Pathology Week2 Inflammation
Pathology Week2 Inflammation
Pathology Week2 Inflammation
‘a protective response of vascular tissue to local injury, the role of which is to contain and isolate injury, destroy
infection and inactivate toxins in order to achieve healing and repair’
- can also be harmful (hypersensitivity, chronic inflammation → fibrosis)
- 2 components - vascular wall response and inflammatory cell response
- mediated by circulating plasma proteins and factors in vessel wall or from inflam cells
- terminated when agent eliminated and mediators removed
Acute Inflammation
‘Short duration response to injurous agent lasting mins/hrs/ days, resulting in vasodilation, exudation of protein rich
fluid and migration of leucocytes - characterised by heat, redness, oedema, pain and loss of function’
3 components:
∆ in vessel caliber → ↑ blood flow (heat and redness)
∆ in microvasculature → plasma proteins/leukocytes leak out, produce exudate (oedema)
Leukocyte emigration from vessels → accum at site of injury (pain/oedema)
Vascular changes
- normal fluid exchange dependent on Starlings Law and intact endothelium
- usually hydrostatic P (fluid out) = osmotic P (fluid in) – Starlings Law
- inflammation → vasodilation → ↑ hydrostatic P
- ↑ vascular permeability → exudation protein → ↓ osmotic P
- total net effect outflow/extravasation
- stasis secondary to ↑ [RBC] and ↑ viscosity → WBC accumulation along endothelium (margination) →
emigration through vessel wall
Exudate = escape fluid, protein, blood cells from vessel into interstitium or body cavity - high prot, sp. gravity >1.020
Transudate - low prot, sp. gravity < 1.020
Purulent (pus) – inflammatory exudate rich in leucos and cell debris
Migration/extravasation of leukocytes
1. endothelial activation
a. mediators @ inflammatory sites cause ↑ expression E-selectins and P-selectins
i. histamine, thrombin, PAF, IL1, TNF
2. margination
3. rolling
a. tumble along, adhere transiently to endothelium
b. initial loose adhesion due to interaction between:
i. E-selectins and Sialyl Lewis X; P-selectins and modified glycoprotein
4. leukocyte activation and firm adhesion
a. leucos activated by chemokines (histamine, thrombin, PAF, IL1, TNF) → ↑ avidity of integrins
i. eg β2 integrin ↑ avidity from ICAM-1
ii. pavementing = endothelium lined by WBCs
5. transmigration across endothelium = diapedesis
a. mostly in venules and in lungs, through intercellular junctions
b. mediated by:
i. CD32 (PECAM-1) on WBC and endothelium
1. neutrophils predominate in 1st 5-24 hrs, monocytes in 24-48 hrs
2. neutrophils remain 2-4 days in pseudomonas
3. lymphocytes first to arrive in viral infections
4. eosinophils first to arrive in hypersensitivity reactions
6. chemotaxis
- locomotion along chemical gradient which allows accum neutrophils at site of injury
i. exogenous chemoattractants – bacterial products
ii. endogenous chemoattractants – complement esp C5a, lipoxygenase pathway esp leukotriene
B4, cytokines esp chemokines eg IL8
Mechanisms of increased vascular permeability
1. Gaps due to endothelial cell contraction
Mediated by histamine, leukotrienes, bradykinin, substance P, LTC4, D4, E4
Immediate-transient response (<30mins)
2. Cytoskeletal reorganization (endothelial cell retraction)
Endothelial cells undergo structural reorganization of cytoskeleton
Mediated by IL1, TNF, hypoxia, direct injury
Delayed by 4-6 hrs, lasts >24hrs
2. Direct injury and endothelial necrosis
Arterioles, capillaries, venules
Results in endothelial cell necrosis/detachment, neutrophil recruitment, often plt attachment
Toxins, burns, chemicals
Immediate-sustained (hrs-days)
3. Leukocyte dependent injury
Venules, glomerular and pulmonary capillaries
Activated leucocytes release toxic O2 metabolites/enzymes that cause endothelial injury
