Drafting The International Arbitration Clause Part 1 of 4

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com |July 15, 2015

Drafting the International

Arbitration Clause
From the Experts
Ann Ryan Robertson, Derrick Carson and
David E. Harrell Jr.
In too many transactions, the dispute
resolution clause is treated as mere
boilerplate. In fact, dispute resolution
clauses present an opportunity for lawyers
to add significant value to their clients’
transactions. Giving thought to issues such
as the types of disputes likely to occur,
where those disputes will arise, which
party is most likely to be claimant and
whether the disputes are likely to implicate
third parties will assist the drafter in
determining the arbitral scheme that best
fits the client’s interests and expectations,
provided the drafter understands the
different options available.
When drafting an arbitration clause, the
obvious threshold question is whether the and the concomitant use of international unwary. This article on joinder (i.e., adding
arbitration should be ad hoc or adminis- arbitration to resolve disputes, UNCITRAL third parties to an existing arbitration)
tered by an arbitral institution. That initial amended its arbitration rules “to conform and consolidation (i.e., combining two or
decision will determine, in large part, the to current practice in international more arbitrations into a single proceeding)
arbitration procedure to be followed in trade and to meet changes that have is the first in a series of four articles that
any future dispute. But the prudent drafter, taken place over the last 30 years in will be posted over the next several days.
when making this initial determination, arbitral practice.” The leading arbitral The other three will examine arbitrator
will also consider issues such as joinder institutions soon followed, with the selection, the availability of interim relief
and consolidation, arbitrator selection in International Chamber of Commerce and possible appeals.
multiparty disputes, the availability of in- (ICC) amending its rules in 2012, followed
terim relief and possible appeal. An exami- by the International Centre for Dispute Joinder
nation of these issues can ultimately drive Resolution (ICDR) and the London Court Ad Hoc Arbitration
the answer to both the threshold question of International Arbitration (LCIA) in 2014. A. UNCITRAL Rules
and the secondary one: if institutional, The issues of joinder and consolidation, Article 17(5) of the UNCITRAL Rules
which institution? arbitrator selection in multiparty disputes, empowers the arbitrators to decide the
In 1976, the United Nations Commission emergency relief and possible appeal have question of joinder. The rules impose
on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), arisen due to the proliferation of complex no time limit by which a party to the
recognizing the value of arbitration as a global trade. An examination of the most arbitration may move for joinder, but the
method of settling trade disputes, issued popular arbitration rules, however, reveals party to be joined must be a party to the
its first set of arbitration rules designed that the manner in which these issues same arbitration agreement. In deciding
for use in ad hoc arbitrations. In 2010, in have been addressed can vary greatly, the joinder question, the arbitral tribunal
response to the explosion of global trade resulting in unintended results for the is required to give all parties, including
July 15, 2015

