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230 International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013


Abdelmgeid A. Ali, Tarek A. Abdelrahman, Waleed M. Mohamed

Abstract: Data warehousing is one of the more powerful tools available to support a business enterprise, it
provides a multidimensional view of data in an intuitive model designed to match the types of queries posed by
analysts and decision makers. Schema mapping plays a key role in many different applications, such as schema
integration, data integration, datawarehousing, data transformation, E-commerce, peer-to-peer
datamanagement, ontology matching and integration, semantic Web. In order to analyze e-commerce and make
reasonable business plans, a company’s local data is not sufficient. Decision making must also be based on
information from suppliers, partners and competitors. This external data can be obtained from the Web in many
cases Such XML, but must be integrated with the company’s own data, for example, in a data warehouse. To this
end, Web data has to be mapped to the star schema of the warehouse. In this paper we propose a semi-
automatic approach to support this transformation process. Our approach is based on the use a XML Schema
representation of Web data and the existing warehouse schema. Based on this common view we can compare
source and target schema to identify correspondences. We show how the correspondences guide the
transformation to be accomplished automatically. We also explain the meaning of Data cleaning and apply it on
XML web data to restructuring web data according to DW(Data Warehouse) schema, which are the core of the
transformation process using XSLT(Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) and XPATH(XML Path

1 Introduction
The end of the 20th Century has seen the rapid development of new technologies such as web-based,
communication, and decision support technologies. Companies face new economical challenges such as e-
commerce or mobile commerce, and are drastically changing their information systems design and management
methods. They are developing various technologies to manage their data and their knowledge. These
technologies constitute what is called ʊbusiness intelligence‫ۅ‬. These new means allow them to improve their
productivity and to support competitive information monitoring. In this context, the web is now the main farming
source for companies, whose challenge is to build web-based information and decision support systems. Our
work lies in this field. Information from the Web has already become of major importance in helping individuals
and companies to follow the current development in many areas, analyzing market developments and making
smart business decisions. Warehouse ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading of data) is an essential part
of data warehousing where the data warehousing professional populate data warehouse with information from
production databases and flat files (XML web data). In an online book- shop, a data warehouse, for example, can
be used to manage business transaction data, such as customer orders and promotions. The implementation of
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) on the data warehouse will help to gain an insight into customer behavior,
perform buy and replenish analysis, and design focused promotions. However, in order to analyze market trends
and make new business plans, a company’s own data is not sufficient, the bookshop manager also needs
information from his suppliers, partners, and about his competitors. For example, discount book information or
International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013 231

information about new publications from his competitors is important to help him to better plan own production
lines or offer new promotions. Such information can be acquired from the Web. Integrating Web data and a
company's data, materializing them in a data warehouse for implementing OLAP on them, making business
plans based on them, and mining historic data to deduct business rules will greatly benefit e-commerce.
In this paper we propose a semi-automatic transformation approach based on the comparison of source- schema
and target-schema. First, Web data is integrated based on a common structural and semantic basis by using
XML Schema Definition (XSD).We refer to this step as the Web data representation and integration phase. Next
is the transformation phase. In this step our source has already become XML representing the Web data, while
the target schema is the relational data warehouse schema. The transformation task is to map XML data to
relational warehouse tables. We create XML schema from XML data and represent DW tables as XSD. Once the
source schema and the target schema are viewed as XSDs, we can compare source and target schemas to find
correspondences between them. Therefore the transformation from semi-structured or unstructured Web data to
well-structured relational data warehouse data can be implemented through XML schema. We define the
correspondences between XML schema for web data and warehouse table's schemas in a mapping rule
definition file. The mapping process designed as XSLT for all transformation tasks, therefore it can be done
automatically. For a new application we only need to specify the correspondences between semantic concepts of
new XML web data and column names in new warehouse tables in the mapping rule definitions, while the actual
transformation process will not be changed.

2 An Overview of the Process for Warehousing Web Data

2.1 An Application Techniques
Online book shopping is a very active e-commerce area. A large amount of customer orders is produced every
day, and can be recorded in a bookshop data warehouse for OLAP and decision making. Figure 1 shows such a
customer order. In addition, the book shop manager may also integrate discount book information from his
competitors’ in this data warehouse, in order to compare pricing schemes, analyze market trends and make new
business plans. This information can be obtained from related Web pages. Figure 2 shows discount book
information from an online provider given as a HTML page.
The bookshop data warehouse in our example is based on relational data model. The star schema of simplified
bookshop data warehouse is defined in Figure 3. This data warehouse manages e-commerce data of an online
book- shop and discount book information from competitors Web pages. E-business data populates the book
shop Fact table, while Web data populates the discount fact table. The two fact tables can share several well-
conformed dimensions, e.g., Book Dimension and Time Dimension table, or they may also have their own
dimension table, e.g., Customer Dimension and Bookstore Dimension.

