Water Resources Systems Analysis
Water Resources Systems Analysis
Water Resources Systems Analysis
Mohammad Karamouz
Ferenc Szidarovszky
Banafsheh Zahraie
A CRC Press Company
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Karamouz, Mohammad.
Water resources systems analysis / Mohammad Karamouz, Ferenc Szidarovszky,
Banafsheh Zahraie.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-56670-642-4 (alk. paper)
1. Water resources development. 2. System analysis. I. Szidarovszky, Ferenc. II.
Zahraie, Banafsheh. III. Title.
TC409.K37 2003
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1 Introduction
Increasing demand for water, higher standards of living, depletion of resources of
acceptable quality, and excessive water pollution due to agricultural and industrial
expansions have caused intense social and political predicaments. Since the beginning
of the 19th century, the population of the world has tripled, nonrenewable energy
consumption has increased by a factor of 30, and the industrial production has
multiplied by 50 times. Although progress has improved the quality of life, it has
caused significant environmental destruction in such a magnitude that could not be
A question that should be addressed is whether in the next decades development
could be done in a way that is economically and ecologically sustainable. We cannot
answer this question unless we have a vision of the future and our planning schemes
are environmentally responsible and sensitive toward the major elements of our
physical environment, namely air, water, and soil. Among these elements, water is
of special importance. Excessive use and misuse of surface and groundwater and
pollution of these vital resources by residential, agricultural, and industrial waste-
water has threatened our well-being. Planning for sustainable development of water
resources means water conservation, waste and leakage prevention, improved effi-
ciency of water systems, improved water quality, water withdrawal and usage within
the limits of the system, a level of water pollution within the carrying capacity of
the streams, and water discharge from groundwater within the safe yield of the
system. In other words, we are seeking a balance among our physical being, our
ability to manage our resources, and the limitations imposed by the environment.
Water is a sustainable resource, and the need for integrated water resources
management is on the agenda of every state. As one of the three vital elements of
air, soil, and water, the role of water in the conservation of the environment is
receiving increased global attention. Figure 1.1 illustrates the vulnerability of various
nations to water scarcity by using a composite index based on available water
resources and current use, population, reliability of water supply, and national
income (World Resources, 1998).
In general, water resources development studies can be classified into planning,
operation, and management. Long-term management of water resources systems
requires considering the competing users of the system along with the future supply
and demands. Then, by taking into account these considerations, modeling operation
of the systems will be helpful to the decision makers in charge of allocating
resources with higher efficiency. Systems need to be expanded because of the
growing demands for resources and services; therefore, capacity expansion is
another part of the long-term water resources development studies when existing
2 Water Resources Systems Analysis
INDEX (1995)
No Vulnerability
Low Vulnerability
Medium Vulnerability
High Vulnerability
No data
FIGURE 1.1 Vulnerability of nations to water scarcity. (From World Resources Institute,
World Resources: A Guide to the Global Environment, a joint publication by The World
Resources Institute, The United Nations Environment Program, The United Nations Devel-
opment Program, and The World Bank, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998.)
facilities for storing, withdrawing, and transferring water to users are not adequate
with an acceptable reliability.
Figure 1.2 shows different steps in the water resources planning process. As
shown in this figure, the process can be classified into the following phases:
In the first phase, the objectives and constraints are identified. Data collection and
processing are important parts of this process and include:
In the modeling phase, simulation and optimization models are used for finding
possible alternatives. In the next phase, conflict resolution and multi-criterion deci-
sion analysis techniques are used for comparing different alternatives. As seen in
Figure 1.2, the selection of final alternatives, in many cases, depends on social and
Introduction 3
Water Reserves on the Earth
Percentage of
Global Reserves (%)
Volume (1012 m3) Total Water Freshwater
Source: Shiklomanov, I., in Water in Crisis, P. Gleick, Ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 1993,
chap. 2. With permission.
Source: World Resources Institute, World Resources: A Guide to the Global Environment, a joint publication by The World Resources Institute,
The United Nations Environment Program, The United Nations Development Program, and The World Bank, Oxford University Press, New
York, 1998.
6 Water Resources Systems Analysis
(White et al., 1992). The physical environment includes interdependent water bodies
and structures, each impacting the state and performance of the others. The cultural
environment encompasses the various social constraints that are mainly focused on
us and our interactions with physical environment. The physical and cultural environ-
ments are inseparable. In other words, natural resources and especially water resources
systems cannot be modeled effectively without considering social constraints. Over
the course of this book, we try to show how different elements of these two environ-
ments and their interactions are in conflict and how they can be modeled.
For modeling, one of the most common approaches is to divide the system into
pieces (disintegration phase) to see what it is composed of and how it works. It is
an example of the reductionist approach, which reduces complex phenomena to their
component parts and examines them in detail. The problem with this approach
becomes apparent when we try to put the system back together again. The process
of turning our focus from analysis to synthesis can become more practical by
considering the following items:
• The interactions among components and their role in the entire system
should be defined before the system is broken into pieces. Knowledge
about these interactions plays an important role in the disintegration phase
and in the analysis of the entire system.
• The approaches that are used for modeling different components should
be consistent.
• The terminologies and methodologies for defining and assessing the per-
formance of each component should be comparable.
Functional relationships reflect both physical and social functioning of the system.
Physical functioning includes the flow and transfer of some material, while social
functioning involves social, political, and economic preferences. Specifications of
systems can be classified as follows:
• Inputs
• Governing physical laws
• Initial and boundary conditions
• Outputs
Inputs, outputs, and major characteristics of the systems are usually defined by
variables and parameters. A variable is a system characteristic that assumes different
values measured at different times. A parameter is also a system characteristic, but
it normally does not change with time. Different values of variables can be viewed
as possible states of the nature or as alternative futures. Variables or parameters can
be classified as:
• Zero memory — The state and output depend only on the input in the
present time.
• Finite memory — The state, output, and behavior depend only on the
history of the system for a specific time span (memory)
• Infinite memory — The state and output depend on the entire history of
the system
Most of the hydrologic systems are stable and causal systems and are heavily
damped. Figure 1.3 shows examples of outputs of continuous, discrete, and quantized
More details about continuous and discrete variables are presented in the fol-
lowing sections of this chapter. Considering the three basic components of a system
(inputs, system operators, and outputs), as shown in Figure 1.4, systems analysts
could face several different types of problems:
• Design problems — Inputs and system are known and the output must be
• System identification problems — Inputs and outputs are known and the
system itself must be identified.
• Detection problems — System and outputs are known and inputs must be
• Synthetic problems (simulation) — Inputs and outputs are known and the
performance of models must be tested.
FIGURE 1.4 Schematic representation of systems operation. (From Chow, V. T., Maidment,
D. R., and Mays, L. W., Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988. With permission.)
Introduction 9
Utilizing the first approach results in more accurate models and outputs, thus improv-
ing our knowledge about different hydrologic phenomena; however, modelers are
usually faced with a lack of accurate information about inputs of the system and a
wide range of natural complexities.
Models are simplified representations of systems. Loucks et al. (1981) refer to
model development as an art that requires judgment in abstracting from the real
world of the components that are important to the decision-making process. Math-
ematical models, which are the main focus of this book, can be classified into the
following categories:
Details of these models are explained in different chapters of this book. Before
proceeding with the details of systems of analysis, the holistic view of water
resources planning and management could only be meaningful if it is observed
within the context of the hydrologic cycle, at least in a catchment scale.
• Precipitation (P)
• Precipitation on the oceans (Po)
• Precipitation on ice (Pi)
• Precipitation on land (Pl)
• Infiltration (I)
• Evaporation (E)
• Evaporation from oceans (Eo)
• Evaporation from ice (Ei)
• Evapotranspiration from plants (Ts)
• Evaporation from soil moisture (Eg)
• Surface runoff (R)
• Goundwater appearing as surface runoff (Rg)
• Subsurface flow (Rs)
• Groundwater flow (G)
Water budget is an accounting of the inflow, outflow, and storage of water in a specific
hydrologic system. Figure 1.6 is a schematic diagram of a system representing the
hydrologic cycle of a watershed. As can be seen in this figure, Rin, Gin, Rout, and Gout
are surface and groundwater inflows and outflows, respectively. Surface inflow in
this figure represents an inter-basin water transfer. Rg and Eg are groundwater appear-
ing as surface runoff and evaporation from soil moisture, respectively.
The surface water budget (ΔSs) and groundwater budget (ΔSg) can be estimated
as follows:
Rin Rg
FIGURE 1.6 Schematic diagram of a system representing the hydrologic cycle of a watershed.
The optimal operating policies for operation of groundwater resources can be devel-
oped using hydraulic or water quality response equations, well characteristics, and
hydraulic gradient and water demand requirements, as well as conflict resolution
models that consider the supply, demand, and physical characteristics of the systems.
Besides conflicts in the objectives of water users, other important issues must be
considered from an institutional point of view. Even though water resources planning
for surface and groundwater operation might be done by a specific agency, such as
the department of water supply, the water allocation schemes defined and imposed
by this particular agency could be highly affected by the political and institutional
strength of other agencies, such as the Department of Agriculture, various industries,
and the Department of Environmental Protection. On the other hand, these and many
other entities are affected by water policies because they:
Table 1.3 presents an example of how the quantitative aspects of conflict issues in
water supply between different agencies can be quantified. This example is based
Introduction 13
Department of Energy/Water E (4), B (3), C (4), M (4) B (4), C (4), E (2) E (4), M (3) B (4), M (3) B (3), C (3), E (2),
Supply (A) M (4)
Industrial and mining sector (B) E (4), A (3), C (3), M (3) A (4) E (3) A (4), C (4), E (3), M (4), A (3)
M (3), W (1)
Department of Agriculture (C) A (4), E (4), B (3), A (4), A (4), M (3) M (3), E (3) B (4) A (3), E (2), M (4)
Note: The degree of conflict is indicated in parentheses; i = 5 is the most severe, and i = 1 is the least severe.
Conflict among Agencies over the Qualitative Aspects of Water Supply
Water Supply Qualitative Aspects
Fishery and
Departments and Agencies Domestic Agriculture Health Industry Environment Animal
Department of Energy/Water E (4), M (3) C (4), E (2), M (4) E (4), M (3) B (4), M (4), E (2) C (3), E (3), M (4) E (4), M (4)
Supply (A)
Industrial and mining sector (B) E (4), M (3) C (3), E (3), M (4) E (5), M (5) A (4), C (5) E (3) E (4), M (4)
Department of Agriculture (C) M (2), E (4) A (4), B (3), M (2) E (4) B (5), E (3), M (4) A (3), M (4) E (3), M (4)
Health Department (E) A (4), B (4), C (4) A (2), B (3), M (3) A (4), B (5), C (4) C (3), A (2) A (3), B (3) B (4), A (4), C (3)
Department of Environmental A (3), B (3), C (2) C (2), E (3), B (4), A (3), B (5) A (4), C (4) A (4), B (4), C (4) A (4), B (4), C (4)
Protection (M) A (4)
Note: The degree of conflict is indicated in parentheses; i = 5 is the most severe, and i = 1 is the least severe.
16 Water Resources Systems Analysis
make better decisions. The concept of DSSs developed as a result of the intersection
of two trends (Stohr and Konsynski, 1992). The first one is the growing belief that
existing information systems, despite their success in automation of operating tasks
in organizational setups, have failed to assist the decision makers with many higher
level tasks. The second trend is continuous improvement in computing hardware
and software that has made it possible to place meaningful computing power into
the development of databanks and complex heuristics. Several attempts have been
made to develop a more flexible framework for these systems. The spatial decision
support system (SDSS), adaptive decision support system (ADSS), and intelligent
decision support system (IDSS) are some new DSS developments.
Figure 1.7 shows an example of a DSS framework for sustainable water resources
planning and management. Access or Oracle DBMS, Visual Basic, HTML, and/or
ASP (Java) can be used to define interfaces and develop a decision support system
with all elements of water resources including: supply, demand, institutions, knowl-
edge base, and conflict assessment. This system consists of six modules as follow:
• Database management
• Streamflow modeling and forecasting
• Demand management (modeling)
• Operating models
• Drought management
• Real-time operation
As can be seen in Figure 1.7, the various types of data and information — including
climatic, hydrologic, hydraulic, and physical characteristics of a water resources
system, as well as assumptions and the results of planning and operation alternatives
— are managed in the database management module. The streamflow modeling and
forecasting module considers statistical and conceptual forecast models, as well as
heuristics for forecast modification, by incorporating long-range climate signals.
Built-in evaluation of hydroclimatic data for improved water supply forecasting,
implementation of the probabilistic forecasts models, and correlation schemes of
weather and streamflow data are the major capabilities of this module. In the demand
management module the emphasis is on a reduction in the quantity of water that is
unaccounted for, optimal crop mixture, irrigation management policies, and optimal
policies for conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources. Using these two
modules, the decision maker is able to develop forecast models for water supply
and demand and utilize them in real-time operation of water resources systems.
In the operating models module, optimization and simulation models are used
to develop long-term and mid-term planning and operation management policies.
The drought management module is designed in order to develop water resources
management policies during droughts. Because of the occurrence of severe droughts
in many countries in recent years, drought monitoring and management have been
given more attention by investigators. In the real-time operation module, optimal
policies and heuristics developed in different modules of the system will be applied
in the real-time operation of water resources systems. Through the use of these two
modules, the user will be able to define:
planning and management.
FIGURE 1.7 Framework of a decision support system (DSS) for sustainable water resources
Conflict Resolution
Multiple Criterion
Decision Making Past Performance ARIMA Models
Deterministic Dynamic of the Models (Midrange)
Database Programming
Bayesian Decision
Management Theory National Weather Streamflow
Stochastic Dynamic Performance Service Modeling and
Programming Evaluation (Short Term) Forecasting
Fuzzy Set Theory Set of Operating
Neural Network or
Hydrologic and Operating Models Other Simulation Policies and NRCS Regression
Rule Curves
Climatic Data Techniques Tradeoffs Forecast
Statistical Model
Water Allocation Object Oriented
Schemes Programming Weekly
Hydraulic/ Genetic Algorithm Aggregation
Characteristics Decomposition/Linear User Interface
Aggregation Q+A Sessions
Water Demand
Snow Calculation
Data User Interface
Uncertainty in Climatic Conceptual Model
Parameters Forecast
Assumptions Rainfall-Runoff
Uncertainties Due to Uncertainty of
Uncertainty of Power Generation Market Shifts or Water Supply and Develop
Demand Uncertainties Economic Parameters Forecast Forecast Series
18 Water Resources Systems Analysis
• Drought indicators
• Contingency plans for droughts and floods
• Water allocation schemes accepted by conflicting groups of water users
• Tradeoffs at different levels of acceptable risk
The DSS should incorporate recent advances in optimization under uncertainty and
simulation and be capable of:
• Evaluation of alternatives
• Showing the impact of policies when different interest groups are search-
ing for compromise solutions
• Incorporating uncertainty of supply and demand, uncertainty due to mar-
ket shifts, and uncertainty due to inability of models to perform
• Incorporating parameter uncertainty and uncertainty due to vagueness of
situations and/or boundaries
• Forecasting water supply and demand
• Surveying users’ perceptions
• Supporting a variety of cognitive skills and styles and the level of knowl-
edge of different users
• Assisting users to develop and use their own cognitive skills
• Developing schemes for changing public attitudes for sustainable water
• Identifying new and improved scientific information for changing the
market for water as an economic commodity
• Defining yardsticks to measure sustainability of the system with respect
to the decisions
The system should be sufficiently flexible to allow the use and adaptation by users
with various levels of experimental knowledge. Algorithms, heuristics, optimization,
and simulation models in the DSS should be utilized in such a way that they examine
the impact of various policies based on four different decision-making platforms:
The DSS should also be empowered with a variety of techniques to identify the
most effective methodologies for continuous feedback and interactive stakeholder
input into the knowledge base. Different mathematical and computational tools
should be considered in the various modules of the system, such as:
• Use of Bayesian decision theory to incorporate new data into the proba-
bilistic decision process
• Use of fuzzy set theory to assign membership functions based on the
opinion of the stakeholder, the analyst, and the decision maker about a
given situation
Introduction 19
Chow, V. T., Maidment, D. R., and Mays, L. W., Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, New York,
Kottegoda, N. T. and Rosso, R., Statistics, Probability, and Reliability for Civil and Environ-
mental Engineers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.
Loucks, D. P., Surface water resources systems, in Water Resources Handbook, Mays, L. W.,
Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996, chap. 15.
Loucks, D. P., Stedinger, J. R., and Haith, D. A., Water Resources Systems Planning and
Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1981.
National Research Council, Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences, National Academy
Press, Washington, D.C., 1991.
Shahin, M., Van Oorschot, H. J. L., and De Lange, S. J. D., Statistical Analysis in Water
Resources Engineering, Applied Hydrology Monographs, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1993.
Shiklomanov, I., World fresh water resources, in Water in Crisis, Gleick, P., Ed., Oxford
University Press, New York, 1993, chap. 2.
Simonovic, S. P., Tools for water management: one view of the future, Water Int., 25(1),
76–78, 2000.
Stohr, E. A. and Konsynski, B. R., Information Systems and Decision Processes, IEEE
Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1992.
White, I. D., Mottershead, D. N., and Harrison, S. J. (1992), Environmental Systems: An
Introductory Text, Second ed., Chapman & Hall, New York.
World Resources Institute, World Resources: A Guide to the Global Environment, a joint
publication by The World Resources Institute, The United Nations Environment
Program, The United Nations Development Program, and The World Bank, Oxford
University Press, New York, 1998.
Yakowitz, S., Dynamic programming applications in water resources, Water Resources Res.,
18(4), 673–696, 1982.
Yeh, W., Reservoir management and operation models: a state-of-the-art review, Water
Resources Res., 21(12), 1797–1818, 1985.
2 Decision Making:
Optimization and
Conflict Resolution
In our private and professional lives, decisions must often be made, and decision-
making tools are commonly used in the quantitative sciences. This chapter gives an
introduction to the major methods and concepts of this very important scientific field.
Decision making is the science of choice. Selecting the best technology for a
particular application, developing flood protection alternatives, and optimizing the
operation of a reservoir are all problems of choice. The first element of any decision-
making problem is the decision maker. For a particular problem, we might have a
single person who is responsible for deciding what to do, or several people or
organizations may be involved in the decision-making process. In the first case, we
have only one decision maker; in the second case, multiple decision makers. When
more than one decision maker is present, then they might have different priorities,
objectives, and desires, thus no decision outcome is likely to satisfy every decision
maker. In such cases, a collective decision has to be made, and the outcome depends
on how the different decision makers take the interests of others into account. In
other words, the outcome depends on their willingness to cooperate with each other.
The options from which the selection is made are called alternatives and the set
of all possible alternatives is called the decision space. In many cases, the decision
space has a finite number of elements. For example, selecting a technology from
four possibilities results in a decision space with four elements. In many other cases,
the decision alternatives are characterized by decision variables that represent certain
values about which we are making a decision. For example, reservoir capacity can
be any real value between the smallest and largest possibility. If the decision space
is finite, then the decision-making problem is discrete, and if the decision alternatives
are characterized by continuous variables then the problem is continuous.
All decision-making problems are faced with limitations resulting from financial
considerations and technological, social, and environmental restrictions, among oth-
ers. These limitations are called the constraints of the problem. The alternatives
satisfying all constraints are feasible, and the set of all feasible alternatives is the
feasible decision space. If the decision space is finite, then the construction of the
feasible decision space is very simple. We have to check the feasibility of each
22 Water Resources Systems Analysis
H = f ( x ) x ∈ X}
is called the criterion space. Notice that the elements of X show the decision choices,
and the elements of H give the consequences of the choices in terms of the values
of the evaluation criterion. We can simply say that X shows what we can do and H
shows what we can get.
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 23
If X is finite and the number of its elements is small, then by comparing the f(x)
values the best alternative can be easily identified. If the number of elements of X
is large or even infinity but X is a discrete set (for example, when it is defined by
decision variables with integer values), then the methods of discrete and combina-
torial optimization are used. This methodology can be found in any textbook of
advanced optimization techniques.
The most simple single-criterion optimization problem with continuous variables
is linear programming. In order to give a general formulation, let n be the number
of the decision variables and x1, x2, …, xn be the decision variables. It is assumed
that the criterion and all constraints are linear. The criterion is sometimes also called
the objective function, and it is assumed to have the form:
f ( x ) = c1 x1 + c2 x2 + ... + cn xn = c T x (2.1)
⎡ x1 ⎤
⎢x ⎥
⎢ 2⎥
x=⎢⋅ ⎥ (2.2)
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ xn ⎥⎦
It is also assumed that all constraints are linear and all decision variables are
nonnegative. If any of the decision variables have only negative values, then by
introducing the new variable:
xi− = − xi (2.3)
⎧⎪ xi if xi ≥ 0
xi+ = ⎨ (2.4)
⎪⎩0 otherwise
⎧⎪− xi if xi < 0
xi− = ⎨ (2.5)
⎪⎩0 otherwise,
24 Water Resources Systems Analysis
ai1 x1 + ai 2 x2 + .... + ain xn or bi (2.8)
Next we show that all constraints can be rewritten as less than or equal to (≤)
types of conditions. If it is a ⬉-type constraint, then we have nothing to do. Con-
straints with ≥ inequalities can be multiplied by –1, and then the ≥ inequality changes
to ≤. Equality constraint (2.7) is equivalent to two inequality constraints:
By repeating the above procedure for all variables and constraints, if necessary,
the resulting problem will have only nonnegative variables and ≤ type of inequalities
in the constraints. Hence, any linear programming problem can be rewritten in this
way to its primal form:
Maximize c1 x1 + c2 x2 + ⋯ + cn xn
Note that when the objective function represents cost or contained pollutant amount,
for example, smaller objective values represent better choices. In such cases, the
objective function is minimized. In the above formulation, we assume maximization,
as minimization problems can be rewritten into maximization problems by multi-
plying the objective function by –1.
In the very simple case of two decision variables, Eq. (2.9) can be solved by
the graphical approach. As an illustration, consider the following example.
Example 2.1
x1, x2 ≥ 0 (2.10)
x1 + x2 ≤ 1000 (2.11)
The condition that the third technology cannot be used in more than 50% of the
treated wastewater requires that
1000 − x1 − x2 ≤ 500
that is,
x1 + x2 ≥ 500 (2.12)
x1 + 2 x2 + 3(1000 − x1 − x2 )
which has to be at least 1.5 g/m3 of the total 1000 m3 being treated, so:
x1 + 2 x2 + 3(1000 − x1 − x2 ) ≥ 1500
2 x1 + x2 ≤ 1500. (2.13)
26 Water Resources Systems Analysis
5 x1 + 3 x2 + 2(1000 − x1 − x2 ) = 3 x1 + x2 + 2000
Maximize f = −3 x1 − x2
Subject to x1, x2 ≥ 0
x1 + x2 ≤ 1000
− x1 − x2 ≤ −500
2 x1 + x2 ≤ 1500
f(500,0) = –1500
f(750,0) = –2250
f(500,500) = –2000
f(0,1000) = –1000
f(0,500) = –500
and because –500 is the largest value, the optimal decision is x1 = 0, x2 = 500, and
1000 – x1 – x2 = 500. The minimal cost is, therefore, 3x1 + x2 + 2000 = $2500.
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 27
(0,500) (500,500)
(500,0) (750,0) (1000,0) (1500,0)
X 1+X2=1000
X 1+X2=500
2X 1+X2=1500
In the case of more than two decision variables, the graphical representation of
the feasible decision space is impossible. A computational method known as the
simplex method performs a systematic search on the vertices of the feasible decision
space until the optimal vertex is found.
The concept of the simplex method can be summarized as follows: Any vertex
of the feasible decision space corresponds to a basis of the column space of the
coefficient matrix of the linear constraints. The variables associated with the col-
umns of the basis are called basic variables. It can be shown that moving from one
vertex to any of its neighbors is equivalent to exchanging one of the basic variables
with a non-basic variable. In the simplex method, it is always guaranteed that in
each step the objective function increases, which can be ensured by the following
28 Water Resources Systems Analysis
conditions. Let aij be the (i,j) element of the coefficient matrix; bi , the ith right-hand
side number; and cj, the coefficient of xj in the objective function. Then, xi is replaced
by xj if cj > 0, aij > 0, and
bi ⎧⎪ b ⎫⎪
= min l ⎨ l ⎬
aij ⎩⎪ alj ⎭⎪
An initial basic can be found by introducing artificial variables to all ≥ and = type
of constraints. For ≤ type of constraints, the slack variables play the same roles. In
the first phase of the simplex method, all artificial variables are removed from the
basis by successive exchanges, after which we have an initial feasible basic solution
that is then successively improved in the second phase of the simplex method until
optimum is reached. Many professional software packages implement the simplex
method, so it is often used in practical applications.
In solving large-scale linear programming problems, we often encounter spe-
cially structured coefficient matrices. The most common structure is as follows:
Example 2.2
For illustrative purposes, consider the previous example but assume that instead of
minimizing the linear function 3x1 + x2, a nonlinear function:
f ( x ) = x12 + x22
is minimized. In order to find the feasible solution that minimizes this objective
function, we first illustrate the solutions, which give certain special objective function
values. The points with zero objective function values satisfy the equation:
f ( x ) = x12 + x22 = 0
when the only solution is x1 = x2 = 0, or the origin. Points with an objective function
value of 10,000 satisfy the equation:
which is a circle with the origin at its center and a radius of 100. This circle has no
feasible point, so 10,000 is a too small value for the objective function. By increasing
the value of f(x), we always get a similar circle with the same center, but with
increasing radius (see Figure 2.2). By increasing the radius of the circle, we see that
the smallest feasible radius occurs when the circle and the line x1 + x2 = 500 just
touch each other. The tangent point is (250,250), which is therefore the optimal
solution of the problem. In more complicated and higher dimensional cases, com-
puter software must be used, and several professional packages are available to
perform this task.
The most popular nonlinear optimization method is linearization, where all
nonlinear constraints as well as the objective function are linearized if necessary.
The resulting linear programming problem is then solved by the simplex method.
Let g(x1, …, xn) be the left-hand side of a constraint or the objective function.
Furthermore, let ( x10, …, xn0 ) be a feasible solution. Then, the linear approximation
of g is given by the linear Taylor’s polynomial:
∑ ∂x ( x ,..., x )( x − x )
g( x1,..., xn ) ≈ g( x10 ,..., xn0 ) + 0
n r
r =1 r
If all nonlinear constraints and, if necessary, the objective function are linearized
around the point ( x10, …, xn0 ) and the optimal solution of the resulting linear pro-
gramming problem is ( x11, …, xn1 ), then the original problem is linearized again
around this solution and the new linear programming problem is solved. In this
way, an iteration procedure is obtained, and it is known from the theory of
nonlinear programming that the solutions of the successive linear programming
problems converge to the solution of the original nonlinear optimization problem
30 Water Resources Systems Analysis
500 1000 1500
under reasonable conditions. For more details of nonlinear programming, see, for
example, Hadley (1964) or Mangasarian (1962).
H = {( f1 ( x ), ⋯, fI ( x )) x ∈ X} (2.15)
is called the criteria space and shows what we can get by selecting different
Example 2.3
Assume that selection has to be made from four available technologies to perform
a certain task. These technologies are evaluated by their costs and convenience of
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 31
Data for Discrete Problem
Technology Cost Convenience
1 –3.0 70
2 –3.5 90
3 –3.8 95
4 –3.2 85
usage. The cost data are given in $1000 units, and the convenience of usage is
measured in a subjective scale between 0 and 100, where 100 is the best possible
measure. The data are given in Table 2.1. We multiplied the cost data by –1 in order
to maximize both criteria.
Similar to the single-criterion case, the criteria are sometimes called the objective
functions. The criteria space has four isolated points, in this case as shown in
Figure 2.3. It is clear that none of the points dominates any other point, as lower
cost is always accompanied by lower convenience; that is, increasing any objective
should result in decreasing the other one. Therefore, any one of the four technologies
could be accepted as the solution.
32 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Example 2.4
Consider now a modified version of our earlier first example. Assume that two
pollutants are removed by a combination of three alternative technologies. These
technologies remove 3, 2, and 1 g/m3 of the first pollutant and 2, 1, and 3 g/m3 of
the second pollutant. The total amount of the two pollutants removed is:
3 x1 + 2 x2 + 1(1000 − x1 − x2 ) = 2 x1 + x2 + 1000
2 x1 + x2 + 3(1000 − x1 − x2 ) = − x1 − 2 x2 + 3000
Maximize f1 ( x ) = 2 x1 + x2 , f2 ( x ) = − x1 − 2 x2
Subject to x1, x2 ≥ 0
x1 + x2 ≤ 1000.
f1 = 2 x1 + x2 and f2 = − x1 − 2 x2 .
we have
2 f1 + f2 − f − 2 f2
x1 = and x2 = 1 .
3 3
2 f1 + f2 − f1 − 2 f2
≥ 0 and ≥0
3 3
that is,
2 f1 + f2 ≥ 0 and f1 + 2 f2 ≤ 0.
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 33
2 f1 + f2 − f1 − 2 f2
+ ≤ 1000
3 3
2 f1 + f2 ≥ 0
f1 + 2 f2 ≤ 0 (2.17)
f1 − f2 ≤ 3000
and is illustrated in Figure 2.5. Notice that H is the triangle with vertices (0,0),
(1000, –2000), and (2000,–1000), and the points on the linear segment connecting
the vertices (0,0) and (2000,–1000) cannot be dominated by any point of H because
none of the objectives can be improved without worsening the other. This, however,
does not hold for the other points of H when both objectives can be improved
simultaneously. Therefore, all points between (0,0) and (2000,–1000) can be
accepted as the best solutions.
34 Water Resources Systems Analysis
H (2000,-1000)
Example 2.5
Consider again the problem given in Example 2.3 and represented by Table 2.1. If
cost is more important than convenience, then the least expensive alternative, which
is technology 1, is selected. If convenience is more important, then the third tech-
nology alternative is chosen. Note that the other two nondominated technologies,
alternatives 2 and 4, cannot be chosen by this method.
Example 2.6
In the case of Example 2.4 and Figure 2.5 we have a similar situation. If f1 is more
important than f2, then point (2000,–1000) is the choice with decision variables:
2 f1 + f2 − f − 2 f2
x1 = = 1000 and x2 = 1 =0
3 3
If f2 is the more important objective, then the point (0,0) is the choice, and the
2 f1 + f2 − f − 2 f2
x1 = = 0 and x2 = 1 =0
3 3
is made, in which case only the third alternative pollutant removal technology is used.
36 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Maximize f1 ( x )
Subject to x ∈X
f2 ( x ) ≥ ε 2 (2.18)
fI ( x ) ≥ ε I
Example 2.7
In the case of Example 2.3, assume that cost is more important than convenience,
but we want to have at least 90 in convenience. This means that technologies 1 and
4 are not feasible, but technologies 2 and 3 both satisfy these minimal requirements.
The less expensive among these two remaining alternatives is technology 2, so that
is our choice.
Example 2.8
Assume that in Example 2.4, f1 is the more important objective, but we require that
f2 ≥ –500. With this additional constraint, the criteria space is further reduced to its
subset, which has only such points that satisfy this additional condition. The reduced
set is shown in Figure 2.6. If f1 is maximized on the reduced criteria space, then the
point (1000,–500) is obtained with decision variables:
2 f1 + f2 − f − 2 f2
x1 = = 500 and x2 = 1 =0
3 3
That is, pollutant removal technologies 1 and 3 are used at an equal rate.
some subjective basis or are obtained by some rigorous method such as pair-wise
comparisons. It is assumed that ci > 0 for all i, and
∑c = 1 .
i =1
When applying the weighting method, the composite objective is a weighted average
of all objectives, where the weights are the relative importance factors (c1, …, cI ).
Hence, the single objective optimization problem:
Maximize c1 f1 ( x ) + c2 f2 ( x ) + ... + cI fI ( x )
Subject to x ∈X (2.19)
is solved. The method in this form presents a major difficulty. First, the different
objectives have different units. For example, cost is measured in dollars, convenience
38 Water Resources Systems Analysis
0 mi Mi
fi ( x ) − mi
fi ( x ) = (2.20)
Mi − mi
In many practical cases, the decision makers are able to provide a utility function
to each objective that shows their satisfaction levels for the different values of that
objective. Such a function is illustrated in Figure 2.7, where mi gives the least
satisfaction level (0) and Mi gives the highest satisfaction level (1, or 100%). Then,
objective fi is replaced by the corresponding utility value:
f i ( x ) = ui ( fi ( x )) (2.21)
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 39
ui ( fi ) = ( fi − mi ) / ( Mi − mi )
We always require that the lowest possible utility value be 0 and the highest 1,
so fi ( x ) ∈[0,1] for all x ∈ X. Then, Eq. (2.19) can be modified:
Maximize c1 f 1 ( x ) + c2 f 2 ( x ) + ... + cI f I ( x )
Subject to x ∈X (2.22)
In this new composite objective, only dimensionless values are added, and the linear
combination of the normalized objectives can be interpreted as an average satisfac-
tion level based on all objectives.
Example 2.9
Assume that in Example 2.3 the decision makers consider $4000 as the worst
possible cost, and they believe that a cost of $3000 would give them 100% satis-
faction. Then m1 = –4, and M1 = –3, and, if linear utility function is assumed between
these values, then the linearization is based on the linear transformation:
f1 + 4
f 1=
−3 + 4
so the cost values in Table 2.1 must be modified accordingly. The convenience data
are already given in satisfaction levels (in %), so these numbers are divided by 100
to transform them into the unit interval [0,1]. The normalized table is provided in
Table 2.2.
Normalized Objectives for Discrete Problem
Technology Cost Convenience
1 1.0 0.70
2 0.5 0.90
3 0.2 0.95
4 0.8 0.85
40 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Example 2.10
Consider again the problem outlined in Example 2.4. From Figure 2.5, we see that
the smallest values of the objectives are m1 = 0 and m2 = –2000; the largest values
are M1 = 2000 and M2 = 0. If the simple normalization is performed, then the new
objectives are:
f1 ( x ) f ( x ) + 2000
f 1( x ) = and f 2 ( x ) = 2
2000 2000
The modified criteria space can be obtained by transforming the vertices and con-
structing the convex hull generated by the new vertices. Notice that by using the
above transformation we have:
(0, 0) ֏ (0,1)
(1000, −2000) ֏ (0.5, 0)
(2000, −1000) ֏ (1, 0.5)
These new vertices and the transformed criteria space H are illustrated in Figure
2.8. Assume next that equal importance is assigned to the objectives c1 = c2 = 0.5.
Then, we minimize 0.5 f1 + 0.5 f2 over the set H. It is easy to see that the vertex
(1,0.5) gives the highest composite objective value. The values of the original
objectives can be easily obtained by solving the following equations:
f1 f + 2000
f1 = = 1 and f 2 = 2 = 0.5
2000 2000
which yields f1 = 2000 and f2 = –1000. The decision variables are then obtained:
2 f1 + f2 − f − 2 f2
x1 = = 1000 and x2 = 1 =0
3 3
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 41
H (1,0.5)
(0.5,0) 1
Maximize t
Subject to f * + t∨ ∈ H
The graphical representation of this method is shown in Figure 2.9. Starting from
point f *, we move in direction of ∨ as far as possible. This method has two major
difficulties. First, the obtained solution might be dominated, so the result cannot be
accepted in such cases. Figure 2.10 shows this possibility. Second, this method
42 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Optimal Solution
-f *
FIGURE 2.9 Illustration of the direction-based method.
cannot be applied for discrete problems, as there is usually no other feasible point
along the path we move in the improvement.
Example 2.11
Consider again the criteria space shown in Figure 2.5. Assume f * is selected as the
vector having the smallest values of the objectives in the components; f * =
(0,–2000). If the two objectives have to be improved equally, then ∨ = (1,1). The
graphical solution of problem (2.23) is shown in Figure 2.11. The solution is the
intercept of the two lines with equations:
f2 = f1 − 2000 and f1 + 2 f2 = 0
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 43
H -f *
- optimal solution that
is dominated
4000 2000
f1 = and f2 = −
3 3
2 f1 + f2 − f − 2 f2
x1 = ≈ 666.67 and x2 = 1 =0
3 3
1000 2000
Optimal Solution
-f *
given point and ∨ > 0 be the given direction of relaxation. Equation (2.23) is now
modified as:
Minimize t
Subject to f * − t∨ ∈ H
Example 2.12
In the case of the previous example select f * = (2000,0) and ∨ = (1,1). Then, the
line of relaxation coincides with the line of improvement, so the optimal solution
is the same as in the previous example.
f ( x) = f *
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 45
-f *
Optimal Solution
FIGURE 2.12 Illustration of problem (2.24).
Otherwise, we are looking for the feasible point that has minimal distance from the
ideal point. If ρ( f ( x ), f * ) denotes the distance between points f (x) and f *, then
this concept can be mathematically modeled as the single-objective optimization
Minimize ρ( f ( x ), f ∗ )
Subject to x ∈X
The graphical illustration of this method is very similar to Figure 2.12, where the
optimal solution has the smallest distance from the ideal point. In practical applica-
tions, one of the following distances is usually used:
46 Water Resources Systems Analysis
ρ1 ( f ( x ), f = ∑ c f ( x) − f
i =1
i i i
ρ2 ( f ( x ), f ) = ∑ c ( f ( x) − f )
i =1
i i i
∗ 2
ρ∞ ( f ( x ), f ∗ ) = max ci fi ( x ) − fi∗
} (2.28)
where c1, c2, …, cI are given positive weights and f1* , f2* ,…, fI * are the components
of f *. The ρ1 distance represents full compensation among the objectives, as a unit
increase in | fi ( x ) − fi* | can be compensated by ci /cj units of | f j ( x ) − f j * | in order
to have the same distance. In the case of distance, ρ2 partial compensation is
assumed. The compensating amounts are proportional to the quantities, and in the
case of ρ∞ no compensation is assumed, as only the largest value of ci | fi ( x ) − fi* |
affects the distance. Smaller values do not count, so they can have any smaller values
without changing the distance. Because weights are included in the distance func-
tions, the objective functions are usually normalized in a way similar to the weighting
Example 2.13
Consider again the normalized discrete problem of Example 2.9. Assume f * = (1,1)
and equal weights are selected. By selecting the ρ1 distance we have:
The smallest distance occurs in the first case, so the first alternative is selected.
Example 2.14
We will consider now the normalized criteria space shown in Figure 2.8. Let the
ideal point be selected again as f * = (1,1), and let us choose the ρ∞ distance with
equal weights. In this case, we have the following nonlinear programming problem:
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 47
⎧ 2x + x 2000 − x1 − 2 x2 ⎫
Minimize max ⎨1 − 1 2 , 1 − ⎬
⎩ 2000 2000 ⎭
Subject to x1, x2 ≥ 0
x1 + x2 ≤ 1000
where we used the normalizing equations derived in Example 2.10. This is a non-
linear optimization problem; however, we are able to rewrite it as a higher dimen-
sional linear programming problem. If we introduce the variable M for the objective
function, then:
2 x1 + x2 2000 − x1 − 2 x2
1− ≤ M and 1 − ≤M
2000 2000
2 x1 + x2 2000 − x1 − 2 x2
−M ≤ 1 − ≤ M and − M ≤ 1 − ≤M
2000 2000
2 x1 + x2 − 2000 M ≤ 1
2 x1 + x2 + 2000 M ≥ 1
x1 + 2 x2 + 2000 M ≥ −1
x1 + 2 x2 − 2000 M ≤ −1
Minimize M
Subject to x1, x2 ≥ 0
x1 + x2 ≤ 1000
2 x1 + x2 − 2000 M ≤ 1
2 x1 + x2 + 2000 M ≥ 1
x1 + 2 x2 + 2000 M ≥ −1
x1 + 2 x2 − 2000 M ≤ −1
48 Water Resources Systems Analysis
x1 = ≈ 666.67 and x2 = 0
In some applications, an ideally worst point is given and the feasible point that
is as far as possible from this point in the criteria space is selected. If f * denotes
this point, then this concept can be mathematically modeled as follows:
Maximize ρ( f ( x ), f ∗ )
Subject to x ∈ X (2.29)
ci ≥ 0 and ∑c = 1
i =1
In the case of plurality voting, we compute for each alternative the total weight
for those decision makers who consider the alternative to be the best, and the alter-
native with the largest such number is selected as the common choice. Mathematically,
this method can be described as follows. For each alternative, we first compute:
Ak = ∑ c f (a ) (k = 1,…, n)
i =1
i ik (2.30)
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 49
Input for Social Choice
Decision Makers 1 2 … n Weights
⎧⎪1 if aik = 1
f ( x) = ⎨
⎪⎩0 otherwise,
Bk = Σ ci aik (2.32)
i =1
The Hare system is based on the successive deletion of less desirable alternatives.
First, we check to see if an alternative is selected as being the best with total weights
of at least 0.5; this alternative is the social choice, and the procedure terminates.
Otherwise, the alternative with the smallest such total weight is deleted, the table is
adjusted, and we go back to the first step and check again. If one among the remaining
alternatives has a total weight of at least 0.5 for its rankings of being best, then this
alternative is the social choice. Otherwise, we delete an alternative again. This
procedure continues until in the first step we have a clear choice. First we compute
A1, …, An by using Eq. (2.30). If, for a k, Ak ≥ 0.5, then alternative k becomes the
social choice. Otherwise, let:
50 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Then, we go back to the first step, computing again the new Ak numbers.
When applying pair-wise comparisons, the decision makers first have to agree
on the order of comparisons. Let k1, k2, …, kn be the order, which is a permutation
of integers 1, 2, …, n. Alternatives k1 and k2 are compared first by computing the
total weight of the decision makers who prefer alternative k1 to k2. If this total weight
is at least 0.5, then k1 is considered better than k2; otherwise, k2 is considered better
than k1. Then, the winner is compared to k3. The winner of this comparison is
compared to k4, and so on. The winner of the last comparison is considered to be
the social choice. When comparing two alternatives k and l we compute the value
N(k,l). Alternative k is considered better than l if N(k,l) ≥ 0.5:
N (k, l ) = Σ ci aik < ail
} (2.36)
Example 2.15
Assume that five decision makers have to choose the best design plan for a water
resources project. The data are given in Table 2.4. The last column shows that
decision makers 1 and 2 have higher priorities than the third, who is more important
than the fourth and fifth decision makers. In applying plurality voting, we first
Because A2 is the largest value, the second plan is considered to be the social choice.
For a Borda count we compute the Bk values:
The smallest value occurs at the fourth alternative, so it is the social choice again.
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 51
Data for Example 2.15
Decision Makers (1 2 3 4) Weights
1 3 1 2 4 0.3
2 1 4 3 2 0.3
3 4 3 2 1 0.2
4 2 3 4 1 0.1
5 4 1 2 3 0.1
Modified Data for Example 2.15
Decision Makers (1 2 4) Weights
1 2 1 3 0.3
2 1 3 2 0.3
3 3 2 1 0.2
4 2 3 1 0.1
5 3 1 2 0.1
When applying the Hare system, we again consider the Ak numbers computed
in plurality voting. Because none of these values is at least 0.5, no choice is made.
The smallest value occurs at the third alternative, so it is deleted. The modified table
is shown in Table 2.5.
We recompute first the Ak values from the modified table:
None of these values is at least 0.5, so no clear choice is made. A1 and A4 are
both the smallest, so we delete one of them (say, alternative A4) from the table. The
new table is given in Table 2.6. Because A1 = 0.4 and A2 = 0.6, the second alternative
is the social choice.
Assume that in applying pair-wise comparisons the decision makers agree in
the order 1, 2, 3, and 4. Alternatives 1 and 2 are compared first:
Second Modified Table for Example 2.15
Decision Makers (1 2) Weights
1 2 1 0.3
2 1 2 0.3
3 2 1 0.2
4 1 2 0.1
5 2 1 0.1
which shows that no preference exists between these alternatives. However, in the
comparison order the decision makers wanted to bring alternative 3 into the sequence
of comparisons later than alternative 2, so they gave higher priority to the third
alternative. Therefore, it is compared to the last one:
Therefore, the fourth alternative is the social choice. The interested reader may find
more details of voting and social choice procedures in Taylor (1995).
H = u u ∈ R I , u = (ui ), ui = fi ( x ) with some x ∈ X }
It is also assumed that when the decision makers are unable to reach an agree-
ment, all decision makers will get low objective function values. Let di denote this
value for decision-maker i, and let d = (d1, d2, …, dI ); therefore, the conflict is
completely defined by the pair (H,d), where H is the set of all possible outcomes
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 53
and d represents the outcomes if no agreement is reached. Thus, any solution of the
conflict depends on both H and d. Let the solution be denoted as a function of H
and d: ϕ (H,d). It is assumed that the solution function satisfies the following
Before presenting the method for finding the solution that satisfies these prop-
erties, some remarks are in order. The feasibility condition requires that the decision
makers cannot get more than the amount available. No decision maker would agree
to an outcome that is worse than the amount he would get anyway without the
agreement. This property is given in condition 2. The requirement that the solution
must be nondominated shows that no better possibility is available for all. The fourth
requirement says that if certain possibilities become not feasible but the solution
remains feasible, then the solution must not change. If any of the decision makers
changes the unit of his objective, then a linear transformation is performed on H.
The fifth property requires that the solution must remain the same. The last require-
ment shows a certain kind of fairness by stating that if two decision makers have
the same outcome possibilities and the same disagreement outcome, then there is
no reason to distinguish among them in the final solution.
If H is convex, closed, and bounded, and there is at least one f ∈ H such that
f > d, then there is a unique solution f * = ϕ( H , d ) , which can be obtained as the
unique solution of the following optimization problem:
Maximize ( f1 − d1 ) ( f2 − d2 ) ... ( fI − d I )
Subject to fi ≥ di (i = 1, 2,…, I )
f = ( f1,…, fI ) ∈ H
54 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The objective function is called the Nash product. Notice that this method can be
considered as a special distance-based method when the geometric distance is max-
imized from the disagreement point d.
Example 2.16
Consider again the discrete problem given earlier in Table 2.1. Assume that cost and
convenience are the objectives of two different decision makers. Assume that d =
(–4,50), where –4 is considered as the worst possibility of cost and 50 is the worst
possibility for convenience. The values of the Nash products for the four alternatives
are as follows:
Because the last alternative gives the largest value, the fourth technology variant is
considered to be the solution.