Delayed, prolonged response
4. Increased transcytosis
Mediated by VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor)
Occurs across channels consisting of interconnected clustered vesicles that form a vesiculovacuolar organelle
5. New blood vessel formation and leakage
Sites of angiogenesis
Persist until intercellular junctions form
Leukocyte adhesion
Determined by:
- binding of complementary adhesion molecules on leuco and endothelial surfaces
- chemical mediators (chemoattractants and cytokines) which modulate the surface expression or avidity of such
adhesion molecules
4 molecular families of adhesion receptors:
1. Selectins (E, P, L) bind via lectin to oligosaccharides on cell surface glycoproteins
2. Immunoglobulins – endothelial adhesion molecules which interact with integrins on WBCs
ICAM 1 = intracellular
VCAM 1 = vascular cell
3. Integrins – transmembrane adhesive heterodimeric glycoproteins made up of α and β chains
4. Mucin-like glycoproteins eg heparan sulphate
Leukocyte activation
Activated by:
- bacterial products
- complement (C5a)
- leukotrienes (LTB4)
- cytokines (IL8)
TNF acts as primer by allowing increased stimulation of leucocyte by other agents
Biochemical events in leukocyte activation:
- receptor-ligand binding
- phospholipase C activation
- increased intracellular calcium
- activation of protein kinase C
Activated leucocytes respond by:
- chemotaxis (raised intracel Ca stimulates assembly of intracellular actin and myosin filaments)
- increased number and affinity of adhesion molecules
- production of arachidonic acid metabolites
- degranulation
- activation of oxidative burst
3 steps:
1. Recognition and attachment:
- opsonisation of particles such as bacteria enhances efficiency of phagocytosis
- major opsonins: Fc fragment of IgG, C3b
- collectins – CHO binding proteins in plasma that bind to microbial walls
2. Engulfment:
- binding of opsonised particle triggers engulfment
- pseudopods flow around particle resulting in complete enclosure to form a phagosome
- membrane of phagosome fuses with lysosomal granule → discharge of contents into phagosome
3. Killing or degradation:
- oxygen dependent:
- phagocytosis stimulates O2 burst, glycogenolysis, production of reactive O2 metabolites
- generation oxygen metabolites due to rapid activation NADPH oxidase reduces oxygen to superoxide
- superoxide dissociates to hydrogen peroxide
- neutrophils also contain myeloperoxidase, which converts hydrogen peroxide to HOCl, which destroys
bacteria by halogenation – more effective than hydrogen peroxide
- dead microbes degraded by lysosomal hydrolases
- oxygen independent:
- via actions of substances in leukocyte granules
- bacteriacidal permeability incr protein (BPIP), lysozyme, lactoferrin, major basic protein, defensins
formed by decarboxylation L-histidine by histidine decarboxylase
once formed histamine either stored or rapidly deactivated.
found in mast cells, basophils, platelets
formed by decarboxylation of aa L tryptophan.
once formed serotonin either stored or rapidly deactivated
90% found in enterochromaffin cells of GIT
also in platelets and mast cells.
Neurotransmitter actions in brain control mood, sleep, appetite,
temperature regulation.
Also found in enteric nervous system.
Metabolised by monoamine oxidases.
Combines with specific 5HT receptors (7 major subtypes).
Smooth muscle contraction (GIT, bronchi).
Vasodilation - especially skeletal muscle and heart (constricts large arteries).
Direct chronotropic and inotropic effect (clinically insignificant).
Prokinetic action on GIT 5HT3 receptors control vomiting reflex.
Stimulates nerve endings – pain and itch.
Hypotension and bradycardia via chemoreceptor (Bezold Jarish) reflex.
