Action Plan SBM L&D
Action Plan SBM L&D
Action Plan SBM L&D
Objective: To increase the SBM score from __2.71_ to __3.00__ at the end of the SY 2021-2022.
Source Expected
SBM Date of Persons Budge
Principle Gap Activities of Output
level Implementation Involved t
Fund (MOVs)
1. Minutes of the 1. Coordinate with the January-July Head NONE N/A 1. Minutes
meeting (discussing M&E Coordinator for 2022 Teacher, of the
feedbacks/results and the feedbacks/results of L&D meeting
proposed solutions) a specific L&D program, Team, 2. Progress
then conduct a FGD M&E Monitoring
2. Progress where the results and Team, Report
monitoring report on proposed solutions will Adviser
the implemented be discussed. Craft a and
Leadership &
2.8 solutions/intervention minute of the meeting Subject
for documentation and Teacher
2. Conduct a meeting
with the persons
concerned to monitor
the implemented