Gen Set Work Details
Gen Set Work Details
Gen Set Work Details
1 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of 2 x M/s Antony Commercial ACVPL/013 & ACVPL/014 10,68,750.00 Ashok Leyland Work Completed
82.5KVA with MCP Panel Genset at Taloja & Bhiwandi, Navi Vehicles Pvt. Ltd. dt.17.02.12
Mumbai Panvel, Raigad, MH
2 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of 2 x 100KVA M/s NPCIL, Mumbai CMM/MEQ/60-00-2-1092/e- 15,14,000.00 Ashok Leyland Work Completed
Genset at Haryana PO/120
dt. 07.01.14
3 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of 1 x 15 KVA M/s Indian Oil Corporation ltd., PWVDM16022/248/23814 3,80,000.00 Cummins / Sudhir Work Completed
DG Set at Jamnagar Vadinar DT. 26.07.2016 Genset
4 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of 2 x 5 KVA M/s Jawaharlal Nehru Port JNP/PR4/EM-ADMN/2017/A4- 3,30,880.00 Mahindra Work Completed
DG Set at JNPT Trust, 040 dt. 25.04.2017
Navi Mumbai
5 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of 1 x M/s Mangalore Refinery & 4900000351-1 6,94,000.00 Cooper Work Completed
62.5KVA DG Set at MRPL Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd dt 17.11/2017
6 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of Diesel M/s Stock Holding Corporation NIL 18,91,100.00 Kirloskar In Progress
Generator DG Set 250KVA of India Limited Dtd.15.11.2017
Parel, Mumbai
7 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) 160KVA DG M/s Indian Oil Corporation ltd. MAT/171840/25382298 Dtd. 11,00,000.00 Ashok Leyland
Set for GSPL Madarihat Assam 08.02.2018 In Progress
8 Supply, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) of 18 x 10KVA DG Set M/s BEML Limited BR01/RM2/5200000422/0 55,26,000.00 Cummins / powerica In Progress
Bangalore Dt 13.01.2018 4 Nos supplied
9 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning (SITC) 2 x 25KVA DG M/s Department of Industrial E/30208/2017 8,80,693.00 Cooper In Progress
Set Training Dt 28/01/2018
Fuji Technical Service Pvt Ltd
Sl.No Type of work including Main Features and Name and address of Owner P.O.NO Contract Amount Make Remarks
Quantum of the work
1 Supply of 18 x 5KVA Welding Generator at M/s BEML Limited, BR01/RM2/5200000279/0 34,02,000.00 Himalyan Power In Progress.
Bangalore Bangalore Dt 18.07.2017 10 Nos Supplied
Fuji Technical Service Pvt Ltd
Sl.No Type of work including Main Features and Quantum Name and address of Owner P.O.NO Contract Amount OEM Remarks
of the work
1 Acoustic Treatment of DG Room for 2.4MW at DLW M/s DLW,Varanasi 090380010.03289116 1,47,92,500.00 D'Dastha Mechanicals Work Completed
Varanasi Dt. 20.11.2003
2 Supply, Fabrication & Installation of Acoustic Door at M/s BHEL-Bhopal 1358026 Dt 26.10.2015 5,94,738.00 D'Dastha Mechanicals Work Completed
3 Supply, Fabrication & Installation of Acoustic Enclosure M/s indian Oil Corporation Ltd, PWVDM17001 / 25249428 4,11,600.00 Om Sai & Company Work Completed
for 1000KVA DG Set Vadinar-Gujarat Dt 14.10.2017
4 Supply, Fabrication & Installation of Acoustic Enclosure M/s indian Oil Corporation Ltd, 25373175 Dt 02.02.2018 2,70,000.00 Om Sai & Company In Progress
for 320KVA DG Set Digboi-Assam