores
Geometallurg Charact & Automated Mineralogy Gold Ores
The mining industry is a business full of risks, requiring substantial long-term investment. One of the risks is the technical
risk associated with project evaluation, process development, plant design, mine planning, and performance of mineral
processing/metallurgical unit operations, which is mainly caused by ore variability. To minimize and reduce the technical
risk, mining companies have been using geometallurgy in the past two decades to measure and quantify the spatial
variability of the deposits that are being developed. Geometallurgy is an interdisciplinary approach that links the
geological, geochemical, and mineralogical characteristics to the metallurgical performance of an orebody. Combined with
mine planning, it has been used in scoping, prefeasibility and feasibility studies, process design, and optimization of gold,
copperegold, copperemolybdenum, nickel and iron projects, among others (Williams and Richardson, 2004; Dobby et al.,
2004; Bulled, 2007; Bulled et al., 2009; Lotter et al., 2013; Kormos et al., 2013; Muinonen et al., 2013; Leichliter and
Larson, 2013; Leichliter et al., 2013; Hatton and Hatfield, 2013; Baumgartner et al., 2011, 2013; Hoal et al., 2013; Zhou,
2013). The goal of a gold or copperegold geometallurgical program is to characterize and understand the metallurgical
variability of an orebody, such as comminution, gravity, flotation, and cyanidation parameters and metal recoveries, and to
build a “geomet” model that can be used to assist in mine planning and to predict plant performance. In any geo-
metallurgical program, representative sampling is the key to ensure that the results of a geometallurgical study will reflect
future performance once the plant is commissioned. Mineralogical characterization and metallurgical testing, which leads
to an understanding of the orebody, lies at the core of a geometallurgical program. Geometallurgy complements, but does
not replace, the traditional mineralogical and metallurgical approach during the development and operation of a gold or
copperegold project. Geometallurgy is a methodology for test work design and a framework for mine planning. The first
part of this chapter provides an overview of geometallurgy fundamentals and application in gold ore processing, with a
focus being on ore characterization.
As a powerful tool in ore characterization, automated mineralogy has been used widely by the minerals industry and
research institutes for more than two decades and is commercialized in the form of techniques such as mineral liberation
analysis (MLA), QEMSCAN, and more recently Advanced Mineral Identification and Characterisation System (AMICS).
It generally uses scanning electron microscopy (SEM) hardware as a platform, combined with electron-dispersive
spectroscopy (EDS), and sophisticated software, to provide information on mineral speciation, composition, liberation,
association, and size distribution, etc. This information is not only required for new flowsheet development and process
selection but is also useful for plant optimization. The second part of this chapter will first provide an overview of the
basic functions of an automated SEM/EDS system, from sample preparation, to measurement, data processing and
reporting, introducing model analysis and liberation analysis as basic results. Then, methods especially related to
automated gold mineralogy analysis, such as bright/rare phase search (BRPS) and sparse phase liberation (SPL), are
2.1 Definition
Geometallurgy is regarded as a new science in the area of economic mineral extraction. It is difficult to know when exactly
geometallurgy emerged and when the term was first framed, but certainly it appears to have evolved in the late 1980s or
early 1990s. However, real emergence of the study of geometallurgy dates mostly from 2000 and on (Hoal, 2008;
Williams, 2013). There are various, but essentially the same, definitions for geometallurgy, as follows:
l Geometallurgical mapping is a team-based approach that documents variability within an orebody and quantifies the
impact of geology (host rocks, alteration, and structure) and mineralogy on grinding, metallurgical response, and metal
recovery processes. It is an important tool to reduce the technical risk associated with new mine developments or ex-
pansions (Williams and Richardson, 2004).
l The geologically informed selection of a number of test samples to determine metallurgical parameters and the distri-
bution of these parameters through an orebody using an accepted geostatistical technique to support metallurgical pro-
cess modeling (SGS, 2013).
l An integrated, multidiscipline approach to the collection and modeling of geometallurgical information (Baumgartner
et al., 2011).
l A cross-discipline approach in which metallurgical performance of an ore is linked to intrinsic geological and miner-
alogical characteristics (Kormos et al., 2013).
l A scientific discipline in which geological data, mining data, and processing data are coanalyzed to generate useful
information and knowledge to optimize resource profitability (David, 2013).
l An interdisciplinary approach that links the geological, geochemical, and mineralogical characteristics to the metallur-
gical performance of an orebody. It is a framework and methodology for process design, mine planning, and plant opti-
mization (Zhou, 2013).