Example 2.17
Consider next the continuous example shown in Figure 2.5, and assume that f1 and
f2 are the objectives of two decision makers, such as might occur when the removal
of two kinds of pollutants is controlled by two different officials. Assume that d =
(0,–2000) is the worst value of the two objectives. In this case, Eq. (2.37) can be
rewritten as:
Maximize f1 ( f2 + 2000)
Subject to ( f1 , f2 ) ∈ H
A simple computer study shows that the optimal solution is:
2 f1 + f2 − f1 − 2 f2
x1 = = 1000, x2 = =0
3 3
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 55
In many practical cases, conflict resolution is needed when the decision makers have
different powers. In such cases, problem (2.37) becomes:
( f1 − d1 ) ( f2 − d2 ) ... ( f1 − dI ) I
c1 c2 c
Maximize (2.38)
Subject to fi ≥ di (i = 1, 2, ..., I )
( f1,…, fI ) ∈ H
Here, (c1, c2, …, cI) show the relative powers of the decision makers. The solution
of this problem is usually called the nonsymmetric Nash bargaining solution.
Conflict resolution is a special chapter in game theory, so any text or monograph
on game theory is a potential source for further details. See, for example, Forgo
et al. (1999).
xt +1 = f t( xt , ut ) (t = 0,1,…, T − 1) (2.39)
where ft : X × U → X is a given function, and X and U are the state space and control
space, respectively. It is assumed that at each time period an objective function
gt(xt ,ut) is given that is real valued, and we are looking for a sequence of controls
(u0, u1, …, uT) such that an overall objective:
∑ g (x , u )
t =0
t t t (2.40)
is optimal.
Without loss of generality, we may assume that function (2.40) is minimized;
otherwise, we have to multiply it by –1. This problem can be solved as a nonlinear
programming problem:
56 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Minimize ∑ g (x ,u )
t =0
t t t
Subject to xt ∈ X ,⎫⎪
⎬ t = 0,1,..., T (2.41)
ut ∈U ⎭⎪
xt +1 = ft ( xt , ut ), t = 0,1,..., T − 1
In most applications, this problem has many decision variables and constraints, so
its direct solution presents some computational difficulties. Instead of solving one
large-scale problem, the dynamic programming (DP) procedure solves many smaller
sized problems. The most popular DP method computes a sequence of optimal return
functions VT (x), VT–1(x), …, V0(x) using the recursive equation:
Vt ( x ) = min{ ft ( x, u) + Vt +1 ( ft ( x, u))}
u ∈U
with the initial term VT+1(x) = 0 for all x ∈ X. Let u(x) denote the optimizer of the
right-hand side of Eq. (2.42), and let x0 denote the initial state. Then, it can be proved
that the sequence:
x 0* = x 0
Example 2.18
Assume x0 = 0; the state transition relation is:
xt +1 = xt + ut , t = 0,1,..., T ,
In this case:
VT ( x ) = min gT ( x, u) = min( x − u + 1) 2 + x 2
u u
showing that:
uT ( x ) = x + 1, and VT ( x ) = x 2
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 57
VT −1 ( x ) = min ( x − u + 1)2 + x 2 + ( x + u)2
) }
= min 3 x 2 + 2u 2 + 2 x − 2u + 1 = 3 x 2 + 2 x +
} 1
uT −1 ( x ) = ,
u ⎩
( )
VT −2 ( x ) = min ⎧⎨ ( x − u + 1) 2 + x 2 + 3( x + u) 2 + 2( x + u) + ⎫⎬
with UT–2(x)= –x/2. This recursive reasoning should continue until u0(x) is obtained,
and then the optimal decision sequence is obtained by Eq. (2.43).
In most applications, the optimization problem shown in Eq. (2.42) cannot be
solved analytically, so functions Vt(x) and ut(x) can be determined only numerically.
For such cases, discrete dynamic programming (DDP) is used, where the state and
decision spaces are discretized: X = {x ( i )} and U = {u( j )}. In this discrete case, recur-
sive Eq. (2.42) is replaced by its discrete counterpart:
∧ ∧
V t ( x ( i ) ) = min ⎧⎨ ft ( x ( i ) , u ( j ) ) + V t +1 ( ft ( x ( i ) , u ( j ) ))⎫⎬ (2.44)
j ⎩ ⎭
with the initial term VˆT +1 ( x ( i ) ) = 0 for all i. The difficulty in applying this procedure
is that ft ( x ( i ) , u( j ) ), which represents the new state, does not need to be among the
discrete nodes. This problem can be overcome by using an interpolation technique
between the nodes. The main problem of using this method is known as the curse of
dimensionality. As an illustration, assume that T = 10, and the state space is discretized
into 10 levels in each of its 10 components. Then, the total number of nodes is 1010.
Therefore, DDP is used for only up to four or five decision and state variables.
In order to overcome the problem of dimensionality, successive approximation
algorithms were developed, the most highly regarded techniques being differential
dynamic programming (DIFF DP), discrete differential dynamic programming
(DDDP), and state incremental dynamic programming (IDP). When applying any
of these methods, an initial approximation of the optimal policy must be given by
the user, and this approximate solution is improved in each step until convergence
58 Water Resources Systems Analysis
occurs. However, as is usually the case in nonconvex optimization, the limit can be
only a local optimum or the approximating sequence is divergent.
For the sake of simplicity let {xt} and {ut} denote the sequence of states and
decisions of any iteration step and let {xtnew}, {utnew} be the successor obtained by
applying an iteration step. In the case of DDDP, a discrete dynamic programming
algorithm is used with the additional condition that for all t,
xt − xtnew ∞
<ε (2.45)
where ε > 0 is a specified tolerance level, and … ∞ is the maximum norm of the
vectors. The additional constraints vastly reduce the number of discrete decision
variable values which has to be tested in each step. However, iteration steps are
repeated many times. Constraint (2.45) can also be described as the optimum of
problem (2.44), which is determined only in a corridor of width ε centered about
the predecessor. When applying IDP, we require that for all t,
xtnew = xt + α t ei (2.46)
where ei is the ith basis vector, so xtnew differs from xt only in its ith coordinate.
This additional constraint reduces the solution of optimization problem (2.42) to a
one-dimensional line search. This procedure is very effective if the state transition
relation is invertible in ut; that is, there is a function ht : X × X ֏ U such that
Eq. (2.39) is equivalent to the following equation:
ht ( xt , xt +1 ) = ut (2.47)
⎧⎪ ⎫⎪
( )
∧ ∧
V t (α t ) = min ⎨gt xt + α t ei , ht ( xt + α t ei , xt +1 + α t +1e j ) + V t +1 (α t +1 )⎬ (2.48)
α t +1
⎪⎩ ⎪⎭
δxt = xtnew − xt
δut = utnew − ut .
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 59
1 1
QT ( xT , uT ) = D δx 2 + ET δxT δuT + FT δuT2 + GT δxT + HT δuT + KT (2.50)
2 T T 2
where for the sake of simplicity we assume that X and U are one-dimensional sets.
QT is minimal if the first-order condition holds:
ET δxT + FT δuT + HT = 0
implying that:
δuT = − − δx (2.51)
The approximate optimal value function V T ( x T ) is now obtained as:
∧ 1 E2 E H
V T ( xT ) = QT ( xT , uT ( xT )) = ( DT − T )(δxT )2 + (GT − T T )(δxT )
= A (δx )2 + BT (δxT )
2 T T
For t < T, the general step is similar to the previous construct. Assume that the
approximate optimal return function:
∧ 1
V t +1 ( xt +1 ) = A (δx ) 2 + Bt +1 (δxt +1 ) (2.52)
2 t +1 t +1
1 1
Qt ( xt , ut ) = Dt δxt2 + Et δxt δut + Ft δut2 + Gt δxt + Ht δut + Kt (2.53)
2 2
The optimum of this function can be obtained as it is presented in Eq. (2.50), with
T being replaced by t. After this step is continued until t = 0, the successor policy
can be obtained as:
x 0new = x 0 , δ x 0 = 0
60 Water Resources Systems Analysis
and then
Ht Et
δut = − − δxt
Ft Ft
utnew = ut + δut
+1 = ft ( x t
xtnew new
, utnew )
u new − u * < C u − u *
the chromosomes, and the genes (which are the string elements — for example,
bits) within that substring are exchanged. In this way, new offsprings are created to
replace the parent chromosomes. The particular structure of the crossover mechanism
is usually problem specific and produces meaningful and feasible solutions.
There is no guarantee that the new pairs of chromosomes will be better than the
parent chromosomes. To overcome this difficulty, mutations are allowed to occur
which reverse one or more genes in a chromosome. This simple step may reintroduce
certain genes into the solution that may be essential for the optimal solution and
were lost from the breeding population in previous stages. Frequent use of mutations
makes the search more broadly random, resulting in slower convergence of the
By repeating the above steps iteratively, we sequentially replace either the entire
previous population or only the less fit members of it. The cycle of creation, eval-
uation, selection, and manipulation is repeated iteratively until an optimal or an
acceptable solution is reached.
Example 2.19
Assume function f(x) = x – x2 is maximized in the [0,1] interval. First, the decision
space is discretized and each discretized alternative is encoded. For illustration
purposes, we have four-bit representations. The population is given in Table 2.7.
The initial population is selected next. We have chosen six chromosomes as shown
in Table 2.8, which also presents their actual values and the corresponding objective
function values.
The worst objective function values are obtained at 0001 and 1111. A simple
crossover procedure is performed by interchanging the two middle bits to obtain
0111 and 1001. The new population is given in Table 2.9. The worst objective
function value is obtained at 0011, but two chromosomes have the second worst
objective values: 1100 and 0100. Randomly selecting the first, we have the chro-
mosome pair 0011 and 1100. By interchanging their middle bits we get 0101 and
1010. The resulting new population is shown in Table 2.10.
Selecting the pair 0100 and 0101, we cannot use the same crossover procedure
as before, as they have the same middle bits. Because the two chromosomes differ
in only one bit, interchanging any substring of them will result in the same chro-
Population of Chromosomes
0000 0110
0001 1010
0010 1100
0100 0111
1000 1011
0011 1101
0101 1110
1001 1111
62 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Initial Population
Chromosomes Value Objective Function
First Modified Population
Chromosomes Value Objective Function
TABLE 2.10
Second Modified Population
Chromosomes Value Objective Function
mosomes; therefore, mutation will be applied to them. By reversing the first two
bits, we have 1000 and 1001, but the second chromosome is already in the population.
Therefore, mutation is again used to reverse the second bit to obtain 1100. The
resulting modified population is shown in Table 2.11.
It is interesting to see how the best objective function is evolving from population
to population. Starting from the initial table with the value 0.2148, the value
increased to 0.2461 and then remained the same. In Table 2.11 it again increased to
0.25. Because this value is the global optimum, it will not increase in any further
Decision Making: Optimization and Conflict Resolution 63
TABLE 2.11
Third Modified Population
Chromosomes Value Objective Function
2.1 Graphically solve the following linear programming problem:
Minimize 2 x1 + x 2
Subject to x1 , x 2 ≥ 0
x1 + 3 x 2 ≥ 6
3 x1 + x 2 ≥ 6
2.2 Consider the same feasible decision space as in the previous problem and
minimize the nonlinear objective function:
(a) x12 + x 22
(b) x1 x 2 .
2.3 Find the primal form for the following linear programming problem:
Minimize x1 + 2 x2 − x3
Subject to x1, x3 ≥ 3
x1 − x2 + 2 x3 ≥ 2
x1 + x2 = 3
2 x1 − x3 ≤ 5
64 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Maximize f1 = x1 + x 2 , f2 = x1 − x 2
Subject to x1 , x 2 ≥ 0
x1 + 3 x 2 ≤ 6
2 x1 − x 2 ≥ 1
1 0 3
2 1 2
3 2 1
4 3 0
Decision Makers 1 2 3 4 Weights
1 1 3 2 4 0.3
2 4 1 2 3 0.2
3 4 3 2 1 0.2
4 1 4 3 2 0.2
5 3 2 1 4 0.1
x1 , x 2 ≥ 0
2 x1 + x 2 ≤ 4
x1 + 3 x 2 ≤ 6
66 Water Resources Systems Analysis
2.18 Assume that for t = 1, 2, 3, 4, gt (xt, ut) = xt2 + ut, xt ∈[0,1], ut ∈[–1,1],
and for all t, xt+1 = xt + ut + 1. Solve Eq. (2.41) by dynamic programming.
2.19 Repeat Example 2.19 for minimizing f(x) =x2 + x+1 in interval [–1,1].
2.20 Solve problem 2.19 for minimizing x3 – 99x + 6 on the integer points of
interval [0,100]. You may use the binary representation of integers.
Dantzig, G. B., Linear Programming under Uncertainty, Manage. Sci., 1(3), 157–168, 1955.
Dantzig, G. B., Linear Programming and Extensions, Princeton University Press, Princeton,
NJ, 1963.
Forgo, F., Szep, J., and Szidarovszky, F., Introduction to the Theory of Games, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1999.
Goldberg, D. E., Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Add-
ison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989.
Hadley, A., Nonlinear and Dynamic Programming, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1964.
Luce, R. D. and Raiffa, H., Games and Decisions, Wiley, New York, 1967.
Mangasarian, O. L., Nonlinear Programming, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962.
Rubinstein, R. Y., Simulation and Monte Carlo Method, Wiley, New York, 1981.
Szidarovszky, F. M. and Bahill, A. T., Linear Systems Theory, 2nd ed., CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, 1992.
Szidarovszky, F., Gershon, M., and Duckstein, L., Techniques of Multi-Objective Decision
Making in Systems Management, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1986.
Taylor, A. D., Mathematics and Politics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.
Vajda, S., Probabilistic Programming, Wiley, New York, 1972.
Yakowitz, S., Dynamic programming applications in water resources, Water Resources Res.,
18(4), 673–696, 1982.
3 Decision Making under
This chapter is devoted mainly to the elements of probabilistic and statistical meth-
odology and their use in modeling risk and uncertainty. We have also included a
special section on neural networks, which are the most popular tools when models
are uncertain or if no physical model is available.
In all fields of natural resources management, we face uncertainty arising from
natural phenomena that cannot be predicted accurately. Any prediction is uncertain,
and in the mathematical modeling of hydrological and water resources systems this
uncertainty has to be taken into account. Of the two primary ways to model uncer-
tainty, one method is based on considering all uncertain elements as random variables
and on the use of probabilistic and statistical models. The other approach is based
on the theory of fuzzy sets, where uncertainty is modeled by membership functions.
This chapter provides an introduction to this very important methodology.
68 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Example 3.1
The Bernoulli variable has two possible values: 1 and 0, with probabilities p1 =
P(X = 1) = p and p0 = P(X = 0) = q (= 1 – p). For any random event A we can assign
a Bernoulli variable X = 1 if A occurs; otherwise, X = 0, and p1 = P(X = 1) = P(A) = p
and p0 = P(X = 0) = 1 – p.
Example 3.2
⎛ n⎞
pk = P( X = k ) = ⎜ ⎟ p k q n−k
⎝ k⎠
Example 3.3
Assume that an experiment is repeated independently, and an event A has the same
p probability in each case. Let X denote the number of repeats until A first occurs.
The possible values of X are 1, 2, 3, … (until infinity), and pk = P(X = k) = q k–1p,
where q = 1 – p as before. This variable is geometric.
Example 3.4
Consider again the model of the previous example, and let r ≥ 1 be a given positive
integer. Now, let X denote the number of trials until A occurs r times. Clearly, the
case of r = 1 coincides with the geometric variable. The possible values of X are r,
r + 1, r + 2, … (until infinity), and
⎛ k − 1⎞ k −r r
pk = P( X = k ) = ⎜ ⎟q p
⎝ r − 1⎠
Example 3.5
Assume a box contains N items, S of which are defective (S < N). If we randomly
choose n items from the box without replacement, and X denotes the number of
Decision Making under Uncertainty 69
defective items in the selected sample, then X is hypergeometric. The possible values
of X are 0, 1, 2, …, min{S;n}, and the occurring probabilities are:
⎛ S⎞ ⎛ N − S⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ k⎠ ⎝ n − k ⎠
pk = P( X = k ) =
⎛ N⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝n ⎠
If we modify the above example by assuming that sampling is done with replacement,
then each time an item is taken from the box we have the same p = S/N probability
for that item to be defective. Therefore, we have the binomial distribution with
parameters n and p.
Example 3.6
λk − λ
pk = e
Let A be any subset of the possible values of a discrete random variable X. Then:
P( X ∈ A) =
∑ }
P( X = x )
k xk ∈A
k (3.2)
where the summation is done for all values of k such that xk ∈ A. For example, if
the possible values of X are integers, then:
P(k1 ≤ X ≤ k2 ) = ∑ P( X = k )
k = k1
F( x ) = P( X ≤ x ) = ∑
{k xk ≤ x }
P( X = x k ) (3.4)
70 Water Resources Systems Analysis
0 if x <0
F(x) = q if 0 ≤ x < 1
q 1 if x ≥ 1
0 1 x
F( x ) = ∑ P( X = k )
{k k ≤ x}
The graph of F(x) for any discrete random variable is a piecewise constant
function, starting with zero, and discontinuity occurs only at the values x1, x2, …,
and they have a jump of height pk = P(X = xk) at each point xk. Figure 3.1 shows
F(x) for a Bernoulli variable.
Continuous random variables are defined directly by their distribution functions
F(x), which are assumed to be continuous at each x. Then, each particular value has
zero occurring probability: P(X = x) = 0 for all x; furthermore,
f ( x ) = F ′( x ) (3.7)
F(b) − F( a) =
∫ f ( x)dx
so probabilities given in Eq. (3.6) can be also obtained by integrating the density
Decision Making under Uncertainty 71
The distribution function and density function of any continuous variable satisfy
the following properties:
f ( x ) = F ( x ) ≥ 0, furthermore
∫ f ( x)dx = 1
Example 3.7
A random variable is uniform in a finite interval [a,b] if its distribution function is:
⎧0 if x≤a
⎪x − a
F( x ) = ⎨ if a<x≤b (3.8)
⎪b − a
⎪⎩1 if x>b
By differentiation,
⎧ 1 if a < x < b
f ( x) = ⎨ b − a (3.9)
⎪0 otherwise
showing that this probability depends only on the length β – α of the interval [α,β]
and is independent of the location of this interval. This is the reason for calling this
variable uniform.
Example 3.8
A continuous random variable is called exponential if:
⎧⎪0 if x ≤ 0
F( x ) = ⎨ (3.11)
⎪⎩1 − e − λx if x > 0
72 Water Resources Systems Analysis
− λx
if x > 0
f ( x) = ⎨ (3.12)
⎪⎩0 otherwise.
The exponential distribution has the forgetfulness property, which means the fol-
lowing: If 0 < x < x + y, then
showing that if X, for example, represents the lifetime of any entity, then at any age
y surviving an additional x time periods does not depend on the age.
Because of the forgetfulness property, exponential variables are only very seldom
used in lifetime modeling. For such purposes, a gamma or a Weibull distribution is
used, which are introduced next.
Example 3.9
Let α, λ > 0 be two given parameters. The gamma variable that has these parameters
is defined by the density function:
⎧ λe − λx (λx )α −1
⎪ if x>0
f ( x) = ⎨ Γ (α ) (3.14)
⎪0 otherwise,
Γ(α ) =
α −1 − x
e dx
Example 3.10
Let λ, β > 0 be given parameters. The Weibull distribution with these parameters is
defined by the distribution function:
Decision Making under Uncertainty 73
⎧⎪1 − e − λx β
if x≥0
F( x ) = ⎨ (3.15)
⎩⎪0 otherwise.
By differentiation,
Example 3.11
1 −2
ϕ( x ) = e ( −∞ < x < ∞) (3.17)
F( x ) = φ( ) (3.18)
( x − µ )2
1 −
f ( x) = e 2 σ2
σ 2π
Figure 3.2 shows the density and distribution function of the most frequently used
In statistical methods, we often use distributions arising from the normal vari-
able. The three most important such variables are given next.
Example 3.12
a b
1 F(x)
(C) f(x)
FIGURE 3.2 (A) Uniform distribution; (B) exponential distribution; (C) normal distribution.
⎧ −x n
⎪ e1 2 ⎛ x ⎞ 2
⎪⎪ 2 ⎝ 2⎠
if x > 0
f ( x) = ⎨
Γ⎛ ⎞
n (3.21)
⎪ ⎝ 2⎠
⎪⎩0 otherwise.
By comparing this density to the gamma density given in Eq. (3.14) it is clear that
chi-square is a special gamma distribution with α = n/2 and λ = 1/2.
Example 3.13
Let Z be a standard normal variable and X a chi-square variable with n degrees of
freedom. Then,
Decision Making under Uncertainty 75
Tn = (3.22)
is the t-distribution with n degrees of freedom. It can be shown that the density
function of Tn is:
n + 1⎞
Γ⎛ −
n +1
1 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎛ x2 ⎞ 2
f ( x) = ⎜ 1 + ⎟ ( −∞ < 0 < ∞) (3.23)
nπ ⎝ n⎠
Γ⎛ ⎞
⎝ 2⎠
The shape of f (x) is very similar to that of the standard normal density function.
Example 3.14
Fn,m = n (3.24)
is the F-distribution with n and m degrees of freedom. The density function of Fn,m
is as follows:
⎧ ⎛ n + m ⎞ n 2 m 2 ( n−2 ) 2
⎪ Γ⎝ 2 ⎠ n m x
⎪⎪ n+m x>0
f ( x ) = ⎨ Γ ⎛ n ⎞ Γ ⎛ m ⎞ ( m + nx ) 2 (3.25)
⎪ ⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
⎪⎩0 otherwise.
E( x ) = ∑x p
k k (3.26)
by assuming that
∑x k
k pk < ∞
That is, E (x) is a weighted average of the possible values of X where the weights
are the occurring probabilities.
The median of X is a particular value xl such that:
p1 + p2 + ⋯ + pl −1 < ≤ p1 + p2 + ⋯ + pl −1 + pl (3.27)
P( X ≤ xl −1 ) < ≤ P( X ≤ xl )
pm = max{pk } (3.28)
which is the value of X that has the highest probability of occurring. If more than
one value has the same largest probability, then the mode consists of all such values.
Now let g be any real valued function. Then, more generally,
E( g( x )) = ∑ g( x ) p
k k (3.29)
assuming that
∑ g( x ) p
k k <∞
As special cases, E (X), E (X2), E (X3), … are called the first, second, third, …
moments of X. The real valued function:
m(t ) = E etX =( ) ∑e k
pk (3.30)
Decision Making under Uncertainty 77
E( X ) = m' (0)
E( X 2 ) = m'' (0) (3.31)
E( X 3 ) = m''' (0)
E( X ) =
∫ xf ( x)dx
E( g( x )) =
∫ g( x) f ( x)dx
F( x ) = (3.34)
If F has a constant segment at the 1/2 level, then the smallest x value satisfying this
equation is chosen. The mode of X is the maximizer of its density function; that is,
the mode of X is x* if:
f ( x * ) = max{ f ( x )} (3.35)
If the maximizer is not unique, then all of them form the mode. The definition of
the moment-generating function is analogous to Eq. (3.30):
( )= ∫e
m( t ) = E e tX tx
f ( x )dx (3.36)
and because Eq. (3.31) remains true in the continuous case, it can be easily used to
compute the moments of the distribution.
78 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Var( X ) = E ( X − µ ) 2 ] (3.37)
It can be shown that Var(X) can be easily computed from the first two moments:
( )
Var(X) = E X 2 − µ 2 (3.38)
In Table 3.1 we summarize the expectations and variances of the most popular
distribution types. More details can be found, for example, in Ross (1987).
Expectations and Variances
Name E(x) Var(x)
Bernoulli p pq
Binomial np npq
Geometric 1 q
p p2
Negative binomial r rq
p p2
Hypergeometric s⎛ n −1 ⎤
1 − ⎞ ⎡1 −
s s
n n
N N ⎝ N ⎠ ⎣⎢ N − 1 ⎦⎥
Poisson Λ λ
Uniform a+b (b − a) 2
2 12
1 1
λ λ2
Gamma α α
λ λ2
Weibull 1 2
− ⎛ 1⎞ − ⎛ 2⎞
λ β Γ ⎜1 + ⎟ λ β Γ ⎜1 + ⎟ − µ 2
⎝ β⎠ ⎝ β⎠
Normal µ σ2
Chi-square n 2n
t 0 (if n > 1) n
(if n > 2)
F m m 2 (2 m + 2 n − 4)
(if m > 2) (if m > 4)
m−2 m( m − 2 ) 2 ( m − 4 )
Decision Making under Uncertainty 79
pij = P ( X = xi ) ∩ (Y = y j ) ) (3.39)
Similar to the single-variables case, these pij values satisfy the following
∑∑ p
i j
ij = 1.
If A ⊆ R2 is any set, then the probability that the pair (X,Y) belongs to A is given
by the sum:
pix = P( X = xi ) = ∑p j
ij (3.42)
p Yj = P(Y = y j ) = ∑p i
ij (3.43)
E[g( X , Y )] = ∑ ∑ g( x , y ) p
i j
i j ij (3.45)
80 Water Resources Systems Analysis
∑ ∑ g( x , y ) p
i j
i j ij <∞
∞ ∞
∫ ∫ f ( x, y)dydx = 1
−∞ −∞
P(( X , Y ) ∈ A) =
∫∫ f ( x, y)dydx
fX ( x) =
∫ f ( x, y)dy
fY ( y) =
∫ f ( x, y)dx
f ( x, y) = f x ( x ) f y ( y) (3.49)
∞ ∞
E[g( X , Y )] =
∫ ∫ g( x, y) f ( x, y)dydx
−∞ −∞
Decision Making under Uncertainty 81
Note that, without independence of X and Y, properties (3) and (5) might not be true.
The covariance of X and Y is defined as:
Clearly, if X and Y are independent, then property (3) implies that Cov(X,Y) = 0.
The correlation between X and Y is determined in the following way:
Cov( X , Y )
Corr( X , Y ) = (3.52)
Var( X )Var(Y )
⎧1 if α > 0
Corr( X , Y ) = ⎨
⎩−1 if α < 0
Based on the above properties, correlation is usually used to measure the strength
of the relation between two random variables. If ⏐Corr(X,Y)⏐ is small, then the
relation is very weak; if Corr(X,Y) is close to +1 or –1, then we conclude that a
strong relation exists between X and Y.
The conditional distribution of X given the value of Y is defined as the conditional
P X = xi Y = y j = ) pij
f x ( x y) =
f ( x, y)
fY ( y)
E X Y = yj = ) 1
p Yj ∑x p
i ij (3.55)
assuming that
∑x p
i ij <∞
∫ xf ( x, y)dx
E( X Y = y) = (3.56)
fY ( y)
the given criteria. Input–output relations can be very conveniently modeled by the
neural network methodology.
A simple neural network is shown in Figure 3.3, where the input variables are
in the nodes of the input layer and the output variables are in the nodes of the output
layer; we assume two input and output variables. In order to provide a high level of
flexibility in model formulation, we also introduce hidden layers in the middle; these
nodes correspond to hidden or artificial variables.
Let z1 and z2 denote the artificial variables corresponding to the hidden layer
nodes. In the case of linear neural networks, we assume that for all hidden variables:
zj = ∑w x
i =1
ij i (3.57)
where m is the number of input variables. In our case, m = 2. The coefficients wij
are constants, which are determined by a training procedure to be explained later.
The relations between the output and hidden variables are also linear:
yk = ∑w
j =1
jk zj (3.58)
where l is the number of hidden variables and we have n output variables. The
coefficients w jk are also estimated by the training process. For the nonlinear neural
network, Eqs. (3.57) and (3.58) have certain nonlinear elements. The parameters of
the nonlinear functions are also determined by the training process. In most appli-
cations, more than one hidden layer is introduced, and relations similar to Eqs. (3.57)
and (3.58) are assumed to exist between the variables of the consecutive hidden
layers. After the parameters of these function relations are estimated, it is very simple
to compute the output y = (y1, …, yn) for any input vector x = (x1, …, xm). We can
simply substitute the components of x into Eq. (3.57) to obtain the hidden variables,
84 Water Resources Systems Analysis
and then these results are substituted into Eq. (3.58) to obtain the output variables.
In the case of more hidden layers, additional similar steps are necessary. Because
the input–output relation is easy to compute, the neural network model can be
considered as a simple subroutine of input–output computations in any descriptive
or optimization procedure.
The theoretical basis of the previously described neural network structure is the
famous Kolmogorov’s theorem (see, for example, Hecht–Nielsen, 1990), which
states that any continuous function f : [0,1] ֏ R n can be implemented exactly by
a three-layer neural network with m input nodes, n output nodes, and (2m + 1)
hidden nodes, where Eqs. (3.57) and (3.58) have certain special (usually irrational)
nonlinear elements. If these nonlinear functions are approximated by linear relations,
then we need more terms; therefore, more hidden variables are required which might
be structured in more than one hidden layer (Bose and Liang, 1996; Hecht-Nielsen,
As has been mentioned earlier, the application of neural network methodology
depends on the estimation of the model parameters wij and w jk . The most frequently
applied methodology is training the network, which is an iteration procedure that
successively improves the parameter values. One possible method is the following.
In the first step, we change the weights between the output layer and the hidden
layer by using the following equation:
w jk (t + 1) = w jk (t ) + β E k (t ) yk (t ) (3.59)
where β is the learning rate, yk (t) is the actual output, and Ek (t) = dk (t) – yk (t) is the
difference between the desired and actual outputs. The same equation cannot be
used to estimate the weights between the input and hidden layers; the hidden
variables are unknown, so we do not have their values. Instead, the following rule
is used:
This updating process is used iteratively for a large number of input–output pairs
until the error terms Ek (t) become sufficiently small.
In analyzing practical systems such as those arising in water resources management,
some state variables cannot be directly measured. However, by constructing a special
feedback structure the state can be made indirectly available. Such feedback struc-
tures are called observers. Let
ẋ = Ax + Bu
y = Cx
Decision Making under Uncertainty 85
be a time-invariant continuous linear system. Assume that its input u(t) and output
y(t) are available for any t ≥ 0, but we have no way to measure its state variable,
x(t). By building an identical system, we hope that its state will be a good estimate
for the state of the original system; however, in the case of unstable systems this is
not the case. Assume that the copy of the system is governed by the systems equation:
ż = Az + Bu (3.62)
x˙ − z˙ = A( x − z )
so x(t) – z(t) may become very large for increasing values of t. This difficulty can
be overcome by the feedback structure shown in Figure 3.4.
By subtracting the systems equations of the original and copy systems we obtain:
If the original system is observable, then a constant matrix K exists such that
all eigenvalues of A + KC have negative real parts implying that x(t) – z(t) → 0 as
t → ∞. That is, for large values of t, the online measurements of the state of the
copy system are the same as for the state of the original system, so we are able to
observe x(t) by measuring the value of z(t). This theoretical basis for constructing
86 Water Resources Systems Analysis
X = xk if U ∈ Ik (3.64)
This is the random variable we wish to generate, as its values are the xk numbers,
k = 1, 2, …, and P(X = xk) = P(U ∈ Ik) = (p1 + p2 + … + pk) – (p1 + p2 + … + pk–1) = pk.
Example 3.15
Let X be a Bernoulli variable with probability p. That is, the value of X is either 1
or 0, and
P( X = 1) = p and P( X = 0) = q = (1 − p)
In this case I1 = [0,p) and I2 = [p,1). So, from a uniform random number, X can be
obtained as:
⎧1 if U < p
X=⎨ (3.65)
⎩0 otherwise.
Example 3.16
Binomial variables can be generated by using the above general method. However,
we can get the same result by using the following simple idea. Let X1, X2, …, Xn be
independent Bernoulli variables with the same parameter p. Then, X = X1 + X2 + …
+ Xn is a binomial variable with parameters n and p. Therefore, the simple procedure
of the previous example is used n times, and the resulting random numbers are added.
Decision Making under Uncertainty 87
Example 3.17
Poisson variables have only one parameter, λ, and take on values 0, 1, 2, … with
probabilities pk = P(X = k) = (λk/k!)e–λ. One may proceed with the general method
and taking advantage of the recursive relation pk = pk–1λ/k. However, exponential
random variables can be effectively used here as well. The way to simulate expo-
nential variables will be discussed later.
Let X1, X2, … be a sequence of independent exponential random variables with
the same λ as a parameter, so E(Xk) = 1/λ for all k, and add the Xk values until:
k −1 k
∑ X <1≤ ∑ X
i =1
i =1
i (3.66)
Then X = k gives a random value of the Poisson variable with the same parameter
value λ.
Continuous random variables are generated by using their cumulative distribu-
tion functions. Let X be a random variable with distribution function F(x), let U be
uniform in [0,1], and let u be a random value of U. Then, the solution of equation
F(x) = u for x gives a random value of X. In order to see this, consider the distribution
function of X at any real value t:
Example 3.18
If X is exponential with parameter λ, then F(x) = 1 – e–λx, so we have to solve
1 − e − λx = u
x=− ln(1 − u) (3.67)
Example 3.19
Random values for a Weibull variable can be obtained simply by using exponential
variables and the definition of a Weibull distribution. It is well known that if Y is
88 Water Resources Systems Analysis
exponential with parameter α, then X = Y1/β with some β > 0 is a Weibull variable
with parameters α and β. Then,
1/ β
x = ⎡⎢− ln(1 − u)⎤⎥
⎣ λ ⎦
Example 3.20
n n
X= ∑
k =1
xk = −
λ ∑ ln(1 − u ) = − λ1 ln[(1 − u )(1 −u )⋯(1 − u )]
k =1
k 1 2 n (3.69)
Example 3.21
For a normal distribution, the general method cannot be used easily, as the standard
normal distribution function Φ is not given in analytic form; it is only tabulated.
Therefore, the solution of the equation:
x − µ⎞
Φ⎛ =u
⎝ σ ⎠
requires the use of a function table, which can be included in the general software.
An easier approach is offered by the central limit theorem, which implies that if u1,
u2, …, un are independent uniform numbers in [0,1], then for large value of n,
∑u − 2
Z= k =1
X = σZ + µ (3.71)
Consider now any process that depends on random elements. Let X1, X2, …, Xn
denote the random variables of the process. Assume that the outcome is a function
of these variables Y = f(X1, …, Xn), where function f might be a given function or
represents a computational procedure such as given by neural networks. For any
random values x1(i ) , ⋯, xn( i ) of X1, X2, …, Xn, the corresponding values of Y can be
obtained as y (i) = f ( x1(i ), ⋯, xn( i )). Let N be the number of simulations, so i = 1, 2, …,
N. The values y (1), y (2), …, y (N) can be considered as a random sample of Y, so
standard statistical methods can be used to examine the characteristics of the random
outcome. In most cases, we are interested in E(Y), which is estimated by the sample
E(Y ) ≈
N ∑y
i =1
(i )
=y (3.72)
so the sample mean is accepted as the expected value. The accuracy of this estimation
can be characterized by its variance:
Var y =
Var f ( X1, ⋯, Xn ) ) (3.73)
⎛ ε N y − E(Y ) ε N ⎞
( ) (
P y − E(Y ) < ε = P − ε < y − E(Y ) < ε = P⎜ −
⎝ σ
σ/ N
σ ⎠
⎛ε N⎞ ⎛ ε N⎞ ⎛ε N⎞
Φ⎜ ⎟ − Φ⎜ − ⎟ = 2 Φ⎜ ⎟ −1 (3.74)
⎝ σ ⎠ ⎝ σ ⎠ ⎝ σ ⎠
This is the probability that y approximates the true expectation E (Y) within
the error bound ε. Notice that as N → ∞, this probability value converges to
2Φ (∞) – 1 = 1.
Rubinstein (1981) gives a comprehensive summary of random number gener-
ators and simulation methods.
F(t ) = P( X ≤ t ), (3.75)
which represents the probability that the object or system breaks down before time
period t. The reliability function gives the probability that it will work without
breaking down at least until time period t:
F(t ) = 1 − e − αt , (t > 0) (3.77)
where α, β > 0 are given parameters. The density function is obtained by simple
f (t ) = α β t β−1e − αt (t > 0 ) (3.78)
Notice that in the special case of β = 1, f(t) = αe–αt, which is the density function
of the exponential variable. The exponential variable is very seldom used in reliability
studies, as it has the so-called forgetfulness property, which was already discussed
earlier and is repeated here for convenience. If X is an exponential variable, then
for all t, τ >0:
This relation shows that the probability of the working condition in any time length
t is independent of how long the system was working before. Equation (3.79) can
be shown as:
P( X > t + τ) R(t + τ) e − α ( t + τ )
P( X > t + τ X > τ) = = = − ατ = e − αt = R(t ) = P( X > t )
P( X > τ) R( τ) e
In most practical cases the breakdown probabilities increase in time as the system
becomes older, so the exponential variable is inappropriate.
The hazard-rate is given as:
P(t ≤ X ≤ t + Δt t ≤ X )
ρ(t ) = lim (3.80)
Δt →0 Δt
Decision Making under Uncertainty 91
and shows how often failures will occur after time period t. It is clear that:
Therefore, the hazard rate can be computed as the ratio of the density function and
the reliability function.
Example 3.22
R(t ) = 1 − F(t ) = e − αt
αβt β−1e − αt
ρ(t ) = β = αβt β−1 (3.82)
e − αt
which is an increasing polynomial of t showing that failure will occur more fre-
quently for larger values of t. In the special case of an exponential distribution, β = 1
and ρ(t) = α is a constant.
An important problem in reliability engineering is to reconstruct F(t) or the
reliability function if the hazard rate is given, and we now offer a solution to this
problem. Notice first that:
ρ(t ) =
f (t )
(1 − F(t ))′
1 − F (t ) 1 − F (t )
0 τ=0
∫ ρ(τ) dτ
ln(1 − F(t )) = −
implying that
⎛ ⎞
∫ ρ(τ) dτ⎟⎠
1 − F(t ) = exp⎜ −
⎝ 0
92 Water Resources Systems Analysis
and, finally,
⎛ ⎞
∫ ρ(τ) dτ⎟⎠
F(t ) = 1 − exp⎜ − (3.83)
⎝ 0
Example 3.23
Assume first that the hazard rate is constant, with ρ(t) = α. Then,
⎛ ⎞
∫ αdτ⎟⎠ = 1 − e
F(t ) = 1 − exp⎜ − − αt
⎝ 0
⎛ ⎞
∫ αβτ [ ]
dτ⎟ = 1 − exp⎛⎝ − ατβ ⎞⎠ = 1 − e − αt
F(t ) = 1 − exp⎜ − β −1 t
⎝ 0 ⎠ 0
f (t )
f ′( t ) > − = − f (t ) ρ(t ) (3.84)
1 − F (t )
In a series system, the system fails if any of its components fails; in a parallel system,
failure occurs when all components fail simultaneously.
Consider first the series combination shown in Figure 3.5. If Ri (t) denotes the
reliability function of component i (i = 1, 2, …, n), then the reliability function of
the system is given as:
R(t ) = P( X > t ) = P ( X1 > t ) ∩ ( X2 > t ) ∩ ⋯ ∩ ( Xn > t ) )
where X is the time when the system fails, and (X1, …, Xn) are the same for the
components. If we assume that the failures of the different components occur inde-
pendently of each other, then:
Notice that the inclusion of a new component in the system makes the reliability
function smaller, as it is multiplied by the new factor, Rn+1 (t), which is less than one.
Consider next the parallel system of Figure 3.6. The system fails, if all compo-
nents fail, so
P( X ≤ t ) = P ( X1 ≤ t ) ∩ ( X2 ≤ t ) ∩ ⋯ ∩ ( Xn ≤ t ))
If the components fail independently of each other, then
i =1 i =1 i =1
94 Water Resources Systems Analysis
where F and Fi are the cumulative distributions of time until the first failure of the
system and component i, respectively. Notice that by including a new component,
the reliability function increases, as the second term is multiplied by 1 – Rn+1 (t),
which is less than one.
In most cases, however, the connections between systems components are a mix
of series and parallel. Then, Eqs. (3.85) and (3.86) are combined appropriately as
is shown in the following example.
Example 3.24
Figure 3.7 shows a system assembled with five components, and components 2 and
3 are parallel. Using Eq. (3.86) we obtain:
( )
R2 (t ) = 1 − Π 1 − R2i (t )
i =1
( )(
R3 (t ) = 1 − 1 − R31 (t ) 1 − R32 (t ) )
Therefore, Eq. (3.85) implies that the reliability function of the system is as follows:
( ) ( )
R(t ) = R1 (t )⎡1 − Π 1 − R2i (t ) ⎤ ⋅ ⎡1 − Π 1 − R3i (t ) ⎤ ⋅ R4 (t ) ⋅ R5 (t )
3 2
⎣⎢ i =1 ⎦⎥ ⎢⎣ i =1 ⎦⎥
R1 (t ) = R4 (t ) = R5 (t ) = e − t
R 21(t)
R 31(t)
R 32(t)
R 23(t)
and we have:
We mention finally that Milton and Arnold (1995) provide much more details
of the fundamentals of reliability theory.
1. N(0) = 0.
2. The number of events occurring in mutually exclusive time intervals are
3. The distribution of the number of events occurring in any given time
interval depends on only the length of the interval and not on its location.
P( N ( Δt ) = 1)
4. lim =λ (3.87)
Δt →0 Δt
where λ > 0 is a constant.
P( N ( Δt ) ≥ 2)
5. lim =0 (3.88)
Δt →0 Δt
96 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Condition (1) shows that the process starts at t = 0. If 0 < t1 < t2 < t3 < t4, then
condition (2) states that the number of events in interval [t1,t2], which is N(t2) – N(t1),
is independent of the number of events in interval [t3,t4], which is N(t4) – N(t3). This
condition is called the independent increment assumption. Condition (3) shows that
the distribution of N(t + s) – N(t) depends on only s and is independent of t. This
condition is known as the stationary increment assumption. Conditions (4) and (5)
state that in a small interval of length Δt, the probability that one event occurs is
approximately λΔt, but the probability that at least two events occur is approximately
Under conditions (1) to (5), for k = 0, 1, 2, …,
(λt )k − λt
P( N (t ) = k ) = e (3.89)
That is, N(t) has a Poisson distribution with parameter λt. The random variables
X1 = t1, X2 = t2 − t1, X3 = t3 − t2 ,⋯
from Eq. (3.89); therefore, X1 is exponentially distributed with expectation 1/λ. For
all k ≥ 2 and s, t ≥ 0,
so the distribution function of Xk is the same as that of X1 and is given in Eq. (3.90).
Hence, all variables X1, X2, X3, … are exponential with the same parameter λ, and
they are independent of each other. More details on the Poisson process are offered,
for example, in Ross (1987).
Pij = P X (t + 1) = S j X (t ) = Si } (3.92)
Decision Making under Uncertainty 97
are independent of t. Notice that Pij is the probability that the state at time period
t + 1 is Si given that the state in the previous time period t is Si. It is convenient to
form the transition matrix:
2. ∑ P = 1 for all i.
j =1
pi (t ) = P( X (t ) = Si ) (3.94)
p j (t + 1) = P X (t + 1) = S j ) ∑ P( X(t + 1) = S
= j )
X (t ) = Si P( X (t ) = Si )
i =1
= ∑ P p (t )
i =1
ij i
98 Water Resources Systems Analysis
showing that
Notice that this is a homogeneous, discrete, linear system with state-vector p(t )
at time period t, so all methods known from systems theory can be applied here.
Let p (0)T be the probability vector of the initial time period. Then, by the
repeated application of Eq. (3.96), we obtain:
p(1)T = p(0)T P,
for all t ≥ 1.
Example 3.25
Assume that the weather in a city can be characterized on any day as sunny (S1),
cloudy (S2), or rainy (S3). If it is sunny one day, then the probability that it will
remain sunny or become cloudy is 50% for either. If it is cloudy one day, then the
probability that the next day will be sunny is 40%; cloudy, 30%; and rainy, 30%. If
it is rainy one day, then the probability that it will be rainy again the next day is
50%; cloudy, 40%; and sunny, 10%. Based on these probability values we can
construct the transition matrix:
⎛ 0.5 0.5 0 ⎞
P = ⎜⎜ 0.4 0.3 0.3⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0.1 0.4 0.5⎠
p(0)T = (1, 0, 0)
Decision Making under Uncertainty 99
⎛ 0.5 0.5 0 ⎞
p(1)T = (1, 0, 0)⎜⎜ 0.4 0.3 0.3⎟⎟ = (0.5, 0.5, 0)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0.1 0.4 0.5⎠
⎛ 0.5 0.5 0 ⎞
p(2) = (0.5, 0.5, 0)⎜⎜ 0.4 0.3 0.3⎟⎟ = (0.45, 0.40, 0.15)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0.1 0.4 0.5⎠
and so on. For example, the components of p(2)T show that two days later the
probability that the weather will be sunny is 45%; cloudy, 40%; and rainy, 15%.
A Markov chain is regular, if P t > 0 for some possible integer t. In the previous
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0.26 0.37 0.37⎠
Thus, our weather example is described by a regular Markov chain. Regular Markov
chains satisfy the following condition:
pT = pT P (3.99)
That is, the left-hand side limit always exists and equals p T .
7. The limit:
lim P t = P (3.101)
t →∞
∑ p =1
i =1
pT 1 = 1
p T P1 = p T ( P1) = p T 1 = 1
The additional equation serves as the nth required independent equation in order to
guarantee a unique solution.
Example 3.26
In the previous example, Eq. (3.99) and the additional equation give the linear system:
23 25 15
p1 = ≈ 0.365, p2 = ≈ 0.397, p3 = ≈ 0.238
63 63 63
The fundamentals of Markov chains and special cases are discussed, for example,
in Luenberger (1979).
Maximize ( )
f x, ξ
Subject to g( x, ξ) ≥ 0
Maximize [ ( )] [ ( ( ))]
E f x, ξ − E L g x, ξ
Subject to P( g( x, ξ) ≥ 0) ≥ 1 − ε
where L is a loss function with zero value if the constraints are all satisfied. This
problem is now a deterministic nonlinear optimization problem that can be solved
by standard methodology. Let gi denote the ith component of g. Then, alternatively,
the constraint of Eq. (3.103) might be replaced by the set of constraints:
(( ) )
P gi x, ξ ≥ 0 ≥ 1 − ε i (for all i) (3.104)
{ ( )
F( x ) = ξ g x, ξ ≥ 0 } (3.105)
and let p denote the density function of ξ . Then, the constraint of Eq. (3.103) can
be rewritten as:
∫ p(ξ)d ξ ≥ 1 − ε
F( x )
102 Water Resources Systems Analysis
xt +1 = ft ( xt , ut ) (3.108)
uniquely determines the next state given the current state and decision. In the
stochastic version (SDP), this deterministic function is replaced by a probabilistic
transition function pt (x,xt,ut), which gives the probability density function of xt+1 for
fixed t, xt, and ut . Because of the presence of stochastic elements, a decision strategy
is a sequence of function ut = Dt (x), which selects the decision depending on the
particular state xt = x occurring at time period t. We also replace the deterministic
objective function by its expectation:
⎡ T ⎤
E⎢ ∑
⎢⎣ t =0
gt ( xt , xt +1 , Dt ( xt ))⎥
where we assume that gt also depends on the next state. In the deterministic case,
xt+1 is uniquely determined by xt and ut, so xt+1 would be a superfluous variable. The
stochastic version of the DP recursive equation is the following:
Vt ( x ) = max ⎡⎢
u ⎣ ∫ (g ( x, x' , u) + V
t t +1 ( x' ))⎤⎥ pt ( x' , x, u)dx ′
with the choice of VT+1 (x) = 0 for all x. Let u = St (x) denote an optimal choice.