the party to be joined, an opportunity and (b) the parties have agreed that the as the procedural framework in ad hoc ar-
to be heard. Joinder is permitted unless claims can be determined in a single ar- bitrations. Given that ad hoc arbitrations
it will result in prejudice to any party, bitration. In the event the parties are no- are not subject to institutional oversight
including the party to be joined. tified that one or more parties cannot be and management, the rules, not surpris-
joined, any party retains the right to seek ingly, contain no provision for consolida-
Arbitral Institutional Arbitration a judicial determination as to whether tion of arbitrations. Accordingly, given
B. ICC Rules or not, and in respect of which of them, that it is neither expressly authorized
The manner in which the ICC admin- there is a binding agreement to arbitrate. nor expressly prohibited, consolidation
isters arbitrations makes the question of would presumably require the consent of
joinder under its rules a bit more com- C. ICDR Rules all involved—arbitrators and parties alike.
plex, involving both the administrator The ICDR’s approach is to leave the
and the arbitrator. Article 7 of the ICC decision with the arbitral tribunal. Under Arbitral Institution Arbitration
Rules requires a party wishing to join an Article 7, a party wishing to join an B. ICC Rules
additional party to submit its request for additional party to the arbitration is to In contrast, the arbitral institutions’rules,
arbitration against the additional party “submit to the Administrator a Notice of although using differing procedures, all
to the ICC Secretariat. Unlike the UNCIT- Arbitration against the additional party.” provide for consolidation. Article 10 of
RAL Rules, which have no time limitation Similar to the ICC Rules, the ICDR Rules the ICC Rules sets forth a detailed process
for requesting joinder, no party may be further provide that no additional party for consolidating. The ICC Court, at the
joined after the confirmation or appoint- may be joined after the appointment of request of a party, may consolidate two or
ment of any arbitrator, unless all the par- any arbitrator, unless all parties, including more pending arbitrations if one of three
ties, including the additional party, agree. the party to be joined, agree. Therefore, circumstances exist:
The ICC Rules also permit the secretariat the ICDR Rules, like the ICC Rules, provide 1. The parties have agreed to
to fix a time limit for the submission of a deadline that can be extended only by consolidation.
a request for joinder. But the secretariat agreement of the parties. Article 7 is further 2. The claims in the arbitrations are
does not ultimately decide whether the subject to Articles 12 and 19. Article 12 made under the same arbitration
joinder will be allowed. concerns the appointment of arbitrators, agreement.
Importantly, joinder is further subject while Article 19 grants to the arbitral 3. The claims are made under more
to Articles 6(3)–6(7) and 9 of the ICC tribunal the jurisdiction to determined than one arbitration agreement,
Rules. Article 6(3) empowers the “whether all the claims, counterclaims and the arbitrations are between the
arbitral tribunal to decide whether all set-offs made in the arbitration may be same parties, the disputes arise
claims made in the arbitration shall be determined in a single arbitration.” from the same legal relationship
determined in a single arbitration. Even and the ICC Court finds the
this power is not absolute, however, and D. LCIA Rules arbitration agreements to be
is further qualified at Article 6(3) with The LCIA’s treatment of joinder is in compatible.
the phrase “unless the Secretary General accord with the ICDR’s. Article 22.1(viii) Not unlike the question of whether
refers the matter to the ICC Court for its gives the arbitral tribunal the power to to consolidate two lawsuits, in deciding
decision pursuant to Article 6(4).” determine joinder. Upon the application whether to consolidate the arbitrations,
Article 6(4), in turn, provides that in cas- of any party or upon the arbitral tribunal’s the ICC Court may consider any circum-
es referred to the International Court of own initiative, the arbitral tribunal may stances it considers to be relevant, in-
Arbitration of the International Chamber join any additional party after giving cluding but are not necessarily limited
of Commerce (ICC Court) under Article the parties a reasonable opportunity to to whether one or more arbitrators have
6(3), the ICC Court is to decide whether state their views. This power, however, been confirmed or appointed in more
and to what extent the arbitration is to is predicated upon the third person and than one of the arbitrations and, if con-
proceed. The arbitration will proceed the applicant party “hav[ing] consented firmation or appointment has occurred,
in two instances. First, if the ICC Court is to such joinder in writing following the whether the same or different persons
prima facie satisfied that there is an arbi- Commencement Date or (if earlier) in the have been confirmed or appointed.
tration agreement under the rules bind- Arbitration Agreement.” Significantly, the Should the ICC Court determine that con-
ing all the parties, including those joined. LCIA Rules do not have the strict joinder solidation is appropriate, the arbitrations
Alternatively, in those instances in which deadline found in the ICC and ICDR Rules. are consolidated into the first filed arbitra-
the claims are made under more than one tion, unless the parties agree otherwise.
arbitration agreement (Article 9, multiple Consolidation
contracts), joinder can occur if the ICC Ad Hoc Arbitration C. ICDR Rules
Court is prima facie satisfied that (a) the A. UNCITRAL Rules Unlike the ICC Rules, which place