Figure 6.1 shows the links between important disciplines and their roles in geometallurgy.
2.2 Objective
Orebodies are naturally occurring phenomena with little consistency and similarity between different locations
and ore types. Even within a single orebody, rock types, ore grade, chemistry, mineralogy, alteration, and deportment
of payable metals and deleterious elements often change vertically and laterally, thus causing issues during ore
The objective of geometallurgy is to identify and understand the orebody variability and characterize its metallurgical
performance, including factors such as comminution, gravity, flotation and leaching parameters, and metals recoveries,
and to build a geometallurgical model that can be used to reduce the technical risk at the various stages of a mineral
FIGURE 6.1 Various disciplines of importance in geometallurgy. Adapted from Williams and Richardson (2004) and this chapter.
Geometallurgical Characterization and Automated Mineralogy of Gold Ores Chapter | 6 97
Overall, geometallurgy incorporates the principles of process mineralogy and material characterization as a tool for
predictive metallurgy. It complements, but does not replace, the traditional metallurgical approach during the project
development and mine operation. It mainly focuses on sampling, test work planning, and data integration.
2.3 Application
Geometallurgy has been used at all major stages of a range of mineral projects, including scoping, prefeasibility and
feasibility studies, process design and optimization, spanning gold, copperegold, copperemolybdenum, nickel, and iron
projects, during the past two decades. It plays an increasingly important role in the following aspects:
l Flowsheet development
l Equipment selection
l Mine planning
l Plant design and optimization
l Production prediction
As an interdisciplinary approach, geometallurgy links the geological, geochemical, and mineralogical characteristics to
the metallurgical performance of an orebody. It uses the geological information as a foundation and geostatistics as a tool
to collect samples from representative ore types with various grades, host rocks, and alterations at different locations of an
orebody and then conducts a comprehensive mineralogical and metallurgical test work on these samples to generate a large
amount of data. The data will be processed and integrated with other information and then imported into the geological
model to ascertain the distribution and variation of the mineralogical and metallurgical parameters within an orebody. Such
a geometallurgical model is then used for process selection, flowsheet development, mine planning, and plant optimization.
In recent years, geometallurgy has been advanced rapidly due to the need for developing a number of large deposits
(particularly gold ores) and to the implementation of some sophisticated analytical techniques such as mineral liberation
analyzer (MLA), QEMSCAN, dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry (D-SIMS), time-of-flight secondary ion mass
spectrometry (TOF-SIMS), etc. (Dobby et al., 2004; Williams and Richardson, 2004; Baumgartner et al., 2011, 2013;
Lotter et al., 2013; Kormos et al., 2013; Leichliter and Larson, 2013; Leichliter et al., 2013; Zhou, 2013).
2.4 Approach
Geometallurgical programs require a team approach across the entire program and each individual component. A geo-
metallurgical program usually starts from geological investigation, including information collection and analysis, followed
by geological modeling. Based on the geological model, a geometallurgical matrix will be developed to guide sampling
and compositing for further testing. The most important part of a geometallurgical program is ore characterization,
including mineralogical studies and metallurgical test work. Overall, ore characterization is the quantification of physical
data on samples (drill cores and composites) that represent an orebody and provide criteria for process design and flowsheet
development. Figure 6.2 shows the flowsheet of a typical geometallurgical approach and Figure 6.3 shows the sampling
matrix for a geometallurgical program undertaken at Canahuire Au-Cu-Ag deposit in southern Peru. More information on
geometallurgical approach can be found in the reference papers.
Geological investigation
Ore characterization
Geomet modelling
FIGURE 6.3 Sampling matrix including lithology, alteration, and mineralization at Canahuire Au-Cu-Ag deposit. Domains are shown in colors,
while samples taken for the geometallurgical study are shown in tan. Note that some of the 51 samples are comprised inside the cube and thus are not
visible. Parts that are not sampled indicate that the combination of the three variables does not exist or that samples were not available. After Baumgartner
et al. (2011).
