(DRAFT) BRD Smart Pricing 230927

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Business Requirement Document

PT. Adi Sarana Logistik (TitipAja) FR_ASL_QMS_104

BRD Num 001 - Project 1 Titipaja *diisi oleh team IT* Rev. 2.0

Project Information
Project Name : Smart Pricing Priority : High (P0)

Division : DataTech Reason Priority : Needed for product

showcase in Q4
: Fathe Hibatulwafi Feasibility Study Doc (if any) : [Desc of Num & Name

PIC Title : Product Manager Project Plan Doc (if any) : [Desc of Num & Name
: 27 Sep 2023 PPD]
Submitted Date

Request Live Date : Oct 2023

: There is no visibility for purchase and sell price recommendation for the Ops Team. It causes them
Executive Summaryto be uncertain about whether they are purchasing or selling the product at the right price.
Background In order to get that visibility, Smart Pricing initiative proposes to collect the data from the external
source to see the price competition, also the internal source to see the team performance using the
visualization, and use the price recommendation data to validate the team decision make decide
Objective : Deliver
the smartand
purchase pricing dashboard and use to validate decision making for purchase and sell.
sell price.

System Affected
OMS WMS CMS Dashboard
BMS NetSuite IMS Warespaze
FLUX UMS Report ✘ Others : Superset; Sourcing Dashboard
Detail Requirement
Project Highlight

Category I Want to So that i can

(Perform Some (Achieve some goal) Acceptance Criteria
External data Get and collect the Use the data to analyze Given
crawler (SP-01) data from and make visualization as - The each external sources has their own
Sayurbox, chart in Smart Pricing cube
Pasarnow, Segari, Dashboard.
Kantong Sayur, and When
Eden Farm. - The analyst access the specific cube
- The anayst execute the query
- The analyst set data visualization

Internal data Get and collect the Use the data to analyze Given
crawler (SP-02) data purchase and make visualization as - The each internal sources has their own
quotation, purchase chart in Smart Pricing cube
order, and sales Dashboard.
order from When
KedaiPangan - The analyst access the specific cube
internal. - The anayst execute the query
- The analyst set data visualization
Smart Pricing View the price Use the insight to support Given
Dashboard (SP-03) recommendation team decision making to - The dashboard has charts that visualize
for purchase, sales, purchase/sell and track the data from external and internal source.
team performance, team performance. - The Ops team has access to the
and the trends for dashboard.
top priority SKU in
the dashboard When
- The Ops team open Smart Pricing
Price Get validation when Get validation if the price Given
Recommendation adding the price for that team wants to submit - The Sourcing Dashboard is already linked
Validation in purchase quotation is not the ideal price. with price recommendation cube.
Sourcing Dashboard and purchase order - The Ops team on purchase quotation or
(SP-04) in Sourcing purchase order creation page in Sourcing
Dashboard. Dashboard

- The Ops team choose SKU and vendor

Impact Analysis :
Request Reason : Increase the trading margin (TM)
Before :
After :

Plan Cost : [in Amount]
Actual Cost : [in Amount]

Simple Flow Project

Related to SP-04

Detail Link

Approval User (Must be Full Approve before Submit to IT)

Position Approved by Signature Date

User Staff / Specialist

Head of User

VP of User

Assesment Requirement *diisi oleh team IT (Product)*

Result Assesment : [Project / Improvement]

Reason Assesment : [Give The Reason for the Assesment]

Approval IT
Position Approved by Signature Date

Product Analyst

Product Specialist

Head of Product

Head of IT (VP IT)

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