Then, Dt (x) = St (x) is optimal for objective (3.109). The corresponding discrete
stochastic dynamic programming (DSDP) algorithm is based on the recursion:
⎧⎪ ⎫⎪
( )
Vˆt x ( i ) = min ⎨
j ∑ g (x
⎪⎩ k
(i )
) ( ) ( )
, x ( k ) , u( j ) + Vˆt +1 x ( k ) Pt x ( k ) , x ( i ) , u( j ) ⎬
where Pt is the probability mass function obtained from the density function pt and
the discretization scheme being used. The curse of dimensionality can be made less
Decision Making under Uncertainty 103
burdensome by using some version of DDDP or IDP. The survey article of Yakowitz
(1982) has more details of the methodology discussed here and applications in to
water resources management.
Maximize f ( x, ξ)
Subject to x ∈ X (ξ)
where ξ is the notation for the uncertain phenomenon. Notice that both the objective
function and the feasible set depend on ξ. First, we show that the dependence of
X(ξ) on ξ can be formally eliminated. For this purpose, we define:
X = U X (ξ) (3.113)
where ∑ is the set of all possible values of ξ, and we let the modified objective
function be:
⎪⎧ f ( x, ξ) if x ∈ X (ξ)
g( x, ξ) = ⎨ (3.114)
⎩⎪−∞ otherwise.
Maximize g( x, ξ)
Subject to x ∈ X.
In the classical approach, the maxmin rule is most frequently applied. For each
decision alternative x we compute the worst possible outcome:
gw ( x ) = inf g( x, ξ) (3.116)
Then, the alternative with the highest worst outcome, x*, is selected as the decision:
occur. In many cases, worst possibilities occur only very seldom, so protection
against such events seems to be overprotection in most cases. Another approach to
choose a single decision from X is to assign a weight function w(ξ) over all possible
values of ξ and choose the decision that maximizes:
∫ g( x, ξ)w(ξ)dξ (3.118)
and if ∑ contains only finite or countable many values, then the integral is replaced
by the summation:
∑ g( x, ξ)w(ξ)
It seems reasonable to assign a particular weight function w(ξ) that reflects the
relative likelihood of the different values in ∑ being the true value of ξ. With this
reasoning, we have revealed the basic concept of statistical decision making.
Let x* be the optimal solution. For each particular value of ξ let x(ξ) be the
maximizer of g(x,ξ). Because the true value of ξ is unknown, we cannot select the
corresponding optimal decision x(ξ); instead, x* is the choice. This lack of informa-
tion results in the loss (or we face with risk) of:
L(ξ) = g( x (ξ), ξ) − g x * , ξ ) (3.121)
for each particular value of ξ. Because the true value of ξ is not known, we can
compute only its expectation:
[ ] [(
E[ L(ξ)] = E g( x (ξ), ξ) − E g x * , ξ )] (3.122)
Decision Making under Uncertainty 105
which gives the average loss occurring by not knowing the value of ξ. In other
words, this is the value of the knowledge of the true value of ξ, or it is the value of
the perfect information on ξ.
Most decisions in water resources management are made repeatedly over time.
As time progresses, new information about the uncertain factors is gained and their
distributions can be updated so more accurate decisions can be made. The method-
ology used in such situations is known as Bayesian decision making, the elements
of which are the subject of the next subsection.
h(ξ θ) =
( )
l θ ξ h(ξ)
∫ l(θ ξ' )h(ξ' )dξ'
where l(θ⏐ξ) is the conditional density function of θ given the value of ξ. If ξ has
a discrete distribution, then the denominator of the right-hand side is replaced by a
sum. So, after observing θ, the density function of ξ is updated and a more accurate
decision can be made. The benefit of the additional information θ is given by the
( ) (
g x ** , ξ − g x * , ξ ) (3.124)
where x** is the optimal decision based on the updated density function h(ξ⏐θ).
Because ξ is unknown and an updated density is available, the expected benefit is
computed as:
where l (θ) is the denominator of the right-hand side of Eq. (3.123), and Θ is the
set of the values of θ. Based on Eq. (3.125), we can decide if it is worthwhile to
wait for an additional observation by comparing the expected benefit to the cost of
collecting the additional observation and any other losses occurring by delaying the
106 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Γ (α + β) α −1
π (1 − π)β−1 (0 ≤ π ≤ 1) (3.126)
Γ (α )Γ (β)
where α and β are constants. Let θ1, θ2, …, θn be a random sample of the Bernoulli
distribution and assume that its parameter π follows a beta distribution with constants
α and β. Then, the posterior distribution of π given the observed values θ1, θ2, …,
θn is also a beta distribution with constants:
n n
α+ ∑ i =1
θi , β + n − ∑θ
i =1
Assume next that ξ is normally distributed with mean m and precision p (which
is 1/σ2), so its density function is:
p ( ξ − m )2
p −
e 2 ( −∞ < ξ < ∞) (3.127)
Assume that precision p is known and the prior distribution of m is normal with
mean µ and precision π. If θ1, θ2, …, θn is a random sample of ξ, then the posterior
distribution of m is also normal with mean:
Decision Making under Uncertainty 107
πµ + p ∑θ
i =1
µ' =
π + np
β α α −1 −βp
p e ( p > 0) (3.128)
Γ(α )
Let θ1, θ2, …, θn be a random sample of ξ. Then, the posterior joint distributions
of m and p are as follows. The conditional distribution of m given the value of p is
again a normal distribution with mean:
τµ + ∑θ
i =1
and precision (τ + n)p, and the marginal distribution of p is again gamma with
( )
τn θ − µ
∑ (θ − θ )
n 1 2
α' = α + and β' = β + +
2 2 i =1
2( τ + n )
θ= i
n i =1
The most commonly used conjugate families other than the ones presented above
are given, for example, in De Groot (1970).
108 Water Resources Systems Analysis
A= {( x, µ A }
( x )) , x ∈ X (3.129)
where µA : X ֏ [0,1] is called the membership function and µA (x) is the grade of
membership of x in A. In classical set theory, x either belongs to A or does not belong
to A, so µA (x) equals 1 or 0, respectively.
The basic relations and operations of fuzzy sets can be defined as follows:
sup µ A ( x ) = 1 (3.130)
Notice that any nonempty fuzzy set can be normalized by introducing the
normalized membership function:
µ A ( x)
µ A ( x) = (3.131)
sup µ A ( x )
S( A) = x x ∈ X , µ A ( x ) > 0 } (3.132)
µ A ( x) ≤ µ B ( x) (3.134)
µ A' ( x ) = 1 − µ A ( x ) (3.135)
Notice that conditions (5) and (7) imply that A ⊆ B if and only if A ∩ B
= A.
8. The union of fuzzy sets A and B is given as:
10. The algebraic sum of fuzzy sets A and B is denoted by A + B and has
the membership function:
µ B ( y) = sup µ A ( x ) (3.141)
x ∈f −1 ( y )
110 Water Resources Systems Analysis
A(x) B(x)
A+B (x)
A∪B (x)
A∩B (x)
AB (x)
f −1 ( y) = {x x ∈ X , f ( x ) = y}
Example 3.27
Let X = [–∞,∞] and fuzzy sets A and B be defined by the membership functions
shown in Figure 3.8. The membership functions of A ∩ B, A ∪ B, AB, and A + B
are presented in Figure 3.9.
Example 3.28
⎧1 + x if − 1 ≤ x ≤ 0
µ A ( x ) = ⎨1 − x if 0 < x ≤1
⎩0 otherwise.
Let f(x) = x2. We will now determine the membership function of the fuzzy set
induced by function f. Notice first that f([–1,1]) = [0,1], so µB (y) = 0 if y ∉ [0,1].
If y ∈ [0,1], then
f −1 ( y) = { y, − y }
Decision Making under Uncertainty 111
and because
µ A ( y ) = 1 − y = µ A ( − y ),
µ B ( y) = sup µ A ( x ) = 1 − y .
x ∈f −1 ( y )
{ }
µ D ( x ) = min µ G1 ( x ), ⋯, µ GM ( x ); µ C1 ( x ), ⋯, µ CN ( x ) (3.142)
Example 3.29
Assume we have six alternatives, two constraints, and two objectives. The member-
ship values for all alternatives with respect to the constraints and objectives are given
112 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Membership Values in Fuzzy Decision
1 2 3 4 5 6
in Table 3.2. The last row gives the values of µD by selecting the smallest numbers
of all columns. The largest value of µD appears in the third column, so the third
alternative is the best.
Interested readers are referred to Bellman and Zadeh (1970) or to the section
on fuzzy decisions in Szidarovszky et al. (1986).
3.1 Assume that the number of occurrences in time period [0,1] has Poisson
distribution with expectation λ = 3. Find the probability that the first
occurrence will happen before t = 1/2.
3.2 A density function of a random variable X is given as:
X 0 1
0 0.1 0.3
1 0.1 0.2
2 0.2 A
⎛1 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞
x=⎜ ⎟ x+⎜ ⎟ u
⎝0 1⎠ ⎝ 2⎠
y = (1, 1) x
Select matrix K such that the eigenvalues of the feedback system become
–1 and –2.
3.10 Consider the distribution function of a random variable X:
⎧0 if x≤0
F( x ) = ⎨ x 2 if 0 < x ≤1
⎪⎩1 if x ≤1
⎧1 − 1 if x > 1
F( x ) = ⎨ x
⎪0 if x ≤ 1
3.12 Find the reliability functions and hazard rates for the random variables of
problems 3.10 and 3.11.
3.13 A parallel system contains 10 elements with common hazard rate ρ(t) =
0.1. Find the hazard rate of the system.
3.14 Solve the previous problem if the system is a series combination of 10
same elements.
3.15 Consider a Poisson process with λ = 2. Find the probability that there are
exactly three events before t = 2.
3.16 Find the long-term probability vector if the probability for the Markov
chain with transition matrix is:
Maximize x1 + x 2
Subject to x1 , x 2 ≥ 0
2 x1 + x 2 ≤ ξ
x1 + 2 x 2 ≤ 3
Maximize x1 + ξ x 2
Subject to x1 , x 2 ≥ 0
x1 + 2 x 2 ≤ 4
2 x1 + x 2 ≤ 4
Decision Making under Uncertainty 115
1 2 3 4 5 6
where we have six alternatives to select from and four fuzzy goals or
Bellman, R. and Zadeh, L. A., Decision making in a fuzzy environment, Manage. Sci., 17(4), 141–164,
Bose, N. K. and Liang, P., Neural Network Fundamentals with Graphs, Algorithms, and Applications,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.
DeGroot, M. H., Optimal Stochastic Decisions, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970.
Hecht-Nielsen, R., Neurocomputing, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990.
Luenberger, D., Introduction to Dynamic Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979.
Milton, J. S. and Arnold, J. C., Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York,
Ross, Sh. M., Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1987.
Rubinstein, R. Y., Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1981.
Szidarovszky, F. and Bahill, A. T., Linear Systems Theory, 2nd ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1992.
Szidarovszky, F. and Yakowitz, S., Principles and Procedures of Numerical Analysis, Plenum, New York,
Szidarovszky, F., Geshon, M., and Duckstein, L., Techniques for Multi-Objective Decision Making in
Systems Management, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1986.
Wets, R. J.-B., Stochastic programming: solution techniques and approximation schemes, in Mathematical
Programming: The State of the Art, Bachem, A., Groetschel M., and Korte, B., Eds., Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, 1983, pp. 506–603.
Yakowitz, S., Dynamic programming applications in water resources, Water Resources Res., 18(4),
673–696, 1982.
4 Water Resources
Economics consists of a set of analytical tools that can be used for balancing
competing objectives by allocating the scarce resources. Engineering economy is
concerned with the economic aspects of engineering; it involves the systematic
evaluation of costs and benefits of technical projects. Environmental economics is
the application of the principles of economics to the study of how environmental
resources are developed and managed.
The entire process of planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance
of water resources systems entails many important and complex decisions. Besides
technological and environmental considerations, economic principles play a signif-
icant role in making these decisions. The principles of engineering economics guide
the decision makers in selecting the best planning and/or operational decisions.
This chapter discusses the principles of engineering economics and their appli-
cation to water resources planning and operation. Major objectives of economic
analysis for water resources development projects are also discussed, and various
methods for incorporating the money–time relationship are presented.
118 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Example 4.1
A contractor has the choice of two sites from which to deliver gravel to a construction
site. The cost of transferring gravel to the site of an earthfill dam is estimated to be
$1.15/m3/km. The costs associated with the two sites can be summarized as follows:
The contract requires 50,000 km3 of gravel to be delivered by the contractor, and it
is estimated that 4 months will be required for the job. Compare the two sites in
terms of their fixed, variable, and total costs. For the selected site, how many cubic
meters of material must the contractor deliver before starting to make a profit if he
is paid $8.05/m3 delivered to the construction site?
Solution: As shown in the following table, the rent and plant setup are fixed
costs, whereas the transfer cost is a variable cost.
As can be seen in the table, site B, which has higher fixed costs, has the smaller
total cost. The contractor begins to make a profit at the point where total revenue
equals the total cost of the material delivered. For site B, it can be written that:
Therefore, by selecting site B, the contractor will begin to make a profit on the job
after delivering 14,516 m3 of material.
Another classification of costs is private vs. social costs. The private costs are
the costs experienced by the decision makers directly, but the social costs include
all costs of an action, no matter who experiences them (Field, 1997). The difference
between social and private costs is the external cost or environmental cost. These
costs are called “external” because, although they are real costs to some members
of society, the firms or agencies that are making decisions and taking actions do not
Water Resources Economics 119
normally consider them when they make decisions. Water resources, which are open
access resources, are important sources of external or environmental costs.
Example 4.2
Suppose three similar industries are situated on a lake. The industries use the water
of the lake and discharge sewage back into the lake. Before using the water, the
industries treat the water, which costs about $40,000 per year for each industrial
unit. Suppose a new industrial unit is planning to start operating on the lake. Because
of the untreated sewage being added to the lake by this unit, each of the existing
industries will have to spend an additional $20,000 each year for water treatment.
How much is the external cost of the new industrial unit operation?
Solution: Because each industrial unit will spend $20,000 per year for the
additional treatment, the external cost is $60,000 ($20,000 × 3).
A similar definition is used by economists for external benefits. An external
benefit is a benefit enjoyed by somebody who is outside of, or external to, decisions
being made about consuming resources or using services. For example, consider a
private power company that has constructed a dam for producing hydropower. Even
though the dam produces downstream benefits such as mitigating both floods and
low flows, the power company is not reimbursed for them; therefore, these benefits
are classified as external benefits.
Although an economist seeks to evaluate all consequences of an action in
commensurate monetary units, many values cannot be measured within such a
framework. For example, many actions have direct physical effects on humans such
as loss of health or life, emotional effects such as loss of prestige or personal integrity,
and psychological effects such as environmental changes. These effects cannot be
measured in monetary units; however, various economists have devoted a great deal
of energy to quantifying these positive and negative effects within a monetary
framework. A value that cannot be expressed in monetary terms is called intangible
or irreducible (James and Lee, 1971).
1 2 N-1 N
FIGURE 4.1 General cash flow diagram relating present equivalent and future equivalent of
single payments.
interest is not withdrawn at the end of an interest period and is redeposited with the
original investment in the next interest period, the interest thus accrued is referred
to as compound interest.
The following notation is used in this section:
F = P(1 + i ) N (4.1)
The quantity (1 + i)N is the single-payment compound amount factor. The (F/P,
i%, N) functional symbol is also used in this book for (1 + i)N. For finding P when
F is given, the following relation can be used:
( )
P = F⎛
1 ⎞
= F(1 + i ) − N = F P F , i%, N (4.2)
⎝1+ i⎠
Water Resources Economics 121
1 2 N-1
FIGURE 4.2 General cash flow diagram relating series of cash flows to present and future
equivalent values.
F = A (1 + i )
N −1
+ (1 + i )
N −2
+ ⋯ + (1 + i ) + (1 + i )
1 0
which can be reduced to:
⎡ (1 + i ) N − 1 ⎤
F = A⎢ ⎥ = A F A , i%, N ( ) (4.3)
⎣ i ⎦
The quantity (F/A, i%, N) is the uniform series compound amount factor. For
finding A, when F is given, the following relation can be used:
⎡ ⎤
A = F⎢
(1 +
) N
− 1
⎥ = F A F , i%, N( ) (4.4)
⎣ i ⎦
(A/F, i%, N) is called sinking fund factor or capital recovery factor. This factor
indicates the number of dollars one can withdraw in equal amounts at the end of
each of N periods if $1 is initially deposited at i% interest.
⎡ (1 + i ) N − 1 ⎤
P = A⎢ N ⎥ = A (
P , i%, N ) (4.5)
⎣ i(1 + i ) ⎦
(P/A, i%, N) is the uniform series present worth factor. To find A when P is
given, the following relation can be used:
⎡ i(1 + i ) N ⎤
A = P⎢
(1 + ) N
− 1
⎥ = P A P , i%, N ) (4.6)
⎣ i ⎦
( ) ( ) ( ) (
F = G F A , i%, N − 1 + G F A , i%, N − 2 + ⋯ + G F A , i%, 2 + G F A , i%, 1 )
⎡ (1 + i ) N −1 − 1 (1 + i ) N −2 − 1 (1 + i)2 − 1 (1 + i)1 − 1 ⎤
F = G⎢ + +⋯+ + ⎥
⎣ i i i i ⎦
G⎡ ⎤
N −1
F= ⎢ (1 + i) j ⎥ −
i ⎢ ⎥⎦ i
⎣ j =0 (4.7)
A , i%, N −
The following relation can be used for estimating the present equivalent value of
cash flows shown in Figure 4.3:
G 2G ( N − 2)G ( N − 1)G
P= + +⋯+ +
(1 + i)2 (1 + i)3 (1 + i) N −1 (1 + i) N
Water Resources Economics 123
FIGURE 4.3 General cash flow diagram relating the uniform gradient of increasing cash
flow to future and present equivalent values.
⎡ (1 + i ) N − 1 − Ni ⎤
P = G⎢
⎣ i (1 + i )
2 N
⎥ = G P G , i%, N ) (4.8)
The factor (P/G, i%, N) is the gradient to present equivalent conversion factor
or the discount gradient factor.
⎡ i(1 + i ) N ⎤
A = P⎢ ⎥
⎣ (1 + i ) − 1 ⎦
⎡ (1 + i ) N − 1 − Ni ⎤
= G⎢
⎣ i(1 + i ) − i ⎦
N (
⎥ = G G , i%, N
A ) (4.9)
The factor (A/G, i%, N) is the uniform series gradient factor. Table 4.1 provides a
summary of previous sections about discrete compounding interest factors.
124 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Relations between General Cash Flow Elements Using Discrete
Compounding Interest Factors
Relations Interest Factor Factor Name
P= (P/F,i%,N) Single payment present worth
(1 + i )
(1 + i ) − 1
A = F⋅ (A/F,i%,N) Sinking fund
(1 + i ) − 1
i (1 + i )
(1 + i ) − 1 − Ni
(1 + i ) − 1 − Ni
Example 4.3
Suppose you deposit $6000 today, $3000 after 2 years, and $4000 after 5 years into
a bank account paying 5% interest per year. How much money will you have in
your account after 10 years?
Solution: The general cash flow diagram is shown in Figure 4.4. The money in
the account after 10 years can be estimated as summation of the future values of
single payments as follows:
( ) (
F = 6000 F P , 5%, 10 + 3000 F P , 5%, 8 + 4000 F P , 5%, 5 ) ( )
= $6000(1.6289) + $3000(1.4775) + $4000(1.2763) = $19311.1
Example 4.4
A water resources project produces benefits that amount to $10,000 in year 1 and
increase on a uniform gradient to $100,000 in year 10, after which the benefits
increase at a uniform gradient of $5000 per year to $175,000 in year 25. The value
of the benefits then remains constant at $175,000 each year until the end of the
Water Resources Economics 125
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
$3000 $4000
project life, which is 40 years. What is the present worth of these benefits at a 4%
interest rate? Figure 4.5 is a cash flow diagram for this example.
1. Present equivalent value of benefits for years 1 through 10:
10, 000⎛ , 4%, 10⎞ + 10, 000⎛ , 4%, 10⎞ = 10, 000 × 41.9919 = $419, 919
⎝G ⎠ ⎝A ⎠
126 Water Resources Systems Analysis
105, 000 ⎛ , 4%, 15⎞ ⎛ , 4%, 10⎞ + 5, 000 ⎛ , 4%, 15⎞ ⎛ , 4%, 10⎞
⎝A ⎠⎝ F ⎠ ⎝G ⎠⎝ F ⎠
= 105, 000 × 11.11839 × 0.67556 + 5, 000 × 69.735 × 0.67556 = 1, 024, 220
175, 000 ⎛ , 4%, 15⎞ ⎛ , 4%, 25⎞ = 175, 000 × 11.11838 × 0.37512 = 729, 877
⎝A ⎠⎝ F ⎠
The total present worth is the sum of these three values, which is equal to $2,174,016.
More details about interest rates that vary with time and interest formulas for
continuous compounding can be found in DeGarmo et al. (1997) and Au and Au
By using this method to evaluate investment alternatives, the one with the greatest
positive equivalent worth or least negative equivalent worth is selected. (Cost alter-
natives are those that will generate negative cash flows, except for a possible positive
cash flow element derived from disposal of assets at the end of the useful life of the
project; see DeGarmo et al. 1997).
When using this method, the following items should be considered:
Selection of the study period is an important step in comparing projects with different
life spans. The study period is the selected time over which mutually exclusive
alternatives are compared. The repeatability assumption can be used when the project
lives are different.
Example 4.5
Consider two water resources development projects that are being proposed to supply
the water demand of an industrial complex. Table 4.2 shows the characteristics of
these projects. Find the best alternative when the minimum attractive rate of return
(MARR) = 5%.
Solution: In this example, by using the repeatability assumption the study period
is set at 20 years, which is the least common multiple of lives, and we consider two
cycles of alternative B. By applying the present worth method, it can be written that:
Data for Example 4.5
Costs and Benefits Project A Project B
When selecting the study period, two options may be considered. One option is to
use the repeatability assumption, explained in the previous section. The second
option is to use the co-terminated assumption. Based on this assumption, if an
alternative has a useful life shorter than the study period, the estimated annual cost
of the activities might be used during the remaining years. Similarly, if the useful
life of an alternative is longer than the study period, a reestimated market value is
normally used as the terminal cash flow at the end of the co-terminated life of the
project (DeGarmo et al., 1997).
Example 4.6
Referring back to Example 4.5, assume that you want to invest your money in one
of two alternatives. Consider that the study period is 20 years. Use the repeatability
assumption and select the best alternative.
Solution: The future worth of alternative A can be estimated as follows:
FW of A = −$40, 000⎛ , 5%, 20⎞ − $160⎛ , 5%, 20⎞ + $4, 000⎛ , 5%, 20⎞
⎝P ⎠ ⎝A ⎠ ⎝A ⎠
= −$40, 000 × 2.6533 − $160 × 33.0660 + $4, 000 × 33.0660 = $20, 841
Water Resources Economics 129
For estimating the future worth of alternative B, it can be assumed that all cash
flows will be reinvested until the end of the study period, so the future worth of the
project can be estimated as follows:
⎡ ⎛F ⎞ ⎛F ⎞⎤⎛ F ⎞
FW of B = ⎢−$25, 000⎜ , 5%, 10⎟ + $4 , 000⎜ , 5%, 10⎟ ⎥ ⎜ , 5%, 10⎟
⎣ ⎝P ⎠ ⎝A ⎠⎦⎝ P ⎠
⎛F ⎞ ⎛F ⎞ ⎛F ⎞
−$100⎜ , 5%, 20⎟ − $25, 000⎜ , 5%, 10⎟ + $4 , 000⎜ , 5%, 10⎟
⎝A ⎠ ⎝P ⎠ ⎝A ⎠
Example 4.7
Solve Example 4.5 by using the annual worth method.
Example 4.8
Suppose you have invested $1000 in a project. Based on the contract, you will receive
benefits of $500 and $1500, 3 and 5 years later, respectively. How much is the IRR
of the investment?
Solution: Using the present worth method, it can be written that:
So, if the MARR is less than 16.90%, the investment will not be rejected.
In this method, it is assumed that the recovered funds are reinvested at IRR. In
many real situations, it is not possible to reinvest the money at IRR rather than at
MARR. In such cases, the external rate of return (ERR) method should be used.
1. The present value of all net cash flows is estimated using the e percentage
discount rate.
2. The future value of all net cash flows is estimated using the e percentage
interest rate.
3. The external rate of return is estimated by setting these two quantities
Example 4.9
Consider the cash flow diagram shown in Figure 4.6. If the external rate of return
is considered 15% and the MARR is equal to 20%, is the project rejected?
Solution: Based on the ERR method, it can be written that:
[ ]
ABS ( −$1, 000 − $500 ( P / F, 15%, 1)) × ( F / P, i ′%, 6)
Example 4.10
Two different types of pumps (A, B) can be used in a pumping station. Table 4.3
shows the costs and benefits of each of the pumps. Compare the two pumps using
a MARR = 10%.
Solution: The study period is 12 years. By using the repeatability assumption,
it can be written that:
Data Used in Example 4.10
Economic Characteristics Pump A Pump B
The graphical method can be used to select one of the pumps. In this method, a line
is drawn between the two points representing the present costs vs. present benefits
132 Water Resources Systems Analysis
PW of costs
8 B(652,818)
6 A(269,647)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (102) PW of benefits
FIGURE 4.7 Comparing the two projects in Example 4.10 by the rate of return method.
for A and B. The slope of this line is compared with a 45° line drawn on the graph.
As can be seen in Figure 4.7, the present worth of costs and the present worth of
benefits are equal for points on the line having a 45° slope. When the slope of the
line connecting two projects is less (more) than 45°, the project with the lower
(higher) initial cost would be selected. As shown in Figure 4.7, pump A, which has
a lower initial cost, should be selected.
B / C factor = (4.11)
I +C
For any project to remain under consideration, its benefit–cost ratio should exceed
one. Therefore,
B − ( I + C) > 0
Therefore, the benefit–cost criterion will eliminate all those projects for which
equivalent amounts are less than zero. Another formulation for this method, which
reflects the net gain expected per dollar invested, is as follows:
B / C factor = (4.12)
In order to consider the salvage value associated with an investment, the fol-
lowing relation can also be used in applying the benefit–cost method:
B / C factor = (4.13)
Example 4.11
Referring back to Example 4.10, assume that the annual costs of operation and
maintenance for pumps A and B are equal to $50 and $60, respectively. Compare
the two pumps using the benefit–cost ratio method.
Solution: Considering the salvage value of the pumps, Eq. (4.13) can be used.
Because the useful lives of the projects are different, it is easier to use the annual
worth method, as follows:
95 − 50
Pump A: B / C =
200( A / P, 10%, 6) − 50( A / F, 10%, 6)
= = 1.14
200 × 0.2296 − 50 × 0.1296
120 − 60
Pump B: B / C =
700( A / P, 10%, 12) − 150( A / F, 10%, 12)
= = 0.63
700 × 0.1468 − 150 × 0.0468
134 Water Resources Systems Analysis
It is apparent that the benefit–cost ratio for pump B is less than one; therefore, pump
A should be selected.
In order to compare multiple mutually exclusive alternatives by the benefit–cost
ratio method, the principle of incremental analysis should be applied. For this
purpose, the following steps should be taken:
Example 4.12
Three flood control projects have been proposed for a river. Each of the projects has
a useful life of 25 years and the interest rate is 5% per year. The benefits and costs
of the projects are listed in Table 4.4. Compare the alternatives using the benefit–cost
ratio method.
Solution: Present worth of costs and benefits for the projects can be estimated
as follows:
Benefits and Costs of Three Flood Control Alternatives in Example 4.12
(in $millions)
Benefits and Costs Project A Project B Project C
For all the projects the benefit–cost ratio is greater than one; therefore, all the projects
are acceptable. For comparing projects A and B, it can be written that:
Because the estimated benefit–cost ratio is greater than one for each project, project
B should be considered as the baseline because it has a higher present worth of costs
than project A. For comparing projects B and C, it can be written that:
c2 Goods
E2 E1 Environmental quality
FIGURE 4.8 Production possibilities curve. (Adapted from Field, B. C., Environmental Eco-
nomics: An Introduction, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.)
Price per unit resources
Units of resources
FIGURE 4.10 Examples of demand function. (Adapted from Viessman, W. and Welty, C.,
Water Management: Technology and Institutions, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1985.)
time, people are not going to use much more water than they really need no matter
how inexpensive the water is. The demands for products derived from water are
more sensitive to price changes.
The demand functions that engineers and planners encounter are more complex
because of a variety of factors that affect the demand functions. The demand func-
tions can be formulated as follows (Mays, 1996):
QW = QW ( PW , Pa , P, Y , Z ) (4.14)
Distribution of Costs and Benefits in Example 4.13
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Benefits and Costs ($/person/year)
Example 4.13
A water supply project is implemented in a region. Three groups of people with the
same levels of income will use this project. Table 4.5 shows the distribution of costs
and benefits among these groups. Is the distribution of costs and benefits vertical or
Solution: As shown in Table 4.5, for groups 1 and 2 the difference between
benefits and costs is equal; therefore, a horizontal distribution has been applied to
groups 1 and 2 but the difference between costs and benefits for the third group is
twice that of the other two groups. In the next example, the effects of vertical
distribution are explained.
Example 4.14
Three water supply projects are implemented in a region. The water demand of
people in a big city, a small city, and a village will be supplied by these projects.
The levels of income and distributions of costs and benefits for these projects are
presented in Table 4.6. Discuss the distributions of costs and benefits and determine
which projects are progressive and regressive.
Solution: As shown in Table 4.6 for the first program, the difference between
costs and benefits is 1% of income for the people in both cities and in the village;
therefore, the distribution of costs and benefits is vertical in this program. The second
program is a regressive program, because the profits allocated to the groups with
higher levels of income are higher. The third program is progressive, because it has
140 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Distribution of Costs and Benefits in Three Water Supply Projects
in Example 4.14
Village Small City Big City
(Pop. 5000) (Pop. 20,000) (Pop. 50,000)
Benefits and Costs ($/person/year)
allocated less profit to the people with higher income. It should be noted, however,
that a project might be regressive or progressive overall, but the distributions of costs
and benefits might be different. For example, the second program is regressive, but
the costs have been distributed progressively.
In quantifying economic efficiency, the differences between public and private
goods should also be considered. For example, consider two groups of consumers for
a good or service. The demand curves for these groups are represented by DA and
DB. The total demand for these groups when the good is a private good can be
estimated by horizontally summing the demand curves for each group. The total
demand curve (D) and the demand curves for two consumers are shown in Figure 4.11.
c d e
f g h output
price D
DA supply
j n
k c
m p
o q
The efficient output for this case is h because at this output the marginal benefit
to each consumer of an extra unit of the good equals its marginal cost. Assuming
that the marginal benefit can be measured as the maximum amount that each group
will pay for the extra unit, then the marginal benefit for groups A and B would be
cf and dg, respectively. The marginal cost of the extra unit is eh for the output rate
equal to h. Because cf = dg = eh, the marginal benefit to each group equals the
marginal cost (Mansfield, 1994).
Figure 4.12 shows a similar case for a public good. The total demand curve can
be obtained by summing the demand curves for the two groups vertically. Because
both groups of consumers consume the total amount of the good, the combined price
paid by the two groups of consumers is the sum of the price paid by each group.
The efficient output of a public good occurs when the marginal social benefits
equal the marginal social costs. For the output rate of q, the marginal social benefit
from an extra unit of output is the vertical sum of om and ok, which equals oj.
Because the marginal social cost of an extra unit of output is qn and because oj is
equal to qn, oq is the optimal rate of supply for the public good.
4.1 What is the future amount that will be available in 4 years if $1000 is
invested at 11% per year simple interest?
4.2 A company lends $10,000 at 10% interest rate for 10 years. At the end
of year 10, the entire principal plus interest is invested at a 12% rate of
interest for 10 years. How much will accumulate at the end of a 20-year
4.3 Draw a cash flow diagram for problem 4.2 from the viewpoint of the
lending company.
4.4 A certain type of equipment is intended to be used in a project for which
the economy study is based on a 25-year period; it is estimated that it
will require replacement every 10 years. What salvage value should be
used if the initial cost is $10,000? Use a 10% interest rate.
142 Water Resources Systems Analysis
4.5 Following are three alternatives for supplying water to a community for
25 years, after which the economic lives and period of analysis terminate.
Using the costs presented in the table and a 5% discount rate, compare
the three projects using the present worth method.
4.6 Compare the projects in problem 4.5 using the benefit–cost ratio method.
4.7 Compare the projects in problem 4.5 using the rate of return method.
4.8 Consider the following two mutually exclusive alternatives for a water
diversion project:
Project A Project B
4.11 Three water supply projects are implemented in a region. Water demand
of people in a big city, a small city, and a village will be supplied through
these projects. Level of income and distribution of costs and benefits for
these projects are presented in the following table. Discuss the distribution
of costs and benefits and determine which projects are progressive and
Al-Futaisi, A. and Stedinger, J. R., Hydrologic and economic uncertainties and flood-risk
project design, ASCE J. Water Resources Plan. Manage., 125(6), 314–324, 1999.
Arnold, F. S., Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Regulation, John Wiley and
Sons, New York, 1995.
Au, T. and Au, T. P., Engineering Economics for Capital Investment Analysis, Boston: Allyn
and Bacon, 1983.
Creel, M. and Loomis, J., Recreation value of water to wetlands in the San Joaquin Valley:
linked multinomial logic and count data trip frequency model, Water Resources Res.,
28(10), 1992.
DeGarmo, E. P., Sullivan, W. G., Bontadelli, J. A., and Wicks, E. M., Engineering Economy,
Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997.
Feder, G. and Le Moigne, G., Managing water in sustainable manner, Finance Dev., 31(2),
June 1994.
Field, B. C., Environmental Economics: An Introduction, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.
Hartwick, J. H. and Olewiler, N. D., The Economics of Natural Resources Use, Addison-
Wesley, Reading, MA, 1998.
Hoehn, J. P. and Krieger, D. J., Economic analysis of water services investments and tariffs
in Cairo, Egypt, ASCE J. Water Resources Plan. Manage., 126(6), 345–350, 2000.
144 Water Resources Systems Analysis
James, L. D. and Lee, R. R., Economics of Water Resources Planning, McGraw-Hill, New
Kahn, J. R., The Economic Approach to Environmental and Natural Resources, 2nd ed.,
Dryden Press, Troy, MO, 1998.
Kizner, I. M., Entrepreneurial discovery and the competitive market process: an Austrian
approach, J. Econ. Lit., 35(1), 60–85, 1997.
Loomis, J. B., Integrated Public Lands Management: Principles and Applications on National
Forests, Parks, Wildlife Refuges, and BLM Lands, Columbia University Press, New
York, 1993.
Loomis, J. B. and Walsh, R. G., Recreation Economic Decisions: Comparing Benefits and
Costs, Department of Agriculture and Resources Economics, Colorado State Univer-
sity, Fort Collins, CO, 1997.
Loomis, J. B., Environmental valuation techniques in water resources decision making, ASCE
J. Water Resources Plan. Manage., 126(6), 339–344, 2000.
Maksimovic, C. and Tejada-Guibert J. A., Eds., Frontiers in Urban Water Management:
Deadlock or Hope, IWA, London, 2001.
Mansfield, E., Managerial Economics: Theory, Application, and Cases, W.W. Norton, 1996.
Mansfield, E., Microeconomics: Theory and Applications, W. W. Norton, New York, 1994.
Mays, L. W., Water Resources Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.
Pudney, S., Modeling Individual Choice: The Econometrics of Corners, Kinks, and Holes,
Basel-Blackwell, Oxford, 1989.
Recio, B., Rubio, F., Lomban, J., and Ibanez, J., An econometric irrigated crop allocation
model for analyzing the impact of water restriction policies, J. Agric. Water Manage.,
42, 47–63, 1999.
Sagoff, M., The Economy of the Earth, Cambridge University Press, Landon, 1988.
Shabman, L. and Stephenson, K., Environmental valuation and its economic critics, ASCE J.
Water Resources Plan. Manage., 126(6), 382–388, 2000.
Tietenberg, T., Environmental and Natural Resources Economics, Harper Collins, New York,
United Nations, Proceedings of the Expert Group Meeting on Water Pricing, Water Resources
Series, No. 55, United Nations, New York, 1981.
USACE, Guidelines for Risk and Uncertainty Analysis in Water Resources Planning, Water
Resources Support Center, Institute of Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engi-
neers, Fort Belvoir, VA, 1992a.
USACE, Guidelines and Procedures for Risk and Uncertainty Analysis in Corps Civil Works
Planning, Water Resources Support Center, Institute of Water Resources, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Fort Belvoir, VA, 1992b.
USWRC, Economics and Environmental Principles for Water and Related Land Resources
Implementation Studies, U.S. Water Resources Council, U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C., 1983.
Viessman, W. and Welty, C., Water Management: Technology and Institutions, Harper & Row
Publishers, New York, 1985.
5 Time Series Analysis
The concept of random variables has been used in the field of hydrology and water
resources since the beginning of the 20th century, but in recent years a great deal
of effort has been devoted to improve the following:
Operation policies for water resources systems could not be applied in real-time
decision making without forecasting the future state of the resources. For example,
consider a reservoir that supplies water for various purposes; the amount of each
scheduled release depends on the probable range of inflow to the reservoir. Because
of a lack of adequate knowledge about physical processes in the hydrologic cycle,
many investigators have expanded the application of statistical models to forecasting
and generation of synthetic data. Synthetic data also help in incorporating uncer-
tainties and probable extreme events.
New advancements in this area have been mainly focused on coupling physical
characteristics of the water resources systems and the effects of large-scale climate
signals on water resources and early prediction of rainfall and streamflow. This
chapter discusses the basic principles of hydrologic time-series modeling and several
types of statistical models. It should be noted that the details of statistical modeling
are presented in many references, such as Salas et al. (1988) and Brockwell and
Davis (1987). An introduction to these models and their application in water
resources systems analysis are presented here.
146 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Linear function: Tt = a + bt
Polynomial function: Tt = a + bt + ct 2 + ⋯ + dt m
In statistical modeling of time series, it is assumed that the time series is purely
random; therefore, steps should be taken to remove trends, jumps, and periodicity
from the data.
Time Series Analysis 147
1. Trends removal
2. Removal of outlying observations
3. Removal of periodicity
4. Fit a well-known distribution to the data by applying proper transforma-
tions if needed.
148 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The principal assumption in using statistical models for hydrologic time series is
that the variable is considered to be absolutely random. Therefore, if the series
contains unnatural components, such as regulated release from reservoirs or trends,
they should be removed first. Trend and seasonality are usually detected by the time
sequence plot of the series. They can also be characterized by sample autocorrelation
functions, which are slowly decaying and nearly periodic.
For example, consider a nonseasonal series, xt, which contains trend components
as follows:
xt = Tt + zt (5.1)
where Tt and zt are trend and random components, respectively. The trend component
can usually be defined as a function of time as:
Tt = f t, ⋯, t m , β1 , ⋯, β m ) (5.2)
where (β1, ⋯, βm) are the parameters to be estimated. These parameters can be
estimated based on the least-square method by minimizing the following sum:
∑ (x − T )
t t (5.3)
For this purpose, the partial derivatives of the above sum with respect to each of the
parameters, (β1, ⋯, βm), is set to zero. The random series can then be obtained by
subtracting the trend from the observed data using Eq. (5.1).
Example 5.1
A series of annual water consumption in a city for a period of 10 years is shown in
Table 5.1. Estimate a linear trend function and generate the random series of water
consumption by removing the trend.
Solution: The linear trend function can be defined as:
Tt = α t + β (5.4)
10 10
∑ ( xt − Tt ) = ∑ ( x − α t − β)
2 2
t =1 t =1
Time Series Analysis 149
Annual Water Consumption
in the City for Example 5.1
Water Consumption
Year (million m3/year)
1 53
2 62
3 63
4 73
5 79
6 91
7 95
8 105
9 122
10 131
10 10 10
10 ∑ tx − ∑ t∑ x
t =1
t =1 t =1
α= 2 = 8.55
⎛ 10
10 ∑
t =1
t −⎜
∑ t =1
β = x − αt = 40.4
Random Components of Annual Water Consumption for Example 5.1
Water Consumption
Year (million m3/year) Trend Component Random Component
1 53 48.95 53 – 48.95=4.05
2 62 57.5 4.5
3 63 66.05 –3.05
4 73 74.60 –1.6
5 79 83.15 –4.15
6 91 91.70 –0.7
7 95 100.25 –5.25
8 105 108.80 –3.8
9 122 117.35 4.65
10 131 125.90 5.1
150 Water Resources Systems Analysis
∇( xt ) = xt − xt −1 = (1 − B) xt (5.5)
B( xt ) = xt −1 (5.6)
B j ( xt ) = xt − j and ( )
∇ j ( xt ) = ∇ ∇ j −1 ( xt ) , j ≥1 (5.7)
If the first-order difference operator is applied to the linear trend function shown
in Eq. (5.4), then we obtain the constant function ∇(Tt) = α. In a similar way, any
polynomial trend of degree k can be reduced to a constant by application of the
operator ∇k. Therefore, if a polynomial trend is detected in a hydrologic time series
Tt = ∑a t
∇ m ( xt ) = m! am + ∇ m zt (5.9)
Y = log( X ) (5.10)
Time Series Analysis 151
If gamma probability distribution function is used for the annual series X, then
the following transformation yields a relatively normal distribution of Y:
Y= X (5.11)
( xt + λ 2 )
zt = ( λ1 −1)
λ1 > 0 (5.12)
zt = g ⋅ ln( xt + λ 2 ) λ1 = 0 (5.13)
( x + c)
(λ ) −1
zt = t λ≠0 (5.14)
zt( ) = ln( xt + c)
λ=0 (5.15)
zt = ( x t + a )
b≠0 (5.16)
152 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Mn = ⎛ ⎞ ∑x
1 n
⎝ N⎠ i
i =1
If a model is fitted to a sample, then the population moments of the series generated
by this model are functions of model parameters; therefore, the moment parameter
estimates can be obtained by equating sample moments and population moments.
Suppose the following model is used for the sample (x1, ⋯, xN):
x t = α ⋅ zt + β
where zt is an independent random variable with mean zero and variance one; α and
β are the model parameters. Estimate the model parameters using the method of
Solution: The first and second sample moments can be estimated as:
M1 = ⎛ ⎞ ∑x
⎝ N⎠ i
i =1
M2 = ⎛ ⎞ ∑x
1 2
⎝ N⎠ i
i =1
Time Series Analysis 153
E[ X ] = β
[ ]
E X 2 = α 2 + β2
By equating the first population and sample moments, it can be written that:
β̂ = ⎛ ⎞ ∑x
⎝ N⎠ i
i =1
αˆ =
N ∑x
i =1
i − βˆ 2
xˆ t = f ( xt −1 , xt −2 , ⋯, α1 , α 2 , ⋯, α m ) + ε t (5.19)
where εt is the model residual and (α1, α2, ⋯, αm) are the model parameters. The
objective of the least-squares method is to minimize the following sum:
∑ ( xt − xˆt ) ∑ (x − f (x , xt −2 , ⋯, αˆ 1 , αˆ 2 , ⋯, αˆ m ) )
2 2
= t t −1 (5.20)
t =1 t =1
To minimize the above sum, all partial derivatives with respect to estimated values
of the parameters (αˆ 1 , αˆ 2 , ⋯, αˆ m ) should be equal to zero. Therefore, they can be
written as:
∑ ( xt − xˆt ) ∑ ( x − xˆ )
2 2
∂ ∂ t t
t =1 t =1
= 0, ⋯, =0 (5.21)
∂αˆ 1 ∂αˆ m
154 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Example 5.3
Consider that the following model is used for the sample (x1, ⋯, xN):
xt = αxt −1 + ε t
∑ ε = ∑ ( x − αx )
t t t −1
The partial derivatives of the sum with respect to α can be written as:
∑ ( x − αx )
∑(x (αxt −1 − xt )) = 0
t t −1
= t −1
∑x x t t −1
∑x 2
t −1
L( ε ) = ∏ f (ε , α , ⋯, α
t =1
t 1 m ) (5.22)
For maximizing the above sum, partial derivatives with respect to the parameters
(α1, ⋯, αm) should be equated to zero:
The following steps should be taken for hypothesis testing (Lapin, 1990):
1. Formulate the null hypothesis (H0). The data represent a specific distri-
2. Select the test procedure and test statistic (such as chi-square or Kolmo-
grov–Smirnov statistics).
3. Select the significance level and the acceptance and rejection regions for
the decision rule.
4. Compute the value of the test statistic for the sample data.
5. Make the decision.
( f − fˆ )
i i
χ =
i =1
156 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Precipitation Data for Example 5.4
Interval Precipitation Depth Classes Actual Frequency
(i) (mm) (fi )
1 0 ≤ P < 5 38
2 5 ≤ P < 10 26
3 10 ≤ P < 15 12
4 15 ≤ P < 20 10
5 20 ≤ P < 25 8
6 25 ≤ P < 30 3
7 30 ≤ P < 35 2
8 35 ≤ P < 40 1
9 40 ≤ P 0
where NC is the total number of categories. This estimation is close enough for
testing the goodness of fit whenever the expected frequency in any category is equal
or greater than 5 (Lapin, 1990). χ2 is chi-square distributed with NC – NP – 1 degree
of freedom, where NP is the number of parameters to be estimated.
Example 5.4
The classified monthly precipitation data measured in a station are divided into nine
categories (see Table 5.3). Previous studies have shown that in spite of assumptions
about distribution of precipitation data, it is exponentially distributed in this station.