Geometallurgical Characterization and Automated Mineralogy of Gold Ores Chapter | 6 99
1. Placers
2. Quartz vein-lode ores
3. Oxidized ores
More free-milling
4. Silver-rich ores
More refractory
5. Copper sulfide ores
6. Iron oxide copper-gold ores
7. Iron sulfide ores
8. Arsenic sulfide ores
9. Antimony sulfide ores
10. Bismuth sulfide ores
11. Telluride ores
12. Carbonaceous sulfide ores
FIGURE 6.4 Classification of gold ore types. Adapted from Zhou et al. (2004), Marsden and House (2006), and this chapter.
those that yield low gold recoveries or result in acceptable gold recoveries only with significantly higher reagent con-
sumptions or more complex pretreatment processes (La Brooy et al., 1994; Zhou et al., 2004; Marsden and House, 2006).
Prior to 1980, all gold plants treating refractory ores first concentrated the gold-bearing portion of the ore by flotation and
then roasted the float concentrate to convert the sulfides to SO2 gas and produce a hematite calcine. Gold recovery from the
calcine by conventional cyanidation and MerrilleCrowe zinc cementation was typically in the 80e90% range. New
technologies of pressure oxidation (POX) and bioleaching were developed and implemented after 1980. These processes
offered a clean alternative to the toxic gases (SO2 and As2O3) that were released to the atmosphere during roasting and
generally resulted in improved gold recovery (typically 90e98%) (Deschênes et al., 2011).
Based on the mineralogical characteristics and mineral processing techniques required, gold ores can be classified into
12 types, depicted in Figure 6.4. Generally speaking, the first six gold-ore types in Figure 6.4 are more free-milling and the
other six ore types are more refractory, and from top to bottom, the refractoriness increases. Carbonaceous sulfide ores are
regarded as the most difficult ores to treat due to the presence of carbonaceous matter and submicroscopic gold. This type
of ore needs to be pretreated before gold extraction to achieve acceptable gold recoveries.
TABLE 6.1 Tests That Quantify Various Parameters Important in Ore Characterization
Geotechnical Site preparation, environmental review Soil density, ground water flow, slope stability
are the major trouble-makers in carbonaceous sulfide ore processing, where gold is not only locked in sulfide minerals
but also absorbed onto carbonaceous matter during leaching (preg-robbing). More information on how mineralogical
factors affect gold extraction can be found elsewhere (Zhou et al., 2004; Zhou, 2013), as well as in Chapter 5 of this
Quantification of Quantification of
submicroscopic gold Size distribution surface gold
of gold & host
FIGURE 6.6 Simplified investigation procedure for gold deportment. Adapted from Zhou (2013).
3.4.3 Deliverables
Gold deportment study is an important part of geometallurgy program. It is becoming a powerful tool in predicting the
metallurgical performance of a new ore and in troubleshooting the gold loss in an operating plant. If the test work is well
designed and properly executed, a gold deportment study will provide very useful information on process selection,
flowsheet development, recovery improvement, and reagent-consumption optimization. The results acquired from such a
study program should be able to reflect future metallurgical performance of a new ore or identify the cause(s) for gold
losses. To ensure that a gold deportment study will provide correct and accurate information as required, selection of
mineralogical techniques is most important for any gold project. It is recommended that a comprehensive mineralogical
investigation procedure involving conventional and advanced techniques (Figure 6.6 and Table 6.3) be used for such
studies. Deliverables of a typical gold deportment study include the following information.
l Liberated gold: recoverable by gravity, flotation, or cyanidation;
l Gold associated with sulfide minerals: recoverable by flotation with/without cyanidation or noncyanide leaching;
l Gold associated with nonsulfide minerals: partially recoverable by leaching. Locked gold is nonrecoverable unless fine-
grinding is involved;
l Preg-robbing capacity of carbonaceous matter: to be pretreated by roasting or autoclaving, if present; and
l Mineralogical factors that may affect or have affected gold extraction.
104 PART | I Project Development
FIGURE 6.7 An example of the type of hardware typically required for automated mineralogy systems, including QEMSCAN, MLA, and in the
example shown, a standard AMICS set up with Hitachi SU3500 and Bruker 630 EDS detector.
Geometallurgical Characterization and Automated Mineralogy of Gold Ores Chapter | 6 105
FIGURE 6.9 A BSE image showing typical settling profile of a granulated sample.
106 PART | I Project Development
heavier particles are concentrated at the bottom surface of the first mount step. A vertical cut is made to the first mount
sample block and the cut surface is used for observation after the second mount step.