Lysosomal contents
Neutrophils, macrophages
2 major types of granules:
Specific (secondary)
Primarily release contents extracellularly
Lactoferrin, lysozyme, alk phos, collagenase, leukocyte adhesion
molecules, plasminogen activator, phospholipase A2
Azurophilic (primary)
Primarily release their contents into phagosomes
Myeloperoxidase, acid hydrolases, neutral proteases, elastase
Cationic proteins, phospholipase A2
Decreased platelet aggregation
Primarily made by endothelial cells.
Thromboxane A2
Platelet aggregation
5-Lipoxygenase Pathway
Leukotriene A4
Leukotriene B4
Potent chemotaxic agent and neutrophil activator
Leukotriene C4, D4, E4
Vascular leakage, vasoconstriction, Bronchoconstriction (1000 times more potent
than histamine)
Polypeptide short acting mediators of acute/chronic inflamm and immune response.
Autocrine, paracrine, endocrine effects and exert action by binding specific receptors
The term ‘cytokine’ inclusive of monokines, lymphokines, colony stimulating factors, interleukins,
chemokines and growth factors
Macrophages, lymphocytes, endothelium, connective tissue.
Mediation of natural immunity
Regulation of lymphocyte function
IL2, IL4, IL10, TGF
Activatation of inflammatory cells
IL5, IL10, IL12, TNF, IFN
Stimulation of haematopoesis
Nitric Oxide
Gas produced by endothelial cells, macrophages and neurons.
Synthesised from L-arginine, oxygen and NADPH
Acts via increase in cGMP which in turn causes smooth muscle relaxation
Plays an important role in vascular function during inflammation
Potent vasodilator
Decreases platelet adhesion and aggregation.
Inhibits mast cell induced inflammatory effect
Reduces leucocyte recruitment by inhibiting rolling and adhesion. Antimicrobial
action due to interaction between NO and reactive oxygen metabolites
Role in initiation of inflammatory response
Substance P
Transmission pain signals, regulate BP, stimulate immune cells, mediator
of increasing vascular permeability, plasma influx, amplification of inflam
Classic pathway
Triggered by Ag-Ab complexes that activate C1
produce C4a and C4b2a from C4 and C2
C4b2a (C3 convertase) and C3b combine to form C4b2a3b (C5 convertase)
Alternative pathway
Triggered by endotoxin from microbial surfaces, complex polysaccharides, aggregated
globulins combine with properdin system (factors B and D) plus C3b to form C3bBb
(alternative C3 convertase)
Combined pathway
C4b2a (C3 convertase) and C3bBb (alternative C3 convertase) both cleave C3 to form C3a
and C3b
C3b binds to classical and alternative C3 convertase to form C5 convertase, which cleaves
C5 to C5a and C5b – initiates assembly of MAC
Important products:
C3a, C5a (anaphylatoxins)
Increases vascular permeability
C5a activates lipoxygenase pathway, is a powerful chemotactic agent and leucocyte
Vasodilation due to histamine release from mast cells
C3b (opsonin)
Enchances phagocytosis
C5b-9 (membrane attack complex)
Lyses cells
Stimulates arachidonic acid metabolism and production of toxic oxygen metabolites
in leucocytes
Complement inhibitors
Complement assembly is closely controlled by protein inhibitors
Protects cells against inappropriate lysis
Decay accelerating factor - regulates C3 and C5 convertases
Factor I – proteolytically cleave C3b
C1 inhibitor – inhibits C1 binding to immune complex
Deficiency leads to angioneurotic oedema
Kinin system
Trigger – exposure to collagen fibres (or any electronegative surface), or trauma to blood
Activation of factor XII catalysed by Kallikrein and HMW kininogen
XIIa converts prekallikrein to kallikrein.
Kallikrein cleaves HMW kininogen to produce bradykinin.
Kallikrein activates Hageman factor – autocatalytic loop
Bradykinin causes vasodilation, ↑vascular perm, contraction smooth muscle, pain
Clotting system
Intrinsic pathway activated by Hageman factor (XII), circulates in inactive form
Contact between Hageman factor and exposed collagen results in activation of factor XII and
conversion of prothrombin to thrombin (IIa) and fibrinogen to fibrin (insol)
Fibrinopeptides also produced - increase vascular permeability and are chemotactic.