Therefore, the probability that the monthly rainfall depth, P, is equal or below x can
be estimated as:
Prob[ P ≤ x ] = 1 − e − λx
Assume λ to be 0.105. Use the chi-square test with a 5% significance level and
comment on the selected distribution for the sample data.
Solution: The expected frequencies are estimated using the selected exponential
distribution as shown in the third column of Table 5.2. For example, for the first
class of the data, the probability of having rain with depth less than 5 mm is:
The expected frequencies are then estimated based on the difference between cumu-
lative probabilities (see Table 5.4). For example, for the second interval, it can be
written that:
Estimated Expected Frequencies and Chi-Square Statistic for the Data
Presented in Example 5.4
Exponential Expected
Actual Cumulative Frequencies
( f̂ )
Interval Frequency Probability at
(i) (fi ) Upper Limit i fi − fˆi χ2
1 38 0.41 41 –3 0.22
2 26 0.65 24 2 0.17
3 12 0.79 14 –2 0.29
4 10 0.88 9 1 0.11
5 8 0.93 5 3 1.8
6 3 0.96 3
7 2 0.97 1
–1 0.14
8 1 0.99 2
9 0 1 1
Sum 100 — 100 — 2.73
As shown in Table 5.4, the actual frequency for the intervals 6 to 9 is less than 5;
therefore, these classes are grouped together. The chi-square statistic is then esti-
mated as 2.73. The degree of freedom for the test is estimated as:
Degree of freedom = 6 – 1 – 1 = 4
D = max F( x ) − Fˆ ( x ) (5.26)
where F is the actual cumulative relative frequency and F̂ is the expected cumulative
relative frequency.
The same steps should be taken for hypothesis testing as discussed in Section
5.5. The estimated value for the test statistic should then be compared with the
critical value selected based on the significance level and number of the data points.
158 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Estimated Expected Frequencies and Kolmogorov–Smirnov Statistic
for the Data Presented in Example 5.5
Expected Cumulative
Actual Actual Cumulative Relative Frequency
( F̂( x))
Interval Frequency Relative Frequency
(i) (fi) (F(x)) D
Example 5.5
Solve Example 5.4 using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov goodness of fit test.
Solution: Table 5.5 shows the actual and expected cumulative relative
The last column in this table shows the absolute values of the difference
between the actual and the expected cumulative frequencies. As it can be seen, the
maximum value for the test statistic, D, is estimated as 0.03. From Appendix B
and considering 5% significance level and n =100, the critical value, D, is equal
to 0.12. Because the estimated value of the test statistic is smaller than the critical
value, the null hypothesis that the monthly precipitation is exponentially distributed
is accepted.
Cumulative percent
0 300 600 900 1200 1500
Volume (MCM)
FIGURE 5.1 The normal probability plot for monthly streamflow at Salt River Station on
Salt River in Arizona (1914–1998).
∑ (x − x)
1 3
N t =1
γˆ = 3/ 2 (5.27)
⎡1 N
∑ ( xt − x ) ⎥
⎢⎣ N t =1 ⎥⎦
where N is the total number of sample data and x is the sample mean. The skewness
test is based on the fact that the skewness coefficient of a normal variable is zero.
If the series is normally distributed, γ̂ is asymptotically normally distributed with
mean zero and variance 6/N (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967). Then (1 – α) probability
limits on γ could be defined as:
where u1−α/2 is the (1 – α/2) quantile of the standard normal distribution. Therefore,
if γ̂ falls within the limits of Eq. (5.4), the hypothesis of normality is accepted;
otherwise, it is rejected. Snedecor and Cochran (1967) recommended the above
160 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Table of Skewness Test for Normality
for Sample Sizes, Less than 150
N α = 0.02 α = 0.01
25 1.061 0.711
30 0.986 0.662
35 0.923 0.621
40 0.870 0.587
45 0.825 0.558
50 0.787 0.534
60 0.723 0.492
70 0.673 0.459
80 0.631 0.432
90 0.596 0.409
100 0.567 0.389
125 0.508 0.350
150 0.464 0.321
175 0.430 0.298
procedure when the sample size is greater than 150. For smaller sample sizes, they
suggest comparing the computed coefficient of skewness with the tabulated values,
γα(N), presented in Table 5.6. If γ̂ < γ α ( N ) , the hypothesis of normality is accepted.
Example 5.6
In order to bring the probability distribution of the monthly Salt River streamflows
(see Figure 5.1) closer to a normal distribution, the logarithmic transformation is
applied as follows:
yt = log10 ( xt )
where xt and yt are the original and transformed streamflow series in month t,
respectively. Figure 5.2 shows the normal probability plot for the transformed series
for the period 1914 to 1998. The skewness coefficient of the transformed series is
estimated to be 0.8. Use the skewness test and comment on the normality of the
transformed data.
Solution: As shown in Figure 5.2, the transformed series displays a better fit to
the normal distribution compared with the original series; however, it still cannot
be approximated as a straight line. If the 5% significance level is selected, the 95%
probability limits on the skewness coefficient can be estimated using Eq. (5.4):
Time Series Analysis 161
Cumulative percent
3.1 3.6 4.1 4.6 5.1 5.6
Monthly streamflows
FIGURE 5.2 The normal probability plot for transformed montly streamflow at Salt River
Station at Salt River in Arizona (1914–1998).
Because 0.8 does not fall within the above limits, the series is not normally distributed.
∑ ( x − x)( x
t =1
t t +k −x )
rk = N (5.29)
∑ ( x − x)
t =1
where rk is the lag-k autocorrelation coefficient and x is the sample mean. Figure 5.3
shows the correlogram of the Salt River monthly stream flows for the period of 1914
162 Water Resources Systems Analysis
0 5 10 15 20 25
to 1998. For an independent series, the population correlogram is equal to zero for
k ≠ 0. Even though correlograms of samples of independent series show fluctuations
around zero, they are not necessarily equal to zero due to sampling variability.
Anderson (1942) determined probability limits for the correlogram of independent
series as follows:
−1 ± 1.645 N − k − 1
rk (95%) = (5.30)
−1 ± 2.326 N − k − 1
rk (99%) = (5.31)
Q = (N − d) ⋅ ∑ r (ε )
k =1
Q ′ = n(n + 2) ∑ r (ε ) (n − j )
k =1
Tao and Delluer (1976) used the following statistic for testing the ade-
quacy of a seasonal ARMA model:
L ω
Q1 = N ⋅ ∑∑r
k =1 τ =1
k ,τ (ε ) (5.34)
where ω is the number of time intervals per year (seasons). Granger and
Anderson (1978) found examples where the residuals were uncorrelated
while the squared residuals were correlated. The sample autocorrelation
function of squared residuals ε̂ t2 can be estimated as (Brockwell and
Davis, 1987):
∑ (εˆ t
− ε 2 εˆ t2+ L − ε 2 )
ρˆ εε ( L) = t =1
L ≥1 (5.35)
∑( )
εˆ t2 − ε 2
t =1
164 Water Resources Systems Analysis
∑ εˆ 2
ε2 = t =1
Qεε = N ( N + 2) ∑ ρˆk =1
εε (k ) ( N − k ) (5.36)
⎡⎛ N
⎞ ⎛
2 N
( ) 2
MSD h j = 2
⎢⎝ ∑ (
εˆ t ⋅ Cos 2 πh j t ⎟ + ⎜
⎠ ⎝
) ∑ ( )
εˆ t Sin 2 πh j t ⎟
⎣ t =1 t =1 ⎦
∑ MSD(h )
j =1
Pi = i = 1, ⋯, N / 2 (5.39)
σ 2ε
Approximate Critical Values of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov
Statistic Kα (Yevjevich 1972a)
2( n − 2 )
µ Tp = (5.40)
(16n − 29)
σ T2P = (5.41)
It can be shown for a random sequence, the number of turning points (Tp)
has an N (µ Tp , σ T2p ) distribution. So the assumption that xt is a random
sequence is rejected if:
Tp − µ Tp
> u1−α 2 (5.42)
σ Tp
Example 5.7
A series of residuals of a model fitted to precipitation data in a station for 20 time
intervals is given in Table 5.8. Use the turning point test and comment on the
randomness of the residuals.
166 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The Series of Residuals for Example 5.7
Month Residual Month Residual
1 0.87 11 0.30
2 0.45 12 0.51
3 0.33 13 0.41
4 0.36 14 0.24
5 0.31 15 0.56
6 0.12 16 0.48
7 0.33 17 0.06
8 0.17 18 0.77
9 0.78 19 0.36
10 0.90 20 0.22
Solution: The turning points occurred in months 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14,
17, 18. The expected value and variance of the number of turning points can be
estimated using Eqs. (5.16) and (5.17):
The statistic for testing the randomness can be defined using Eq. (5.18):
11 − 12
= 0.556
which is less than the critical value of the N(0,1) distribution with a 5% significance
level (u1–0.05/2 = 1.96), so the assumption of randomness is accepted.
( )
AIC( p, q) = N ⋅ ln σˆ 2 (ε ) + 2( p + q) (5.43)
where N is the sample size and σ̂ 2 (ε ) is the maximum likelihood estimate of the
residual variance. Based on this criterion, the model with minimum AIC is selected.
Time Series Analysis 167
The goodness of fit tests should be applied to the model with minimum AIC to make
sure the residuals are consistent with their expected behavior. If the model residuals
do not pass the test, the models with higher values of AIC should be checked.
• AR models with constant parameters, which are typically used for mod-
eling of annual series
• AR models with timely variable parameters, which are typically used for
modeling of seasonal (periodic) series
The basic form of the AR model of order p, (AR p), with constant parameters is:
zt = ∑φ z
i =1
i t −i + εt (5.44)
The above formulation is based on the standardized series, which can be obtained
as follows:
xt − µ
zt = (5.45)
168 Water Resources Systems Analysis
where µ and σ are the mean and standard deviation of the series xt. The parameter
set of the model is:
where σ2(ε) is the variance of the time-independent series. The model parameters
can be estimated by solving the following linear equations (Yule–Walker equations)
ri = φˆ 1ri −1 + φˆ 2 ri −2 + ⋯ + φˆ p ri − p (i ≤ p ) (5.47)
where ri are the sample correlation coefficients of lag i. The parameter σ2(ε) can
also be estimated using the following relation:
Nσˆ 2 ⎛ ⎞
σˆ 2 (ε ) =
( N − p) ⎜⎝
1− ∑ φˆ r ⎟⎠
i =1
i i (5.48)
In other words, we must have ⏐ui⏐ < 1. In order to forecast or generate annual AR
models, the following relation can be used:
Example 5.8
For an AR(2) model, the parameters have been estimated as φ1 = 0.5 and φ2 = 0.3.
Check the stationary condition of the parameters.
Solution: Using Eq. (5.49), the following expressions can be written:
⎧⎪u1 = 0.85
u 2 − 0.5u − 0.3 = 0 ⇒ ⎨
⎪⎩u2 = −0.35
The roots lie within the unit circle; therefore, the parameters pass the stationary
Time Series Analysis 169
Example 5.9
For a sample of 100-year normal and standardized annual inflows to a reservoir, an
AR(2) model is selected. The first and second correlation coefficients are estimated
as r1 = 0.6 and r2 = 0.35. Estimate the model parameters if the variance of the normal
and standardized inflow series is estimated as 1.5.
Solution: Using Eq. (5.47), we write:
⎧⎪r1 = φ1 + φ 2 r1
⎩⎪r2 = φ 2 + φ1r1
By solving these equations,
r1 (1 − r2 ) r2 − r12
φ1 = and φ2 =
1− r 1
1 − r12
The variance of model residuals can also be estimated using Eq. (5.48):
100 × 1.5
σˆ 2 (ε ) = (1 − 0.6 × 0.61 + 0.35 × 0.02) = 0.96
(100 − 2)
In order to identify whether an AR(p) is an appropriate model for a specific time
series, it is necessary to estimate and investigate the behavior of the partial auto-
correlation function (PACF) of the series. The PACF represents the time-dependence
structure of the series in a different way. The partial autocorrelation lag k may be
regarded as the correlation between z1 and zk+1, adjusted for the intervening obser-
vations (z2, …, zk). For an AR(p) process, the partial autocorrelation function is the
last autoregressive coefficient of the model φk(k), which can be estimated by rewriting
Eq. (5.33) as follows:
ri = φˆ 1 (k ) ri −1 + φˆ 2 (k ) ri −2 + ⋯ + φˆ k (k ) ri −k (i = 1,…, k )
which represents a set of linear equations,
φˆ 1 (k ) r0 + φˆ 2 (k ) r1 + ⋯ + φˆ k (k ) rk −1 = r1
φˆ 1 (k ) r1 + φˆ 2 (k ) r0 + ⋯ + φˆ k (k ) rk −1 = r2
φˆ 1 (k ) rk −1 + φˆ 2 (k ) rk −2 + ⋯ + φˆ k (k ) r0 = rk
170 Water Resources Systems Analysis
⎡1 r1 r2 ⋯ rk −1 ⎤ ⎡ ϕ1 (k ) ⎤ ⎡ r1 ⎤
⎢r 1 r1 ⋯ rk −2 ⎥ ⎢⎢ϕ 2 (k )⎥⎥ ⎢r2 ⎥
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ r2 r1 1 ⋯ rk −3 ⎥ ⎢ϕ 3 (k )⎥ = ⎢r3 ⎥
⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⎥ ⎢ ⋮ ⎥ ⎢⋮⎥
⎢⎣rk −1 rk −2 rk −3 ⋯ 1 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ϕ k (k )⎥⎦ ⎢⎣rk ⎥⎦
zν, τ = ∑φ
i =1
i , τ ν, τ − i + σ τ (ε )ζ ν,τ (5.51)
where zν,τ is normal and the standardized value in year ν and season τ, φi,τ are periodic
autoregressive coefficients, and στ(ε) is the standard deviation of residuals in
season τ. zν,τ is estimated using the seasonal mean and variances as follows:
x ν, τ − µ τ
z ν, τ = (5.52)
where µτ and στ are the mean and standard deviation of x in season τ, respectively.
The parameter set of the model can be summarized as:
{µ , σ , φ
τ τ 1,τ , ⋯, φ P,τ , σ 2τ (ε ), τ = 1, ⋯, η }
where η is the total number of seasons. Equation (5.47) can be similarly used for
each season:
rk = ∑ φˆ
i =1
i ,τ k −i ,τ − min ( k ,i ) ( k > 0) (5.53)
σˆ 2τ (ε ) = 1 − ∑ φˆ
j =1
j ,τ ⋅ rˆj ,τ (5.54)
Time Series Analysis 171
zt = ε t − θ1ε t −1 − θ 2 ε t −2 − θ 3 ε t −3 − ⋯ − θ q ε t −q (5.55)
zt = − ∑θ ε
j =0
j t− j (θ 0 = −1) (5.56)
where θ1, ⋯, θq are q orders of MA(q) model parameters. The parameter set of the
model can be summarized as:
The following relation can be used for estimating the moving average parameters:
⎧ q−k
⎪ ∑
⎪ j =0
θ jθ j +k
⎪ q (k ≤ q)
rk = ⎨
1+ ∑ θ2j
⎪ j =1
⎩0 (k > q)
The parameters of the model should satisfy the invertibility condition. This condition,
for example, for a MA(1) process, shows that the first order moving average process
is inverted into an autoregressive process of infinite order, provided that |θ1 < 1|. In
other words, the root of u – θ1 = 0 should be inside the unit circle. To generalize
the invertibility condition to an MA(q), the roots of the following polynomial should
lie inside the unit circle:
u q − θˆ 1u q −1 − θˆ 2 u q −2 − ⋯ − θˆ q = 0 (5.58)
172 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Example 5.10
For an MA(2) model, the parameters have been estimated as θ1 = 0.65 and θ2 = 0.3.
Determine whether the parameters pass the invertibility condition.
Solution: Using Eq. (5.35), we can write:
⎪⎧u1 = 0.96
u 2 − 0.65u − 0.3 = 0 ⇒ ⎨ (5.59)
⎪⎩u2 = −0.31
The roots lie within the unit circle; therefore, the parameters pass the invertibility
zt − φ1 zt −1 − ⋯ − φ p zt − p = ε t + θ1ε t −1 + ⋯ + θ q ε t −q (5.60)
The ARMA(p,q) model can also be shown in the following compact form:
where φ(z) and θ(z) are the pth and qth degree polynomials:
φ( z ) = 1 − φ1 z − ⋯ − φ p z p (5.62)
θ( z ) = 1 + θ1 z + ⋯ + θ q z q (5.63)
The parameters of the ARMA(p,q) model should satisfy both the conditions of
invertibility and stationarity.
Table 5.9 shows the characteristic behavior of the autocorrelation and of the
partial autocorrelation for the AR, MA, and ARMA processes, which can be effec-
tively incorporated in selecting the type and form of the statistical model.
Time Series Analysis 173
Characteristic Behavior of AR, MA, and ARMA Processes
Process Autocorrelation Partial Autocorrelation
AR(p) Damped and infinite in extent Peaks at lags 1 through p and then cuts off
exponentials and/or waves
MA(q) Peak at lags 1 through q and then cuts off Damped and infinite in extent
exponentials and/or waves
ARMA(p,q) Irregular in first q-p lags and then damped Irregular in first p-q lags and then damped
and infinite in extent exponentials and/or and infinite in extent exponentials and/or
waves waves
If these conditions are not met by a time series, a proper transformation should be
performed to generate time series satisfying the above two conditions. This has usually
been achieved by differencing, satisfying the essence of ARIMA models. This class
of models is very powerful for describing stationary and nonstationary time series.
The nonseasonal form of ARIMA models of order (p,d,q) can be formulated as:
174 Water Resources Systems Analysis
φ( B)(1 − B) zt = θ( B)ε t
φ( B) = 1 − φ1 B − φ 2 B 2 − .... − φ p B p (5.68)
θ( B) = 1 − θ1 B − θ 2 B 2 − .... − θ q B q (5.69)
In order to model the seasonal hydrologic time series, the seasonal form of ARIMA
models of nonseasonal order (p,d,q) and of seasonal order (P,D,Q)w with seasonality
w has also been developed. The general multiplicative ARIMA(p,d,q)(P,D,Q)w can
be formulated as:
( ) (
Φ B w φ( B) 1 − B w ) (1 − B)d zt = Θ( B w )θ( B)ε t
Time Series Analysis 175
Estimating the parameters are done by computer packages. For details of parameter
estimation refer to Salas et al. (1989).
Example 5.11
The model has nonlinear parameters because of the terms θΘ and φΦ.
model was presented by Valencia and Schaake (1973). Multivariate and disaggrega-
tion models may be used either for the generation of synthetic time series or for
forecasting. For disaggregation models, the key series must be available as an input
to the model.
An AR(1) multivariate model may be represented as:
Zt = A1 Zt −1 + Bε t (5.74)
⎢ ( 2 ) ⎥ ⎢ 21 ⎥ (2) ⎥ ⎢
⎢ ⎥ (2) ⎥
⎢ Zt ⎥ ⎢ a a 22 ⋯ a 2 n ⎥ ⎢ Zt −1 ⎥ ⎢b 21 b 22 ⋯ b 2 n ⎥ ⎢ε t ⎥
⎢ ⋮ ⎥=⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⎥⎢ ⋮ ⎥ ⎢ ⋮
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⎥⎢ ⋮ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎢ Zt( n ) ⎥ ⎢⎣a n1 a n2 ⋯ a nn ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ Zt(−n1) ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣b n1 b n2 ⋯ b nn ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ε (t n ) ⎥⎦
⎣ ⎦
The correlation structure of Zt of the above equation indicates a lag-0 and lag-1
cross-correlation in time. In the case of two time series (n = 2), the formulations for
AR(1) multivariate model are:
Zt = A1 Zt −1 + A2 Zt −2 + Bε t (5.77)
The parameters of Eq. (5.72) are matrices A1, A2, and B; Salas et al. (1988) provide
details of the mathematical estimation of the model parameters.
The main parameter for estimating the other parameters of multivariate models
is the covariance structure represented by a correlation matrix. The correlation matrix
of lag k for n correlated time series can be obtained as:
k , ρ12
k , ..., ρ1kn ⎤
⎢ 21 ⎥
ρ , ρk ,
..., ρ2k n ⎥
Mk = ⎢ k (5.78)
⎢ . . . . ⎥
⎢ n1 ⎥
⎢⎣ρk , ρnk 2 , ..., ρnn
k ⎥ ⎦
Time Series Analysis 177
Where ρijk is the lag-k cross-correlation coefficient between time series Zti and Ztj .
For the multivariate AR(1) model, the multivariate correlation function can be written
by one of the following two expressions:
Mk = A1 Mk −1, k > 0 ⎫
or ⎬ (5.79)
Mk = A1 M0, k ≥ 0 ⎪⎭
And, for the multivariate AR(2) model, the multivariate correlation function is:
Mk = A1 Mk −1 + A2 Mk −2 , k > 0 (5.80)
The moment estimates of the parameters A1 and B for the multivariate AR(1) may
be obtained from Eqs. (5.81) and (5.82):
Bˆ BT = Mˆ 0 − Aˆ1 Mˆ 1T (5.82)
Similarly, for the multivariate AR(2) model, the moment estimate of the parameters
A1, A2, and B may be obtained from Eqs. (5.78) and (5.79) (Salas and Pegram, 1978):
[ ] [ ]
Aˆ1 = Mˆ 1 − Mˆ 2 Mˆ 0 −1 Mˆ 1T × Mˆ 0 − Mˆ 1 Mˆ 0−1 Mˆ 1T (5.83)
[ ] [ ]
Aˆ 2 = Mˆ 2 − Mˆ 1 Mˆ 0 −1 Mˆ 1T × Mˆ 0 − Mˆ 1T Mˆ 0−1 Mˆ 1 (5.84)
BBT = Mˆ 2 − Aˆ1 Mˆ 1T + Aˆ 2 Mˆ 2T ] (5.85)
Example 5.12
Table 5.10 provides 18 years of annual flows at two stations of a river basin.
Formulate the multivariate model AR(1) for generating synthetic data for these two
stations. Assume that the data follow normal distribution.
178 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 5.10
Annual Streamflows of Two Stations (million m3)
Streamflows of Streamflows of
Year Station 1 Station 2
1 150 250
2 200 450
3 330 502
4 401 720
5 550 550
6 662 600
7 445 465
8 551 650
9 302 390
10 203 300
11 405 520
12 470 740
13 502 780
14 608 705
15 402 600
16 501 590
17 460 480
18 230 320
Solution: The correlation coefficients matrices of lag-0 and lag-1 are computed
using Eq. (5.78):
⎡ 1 0.76⎤
M0 = ⎢
⎣0.76 1 ⎥⎦
⎡ 0.41 0.12 ⎤
M1 = ⎢
⎣0.52 0.37⎥⎦
The parameters A1 and BBT are estimated using Eqs. (5.81) and (5.82), respectively:
⎡0.78 −0.47⎤
A1 = ⎢
⎣0.56 −0.05⎥⎦
⎡0.74 0.54⎤
BBT = ⎢
⎣0.54 0.73⎥⎦
Time Series Analysis 179
⎡0.82 0 ⎤
⎣ 0.6 −0.57⎥⎦
After estimating the multivariate AR(1) parameters, Eq. (5.74) could be used to
generate synthetic data for the stations.
Y = AX + Bε (5.86)
where Y is the subseries or dependent series generated based on the key (independent)
time series X; ε represents the current value from a completely random series; and
A and B are the model parameters. In general, the above variables and parameters
are represented in the form of vectors and matrices.
Two other disaggregation models are the extended and condensed models. The
extended model developed by Mejia and Rousselle (1976) is an extension of the
basic temporal model. An additional term is added to the model to consider seasonal
covariance between seasons of the current year and seasons of the past year. The
model takes the form:
Y = AX + Bε + CZ (5.87)
where Z is a column matrix containing seasonal values from the previous years, and
C is an additional parameter matrix.
Lane (1979) has developed a condensed model that can be written as:
Yτ = Aτ X + Bτ ε + Cτ Yτ−1 (5.88)
180 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The subscript τ denotes the current season being generated. Parameters for the linear,
extended, and condensed disaggregation models can be estimated as follows (Salas
et al., 1988):
ˆ ˆ T = S − Aˆ ⋅ S
BB (5.90)
Cˆ = SYZ − AS
ˆ ˆ T = S − AS
ˆT ˆ ˆT ˆ ˆT ˆ ˆT
XX A − ASXZ C − CSZX A − CSZZ C ) (5.93)
Or, equivalently,
ˆ ˆ T = S − AS ˆ
BB YY XY − CSZY (5.94)
The notation is the same as for the basic linear model. Z consists of the lagged
partial seasonal series, which are used in addition to those used in the linear basic
model. SZX and SZY are the matrix of covariances between the lagged partial seasonal
series and the annual and seasonal series, respectively.
The parameters of the condensed model are estimated as:
Aˆ τ = SYX ( τ, τ) − SYY ( τ − 1, τ)SYY −1 ( τ − 1, τ − 1)SYX ( τ − 1, τ) × ]
[ ]
SXX ( τ, τ) − SXY ( τ, τ − 1)SYY −1 ( τ − 1, τ − 1)SYX ( τ − 1, τ)
The condensed model has one equation for each season. The current season (τ)
is denoted by τ. As an example, for covariance matrices, SXY(τ,τ – 1) represents the
covariance matrix between the annual series associated with the current season (τ)
and seasonal values associated with the previous season (τ-1). See Salas et al. (1988)
for more details.
5.1 The following table shows the annual rainfall at a rain gauge. Test the
stationarity of the time series in its mean. Define a trend model and the
residuals of the series.
1 200 11 172
2 212 12 180
3 302 13 185
4 212 14 190
5 192 15 302
6 186 16 215
7 148 17 218
8 312 18 158
9 220 19 142
10 195 20 175
1 0.87 11 0.78
2 0.28 12 0.82
3 0.32 13 0.14
4 0.34 14 0.22
5 0.33 15 0.65
6 0.15 16 0.48
7 0.18 17 0.32
8 0.17 18 0.07
9 0.21 19 0.24
10 0.22 20 0.25
182 Water Resources Systems Analysis
5.3 The classified monthly precipitation data measured in a station are divided
into eight categories as shown in the following table. Previous studies
have shown that the precipitation data in this station are normally distrib-
uted. Use the chi-square test with a 5% significance level and comment
on the selected distribution for the sample data.
1 0≤P<5 27
2 5 ≤ P < 10 24
3 10 ≤ P < 15 9
4 15 ≤ P < 20 8
5 20 ≤ P < 25 5
6 25 ≤ P <30 4
7 30 ≤ P < 35 2
8 35≤ P < 0 1
5.4 A streamflow time series of a river could be shown in the form of the
following equation. Find the extended formulation for this model.
Discharge Discharge
(m3/sec) Year (m3/sec) Year
14.6 18 59.8 1
44.2 19 63.3 2
131.0 20 57.7 3
73.3 21 64.0 4
46.6 22 63.5 5
39.4 23 38.0 6
41.2 24 74.6 7
41.3 25 13.1 8
62.0 26 37.6 9
90.0 27 67.5 10
50.6 28 21.7 11
41.9 29 37.0 12
35.0 30 93.5 13
16.5 31 58.5 14
35.3 32 63.3 15
30.0 33 74.4 16
52.6 34 34.2 17
Akaike, H., A New Look at the Statistical Model Identification, IEEE Trans. on Automatic
Control, AC-19, 6, 716–723, 1974.
Anderson, T. W., Distribution of the Serial Correlation Coefficients, Annals of Math. Stat.,
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Box, G. E. P. and Cox, D. R., An analysis of transformation, J. Roy. Stat. Soc., B26, 211–252,
Box, G. E. P. and Jenkins, G. M., Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, Holden-
Day, San Francisco, 1970.
Box, G. E. P. and Pierce, D. A. Distribution of the residual autocorrelations in autoregressive-
integrated moving average time series models, J. Am. Stat. Assoc., 65, 1509–1526,
Brockwell, P. J. and Davis, R. A., Time Series Theory and Methods, Springer-Verlag, New
York, 1987.
Delleur, J. W., and Karamouz, M., Uncertainty in reservoir operation, Optimal Allocation of
Water Resources, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Publications
No. 135, Exeter, U.K., 1982.
Fiering, M. B., Multivariate techniques for synthetic hydrology, J. Hydraulic Division, ASCE,
90, HY5, 43–60, 1964.
Granger, C. W. J., and Anderson, A. P., Non-linear time series modeling, Applied Time Series
Analysis, D. F. Findley (ed.), Academic Press, New York, 1978.
Hipel, K. W. and McLeod, A. I., Advances in Box-Jenkins modeling, 1. Model construction,
Water Resources Res., 13(3), 567–575.
184 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Lane, W. L., Applied Stochastic Techniques (LAST Computer Package) User Manual, Division
of Planning Technical Services, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO, 1979.
Lapin L. L., Probability and Statistics for Modern Engineering, PWS-Kent Publishing, Bos-
ton, MA, 1990.
Ljung, G., and Box G. E. P., On a measure of lack of fit in time series models, Biometrika,
(65), 297–303, 1978.
McLeod, A. I., and Li, W. K., Diagnostic Checking of ARMA Time Series Models Using
Squared-Residual Autocorrelations, J. Time Series Anal., 4, 269–273, 1983.
Matalas, N. C., Mathematical assessment of synthetic hydrology, J. Water Resources Res.,
3(4), 937–945, 1967.
Mejia, J. M., On the Generation of Multivariate Sequences Exhibiting the Hurst Phenomenon,
Fort Collins, CO, 1971.
Mejia, J. M. and Rousselle, J., Disaggregation models in hydrology revisited, J. Water
Resources Res., 12(2), 185–186, 1976.
O’Connell, P. E., Stochastic Modeling of Long-Term Persistence in Streamflow Sequences,
Ph.D. thesis, Imperial College, University of London, 1974.
Salas, J. D. and Pegram, G. G. S., A seasonal multivariate multilag autoregressive model in
hydrology, in Modeling Hydrologic Processes, Morel-Seytoux, H., Salas, J. D., Sand-
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Salas, J. D., Delleur, J. W., Yevjevich, V., and Lane, W. L., Applied Modeling of Hydrological
Time Series, Water Resources Publication, Fort Collins, CO, 1988.
Shahin, M., Van Oorschot, H. J. K., and De Lang, S. J., Statistical Analysis in Water Resources
Engineering, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1993.
Snedecor, G.W. and W.G. Cochran, Statistical Methods, 6th edition, Iowa State University
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Tao, P. C. and Delleur, J. W., Seasonal and nonseasonal ARMA models in hydrology, ASCE
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Yevjevich, V., Stochastic Process in Hydrology, Water Resources Publications, Fort Collins,
CO, 1972.
Time Series Analysis 185
Chi-Square Distribution (The following table provides the values of χ2α that corre-
spond to a given upper-tail area α and a specified number of degrees of freedom.)
of Upper-Tail Area α
Freedom 0.99 0.98 0.95 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.50
of Upper-Tail Area α
Freedom 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.001
Critical Values of D for Kolmogorov Smirnov Maximum Deviation Test for Good-
ness of Fit (The following table provides the critical values, Dα , corresponding to
an upper-tail probability, α of the test statistic D.)
n α = 0.005 α = 0.01 α = 0.025 α = 0.05 α = 0.1
12 - Danube
13 - Dnieper
14 - Dniester
15 - Don
16 - Ebro
41 17 - Elbe 19 21 57
36 18 - Garonne 70 59
21 30 64
35 19 - Glama
38 26 17 29 13
20 - Guadalquivir 22 15 28 50
North and Central America 34 40 21 - Kemijoki 18 12
32 - Brazos 14
37 22 - Loire 27 16 29 23
33 - Colorado 23 - Po 49
33 20 67 54
34 - Columbia 32 24 - Rhine-Maas
39 55
35 - Fraser 25 - Rhone 69
36 - Mackenzie 52 51
26 - Seine 56 68
37 - Mississippi 27 - Tagus 63 60
38 - Nelson 53
66 58
28 - Ural 9 5
39 - Rio Grande
29 - Vistula 65 61
10 6
40 - St. Lawrence 1
43 44 30 - Volga
41 - Yukon 3
31 - Weser
Africa 2
42 1 - Chari Asia and Oceania
47 46 2 - Congo 49 - Amu Darya 60 - Mahanadi
FIGURE 6.1 Major watersheds across national boundaries. (From World Resources Institute, World Resources: A Guide to the Global Environment,
a joint publication by The World Resources Institute, The United Nations Environment Programme, The United Nations Development Programme, and
The World Bank, Oxford University Press, London, 1998.)
River Basin Modeling 193
Evaporation Evapotranspiration
L er
Infiltration flowland
Perc ble
olation Water ta
G Channel runoff
Ll = ( L ⋅ Lca / 2.58)
Rc = A A (6.2)
1. Gravel, d ≤ 2 mm
2. Sand, 0.02 ≤ d ≤ 2 mm
3. Silt, 0.002 ≤ d ≤ 0.02 mm
4. Clay, d ≤ 0.002 mm
Water-holding characteristics and the infiltration capacity of the soil can be deter-
mined by the soil texture. The capacity of soil to pass and store infiltrating water
increases with the size of the soil particles as a result of the increase in pore space.
capillary water in the smaller pore spaces of the soil or as hygroscopic water
absorbed on the surface of soil particles. Capillary water can be removed from soil
by applying forces sufficient to overcome the capillary forces. Field capacity is the
moisture content of the soil after drainage. Drainage of water will continue for some
time after a soil is saturated, so field capacity must be defined in terms of a specific
drainage period. The permanent wilting point is a moisture content at which plants
can no longer extract sufficient water from soil for growth. Water below this level
of soil moisture is referred to as unavailable water, and the only moisture presented
in the soil is the thin film or layer of moisture attached to the soil particles, which
is referred to as hygroscopic moisture. Available water is the moisture content of
the soil that exists between field capacity and the permanent wilting point. An
efficient irrigation procedure is to apply water when the moisture content of the soil
approaches the wilting point in an amount sufficient to raise the soil moisture to the
field capacity within the root zone.
the rate of evaporation are the heat energy supply, humidity of the air, characteristics
of the airflow across the surface, and nature of the evaporating surface.
Vegetation provides an extra pathway for water to travel from the ground surface
into the atmosphere. Water vapor is diffused through pores on the leaf surface and is
transferred into the atmosphere. This transfer of water is referred as transpiration
and accounts for a large proportion of moisture losses from vegetated surfaces. The
rate of transpiration loss is governed by two types of factors: extrinsic factors affecting
the rate of evaporation from the water surface and the factors intrinsic to the plant.
For example, transpiration loss from most plants will be large when the atmosphere
is relatively dry. In most plants, leaf stomata open under light conditions and close
at night, thereby introducing a clear diurnal variation in transpiration losses. There-
fore, a significant amount of climatic and hydrologic data are required for estimating
of transpiration losses, the most important of which are temperature, available water,
land cover, wind condition, and geographic latitude. In modeling river basins, a correct
estimate of the water budget and the spatiotemporal distribution of data is a key factor.
Data accuracy and considering the physical and hydrological characteristics of the
watershed is essential to integrated water resources planning of that system.
1. Length
2. Slope
3. Cross-section
4. Roughness
5. Form
River length and slope can be described by several computational schemes; the
most common are described here.
The river (channel) length is the distance between the river basin outlet and the
end of the river along the main channel (Lc). The river (channel) slope is the
difference in elevation between the upper and lower elevation of river (ΔEc ) over
the length (Lc ).
Sc = (6.3)
198 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 6.5 (a) Braided channel, and (b) geomorphological features of a meandering
In most cases, the river slope is not uniform and a weighted slope can be used that
provides better results:
Si = ⎛ ⎞
⎝ k⎠
where n is the number of river or channel segments and k is given by the following
∑ (ΔE
k= (6.5)
Li )
i =1 i
where ΔEi is the difference in elevation between the points defining the upper and
lower segment i of the river, and Li is the length of segment i. The river slope over
each segment is considered relatively constant.
Cross-section information, including cross-section area, wetted perimeters, slope
average velocity, and roughness, is usually necessary for hydrologic analysis, plan-
ning, and management.
Channel roughness affects the hydraulic characteristics of river flow and is
required for a number of hydraulic and hydrologic computations. Manning’s rough-
ness coefficient is used in a number of methods for estimation of water elevation,
velocity of stream flow, and travel time of runoff, thus channel roughness should be
estimated as an important input.
The channel form is another important physical characteristic of rivers. The river
discharge can increase in the downstream direction as the watershed area increases,
thus the channel form changes, becoming deeper and wider. A modeled channel
form can demonstrate how the river adjusts to input of sediment and discharge.
Channel forms can be classified as straight, sinuous, meandering, and braided chan-
nels (see Figure 6.5) (White et al., 1992).
• Time of concentration (tc): Time for a wave to propagate from the most
distant point in the watershed to the outlet
• Lag time (tp): Time from the center of mass of rainfall excess to the peak
of the hydrograph that can be estimated using following methods: (1)
Snyder’s method (Snyder, 1938):
t p = 0.74 Ct ( L Lc )
where tp is the lag time (hr); L is the length of the main stream from the
outlet to the divide (km); Lc is a watershed shape parameter, which is the
length measured along the main channel from the watershed outlet to a
point on the main channel that is perpendicular to the center of the area
of the watershed (km); and Ct is a watershed storage coefficient, usually
ranging from 1.8 to 2.2. (2) Linsley’s method (Linsley et al., 1982):
⎛ L Lc ⎞
t p = 0.72 Cl ⎜ ⎟ (6.7)
⎝ S ⎠
where tp is the lag time (hr); L is the length of main stream from the outlet
to the divide (km); Lc is a watershed shape parameter, which is the length
measured along the main channel from the watershed outlet to a point
on the main channel that is perpendicular to the center of the area of the
watershed (km); S is the basin slope; and Cl is a watershed storage
coefficient, usually ranging from 1.2 for mountainous basins to 0.35 for
• Storage coefficient (R): Shows the storage capacity of the drainage system
of the watershed. Linsley et al. (1982) developed the following equation
for estimating storage coefficient (R):
⎛ L A⎞
R = 0.49 Cr ⎜ ⎟ (6.8)
⎝ S ⎠
A correct estimate of these parameters will insure the effectiveness of flood warning
systems as a major component of an overall watershed management system.
Example 6.1
The area of a basin is estimated to be 500 km2. If L = 25 km and Lc = 10 km.
Estimate the lag-time (tp ) using the Snyder and Linsley methods. Assume that
Ct = 1.8, S = 0.02, Cl = 0.8, and Cr = 0.07.
200 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The lag time values that are estimated by the two methods are close.
Application of the above example could be used to determine the amount of
lead time needed for any flood control measures.
dS(t )
= I (t ) − O(t ) (6.9)
When storage S(t) is related to input and output by the storage function, the river
length should be divided to some extent based on spatial distribution of tributaries,
withdrawals, groundwater–river interactions, and physiologic characteristics of the
river. The outflow of each reach can be determined from the known input hydrograph,
groundwater seepage, and drainage using a flow routing method.
information, such as water quality and the physiologic condition of the demand
point, is also needed.
Supplying water of the required quantity and quality is one of the most important
objectives of water resources planning. Determination of current water use and
prediction of future water demands are necessary for water supply planning and
management. Domestic or municipal, industrial, and agricultural uses represent the
major demands for water resources. Hydropower generation, recreation, and fishing
are other types of water use that do not require direct withdrawal from the resources
and are called instream uses. Each of these uses has different water quality require-
ments. Surface and groundwater are two main sources of water supply; in this
chapter, the focus is on surface water.
Rivers and lakes are important resources for public water supplies but surface
waters are being polluted by industrial and municipal wastes, agricultural return
flow, and polluted runoffs. Thus, an expensive treatment process is usually necessary
before this water could be consumed.
River Basin Modeling 203
• Station location
• Variable Selection
• Sampling frequency
SAMPLE COLLECTION • Basic Summary Statistics
• Sampling Technique • Regression Analysis
• Field Measurement • Water Quality Indices
• Sample Preservation • Quality Control Interpretation
• Sampling Point • Time series Analysis
• Sample Transport • Water Quality Methods
• Analysis Technique/Chain of INFORMATION UTILIZATION
Custody • Information Needs
• Operational Procedures • Reporting format
• Quality Control • Water Quality Indices
• Data Recording • Operational Procedures
• Utilization Evaluation
• Data Reception
➢ Laboratory
➢ Outside Sources
• Screening and Verification
• Storage and Retrieval
• Reporting
• Dissemination
FIGURE 6.6 Flow of information and functional summary of monitoring system activities.
(From Sanders, T. G. et al., Design of Networks for Monitoring Water Quality, Water Resources
Publications, Littleton, CO, 1983. With permission.)
Data Requirements for Flood Studies in Basins Larger than 1000 km2
Hydrological Element Accuracy Resolution (m) Frequency
Source: Barrett, E. C. and Curtis, L. F., Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing, Chapman
& Hall, New York, 1992.
benefit and intensification benefit, respectively. This is computed as the sum of the
location benefits and intensification benefits and the flood-inundation-reduction ben-
efit, less the total cost of implementing, operating, maintaining, repairing, replacing,
and rehabilitating the system (Mays, 1996).
Reduction of flood damage is the main objective of flood control planning. Flood
control alternatives can be classified into two groups: structural and nonstructural.
Structural alternatives represent traditional flood damage reduction by physical
means. In other words, the construction of flood control facilities can be referred as
structural measures. Important measures for structural reduction of flood damage
• Dams and reservoirs. Flood control dams may be constructed across the
river to store floodwaters and to reduce the magnitude of the flood and
the downstream stage of the flood. The stored floodwater can be allocated
to different water demands. Flood control reservoirs also can change the
hydraulic characteristics and flow regime in downstream of the reservoir.
• Levees and floodwalls. Levees and floodwalls are the oldest and commonly
used methods of protection against floods. Levees or dikes are constructed
parallel to rivers to prevent overflow of floodwater to the floodplain.
Floodwalls are usually constructed from concrete and perform the same
function as levees. Levees and floodwalls can increase the peak discharge
206 Water Resources Systems Analysis
above that point. Therefore, the streamflow at site s can be estimated based on
measured flow at gagged point s′ (Loucks et al., 1981):
⎛ As ⎞
Qts = Qts′ ⋅ ⎜ s′ ⎟ (6.10)
⎝A ⎠
where As and As′ are the watershed area above the s and s′ sites. Qts and Qts′ are the
streamflow at sites s and s′ in period t, respectively. Equation (6.10) is not applicable
when the change in spatial distribution of rainfall and runoff is significant. This
method provides an estimate of the annual average flow at ungauged site s, but
seasonal or monthly streamflow can be derived using the ratio of the flow of each
period to the annual flow.
When the records of two gauging stations are available, preferably one upstream
and one downstream of the ungauged site, streamflow at the ungauged site can be
estimated on the basis of the drainage area as follows (Gupta, 1989):
Qts Qta ⎛ Q at Q bt ⎞ ⎛ A s − A a ⎞
= + − ⎜ ⎟ (6.11)
A s A a ⎜⎝ A a A b ⎟⎠ ⎝ A b − A a ⎠
where Qta , Qtb is the streamflow at gauged sites a and b in period t; Qts is the
streamflow at ungauged site s; and Q at , Q bt is the average of the entire record at
gauged sites a and b. The streamflow at an ungauged site can be estimated on the
basis of the distance between the sites as:
where Ls is the distance between stations s and a, and Lb is the distance between
stations b and a. When more than one appropriate gauged site is available, a weighted
average at the gauged site can provide an acceptable estimation of flows of ungauged
sites. The weights are selected based on relative physical and hydrologic similarities
between site s and other gauged sites, such as the relative physical and hydrologic
similarities between site s and other gauged sites; for example, the relative distance
between the ungauged point and gauged sites can be used in estimation of relative
Example 6.2
The average monthly streamflow at two gauged stations A and B on a river are
measured as 4 and 8.4 m3/s, respectively. The drainage areas at the gauging stations
A and B are 48 and 130 km2, respectively, and the distance between them is 35 km.
Consider an ungauged point that is located 10 km downstream of station A and has
a drainage area of 75 km2. The streamflows in September at stations A and B are 3
and 7 m3/s, respectively. Estimate the streamflow in September at ungauged point.
River Basin Modeling 209
⎛ 75 ⎞ = 4.68 m
. = 3×⎝
48 ⎠ s
QSep 4 ⎛ 4 8.4 ⎞ 75 − 48
= + − ×
75 48 ⎝ 48 130 ⎠ 130 − 48
. = 6.71
QSep 4 ⎛ 4 8.4 ⎞ 10
= + − ×
75 48 ⎝ 48 130 ⎠ 35
. = 6.65
Where the drainage basin is not homogenous, the unit hydrograph is recognized as
one of the most effective tools in estimating surface runoff. The unit hydrograph is
the hydrograph that results from one centimeter of uniform excess rainfall over the
entire watershed at a uniform rate and during a certain time period of rainfall. The
theory of unit hydrographs is based on four major assumptions:
When the duration of excess rainfall (T) is very small, the unit hydrograph is
referred to as an instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH). When the ordinates of a
unit hydrograph represent the ratio of time to peak and peak discharge, this kind
of unit hydrograph is a dimensionless hydrograph. Some theoretical and empirical
formulas that relate peak flow and time to peak to watershed characteristics have
210 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Qn = ∑ P ⋅U
m =1
m n − m +1 (6.13)
where Un− m +1 is the unit hydrograph ordinate. n indicates the time step in which the
direct runoff is estimated.
θm ⎞
im = ⎛ if θm > 0
⎝ 5⎠ (6.14)
im = 0 otherwise
where θm is average air temperature (ºC) in month m. The monthly potential evapo-
transpiration rate ( ETmp) is then estimated using the following equation:
I= ∑i
m =1
m (6.15)
Average Monthly Temperature (θ ) and Temporal Index of Thornthwaite Method
Month Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Temperature –4 –2 5.5 12 18 25 28 23 18 10 7 3
i 0 0 1.15 3.75 6.91 11.36 13.48 10.01 6.91 2.85 1.66 0.46
Example 6.3
Table 6.2 provides average monthly temperatures in a basin and values of i calculated
using Eq. (6.14). Estimate the monthly evapotranspiration in August.
