Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Lecture 4
Prof. Ramadan M. Ramadan
Oxidation Reduction Reactions: Inner
and Outer Sphere Processes
Electron Transfer Reactions
Electron transfer reactions can be divided into two
a) Electron transfer without any chemical change. It thus
called electron transfer processes.
b) Electron transfer including chemical change. This type
of electron transfer is known as normal oxidation
reduction processes.
In electron transfer reactions there are two mechanisms:
outer sphere mechanism and inner sphere mechanism.
Outer Sphere Electron Transfer
In principle, all outer sphere mechanisms involve electron transfer from a reductant to an oxidant
with the coordination shells or spheres of each staying intact.
The reactant becomes involved in the outer or second coordination sphere of the other reactant and
an electron flows from the reductant to oxidant.
Such a mechanism is established when rapid electron transfer occurs between two substitution-inert
So, the two involved reactants have slower substitution reactions than the electron transfer.
In principle, all outer sphere mechanisms involve electron transfer from a reductant to an oxidant
with the coordination shells or spheres of each staying intact.
The reactant becomes involved in the outer or second coordination sphere of the other reactant and
an electron flows from the reductant to oxidant.
Such a mechanism is established when rapid electron transfer occurs between two substitution-inert
So, the two involved reactants have slower substitution reactions than the electron transfer.
These reactions proceed without a chemical change.
These electron transfer reactions can be followed using radioactive isotopes.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Inner Sphere Electron Transfer
An inner sphere mechanism is the one in which the reductant and oxidant
share a ligand in their inner or primary coordination spheres, and the electron
being transferred across a bridging group formed in the intermediate.
For example,