Micro Exam

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Bacteria that grow on moderate temp Mesophiles

Optimum temp for mesophiles 37 (20-40)

Positive quelling test Capsular swelling due to an ab-ag rx
Ph required for fungal 5-6
Methods of identifying bacteria Gram stain, bacterial culture, serologic tests
Strep differentiated from staph by Catalase positive
Pseudomonas aeruginosa grows at 35 to 42?
Active reproduction occurs Log phase
Reject a specimen for culture All of the above
Characteristics of fungi Members of plant kingdom, lacks of roots and
stem, lack chlorophyll
Process technique of csf specimen India ink?
Heat loving organisms grow at opt temp 50-60 (50-125) thermophiles
In direct micros exam of CSF, which of the
following can be mistaken for lymphocytes
Two methods used to determine motility Hanging drop and motility
Introduce technique of sterilization Louis pastuer
Coagulase positive UTI agent, novobiocin s. saprophyticus
Kirby bauer is referred to e-test
Fungi imperfecti are fungi which Sexual stage has not been demonstrated
Positive oxidase test Dark purple/Blue
Presence of capsule may be detected by Negative stain
Bacteria are which of the following Prokaryote
Detection and diagnosis of enteroviral meningitis Stool, throat swab, CSF
A mass of hyphae Mycelium
Gold standard for leptospirosis MAT
A fungus that shows a yeast form in tissue and Bimorphic/Dimorphic
mold forms in 25’C & 37’C culture
Staph, in addition to s. aureus also produces S. intermedius
Concept of aseptic technique Joseph lister
Latex agglutination assay detect on surface of s. Clumping and protein A
Infection of accidental needle sticks or through Mucous membrane contact
broken glass is
Babe-erst granules c. diphtheriae
Mucicamine is useful staining for fungi which Capsules
Molds with septate hyphae produce a specialized Sporangiophores
hyphal stalk called
Bacteria used to quality control autoclave b. stearothermophilus
Prefer lower oxygen Microaerophiles
Acid fast organism is best stained by Ziehl-neelsen
Normal flora of skin and mucous membrane s. aureus
Disinfection of environmental surfaces destroys Resistant spores
microorganisms EXCEPT:
Phase where exhaustion of nutrients happens Death phase
Phenotypic properties used to classify bacteria DNA relatedness
include except
Life’s smallest structural units are cells Robert hooke
Father of bacteriology who perfected Robert Koch
bacteriological techniques during his studies on
anthrax bacillus
Organisms that share similar morphologic, physio Taxonomy
and genetic traits
Candida albicans in serum yields Germ tube
Mycelia within the colony that grown into Vegetative hyphae
substrate are called
Organisms that prefer higher carbon dioxide Capnophiles
Special hyphae of fungi which contain spores are conidiophores
Ethylene oxide is an example of which form of Gas
May found in raw milk brucella
Rice water v. cholerae
Best time to collect blood culture is During the height of fever
Cold loving bacteria psychrophiles
Coffee been shaped, gram neg diplococci Neisseria
Indicator of methyl red test
Smallest RNA virus Entero
Requires oxygen aerobes
Hyphae that have cross walls are referred to as septate
Differentiate s. aureus from s. intermedius Catalase?
Acid fast bacilli retain which dye Carbol fuchsin
Specimen for culturing n. gonorrhoeae rectum
Type of media made of peptones and extracts Complex media
Clue cells Gardnerella vaginalis
Frequent cause of meningitidis h. influenzae
Organisms that utilize organic material as a Heterotroph
source of energy
Enzyme synthesis and cell elongation happens Stationary?
Strain of s. aureus may produce an exfoliation Scalded skin syndrome
toxin causing
Most effective method of sterilization autoclave
Whooping cough B. pertussis
Organisms that are harmed by oxygen Obligate anaerobes
Virus contain DNA and RNA
NOT a characteristic of n. gonorrhoeae Anaerobic growth requirements
Most common coagulase negative spp and is s. saprophyticus
novobiocin resistant
Basic, branching, intertwining structures of molds Mycelium
Most pathogenic organisms mesophiles
Organism that may be intrinsically harmless but is Opportunistic pathogen
capable of causing disease when host resistance
is impared
Hemolytic pattern of s. aureus on sheep blood Alpha
Flagella surrounds bacteria Peritichous
Composition of candle jar 10% oxygen, 5% CO2; 85% nitrogen
Pili antigens are associated with n. gonorrhoeae
Organisms with asymptomatic infection but is Carrier
able to transmit disease to another susceptible
Enzyme that is produced by group A streptococci Streptokinase O
Characteristic of neisseriae Kidney bean shaped diplococci
Best way to break chain of infection Handwashing
Usual temp for incubation of bacterial culture 35 – 37
Contains reducing agents which bind with Anaerobic media?