Also, fine particles tend to agglomeration during the sample preparation, so graphite particles are sometimes mixed with
sample particles during sample preparation to minimize agglomeration.
Relative Error
Name Weight (%) Area (%) Area (mm2) Points Estimates (%)
Quartz 25.87 44.57 3710.72 1017 5
Alloclasite 23.92 12.49 1039.88 285 11
Pyrrhotite 19.72 14.77 1229.61 337 10
Pyrite 7.71 5.3 441.49 121 18
Dolomite 7.22 8.76 729.74 200 14
Feldspar 5.2 6.84 569.2 156 15
Galena 5.08 2.37 197.03 54 27
Chalcopyrite 2.72 2.23 186.08 51 28
Sphalerite 1.03 0.88 72.97 20 45
Biotite 0.83 0.92 76.62 21 43
K-feldspar 0.2 0.26 21.89 6 82
Apatite 0.19 0.22 18.24 5 89
Chlorite 0.12 0.18 14.59 4 100
Fluorite 0.11 0.13 10.95 3 115
Rutile 0.04 0.04 3.65 1 200
Calcite 0.04 0.04 3.65 1 200
Total 100 100 8326.31 2282
FIGURE 6.11 Area analysis using both BSE and X-ray: top left is the original BSE image; top middle is the corresponding mineral map; top right is the
BSE image of a particle; bottom left is its segmented image with X-rays; bottom middle is its mineral map; and bottom right is the color index/legend of
the mineral map. In the segmented image of the particle, each domain is represented by a color and there is a “þ” symbol, which indicates that an X-ray is
acquired at that point. The particle is about 80 mm (in width).
108 PART | I Project Development
FIGURE 6.12 Area analysis with X-ray mapping: (a) original particle BSE image; (b) X-ray grid, of 4 mm spacing, placed over particle mask;
(c) mineral map generated from X-ray points, showing a quartz grain mostly enclosed by albite. The particle is 200 mm. Quartz/albite sample kindly
provided by Mr. Jukka Laukkanen of Geological Survey of Finland.
This method does not rely on the gray-level separation between different minerals present, so it was a good choice in
the 1970 and 1980s when the typical BSE detector produced low-quality images. One important disadvantage of this
method is that it requires a lot more X-ray points to outline the mineral grains in a particle. Thus, systems based on this type
of analysis usually require up to four EDS detectors.
FIGURE 6.13 Fine segmentation method: (a) original particle BSE image; (b) segmented image with one X-ray point per segment; (c) mineral map
generated, showing the very similar result as in X-ray mapping method illustrated in Figure 6.6, with a third of X-ray points. Quartz/albite sample kindly
provided by Mr. Jukka Laukkanen of Geological Survey of Finland.
Geometallurgical Characterization and Automated Mineralogy of Gold Ores Chapter | 6 109
FIGURE 6.14 Example of output from RPS. Particles BSE image showing Au and Ag tellurites, the bright inclusions, in pyrite particles.
Since this method is focused on minerals of interest and does not spend X-ray analysis time on common gangue
minerals, it is usually much quicker to accumulate enough statistics for gold than the area analysis and point analysis
methods. The output of the type of analysis is usually gold mineral types, their association with other minerals, their size
distributions, and images. Figure 6.14 shows some particles found with RPS measurement.
The authors are grateful to the editorial team for their encouragement and assistance in preparing this chapter. Anonymous reviewers are
acknowledged for their constructive comments, which helped to improve the manuscript. Companies that have contributed indirectly to this
chapter by providing projects and financial support are also acknowledged.
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Joe Zhou is a process mineralogist and geometallurgist with over 30 years’ experi-
ence in research and development, laboratory testing, and consulting for the minerals
industry. His career includes 22 years in Canada and Australia and 15 years in China
with a number of renowned research institutes, commercial laboratories, and mining
companies. He established Joe Zhou Mineralogy Ltd in Canada in early 2010 and has
been principal consultant and director for the company since then. He also holds a
position as executive deputy general manager and chief engineer at XZMMTC of
Zijin Mining Group in China. Joe is a licensed professional engineer in Canada. In
the past years, Joe was involved in several hundred projects for new deposits and
operating mines around the world, including all major types of base metal and
precious metal ores, and has authored or co-authored over 200 reports and over 40
publications. He developed and implemented the comprehensive methodology for
gold and silver deportment study at several research and commercial laboratories.