0artajogroup Soft
0artajogroup Soft
0artajogroup Soft
Presented to
the Junior High School of
Mahayag National High School
Purok 1 Mahayag, Davao City
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Subject Requirement of
Araling Panlipunan 10
Mathematics 10
English 10
June, 2023
The researchers would like to express their deepest gratitude to the
following person.
Ma’am Jobelle Abear Payumo the researchers math teacher who assists the
researchers in obtaining the final mean of the frequency table and for encouraging
Ma’am Christine Joy P. Reyes the researchers’ English teacher, the one who
teaches the right connectors should be used in doing the introduction and also for
the one who always updates us; she gave us the time of her subject so that we could
Ma'am Gemma Alicaya our school head who allowed us to conduct a survey
Family of the researchers who are always supporting and helping financially.
Classmates of the researchers for always helping each other and guiding
each other
Finally, the Father Almighty, the researchers would like to extend the deepest
gratitude to God who gives to the researchers wisdom and knowledge and helps the
Table of Contents
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………..ii
Research Design................................................................................................
Research Locale.................................................................................................
Research Respondents......................................................................................
Research Instrument..........................................................................................
The term classroom participation is defined as is hard to measure. Literature
activities facilities learning and offers students and teachers enormous advantages.
Concerning student participation gives room to them so that they can find
opportunities to learn and gain new knowledge.[2] Lack is state of being without or
of a
relationship of the teacher and the students. Specifically, the participation and the
inclination of a student during class. Many students are not willing to speak up in
class because of some reasons. The first reason is fear that other students will judge
them if they have the wrong answer. Another reason is that some students don't
speak up in class because they feel that other student`s opinion matters more. Due
to the small amount of study made in regards to this topic, only a few reasons were
found as to what is the reason behind the lack of participation of a student during
Puntland State University (PSU) on March 2018. He stated that there are two factors
(external and internal) that causes a student silence in the classroom include
students personality and students language barrier. The external factor include the
lecturers role and environmental factors, these factors have the direct or indirect
influence on the students activeness to the class. One of the example is the students
last 2019. Through an open enden questionaire and a genes of interviews, the
also reported a strong power distance of relationship between student and teacher
Tacurong Philippines on 01 Mar 2021 it states that generally the reason or reluctance
to participate are being tensed when the teacher forces them to answer a question,
getting nervous to speak in front of the whole class, and having faulty pronunciation
in English.
The aim of this study is to identify the reason for non parcitipation of students
in classroom activities and provide into the people listed below so they can
Students. This study will help students engage in class more because it
will provide information in regards of their luck of participation and interest in class.
Teacher’s. So the teacher will know the reasons why their students does
not want to participate, have a good inclination and engagement on their classes
and utilize the given information to implement methods on how to make a learner's
help the teacher give advice to their children and encourage them to participate in
The school administration. With this study the school administration will
know the reasons of a learner lack of interest together with the teacher they can
utilize this given information to create plans on how they are going to make a learner
engage more.
Research Design
use descriptive method in identifying the reason and factors responsible for leaner's
lack of participation in class [HANCOK 2009] defines that qualitative research design
the logic
Research Locale
This study will be conducted in one of the public secondary schools in 2nd
Research Respondents
The respondents of the study will be grade 9 enrolled in school year 2020-
Research Instrument
This study will utilize a researcher made questionnaire composed of 10 items.
This questionnaire will determine the factors responsible for a learner`s lack of
participation in class.
First the researcher will ask the school administrator for permission to conduct
a study. The number of the respondents will be decided by the ones conducting the
study. The researcher will create an own made questionnaire for the survey .The
researcher will explain to the respondents the importance of their study and request
to answer accordingly and honesty. after answering the researcher will tally the given
data to provide a result.
Results and Discussion
Table 1. The factors responsible for a learner’s lack of participation in class in male
9 students
Based on the gathered information above, a lot of students agree that they
lack participation during class hours because of the given factors; lack of confidence,
lack of materials needed for certain discussions and activities, lack of understanding
to the topics being discussed, lack of interest and fear of failure and judgement.
Conclusion and Recommendations
Teachers should make clear from the beginning their expectation in regards of
the learner's participation. On the first day of class, teachers should explain what
they should not rely on the same volunteers to answer every question.