Solution: The annual heat index I is determined as:
I= ∑i
m =1
m, = 58.5
⎛ 10 × 23 ⎞
. = 16(1.03)⎝ = 113.6 mm
58.5 ⎠
Green and Ampt (1911) developed a method for estimation of the infiltration rate
that is a conceptual representation of the infiltration process. It is assumed that the
wetting front is a sharp boundary dividing the soil with moisture content θi below
from saturated soil with moisture content η above. Using Darcy’s law, the following
equation for estimating cumulative infiltration, F(t), may be solved by the successive
substitution method:
⎛ F (t ) ⎞
F(t ) = Kt + Ψ( η − θ i ) ln⎜1 + (6.18)
⎝ Ψ( η − θ i ) ⎟⎠
212 Water Resources Systems Analysis
where K is the hydraulic conductivity (cm/hr), Ψ is the wetting front soil suction
head (cm), and η is porosity.
Example 6.4
Consider a silt loam soil with porosity 0.5 and initial moisture content 0.16. Assume
that the ponding depth on the surface is negligible, K = 0.65 cm/hr, and Ψ = 16.7
cm. In order to estimate the cumulative infiltration (F) after 2 hr of rainfall, Eq.
(6.18) can be used as follows:
⎛ F (2) ⎞
F(2) = 0.65 × 2 + 16.7(0.5 − 0.16) × ln⎜1 + ⎟
⎝ 16.7(0.5 − 0.16) ⎠
F(2) = 4.75 cm
A brief explanation of each category is presented in the following sections, and some
examples of simulation models that have been widely used by different investigators
are provided.
Combing point
Routing Reach No. 1 Gage B
Sub-basin No. 3
Routing Reach
No. 2
Sub-basin No. 2
Routing Reach No. 3
Combing point Sub-basin No. 4
Gage A
Reservoir Routing
Reservoir outflow
C Sub-basin No. 6
Combing point
Gage D
FIGURE 6.7 Schematic of
rainfall-runoff model using
watershed simulation model.
River Basin Modeling 215
∑ (QR − QC ) ⎛⎝ N ⎞⎠
2 WT
STDER = i i (6.19)
i =1
216 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 6.8 Schematic of parameter estimation in HEC-1. (From Hoggan, D. H., Floodplain
Hydrology and Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997. With permission.)
• Steady-state flow
• Gradually varied flow
• One-dimensional flow with correction for horizontal velocity distribution
• Small channel slope
• Constant friction slope (averaged) between two adjacent cross sections
• Rigid boundary conditions
Data requirements include flow regime, starting elevation, discharge, loss coef-
ficients, cross-sectional geometry, and reach lengths. An overview of input data is
shown in Figure 6.9. In HEC-2, the following two equations are used:
River Basin Modeling 217
α 2 V22 α V2
WS2 + = WS1 + 1 1 + he (6.20)
2g 2g
⎛ α V2 α V2 ⎞
he = LS f + C⎜ 2 2 − 1 1 ⎟ (6.21)
⎝ 2g 2g ⎠
WS1 and WS2 are the water surface elevations at the ends of the reach.
V1 and V2 are the mean velocities (total discharge/total flow area) at the ends
of the reach.
α1 and α2 are the velocity coefficients for flow at the ends of the reach.
he is the energy head loss.
L is the discharge-weighted reach length.
S f is the representative friction slope for the reach.
C is the expansion or contraction loss coefficient.
Four equations in HEC-2 approximate the friction loss between two cross-sections:
⎛ Q + Q2 ⎞
Sf = ⎜ 1 ⎟ average conveyance (6.22)
⎝ K1 + K2 ⎠
⎛ Sf + Sf 2 ⎞
Sf = ⎜ 1 ⎟ average friction slope (6.23)
⎝ 2 ⎠
218 Water Resources Systems Analysis
⎛ 2S f ⋅ S f 2 ⎞
Sf = ⎜ 1
⎟ (6.25)
⎝ f1 + Sf 2 ⎠
where K1 and K2 represent the conveyance at the beginning and end of the reach.
Conveyance is defined from Manning’s equation as:
AR2 / 3
K= (6.26)
⎛ A2 ⎞ ⎛ K 3 K3 3
α = ⎜ T3 ⎟ ⎜ 2LOB + CH
+ 2 ⎟ (6.27)
where the subscript T is the cross-sectional total, LOB is the left overbank, CH is
the channel, and ROB is the right overbank. HEC-2 can compute up to 14 profiles
in a single run using the same cross-sectional data. Critical depth is also calculated
automatically for all cross-sections. For more details about this model, see the HEC-2
user’s manual (Hydrologic Engineering Center, 1982). HEC-5
HEC-5 was developed in the 1970s at the Hydrologic Engineering Center (1982b)
of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is a simulation model for flood control
and conservation systems. This program was developed to assist in planning studies
for evaluating proposed reservoirs in a system and to assist in estimating the flood
control and conservation storage requirements for each project recommended for
the system. It is also useful for selecting the proper reservoir releases throughout
the system during flood emergencies. The program may be used to determine:
The following methods are available in this package for river and reservoir
• Stream routing:
• Straddle–Stragger
• Tatum
• Muskingum
• Modified plus
• Working R&D
• Reservoir routing:
• Accounting method
• Surcharge routing
• Emergency release
Expected annual damages can be computed for different control points using
one or more ratios for each of several historical or synthetic floods. Expected annual
damages, costs, and net benefits for non-reservoir alternatives such as levees, channel
improvements, and nonstructural alternatives, including floodproofing and floodplain
zoning, can also be evaluated.
In addition to flood control operation, conservation operation may also be eval-
uated by this model to provide minimum flows at downstream locations based on
required reservoir storage. Hydropower reservoirs can also be evaluated by HEC-5
in order to meet on-site monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly energy requirements or
allocated system energy. For this purpose, the tailwater rating curve and power
generation efficiency are inputs to the model. Hydropower reservoirs can also be
operated based on a rule curve relating plant factors to a percent of conservation
storage. Both constant and varied diversions are included as a function of inflows
or reservoir storage. Benefits for hydropower reservoirs can be calculated based on
input rates for energy, secondary energy, and power shortages (negative benefits).
Table 6.3 shows the reservoir operation priorities in the HEC-5 model (Hydrologic
Engineering Center, 1982), and Figure 6.10 provides various reservoir storage levels
in the model. HEC-6
HEC-6, which was first developed in the 1970s at the Hydrologic Engineering Center
of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is a one-dimensional, movable-boundary,
open-channel-flow, numerical model. This model is designed to simulate and predict
changes in river profiles resulting from scour and/or deposition over moderate time
periods. A continuous flow record is partitioned into a series of steady flows of
variable discharge and duration. For each flow, a water surface profile is calculated,
220 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Reservoir Operation Priority in HEC-5 Model
Condition Normal Priority Optional Priority
Flooding at downstream location No release for power requirements Release for primary power
When primary power releases can Release down to top of buffer pool Release down to top of
be made without increasing inactive pool
flooding downstream
Flooding at downstream location No release for minimum flow Release minimum desired
If minimum desired flows can be Release minimum flow between top Same as normal
made without increasing flooding of conservation and top of buffer
downstream pool
If minimum required flows can be Release minimum flow between top Same as normal
made without increasing flooding of conservation and top of inactive
downstream pool
Diversions from reservoirs (expect Divert down to top of buffer pool Divert down to top of
when diversion is a function of inactive pool
Source: Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-5 Simulation of Flood Control and Conservation Systems,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1982.
thereby providing energy slope, velocity, depth, etc. at each cross-section. Potential
sediment transport rates are then computed at each section. These rates, combined
with the duration of the flow, permit a volumetric accounting of sediment within each
reach. The amount of scour or deposition at each section is then computed and the
cross-sections are adjusted accordingly. The computations then proceed to the next
flow in the sequence, and the cycle is repeated beginning with the updated geometry.
Separation of sediment deposition from the hydraulics of flow is valid in some
circumstances; for example, deposition in deep reservoirs can usually be characterized
as a progressive reduction in storage capacity if the material is rarely entrained once
River Basin Modeling 221
FIGURE 6.11 Schematic illustrating the main channel and right and left overbank reaches
between consecutive cross-section in HEC-6. (From Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-6
Scour and Deposition in Rivers and Reservoirs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA,
Water transfer in the root zone is also considered when modeling evapotranspiration.
The meteorological data used in the NAM model are rainfall, potential evapotrans-
piration, and temperature.
In the hydraulic modeling module, MIKE-11 uses an implicit, finite-difference
model for computation of unsteady flows in rivers and estuaries. The model is also
capable of describing subcritical and supercritical flow conditions by means of a
numerical scheme that adapts to local flow conditions. Computational modules are
included for description of flow over hydraulic structures. The formulations can be
applied to loop networks and quasi two-dimensional flow simulation on floodplains.
The computational scheme is applicable for vertically homogeneous flow conditions
ranging from steep river flows to tide-influenced estuaries.
The noncohesive sediment transport module can be run in two modes: explicit
and morphological. In the explicit mode, output is required from the hydrodynamic
module in terms of discharge water levels both in time and space. Results are provided
in the form of volume transport rates and accumulated volumes of deposition or
erosion. The explicit mode is useful where significant morphological changes are
unlikely to occur. In the morphological mode, sediment transport is calculated in
tandem with the hydrodynamic module. The feedback between these modules is
achieved through solution of the sediment continuity equation and updating the bed
resistance and subsequent sediment transport. Results of this mode are in the form of
sediment transport rates, bed-level changes, resistance number, and dune dimensions.
The advection–dispersion modeling module is based on the one-dimensional equa-
tion of conservation of mass of a dissolved or suspended material. The advection–dis-
persion equation is solved numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme
which, in principle, is unconditionally stable and has negligible numerical dispersion.
A correction term has been introduced in order to reduce the third-order truncation
error. This correction term makes it possible to simulate dispersion/convection of
River Basin Modeling 223
FIGURE 6.12 Typical MIKE-11 simulation. (From Danish Hydraulic Institute, MIKE-11: A
Microcomputer Based Modeling System for Rivers and Channels — Reference Manual,
Denmark, 1992.)
224 Water Resources Systems Analysis
concentration profiles with very steep fronts. The water quality module, which is
coupled with the advection–dispersion module, deals with basic aspects of river water
quality as influenced by human activities, such as oxygen depletion and ammonia
levels resulting from organic matter loadings.
For more details about the models used in the various MIKE-11 modules and
their limitations, see the reference manual (Danish Hydraulic Institute, 1992). IRAS
IRAS (Interactive River-Aquifer Simulation Program) is a generic model developed
by Cornell University in 1995. This program can simulate water flows, water storage
volumes, water qualities, and hydroelectric power and energy produced and con-
sumed throughout a surface water or an independent surface and groundwater system
over time. IRAS has been developed to assist those interested in evaluating the
performance or impact of alternative design and operation policies of regional water
resources systems.
The system to be simulated by this model should be represented by a network
of connected nodes and links. The nodes of the network can represent aquifers,
gauge sites, natural lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, confluences, and diversions. A single
node may be a combination of any of these nodes. The links of the network can be:
IRAS can simulate up to 10 separate independent water quality constituents, and the
system to be simulated can include up to 60 stream and river reaches and up to 60
sites that can represent any feasible combination of aquifers, gauge and monitoring
sites, consumption sites, natural lakes, wetlands, reservoirs, confluences, diversion
and withdrawal sites, hydropower and pumping sites, and wastewater effluent dis-
charge sites. The time resolution can be defined by the user and can include within-
year periods and their durations, as well as the number of simulation time steps
contained in each within-year period. If the demand for water at various sites depends
on local rainfall, streamflow, or storage at those sites, demand-driven targets can be
defined and water allocations to satisfy these demands can vary from year to year.
The reservoir release policy based on storage volume zones (supply-driven
policies) should be defined by the user. For this purpose, storage volume boundaries
and releases associated with the storage volumes in each of the storage volume zones
should be defined by the user. Figure 6.13 shows a reservoir release rule based on
storage volumes in the program. The program is also capable of simulating reservoir
operation based on demand deficits. Releases based on demand deficits, prorated
over the remainder of the within-year period and then multiplied by a source mul-
tiplier for the reservoir, are added to the release based on supply-driven policies.
FIGURE 6.13 Reservoir release rule based on storage volumes in IRAS. (From Loucks, D. P.
et al., IRAS: Interactive River-Aquifer Simulation — Program Description and Operation,
Resources Planning Associate, Inc., Ithaca, NY, 1995. With permission.)
world concepts. SD models provide insight into feedback processes and therefore
give system users a better understanding of the dynamic behavior of systems. The
SD approach is based on the theory of feedback processes. In a feedback system,
future behavior is influenced by its past. Feedback systems can be classified into
two different classes (Ahmad and Simonovic, 2000):
The feedback loop indicates how a system might behave because of its internal
feedback loops and the effects that positive and negative feedback loops have on a
system. By separating policy questions from data, object-oriented modeling and a
226 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 6.14 Basic building blocks of an object-oriented simulation model. (From Simonovic,
S. P., Water Int., 25(1), 76–88, 2000. With permission.)
system dynamic approach make the model results functionally transparent to all
parties involved in the water management program. The proposed approach is flex-
ible and transparent and allows for easy involvement of stakeholders in the process
of decision analysis about water resources (Simonovic, 2000).
Figure 6.14 shows the basic elements of an object-oriented simulation model.
Stock represents accumulations and can be used as a source — for example, water
stored in the reservoir. The accumulation needs flow (inflow to the reservoir) is
modeled by Flow. Flow and Stock are inseparable and comprise a minimum set of
elements necessary to describe dynamics. Converters convert input to outputs; they
can represent information or material quantities. Connectors link stocks to convert-
ers, stocks to flow regulators, and converters to other converters.
Computer software tools such as STELLA, DYNAMO, VENSIM, and POW-
ERSIM can be used for the development of object-oriented simulation models for
complex water resources systems. For more details see High Performance Systems
(1992), Lyneis et al. (1994), Ventana Systems (1996), and Powersim Corp. (1996).
The costs of excluding potential (excluding cost) beneficiaries from exploiting water
resources along the river and saving it for supplying water rights are an important
component of total river management costs. Exclusion costs are highly correlated
with the level of relative scarcity; where water is scarce, the costs of monitoring and
enforcing regulations for water allocation among users are higher than where water
is plentiful relative to demand. Optimization models are useful tools for development
of water allocation heuristics when water is scarce. The objective function of water
allocation problems can be the minimization of total costs of operation of systems
as follows:
River Basin Modeling 227
n ND
Min ∑ ∑ (C
t =1 i =1
t ,i − Bt ,i ) (6.28)
where ND is the number of demand points and Ct,i is the total cost of water allocation
to user i in time t, which can be estimated as the costs of water diversion ( Cidiv
,t ) plus
exclusion costs ( Ciexc
,t ) associated with water allocation and controlling the water
consumption by user i:
Ct ,i = Ctdiv
,i + Ct ,i
where Bt,i is the total benefit of water allocation to user i in time t, which can be
determined based on the price of water allocated to various users. As mentioned in
the previous sections, deterministic and stochastic models can be used for optimi-
zation of river–reservoir systems.
As an example of stochastic modeling, consider a water management authority
that should deliver water from a river to municipal and industrial water users. Let
D1 and D2 be the water demands of the municipal and the industrial water users,
respectively. If the demands are supplied, the resulting benefits to the water man-
agement authority can be estimated considering the price of water for these uses
(P1, P2). However, if the water rights are not supplied, water must be delivered from
an alternative source, which would incur greater costs, or the costs associated with
rationing must be incorporated (C1, C2). Let Q be the random variable representing
the available water. The objective function of stochastic optimization model can be
formulated as follows:
⎛ 2
⎞ ⎛ 2
Maximize ⎜
∑ i =1
⎟ − E⎜
⎠ ⎝
∑C F
i =1
i i ,Q ⎟
where Fi,Q is the amount by which demand Di is not met when the river flow is Q.
To solve this problem with dynamic programming or linear programming techniques,
the probability distribution of Q should be approximated by a discrete distribution.
If Q take values qj with probability pj (j = 1, …, n), the objective function can be
reformulated as follows (Loucks et al., 1981):
⎛ 2
⎞ ⎛ 2 n ⎞
Maximize ⎜
∑i =1
⎟ − ⎜⎜
⎠ ⎝
∑ ∑ p C F ⎟⎟⎠
i =1 j =1
j i i, j (6.31)
Di ≥ Fi, j (6.33)
Optimization models have been widely used for development of cost-effective water
pollution control strategies. These models usually focus on different measures of
quality of water in receiving wastewaters. Such models are particularly useful for
management efforts that include the entire watershed because they are capable of
accounting for many interactions that occur among the various sources of pollution
in a watershed, the effects of pollution on water quality, and the costs of options for
reducing pollution discharges (ReVelle and McGarity, 1997).
Consider a multireach, multidischarge river as shown in Figure 6.15, where qi
and pi are quantity and quality of water discharged to the river at the beginning of
reach i, respectively. qi′ and pi′ are the same indicators for water diverted at the
beginning of reach i. The optimization model for finding the best treatment efficiency
for each of the discharges (ei) can be formulated as follows:
Min ∑ C (e )
i =1
i i (6.34)
i i = Qi −1 ( Pi −1 Ai −1 ) + ei qi pi − qi′ pi′
PQ (6.36)
Pi ≤ Pmax (6.37)
FIGURE 6.16 Comparison between computed and observed hydrographs for calibration of
rainfall-runoff models.
Model calibration refers to adjusting the model and parameters to bring the model
outputs as close to the observed values as possible; however, the parameters of
hydrologic models almost always depend on climatic, geographic, and hydrologic
characteristics. Because of the large number of factors affecting hydrologic pro-
cesses and a lack of knowledge about the details of particular hydrologic processes,
parameter estimation is a major source of error in modeling. Optimization algo-
rithms can play an important role in improving the calibration process. Application
of the optimization algorithm in the HEC-1 package for modeling the rainfall-
runoff process was discussed previously; this algorithm is based on minimizing
differences between the computed and observed runoff hydrographs, as shown in
Figure 6.16.
• Several demand points are usually located along the river, and water that
is supplied to one of these demand points cannot be used by others;
therefore, the major conflict issue in river system planning arises when
the river flow is less than instream and offstream water requirements.
• Water supply to some demand points, such as agricultural zones, will
increase low-quality return flows and endanger aquatic life.
• The treatment efficiency of pollutant dischargers from various sectors
(e.g., domestic, industrial, agricultural) can result in conflicts among these
sectors stemming from a desire to reduce violations of water quality
River system planning and management conflicts arise when the water demands
of different sectors are supplied from one river system. In order to examine this
problem, consider a river system that supplies the following demands:
230 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The priorities and favorable ranges of water supplies for each of these agencies
should be considered when formulating conflict resolution problems; therefore, the
first step in conflict resolution studies is to recognize all of the conflict issues and
the responsible agencies. The next step is to define the acceptable range of allocated
water to each sector and its corresponding utility function. The utility function
assigns a number between 0 and 1 to each value of allocated water; 0 indicates that
this value of allocated water is not acceptable, and 1 indicates that the allocated
water completely satisfies the water demands of the sector. The utility functions are
developed by decision-makers from the various sectors. The final step is to formulate
the conflict resolution problem. For this purpose, different methods can be used, as
briefly explained in Chapter 2. A typical conflict resolution problem in river systems
is explained in the following example.
Example 6.5
Determine the monthly water allocation for domestic, industrial, agricultural, and
recreation demands in the river system shown in Figure 6.17. The average monthly
river discharges upstream of the system, within a 2-year time horizon, are presented
in Table 6.4. The return flow of domestic and industrial sectors is assumed to be
20% of the allocated water, and the initial volume of the lake is 30 million m3. The
utility functions of the sectors are presented in Table 6.4 and Figure 6.18. The utility
values have been normalized between 0 and 1, and higher utility values reflect higher
priorities of the decision-makers or sectors. The shape of the graphed utilities is
considered to be trapezoidal, and the array (a, b, c, d) in Table 6.4 shows the values
of water allocated to the agricultural sector, corresponding to utilities of 0, 1, 1, and
0, respectively.
Solution: The Nash solution of this problem is the unique optimal solution of
the following problem:
4 12
Maximize ∏ ∏( f
i =1 t =1
i ,t − di,t ) wi (6.38)
Monthly River Discharge and Utility Functions of the Agricultural
River Discharge
Agricultural Demand Upstream of the System
Month (million m3/month) (million m3)
1 (0,10,15,25) 55
2 (0,8,12,20) 53
3 (0,0.01,25,25.01) 55
4 (0,0.01,25,25.01) 60
5 (0,0.01,25,25.01) 65
6 (0,5,10,15) 80
7 (5,10,25,50) 80
8 (15,30,60,90) 85
9 (20,35,60,90) 80
10 (25,35,60,90) 75
11 (30,40,60,90) 73
12 (25,35,60,10) 70
where Wi is the relative weight of sector i, which shows the relative authority of this
sector in water allocation; fi,t, fi*,t , and di,t are the utility function, the ideal point,
and the disagreement point of sector i in period t, respectively. The relative weights
of agencies that are related to agricultural, domestic, industrial, and recreational
demands are assumed to be 1. The water allocated to these sectors based on the
conflict resolution model is presented in Table 6.5.
232 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Industrial demand
Domestic demand
1 Volume of lake
0 20 40 60 80
Volume (MCM)
FIGURE 6.18 Utility function of different sectors for water allocated to industry (for Exam-
ple 6.5).
6.1 The length of the main stream of a watershed from the outlet to the divide
is 20 km. The watershed shape parameter (Lc) is 12 km, and the watershed
storage coefficient (Ct) is 2.1. Find the lag time of a watershed by Snyder’s
6.2 Solve the previous problem using Linsley’s method. Assume that the slope
of the watershed is 10%, and the watershed storage coefficient (Cl) is 1.2.
6.3 Find the storage coefficient for the basin in problem 6.2 with respect to
the empirical coefficient, Cr. Assume that the basin area is 50 km2.
6.4 Results of frequency analysis of historical data for the annual peak flows
at the outlet of three basins are as follows: ˙
Return Period Discharge Damage Discharge Damage Discharge Damage
(yr) (m3/s) (1000$) (m3/s) (1000$) (m3/s) (1000$)
10 240 350 560 250 110 650
25 350 400 650 320 190 680
100 420 620 800 450 250 930
Carrying capacity 100 400 90
Ci = α i × (QiP − QiC )3
River Basin Modeling
Water Allocation to Different Sectors Based on the Conflict Resolution Model
Month Industrial Agriculture Domestic Lake Month Industrial Agriculture Domestic Lake
(year 1) (million m3) (million m3) (million m3) (million m3) (year 2) (million m3) (million m3) (million m3) (million m3)
234 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Ci is the cost of channel improvement in basin i ($).
QiP is the peak discharge in basin i (m3/sec).
QiC is the carrying capacity of the main river in basin i (m3/sec).
αi is the estimated coefficient for basin i.
α is estimated to be 0.001, 0.0005, and 0.01 for basins A, B, and C,
respectively. In which basin is the channel improvement more cost effec-
tive? The annual maintenance costs are estimated to be equal to 5% of
the capital investment required for each of these basins.
6.6 Consider a basin covered by silt loam soil with porosity 0.5 and initial
moisture content 0.16. Assume that the hydraulic conductivity is
0.65 cm/hr, and the wetting front soil suction head is 16.7 cm. The area
of the basin is 220 km2. The frequency analysis of rainfall data in this
basin is shown in the following table:
5 5 1
10 4 2
100 5 5
10 25
20 40
30 55
40 100
Construction of a dam may reduce the flood damages. The annual costs
of the dam considering the capital investment and annual costs of opera-
tion and maintenance are shown in the following table:
5 2.5
10 3
15 4
20 7
40 12
River Basin Modeling 235
Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
The price of water for industrial and irrigation uses is $90,000 and
$10,000/million m3, respectively.
(a) Formulate the problem for optimizing the water allocation for this
(b) Solve the problem using linear programming.
6.8 In problem 6.7, the shortages should be supplied from groundwater
resources. The cost of supplying demand from groundwater is a function
of volume of water, which should be extracted. The cost of water extrac-
tion for industrial demands is estimated as Cind = 1000 ⋅ xind
, where xind is
the volume of water extraction for industrial complex. The cost of water
extraction for irrigation purposes is estimated as Cirr = 250 ⋅ xirr2
, where
xirr is the volume of water extraction for irrigation. Formulate the problem
for finding the optimal monthly volumes of water allocation.
6.9 In problem 6.7, the industrial complex discharges its wastewater to the
river upstream of the agricultural lands. The monthly wastewater discharge
rate is about 20% of the water use of the complex in each month. In order
to keep the quality of the river flow in an acceptable range for irrigation,
the pollution load of the industrial wastewater should be reduced by
primary treatment, which has additional cost equal to $12,000/million m3.
(a) Formulate the problem for optimizing the water allocation from this
(b) Solve the problem using linear programming.
Ahmad, S. and Simonovic, S. P., System dynamics modeling of reservoir operations for
flood management, J. Comput. Civil Eng., 14(3), 190–198, 2000.
Barrett, E. C. and Curtis, L. F., Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing, Chapman
& Hall, London, 1992.
Bedient, Ph. B. and Huber, W. C., Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1988.
236 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Danish Hydraulic Institute, MIKE-11: A Microcomputer Based Modeling System for Rivers
and Channels — Reference Manual, Denmark, 1992.
Green, W. H. and Ampt, G. A., Studies of soil physics, 1: The flow of air and water through
soils, J. Ag. Sci., 4(1), 1–24, 1911.
Gupta, R. S., Hydrology and Hydraulic Systems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.
High Performance Systems, Stella II: An Introduction to Systems Thinking, High Perfor-
mance Systems, Inc., Hanover, NH, 1992.
Hoggan, D. H., Floodplain Hydrology and Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.
Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package: User’s Manual and
Programmer’s Manual (updated 1985), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA.
Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-2 Water Surface Profiles Flood Hydrograph Package:
User’s Manual, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1982a.
Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-5 Simulation of Flood Control and Conservation
Systems, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1982b.
Hydrologic Engineering Center, HEC-6 Scour and Deposition in Rivers and Reservoirs, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA, 1993.
Linsley, R. K., Kohler, M. A., and Paulhus, J. L. H., Hydrology for Engineers, 3rd ed.,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982.
Loucks, D. P., Stedinger, J. R., and Haith, D. A., Water Resources Systems Planning and
Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1981.
Loucks, D. P., French, P. N., and Taylor, M. R., IRAS: Interactive River-Aquifer Simulation
— Program Description and Operation, Resources Planning Associate, Inc., Ithaca,
NY, 1995.
Lyneis, J., Kimberly, R., and Todd, S., Professional dynamo: simulation software to facilitate
management learning and decision making, in Modeling for Learning Organizations,
Morecroft, J. and Sterman, J., Eds., Pegasus Computations, Waltham, MA, 1994.
Mays, L. W., Water Resources Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.
McCuen, R. H., Hydrologic analysis and design, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998.
Powersim Corp. (1996), Powersim 2.5 Reference Manual, Powersim Corporation, Inc.,
Herndon, VA, 1996.
ReVelle, C. and McGarity, A. E., Design and Operation of Civil and Environmental Engi-
neering Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997.
Sanders, T. G., Ward, R. C., Loftis, J. C., Steele, T. D., Ardin, D. D., and Yevjevich, V.,
Design of Networks for Monitoring Water Quality, Water Resources Publications,
Littleton, CO, 1983.
Simonovic, S. P., Tools for water management: one view of the future, Water Int., 25(1),
76–88, 2000.
Snyder, F. F., Synthetic Unit Hydrograph, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 19, 447–454, 1938.
Thornthwaite, C. W. and Mather, J. R., The water balance, in Publications in Climatology:
Laboratory Climatology, Vol. 8, No. 1, Drexel Institute of Technology, Centerton,
NJ, 1955.
Vetana Systems, Vensim User’s Guide, Ventana Systems, Inc., Belmont, MA, 1995.
Viessman, J. R. and Hammer, M., Water Supply and Pollution Control, Harper & Row,
New York, 1985.
White, I. D., Mottershead, D. N., and Harrison, S. J., Environmental Systems: An Intro-
ductory Text, Chapman & Hall, London, 1992.
River Basin Modeling 237
World Resources Institute, World Resources: A Guide to the Global Environment, a joint
publication by The World Resources Institute, The United Nations Environment
Programme, The United Nations Development Programme, and The World Bank,
Oxford University Press, London, 1998.
7 Groundwater
The term groundwater usually refers to subsurface water located below the water
table in saturated soils and geologic formations. In groundwater studies, an under-
standing of surface water and subsurface, unsaturated soil moisture, and their inter-
actions is important. Groundwater is an important feature of the environment and a
part of the hydrologic cycle; therefore, an understanding of its role in this cycle is
necessary if integrated analyses are to be used in the study of watershed resources
and regional assessment of contamination (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). The main
objective of groundwater management is the optimal allocation of groundwater
resources to water demands, taking into consideration the complex economic, envi-
ronmental, and hydrogeologic constraints and conflicts in objectives. This chapter
discusses the main characteristics of groundwater systems, groundwater flow equa-
tions, and groundwater modeling, and some optimization models for groundwater
management are also presented.
h=Z+ = Z+ψ (7.1)
240 Water Resources Systems Analysis
As shown in Figure 7.1, h is the hydraulic head, Z is the distance between the point
(A) and a datum level, P is the fluid pressure from the water column above the point,
ρg (or γ) is the specific weight of water, and ψ is the pressure head.
The loss of head per unit length of flow along a streamline is the hydraulic
gradient and is presented as:
i= (7.2)
K= (7.3)
where k is the intrinsic permeability and is a function of pore size, and µ is the
dynamic viscosity of water, which is a function of temperature (generally decreasing
when the temperature increases). The hydraulic conductivities of several lithologies
are presented in Table 7.1.
Hydraulic conductivity values usually show spatial variation within a geologic
porous media or with the direction of measurement, termed heterogeneity and iso-
tropy, respectively. In other words, if the hydraulic conductivity is independent of
the position in porous media, the geologic formation is homogenous; if it is inde-
pendent of the direction of measurement in a point, the formation is isotropic. Water
in unsaturated areas is subject to hydraulic gradient, surface tension, and molecular
attraction. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is equal to Kψ, where ψ is the
pressure head, which is usually negative in unsaturated media.
In the mid-19th century, Henri Darcy discovered one of the most important
relationships of porous media hydrodynamics. Darcy’s law defines the specific
Groundwater Management 241
Hydraulic Conductivities of Several Lithologies
Lithology Porosity (%) K (cm/sec)
Gravel 25–40 10–2 – 102
Sand 25–50 10–4 – 1
Silt 35–50 10–7 – 10–3
Clay 40–70 10–10 – 10–7
Glacial till 10–20 10–10 – 10–4
Fractured basalt 5–50 10–5 – 1
Karst limestone 5–50 10–4 – 10
Sandstone 5–30 10–8 – 10–4
Limestone, dolomite 0–20 10–7 – 10–4
discharge (volumetric flow rate per unit area of porous media, perpendicular to the
flow direction) as follows:
q = −K( ) (7.4)
where q is the specific discharge, which has the dimension of velocity; K is the
hydraulic conductivity, and dh/dl is the hydraulic gradient. The negative sign indi-
cates the flow direction, which is equal to the direction of decreasing gradient. The
average pore velocity or seepage velocity that can be used to estimate true travel
time or solute transport is:
v= (7.5)
where ne is the effective porosity, which is the fraction of pores in porous medium
that allows the passage of water.
Example 7.1
As shown in Figure 7.2, a semi-impervious aquitard separates an overlying water
table aquifer from an underlying confined aquifer. Determine the rate of flow that
takes place between the aquifers.
Solution: Because the water table is above the piezometric surface and a semi-
impervious (leaky) layer exists, flow will take place from the water table aquifer to
the confined aquifer. Assume that the head at point b in Figure 7.2 is hb, and consider
242 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 7.2 Vertical downward flow through soil layers for Example 7.1.
the unit horizontal area through which flow takes place. Between points a and b,
from Eq. (7.4):
12(27-hb )
hb = 26.6m
q = 0.17 per square meter
T = Kb (7.6)
S = Ss b (7.7)
where α and β are aquifer and water compressibility, respectively and n is soil porosity.
Considering an elementary control volume of soil (Figure 7.3) that has the volume
of (Δx, Δy, Δz), the mass of the groundwater (M) in this control volume is:
M = ρ.θ.Δx.Δy.Δz (7.10)
FIGURE 7.3 Mass conservation in elementary control volume (actual volume is three dimen-
sional but it has been shown in only two dimensions for more clarity). (From Delleur, J. W.,
Ed., The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, CRC Press/Springer-Verlag, Boca Raton,
FL, 1999. With permission.)
244 Water Resources Systems Analysis
where θ is the moisture content of the porous medium. Equation (7.9) can be
rewritten as follows:
= inflow − outflow (7.11)
The inflow and outflow can be calculated for each side of the element. For example,
considering the flux vector q = (qx , qy , qz ), the mass of groundwater inflow to the
left side is:
⎛ Δx ∂ρqx ⎞
ρqx ( x − Δx / 2, y, z, t )ΔyΔz ≈ ⎜ ρqx − ⎟ ΔyΔz (7.12)
⎝ 2 ∂x ⎠
A similar equation can be derived for the other side. Considering these equations,
the total inflow minus outflow can be derived as follows:
∂M ∂ ⎛ θ ∂ρ ∂θ θ ∂Δz ⎞
= (ρθ Δx Δy Δz ) = ρ⎜ + + ⎟ Δx Δy Δz (7.14)
∂t ∂t ⎝ ρ ∂t ∂t Δz ∂t ⎠
Compression of a porous medium and water can be considered using the following
equations, respectively:
1 ∂Δz ∂p
=α (7.15)
Δz ∂t ∂t
1 ∂ρ ∂ρ
=β (7.16)
ρ ∂t ∂t
∂M ⎛ ∂p ∂θ ⎞
= ρ⎜ θ(α + β) + ⎟ Δx Δy Δz (7.17)
∂t ⎝ ∂t ∂t ⎠
Groundwater Management 245
Therefore, using Eqs. (7.10) and (7.13), the continuity equation can be derived as:
The left side of this equation describes the change in volume of water in a porous
medium due to a change in water content or compression of the water and the
Example 7.2
Develop the steady-state flow equation in an aquifer that has the following hydraulic
conductivity function:
K = K0 ( a + becx + de fy )
∂qx ∂qy
+ =0
∂x ∂y
∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h
(K ) + (K ) = 0
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y
∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h
( K ( a + becx + de fy ) ) + ( K0 ( a + becx + de fy ) ) = 0
∂x 0 ∂x ∂y ∂y
∂2 h ∂h ∂2 h ∂h
( a + becx + de fy ) + cbecx + ( a + becx + de fy ) 2 + fdecx =0
∂x 2
∂x ∂y ∂y
246 Water Resources Systems Analysis
• Pressure forces
• Gravity forces
• Reaction forces of solids
For example, the pressure force on the left side of the control volume is as follows:
The left side also has the same force but in the opposite direction; therefore, the
resulting pressure force component in the x direction is as follows (Delleur, 1999):
− ΔxΔyΔz (7.20)
The other components of the pressure force on the control volume in the y and z
directions can be obtained using a similar method.
The gravity force, which is equal to the total weight of water in the control
volume and acts in a direction opposite of the z direction, is:
−ρgθΔxΔyΔz (7.21)
where g is the gravity constant. The reaction forces are usually defined as average
body forces per unit of water volume and consist of the friction forces due to water
movement and the forces that act against the water pressure. The friction and reaction
forces are denoted as r = (rx, ry, rz) and f = (fx, fy, fz), respectively. The x component
of these forces is as follows:
Considering that when the fluid is at rest, the friction f is zero and the water pressure
is hydrostatic, the overall reaction force can be evaluated as follows (Delleur, 1999):
r= ∇θ (7.24)
In the case of groundwater motion, the sum of the forces equal to the changes
of fluid momentum and the friction force is not zero. As the groundwater flow is
generally very slow, the changes in momentum are negligible and the forces that
act on the fluid in the control volume are approximately in equilibrium:
f =− q (7.26)
where µ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, k is the intrinsic permeability, and q
is the groundwater flux. The equation of motion can be expressed using Eqs. (7.20)
and (7.21) as follows:
q=− (∇p + ρg∇z ) (7.27)
When the gradients of density are negligible, the motion equation can be sim-
plified as:
q=− (∇ψ + z ) = − K∇h (7.28)
∫ ρg
is the pressure potential and the other variables have been defined in previous
sections. The above equation clarifies the principles and assumptions that result in
Darcy’s law. One of the most important assumptions of Darcy’s law is that the flow
of water in a porous medium is slow and the large values of friction forces balance
the driving forces. In the anisotropic porous media, Darcy’s law in Cartesian coor-
dinates becomes:
248 Water Resources Systems Analysis
qx = − K x (7.29)
qy = − K y (7.30)
qz = − K z (7.31)
∂p ∂θ ⎡k ⎤
θ(α + β) + = ∇ ⎢ (∇p + ρg∇z )⎥ (7.32)
∂t ∂t ⎣µ ⎦
∂p ⎡k ⎤
S = ∇ ⎢ (∇p + ρg∇z )⎥ (7.33)
∂t ⎣µ ⎦
S = θ(α + β) + (7.34)
∂p ∂ ⎛ kx ∂p ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ky ∂p ⎞ ∂ ⎛ kz ⎛ ∂p ⎞⎞
S = ⎜ ⎟+ ⎜ ⎟+ ⎜ ⎜ + ρg⎟ ⎟ (7.35)
∂t ∂x ⎝ µ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ µ ∂y ⎠ ∂z ⎝ µ ⎝ ∂z ⎠⎠
∂p ∂θ
θ(α + β) + = ∇.( K∇h) (7.36)
∂t ∂t
Groundwater Management 249
∂p ∂h
= ρg (7.37)
∂t ∂t
∂h ∂θ ∂h
ρgθ(α + β) + = Ss = ∇.( K∇h) (7.38)
∂t ∂t ∂t
∂h ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞
Ss = ⎜K ⎟ + ⎜K ⎟ + ⎜K ⎟ (7.39)
∂t ∂x ⎝ x ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ y ∂y ⎠ ∂z ⎝ z ∂z ⎠
∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞
⎜K ⎟ + ⎜K ⎟ + ⎜K ⎟ =0 (7.40)
∂x ⎝ x ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ y ∂y ⎠ ∂z ⎝ z ∂z ⎠
This equation shows that the difference in groundwater potential causes the move-
ment of water in porous media and the fluxes depend on the hydraulic conductivity
of the medium in different directions.
Example 7.3
h= h dz (7.41)
∂h ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞
Ss b = ⎜T ⎟ + ⎜T ⎟ + qz (b) (7.42)
∂t ∂x ⎝ x ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ y ∂y ⎠
250 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Ka ( Ha − h )
qz ( b ) = (7.43)
where Ka is the hydraulic conductivity of the upper confining layer, Ha is the head
in the upper boundary of the confining layer, and ba is the thickness of the semi-
confined layer. Considering the point injection and pumping wells in the system,
the flow equation can be written as follows (Hantush and Jacob, 1955; Willis and
Yeh, 1987):
∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ Ka ( Ha − h )
Ss b
= ⎜T ⎟ + ⎜T ⎟+
∂t ∂x ⎝ x ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ y ∂y ⎠ ba
Qwδ w∑ (7.44)
where –Qw is the discharge (+Qw is the recharge) from pumping (injection) well w,
and δ is a 0/1 integer variable. The variable δ = 1 for pumping or injection at well
site w.
Delleur (1999) recommended the following procedure for drawing the flow net:
1. The boundaries of the flow region should be drawn to a scale such that
the streamlines and equipotential lines terminate on the figure.
2. Three or four streamlines from infinite number of possible curves should
be sketched. They must provide a smooth transition between the boundary
3. The equivalent lines that intersect all streamlines at a right angle are
drawn; therefore, the enclosed figures must form curve-linear rectangles
that have the same ratio of ΔW/ΔS along the flow channel.
Example 7.4
35m 5m
17 A B C D E F G H I
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
The flow rate or seepage per unit can be calculated using the following equation:
q= Kh (7.45)
5 m3
q= ( 4.5)(30) = 39.7
17 day
The uplift pressure at each point can be calculated using following equation:
⎛ n ⎞
u = ⎜ h + z⎟ γ w (7.46)
⎝ nd ⎠
where n is the number of equipotential lines, counting the last line on the downstream
as 0; z is the depth of base below the datum (if the base is above the datum, z is
negative), and γw is the specific weight of water.
u = ⎛ × 30 + 2⎞ × 1 = 7.29 2
3 kN
⎝ 17 ⎠ m
Two major classes of numerical methods are acceptable for solving groundwater
problems: finite difference and finite element. In both methods, the study area is
discretized by grid generation into a number of subareas called elements or cells.
Figure 7.6 shows a simple discretized aquifer.
In the finite-difference method, the first derivatives in partial equations are
approximated by the difference between values of independent variables at adjacent
nodes, considering the distance between the nodes, and at two successive time levels,
considering the duration of the time-step increment. In finite-element methods,
functions of dependent variables and parameters are used to evaluate equivalent
integral formulation of partial differential equations (Delleur, 1999). Although each
approach has some advantages and disadvantages, the finite-difference methods are
generally easier to program because of their conceptual and mathematical simplicity.
A major advantage of the finite-element method is the flexibility of this method
in close spatial approximation of irregular boundaries of aquifer and parameters of
zones within the aquifer. However, mesh generation and specification, and construc-
tion of input data sets for an irregular finite-element grid is much more difficult in
comparison with a regular rectangular finite-difference grid.
Figure 7.7a shows a hypothetical aquifer with impermeable boundaries and a
water supply well. This aquifer can be discretized using finite-difference (Figure
7.7b) and finite-element (Figure 7.7c) grids. Comparing Figures 7.7b and 7.7c shows
that finer mesh can be allocated to the areas of interest to obtain a more precise
solution. As shown in Figure 7.7b, in the finite-difference method with a rectangular
grid, the boundaries are approximated in a stepwise manner, but finite-difference
grids using triangular elements can closely follow the aquifer boundary.
Inactive cell
of time or space. For example, forward, backward, and central first-derivative approx-
imations of head h are:
∂x x
h( x + Δx ) − h( x )
+ O ( Δx )
) (7.47)
∂x x
h( x ) − h( x − Δx )
+ O ( Δx )
) (7.48)
∂x x
h( x + Δx ) − h( x − Δx )
2 Δx
+ O ( Δx )(
) (7.49)
( )
where O ( Δx ) is the truncation error with an order on n.
∂2 h
Similarly, a reasonable approximation for the second derivative can be
given as: ∂x 2
∂2 h
∂x 2 x
h( x + Δx ) − 2h( x ) + h( x − Δx )
Δx 2
+ O ( Δx )
( ) (7.50)
∂h ht +1 − ht
= (7.51)
∂t t
∂h ht − ht −1
= (7.52)
∂t t Δt
Groundwater Management 255
Known head
FIGURE 7.8 (a) Explicit (forward difference) and (b) implicit (backward difference) discret-
ization of the time at node (i,j) in a two-dimensional finite-difference grid.
Figure 7.8 shows time and space discretization at node (i, j) in a two-dimensional,
finite-difference grid and illustrates the application of two simple finite-difference
methods for solving the groundwater flow equation. As shown in Figure 7.8a, all
values of head h are known at all spatial nodes at time level n. The head at point (i,
j) at time step (n + 1) can be calculated using the value of h at time step n and the
forward-difference time derivation. Therefore, a finite-difference equation exists for
each node at time step (n + 1) with only one unknown variable.
For example, in a two-dimensional groundwater flow equation for a heteroge-
neous, anisotropic aquifer, Eq. (7.39) can be written as:
Example 7.5
1 1
{Txi +1/ 2, j (hi +1, j − hi, j ) − Txi −1/ 2, j (hi, j − hi −1, j )} + 2 {Tyi, j +1/ 2 (hi, j +1 − hi, j )
Δx 2
Qw,i, j K a,i, j ( Ha,i, j − hi, j )
−Tyi, j −1/ 2 (hi, j − hi, j −1 )} ± + = Si, j hi, j
Δx Δy ba
Ah• + Bh + g = 0 (7.56)
+ = + (7.57)
Δx 2 Δy 2 T Δt T
Groundwater Management 257
Three unknown values exist at time level (n + 1) and other values at time level (n)
are known. Equation (7.57) can be rewritten as:
⎛ S Δx 2 ⎞
Bi = −⎜ 2 + ⎟ (7.59)
⎝ T Δt ⎠
n ⎛ S Δx 2 Δx 2 ⎞
Δx 2 2
Δx 2 qi, j
Di = − hin, j −1 − h ⎜ − ⎟ − h n
i , j +1 + Δx 2 (7.60)
Δy 2 i, j
⎝ T Δt Δy 2 ⎠ Δy 2 T
If Eq. (7.58) is applied for all nodes along the x-axis (jth column), we will have
(k – 2) simultaneous equations because the value of the head at the two outer nodes
is known from the boundary conditions (k is the number of nodes along the x-axis).
Therefore, by solving these equations it is possible to calculate the heads on a line
parallel to the x-axis. The coefficient matrix of this set of equations is tridiagonal.
In the next time step, ∂2h/∂y2 is approximated at time level (n + 2), while ∂2h/∂x2
is retained at the current level of (n + 1); thus (Gupta, 1989),
hin−+11, j − 2hin, j+1 + hin++11, j hin, j+−21 − 2hin, j+2 + hin, +j +21 n+2 n +1
S hi, j − hi, j qin, +j 1
+ = + (7.61)
Δx 2 Δy 2 T Δt T
Three unknown values exist at time level (n + 2) and other values at time level
(n + 1) are known. Equation (7.61) can be rewritten as follows:
⎛ S Δy 2 ⎞
Bi = −⎜ 2 + ⎟ (7.63)
⎝ T Δt ⎠
Δy 2 n +1 ⎛ S Δy
2 Δy 2 ⎞ n +1 Δy
2 qin, +j 1 2
Di = − hin−+11, j − hi, j ⎜ − ⎟ − hi +1, j + Δy (7.64)
Δx 2 ⎝ T Δt Δx 2 ⎠ Δx 2 T
Applying Eq. (7.62) for all nodes along the y-axis (ith column), we will have (m – 2)
simultaneous equations because the value of the head at the two outer nodes is
known from the boundary conditions (m is the number of nodes along the y-axis).
Therefore, by solving (m – 2) equations it is possible to calculate the heads of a line
parallel to the y-axis.
258 Water Resources Systems Analysis
300 m
Well 1
400 m
900 m
Well 2 800 m
600 m
300 m
1600 m
12 m K = 20 m/day
20 m S = 0.003
FIGURE 7.9 Plan of confined aquifer and its cross-section. (Example 7.6)
Example 7.6
Two fully penetrated wells in a confined aquifer system are shown in Figure 7.9.