dissolved oxygen
Throat swab is reject for Anaerobic culture
Genera of gram positive Staphylococci
Optimum temp for psychrophiles 15’c
Staph can be differentiated form micrococcus by Oxidase glucose rather that ferment
their ability to
Thermal requirement that best describes the mesophiles
majority of pathogenic bacteria
Free coagulase is determine by Tube coagulase test
Lancefield grouping of streptococcus spp Cell wall antigen
Palisading, picket fencing and Chinese letter c. diphteriae
Penicillin resistance of s. aureus is due to Beta lactamase production
Severe form of illness that affects liver and Icteric leptospirosis
kidney, and causes vascular dysfunction
Most frequent causes of many common bacterial e. coli
infections, including cholecystitis, bacteremia,
cholangitis, UTI and travelers diarrhea
From what part of virus is the envelope acquired Nuclear or cytoplasmic membrane
Gram staining, if the bacteria retain the color of Gram positive bacteria
the crystal violet after alcohol treatment this is a
Lowest temp required to kill organisms in a Thermal death point/time
constant time
Haverhill fever Spirillum minus
Anaerobic bacteria c. difficile
3 major antigens of salmonella are H, O, Vi antigens
Site of virion assembly Nucleus or cytoplasm
Technique to retard the growth of bacteria Refrigerator
Oxidase positive, gram negative cocci in throat Neisseria
DNA virus Herpesviridae
Part of microscope holds objectives Revolving nosepiece
Group A streptococcus s. pyogenes
A mature virus particle containing nucleic acid virion
core surrounded by a protein coat, with or w/out
Capnophiles requires how many percent of 5-10%
carbon dioxide
Structures is involved in motility and DNA transfer Pili
in bacteria
Utilized in observation of chlamydia, legionella, TEM transmission electron microscope
mycobacteria and fungi
BSC exhaust filtered air outside building and used BSC IIB
for carcinogens
Heterotrophs are also organotrophs because they Flase
obtain energy through oxidation or fermentation
of organic substances such as glucose
Gram-positive rods Bacillus and clostridium, Corynebacterium
Microorganism that frequently inhabit the s. aureus
Syphilis, appearance of chancre Primary syphilis
s. agalactiae Group B
Microorganisms that are constantly present on commensals
body surfaces
Etiologic agent of whitmore’s disease b. psedomallei
A young female presents recurrent UTI caused by her partner is infected
same proteus mirabilis strain
Most common resident of large intestines Lactobacilli
Organisms that utilize energy produced by Chemotroph
organic or inorganic compounds oxidation
Phase in sporulation where dipicolinic acid is Stage 6
Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin was formerly Erythrogenic toxin
referred to
Treponema pallidum is seen by Silver impregnation and immunofluorescence
Regarding Enterobacteriaceae All members ferment lactose
Virus capsid morphology is Helical and isohedrical
Protective enzyme of obligate and facultative catalase
Antibodies that are used in diagnostic test for Nontreponemal and treponemal
Coenocytic hyphae Aseptate
VF Leptospira interrogans Hemolysin
Disintegration of teeth beginning at the surface caries
Oxygen requirement of campylobacter and microaerophiles
treponema pallidum
Can survive in presence of oxygen but will be Aerotolerant anaerobes
unable to perform metabolic processes unless
situated in an anaerobic environment
Definitive test for determination of cryptococcus Antigen determination
It focuses the light from the illumination source condenser
through the specimen magnified by objective lens
NOT Bacterial chromosome Diploid?
Fungus medium for primary isolation and SDA Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
maintenance of fungal culture
Septate hyphae have Divisions
Virulence factor cell wall M protein Inhibits phagocytosis
First step in the replication cycle of a virus Attachment and penetration
Streptolysin S and streptolysin O lyse RBC, platelet, leukocytes
Agent of lyme disease B. burgdorferi
Microscope, visible light passes through the Bright field microscope
specimen and then through a series of lenses that
reflect light, resulting in magnification of
organisms that are present in specimen
Advantage of this microscope is that objects Electron microscope
smaller than 0.2 um can be utilized this type of
microscope with 100,00x magnification; uses
glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide as fixative
Commonly used disinfectant for machine that Ethylene oxide
cannot be autoclave/heated
Most abundant normal flora in throat culture Group A strep
How will you know if agar is properly dissolved? All of these?
