(DRAFT) BRD Smart Pricing 230927
(DRAFT) BRD Smart Pricing 230927
(DRAFT) BRD Smart Pricing 230927
BRD Num 001 - Project 1 Titipaja *diisi oleh team IT* Rev. 2.0
Project Information
Project Name : Smart Pricing Priority : High (P0)
PIC Title : Product Manager Project Plan Doc (if any) : [Desc of Num & Name
: 27 Sep 2023 PPD]
Submitted Date
System Affected
OMS WMS CMS Dashboard
BMS NetSuite IMS Warespaze
FLUX UMS Report ✘ Others : Superset; Sourcing Dashboard
Detail Requirement
Project Highlight
Internal data Get and collect the Use the data to analyze Given
crawler (SP-02) data purchase and make visualization as - The each internal sources has their own
quotation, purchase chart in Smart Pricing cube
order, and sales Dashboard.
order from When
KedaiPangan - The analyst access the specific cube
internal. - The anayst execute the query
- The analyst set data visualization
Smart Pricing View the price Use the insight to support Given
Dashboard (SP-03) recommendation team decision making to - The dashboard has charts that visualize
for purchase, sales, purchase/sell and track the data from external and internal source.
team performance, team performance. - The Ops team has access to the
and the trends for dashboard.
top priority SKU in
the dashboard When
- The Ops team open Smart Pricing
Price Get validation when Get validation if the price Given
Recommendation adding the price for that team wants to submit - The Sourcing Dashboard is already linked
Validation in purchase quotation is not the ideal price. with price recommendation cube.
Sourcing Dashboard and purchase order - The Ops team on purchase quotation or
(SP-04) in Sourcing purchase order creation page in Sourcing
Dashboard. Dashboard
- The Ops team choose SKU and vendor
Impact Analysis :
Request Reason : Increase the trading margin (TM)
Before :
After :
Plan Cost : [in Amount]
Actual Cost : [in Amount]
Detail Link
Head of User
VP of User
Approval IT
Position Approved by Signature Date
Product Analyst
Product Specialist
Head of Product