Wells 1 and 2 pump at a rate of 90 L/sec and 60 L/sec, respectively. The initial
piezometric head is horizontal, in level with the stream. Determine the spatial
variation of the piezometric head after one day of pumping. The aquifer is bounded
by a stream on one side and impermeable boundaries on two sides. It is extended
semi-infinitely on the remaining side, but a width of 900 m is used for the flow
system under consideration.
Solution: The grid layout is shown in Figure 7.10. In the initial conditions, the
heads of all nodes are 20 m at t = 0, and boundary conditions are:
Recharge boundary:
Impermeable boundaries
T = K × b = 20 × 12 = 240 m2/day
First time step: A time step Δt of 0.5 day is selected as the time interval.
(Maximum time step is selected based on stability requirement; see Gupta [1989]
for more details.) Because there is no pumping on the first row, piezometric heads
in this row will not change in the first time step. For row 2 (j = 2), we have:
S ( Δ x )2 0.003 ( 400)2
B2 = −(2 + × ) = −( 2 + × ) = −6.0
T Δt 240 0.5
B2 = B3 = B4 = −6.0
q= = 0.5 × 10 −6 m / s = 0.0432 m / day
300 × 400
0.0432 ( 400) 2
D3 = −80 + = −51.2
D4 = D2 = −80
For node 2,
For node 3,
For node 4,
Solving gives
h20,.25 = 19.15 m
h30,.25 = 14.89 m
h40,.25 = 18.97 m
Groundwater Management 261
FIGURE 7.11 Heads at the end of the first time step (at t = 0.5 day).
The value of the heads of nodes for row 3 is solved by a similar procedure. Row 4
is an impermeable boundary; therefore, it will have the same heads as in row 3. The
value of nodal heads after the first time step is shown in Figure 7.11.
Second time step: The results of the first time step are used as the initial heads
of the second time step. In this time step, computations are made column by column.
For column 2 (i = 2):
0.003 ( 400) 2
B1 = −(2 + × ) = −4.25
240 0.5
B1 = B2 = B3 = −4.25
q= = 0.75 × 10 −6 m / s = 0.0648 m / day
300 × 400
262 Water Resources Systems Analysis
For node 1,
As the aquifer in this direction extends beyond the grid boundary, the head
outside the boundary is included and is assumed to be equal to the initial head of
20 m.
For node 2,
For node 3,
FIGURE 7.12 Heads at the end of the second time step (at t = 1 day).
Solving gives
h21,1 = 19.10 m
h21,2 = 16.18 m
h21,3 = 8.51 m
The heads of the nodes in columns are solved by a similar procedure. The values
of the nodal heads after the second time step (after t = 1 day) are shown in
Figure 7.12.
L( h ) = 0 (7.65)
264 Water Resources Systems Analysis
h ≈ hˆ( x, t ) = ∑ N ( x) h˜ (t)
i =1
i i (7.66)
where ĥ is the approximate solution, and Ni(x) are the basis or shape functions of
node i defined over the entire domain. Shape functions are defined based on assump-
tions regarding the spatial variation of the state variables in the domain; n is the
number of linearly independent shape functions, and h˜i (t ) are the unknown coeffi-
cients (heads) that are determined for each node of the finite-element grid. The
residual error, R, can be estimated by substituting the approximate solution ĥ into
Eq. (7.65) as follows:
R = L(hˆ ) ≠ 0 (7.67)
The unknown coefficients h̃i are determined by minimizing the residual error of the
approximate solution. This is accomplished by integrating the weighted error over
the domain (D) and setting it equal to zero as follows:
∫ W R dD = ∫ W L(hˆ)dD = 0
k k = 1, 2, …, n (7.68)
where Wk is the weighting function for node i. To determine the n state variables at
nodal points, the weighting function should be specified and the integral equation
is broken into n simple equations.
The type of weighted residual method is determined by the choice of the n
weighting functions. In the Galerkin method, the weighting functions are selected
to be identical to the shape functions. The modified integral equation is then given by:
k L(hˆ ) dD = 0 k = 1, 2, …, n (7.69)
Example 7.7
Solution: Equation (7.69) can be rewritten considering all elements of the system
as follows:
∑∫ N
e De
k L(hˆ ) dDe = 0 ∀k (7.70)
where De is the elemental domain and L(hˆ ) can be represented by Eq. (7.44).
Considering the equation hˆ = Nh˜ , Eq. (7.70) can be rewritten as follows:
∑∫ N
e De
k L( Nh˜ ) dDe = 0 ∀k (7.71)
where h̃ is the vector of unknown nodal head values and N is global shape function
which is a matrix of the nodal shape function. By substituting Eq. (7.44) in Eq.
(7.71), we have:
⎧ ∂ ⎫
∑ ∫ ⎨⎩∇.T∇( Nh˜ ) + b
Ka Ka ˜
Ha − Nh − S ( Nh˜ ) ± Q⎬N k dDe = 0 ∀k (7.72)
e a ba ∂t ⎭
where Q indicates the magnitude of the source or sink. For an element, each term
of this integral equation produces an elemental matrix that is dependent on the
system parameters and shape (basis) functions. For example, the fourth term for
each element can be written as follows:
−SAe h˜ • (7.73)
∫ ∫ N N dD ∫ N N dD ⎥⎥
⎡ N 2 dD ⋯ ⎤
⎢ i e i j e i k e
Ae = ⎢
N j Ni dDe
∫ N dD 2
j e ⋯ ⎥
⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⎥
⎢⎣ ∫
⎢ N N dD
k i e ∫ N N dD
k j e ⋯
∫ N k2 dDe ⎥
Combining the various matrix terms and dropping the ~ notation, Eq. (7.72) can be
expressed as follows (Willis and Yeh, 1987):
Ah• + Bh + g = 0 (7.75)
For more information about finite-element methods such as global matrix gen-
eration, formulation of general basis functions, and solution methods for dynamic
response equations, the reader is referred to Zienkiewicz (1971) and Willis and Yeh
Example 7.8
Solve the differential equation of d 2 h / dx 2 − h = 0 using the Galerkin method and
considering the following conditions:
0≤ x≤3
h=0 m where x=0
h = 10 m where x=3
Considering the unknown variables (h1, h2, …, hN), Eq. (7.68) can be rewritten as
d 2 hˆ ˆ
Wi (
dx 2
− h )dx = 0 i = 1, 2,…, N (7.76)
dWi dhˆ ⎡ dhˆ ⎤
( ⋅
dx dx
+ Whˆ
i ) dx − ⎢Wi
⎣ dx ⎦
⎥=0 t = 1, 2,…, N (7.77)
Equation (7.77) can be rewritten as follows using the Galerkin method (Wi = Ni and
ĥ = N · h):
Ah = g (7.78)
dNi dN j
Aij =
∫ ( dx ⋅ dx
+ Ni N j )dx 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N (7.79)
gi = ⎡⎢ Ni
dh ⎤
1≤ i ≤ N (7.80)
⎣ dx ⎥⎦ 0
If the above equation is used for each element e between nodes m and n, the
coefficients of the equation can be calculated using Eq. (7.71). Assuming X = x – xm,
the shape functions are as follows:
N m = N me = (7.81)
he − X
Nn = Nne = (7.82)
where Le = xn – xm. If node k is not related to element e, Nk will be zero for element e.
Therefore, the components of matrix A are calculated as follows:
⎡ dNme dNne e⎤ −1 Le
A e
mn =Ae
nm =
⎢ dx ⋅ dx + Nm Nn ⎥ dx = Le + 6
⎡⎛ dN e ⎞ 2 2⎤
A e
=A = e
∫ ( ) 1 Le
⎢⎜ m ⎟ + Nne ⎥ dx = e +
⎢⎣⎝ dx ⎠
mm nn
⎥⎦ L 3
Matrix A is calculated from the above submatrices Ae, considering the position
of the element in Figure 7.14.
⎡1+L −1 L
⎢L 3 + 0 0 ⎤⎥
L 6
⎢ −1 L 1 L ⎥
A1 = ⎢ + + 0 0⎥
⎢L0 6 L 3
0 0 0 ⎥⎥
⎢⎣ 0 0 0 0 ⎥⎦
⎡0 0 0 0⎤
⎢0 −1 L
1 L
+ +
⎢ L 3 L 6 ⎥
A =⎢
−1 L 1 L ⎥
⎢0 + + 0⎥
⎢0 L 6 L 3
⎣ 0 0 0 ⎥⎦
⎡0 0 0 ⎤ 0
⎢0 0 0 ⎥ 0
⎢ 1 L −1 L ⎥
A = ⎢0
0 + + ⎥
⎢ L 3 L 6⎥
⎢0 −1 L 1 L⎥
0 + +
⎢⎣ L 6 L 3 ⎥⎦
⎡1+L −1 L ⎤
⎢L 3 + 0 0 ⎥
L 6
⎢ −1 L −1 L ⎥
2⎛ + ⎞
1 L
⎢ + + 0 ⎥
⎝ L 3⎠
A= ⎢ L 6 L 6 ⎥
−1 L −1 L ⎥
⎢ 0 2⎛ + ⎞
1 L
+ +
⎢ L 6 ⎝ L 3⎠ L 6⎥
⎢ −1 L 1 L⎥
⎢ 0 0 + + ⎥
⎣ L 6 L 3⎦
⎡ dhˆ ⎤
⎡ h1 ⎤ ⎢− x =0 ⎥ ⎡0 ⎤
⎢h ⎥ ⎢ dx ⎥ ⎢0 ⎥
A⎢ ⎥ = ⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥
⎢ h3 ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎢0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ dhˆ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣h4 ⎦ ⎢ − x =3 ⎥
⎣0 ⎦
⎣ dx ⎦
Groundwater Management 269
h1 and h4 are known; therefore, from the above equation set we have:
2⎛ + ⎞ h2 + ⎛ − + ⎞ h3 = 0
1 L 1 L
⎝ L 3⎠ ⎝ L 6⎠
⎛ − 1 + L ⎞ h + 2⎛ 1 + L ⎞ h = −10⎛ − 1 + L ⎞
⎝ L 6⎠ 2 ⎝ L 3⎠ 3 ⎝ L 6⎠
The finest mesh spacing and time steps should be selected to reduce numerical errors,
while computational time and limitations on computer memory should also be
considered. In rectangular grid design, the length-to-width ratio (aspect ratio) of
cells or elements should be kept as close as possible to one in order to prevent
numerical instability or errors (Delleur, 1999). In the case of a triangular finite
element, the angles should be less than 22.5° (Torak, 1993). To decrease the com-
putational cost, variably spaced mesh is usually used with a fine grid in the following
It is generally advisable for the increasing factor for mesh spacing in two adjacent
elements or cells to be less than two (Delleur, 1999). Similarly, in transient simulation
different time steps can be used to optimize computational resources.
The calibrated model should be verified before using it for groundwater simulation.
In this case, the observed data that have not been used in the model calibration
process are compared with the results of simulation model to evaluate the reliability
and accuracy of model prediction. As the observed data from groundwater systems
are usually limited, the model verification process usually suffers from data defi-
ciency. In this case, the unverified model should be applied only if the sensitivity
analyses for both model calibration and prediction are performed (ReVelle and
McGarity, 1997).
The reliability of a calibrated model can be evaluated by the accuracy of the model
predictions. Future stresses and their uncertainties are the major sources of prediction
error. For example, boundary conditions and processes that are insignificant under
current and past stress regimes may become important when existing stresses are
increased or new stresses are added. Therefore, if a model is continuously used for
prediction of future conditions of a groundwater system, the model should be
periodically audited or calibrated using the field monitoring data (Delleur, 1999). In
this way, the model can incorporate new information such as changes in assumed
groundwater stresses.
Groundwater Management 271 MODFLOW
MODFLOW is a three-dimensional, finite-difference groundwater model that was
first released in 1984. It has a modular structure that allows the user to modify it
and adapt the code for a particular application. Many new capabilities have been
added to the original model in recent versions. MODFLOW-2000 simulates steady
and unsteady flow in an irregularly shaped flow system in which aquifer layers can
be confined, unconfined, or a combination of confined and unconfined. Flow from
external stresses, such as flow to wells, surface recharge, evapotranspiration, flow
to drains, and flow through river beds, can be simulated. Hydraulic conductivities
or transmissivities for any layer may differ spatially and be anisotropic (restricted
to having the principal directions aligned with the grid axes), and the storage
coefficient may be heterogeneous. Specified head and flux boundaries can be sim-
ulated by this model. It is also capable of modeling head-dependent flux across the
272 Water Resources Systems Analysis
outer boundary of the model, which allows water to be supplied to a boundary block
in the modeled area at a rate proportional to the current head difference between a
source of water outside the modeled area and the boundary block.
In addition to simulating groundwater flow, the scope of MODFLOW-2000 has
been expanded to incorporate related capabilities such as solute transport and param-
eter estimation. In this model, the groundwater flow equation is solved using the
finite-difference approximation. The flow region is subdivided into blocks in which
the medium properties are assumed to be uniform. In plan view, the blocks are made
from a grid of mutually perpendicular lines that may be variably spaced. Model
layers can have varying thickness. A flow equation is written for each block, or cell.
Several methods are provided for solving the resulting matrix problem; the user can
choose the best one for a particular problem. Flow rate and cumulative volume,
which are balanced from each type of inflow and outflow, are computed for each
time step.
I = O − ΔS (7.83)
where I is inflow, O is the outflow, and ΔS is the change in storage. Inflow is the
summation of surface and subsurface inflow, precipitation, and imported water.
Outflow is the summation of surface and subsurface outflow, consumptive use, and
exported water (Todd, 1980).
To determine the safe yield in a basin, calculation of subsurface inflow and
outflow is usually the most difficult task because it is impossible to measure them
directly. Another complicating factor is that the definitions of adverse effects are
subjective and subject to temporal and spatial interpretations. Acceptable definitions
of adverse effects can change in the future due to changes in demographics, land
use, and political and social conditions.
This section presents some typical optimization models for groundwater operation
management, capacity expansion, and joint use of surface and groundwater
A groundwater operation model can provide the optimal policies for groundwater
operation such as optimal extraction, allocation, and optimal recharge of the aquifer
considering physical, environmental, and socioeconomic constraints. An objective
function of the optimization model could be to minimize the total discounted oper-
ational costs as follows:
T t
Min Z = ∑t =1
⎛ 1 ⎞
⎝1+ α⎠ ∑ C (Q , h )
w (7.84)
where ht and ht–1 are vectors of groundwater head at time steps t and t – 1, A1 and
A2 are coefficient matrices, and vector Q t–1 is defined as follows:
• Supplying demands
w ≥ Dt ∀t (7.87)
where hwmin is the minimum groundwater head at well site w. These con-
straints are considered to ensure that excessive depletion of the aquifer
does not occur.
The above planning model is the basic framework for groundwater systems planning
and management.
Capacity expansion and the timing and staging of well field development are typical
problems in groundwater systems planning. In the problems presented here, it is
assumed that the well sites have been developed and operation policies are developed
for existing conditions; therefore, capital cost can be neglected when developing the
operation policies and should be considered in capacity expansion models. The
objective function of the capacity expansion model — minimization of total dis-
counted capital and operational cost — is as follows:
Groundwater Management 275
T t
Min Z = ∑
t =1
⎛ 1 ⎞
⎝1+ α⎠ ∑ (KC(Q
w ( ) )
) Xwt + Cw Qwt , hwt Ywt (7.91)
∑Y Q
w ≥ Dt ∀t (7.93)
t =1
w ≤1 w ∈W (7.97)
∑ (KC(Q
w ( ) )
) Xwt + Cw Qwt , hwt Ywt ≤ Ctotal ,t ∀t (7.98)
where Ctotal,t is the total capital and operational cost in planning period t.
T t ⎧Qit ⎫
Max Z = ∑t =1
⎛ 1 ⎞
⎝1+ α⎠ ∑∫ ⎪
( )
⎨ Di Qi dQ −
∑ (
Cw Qwt , hwt )⎪⎬
⎩ ⎭
Groundwater Management 277
Qit = ∑Q
w (7.102)
The water allocation model can provide a schedule for optimal groundwater
The conjunctive water use model provides an optimal allocation schedule for ground
and surface water resources in a region to meet different water demands. The
objective function maximizes the net discounted economic benefit as follows:
278 Water Resources Systems Analysis
T t⎧ ⎡Qlt ⎤⎫
Max Z = ∑ ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎪
∑∫ ( )
⎝1+ α⎠ ⎨
⎢ D Qt dQ −
⎢ l l ∑ ( ) ∑ ( )
gml t
Gml − fnlt Snlt ⎥ ⎬
t =1
l ⎢⎣ 0 m n ⎥⎦ ⎪⎭
⎛ ⎞
hmt − A1m hmt-1 − A2m g ⎜
∑G m
t −1
ml ⎟ =0
t t −1
S n = S n + Rnt − ∑S l
nl (7.107)
where S n is the volume of water in surface storage n at the end of time
period t and Rnt is the inflow to surface storage n during period t.
∑G = ∑Q
w ,m , ∀m (7.108)
Qwt ,m ≤ Qwmax
,m , ∀m, ∀t, w ∈ W (7.109)
This optimization problem can be solved using different methods such as nonlinear
or dynamic programming.
Example 7.9
Determine the average monthly allocation of groundwater and surface water to four
agricultural zones shown in Figure 7.15. As can be seen in this figure, a channel
can transfer surface water to zone 4. The water demands of zone 3 cannot be supplied
from the rivers. The monthly discharge of rivers and the volume of recharge by
precipitation during a 2-year period and the gross water demands of the agricultural
zones are presented in Tables 7.2 and 7.3, respectively. The equations of the average
groundwater table fluctuations, based on the discharge from agricultural wells and
recharge from precipitation, are presented in Table 7.4. In this table, Gt (i) is the
groundwater discharge from agricultural zone i in period t, Qt (1) and Qt (2) are the
allocated water to agricultural zones 1 and 2 in period t, Qt (3) is the surface water
transferred to zone (4) in period t, and P is the groundwater recharge from precip-
itation (million m3). The effects of other parameters such as underground inflow and
outflow on the fluctuations of groundwater table are considered to be negligible.
The acceptable (without any cost) range for cumulative groundwater table variation
in each zone is ± 4 meters. The maximum capacity of water transfer channel is 4
m3/sec, and it is assumed that 90 percent of transferred water is supplied by River
1. The initial groundwater table depths in zones 1, 2, 3, and 4 are considered to be
17, 8.1, 12.6, and 67 m, respectively. The objectives of the developed model are
supplying water to agricultural lands, minimizing pumping costs, and controlling
average groundwater table fluctuations in agricultural zones. Calculate the optimal
allocated water to agricultural zone, from surface and groundwater resources.
280 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 7.15 Components of surface and groundwater resources for Example 7.9.
G. H
Ppump = (7.112)
where Ppump is the pump power (W), G is the pumping discharge (m3/sec), H is the
groundwater table depth (m), and η is the pump efficiency.
Because the objective function and the constraints are nonlinear, the dynamic
programming (DP) method can be used effectively in this study. The recursive
function of the DP model is developed as follows:
ft (Gt (i ), Qt (i )) = Min Ct (Gt (i ), Qt (i ), Ht −1 (i ), It , Qt )
+ ft −1* (Gt −1 (i ), Qt −1 (i ), Ht −2 (i ), It −2 , Qt −1 )
Groundwater Management
Values of Monthly River Discharge and Precipitation
Recharge of Aquifer 1 Recharge of Aquifer 2
Water Discharge of River 1 Discharge of River 2 by Precipitation by Precipitation
Year Month (million m3) (million m3) (million m3) (million m3)
282 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Monthly Agricultural Water Demands and Downstream Water Rights
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Water Rights
Month (million m3) (million m3) (million m3) (million m3) (million m3)
Equations of Average Groundwater Table Fluctuation
Zone 1 ΔL1 = 1.9 × 10 −4 G(1) + 1.2e −3G(2) − 2e −5G(3)2 + 7.8e −4G(3) − 0.02 P − 0.03
Zone 2 ΔL2 = 1 × 10 −6 G(1) + 3.7e −3 G(2) − 4e −5 G(3) 2 + 1.9e −4 G(3) − 0.018 P − 0.07
( )
Losst (i ) = α( Dt (i ) − Qt (i ) − Gt (i ))2 + β(Gt (i ) ⋅ Ht (i )) + γ Lt (i ) − Lmax (i ) (7.115)
γ =0 if Lt (i ) ≤ Lmax (i ) (7.117)
Ht (i ) = H0 (i ) + ∑ ΔL (i)
t =1
t i = 1,..., 4 (7.118)
Lt (i ) = ∑ ΔL (i)
t =1
t i = 1,..., 4 (7.119)
Rt (i ) = It (i) − Qt (i ) − (1 − )Q (3) i = 1, 2 (7.121)
100 t
∑ R (i ) ≥ R
i =1
t t ,min (7.122)
Because the problem has multiple objectives, the coefficients α, β, and γ are the
relative weights of objectives which should be determined in order to make these
objectives comparable. The optimal average water allocated to agricultural zones in
July (a dry month) for α = 1, β = 0.005, and γ = 120 and the corresponding cumulative
groundwater table variations are presented in Table 7.5 and Figure 7.16 (for more
details, see Karamouz et al., 2002).
• Several demand points exist, and the water supplied to one of these
demand points cannot be used by the others; therefore, a major conflict
issue in groundwater operation occurs when the groundwater storage is
not capable of supplying all of the demands.
• Extra discharge of the aquifer or high variation of the groundwater table
can cause problems, such as settlement of buildings and the ground surface.
• Recharge of the aquifer with polluted water, such as occurs due to infil-
tration of agricultural returnflows, disposal of sewage or water treatment
plant sludge, and sanitary landfills can produce environmental problems.
Groundwater Management 285
Average Surface and Groundwater Allocated in July
Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4
Source (million m3) (million m3) (million m3) (million m3)
Cumulative groundwater
table variation (cm)
0 5 10 15 20
FIGURE 7.16 Cumulative groundwater table variation in zone 1 for Example 7.9.
Even though water resources planning for operation of wells is done by a specific
agency on a regional basis (called here the Department of Water Supply), the water
allocation schemes defined and imposed by this department are greatly influenced
by other agencies, such as these generic examples:
• Department of Agriculture
• Department of Industries
• Department of Environmental Protection
286 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 7.17 Utility function for the range of average groundwater variation.
The utility function for each of these agencies should be considered when
formulating the conflict resolution problems; therefore, all of the conflict issues and
the responsible agencies should be recognized in the first step of conflict resolution
The next step is to define the utility function of each agency. For example, the
Department of Water Supply could define the utility function for a range of average
groundwater table variations, as shown in Figure 7.17, where the most favorable
range of average groundwater table variation is from 0 to lc m. This range can be
estimated based on the hydrogeologic conditions of an aquifer, as well as the
estimates of future demands. The decreasing segment on the right-hand side of this
graph also shows that the utility of the Department of Water Supply will decrease
when the groundwater table variation is increased.
All of the agencies selected in the first step should provide their favorable range
of water supply for various demands, groundwater quality, or water table fluctuation.
Besides the different priorities of these agencies, each agency has a specific level
of authority with respect to changing the water allocation schemes within the political
and institutional climate of each region. The final step is to formulate the conflict
resolution problem. For this purpose, various methods can be used, which are briefly
explained in Chapter 2.
Example 7.10
In an unconfined aquifer system, the following agencies are affected by the decision
to discharge from an aquifer to supply water demands:
The Department of Water Supply has a twofold role — namely, to allocate water
to different purposes and control the groundwater table variations. The decision
makers in these agencies are asked to set their utility functions, which are shown in
Figures 7.18 to 7.20. The analyst should apply the weights presented in Table 7.6
to consider the roles and levels of authority of the agencies in the political climate
of that region.
Groundwater Management 287
The initial surface area, volume, and total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration
for the water in the aquifer are 600 km2, 1440 million m3, and 1250 mg/L, respec-
tively. The net underground inflow is 1100 million m3/yr, with a TDS concentration
equal to 1250 mg/l. It is assumed that 60% of the allocated water returns to the
aquifer as return flow and the average TDS concentration of the return flow is 2000
mg/L. The average storage coefficient of the aquifer is 0.06. Find the most appro-
priate water allocation scheme for this year using Nash’s bargaining theory.
Agricultural Demands
Domestic Demand
Industrial Demand
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Allocated Water (million m3 / year)
FIGURE 7.18 Utility function of different agencies for the range of water allocated to dif-
ferent demands.
0 1 2 3 4
FIGURE 7.19 Utility function of Agency 1 for the range of average groundwater variation.
0 500 1000 1500 2000
FIGURE 7.20 Utility function of Agency 4 for the average concentration of TDS in the
288 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Relative Weights or Relative Authority of Agencies
Relative Weight Relative Weight
Agencies Case 1 Case 2
∏( f − d )
i =1
i i
di ≤ fi ≤ fi∗ ∀i (7.125)
where Wi is the relative weight, fi is the utility function, di is the disagreement point,
and fi* is the ideal point of player (agency) i. This objective function should be
maximized considering the constraints of groundwater surface variation and ground-
water quality that are as follows:
Δ l ≈ (q1 + q2 + q3 − IN ) × (1 / S) × (1 / A) (7.126)
where Δl is the average groundwater table variation (m) during the plan-
ning year, q1, q2, q3 are annual agricultural, domestic, and industrial
groundwater withdrawal (million m3), IN is net annual underground inflow
(million m3), S is storage coefficient, and A is the area of aquifer (km2).
(q1 + q2 + q3 − 1100)
0.06 × 600
Vin. and Cin. are the initial volume and TDS concentration of the groundwater,
Cin is the TDS concentration of net groundwater inflow.
α1, α2, α3 are the return flows (%) of annual agricultural, domestic, and
industrial groundwater withdrawals, respectively.
C1, C2, C3 are the average TDS concentrations of agricultural, domestic, and
industrial groundwater withdrawal, respectively.
Cmean is the average TDS concentration of groundwater during the planning
Cnew is the TDS concentration of the aquifer at the end of the year.
(1440 × 1250 + 1100 × 1250 + 0.6 × 2000 × q1 + 0.6 × 2000 × q2 + 0.6 × 2000 × q3 − Cmean (q1 + q2 + q3 ))
Cnew =
(1440 + 1100 + (0.6 − 1)(q1 + q2 + q3 )
Results of the Conflict Resolution Method
Variable Result (Case 1) Result (Case 2)
7.1 An aquifer (see figure below) is used to supply 3000 m3/day to industrial
demands; the system parameters are presented in following table:
The initial head of the aquifer is 1000 m. The nodes are located in the
southern boundary along the river are considered as constant head and
other boundaries are impermeable. Develop a simulation model for this
system using the Galerkin finite-element method. Calculate the piezomet-
ric surface after a 1-month period of operation for the following condi-
(a) The water withdrawal rates are uniform.
(b) All the water demand is withdrawn from well 3.
Well 2 *
1000 m
1000 m Zone 1
Well 3 *
2000 m 2000 m
7.2 Solve problem 7.1 using implicit and explicit finite-difference methods
with a rectangular grid; compare the results and computational costs.
7.3 In the system shown in the following figure, the well is 0.5 m in diameter
and fully penetrates a confined aquifer of 40-m thickness and has a
hydraulic conductivity of 22 m/day. If the pumping rate is 4 m3/sec,
determine the drawdown at point x and at the well face.
7.4 In the confined aquifer system shown in the following figure, the pumping
rates in wells 1 and 2 are 0.02 and 0.03 m3/sec, respectively. The initial
piezometric head is 20 m everywhere. Applying the alternate-direction
implicit procedure, determine the head distribution after one day of
Groundwater Management 291
292 Water Resources Systems Analysis
7.5 Find the position of the water table, height of the seepage face, and flow
rate through a dam with a width of 6 m (see figure below) using a finite-
element method. The hydraulic conductivity in x and y directions are
0.001 m/day.
1 9
13 13
2 8 14
4m y=2m 2 6 10
3 9 15
4 10 16 3m
y=1m 3 7 11 15
5 11 17
6 12 18
4 8 12 16
x=2m x=4m x=6m
free node x
fixed node
7.6 Solve Example 7.9 considering the quality of allocated water. Assume
that the average TDS concentration of the groundwater in zones 1 to 4
are 500, 745, 700, and 500 mg/l, respectively. The TDS concentration in
Rivers 1 and 2 are provided in the following table:
4340 1440
2000 2040
1790 720
370 390
120 450
610 310
2250 1540
2590 1860
3290 1350
1850 2680
3660 1710
2760 1780
Cooley, R. L., A Modular Finite-Element Model (MODFE) for Areal and Axisymmetric
Groundwater Flow Problems, Part 2: Derivation of Finite-Element Equations and
Comparisons with Analytical Solutions, Book 6, Techniques of Water Resources
Investigations series of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1992, chap. A4.
Delleur, J. W., Ed., The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, CRC Press/Springer-Verlag,
Boca Raton, FL, 1999.
Esling S. P., Larson, T. A., and Sharpe, D. M., Graphic Groundwater User’s Manual, Micro-
Innovation, Inc., Carbondale, IL, 1993.
Freeze, R. A. and Cherry, J. A., Groundwater, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1979.
Gupta R. S., Hydrology and Hydraulic Systems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989.
Hantush, M. S. and Jacob, C. E., Non-steady radial flow in an infinite leaky aquifer, Trans
Am. Geophys. Union, 36(1), 95–100, 1955.
Harr, M. E., Groundwater and Seepage, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962.
Istok, J., Groundwater Modeling by the Finite Element Method, AGU Water Resources
Monograph 13, Washington DC, 1989.
Karamouz, M., Kerachian, R., Zahraie, B., and Zahraie, B., Conjunctive use of surface and
groundwater resources, in Proc. ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute
Conf., Roanoke, VA, May 19–22, 2002.
Kashef, A. A. I., Groundwater Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1987.
Lee, C. H., The determination of safe yield of underground reservoirs of the closed basin
type, Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., 78, 148–151, 1915.
McDonald, M. G. and Harbaugh, A. W., A Modular Tree-Dimensional Finite-Difference
Groundwater Flow Model, Book 6, Techniques of Water Resources Investigations
series of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1988, chap. Al.
ReVelle, C. and McGarity, A. E., Eds., Design and Operation of Civil and Environmental
Engineering Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997.
Todd, D. K., Groundwater Hydrology, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980.
Torak, L. J., A Modular Finite-Element Model (MODFE) for Areal and Axisymmetric Ground-
water Flow Problems, Part 1: Model Description and User’s Manual, Book 6, Tech-
niques of Water Resources Investigations series of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1993,
chap. A3.
Willis R. and Yeh, W. W.-G., Groundwater Systems Planning and Management, Prentice-
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987.
Yeh, W. W.-G., System analysis in groundwater planning and management, J. Water Resources
Plan. Manage., 118(3), 224–237, 1992.
Zienkiewicz, O. C., The Finite-Element Method in Engineering Science, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1971.
8 River–Reservoir Systems
This chapter discusses elements of river–reservoir systems modeling, including data
and information processing, objectives, constraints identification, and details of the
modeling process. Also presented are the objectives of river–reservoir systems plan-
ning and management modeling, including water supply, flood control, power gen-
eration, and supplying instream flow requirements, as well as formulation of simu-
lation and optimization models for different objectives.
296 Water Resources Systems Analysis
• Estimation of the snow budget over the watershed and analysis of the
correlation between the average snow water equivalent for different months
of snow accumulation or snowmelt seasons and seasonal stream flows
• Similarity in basic statistical characteristics of streamflow data, such as
mean and coefficient of variation for different months of a season
• General hydrologic characteristics of the study area, such as variations in
precipitation, snow budget, and groundwater contribution to surface water
• Other factors, such as period of snowmelt and streamflow associated with
specific climatic regimes such as monsoon and tropical storms
The main objective of defining seasons is to capture the coupled effect of climatic
and hydrologic factors. It also allows modelers to reduce the number of estimated
parameters (compared with monthly time steps). Models with fewer parameters to
estimate tend to perform better and have a smaller tendency for error accumulation
(parsimony of parameters) (Salas et al., 1982).
Some of the stochastic reservoir operation models and their structures are
explained in the following text. In these models, inflow forecast time series are
utilized to incorporate uncertainty in inflows and the seasonal forecast model itself.
In addition to modeling uncertainties, inflow forecasts are necessary for applying
optimal operation policies to real-time operation of reservoirs.
A number of forecast models have been used for reservoir inflow forecasting
for real-time operation. These methods follow approaches ranging from pure statis-
tical methods to those based primarily on conceptual modeling of the hydrologic
cycle. Development of statistical models started with some very simple regression
models and significantly improved to incorporate seasonal and nonseasonal corre-
lations. Details of some of the most widely used statistical models are presented in
Chapter 5.
Figure 8.1 shows the data required and steps that should be taken for reservoir
inflow modeling and forecasting. As can be seen in this figure, the algorithm utilizes
a wide range of hydrologic and climatic data. Using such data will significantly
improve the accuracy of a forecast model (Karamouz et al., 2001). Different forecast
modification schemes are also considered in the algorithm and are used to reduce
the errors of statistical models.
Monthly Variation of
Snowmelt Temperature
Modeling Data
Forecast Modification:
• Weekly update
• Large-scale
Defining Identification of climatic signals
Seasons Model Type • User-specified
Estimation of Model
• Domestic or municipal
• Industrial
• Agricultural
There is a lag time between water demands and inflows. The peak of water
demand may occur in months during which inflows are at a minimum such as in
the middle of summer. The main purpose of water resources modeling is to derive
policies for water allocation in a way that demands can be met with reasonable
certainty. Thus, to manage a system, it is important to be able to describe the current
and projected water use fluctuations and variations.
Water demands change from year to year and month to month. Many physical,
economical, social, and political reasons for these variations can be identified. In
recent years, significant climatic changes have been observed in many parts of the
world, including more intense floods, greater precipitation, and even unusual
droughts in some regions. These changes have significantly affected the water
demands in many parts of the world.
Dams are usually classified in terms of materials and forms. Common types are
homogenous or zoned earthfills, rockfills with an earth core or concrete face, and
concrete dams. Concrete dams are classified as gravity, arch, and buttress resistance
(Figure 8.2). Topography and geomorphology are primary factors in weighting the
comparative merits of dam types.
Embankment dams are constructed of earth and/or rock with a provision for
controlling seepage by means of an impermeable core, concrete face, grouting
curtain, or upstream blanket. Embankment dams have relatively poor resistance to
overflow; therefore, the spillway capacity must be determined conservatively.
Arch dams can carry large loads, but their integrity depends inherently on the
strength of abutments. A gravity dam is an essentially solid concrete structure that
resists imposed forces principally by its own weight. Although they are usually
straight in plan, these dams are sometimes curved or angled to accommodate site
A buttress dam is a gravity structure that, in addition to its own weight, utilizes
the weight of water over the upstream face to provide stability. The simplest type
of these dams is the slab type, which consists of sloping flat slabs supported at
intervals by buttresses.
Storage capacity is the most important physical characteristic of reservoirs. The
storage can be determined for each level of water from topographic map of the site.
An area–volume–elevation curve can be constructed by implementing the area
enclosed with each topographic contour in the reservoir site and summation of the
increments of storage below each level. This curve can be used in selection of total
capacity for reservoir and reservoir operation optimization. Figure 8.3 shows an
area–volume–elevation curve.
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 299
Material of
Type Construction
Typical cross section Plan view
Gravity rubble masonry
Arch Concrete
of canyon
Buttress (also timber
and steel)
Rock-fill toe
Embankment Earth or
Impermeable core
FIGURE 8.2 Basic types of dams. (From Linsley, R. K. et al., Water Resources Engineering,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992. With permission.)
A spillway is a safety valve for the dam and should have enough capacity to discharge
major floods without damaging the dam and ancillary structures and also keep the
reservoir level below the maximum water level. A spillway that has gates to adjust
the rate of outflow is referred to as a controlled spillway. An uncontrolled spillway
will discharge water based on the water level in the reservoir.
The majority of the active storage of reservoirs is below the spillway crest, and
outlets must be built in order to withdraw water from various parts of the reservoir
storage. Release from these outlets may be discharged into a channel below the dam
or may be transported in pipes or canals to some distant point. The basic structural
components of outlets are sluiceways and intakes. A sluiceway is a pipe or tunnel
that passes through a dam or hillside at one end of the dam and discharges into the
stream. An intake structure is required at the entrance to a conduit through which
300 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Area (Km2)
26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Maximum operating level
Volume Area
– Flood control –
1020 level
– Centerline of penstock –
940 – Centerline of sluiceways –
– Centerline of turbines –
920 – Zero pool –
water is withdrawn from the reservoir. Large dams may have sluiceways and/or
intakes in different levels (Linsley et al., 1992).
Listed here are the basic elements of a hydropower plant (see Figure 8.4) (Mays,
• Reservoir for creating the necessary head that will provide energy needed
for deriving turbines
• Intake structure that directs water from the reservoir into the penstock or
conduit; gates or valves are used to control water discharge to the power
plant, and racks or screens prevent trash or debris from entering the
• Conduit that conveys water from the intake structure to the powerhouse
• Power plant, including turbines, generators, and control and auxiliary
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 301
Energy loss in
Energy Line penstock
Large dams are usually multipurpose structures. Besides providing water for domes-
tic, agriculture, and industrial uses (the main objectives of reservoir planning and
operation), hydropower electric production is another objective of development of
many river–reservoir systems. High efficiency, lower costs, and the specific capa-
bilities of hydropower plants for controlling the frequency of power networks have
made hydropower plants a necessary component of power systems. Flood control
and damage reduction is another objective for dam construction. A reservoir reduces
the peak flow of a flood hydrograph to an amount lower than the river carrying
capacity. In the following sections, these objectives are briefly explained and the
structure of reservoir optimization models for satisfying demands is demonstrated.
Navigation requirements and environmental water rights are also presented. Other
purposes, such as quality control in the reservoir and downstream river, are
302 Water Resources Systems Analysis
• Active storage
• Dead storage
• Flood control storage
Active storage is the volume between minimum and normal water levels. Normal
water level is the maximum elevation of a reservoir during normal operation. For
many reservoirs, the normal water level is the elevation of the spillway crest, and
the minimum water level is the lowest elevation of the reservoir during normal
operation and may be fixed by elevation of the lowest outlet or minimum head
required for hydropower generation. Active storage is required for conservation
purposes, including water supplies, navigation, etc.
Flood control storage is reserved for storing excessive flood volumes to prevent
overtopping of the dam and to reduce the potential flood damage. The flood control
storage zone is between normal water level and maximum water level in the reser-
voir. During floods, discharge over the spillway may cause the water level to rise
above normal water level. This excess storage is surcharge storage and is normally
• Plant efficiency
• Volumetric water flow through the turbine
• Net hydraulic head of water above the turbine
The energy production of a hydropower plant could be estimated using the following
equation (Mays, 1996):
EO = e f γ Q(t ) H (t ) dt (8.1)
where EO is the electrical output of power plant, ef is the overall efficiency of power
generation, and γ is the specific weight of water. As can be seen in this equation,
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 303
without reservoir
Discharge (cms)
Target outflow
with reservoir
Time (hour)
increasing head, H(t), and discharge, Q(t), through the turbines increases the energy
production. Efficiency is also a function of net hydraulic head above the turbines.
( )
FSts ELst ≥ ELmin
s (8.2)
systems planning and operation. Because of the variety of habitats and streamflow
quality and quantity conditions, estimation of minimum instream flow requires
comprehensive studies. The simplest constraint that can be considered for satisfying
necessary environmental conditions is to supply the minimum monthly flow required
in each reach of the river (Qmin ) after supplying demands:
Rt − ∑ RA
j =1
j ,t ≥Qmin
(t = 1,⋯, n) ( NM = 1,…,12) (8.3)
where Rt is release from reservoir in month t and RAj,t is water allocated to demand
j in month t. NM is the number of months and m is the total number of water demands.
Minimize z= ∑ (C − B )
t =1
t t (8.4)
P= (8.8)
(1 + i ′)t
where P and F are the present and future value, respectively, of the investment in
year t; i′ is the interest rate (for more details, see Chapter 4).
Example 8.1
Xij = ⎨
⎪⎩0 otherwise
Initial Investment and Capacity of Interbasin Water Transfer
Interbasin Water Initial Investment Capacity
Transfer Project ($106) (million m3)
A 2 15
B 2.5 20
C 1.8 10
D 4 30
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 307
Present Value of Initial Investment for Interbasin Water Transfer Projects
Project t = 2 years t = 10 years t = 14 years t = 20 years
A 1.78 1.12 0.88 0.62
B 2.22 1.40 1.11 0.78
C 1.60 1.01 0.80 0.56
D 3.56 2.23 1.77 1.25
In this problem, the constraints are defined in order to supply demands in different
years and to ensure that each project can only be constructed once. Optimal timing
for implementation of the projects is: build projects C at year 2, D at year 10, B at
year 14, and A at year 20. The present value of the costs of construction of the
projects is estimated to be 5.56 million dollars.
D ≤ R ≤ Rmax,t (t = 1, …, n) (8.12)
St , Et , Lt , R ≥ 0 (t = 1, …, n) (8.13)
where Cap is the total capacity of the reservoir, and St and It are storage at the
beginning of month t and inflow to the reservoir during month t, respectively. The
main constraint of the model is the continuity equation. As shown in Eq. (8.10),
storage at the end of each month is equivalent to the storage at the beginning of the
month plus inflow minus release, evaporated water (Et ), and leakage from the
reservoir (Lt ). The volume of water evaporated is a function of the evaporation rate
and the surface area of the reservoir. Equation (8.11) shows the upper and lower
bound on the volume (Smin). Equation (8.12) limits any release from the reservoir to
less than the maximum allowable release (Rmax,t ) (such as the carrying capacity of
the river) downstream of the reservoir, depending on the capacity of the hydraulic
structures (e.g., penstock or spillway). The minimum release is assumed to be a
constant demand, D, but a fraction of demand could be used as minimum release if
water allocation could be relaxed.
308 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Sd S1 St St+1 S2
Reservoir Storage
As shown in Figure 8.8, the evaporation losses can be estimated using piecewise
approximation of the reservoir area–volume curve. The evaporation losses could be
calculated using the information from this figure:
⎛ S + St +1 ⎞
Et = a2 ⋅ et ⎜ t ⎟ + A1 ⋅ et (8.14)
⎝ 2 ⎠
where et is the rate of evaporation (m) in period t and a2 is the slope of segment 2.
Equations (8.9) to (8.14) are linear; therefore, this problem can be solved with linear
programming. Based on the above formulation, the optimization algorithm will
search for the minimum capacity required to supply the total demand all the time.
But, in many real cases, such a scenario is not economically feasible. In other words,
based on economic analysis of the costs and benefits of the system, the planner may
forego meeting the demands and choose a smaller capacity that could cause shortages
in critical periods of operation. For this purpose, the operating policy is sought in
some conjunction with the search for optimal reservoir capacity (Mays and Tung,
1992). The objective function of simultaneous optimization of operation and sizing
of the reservoir can be formulated as follows with the same constraints as for Eqs.
(8.10) to (8.13):
Minimize z = ∑ (C − B )
t =1
t t (t = 1, …, n) (8.15)
As seen in Eq. (8.15), the objective function is considered to be the net revenue of
the system. The costs of operation can be classified as follows:
• Initial investment
• Operation and maintenance costs
• Costs due to shortages in supplying water demand
• Costs due to damages incurred during emergency situations, such as floods
and droughts
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 309
Linear programming techniques cannot be used for solving this problem because
the costs and benefits of operating the dams are usually nonlinear functions of
parameters such as reservoir release compared with water demands. Nonlinear opti-
mization and dynamic programming techniques are frequently used to solve this
problem. Details of these optimization techniques were explained in Chapter 2, and
application of these methods for optimization of reservoir operation and design is
explained later in this chapter.
In real-life situations, release from reservoir varies from month to month (Rt)
and reservoirs supply water to varying demands. In these cases, formulation of the
reservoir sizing problem would be as follows:
Minimize z = ∑ (C − B )
t =1
t t (8.16)
0 ≤ Rt ≤ Rmax,t (t = 1, …, n) (8.19)
St , Et , Lt , Rt ≥ 0 (t = 1, …, n) (8.20)
In this case, the release from reservoir would be allocated to various demands:
Rt = ∑ RA
j =1
j ,t + Qt (t = 1,…, n) (8.21)
where RAj,t represents water allocated to demand j in month t and Qt represents water
remaining in the downstream river. The allocation policies depend on contractual,
legal, and institutional requirements for various purposes.
unsatisfactory operation of the system decreases. For each return period, the total
cost can be estimated by adding the expected annual damage costs and the capital
costs of constructing a reservoir that can control the floods with that return period.
Then, the design return period can be found by estimating the minimum total cost.
Suppose X is the variable for maximum annual flood of the reservoir. If the design
return period of a reservoir is considered to be T, then a flood with magnitude x will
incur no cost if x ≤ x(T). The expected annual cost can be estimated as (Kottegoda
and Rosso, 1997):
dT =
x (T )
d ( x ) f x ( x ) dx (8.22)
where fx(x) is the probability density function of floods and d(x) is the cost function
and x(T) is the magnitude of a flood with return period T.
Example 8.2
The design return period T of a dam that is facing floods can be estimated using a
reliability-based approach. As can be seen in Table 8.3, the initial cost or capital
investment required for a dam and the facilities increases as the design return period
increases. It is assumed that the probability distribution of the floods and cost of
damages can be estimated. As shown in the table, the damage cost increases as the
flood return period increases. Find the optimal design return period using the reli-
ability-based approach. A finite-difference approximation of Eq. (8.22) is used as
d (Ti −1 ) + d (Ti ) ⎛ 1 1⎞
Incremental expected damage = ⎜T − T ⎟
2 ⎝ i −1 i⎠
where d(Ti) is the estimated damage if the flood with return period Ti occurs. The
risk of damage for each return period is then computed using partial summation of
the relevant incremental values. The total costs are computed by adding the corre-
sponding capital investment. As shown in Table 8.3, the minimum cost is estimated
for a 500-year return period. The risk of failure for the design based on this return
period is 0.002.
Calculation of Optimum Design Capacity of a Reservoir and Facilities
Annual Incremental Expected
Return Probability Expected Damage
Period of Capital Cost Damage Damage Cost Total Cost
(years) Exceedance ($106/year) ($106) ($106/year) ($106/year) ($106/year)
Sum 53.8
Minimize z = ∑ loss ( R , D , S )
t =1
t t t t (8.23)
0 ≤ Rt ≤ Rmax,t (t = 1, …, n) (8.26)
St , Et , Lt , Rt ≥ 0 (t = 1, …, n) (8.27)
As it can be seen in Eq. (8.23), the objective function of the model is to minimize
total losses in the historical period of operation. Loss functions have been proposed
to be a function of shortages in supplying demands and the difference between water
storage in the reservoir and target storage in each month.
