(G7, U1.7) Adverbs of Frequency

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Name of activity: Grammar snacks: Adverbs of frequency

Short description: students categorize, reorder and do a gap fill to gain further
practice in using adverbs of frequency.
Link to curriculum: Grade 7; Unit 1.7
Difficulty level: medium
Time: 30 minutes
Learning outcomes: students will be able to identify the usage of adverbs of
frequency and their positioning in a sentence.
Students will also be able to gain practice in using adverbs of frequency
(Competency; 6 Grammar)
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Lesson plan with: Lesson plan with: Lesson plan with:
 Worksheet  Worksheets to  Activities for a
project (data Computer Room
 Flashcards projector)
 Cut ups

Links to material:
1. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar-vocabulary/grammar-
2. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/sites/teens/files/gs_adverbs_of_freq_-
3. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/sites/teens/files/gs_adverbs_of_freq_-

Option 1: Worksheet


 Make photocopies of the worksheets below.

 Cut out the adverbs of frequency (flashcards) for the first activity or use the
suggestion given.

Stage Procedure

Introduction 1. Tell students that they are going to practice using adverbs of
2 mins
2. Put students into groups of 4.

3. Explain to students that first, they are going to group some

adverbs of frequency according to the place they can be used
in a sentence.
1. Draw the 2 columns in the worksheet of worksheet 1 with their
Activity 1 headings on the board and ask students to make a copy of it.
(1 copy per group)
10 mins
2. Put up the cut up adverbs (given below the work sheets, see
flashcards) on the wall around the room.

3. Tell students that one student from each group will be the
runner. The runner must look at a word, memorize it and tell it
to the group.

4. Then the group must decide which column the adverb belongs
to. Once this is done, the runner can go memorize another
word. Different groups members can take it in turns to run.

5. Once students have completed the first activity check answers

as a whole class and clarify answers.

1. Students should work individually for this activity.

Activity 2
2. Tell the students that they are going to reorder sentences with
8 mins adverbs of frequency.

3. Handout worksheet 2 or put the 3 sets of sentences in the

activity on the board.

4. Explain that they must reorder the sentences in the order of

5. Put up the following order on the board.

(Least frequent = 1 and most frequent = 3).

6. Get 3 students who finish early and have ordered correctly to

order the sentences on the board.

7. Clarify the answers with relevant explanations.

1. Students should work in pairs for this activity.

Activity 3 2. Give each pair a copy of worksheet 3 or if photocopies are a

problem put the sentences up on the board.
10 mins
3. Tell students that they must place the adverb of frequency in
the correct blank.

4. Monitor activity.

5. When students finish, ask them to compare and discuss their

answers with another pair before giving and clarifying the
1. You could write up the adverbs of frequency on colored pieces
Variation of paper and stick them around the class for activity 1.

2. If photocopies are a problem, put up the sentences on the

board (for activities 2 and 3)

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Worksheet 3

Flashcards (cut these words up and stick them around the room)

Occasionally Hardly ever Once a month

Seldom Never Every Wednesday

Sometimes Quite Often Three times a week

On Mondays

Option 2: Data projector


 Make 1 photocopy of the worksheet below.

 Go to the following link and do the activities yourself.
 Cut out the adverbs of frequency for the first activity or use the suggestion given.
 Make individual copies of the 2nd activity or use the suggestion given.
 Make copies (1 per pair) of the third activity.

Stage Procedure
Introduction 1. Tell students that they are going to practice using adverbs of
2 mins
2. Put students into groups of 4.

3. Explain to students that first, they are going to group some

adverbs of frequency according to the place they can be used
in a sentence.

1. Project worksheet 1 and ask students to make a copy of it. (1

Activity 1 copy per group)

10 mins
2. Put up the cut up adverbs (given below the worksheets) on the
wall around the room.

3. Tell students that one student from each group will be the
runner. The runner must look at a word, memorize it and tell it
to the group.

4. Then the group must decide which column the adverb belongs
to. Once this is done, the runner can go memorize another
word. Students can take turns as the runner.

5. Monitor activity.

6. Check answers as a whole class by opening the activity in the

given link and nominating students to give the answer for you
to drag and drop into the correct column.

1. Students should work individually for this activity.

Activity 2
2. Tell the students that they are going to reorder sentences with
8 mins adverbs of frequency.

3. Display the sentences in worksheet 2 using the data projector.

4. Explain that they must reorder the sentences in the order of

(Least frequent = 1 and most frequent = 3).

5. Tell students that there are 3 sets and you will move on to the
second set after 2 minutes and they can copy first and re
order later.

6. Monitor activity.

7. Elicit and clarify the answers with relevant explanations.

1. Students should work in pairs for this activity.

Activity 3 2. Project worksheet 3

10 mins 3. If students are copying down from the screen give them 1
minute per sentence.

4. Tell students that they must place the adverb of frequency in

the correct blank.

5. Tell them that they can copy first and then attempt to answer if
they are copying from the screen.

6. Monitor activity.

7. When students finish, ask them to compare and discuss their

answers with another pair before displaying and clarifying the

Option 3: Computer Lab


 Arrange students in pairs and give them the following link to open the activity.

Stage Procedure
Introduction 4. Tell students that they are going to practice using adverbs of
2 mins
5. Put students into groups of 4.

6. Explain to students that first, they are going to group some

adverbs of frequency according to the place they can be used in
a sentence.

1. Give students the link to open the activity

Activity 1
2. Ask students to work in pairs and drag and drop the adverbs
10 mins into the correct columns.

3. Early finishers could attempt the activity individually.

4. Elicit and clarify answers.

1. Tell the students that they are going to reorder sentences with
Activity 2 adverbs of frequency.

8 mins 2. Ask students to open the second activity in the given link.

3. Ask students to take turns to do this activity:

One student attempts all questions, checks the score before giving
the chance to the other student.

4. Explain that they must reorder the sentences in order of

(Least frequent = 1 and most frequent = 3).

5. Display and clarify the answers with relevant explanations.

1. Explain to students that they are going to do a gap fill on
adverbs of frequency. They must type in the adverb in the
Activity 3 correct space.

10 mins 2. Ask students to open the third activity on the given link.

3. Students remain in pairs and take turns to do the sentences.

(Students should check score after each student finishes).

4. Students should only check answers when all questions have

been answered.

5. Check for students with the highest score.

6. Monitor activity and go through the answers question by

question, clarifying all.

1. If time tell students to attempt the third activity individually.


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