Figure 1: A customer order

232 International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013

Figure 2: Discount book information from source

Figure 3: Star schema of the online bookshop data warehouse (OnlineBookStoreDW)

2.2 The Warehousing Web Data Extraction Framework

Our approach framework that provides a platform for integrating Web data and materializing it into a relational
data warehouse has been introduced in [2, 9]. The implementation of our framework is outlined in Figure 4.
Components such as Transformation Processor, Web Data Wrapper and XML Ontology are located at the
organization possessing the data warehouse [3]. Web data sources are available via the Internet. Then web data
represented using XML. The framework is based on Dot Net technology and standards like XML schema (XSD),
and XPath. Extracted XML file is cleaned and transformed into formal XML format according to the data
Warehouse schema. After transformation, the transformed XML file can be loaded into the data warehouse easily
depending on loading utilities in the used DBMS product.
International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013 233

Figure 4: System architecture for warehousing Web data

Integrating Web data and a company's data, materializing them in a data warehouse for implementing OLAP on
them, making business plans will greatly benefit e-commerce. Although powerful tools for extracting,
transforming and loading (ETL-tools) data from source operational systems into a data warehouse are available
today for commercial products. On the other hand, there is a growing need to integrate also external data, such
as market information, into these systems [4].
The web data integration process in the wearhousing framework is divided into Three Major processes:
y At first, Web data extraction[5,6], wrappers are generated according to the specific structure depending
on the designer requirements in XML Ontology file, and then the wrapper extracts desired information
from HTML Web pages to a structured XML format that can be queried and processed by other
applications[7]. Wrappers can be generated by non-technical personnel. Wrappers are typically
generated by employees with the relevant business expertise for the project, e.g. from a company’s
marketing department.
y In a second process, web data transformation, XML data generated by wrappers is processed by the
transformation module. A wrapper retrieves the web data automatically. Additionally, the transformation
module can combine, transform and re-format data from different wrappers.
y Finally, web data loading process, the framework delivers the structured extracted information in the
desired XML format to other Business Intelligence systems or data warehousing environments.
The data given in Figure 2 can be represented as XML file have root BookOffers. Figure 5 shows a sample of the
integrated data corresponding to the books of Figure 2.

3 XML Schema Representation

As introduced in Section 2, XML file is used in our system as a Web data representation model. We create
Schema from XML file in Figure 2. Figure 6 shows this representation.
A relational database can also be represented as XML Schema. The data warehouse in our system is based on
the relational data model and can be represented as a set XML Schema's. The table name is the root element,
child elements of the root are columns of the table. Figure (7, 8) gives an example of the XSD representation of
two data warehouse tables shown in Figure 3
234 International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013

Figure 5: Extracted Web data in XML representation

Figure 6: XSD representation for XML Web data

International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013 235

Figure 7: XSD representation of warehouse BookDim table

Figure 8: XSD representation of warehouse DiscountFact table

4 Structure Warehouse Tables through Restructuring XSD Representation

4.1 Mapping Rule Definition
Based on the XSD representations in Figures (6, 7, 8) we can observe that the schema of source and target
have correspondences. Constructing a warehouse table can be achieved by generating XML schema. We
specify correspondences explicitly in a mapping rule definition file, where we specify not only the schema
correspondences between XML schema of web data and columns of warehouse tables schema, but also define
the mapping rules from data values of XML data to values of columns,Figure 9 show this mapping. Our mapping
rule definitions are written by using XSLT and XPATH. When defining correspondences between XML and
warehouse tables in XSLT file.
The data transformation process typically consist of multiple steps where each step may perform schema- and
instance-related transformation (mappings)[8]. In metadata and data warehouse, a data transformation converts
a set of data values from the data formate of a source schema into the data formate of a destination schema.
236 International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013

Figure 9: Mapping File between Source schema Book.xsd and target Warehouse OnlineBookshopDW
The following XSLT file (xslt1) show the correspondence between XML Schema (source data-figure 6) and the
schema of Book Dimension table (Target data-Figure 7).

