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GCSE Physics Unit 2 2.

6 The Universe

Absorption spectra Cosmological red shift

When comparing light from distant galaxies to spectra created in the

laboratory scientists noticed the pattern of lines had been shifted towards the
red side of the spectrum, with the longer wavelength.

400 500 600 700

Wavelength (nm) Hydrogen
spectrum from
the laboratory
400 500 600 700
Wavelength (nm)
When observing light from distant stars and galaxies through a spectrometer
you see a pattern of black lines on the spectrum. These lines represent
wavelengths of light that have been absorbed by elements in the gases in Hydrogen
the star’s atmosphere. As every element will absorb different wavelengths, spectrum from a
400 500 600 700
each element has a unique pattern of lines. distant galaxy
Wavelength (nm)
This pattern can be used to identify which elements are present. The
example above is a hydrogen spectrum, only hydrogen will absorb light in Hydrogen
that specific pattern of lines. spectrum from a
400 500 600 700 very distant galaxy
Wavelength (nm)

CMBR Cosmic microwave background radiation The wavelength has increased because the light was stretched as it travelled
through space that was expanding.
High energy Gamma radiation released at the Big Bang has travelled
through the universe since then, because the universe is expanding the As light is stretched as it
wavelength of these waves has been stretched to become microwave travels through expanding
radiation. space, light from galaxies
that are further away is
As microwave radiation can be measure throughout the universe it is stretched more as the light
evidence that the universe started from a hot Big Bang which released a lot travels through space for
of energy. longer.

Using this information, it can be theorised that all galaxies started at the
same point and the universe has expanded from that point.
The Big Bang

Both these pieces of evidence support the Big Bang Theory which states that
the universe started from one point where all the energy and matter was

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