Factor Xa also acts by increasing vascular permeability.
Mediator Summary
Prostaglandins, NO, Histamine
Vascular leakage
Vasoactive amines, C3a/C5a, Bradykinin, Leukotriene C4/D4/E4, PAF, Substance P
Chemotaxis, leucocyte activation
C5a, Leukotriene B4, Chemokines, IL1, TNF, Bacterial products
IL1, TNF, Prostaglandins
Pain and itch
Histamine, Serotonin, Prostaglandins, Bradykinin
Outcomes of inflammation
Depends on:
Nature/intensity of injury
Site/tissue affected
Responsiveness of host
1. Resolution
Usual outcome if injury limited, short-lived, little tissue damage
Neutralization/decay of chemical mediators
Return of normal vascular permeability
Drainage of oedema fluid into lymphatics or by pinocytosis
Phagocytosis of apoptotic macrophages
Necrotic debris cleared by macrophages
Disposal of macrophages
2. Abscess Formation
Esp in infections with pyogenic macrophages
3. Fibrosis/healing
Involves regeneration and fibrosis
Occurs after:
Substantial tissue damage
If tissues can’t regenerate
Abundant fibrin exudate
4. Chronic Inflammation
If acute inflammatory response not resolved due to:
Persistent injurious agent
Interference with normal healing
Chronic inflammation
‘Inflammation of prolonged duration (weeks or months) in which active inflammation, tissue destruction and
attempts at healing and repair are proceeding simultaneously’
Persistent infection - TB, Treponema pallidum
Prolonged exposure to endogenous or exogenous toxic agents - Silica
Autoimmunity - Rheumatoid arthritis
Infiltration by macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils.
Tissue destruction
Connective tissue replacement, angiogenesis and fibrosis
Macrophages predominant cell type in acute inflammation after they replace neutrophils (first 48 hours)
Also most important cell type in chronic inflammation
Migration of monocytes analogous to migration of neutrophils in acute inflammation
Monocytes enter blood from bone marrow
Circulate for 24 hours then become tissue macrophages, persist for about 3 months.
Macrophages differentiate into:
Kuppfer cells
Pulmonary alveolar macrophages
Antigen presentation to T cells
Activated macrophages migrate in response to chemotactic stimuli to engulf and kill
Also phagocytose bacteria opsonised by IgG or C3b
Activated macrophages secrete a wide variety of products that result in tissue injury and fibrosis
Tissue injury
Reactive oxygen metabolites
Neutrophil chemotactic factors
Coagulation factors
Arachidonic acid metabolites
Growth factors
Angiogenesis factors
Collagenases (remodeling function)
Granulomatous inflammation
‘a distinct form of chronic inflammation in which the predominant cell type is an activated macrophage with a
modified epithelioid appearance’
‘a focal area of granulomatous inflammation consisting of a microscopic aggregation of macrophages,
langhans cells and surrounding lymphocytes and plasma cells.
There may also be an enclosing rim of fibroblasts’
2 types
Foreign body (silica)
TB is unique in that the granuloma (tubercle) has a central area of
caseating necrosis
Leprosy, Syphilis, Sarcoid, Lymphogranuloma inguinale, Brucellosis, Berylliosis
Serous inflammation
Tissue fluid accumulation, indicates modest increased vascular permeability
In pericardial/peritoneal/pleural cavities called effusion; burn blisters
Fibrinous inflammation
More marked vascular permeability, exudate with large amounts of fibrinogen
Converted to fibrin thru coag system
Involves serosal surfaces – fibrinous pericarditis or pleuritis
Suppurative/Purulent inflammation
Purulent exudate: pus – neutrophils, necrotic cells, oedema.
Local erosions epithelium by sloughing of inflamed necrotic tissue eg gastric, venous