The following XSLT file(xslt2) show the correspondence between XML Schema (source data-Figure 6) and the
schema of Discount Fact table (Target data-Figure 8).
International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013 237

5 Mapping Rules
1. Composition relationships of concepts:
The relationships between a XML elements and its ComplexType sequence (in Figure 6) can be understood as
part of relationships. When mapping a complex XML data to warehouse tables, we must distinguish between two
cases: First, if the complex semantic sequence populates only a dimension table, the hierarchy of the tree will
be flattened, see mapping definition (xslt1). Second, when the complex XML data populates a fact table as well
as dimension tables, the element must be decomposed and sequence elements are separately mapped to facts
in the fact table and attributes in dimension tables, such as in the case of (xslt2).
2. Identifying attributes or surrogate keys:
In the XML Source each complex element is identified through a single or multiple identifying attributes, similar
to key attributes in the relational model. For instance, in Figure 5 a complex semantic element BookOffer is
identified by its attributes: StoreName, URL, OfferDate, Price and Book which are complex element. A complex
sequence element of concept Book is identified by only the attribute ISBN. Two complex elements of the same
ontology concept are identified by the same set of attributes. We can use surrogate keys in data warehouses,
as already shown in Figure 3. An additional column for a surrogate key is created when a warehouse table is
designed. The system can generate a unique key for these tables when transforming the corresponding data.
3. One XML to one/many columns:
When mapping objects of an ontology concept to table columns we must distinguish between three cases. In the
easiest case we have a direct 1:1 mapping, i.e., a concept is directly mapped to a column, and the values of
the corresponding XML Shema are directly assigned to the corresponding table columns. In the second case,
we must calculate the values of a column by applying a specified function on the respective XML element. For
238 International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013

instance, US dollar is converted to pound EG, for this a conversion function will be used in the corresponding
mapping rule in (xslt2):

4. Finally
When values of a XML element must be decomposed to multiple table columns (1:n mapping), decomposition
functions have to be applied to calculate suitable values. For example, OfferDate in Figure 5 is in the form of
“MM DD, YYYY”. In the Time Dimension of the data warehouse in Figure 3 we have Day, Month, and Year
columns. Therefore, we must use de- composition functions, like:
getYearfromDate(“01, 01, 2013”) “2013” , to generate values for these columns:

5. Default values:
When we map XML Data to the tables of the data warehouse, we sometimes do not have values for all
attributes. Thus, it may be necessary to use some default value in these places, such as “Paperback” as the
default value of Bibliopegy (the art of bookbinding). For example, we can use the following definition:

6 Experimental Results
Traditional mapping tools, particularly those that are designed specifically for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
transactions, follow the same generic model:
1. The source is parsed from beginning of file to end of file.
2. Data is extracted from the source in the order that it is encountered.
3. Mapping rules are constructed as the source is parsed.
4. Data is pushed to an output file structure based on the structure and content of the source.
International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013 239

The better traditional engines are two-pass, meaning that they parse the source twice. The first time they extract
and store all of the source data in a manner that makes any data accessible at any time in the rest of the
process. The second time they go through the source to build the rules of the map. Most of the traditional
engines that are not two-pass provide means, such as variables, in which the mapper may store data for later
In this paper, maps work in exactly the opposite fashion. The mapping rules are built not from the source but
from the target as the following scenario:
1. The mapping engine traverses the target from beginning to end.
2. Mapping rules are constructed and executed as links are encountered on the output side.
3. Data is extracted from the source when a link is encountered in the target.
4. Data is pulled into the file structure based on the structure of the output schema.
These are very high-level models of traditional and mapping engines but suffice to show that the basic flow of the
map differs between them.
After applying the XSLT files(in sections 4 and 5) to web data (source)we get the target output in XML formate
XML file for each table in warehouse Figure 10 and Figure 11.
The following figures show sample from output as taget schema formate.

Figure 10: Target XML data for BookDim

Figure 11: Target XML data for DiscountFact

The last step of warehousing process, load this result to warehousing tables (fact and dimention tables).
240 International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 3, 2013

7 Conclusions
In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic transformation approach for materializing Web data into a data
warehouse. In this approach we map the XML Schema (source data) and the star schema of data warehouse
tables(tareget data) to identify semantic correspondences between them. These correspondences are explicitly
described as mapping rules. The transformation can be accomplished automatically via XSLT. The mapping
definition file between the web data schema and warehouse tables schema has been created. Some
transformation functions and it's conversion has been used to cope up with warehouse tables. In this paper, we
put some modifications for the wearhouse design in bookshop data warehouse [1], since the fileds in dimension
table(BookstoreDim) must be fixed, we move the avaliability column to the fact table(DiscountFact), this
modifications has been done to keep the warehouse attributes. From Experimental result, we observe that the
mapping in our approach is faster than the other traditional mapping tools.

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Information about authors

Abdelmgeid A. Ali Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Al - Minia University,. Egypt
Tarek A. Abdelrahman Assistent Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Al - Minia University, Egypt
Waleed M. Mohamed Database administrator, Al - Minia University, Egypt

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