Optimum temp bacteria for most bacteria 35-37?
Most aerobic and facultative aerobic bacteria 0.03%
need how many percent of CO2
In addition to being physical barrier, skin is an Skin can distinguish between harmless
immunological barrier primarily commensal and harmful pathogenic
Multiple bilateral deep ulcers with purulent bases h. ducreyi
that bleed easily, tender but soft on palpation.
what organisms are likely found on culture of
Mucolopapular rashes, history of papule that Secondary syphilis
became painless ulcer on penis, VDRL positive
and painless inguinal lymphadenopathy
True yeast produce what asexual stage blastoconidia
In culture, bacillus anthracis shows Medusa head
This organisms are able to survive in unusual Bacillus infernus
conditions like the absence of oxygen, increased
in temp and living below earths surface
Agent of louse-borne/epidemic/European Borellia recurrentis
relapsing fever
Biochemical test identification of strepcocci None of the above
Which of the following is an aerotolerant Treponema pallidum
Causative agent of pinta Treponema carateum
Organisms that require oxygen Aerobes
Autoclave standards for decontamination of most 121’C at 15 psi for 60 mins
microbiological materials
Ph required for bacterial growth 6.5 – 7.5
True nucleus Eukaryotes
Organisms that vary in size and shape Pleomorphic
NOT a cause of venereal disease s. aureus
Plasma choice of coagulase test Rabbit plasma
Test used most often to separate the catalase
micrococcaceae from streptococaceae family
Bacterial agent associated with antibiotic- Clostridium difficile
associated pseudomembranous colitis
Produces 6 types of enterotoxin and toxic shock s. aureus
British surgeon developed the antiseptic system Joseph lister
of surgery in 1867
Organisms that can grow with or without oxygen Facultative anaerobes
Infectious unit of hepatitis B virus Surface antigen
Carbuncles are caused by s. aureus
Example of negative stain India ink
Coagulase negative and novobiocin resistant s. saprophyticus
Culture media of choice for vibrio spp TCBS
The fundamental, unit of the fungus Hyphae
Microorganism that do not use oxygen Obligate anaerobes
Most common way in which tuberculosis is Nasal tract
acquired is via
A non-spore forming slender gram positive rod Lactobacillus
forming palisades and chains from vaginal culture
grew on tomato juice agar
Egg yolk agar is used to detect which enzyme lecithinase
produced by clostridium species
Disinfectant that damages the cytoplasmic Alcohol
membrane and denatures protein
Dark staining granules Metachromatic
Whooping cough b. pertussis
Strains of s. aureus may produce an exfoliation Scalded skin syndrome
toxin causing
Disinfection of environmental surfaces destroys Resistant spores
Discovered smallest structural unit are cells Robert hooke
Intercellular structure that allows organisms to Endospore
withstand extreme conditions
Routine lab test for treponema pallidum Serologic analysis
During first 2 weeks of salmonella infection, the Stool
organism is most likely isolated from
Can grow in small bowel and cause diarrhea in Escherichia coli
children, traveller’s diarrhea
Protein coat of the virus is known as Capsid
Chocolate agar is an example of Enriched, non selective
Cultured using quantitative isolation techniques Urine
Babes-ernst granule c. diphtheriae
Sugar fermented by s. aureus Glucose
Slime production is associated with which s. epidermidis
staphylococcus spp
Virulence factor of s. pyogenes M protein
Optimal time to collect blood culture where in During the fever
there is highest conc of bacteria is present
Demonstrated routine handwashing can prevent Ignaz Semmelweis
spread of disease
Temp must an autoclave achieve in order to 121’C
sterilize culture media
Most commonly used for identification of lyme Serology
Color of acid fast organisms after staining Red
Test to differentiate E. Coli 0157:H7 Glucose
Test done first in order to differentiate aeromonas Oxidase
spp from enterobacteriaceae
Used to remove antimicrobial before culturing ARD – antimicrobial removal device
Fungal culture should be held and observed for 1 month
growth for at least
Tuff/group of flagella on one end or both end Lophotrichous
surface of bacteria
Most commonly used anticoagulant for blood SPS or sodium polyanethole sulfonate
culture testing
Bacteria are Prokaryote
Growth in 6.5% salt broth and esculin hydrolysis Enterococci
are test for
Which Ph does Methyl red test becomes positive 4.5
Inoculating loop used in bacterial count for urine 10 or 1 ul
specimens is calibrated to deliver
Spore-forming cells in bamboo pool arrangement Cultures
of b. anthracis can be found in
Example of selective and differential medium MacConkey agar
Most critical step in performing gram stain decolorizer

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