arbitration agreements are compatible; By design, the UNCITRAL Rules are used the power of consolidation with the
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ICC Court, Article 8 of the ICDR Rules D. LCIA Rules one in a series of transactions or is likely
provides for a specially appointed Article 22.1 of the LCIA Rules bestows to involve third-party performance or
“consolidation arbitrator” to determine upon an arbitral tribunal the power disputes, ad hoc arbitration may not
whether two or more arbitrations are to consolidate arbitrations under two be the appropriate choice. Institutional
to be consolidated. At the request of circumstances. In either circumstance, rules may better serve the client’s needs,
any party, the administrator appoints a however, the consolidation must be provided that all contracts in the series
consolidation arbitrator. The parties may approved by the LCIA Court. The first is and in related agreements select identical
agree on the identity of the consolidation straightforward. Like the ICC Rules and arbitration rules. Joinder is permitted
arbitrator, but failing agreement, the ICDR Rules, two or more arbitrations can by the ICC Rules, the ICDR Rules and the
administrator makes the appointment. be consolidated if all the parties to the LCIA Rules, although who will decide the
The consolidation arbitrator cannot be arbitrations agree to consolidation into issue of joinder varies. And while all three
an arbitrator who is appointed to any a single arbitration, subject to the LCIA institutions will permit consolidation
pending arbitration that is subject to Rules. The second circumstance requires under certain circumstances, the ICDR’s
consolidation, unless the parties agree. a detailed inquiry into: groundbreaking consolidation arbitrator
The consolidation arbitrator is 1. Whether the arbitrations are provision is the most sweeping.
empowered to consolidate two or more subject to the LCIA Rules and
arbitrations pending under the ICDR were commenced under the Ann Ryan Robertson, FCIArb, is
Rules or the ICDR Rules and other rules same or compatible arbitration international partner at Locke Lord. She
administered by the AAA or the ICDR agreement(s). serves as arbitrator and advocate in both
into a single arbitration, but only if one 2. Whether the arbitrations involve international and domestic arbitrations. In
of three conditions is met: the same parties 2014 she was named Lawyer of the Year,
1. The parties have expressly agreed 3. Whether an arbitral tribunal International Arbitration—Governmental
to consolidation. has been formed for the other (Houston) by The Best Lawyers in America.
2. All the claims and counterclaims are arbitration(s) Derrick Carson, FCIArb, is chair of Locke
made under the same arbitration 4. If the arbitral tribunals have been Lord’s construction law practice group and
agreements. formed, whether the tribunal(s) deputy chair of its energy litigation practice
3. The claims are made under more is (are) composed of the same group. He has represented clients before
than one arbitration agreement, arbitrators. a host of international arbitral bodies on
the same parties are involved in If the answer to each of these issues as diverse as development of oil and
each arbitration, the disputes arise questions is “yes,” with the approval of gas fields and pipeline and offshore rig
from the same legal relationship the LCIA Court, the arbitral tribunal may construction. David E. Harrell Jr., FCIArb,
and the consolidation arbitrator order consolidation. chairs Locke Lord's international arbitration
finds that the arbitration The LCIA Rules further provide that practice group and the firm’s business
agreements are compatible. without prejudice to Articles 22.1(ix) litigation and dispute resolution practice
In determining whether the arbi- and (x), if no arbitral tribunal has yet group. Named a super lawyer in business
trations should be consolidated, the been formed by the LCIA Court for any litigation from 2012-2015, he has litigated
consolidation arbitrator is required to of the arbitrations to be consolidated, and arbitrated contract and commercial
“consult the parties” and may consult the LCIA Court may consolidate two or disputes, upstream and midstream
the arbitral tribunals. The consolidation more arbitrations subject to the LCIA operating dispute, environmental claims,
arbitrator also may take into account Rules and commenced under the same and construction litigation.
relevant circumstances, including appli- arbitration agreement between the
cable law; whether one or more arbitra- same parties. Before acting, however, Reprinted with permission from the July 15, 2015 edition of
tors has been appointed in more than the LCIA Court is to provide the parties CORPORATE COUNSEL © 2015 ALM Media Properties, LLC.
This article appears online only. All rights reserved. Further
one of the arbitrations; the progress al- a reasonable opportunity to state their duplication without permission is prohibited. For information,
contact 877-257-3382 or reprints@alm.com. # 016-07-15-03
ready made in the arbitrations; whether views on the issue.
there are common issues of law and/or
facts; and, whether the consolidation of Conclusion
the arbitrations would serve the inter- If the drafter selects ad hoc arbitration
ests of justice and efficiency. The con- governed by the UNCITRAL Rules, an
solidation arbitrator is to render the de- additional party may be joined. The
cision within 15 days of the date of the UNCITRAL Rules, however, make no
final submission on consolidation, and provision for consolidation, although
the decision does not need to include a consolidation may be possible if all
statement of reasons. parties agree. If the client’s contract is www.lockelord.com

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