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Having an identity is a fundamental

human right which allows each
individual the ability to enjoy all of
their rights.
Identity encompasses the family name, the surname, date of birth, gender
and nationality of the individual. Through these details, an individual will
hold rights and obligations specific to their status. A child without an
identity will be invisible in eyes of society and will not benefit from
protection and social services essential to their development.
In IADEPP, acronym for Open Institute of Development and Study of Public
Policies, we consider Right to Identity the keystone for the exercise of many
other rights.

We are a non profit organization founded in 2003 in Buenos Aires,

Argentina with a mission to guarantee the access to the right to identity in
our country.
We do this since our beginnings trying to find solutions and strategies for
people that were not registered at birth, focusing on children and young
women and men. In 2012 a study developed by the Observatory of
Argentina Social Debt of the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) and
IADEPP titled “Unregistered people in Argentina. The invisible face of
poverty” concluded that 168.000 0 to 17 year old children do not exist
legally in Argentina.

We develop methods to solve complex birth registration and indentification

situations, and also work in technical assistance to government
administration and state and judicial functionaries.
Our team also brings advise in
documentary regularization to
migrating people and presents
workshops with theory and
practice among social
organizations of different

Argentina’s National Direction

chose IADEPP as one of the
Institutes to implement the national programme “Patria Grande” in which
we regularized more than 1200 Latin American immigrants in order to settle
and reside in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gender studies
On the other hand, we consider gender equality as a
human right and in order to investigate and develop
field studies in 2012 we presented our Department of
Gender Studies.

We work analyzing masculinities and feminities in social

relationships with a method based on research,
evidence and practice.

Partnership with other women and gender foundations: with Asociación Civil
Trama we developed in 2013 the study “Youth, relationships and violence in
couples” that gave us conclusions about concepts and the complexity of
relations in teenagers. The base content of this investigation contribute to
the release of the campaign #QueOnda with the United Nations (UN) and
Avon Foundation.

Partnership with agencies of public opinion: in 2017 we released “Intimate

worlds in code of equality and inequality” with the consulting firm Giacobbe
& Associates in order to represent the distribution of home tasks in couples
and how women and men invest their time in everyday life. The conclusions
of this study are used in many articles produced by national media such as
Clarín, La Nación and Perfil newspapers and online versions.
Financial education
Following the Sustainable Development Goals of the
UN we promote financial education: financial inclusion
is positioned prominently as an enabler of other
developmental goals in the 2030 Sustainable
Development Goals, where it is featured as a target in
eight of the seventeen goals.

We believe a financially educated person knows the value of financial

inclusion. In order to educate people in the value of financial inclusion, we
present workshops with practical and theory tools in high density
settlements in the periurban areas destined to informal and semi-formal

At the same time, we also seek the incorporation of financial education in

Argentina’s Education System making emphasis in saving resources

Since 2019 we work with the International Labour Organization (ILO)

designing and promoting formation courses destined to social
organizations in Buenos Aires.
Access to decent habitat

Difficulties in the way of access to decent habitat

seriously affect broad sectors of our country’s
population, particularly those of middle and lower
income. Decent habitat means universal access to
land, housing, basic infrastructure, social facilities,
services and spaces for work and production in a
framework of respect for each community’s cultural
and symbolic assets and for environmental conservation, according to
the particularities of urban settings.

We believe in cities as subject of collective rights, and citizenship as a

tool to make them effective. That’s why we subscribe collective’s and
social organization’s claims about a proper way of access to decent
In IADEPP we promote culture and cultural participation
in our community center Ciudad Activa. Theater classes,
art exhibitions, live music and a urban biking event that
takes place once a month in our city are some of the
activities that Ciudad Activa has to offer in our

CiudadSI is our news website: a team of social communicators, journalists,

editors and audiovisual producers converge in www.ciudadsi.com to publish
news related to youth, sexuality, gender equality, access to identity,
technology and art.

In 2009 we released our documentary “Invisible citizens” with the producer

“Lanza la Bola”.
Dialogue, respect, diversity,
network, learning, freedom,
equality and participation.

Phone: (+5411) 4792-3914

IADEPP @iadepp @ciudadactiva.iadepp

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