Food - Declared Event - Information For Food Stalls
Food - Declared Event - Information For Food Stalls
Food - Declared Event - Information For Food Stalls
Declared Event
The ACT hosts a number of events where food is sold, ranging from small school fetes to larger events such as the
National Multicultural Festival. Some large events that pose a higher public health risk may be declared by the
Minister for Health to be regulated under the Food Act 2001. Smaller events such as fundraising barbeques and
school fetes are not declared events.
All stalls selling or handling food at a Declared Event must register with the Health Protection Service.
Community groups and interstate food businesses
Community groups and interstate food businesses (including food vans registered in another state) must apply for
a Declared Event Food Business Registration. There is no fee for this registration. Registration forms are available
on ACT Health’s Food Sold at Declared Events webpage (
information/businesses/food-safety-regulation/food-sold-events-act) or by calling the Health Protection Service
on 5124 9700.
You can submit your registration application to the Health Protection Service by post, email or in person. Your
application must be submitted at least 14 days before the event.
A Public Health Officer will review the application to make sure it is complete. You will be contacted if the Health
Protection Service needs more information.
If your application is approved, you will receive a Declared Event Registration Certificate. You must display your
certificate in your stall at all times during the event.
Registered food businesses
Food businesses currently registered with the Health Protection Service do not need to complete a Declared Event
Food Business Registration. You must display your current food business registration certificate (or a copy) in your
stall at all times during the event.
Food Safety Training
All stalls at a declared event must have a Food Safety Supervisor. A Food Safety Supervisor must be reasonably
available and at the stall throughout the event to make sure all food is handled, cooked and served safely.
As a minimum, the Food Safety Supervisor must have completed the free online I’M ALERT food safety training.
This training will provide knowledge of food safety and how to provide safe food to the public. To complete this
training, visit and click on the I’M ALERT Food Safety Training link. Additionally,
all volunteers in food stalls are strongly encouraged to complete this free online training.
Copies of the Food Safety Supervisor’s I’M ALERT training certificate and evidence that all training modules have
been completed must be submitted with the stall’s registration application.
The Food Safety Supervisor must finish all modules in the training, which may take up to 2 hours depending on
previous food safety knowledge. The online training program requires participants to complete the training in one
session as it does not have the ability to save training progress.
Registered food businesses
Food businesses currently registered with the Health Protection Service are required to have a Food Safety
Supervisor. Businesses that have met this requirement do not have to undertake extra food safety training (e.g.
such as I’M ALERT).
Stalls must be set up, provided with a hand wash basin and floor coverings before any food can be
prepared, cooked or offered for sale.
Public Health Officers will stop the sale and preparation of food until adequate hand washing facilities are set
up and available for use.
Food Storage
• It is essential that certain foods are stored at the correct temperature. Cold foods must be kept at
5°C or below and hot foods must be kept at 60°C or above.
• Foods that require temperature control include:
o milk and dairy products
o raw meat and seafood
o prepared vegetable and meat dishes
o cooked rice, pasta and similar items.
• It is suggested that you have access to a portable cool room to
store foods that need to be kept cold (refrigerated foods). Eskies
with ice or refrigerators are acceptable as long as they can keep
the food at 5°C or below.
• If ice is being used it must be replaced regularly to ensure that foods are kept at the correct
• Food that is to be served hot to the customer must be stored at or above 60°C. It is
recommended a Bain Marie is used to achieve this.
• Food must NOT be stored on the ground unless it is in a food grade plastic or metal container
with a tight fitting lid. Containers must be covered at all times.
Public Health Officers can seize and destroy food that is found to be stored, prepared or handled incorrectly.
Food Display
• Chilled food must be displayed chilled (5°C or below)
and hot food must be displayed hot (60°C or above) to
prevent the growth of bacteria.
• Freshly cooked or prepared batches of food MUST
be placed in clean containers. Do not ‘top up’
Hand Washing
Hands must be washed and thoroughly dried on a regular basis and ALWAYS before preparing or
handling food.
Hands must be washed after any of the following activities:
• visiting the toilet
• handling garbage
• coughing or sneezing
• returning to the stall after any break.
• handling money
• cleaning equipment
• eating
• touching your hair, face or scratching any part of your body.
• Each stall MUST have a food grade digital probe thermometer accurate to +/- 1°C.
• Milk and meat thermometers are NOT acceptable.
• Thermometers MUST be able to check cold and hot temperatures (range from 0°C to 100°C).
• All food temperatures should be checked regularly to ensure temperature control is being
maintained. This includes stored food and food on display.
• The thermometer probe should be washed and sanitised before each use and between different foods.
• The thermometer must be accessible and available to all staff at all times.
Public Health Officers will instruct you to stop selling food until you have a digital probe thermometer.
Public Health Officers will direct you to move all cooking equipment under cover
Waste Disposal
• Each stall must have a suitable garbage bin which has tight fitting lids and internal plastic liners.
• When leaving the site, all garbage must be removed and the area must be left in a clean and tidy
• Oil must be disposed of correctly, contained in a sealed container and removed from the site.
Waste water and oil must NOT be disposed of via storm water drains
YES before
It is recommended that you use this checklist to assist in complying with ACT
Health requirements.
Have you appointed a food safety supervisor?
Completed, at a minimum, free online, I’M ALERT food safety training.
Have you provided adequate hand washing facilities complete with a minimum 20L
capacity container with a tap attached, liquid soap and single use towel?
Do you have a food grade digital probe thermometer accurate to +/- 1oC?
Do you have an appropriate floor covering?
Are all benches and table tops able to be easily cleaned (made of appropriate
Is all food being prepared onsite or in a commercial (registered) kitchen? If registered,
do you have a copy of their Food Business Registration Certificate?
Have you supplied appropriate equipment to cook, store and display food? (no
cooking equipment on the floor)
Is all food being prepared and cooked undercover and protected from
Is all stored food protected from contamination, in suitable containers with tight fitting
Is all food on display protected from contamination (sneeze guards, lids, plastic
Are all barbeques and saucepans set back from customers to prevent
contaminations of food?
Do you have appropriate temperature control in place i.e. hot foods stored at 60°C
or above and cold foods stored 5°C or below (Bain Maries, cool rooms, eskies)?
Do all food handlers (staff) have appropriate skills and knowledge in food safety
(temperature control, regular hand washing and prevention of contamination)?
Are all food handlers aware of their health and hygiene responsibilities (hair tied back,
no jewellery, gloves over water proof wound dressing)?
Have you allocated a personal items storage area?
Do you have a suitable garbage bin?
If washing equipment onsite – do you have a facility to heat water?
Public Health Officers may inspect your stall at anytime during the event and you will be asked to rectify any