Based on the above formulation, total losses are estimated by comparing total
releases with total water demands of the system. The optimal releases for allocating
water to different demands are determined by utilizing a simulation model; in this
approach, the details of supplying shortages are not considered within the optimi-
zation routine. In a more elaborate algorithm for multipurpose reservoir operation,
312 Water Resources Systems Analysis
the allocation policy is applied in the optimization loop. In other words, each time
the optimization algorithm searches for the optimal solution, the losses are estimated
based on the details of water allocation to the different demands. The objective
function of this model would be as follows:
n m
Minimize z= ∑ ∑ loss ( R
t =1 j =1
t j ,t , Dj ,t , St ) (8.28)
Example 8.3
A reservoir is constructed on a river for supplying the power load of a city located
near the river and water demands of downstream agricultural lands. The water that
is released for power generation can also be used for supplying other demands.
The required instream flow is estimated to be 1 million m3 each month. The total
capacity of the reservoir is 10 million m3. Maximum monthly release from the
reservoir is limited to 7 million m3. Table 8.4 shows the monthly inflows to the
reservoir and benefits of power generation and water supply. The reservoir storage
on January 1 is considered to be 5 million m3. Find the optimal releases using
linear programming.
Solution: The following formulation can be used for finding the optimal monthly
volume of water that should be released from the reservoir:
Subject to: S1 = 5
Si + Ii − Ri = Si +1 (i = 2, ⋯, 12)
1 ≤ Ri ≤ 7 (i = 1, ⋯, 12)
Si ≤ 10 (i = 1, ⋯, 13)
By solving this problem using a linear programming package, the total maximum
benefit is estimated as $128,000 for the two sets of optimal monthly releases shown
in Table 8.5.
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 313
Monthly Inflows to the Reservoir and Benefits of Power Generation
and Water Supply in Example 8.3
Benefits of Power Benefits of Water
Inflow Generation Supply
Month (million m3) ($103/million m3) ($103/million m3)
Optimal Releases from the Reservoir in Example 8.3
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1 1 1 3 7 3 7 1 2 3 3 2
1 1 1 3 3 7 7 1 2 3 3 2
St ≤ Cap − Vt (t = 1, …, n) (8.29)
where Vt is the flood control storage in month t. Flood routing procedures, along with
knowledge of flood control operating policies and channel storage characteristics,
can be used to predict the impact of flood peaks on downstream of the reservoir.
Various discrete flood storage capacities in an upstream reservoir could be utilized
to provide a buffer for extreme flood situations. The important step for determining
314 Water Resources Systems Analysis
flood control storage for different months is to define the hydrographs that represent
the response of the watershed to floods with varying return periods. The following
steps may be taken (Karamouz and Zahraie, 1998):
The next step would be to determine the ability of a reservoir to withstand floods
of various magnitudes. Physical characteristics of the reservoir, discharge outlets,
and the carrying capacity of the river downstream of the reservoir should be taken
into account. Figure 8.9 shows the steps that should be taken to determine flood
storage necessary for floods of various return periods. As seen, the final result of
this algorithm is that the reservoir will be graduated to flood control storage required
for floods with varying probabilities of occurrence.
Example 8.4
Consider a dam constructed near a city as shown in Figure 8.10. Reservoir capacity
is considered to be 70 million m3. Control point A, considered to be a critical point
within the city, is located 10 km downstream of the reservoir and has a relatively
lower carrying capacity than the rest of the reaches of the river. The river carrying
capacity at this control point is estimated to be 200 m3/sec. A local stream discharges
to the river upstream of the city. Figure 8.11 shows the inflow to the reservoir and
the local flow hydrographs estimated for a 100-year flood. As can be seen in this
figure, the peak flow of the inflow to the reservoir is about 280 m3/sec, which is
higher than the river carrying capacity. For finding the flood control volume, variation
of the peak reservoir discharge with respect to the reservoir storage level at the
beginning of the flood should be investigated.
The HEC-5 package (Hydrologic Engineering Center, 1982) is used to estimate
the required flood control storage for reducing a 100-year flood peak to the carrying
capacity of the river at the control point. The Maskingum method is used for routing
the reservoir outflow and local flows in the river between the dam and control point
A. It is assumed that the storage of the reservoir is 67 million m3 at the beginning
of the flood. Reservoir outflow and the control point discharge hydrographs for this
scenario are shown in Figure 8.12. The discharge at control point A is higher than
the carrying capacity at this point between hours 29 to 57. To estimate the maximum
flood control level at the reservoir to ensure that point A will not be flooded, the
flood control level of the reservoir is changed. Table 8.6 shows the results of the
simulation of the system with different flood control storages in the reservoir, and
the required flood control volume is about 5 million m3.
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 315
FIGURE 8.9 Flowchart for finding flood storage required for controlling floods with different
return periods.
316 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Local Stream
Discharge (CMS)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Time (Hour)
⎛ X
Min Z = ∑
t =1
Loss ⎜
s =1
s ,t ⎟
where T is the time horizon, X is the total number of reservoirs in the system, and
Loss is the cost of operation based on the ratio of supplied water (Rs,t) from reservoir
s in month t to the monthly demand. As discussed earlier, this loss function is used
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 317
Discharge (CMS)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
Time (Hour)
FIGURE 8.12 Reservoir outflow and discharge at control point A (the reservoir storage had
been 67 million m3 when the flood started).
Results of Flood Routing in a River–Reservoir System (Example 8.4)
for Various Flood Control Volumes
Reservoir Storage at Peak Discharge at Duration of Flooding
Beginning of Flood Flood Control Volume Control Point A Condition at A
(106 m3) (106 m3) (m3/sec) (hr)a
69 1 297.7 30
68 2 286.3 26
67 3 254.1 21
66 4 235.3 11
65 5 200.0 —
a Total number of hours that the discharge at the control point has been higher than 200 m3/sec.
where Rs,t is release from reservoir s in month t, and It is inflow volume to the
reservoir in month t. RsR,t and RsU,t are regulated and unregulated releases, respectively,
318 Water Resources Systems Analysis
,t ≥ Rs ,t ≥ Rs ,t
Rsmax t = 1, ..., T s = 1,..., X
,t ≥ Ss ,t ≥ Ss ,t
Ssmax t = 1, ..., T s = 1,..., X
where SCs is the maximum allowable change in storage of reservoir s within each
month considering dam stability and safety conditions of the reservoir. This separable
mathematical program is solvable as a discrete dynamic program. The recursion
relation when Eq. (8.30) is used can be written as:
⎛ ⎛ X
⎞ ⎞
ft +1 ( S1,t +1,..., SX ,t +1 ) = min ⎜ Loss⎜
⎝ ⎝
s =1 ⎠
Rst ⎟ + ft S1,t ,..., SX ,t )⎟⎟
S1,t ∈ Ω1,t
… (8.36)
SX ,t ∈ Ω X ,t
where ft(S1,t, …, SX,t) is the total minimum losses of operation from the beginning
of month 1 to the beginning of month t, when the storage volume at the beginning
of month t is S1,t at site 1, …, SX,t at site X. Ωs,t is the set of discrete storage volumes
that will be considered for the beginning of month t at site s.
The optimal release ( Rˆ s,m ), optimal storage ( Sˆs,m ), and inflows for each site can
be regressed to estimate the general operating rules for different months in a simple
Rs,m = as,m Is,m + bs,m Sˆs,m + cs,m m = 1,..., 12 s = 1,..., X (8.38)
where as,m, bs,m, and cs,m are regression coefficients that should be estimated in each
reservoir s for each month m. Initially, no upper bound on releases exists, and the
lower bound on release is zero. The dynamic program is solved and the optimal
policies are used in a multiple regression to find the general operating rules. These
rules are then used to simulate the operation of reservoirs over a long time horizon.
Also, the losses associated with simulated operation are determined. The procedure
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 319
concludes the first iteration of the model. For the second iteration, the allowable
release in the dynamic program is limited to some percentage (bound) of the previ-
ously defined general operating rule, R̂s,t :
(1 − bound ) Rs,t ≤ Rs,t ≤ (1 + bound ) Rs,t s = 1,…, X (8.39)
Anytime the refined rule or best rule for a specific value of the bound is found, the
algorithm can be further restricted by reducing the bound value, and the dynamic
programming, regression analysis, and simulation procedure will continue. If the
bound is very small (0.01), then the algorithm is stopped because further restrictions
on the release in the dynamic program will probably not result in better operating
Two approaches have been developed in order to incorporate the stochastic nature
of streamflows in the reservoir operation models:
In the discussion that follows, linear and dynamic programming reservoir operation
models in which the stochastic nature of streamflows is implicitly incorporated are
• Stochastic programming
• Chance constraint programming
The primary distinction between these types is that stochastic programming requires
all constraints to hold with probability 1 and the objective function has probabilistic
terms, whereas in chance constraint programming a small probability of violating
any functional constraint is permitted but the objective function is usually considered
to be deterministic. The general approach for dealing with the second type is to
reformulate constraints as new equivalent linear programming problems for which
the certainty assumption is satisfied.
In the first approach, the random variable (such as reservoir inflow) is usually
represented by its discrete probability distribution and all the constraints associated
with this random variable are repeated for values of the discretized variables. This
results in stochastic programming models becoming computationally large (more
details about stochastic optimization models are presented in Chapter 3). Chance
constraint programming can be a suitable alternative approach, as explained in more
detail in the next section.
Assume that reservoir storage at the end of each month (St+1) is a decision variable
(dt) that should be determined:
St +1 = dt (t = 1, …, n) (8.40)
Rt = It − dt + dt −1 (t = 1, …, n) (8.41)
Other constraints of the reservoir operation optimization model are the same as the
deterministic model except for an additional constraint that represents the required
water supply reliability:
Prob Rt ≥ Dt ≥ λ t ] (t = 1, …, n) (8.42)
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 321
This equation shows that the probability of releases being greater than the demands
(Dt ) in the planning horizon should be greater than the reliability level (λt). This
equation can be rewritten as:
Prob It − dt + dt −1 ≥ Dt ≥ λ t] (t = 1, …, n) (8.43)
It − dt + dt −1 < Dt (8.44)
Then, the deterministic equivalent of the probabilistic constrain can be written as:
Dt − dt −1 + dt ≤ it1−λt (8.45)
where it1−λt is the inverse of the cumulative distribution function of reservoir inflow
at level λt such that:
( )
P It ≤ it1−λt = 1 − λ t (8.46)
Example 8.5
Consider the following chance constraint problem assuming that b̃1 , b̃2 , and b̃3 are
normal variables with known mean and variances. Is X = (5, 10, 15) a feasible
Minimize Z = 10 x1 + 20 x 2 + 30 x3
Subject to: [ ]
Prob 3 x1 + 2 x 2 + x3 ≥ b˜1 ≥ 0.96
Prob [2 x + 4 x + 2 x ≥ b˜ ] ≥ 0.98
1 2 3 2
Prob [ x + 3 x + 5 x ≥ b˜ ] ≥ 0.99
1 2 3 3
⎧3 x1 + 2 x 2 + x3 ≥ 45 + 2(1.75) = 48.5
⎨2 x1 + 4 x 2 + 2 x3 ≥ 70 + 3(2.054) = 76.16
⎪⎩ x1 + 3 x 2 + 5 x3 ≥ 90 + 5(2.327) = 101.64
322 Water Resources Systems Analysis
where the value in the parentheses are the z value from standard normal table for
0.96, 0.98, and 0.98 probability levels.
By substituting X = (5, 10, 15) in the above deterministic equivalent of chance
constraints, it can be seen that this point is a feasible solution:
⎧3 × 5 + 2 × 10 + 15 = 50 ≥ 48.5
⎨2 × 5 + 4 × 10 + 2 × 15 = 80 ≥ 76.16
⎩5 + 3 × 10 + 5 × 15 = 110 ≥ 101.64
⎡ ⎤
[ ]
ft Stc (k ), Itc (l ) = Min
St +1∈Ω
] ∑P
⎢Ct Stc (k ), Rt + t
f *
l ,ll t +1 [Sc
t +1 (kk ), Rt +1 ]⎥
The recursive function shown in Eq. (8.47) can be used in a procedure that moves
backward. It is based on the principle that, no matter in what state of a stage, to find
the best policy we should proceed from that state and stage in an optimal manner.
Similar formulations can be developed for forward-moving procedures. This princi-
ple, first defined by Bellman (1957), is referred to as the Bellman optimality principle
(Loucks et al., 1981).
The conditions for obtaining the steady-state optimal policy of the SDP model
• The expected value of the recursive function does not change from one
period to the next (stationary solution).
• The optimal policies do not change.
For example, in reservoir operation, the optimal solution is reached when the optimal
releases associated with each initial storage are the same as the corresponding
releases and storage in the previous time step. Inflow and storage discretization
significantly affect the performance of stochastic dynamic programming models for
reservoir operation optimization.
Due to the nature of dynamic programming, the storage volume must be discretized
into representative storage zones, with a corresponding number of characteristic
storage levels (SDN). In the classical scheme, Z is simply defined as the number of
zones equal to SDN and the storage increment is:
ΔS = (8.48)
324 Water Resources Systems Analysis
where Cap is the total permissible storage capacity of the reservoir. For each state
k at time t, the characteristic storage states can be calculated as:
ΔS 2k − 1
Stc (k ) = + (k − 1) ΔS = ΔS ∀k ∈[1, ..., SDN ] (8.49)
2 2
In this approach, the zero and full storage levels are not included as separate
characteristic storage values. Savaranskiy (1940) developed another scheme in which
each Z zone is regarded as a class interval, and the corresponding storage state is
defined as the center point of this interval. Empty and full reservoir storages are
also defined as separate states with zero class intervals:
Z = SDN − 1 and ΔS = (8.50)
SDN − 2
ΔS 2k − 3
Stc (k ) = + (k − 2) ΔS = ΔS k = 2, ⋯, Z (8.51)
2 2
Z = SDN − 1 and ΔS =
SDN − 1
Stc (k ) = (k − 1) ΔS k = 1, ⋯, Z (8.52)
The capacity of a reservoir is 16.8 million m3. Find the storage zones using the
discretization schemes explained previously.
Solution: Figure 8.14 shows storage zones obtained from discretization schemes
for SDN = 8.
The governing idea for flow discretization consists of dividing the entire flow range
into a specific number of class intervals (DN) and calculating a characteristic flow
value ( Itc (l ) ) for each interval. This value represents all the flows of that class
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 325
FIGURE 8.14 Discrete representation of storage in 1000 m3 (for capacity equal to 16.8
million m3 and SND = 8). (From Karamouz and Vasiliadis, 1992.)
interval. The classical scheme that has been used by many researchers consists of
dividing the entire flow range (ΔI), from Imin to Imax, into DN class intervals wit
constant flow increment δI, where Imin and Imax are minimum and maximum inflows,
respectively. In this scheme:
δI = (8.53)
The characteristic flow ( Itc (l ) ) for each class interval is defined as the mean of the
lower and upper bounds of the corresponding class interval. In other words, the
entire discretization model is based on the minimum and maximum values of each
interval, and any changes of these values will result in completely different charac-
teristic values.
326 Water Resources Systems Analysis
SI ( i )
⎡ n(i, j ) ⎤
F c (i ) = ∑ ⎢⎣ N(i) ⋅ f
j =1
(i, j )⎥
∀i ∈[1, ⋯, DN ]
n(i, j ) ∈[1, ⋯, N (i )], N (i ) ∈[1, ⋯, N ]
N (i )
⎡ x (i, j ) ⎤
F c (i ) = ∑ ⎢⎣ N(i) ⎥⎦
j =1
∀i ∈[1, ⋯, DN ], N (i ) ∈[1, ⋯, N ] (8.55)
where x(i, j) is the jth flow in the ith class interval. This method of selecting
characteristic flows results in better transition matrices because an adequate number
of flows is available for each interval, zero entries in the transition matrices are
eliminated, and the value of each data point receives equal weight in the construction
of the transition matrices. Furthermore, the characteristic flows preserve the mean
and variance of the original time series, as long as the number of class intervals is
sufficiently large.
Example 8.7
q = {5, 1, 6, 3, 4, 7, 8, 2, 10, 7}
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 327
DF(1) DF(2) DF(3) DF(4)
fc or Fr
df(2) df(2) df(2)
Fc or FR
fc (1,3)
fc (1,2)
Fc (1)
fc (1,1)
FR(1) FR(2) F c(2) FR(3) n(3,1) F c(3) n(3,2) FR(4) F c(4) FR(5)
fr(1,2) fr(1,3)
all i in [1,...,DN]
all j in [1,...,dn(i)]
FIGURE 8.15 Discrete representation of flow. (From Karamouz and Vasiliadis, 1992.)
328 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The transition probabilities of inflows considering two intervals for q ≤ 5 and q > 5
are shown in the following matrix:
q≤5 q>5
q ≤ 5 ⎡⎢ 0.4
( )
0.6 ⎤⎥
P qt +1 qt = ⎢ ⎥
q > 5 ⎢⎣ 0.5 0.5⎥⎦
Consider the mass balance equation for the reservoir (Rt = St – St+1 + qi) and
two storage intervals with the characteristic values St = {1, 2}. The cost of operation
can be estimated as ft = Rt2 . The characteristic volumes of the streamflows are
considered to be 3 and 7. Find the optimal releases using the stochastic dynamic
programming technique.
Solution: The release from the reservoir for each month can be estimated by
considering different storage levels at the beginning and end of the month. The
stochastic dynamic programming solution for finding the optimal releases is shown
in Table 8.7. Using the backward-moving procedure in the first iteration, which is
assumed to be the 10th time interval in the planning horizon, the optimal storage
level at the beginning of the month and releases are estimated considering possible
inflow and ending storage states. In the next iterations, the cumulative cost of
operation is calculated considering the inflow transition probabilities.
For example, in the first row of results for the 9th time step, storage at the end
of the month is considered to be 1; therefore, the cost of the best policies obtained
in the 10th time step for starting storage equal to 1 should be added to the cost of
operation in the 9th time step. The least costs are estimated as 4 and 36 when the
starting storage is 1 and inflows in the 10th time step are 3 and 7, respectively. As
can be seen for the second and third iterations, the optimal releases and storages
obtained are the same and the expected cost in one time step remains constant;
therefore, the stationary solution has been obtained.
For every state [ Stc (k ), Itc (l ), Htc+1 (ii)], the optimal release of Rt* is obtained by solving
the following DP recursion equation:
ft S (k ), I (l ), H
c c
t +1 (ii)] = min{Bt [S (k ), I (l ), S (kk )] + α
c c
t +1
t +1
ll =1
∑ [π[ H }
⋅ c
t +2 (iv) Itc+1 (ll ), Htc+1 (ii), Itc (l ) ] ⋅ ft*+1[Stc+1 (kk ), Itc+1 (ll ), Htc+2 (iv) ]]]
iv =1
In this model, the posterior probabilities are estimated considering the Bayesian
process. The prior flow transition probabilities ρt +1[ It +1 (l ) | It (lm)] and likelihoods
λ t +1[ Ht +1 (i) | It +1 (l )] can be calculated from the historical and predicted inflow time
series. Then, the posterior probabilities are estimated as follows:
( )
φ t +1 Itc+1 (ll ) Htc+1 (ii), Itc (l ) =
[ ]
λ t +1 Ht +1 (i) It +1 (l ) ⋅ ρt +1 It +1 (l ) It (lm) [ ] (8.57)
∑ λ [H
l =1
t +1 t +1 (i) It +1 (l )] ⋅ ρt +1[ It +1 (l ) It (lm)]
[ ] ∑ {λ [ H
∑ [φ [ I
⋅ t +1 t +2 (ll ) Ht +2 (ii), It +1 (l )]
ii =1
⎧⎡ IDN ⎤⎫
IDN ⎪⎢ ∑ [ ] [
λ t +1 Ht +1 (i) It +1 (l ) ⋅ ρt +1 It +1 (l ) It (lm) ⎥ ⎪ ]
⋅∑ ⎪⎢
⎨⎣ l =1
⎥⎦ ⎪⎬
( )
l =1
⎪⎩⋅φ t +1 It +1 (ll ) Ht +1 (ii), It (l ) ⎪⎭
c c c
SDP Solution for Reservoir Operation Problem (Example 8.6)
t St qt St+1 qt+1 Rt ft P(qt|qt-1) ft(St,Rt ) Rt* S*t+1
First Iteration
10 1 3 1 3 3 9 0.4 9 2 2
7 0.6
2 3 2 4 0.4 4
7 0.6
SDP Solution for Reservoir Operation Problem (Example 8.6)
t St qt St+1 qt+1 Rt ft P(qt|qt-1) ft(St,Rt ) Rt* S*t+1
Third Iteration
8 1 3 1 3 3 9 0.4 9 + 0.4 × 32.2 + 0.6 × 65 = 60.88 3 1
7 0.6
2 3 2 4 0.4 4 + 0.4 × 39.2 + 0.6 × 78 = 66.48
7 0.6
7 1 3 7 49 0.5 49 + 0.5 × 32.2 + 0.5 × 65 = 97.6 6 2
7 0.5
2 3 6 36 0.5 36 + 0.5 × 39.2 + 0.5 × 78 = 94.6
7 0.5
The recursive function at year Y and month M should be written in terms of char-
acteristic values of the above variables:
fY , M ( DMc , SMc , IMc , HMc +1 ) = Min{E( DMc +1 ).CRM + CSM +2 + ( E( IMc +1 HMc +1, IMc )
.{E( HMc +2 IMc +1 ).[ f *Y , M +1 ( DMc +1, SMc +1, IMc +1, HMc +2 )]})]}
In Eq. (8.59), where the demand uncertainty is incorporated in the expected value
of demands (E(DM+1)), it is assumed that inflow and demand are independent sto-
chastic variables. However, if the water supply (inflow) and demand are site specific,
the expectation of E(DM+1⏐IM) can be used in this equation. Formulation of the loss
function and the optimal operation policies for this model are explained in the next
n NR mi
Minimize z= ∑ ∑ ∑ loss ( RA
t =1 i =1 j =1
i , j ,t i , j ,t , Di, j ,t , Si,t ) (8.60)
Subject to: S1,t +1 = S1,t + I1,t − R1,t − E1,t − L1,t (t = 1,…, n) (8.61)
Ii,t = Ri −1,t − ∑ RA
j =1
i , j ,t + qi −1 (t = 1,…, n)(i = 2,…, NR) (8.63)
q1 qNR
Using this model, the contribution of each reservoir to supplying the different
demands can be determined.
n NR +1 mi
Minimize z= ∑ ∑ ∑ loss ( RA
t =1 i =1 j =1
i , j ,t i , j ,t , Di, j ,t , Si,t ) (8.67)
Subject to: Si +1,t +1 = Si,t + Ii,t − Ri,t − Ei,t − Li,t (t = 1,…, n)(i = 1,…, NR) (8.68)
336 Water Resources Systems Analysis
NR mi
I NR+1,t = ∑ R − ∑ RA
i =1
i ,t
j =1
i , j ,t (t = 1,…, n) (8.69)
By solving the above formulation, the contribution of each reservoir toward supply-
ing the demand points along the NR + 1 reach is determined.
Example 8.8
Consider a system of three reservoirs as shown in Figure 8.18. In this system, two
parallel reservoirs are in series with a single reservoir; demand points are considered
downstream of each reservoir. As shown in Figure 8.18, agricultural lands are
downstream of dam 1. Also, towns A and B are located downstream of dam 2 and
dam 3; navigation and the instream flow rights exist downstream and upstream of
dam 3, respectively. A third river joins the releases of dams 1 and 2 in the junction
point of the two downstream rivers. Formulate the optimization model for finding
optimal outflows from these reservoirs.
Solution: The following formulation may be used for optimization of this
multiple reservoir system:
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 337
n 3
Minimize z= ∑ ∑ loss ( RA , D , S )
t =1 i =1
i ,t i ,t i ,t i ,t (8.73)
Subject to: Si +1,t +1 = Si,t + Ii,t − Ri,t − Ei,t − Li,t (t = 1,…, n) (i = 1, 2) (8.74)
i =1
i ,t ) (
− RAi,t + I3,t ≥ Qu,m (t = 1,…, n) m = t − 12 [(t − 1) / 12] (8.78) )
( R3 − RAi,3 ) ≥ Qd ,m ∀t m = t − 12 [(t − 1) / 12] ) (8.79)
(Figure 8.19). Rule curves are static forms of operating policies that do not get any
feedback from reservoir storage and current hydrologic situations such as predicted
inflows to reservoirs in the following months. Rule curves are not very efficient
policies, particularly when inflows and demands are highly varied, but they have
been widely used because of their simplicity.
Application of deterministic and stochastic optimization models for reservoir
operation has led investigators to define nonstatic types of operating rules. Karamouz
et al. (1992) have used the following form of operating rule in the DPR model for
optimization of multiple reservoir systems:
( )
Rt = am It + bm St + cm m = t − 12 [(t − 1) / 12] (8.81)
where am, bm, and cm are rule constants in month m. In DPR models, the optimal
releases, optimal storages, and historical inflows are regressed to estimate the above
operating rule. More complex nonlinear forms of operating rules are also tested by
different researchers. Results of these studies have shown that the simple linear rules
are as good as or sometimes better than nonlinear rules (Bhaskar and Whitlatch,
1980). This type of operating policy takes into account the state of the system in
each month and has shown a better reliability in satisfying different objectives of
the reservoir operation.
Another type of operation policy is produced by stochastic dynamic program-
ming models. In these policies, the decision variable (release) depends on variables
representing the state of the system for each month, including:
Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep.
DDSP Model Optimal Operation Policies
Demand Storage at First Inflow Forecast Inflow Forecast Release
No. of in Month t of Month t in Month t in Month t + 1 in Month t
Month (106 m3) (106 m3) (106 m3) (106 m3) (106 m3)
1 20 150 35 35 15
1 20 150 35 30 15
1 20 150 35 25 10
1 20 150 30 35 15
1 20 150 30 30 10
1 20 150 30 25 10
1 20 150 25 35 15
1 20 150 25 30 15
1 20 150 25 25 5
Therefore, the operation policies in these models are like the contents of a table in
which various combinations of characteristic values for a state variable and the
optimal release for that selection are presented in each row. Table 8.8 shows a part
of the optimal operating policies derived from the DDSP model as developed by
Vasiliadis and Karamouz (1994). The DDSP model is a demand-driven stochastic
dynamic programming model that takes into account all of the above state variables.
Neural networks and fuzzy systems have been widely used for reservoir opera-
tion modeling. These techniques estimate input/output functions, and all are trainable
dynamic systems. Unlike statistical estimators, they estimate a function without a
mathematical model of how outputs depend on inputs (Hasebe and Nagayama, 1996).
Application of these techniques for defining reservoir operation policies has been
considered by many investigators, including Raman and Chandramouli (1996) and
Shrestha et al. (1996).
Artificial neural networks consist of numerous, simple processing units or “neu-
rons” that can be globally programmed for computation. In reservoir operation
340 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Fuzzy membership
5 15 25 5 10 15 90 110 130 10 15 20
Forecast inflow Demand Storage Release
modeling, historical records of inflow to the reservoirs, demands, and optimal values
of release and storage in the reservoir obtained from any optimization algorithm can
be used for training a neural network system. This trained neural network can be
used as an operating policy in real-time operation.
In a similar case, these inputs can be used for defining fuzzy rules. The following
steps should be taken to develop fuzzy rules:
Conceptual Rules for Reservoirs in Series
Purpose Refill Period Drawdown Period
Water supply Fill upper reservoirs first. Empty lower reservoirs first.
Flood control Fill upper reservoirs first. Empty lower reservoirs first.
Energy storage Fill upper reservoirs first. Empty lower reservoirs first.
Hydropower production Maximize storage in reservoirs with Maximize storage in reservoirs
greatest energy production. with greatest energy production.
Recreation Not applicable. Equalize marginal recreation
improvement of additional
storage among reservoirs.
Source: Lund, J. R. and Guzman, J., ASCE J. Water Resources Plan. Manage., 125(3), 143–-153, 1999.
With permission.
TABLE 8.10
Conceptual Rules for Reservoirs in Parallel
Purpose Refill Period Drawdown Period
Water supply Equalize probability of seasonal spill Equalize probability of emptying among
among reservoirs. reservoirs.
Flood control Leave more storage space in reservoirs Not applicable.
subject to flooding.
Energy storage Equalize expected value of seasonal For last time step, equalize expected value
energy spill among reservoirs. of refill season energy spill among
Water quality Equalize expected value of marginal For last time step, equalize expected value
seasonal water quality spill among of refill season water quality spill among
reservoirs. reservoirs
Hydropower Maximize storage in reservoirs with Maximize storage in reservoirs with
production greatest energy production. greatest energy production.
Recreation Equalize marginal recreation Equalize marginal recreation
improvement of additional storage improvement of additional storage
among reservoirs. among reservoirs.
Source: Lund, J. R. and Guzman, J., ASCE J. Water Resources Plan. Manage., 125(3), 143–153, 1999.
With permission.
342 Water Resources Systems Analysis
180000 IDEAL
120000 LEGEND
CR: Release Cost Function
100000 CS CR CS: Storage Cost Function
R: Release during month M
D: Demand for month M
80000 S: Available expected
storage at the beginning
of month M+2
60000 CAP: Capacity of the
XR = R / D
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 0.8 11.2 1.5 2 2.5 3 XS = S / CAP
In the relative case, the structure of the cost function reflects the cost of deviation
from targets. These targets can be in terms of release, storage, or both. Figure 8.21
shows an example of the ratio of release to demand and storage cost functions. As
shown in this figure, the cost functions are convex exponential curves and are
developed for comparison purposes. In both sets of cost functions, the x-axis is
dimensionless (either release over demand or expected storage over capacity). The
cost functions include a specific release safe range (e.g., 80 to 120% of the demand),
and a specific storage safe level (e.g., 60 to 80% reservoir capacity for conservation
and a higher storage level and perhaps 70 to 85% for generating hydropower). No
loss is associated with being in the safe range because:
Outside the safe range, the losses increase exponentially as the deviations from
targets increase.
In the real cost function, the prices of water and power are considered. In
estimating the price of power, the following steps should be taken (Karamouz et al.,
The price of power can also be taken into account when considering the duration
of power generation in peak and off-peak hours. Attempts to apply actual cost
functions usually encounter data insufficiencies, but this type of cost function gives
a better picture of the capabilities of operating tools for managers and decision
makers in terms of monetary benefits and costs.
Reliability is the probability that no failure occurs within a fixed period of time:
α = Prob Xt ∈ S ] ∀t (8.82)
Based on this definition, reliability is the opposite of risk, in which the probability
of system failure is expressed. Another definition of reliability is the probability that
no failure will occur within the planning horizon. This indicator is a measure of
system performance in meeting target values, which is an important indicator for
analyzing the performance of water resources systems in normal conditions.
In the case of a multipurpose river–reservoir system, reliability can be defined
in different ways. For example, if the reservoir supplies water and or energy demands,
reliability can be defined by the probability that a specific percentage of water and
energy demands is supplied within the planning horizon.
Example 8.9
The monthly reservoir releases in 3 years are shown in Table 8.11. The monthly
water demand downstream of the reservoir is 10 million m3. Estimate the reliability
of supplying 100% and >80% of demands.
Solution: The reliability of supplying 100% of the monthly demand (α100) can
be estimated as the fraction of time that system performance is satisfactory:
The reliability of supplying at least 80% of the monthly demands can also be
estimated as follows:
It should be noted that the above approach can be used only when the time period is
long enough that the frequency of occurrence of a sample approaches the probability.
Resiliency describes how quickly a system recovers from failure once failure has
occurred. The resiliency of a system can be considered in the planning horizon as
β = Prob Xt +1 ∈ S Xt ∈ F} (8.83)
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 345
TABLE 8.11
Reservoir Releases for a 3-Year Period (Example 8.9)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Month (million m3) (million m3) (million m3)
January 10 8 9
February 12 10 11
March 11 11 10
April 8 8 8
May 7 6 5
June 7 7 6
July 8 9 5
August 10 10 7
September 11 11 9
October 10 9 10
November 11 10 12
December 13 12 11
Annual deficit 10 13 21
Example 8.10
Year 1: July
Year 2: January, July, and October
Year 3: January and September
β= = 35%
Vulnerability measures the possible magnitude of a failure if one occurs. For mea-
suring vulnerability, a severity index should be defined. For example, when the main
346 Water Resources Systems Analysis
υ= ∑s e
j ∈F
j j (8.84)
where ej is the probability that xj, corresponding to sj, is the most unsatisfactory and
severe outcome that occurs among a set of unsatisfactory states. Another definition
for vulnerability was presented by Datta and Burges (1984), who defined the vul-
nerability of a system as the total deficit in the planning time horizon.
Example 8.11
υ = 10 + 13 + 21 = 44 million m3
In the first item, the main conflict issue in river–reservoir systems planning and
operation happens when the reservoir should supply water to various demand points
for different purposes. In order to formulate this problem, consider a river–reservoir
system that supplies the following demands:
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 347
• Department of Agriculture
• Department of Industries
• Department of Environmental Protection
The priorities and favorable ranges of water supply for each of these agencies
should be considered in formulating the conflict resolution problems; therefore, the
first step in conflict resolution studies is to recognize all of the conflict issues and
the responsible agencies.
Each of these departments has its own set of priorities for allocating water to
different demands. In the second step, the relative priority of supplying water
demands for all related agencies should be defined. For example, irrigation demands
have the highest priority for the Department of Agriculture. Other demands, such
as industrial water demand, might be a second priority for this department because
of the water required for agro-industrial setups.
The next step is to define the acceptable range of demand based on the priority
of demands for each agency. For example, the Department of Agriculture could
define the utility function for a range of water allocation for irrigation purposes as
shown in Figure 8.22. The most favorable annual volume of water allocation for
this organization ranges from Vb to Vc million m3. This range can be estimated based
on the variability of irrigation demands. Variations in irrigation demands are a
function of variations of net crop water demand due to climate change and uncer-
tainties associated with market price shifts and other socioeconomic factors, as well
as the prospect of future development of the agricultural sector. More details about
water demand variations are presented in Chapter 10.
Va Vb Vc Vd
Volume (million m )3
FIGURE 8.22 Utility function of different agencies for water allocated to irrigation demands.
348 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The increasing segment on the left-hand side of this figure shows the range of
least favorable to most favorable volume of water that might be allocated to irrigation
projects. The points on this line are not totally rejected by this organization because
the shortage can be supplied from other sources, such as more expensive groundwater
resources. The decreasing segment on the right-hand side of this graph shows that
even though the water allocated to irrigation projects supplies all the demands, these
conditions are also less favorable because of probable flood damages and violation
of water conservation concerns, which might cause shortages in the future.
All the agencies selected in the first step should provide their favorable range
of water supply for their various demands. Besides different water demands and
priorities of agencies in supplying those demands, each agency has a specific level
of authority with respect to changing the water allocation schemes and imposing a
favorable range of water supply in the political and institutional climate of each
region. For example, the Department of Agriculture has an interest in supplying a
relatively higher volume of water to the Department of Industries than the Depart-
ment of Water Supply. The Department of Industries is comprised of major agencies
having higher authority in industrial water allocation schemes. Analysts can also
define a set of relative weights based on the authority of these agencies with regard
to the final decision on water allocation. Different agencies can also affect the final
decision based on the social and political climate of each region.
The final step is to formulate the conflict resolution problem. For this purpose,
different methods can be used (as briefly explained in Chapter 2). The steps that
should be taken for conflict resolution in river–reservoirs systems modeling can be
summarized as follows:
⎛ 4
Maximize U ( x1 , x 2 , x3 , x 4 ) = ∑ ∑ (µ
j =1
⎝ i =1
i, j ( xi ) × Wi, j )⎟
x1, x2, x3, x4 are the annual water allocation to domestic, agricultural, indus-
trial, and environmental demands, respectively (million m3).
Wi,j is the assigned weight to agency i in imposing allocated water to demand j.
µi,j(x) is the degree of acceptance of agency i if x units of water are allocated
to demand j.
U(X1, X2, X3, X4) is the utility function of the system if x1, x2, x3, and x4 units
of water are supplied to demands 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
R is the annual release from the reservoir (million m3)
Example 8.12
In a river–reservoir system, the following agencies are affected by the decisions
made to release water from the reservoir:
The main objective is to meet the water demand that is of concern to these
agencies. The Department of Water Supply has a twofold role — namely, to allocate
water to different purposes as well as to supply water for domestic purposes (DD).
The irrigation demand (RD), industrial demand (ID), and instream flow (environ-
mental) water demand (IF) should also be provided. The decision makers in these
agencies are asked to set the most favorable range of water allocation for each
demand by assigning a 1 (most favorable) or 0 (least favorable) (see Figures 8.23
to 8.26). The analyst sets the following weights to the role and authority of each
agency keeping in mind the political climate of that region:
Agency 1 2 3 4
DD ⎡5 1 1 3⎤
ID ⎢5 2 5 2⎥
MATA = ⎢ ⎥
RD ⎢5 5 2 2⎥
⎢ ⎥
IF ⎣4 2 2 5⎦
Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 8.25 Utility
function of different
agencies for water allo-
cated to industrial
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling
FIGURE 8.26 U t i l i t y
function of different
agencies for water allo-
cated to environmental
water demand.
354 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Agency: 1 2 3 4
DD ⎡ 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.3 ⎤
ID ⎢0.357 0.142 0.357 0.143⎥
MATA = ⎢ ⎥
RD ⎢0.357 0.357 0.143 0.143⎥
⎢ ⎥
IF ⎣0.308 0.154 0.154 0.385⎦
µi,j can also be computed using Figures 8.23 to 8.26. For example, allocating 1200
million m3 to irrigation demand is the most favorable option for agency 2 (Depart-
ment of Agriculture), while it is the least favorable option for agency 4 (Department
of Environmental Protection). The linear programming technique is used for solving
this problem assuming that release R is equal to inflows of 1000, 1200, 1300, and
1400 million m3. The results of water allocation are shown in Table 8.12.
For this particular system, the annual water demand for the above purposes has
been estimated by an independent party to be, at a minimum, about 150, 960, 110,
and 70 million m3 for the four agencies, respectively, and the agencies are aware of
these estimates. As can be seen in the table, in the dry year scenario (inflow = 1000),
the domestic and environmental demands have been supplied, while the shortage is
imposed on industrial and agricultural demands. By increasing the annual inflow to
1200 and 1300 more water is allocated to the agricultural demands while some
shortages are still imposed on industrial sector. When the inflow is increased to 1400
million m3 all of the demands are supplied.
Another application of MCDM methods in solving conflict resolution problems
can be formulated by minimizing the distance from the most favorable point asso-
ciated with each objective. In case of water supply to different demands from the
reservoir, fi can be estimated based on the authority of each decision maker (respon-
sible agency) as follows:
fi ( xi ) = ∑ (µ
j =1
i, j ( xi ) × Wi, j ) (8.87)
TABLE 8.12
Results of Linear Programming for Finding the Most Appropriate Water
Allocation Scheme (Example 8.12)
Demand R = 1000 R = 1200 R = 1300 R = 1400
The minimum distance from the most favorable points can be found as follows:
Minimize d (8.88)
Subject to: w1 ⋅ f1* ( x1 ) − f1 ( x1 ) ≤ d ) (8.89)
wn ⋅ fn* ( x n ) − fn ( x n ) ≤ d ) (8.90)
d is the distance from the most favorable points associated with different
fi* ( xi ) is the favorable point for objective i if xi units of water are allocated
to demand i.
fi(xi) is the value of objective function i if xi units of water are allocated to
demand i.
wi is the relative weight of objective i.
By solving the above problem, the optimal values for decision variables (x1, ⋯, xn),
which are the volume of water allocated to different demands, can be found.
Example 8.13
In the river–reservoir system explained in Example 8.12, find the optimal allocation
of 1400 and 1000 million m3 released from the reservoir using the most favorable
point method. In this problem, the four agencies decide on water allocation schemes.
Therefore, Eqs. 8.88 to 8.90 can be used as follows:
Minimize d
Subject to: (f 1
( x1 ) − f1 ( x1 )) ≤ d
(f 2
( x2 ) − f2 ( x2 )) ≤ d
(f 3
( x3 ) − f3 ( x3 )) ≤ d
(f 4
( x4 ) − f4 ( x4 )) ≤ d
356 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 8.13
Results of the Most Favorable Point Method for
Finding the Most Appropriate Water Allocation
Scheme (Example 8.13)
R = 1400 R = 1000
Demand (million m3) (million m3)
Because no specific priority for each demand exists, the wi values are set to 1. The
fi values are estimated using Eq. (8.87), the utility function for different demands
shown in Figures 8.23(a), 8.24(b), 8.25(c), and 8.26(d), and the normalized value
of the relative authority of the agencies as shown in the normalized MATA. The
results of water allocation are shown in Table 8.13.
As mentioned in the previous example, the annual water demand for the above
purposes has been estimated by an independent party to be, at a minimum, about
150, 960, 110, and 70 million m3, respectively, and the agencies are aware of these
estimates. As shown in the table, in the dry year scenario (inflow = 1000), none of
the demands has been completely supplied but a more balanced level of shortage is
achieved compared with the previous method. Higher levels of shortages (22 to 27%)
are applied to industrial and agricultural demands, while the shortage in supplying
domestic and environmental demands is limited to 7%.
8.1 Consider reservoir A, which supplies water for domestic, irrigation, and
industrial purposes with monthly demands of Dd(m), Dir(m), and Di(m)
million m3 (m = 1, …, 12), respectively. The carrying capacity of the
downstream river is also important in the high flow months. The damage
due to reservoir releases (Rt, t = 1, …, N) higher than the carrying capacity
of the river (RT) is estimated as the difference between releases and the
river carrying capacity. The benefits of supplying demands are estimated
based on the price of water allocated to different demands, which are Pd,
Pir, and Pi for domestic, irrigation, and industrial purposes, respectively.
Formulate the optimization model for finding the optimal monthly releases
in T months when the reservoir inflow is It.
8.2 In problem 8.1, if a hydropower plant is constructed to produce electricity
from the reservoir releases, formulate the optimization model for finding
the optimal release from the reservoir. Consider the benefits of power
generation based on the price of power (Pp) and the discharge capacity
of the power plant (Qp).
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 357
2010 2020 2025 2035 2040
The current demand of this city is about 90 million m3. Three projects
are studied to supply the demands of this city. Considering the cost of
each project and a 3% rate of return, find the optimal sequence of imple-
menting projects using linear programming:
Dam A 5 35
Interbasin water transfer tunnel B 8 20
Dam C 7 35
8.5 Suppose you want to design the spillway of a dam. In the following table,
the variation between the flood return period and capital investment esti-
mated based on the required capacity of the spillway is shown. The total
damages associated with floods during various return periods are also
shown in this table.
(a) Find the design return period of the spillway using the reliability-
based approach.
(b) What is the risk of failure for your design?
8.6 Solve problem 6-4 by using dynamic programming.
8.7 Consider a reservoir that supplies water to an industrial complex. The
monthly water demand of this complex is 10 million m3. The total capacity
of the reservoir is 30 million m3. Let St (reservoir storage at the beginning
358 Water Resources Systems Analysis
of month t) take the discrete values of 0, 10, 20, and 30. The cost of
operation (Loss) can be estimated as a function of the difference between
release (Rt) and water demand as follows:
⎧⎪0 Rt ≥ 10
Losst = ⎨
⎩⎪(10 − Rt ) Rt > 10
(a) If the inflow in the current year is low (5 ≤ q < 15), how much is
the probability of having high inflow (25 ≤ q < 35) 2 years from
(b) How much is the probability of having a low, medium, and high
flow year a few years from now?
8.10 The historical record of monthly inflows to a reservoir has been as follows:
q = {50, 10, 60, 30, 40, 70, 80, 20, 100, 70}
(a) Consider two intervals for the inflow, q ≤ 50 and q > 50, with
characteristic values of 30 and 70, respectively. Calculate the inflow
transition probability matrix.
River–Reservoir Systems Modeling 359
(b) Suppose two storage levels for the reservoir are 40 and 60 million
m3. The target volume of monthly release from the reservoir is 20
million m3. If the cost of operation is estimated to be equal to the
difference between the release and the target release (Rt – 20),
formulate a backward-moving stochastic dynamic programming
model for finding the optimal releases from the reservoir.
(c) Find the stationary policy.
8.11 In problem 8.1, suppose reservoir B is constructed upstream of reservoir
A. A stream discharges to the river between reservoirs A and B with
monthly discharges of Lt (t = 1, …, N).
(a) Formulate the optimization model for finding optimal releases from
reservoirs A and B.
(b) Solve the problem using linear programming and the following
Dir(m) Di(m)
Dd(m) (million (million Inflow to Dam B Lt
Month (million m3) m3) m3) (million m3) (million m3)
January 7 10 5 18 5
February 7 20 5.5 20 6.5
March 7 22 5.5 22 7
April 7.3 25 5.5 24 5
May 7.5 15 5 20 4
June 8 10 5 19 4
July 8.2 10 4.5 19 3.5
August 8.1 5 4.5 18 3
September 7.4 0 4.5 17 3
October 7.5 0 4.5 15 3
November 7.1 0 3 15 3.5
December 7 0 3 17 4
power generation. The decision makers in these agencies are asked to set
the most favorable range of water and energy supply for each purpose by
assigning 1 as most favorable and 0 as least favorable. The following
ranges are assigned by the decision makers (see Figure 8.22):
The utility function for the range of water allocation to domestic demand
The utility function for the range of water allocation for energy supply
The following weights are set for the role and authority of these agencies
in allocating water to different purposes:
Agency: 1 2
DD ⎡5 1⎤
PL ⎢⎣4 5⎥⎦
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control system of reservoir operation from the view point of water resource, in
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Karamouz, M., Houck, M. H., and Delleur, G. W., Optimization and simulation of multiple
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Karamouz, M. and Vasiliadis, H., A Bayesian stochastic optimization of reservoir operation
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Karamouz, M. and Zahraie, B., Nonstructural means of flood control for protection of
Esfahan metropolitan area in Iran, in Proc. of Int. Workshop on Non-Structural Flood
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planning and management for Tehran metropolitan area in Iran, in Proc. of the 26th
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6–9, 1999.
Karamouz, M., Zahraie, B., Shahsavari, M., Torabi, S., and Araghi-Nejhad, Sh., An
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Karamouz, M., Zahraie, B., and Araghi-Nejhad, Sh., Operating hydropower reservoirs: a
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ASCE J. Water Resources Plan. Manage., 125(3), 143–153, 1999.
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362 Water Resources Systems Analysis
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9 Water Quality
The quality of surface and groundwater resources can significantly affect water use
in many regions, especially in those that are arid and semi-arid. In regions where
water pollutants from human activities have seriously degraded water quality, the
main issue in water quality management is to control pollution sources. Definition
of the control levels depends on the water quality standards defined for the various
water uses. The term water quality management implies that water should be man-
aged so that no uses at any location will be detrimental to its use at another location.
Water quality management is thereby distinguished from water quantity manage-
ment, which is the engineering of water resources systems so that enough water will
be provided to all potential users within a region (Krenkel and Novotny, 1980).
Section 9.1 discusses the principles of water quality systems analysis, including the
major types of pollutants and their resources, water quality criteria, and water quality
monitoring. Water quality management in rivers and reservoirs is discussed in Sec-
tion 9.2, and Section 9.3 addresses groundwater pollution sources and the principles
of groundwater quality management.
364 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Major Pollutant Categories and Principal Sources of Pollutants
Point Sources Non-Point Sources
Domestic Industrial Agricultural Urban
Pollutant Category Sewage Wastes Runoff Runoff
Oxygen-demanding material X X X X
Nutrients X X X X
Pathogens X X X X
Suspended solids/sediments X X X X
Salts X X X
Toxic metals X X
Toxic organic chemicals X X
Heat X
Source: Davis, M. L. and Cornwell, D. A., Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York,
1991. With permission.
This category of pollutants consists of materials that can be oxidized, thus consuming
dissolved oxygen (DO) during the oxidation process. Human waste and food residues
are sources of oxygen-demanding materials in domestic sewage. Depletion of DO
can occur in a water body by discharging industrial wastes and agricultural runoffs
that consist of organic matters. Nutrients
Nitrates and phosphates, derived from municipal wastewater, are inorganic nutri-
ents. These nutrients are necessary for the growth of all living organisms but are
classified as pollutants because excessive amounts of them can promote plant and
algae growth. Fertilizers and phosphorus-based detergents and domestic wastes are
the major sources of nutrients. Pathogens
Bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms excreted by diseased animals or persons
and found in wastewater are pathogenic organisms. When pathogens containing
sewage are discharged into a water body used for drinking and recreation, they pose
a dangerous health hazard for the public. Salts
Whenever salt concentrations exceed the level acceptable for a particular use of
water, they are classified as pollutants. Groundwater resources usually have higher
levels of salt concentration in comparison to surface water resources because of the
accumulation of minerals from soil and rocks.
Many heavy metals and chemicals are toxic to living organisms. Pesticides in
agricultural runoff, lead and zinc in urban runoff, and toxic metals and toxic organic
substances in industrial wastewater are some examples of toxic pollutant sources. Heat
An increase in water temperature can have a negative impact on the ecosystem. The
rate of oxygen depletion increases as the temperature increases. This is important
where the oxygen-demanding wastes are discharged to the water bodies. Many
industries, such as thermal power plants, are the major sources of heat pollution of
water bodies.
The term standard applies to any definite rule, principle, or measure established by
authority. The fact that it has been established by an authority makes a standard
somewhat rigid, official, or quasi-legal, but this fact does not necessarily mean that
the standard is fair, equitable, or based on sound scientific knowledge, for it may
have been established somewhat arbitrarily on the basis of inadequate technical data
tempered by a caution factor of safety. Where health is involved and where scientific
data are sparse, such arbitrary standards may be justified. A criterion designates a
mean by which anything is tried in forming a correct judgment concerning it. Unlike
a standard, it carries no connotation of authority other than of fairness and equity nor
does it imply an ideal condition. Where scientific data are being accumulated to serve
as yardsticks of water quality, without regard for legal authority, the term criterion
is most applicable.
The early water quality requirements and standards were defined based on the safety
of drinking water. Later, pollution control and health authorities gave more attention
to the protection of water resources. The surface water quality standards that are
used by water pollution control agencies in various countries are classified as stream
standards or effluent standards, or as a combination of both. These standards specify
numerical effluent limits for designated uses of water resources. The effluent limits
allow discharge of a specific amount of a conventional pollutant and either limit or
prohibit emission of toxic pollutants. Although effluent standards are emphasized
more than other standards, stream standards are enforced when the capacity of water
366 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Quality criteria for drinking water have been presented in many documents. Current
guidelines for evaluating the suitability of surface or groundwater resource for public
water supply are the regulations mandated by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), Title 40, parts 141 and 143, and by the Safe Drinking Water Act
(1974) (Mays, 1996). Based on these guidelines, primary and secondary standards
should be established. The primary standard is for human health protection and the
secondary standard implies a regulation that specifies the maximum allowable
contamination levels that protects the public welfare and may adversely affect the
appearance or odor of water. Table 9.A1 (at the end of the chapter) presents a
summary of the EPA’s national primary standards.
Because of the large range of industrial processes, the water quality requirements
for industrial water supply are industry dependent. The water quality requirements
can even be different for various parts of a single industry. Water quality character-
istics that exceed those given in Table 9.A2 (at the end of the chapter) would probably
not be acceptable to industry. For a detailed description of water quality requirements
for industries, the reader is referred to Corbitt (1990).
Water quality is critical to most agricultural crops. Plant growth and soil character-
istics such as permeability can be affected by water impurities. Dispersion of clay
soils reduces the size of soil pores and decreases the soil permeability. In most water
resources used for irrigation, Ca++, Mg++, and Na+ significantly affect the soil dis-
persion. A widely used relationship for estimation of permeability is the sodium
adsorption ratio (SAR), which can be estimated using the following equation:
(Na + )
SAR = (9.1)
(Ca +2 ) + (Mg +2 )
where Na+, Ca++, and Mg++ are concentrations of sodium, calcium, and magnesium
(in eq/m3), respectively. Acceptable SAR values for irrigation water are related to
soil characteristics and electrical conductivity of water. Representative values are
reported in Table 9.A3 (at the end of the chapter).
Water Quality Management 367
Summary of Chemical Characteristics of Sampled Water
Equivalent Mass Concentration Concentration
Constituent (g/eq) (g/m3) (eq/m3)
Example 9.1
Table 9.2 shows the chemical characteristics of a sample of water taken from a well.
Determine the SAR for this sample. If the concentration of total dissolved solids
(TDS) of this sample is measured to be 300 g/m3, can the water be used for irrigation?
Solution: The SAR value can be computed using Eq. (9.1) as follows:
SAR = = 21.34
0.075 + 0.09
( )
This is a high SAR value. The TDS value is moderate, but according to Table 9.A3,
the water would be generally unacceptable for irrigation.
The main objective of water quality standards for aquatic life is to preserve essential
environmental conditions for their survival, reproduction, and growth. Based on
water quality investigations, the DO content is usually the most important water
quality variable. The DO concentration required for warmwater biological systems
generally should be more than 5 mg/L, but for coldwater biota it should not be below
6 mg/L. It is important to note that the establishment of water quality criteria for
aquatic life is quite difficult because of the different effects of various pollutants;
site-specific research may be required depending upon the complexity of aquatic
Dc ∂c ∂c ∂c ∂c
= +u +v +w (9.2)
Dt ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
368 Water Resources Systems Analysis
where c is the pollutant concentration; x, y, and z are the Cartesian coordinates; and
u, v, and w are the respective components of velocity vector in the x, y, and z
directions. Concentration c consists of the dissolved pollutant concentration (cd)
and sorbed pollutant concentration (csp); cd is expressed as the solute mass per
unit volume of water, and csp is defined as the mass of solute per unit mass of the
suspended solids or sediments. The concentration of suspended solids maybe defined
as ms, the mass of solids per unit volume of water. csp and cd are related as:
where Ksp is the partition coefficient. As the sorption phenomenon is related to the
carbon content of particles, the Ksp and Ksc are related as:
where fcp is the mass fraction of carbon in the particles and Ksc is the partition
coefficient of the solute between water and carbon. Therefore, sorption into the solid
is due to the carbon fraction that it contains (Sincero and Sincero, 1996).
The partition coefficient is the ratio of pollutant concentration in the solid phase
to its concentration in the liquid phase; it reflects the distribution of pollutants
between water and solids. The total pollutant concentration can be estimated as
• Conservative pollutants
• Nonconservative pollutants
• Growing pollutants
∂cd ∂ ⎛ ∂c ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂c ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂cd ⎞
+ Exx d + Eyy d + Ezz
∂t ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠
1 ⎛ ∂cd ∂c ∂c ⎞
+ ⎜u +υ d +ω d⎟ = 0 conservative substances
1 + fcp . Ksc . ms ⎝ ∂x ∂z ∂z ⎠
Water Quality Management 369
∂cd ∂ ⎛ ∂c ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂c ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂cd ⎞
− Exx d − Eyy d − Ezz
∂t ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠
1 ⎛ ∂cd ∂c ∂c ⎞
+ ⎜u +υ d +ω d⎟ (9.7)
1 + fcp .Ksc .ms ⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂z ⎠
∂cd ∂ ⎛ ∂c ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂c ⎞ ∂ ⎛ ∂cd ⎞
+ Exx d + Eyy d + Ezz
∂t ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ⎝ ∂y ⎠ ∂y ⎝ ∂z ⎠
1 ⎛ ∂cd ∂c ∂c ⎞
+ ⎜u + υ d + ω d ⎟ − µcd = 0 growing substances
1 + fcp .Ksc .ms ⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂z ⎠
where µ is the growth coefficient, k is the lumped decay coefficient, and Exx, Eyy,
and Ezz are dispersion coefficient in the x, y, and z directions, respectively. It should
be noted that in Eqs. (9.7) and (9.8), dispersion is going out of the control mass;
therefore the positive sign has been prefixed.
Sanders et al. (1987) proposed general guidelines for the establishment of a moni-
toring system (Table 9.3). Identifying the information to be obtained and the statis-
tical methods for converting the data to useful information are considered in the first
two steps, and the third step deals with the monitoring network design. Monitoring
operation plans are specified in the fourth step, while in the fifth step information
related to the original monitoring objectives is developed.
370 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Major Steps in the Design of a Water Quality Monitoring
Selection of the water quality variables is one of the most important steps in the
design and operation of water quality monitoring networks. The quality of a water
body is usually characterized by interrelated sets of physical, chemical, and biological
variables. Therefore, the relationships between water quality and quantity variables
are often complex. Many variables are required to completely describe the quality
of a water body, but it is not economically feasible to measure all of them. Therefore,
the variables should be ranked, and a minimum number of water quality variables
should be selected for sampling. The variables can be scored and ranked based on
multiple-criteria–decision-making methods. The variables should be selected in both
time and space. One problem with the economical selection of water variables is that
the water quality variables are time–space stochastic processes that cannot be
recorded continuously by an instrument at a site. Establishing the relationship
Water Quality Management 371
between water quality and quantity variables and analyzing the dependencies between
water quality variables are necessary to select representative variables. These corre-
lations can be used to produce information for variables that are not regularly
Sanders et al. (1987) proposed a hierarchical ranking of water quantity and
quality variables that can be efficiently used in variable selection for a monitoring
network (Figure 9A.1 at the end of the chapter). In this hierarchical classification
of variables, the optimal cutoff point for selecting suitable variables is determined
by considering the monitoring objectives, sample collection laboratory analysis
costs, and the correlations among variables.
FIGURE 9.1 Location of sampling stations using Sharp’s procedure based on the number of
tributaries. (From Sanders, T. G. et al., Design of Networks for Monitoring Water Quality,
Water Resources Publication, Littleton, CO, 1987. With permission.)
system is subdivided into reaches that have relatively equal contributing tributaries.
A magnitude (number) of 1 is assigned to the exterior tributaries, and it is assumed
that an exterior tributary has a minimum mean discharge. As shown in Figure 9.1,
the magnitude of each section of river is equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the
intersecting streams. Therefore, the magnitude of the final stretch of the river will
be equal to the total number of exterior tributaries. By dividing the magnitude of the
final stretch of the river by 2, the centroid of the basin can be determined. The first
centroid, which is referred to as the first-hierarchy sampling reach, provides two
approximately equal portions. Again by dividing by 2, a new centroid can be found
Water Quality Management 373
for each part and second-hierarchy sampling reaches are defined. More levels of
hierarchy are defined by successive subdivisions. As shown in Figure 9.1, the link
with the closest magnitude to the centered magnitude is specified as the centroid.
Once a link is chosen, a sampling location is selected at its downstream junction.
For example, in Figure 9.1, which has three hierarchies, sampling may be done at
eight stations: two samples from the first hierarchy, two samples from the second
hierarchy, and four samples from the third hierarchy. To identify and isolate a
pollution source, Sharp (1971) proposed that samples should be drawn at one hier-
archy and analyzed to select the next section of the river that should be sampled (at
a sampling station of the next hierarchy), and so on, until all the pollution sources
are identified. The magnitudes of tributaries and the main stem can be assigned based
on the number of outfalls that discharge into them or by their pollutant load. When
two or more variables are measured, more than one water quality monitoring network
might be established, and it can be costly and time consuming.
Sampling Station Location within a River Reach (Micro-Location). After
the macro-location process and selection of the sampling reaches, sampling sites
within each reach should be identified to provide representative samples. This kind
of longitudinal sampling location is referred to as micro-location. Micro-location
should take place in a reach of river in which the water is completely mixed — that
is, where the concentration of water quality variables is independent of lateral
location and depth in a cross-section. The distance from an outfall to a mixing zone
is a function of the physical characteristics of the river, average stream flow velocity,
lateral and vertical dispersion coefficients, and exact location of pollutant source
(outfall) in the lateral transect of the river. Sanders et al. (1987) defined mixed
distances from a point source for both complete lateral and vertical mixing as
σ2 y u
Ly = .
0.46d u*
7.5σ 2 z u
Lz = . *
d u
u * = gRSe (9.10)
Ly is the mixing distance between the point source and complete lateral
Lz is the mixing distance between the point source and complete vertical
σy is the distance between the point of injection and the farthest lateral
boundary of river.
σz is the distance between the point of injection and the farthest vertical
boundary of river.
374 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The calculated mixing distances are valid only for the considered set of hydrologic
and hydraulic variables such as stream flow, hydraulic radius, and slope; therefore,
the uncertainty of the variables and the estimated mixing distances should be con-
sidered and a mixing distance with an acceptable reliability should be determined.
Sometimes the river reach does not include a complete mixed zone, for example,
when temperature or concentration stratification is present. In this case, determining
the sampling location is difficult and water quality concentration variation within a
river cross-section should be analyzed using statistical methods such as analysis of
variance. When the water quality variation, which can be time dependent, is insig-
nificant, the section is considered to be completely mixed; otherwise, more than one
sampling point is required within the cross-section. For a detailed description of the
complete mixing assessment of a river cross-section, the reader is referred to Sanders
et al. (1987).
Example 9.2
Compute the minimum distance between a pollutant discharge point in a river and
the complete mixing zone. The outfall point is located in mid-depth and mid-width
in the river cross-section. Assume that the average stream velocity is 0.9 m/sec, the
average width is 100 m, and the average depth is 4 m. The slopes of the stream bed
and the energy gradient are assumed to be the same and equal to 0.002.
Solution: u* can be computed using Eq. (9.10):
u ∗ = gRSe = 9.8 × 4 × 0.002 = 0.28
50 2 0.9
Ly = × = 4367.23 m
0.46 × 4 0.28
7.5 × 2 2 0.9
Lz = × = 241 m
4 0.28
As the Lz is less than L y , the mixing distance from the discharge point is equal to
4367.2 m.
Water Quality Management 375
Ambient trend monitoring is used to discover the spatial and temporal trends of
groundwater quality variables. The cost of ambient trend monitoring is very much
related to the number of sampling stations and the sampling frequency.
Source monitoring determines the qualitative characteristics and the rate of
pollutant movement. The flow rate can be determined using flow net. The mass flow
rate of the pollutant can be determined as:
Rtotal = ∑ q .c
i =1
i i (9.11)
A suitable groundwater monitoring network should provide the spatial and temporal
characteristics of groundwater pollution for various sources of pollution such as
Hudak and Loaiciga (1993) proposed a quantitative, analytically based hydro-
logic approach for monitoring network design (sampling location) in a multilayered
groundwater flow system. In this method (described below), the susceptibility to
contamination of points in the model domain is quantified using weight values. This
network design methodology consists of three steps:
FIGURE 9.2 Advection envelope extended from hypothetical contaminant source. (From Hudak,
P. F. and Loaiciga, H. A., Water Resources Res., 29(8), 2835–2845, 1993. With permission.)
two flow lines that originate from separate ends of the hydrogeological outlet can
be considered as boundaries of advection envelopes. Monitoring well sites can be
classified as background and detection monitoring sites. Detection monitoring wells
are constructed for early detection of contamination by pollutant sources; back-
ground monitoring sites determine the background water quality and are located in
the upgradient zone of the model domain. The background monitoring wells should
not be located adjacent to the contaminant source and advection envelope. They also
should not intersect an outward normal line extended from an advection envelope
(Hudak and Loaiciga, 1993).
Calculation of Weights for Candidate Monitoring Sites. The relative weight
of each monitoring site should be calculated based on the location of the site relative
to the pollutant source and advection envelope. The following model can be used
for designing a monitoring network for an uncontaminated aquifer (before the
pollutant is released from the pollutant source). Therefore, the existing contamination
concentrations are not used in the monitoring well configuration. The relative weight
of each candidate monitoring well in a multilayer aquifer is determined as (Hudak
and Loaiciga, 1993):
Wjk = (9.12)
D(s) jk D(e) jk
Based on the above equation, nodes located near an area with higher probability
of contamination have higher weights. To reduce the computational efforts, the
boundaries of pollutant source and advection envelopes are approximated by nodes
within a grid of candidate groundwater monitoring wells. The value of D(e)jk is
calculated only for nodes that are susceptible to contamination from plume spreading
and are intersected by an outward normal line extended from an advection envelope.
Other nodes that are not intersected by an outward perpendicular line from an
advection envelope are assigned the maximum value of D(e)jk calculated for all other
nodes. Nodes located within the advection envelope are assigned the minimum value
of D(e)jk to avoid division by zero. For example, in Figure 9.2, nodes A and B are
located an equal distance from the advection envelope, but node B has the greater
probability of being contaminated because node A is located in an upgradient area
and should be assigned the maximum of D(e)jk (D(e)(max)).
Optimal Configuration of Monitoring Well Network. Optimal configuration
of monitoring sites can be obtained using a mathematical model. The objective
function of this model is the preferential location of monitoring wells at points with
high probabilities of contamination. The model formulation can be as follows (Hudak
and Loaiciga, 1993):
Max Z = ∑ ∑ W x −∑∑W x
k ∈K j ∈Jk − uk
jk jk
k ∈K j ∈Juk
jk jk (9.13)
Subject to ∑x
j ∈Jk
jk ≥ Pk (min) for each k ∈ K (9.14)
j ∈Juk
jk = Puk for each k ∈ K (9.15)
∑∑ x
k ∈K j ∈Jk
jk =P (9.16)
⎧0 otherwise
x jk = ⎨ for each j ∈ Jk , k ∈ K (9.17)
⎩1 if a well is installed at node j in HSI k
The second term of Eq. (9.13) ensures that the nodes with the lowest weight will
be selected for background monitoring in the upgradient zone. Equations (9.14) and
(9.15) constrain the minimum and total number of wells in the upgradient zones in
each HSI. Equation (9.16) ensures that all the wells are located throughout the model
domain, and Eq. (9.17) shows that variable xjk is a binary integer.
The total number of monitoring wells in each layer can be determined by
budgetary constraints or regulatory requirements. The budget constraint can be
written as:
kεK jεJk
jk x jk ≤ R (9.18)
where Cjk is the construction cost of a well at monitoring site j in HSI k, and R is
the total available budget. The proposed formulation can be solved using integer
programming techniques. This model can define the location of the P monitoring
wells, including Puk upgradient wells. For more details, the reader is referred to
Hudak and Loaiciga (1993) and Loaiciga et al. (1992). Sampling Frequency
Sampling frequency shows how often water quality samples should be gathered.
Detection of stream standards violations and determination of temporal water quality
variations are the main criteria for sampling frequency analysis. The selection of
sampling frequency requires some background information on the behavior of the
random variables that are important in water quality. The analyst may face three
• Water quality data are available for the stream being studied.
• Water quality data are available only from a stream in a region that has
characteristics similar to those of the study area.
• No data exist for the stream under consideration or other similar streams.
Var x = () n
where σ2 is the population variance, and n is the number of samples. The confidence
interval for the population mean, µ, is as follows:
1 1
⎛ σ2 ⎞ 2
⎛ σ2 ⎞ 2
x − Zα .⎜ ⎟ ≤ µ ≤ x + Zα .⎜ ⎟ (9.20)
2 ⎝ n ⎠ 2 ⎝ n ⎠
where Zα/2 is the standard normal deviation corresponding to the probability of α/2.
By rearranging terms, the number of samples (n) required to estimate the mean with
a known confidence level (α) is:
⎡ Zα .σ ⎤
n≥⎢ 2 ⎥ (9.21)
⎢⎣ µ − x ⎥⎦
When the sample standard deviation(s) is used instead of σ, the Zα/2 is replaced with
Student’s t statistic, tα/2:
⎡ tα .s ⎤
n≥⎢ 2 ⎥ (9.22)
⎢⎣ µ − x ⎥⎦
In this case, the computation of n becomes an iterative problem because when the
t distribution is used the number of degrees of freedom (n – 1) must be known, but
in this case it is not known. Therefore, for solving the problem, an initial value for
n is estimated, the degrees of freedom are determined, and a new estimation of n is
obtained using Eq. (9.22). By repeating this procedure, the values of n converge to
a desired value. When the number of samples is large (more than 30), σ can be
estimated with s, without any significant error in determination of the sampling
380 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Example 9.3
Select the sampling frequency for a station that monitors BOD concentration in an
important control point on a river. The annual mean and variance of the BOD
concentration based on historical data are 6.01 mg/l and 8.1 (mg/l)2, respectively.
The desired confidence interval width is assumed to be 3 mg/l with a 95% confidence
The confidence interval width = 2 × 1.96 ×
2 × 1.96 × =3
2 × 1.96 ⎤ 2 ⎡ 2 × 1.96 ⎤
2 2
n = ⎡⎢ σ =⎢ × 8.1
⎣ 3 ⎦⎥ ⎣ 3 ⎦⎥
n = 13.8 ≈ 14 samples / year
Single Station and Multiple Water Quality Variables. If the problem of sam-
pling frequency selection includes more than one water quality variable, a compro-
mise program should be used to obtain the most acceptable confidence interval that
considers all water quality variables. A simple way to do this is to compute a weighted
average of confidence interval widths for several water quality variables. The relative
weights of water quality variables can be selected by engineering judgment so that
the contributions of all water quality variables are comparable.
Example 9.4
Select the sampling frequency for a station that has four water quality variables.
Assume that the 95% confidence interval width about the mean of the water quality
variables will be equal to one fourth of the average of these variables. The historical
population statistics of the variables are as follows:
Variable (mg/l) Variance ([mg/l]2)
BOD 41 286
Total Nitrogen (TN) 10 18.1
Ca++ 40 38
Mg++ 34 60
Solution: The width of 95% confidence interval should be one fourth the average
of the means. Thus:
R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 1 ⎡ µ1 + µ 2 + µ 3 + µ 4 ⎤
= ⎢ ⎥⎦
4 4⎣ 4
Water Quality Management 381
where Ri is the width of confidence interval in the station i that can be computed
using the following equation:
Ri = 2(1.96) i = 1, 2, 3, 4
1 2 × 1.96
(µ1 + µ 2 + µ 3 + µ 4 ) = (σ1 + σ 2 + σ 3 + σ 4 )
4 n
⎡ (16.91 + 4.25 + 6.16 + 7.75) ⎤
n = ⎢4 × 2 × 1.96 ⎥ = 19.35 ≈ 20 samples / year
⎣ ( 41 + 10 + 40 + 34) ⎦
Multiple Stations and Single Water Quality Variable. Because the designer
usually wants to obtain the same information from each sampling station of the
monitoring network, this requirement can be a basis for selection of the sampling
frequency. When based on historical data, the average concentrations of water quality
variables at the stations are approximately equal, the sampling frequencies should
be selected so they provide equal confidence intervals about the means for the
different stations. In a simple procedure proposed by Ward et al. (1979), the total
number of samples (N) is allocated to stations based on their relative weights using
the following equation:
ni = wi . N (9.23)
wi = Ns (9.24)
i =1
wi = Ns (9.25)
i =1
where µi and σ i 2 are the historical mean and variance of the water quality variable
at station i and Ns is the total number of stations in the water quality monitoring
Multiple Stations and Multiple Water Quality Variables. The design problem
encountered most frequently in practice involves more than one water quality vari-
able as well as more than one sampling station. In this case, a separate sampling
382 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Means and Variances for Three Water Quality Variables (Example 9.5)
TN BOD Total Phosphorus (TP)
Mean Mean Mean
Station (mg/l) Variance (mg/l) Variance (mg/l) Variance
frequency should be selected for each water quality variable at each station and a
weighted average of them can be considered as each station’s sampling frequency.
Sanders et al. (1987) suggested that a weighted average variance for the water quality
variables can be computed for each station and used in Eq. (9.25). In the case of
multiple variables, it is not possible to obtain equal confidence interval widths for
water quality variables in all stations if all variables at a given station are sampled
at the same frequency.
Example 9.5
The historical means and variances for three water quality variables in four stations
have been calculated and are shown in Table 9.4. Select the sampling frequency for
each station using the weighting factors based on historical variances. The total
number of samples per year is considered to be equal to 40.
Solution: The total number of samples should be allocated to each station for
each water quality variable using weighting factors. The relative weight of each
station for each variable is as follows:
wi = 4 i = 1, 2, 3, 4 (9.26)
∑σi =1
The weighting factors for the water quality variables are based on the variances and
are provided in Table 9.5. Table 9.6 shows the average number of samples estimated
for each station.
The Relative Weights of Stations for Example 9.5
Station TN BOD TP
Allocation of Samples via Proportional Sampling Based on Variances
1 5 8 8 7
2 9 19 8 12
3 13 4 8 8
4 13 9 16 13
and ecosystems and preserving the natural environment related to these resources
have become more important in recent years. Therefore, the main objective of river
water quality management today is to control pollutants discharged to the river so
that river water quality at critical sections is not reduced to an unacceptable extent
below the natural background level. Important steps in river water quality manage-
ment include measurement of discharged pollutants, prediction of the impact of a
pollutant on water quality using suitable river water quality simulation models, and
determination of water quality criteria.
Pollution of rivers can occur directly from sewer outfalls or industrial discharges
as point sources and agricultural or urban runoffs as non-point sources or indirectly
from air pollution. Impacts of a pollutant on river water quality depend on the
pollutant type and load and river characteristics. The following sections provide an
overview of the derivation of descriptive models for the transport of pollutants and
the formulation of some important theoretical optimization models for water quality
management in rivers and streams.
FQ (qT ) =
∫ f (q)dq = T
Q (9.27)
where T is the recurrence interval, fQ(q) is a model of the probability density function
of the random variable Q. In low flow analysis, T usually is considered to be equal
to 10 when Q is the annual minimum 7-day average discharge and q10 is the 7-day,
10-year low flow. For details, the reader is referred to Durrans (1996).
The low flow can also be computed using the empirical frequency analysis
method. In this method, the smallest flow that occurs for 7 consecutive days in each
year is computed using the long-term flow record (n years) for the location being
modeled. In the next step, the n flows are tabulated in ascending order and a rank
m is assigned to them. Then, the cumulative values of occurrence and recurrence
intervals are calculated using the following equations:
p= (9.28)
n +1
T= (9.29)
Example 9.6
The ranked values of 20 years of data for the 7-day minimum average flows of a
river are given in Table 9.7. Prepare the low flow frequency curve and determine
the 10-year low flow.
Solution: As can be seen in Figure 9.3 and Table 9.7, a value of about 1.65
m3/sec corresponds to the 7-day, 10-year low flow.
386 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Recurrence interval
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Q (cms)
• Sensitivity analysis
• First-order error analysis
• Monte Carlo simulation
For detailed information, the reader is referred to Brown and Barnwell (1987). WASP5
The water quality analysis simulation program (WASP5) is a dynamic compartment
modeling framework that can be used to simulate a variety of water quality contam-
inants in a diverse set of water bodies. The WASP5 has been developed by the EPA’s
Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (EPA CEAM). It can be applied to one-,
two-, and three-dimensional simulation of transportation and transformation of
conventional and toxic pollutants in ponds, streams, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, estu-
aries, and coastal waters. TOXI5 and EUTRO5 are two major subcomponent models
that can be linked to WASP5. TOXI5 is a dynamic model of the transport and fate
of organic chemicals and metals in all types of aquatic systems that can simulate
Water Quality Management 387
0 Distance, x
time of travel
DO saturation
DO (mg/L)
Co Dc
0 Xc Distance, x
time of travel
The one-dimensional mass balance equation for DO can be derived using Eq. 9.7:
Dc ∂ ⎛ ∂c ⎞
= ⎜ Exx. ⎟ + k2 (Os − c) + P − R − kc . Lc − kc . Ln + Go (9.30)
Dt ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠
= k2 (Os − c) − kc . Lc (9.31)
Lc = Lc 0 .e − kc .t
kc . Lc 0 ⎛ − kc .t − k .t − k .t
D= e − e 2 ⎞ + D0 .e 2 (9.33)
k2 − kc ⎝ ⎠
If the deficit calculated from the above equation is greater than the saturation
DO, all the dissolved oxygen has been depleted and the DO is zero. The lowest
point on the DO sag curve indicates the worst water quality condition and is of
major interest. The time to this minimum DO point, the critical time (tc), can be
found by differentiating Eq. (9.33), setting it equal to 0, and solving for t:
1 ⎡k ⎛ k − k ⎞⎤
tc = ln ⎢ 2 ⎜1 − D0 × 2 c ⎟ ⎥ (9.34)
k2 − kc ⎢⎣ kc ⎝ kc − Lc 0 ⎠ ⎥⎦
Water Quality Management 389
Typical Values for the BOD Rate Constant
Sample k (20°C) (day–1)
Raw sewage 0.15–0.30
Well-treated sewage 0.05–0.10
Polluted river water 0.05–0.10
The critical deficit (Dc) is then found by using tc in Eq. (9.33). The bio-oxidation
rate (kc) is dependent on the waste characteristics, the ability of organisms to oxidize
the waste, and the water temperature. Temperature increases the speed of most of
the biological processes. Laboratory testing is usually done at a standard temperature
of 20°C, and the BOD rate constant at any temperature T (°C) is:
where kc,T is the BOD rate constant (expressed in 1/day) at temperature T (°C), kc,20
is the BOD rate constant determined under laboratory conditions at 20°C (1/day),
and θ is the temperature coefficient. The value of θ is considered to be 1.135 for
4 < T < 20°C and 1.056 for 20 < T < 30°C. Typical values for the BOD rate constant
under laboratory conditions are presented in Table 9.8.
The deoxygenation rate constant (kc) in a river differs from the BOD rate constant
(k) due to physical and biological differences between a bottle and a river. In river
systems, the BOD is exerted more rapidly because of turbulent mixing and BOD
removal by suspended and sediment organisms. kc can be estimated from the BOD
rate constant (k) by the following equation:
kc = k + η (9.36)
When the stream temperature is not 20°C, the calculated kc from the above equation
should be adjusted using Eq. (9.35). The value of the reaeration rate constant (k2)
depends on the degree of turbulent mixing, which is related to river flow velocity
390 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Range of Reaeration Constants for Various Water Bodies
Water Body Ranges of k2 at 20°C (1/day)
and the surface and depth of the water body (surface area exposed to the atmosphere
per unit volume of water). The reaeration rate constant is also related to temperature
and should be adjusted to river temperature using Eq. (9.35) but with a temperature
coefficient θ, which is equal to 1.024.
Some researchers have developed formulas for calculating k2 directly from
stream physical parameters. One of these formulas was developed by O’Connor and
Dobbins (1958) as follows:
3.9 × v 2
k2 = 3 (9.37)
h 2
The Langbein and Duram (1967) formula can be used to calculate k2 as follows:
2.208 × v
k2 = 4 (9.38)
Table 9.9 shows the typical reaeration constants for various surface water bodies.
Example 9.7
A treatment plant discharges 0.15 m3/sec of partially treated sewage into a free-
flowing stream. The stream characteristics upstream of the point of discharge at
summer low flow conditions are as follows:
Water Quality Management 391
Temperature = 25°C.
BOD5 = 40 mg/l.
DO = 2 mg/l
k2 at 20°C = 0.4 1/day.
k (laboratory test) = 0.22 1/day.
Calculate the DO sag curve for a section located 120 km downstream of the discharge
Qmix = 0.15 + 0.5 = 0.65
(0.5 × 3) + (0.15 × 40)
BODmix = = 11.54 mg / L
(0.5 × 8.0) + (0.15 × 2.0)
DOmix = = 6.62 mg / L
(0.5 × 22) + (0.15 × 25)
Tmix = = 22.7 mg / L
The deoxygenation and reaeration coefficients are calculated using Eqs. (9.36) and
(9.37), respectively, as follows:
0.1 × 0.2 1
kc,20 = 0.22 + = 0.23 at 20° C
2.2 day
3.9 × (0.1)0.5 1
k2,20 = 3 = 0.38 at 20° C
392 Water Resources Systems Analysis
kc,22.7 = kc,20 (1.056 22.7−20 ) = 0.23 × 1.158 = 0.266
k2,22.7 = k2,20 (1.024 22.7−20 ) = 0.38 × 1.066 = 0.41
The ultimate BOD (Lc0) can be calculated using the following equation:
− kc ,20 × 5
BOD5 = Lc 0 − Lc 0 .e
BOD5 11.54 (9.39)
Lc 0 = −k ×5 = = 16.88 mg / L
1 − e c ,20 1 − e −0.23×5
As the DO saturation (Os) at 22.7°C is 8.7 mg/L, the initial DO deficit (Do) can be
computed as follows:
Now we have all the information we need to calculate the time to the critical point
and maximum DO deficit. Using Eqs. (9.33) and (9.34), it can be written that:
This critical condition occurs at the following distance downstream of the discharge
By the same method, oxygen deficits at 20, 50, 75, 100, and 120 km downstream
of the point of discharge can be calculated as follows:
x (m)
t (day) =
86, 400 × v ⎛ ⎞
⎝ s⎠
t20 = 2.315 day t50 = 5.787 day
t75 = 8.680 day t100 = 11.57 day
t120 = 13.88 day
Water Quality Management 393
DO saturation
DO (mg/L)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance x(km)
The DO deficit at these times are calculated using Eq. (9.33) as follows:
D20 = 5.51 mg / L
D50 = 3.96 mg / L D75 = 2.29 mg / L
D100 = 1.21 mg / L D120 = 0.7 mg / L
The dissolved oxygen concentrations at these points are also computed as:
The Streeter–Phelps equation can be used for water quality modeling of streams
having several reaches with different flows, reaeration and bio-oxidation parameters,
and pollutants discharged from point sources. A typical section of river is presented
in Figure 9.6. For an important inflow and withdrawal or where sections of river
have different velocities and reaeration coefficients, a separate reach is considered.
Each reach is indexed by i and each discharge by j. Each discharge can have an
associated withdrawal that changes the stream flow. Each reach has three important
points. The first point (ti,0), located downstream of discharge point j, is the first
boundary condition of reach i. The next important point in each reach is the critical
point (ti,c) having the greatest oxygen deficit or minimum oxygen concentration. The
third important point is located just before the next discharge point. The pollutant
394 Water Resources Systems Analysis
concentration is calculated at points ti,0 and ti,e to evaluate dilution effects at the
discharge points. The pollutant concentration at critical point ti,c is compared with
the water quality standard to determine whether any water quality standards are
being violated.
Assume that Qi is the flow rate in reach i (m3/sec), qj-out is the withdrawal flow
rate at point j (m3/sec), and qj-in is the discharged flow rate of discharge point j. It
should be noted that in this section only the CBOD is considered; therefore, notation
L is used instead of Lc. For BOD pollutants and considering complete mixing at
discharge points, we have:
Qi −1 − q j ,out q j ,in
Li,0 = . Li −1,e + lj (9.40)
Qi Qi
Qi −1 − q j ,out q j ,in
Di,0 = . Di −1,e + dj (9.41)
Qi Qi
Li,s and Di,s are the BOD concentration and DO deficit, respectively, at point
s in reach i.
lj is the BOD concentration of discharge j (mg/l).
dj is the DO deficit of discharge j (mg/l).
− kci .ti ,s
Li,s = Li,0 × e (9.42)
Di,s =
kci . Li,0
k2 i − kci
( − k ⋅t −k t
)− k ⋅t
. e ci i ,s − e 2 i i ,s + Di,0 .e 2 i i ,s (9.43)
Water Quality Management 395
The critical DO deficit in reach i can be derived from Eqs. (9.31) and (9.32) as
kci − k ⋅t
Di,c = ⋅ Li,0 ⋅ e ci i ,c (9.44)
k2 i
The time t at each point can be calculated based on the distance the pollutant
has traveled divided by the velocity (t = x/v), where x is the distance traveled and v
is the average streamflow velocity. Therefore, when considering the average velocity
in each reach, Eqs. (9.42) and (9.43) are simplified to linear equations and can easily
provide dissolved oxygen and BOD concentrations at each point of the stream.
annual cost ($)
FIGURE 9.7 Annual costs of treatment vs. treatment efficiency. (From ReVelle, C. and
McGarity, A. E., Design and Operation of Civil and Environmental Engineering Systems,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1997. With permission.)
convex and concave sections. By assuming that the treatment efficiency is greater
than the primary treatment efficiency, the cost function can be changed to convex
form by linearly extending the secondary treatment section to the origin (dashed
line in Figure 9.7). The linear programming technique can also be used; for this
purpose, piecewise linear approximation of the cost function should be used. The
total cost of wastewater treatment can be written as follows (ReVelle and McGarity,
Total Cost = ∑ (c
j =1
j0 + c j1 . x j1 + c j 2 . x j 2 + c j 3 . x j 3 ) (9.45)
where m is the number of treatment plants; cj0 is the intercept of the convex
approximation with the cost axis ($/year); cj1, cj2, and cj3 are the slopes of the linear
approximation for the secondary, first tertiary, and second tertiary treatment seg-
ments, respectively ($/year/efficiency fraction); xj1, xj2, and xj3 are the efficiency
segments in the secondary, first tertiary, and second tertiary treatment segments,
respectively; and xj = xj1 + xj2 + xj3.
In general, Eq. (9.45) can be written as:
m Pj
Z= ∑ (c + ∑ c . x
j =1
k =1
jk jk ) (9.46)
Water Quality Management 397
where Pj is the number of linear segments that are required to present the treatment
cost function. The relationship between l uj and lj, the BOD concentration in untreated
and treated wastewater discharge j, respectively, can by presented as:
l uj − l j
xj = j = 1,..., m (9.47)
l uj
where l uj and lj are expressed in mg/L, and xj is the efficiency of BOD removal. As
described before, the BOD concentration and oxygen deficit at the end of each reach
can be expressed as:
Using the average velocity of stream flow, the ti,e can be calculated; therefore, ρii,e ,
αii,e , and βii,e are constants for discharger j = i into reach i. The DO deficit at point
s in each reach i can be estimated as:
In order to estimate where the critical points are, each reach i is divided into ni
segments; the DO deficits are calculated at the end of each segment using the flow
travel times ti,s (i = 1, …, m; s = 1, …, ni) and the parameters α i,s and βi,s . The DO
deficit is limited to maximum allowable deficit at each reach i (Di,max). The number
of segments at each reach (ni) can be calculated based on the reach length and
characteristics of the oxygen sag curve. Following is the complete linear formulation
for DO and BOD concentration control in streams using treatment cost minimization
as the objective function (ReVelle and McGarity, 1997):
n Pj
Minimize z= ∑∑c
j =1 k =1
jk x jk (9.51)
Subject to:
+ l =1 j = 1, 2,..., m (9.52)
k =1
l uj j
0 ≤ x jk ≤ ( η jk − η j ,k −1 ) k = 2, 3,..., Pj
j = 1, 2,..., m
lj ≥ 0 j = 1, 2,..., m (9.61)
Minimize Z= ∑ C (x )
j =1
j j (9.63)
Subject to: ∑a
j =1
i, j x j ≥ bi i = 1, 2,..., n (9.64)
Example 9.8
Many small communities and some small industries are located on a river. In a
stretch of the river two major polluters are located: Industry A at river mile 310 and
City B at river mile 302 with some industries. For this example, it can be assumed
that the water quality of the river is important from river mile 310 to river mile 275
and is particularly important at river mile 294, where a lot of swimming and boating
take place. The requirement at river mile 294 is that the dissolved oxygen concen-
tration should be equal to or exceed 5 mg/L. At other points between river miles
310 and 275, the dissolved oxygen concentration must be not less than 4 mg/L. Both
Industry A and City B already have some treatment facilities, so their treatment
efficiencies already exceed 30% (i.e., x1, x3 ≥ .30). In addition, due to the nature of
the wastes and current treatment practices, it would be impossible to achieve greater
than 95% efficiencies (i.e., x1, x3 ≤ .95). River C is a small tributary and has no
treatment plant associated with it (x2 = 0).
The data provided in Table 9.10 are from laboratory analyses of water just below
river miles 310, 307, and 302. The water samples were enclosed in airtight bottles,
and the BOD5 concentrations of the water samples were measured every 3 hours.
The water was collected on a summer day when the streamflows were equal to the
7-day, 10-year low flow; the water temperature was kept at 20°C during the analysis.
The flow rate at river mile 310.1 (upstream of Industry A discharger) was measured
as 3 (m3/sec). The results are presented in Table 9.10.
400 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 9.10
Results of Measurement of BOD5 Concentrations (Example 9.8)
Time (hr) At Mile 309.9 (mg/l) At Mile 306.9 (mg/l) At Mile 301.9 (mg/l)
TABLE 9.11
Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of River and Wastewater
Reach or Streamflow Discharge Influent Influent Average Stream
Discharge Velocity Rate BOD5 DO Depth
Point (m/day) (m3/sec) (mg/L) (mg/L) (m)
1. For each reach of the river, estimate the value of the bio-oxidation rate
constant (kc) from the data provided. Some field measurements were made
last summer during what was considered to be the 7-day, 10-year low
flow for this river. The collected data are presented in Table 9.11.
2. For each reach of the river, estimate the value of the reaeration rate
constant (k2) using the Langbein–Duram formula.
The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of wastewater discharge
points are given in Table 9.11 and will be assumed to be constant in the
remainder of this example. Last summer, the data in Table 9.12 were
collected at the same time as the data of Table 9.11. The treatment effi-
ciencies of both Industry A and City B were 50%. The actual BOD5
concentration in the treated effluents of Industry A and City B were 510
mg/l and 105 mg/l, respectively. The water temperature was 27°C through-
out the river, and the DO saturation concentration was 8.0 mg/l.
3. Use the values of kc and k2 determined in parts 1 and 2 and the
Streeter–Phelps equation to simulate the BOD and DO for river miles 301
to 280. Be sure to adjust the values of kc and k2 for changes in temperature
(the temperature coefficient, θ, is considered to be 1.047 and 1.016 for kc
and k2, respectively). You should find that, between river miles 310 and
302, the estimated BOD and DO values closely match the data of
Water Quality Management 401
TABLE 9.12
BOD and DO Concentration (mg/l) along the River (Example 9.8)
(Computed (Computed
River BOD5 BOD5 with DO DO with
Mile (Measured) (Computed) Correction) (Measured) (Computed) Correction)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Table 9.12. Between river miles 301 and 280, the simulated BOD and DO
should vary significantly from the data presented in Table 9.12.
4. Assume that the value of kc for river miles 301 to 275 equals the value
found in part 2. Estimate a new value of k2 for river miles 301 to 275 that
reproduces the BOD and DO data of Table 9.12.
5. By solution of a linear program, find the minimum percentage removal for
Industry A and City B (i.e., the treatment efficiencies of both polluters are
equal) that ensures a DO concentration of at least 4 mg/L along the river.
1. The bio-oxidation rate constant for each station can be calculated using
Eq. (9.32) as follows:
⎛ L ⎞
− ln⎜ c ⎟
L ⎝ Lc 0 ⎠
Lc = Lc 0 × e − kc .t , c = e − kc .t , and kc =
Lco t
402 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 9.13
Values of –ln(Lc /Lc0) for Stations
Time (hr) Mile 309.9 (mg/L) Mile 306.9 (mg/L) Mile 301.9 (mg/L)
0 — — —
3 0.0226 0.0267 0.0242
6 0.0537 0.0541 0.0491
9 0.0776 0.0728 0.0746
12 0.1020 0.1015 0.1007
15 0.1272 0.1211 0.1276
18 0.1529 0.1512 0.1482
21 0.1793 0.1719 0.1764
24 0.1974 0.2036 0.1980
The values of –ln(Lc/Lc0) are presented in Table 9.13. If we draw the value
of –ln(Lc/Lc0) vs. t, the slope of this line will give the value of kc. Using
this method, the value of kc and the regression coefficient are calculated
for each station as follows:
The values of the regression coefficients (near 1) show that the values of
kc are acceptable.
2. The values of k2, in different reaches using Eq. (9.38), can be calculated as:
2.2208 × 16062.96
Reach 1: k2 = 4 = 0.626
86400(0.732) 3
Reach 2: k2 = 0.626
Reach 3: k2 = 0.713
Reach 1:
kc,27 = 0.2023(1.047)( 27−20 ) = 0.2790
Reach 2:
kc,27 = 0.2761 and k2,27 = 0.7
Reach 3:
kc,27 = 0.2756 and k2,27 = 0.797
(3 × 7) + (0.0566 × 8)
DOmix = = 7.019 mg / L
(3 × 4) + (0.0566 × 510)
BODmix = = 13.36 mg / L
( )
Cs = Os 1 − e − k2ts + Doe − k2ts (
kc Lc 0 − kcts
k2 − kc
e − e − k2ts )
0.279 × 13.36 ⎞
Cs = 8 1 − e −0.7 ts
) + 7.019e −0.7 ts
⎝ 0.7 − 0.279 ⎠ (
× e −0.279ts − e −0.7ts )
404 Water Resources Systems Analysis
At river mile 309.9, ts = 0.01 day and the BOD and DO concentrations are:
(e −0.279× 0.01
− e −0.7×0.01 = 6.99 mg / L
Minimize z = x1
Minimize z = x3
TABLE 9.14
BOD and DO Concentrations at River Checkpoints (Example 9.8)
River Travel Time from DO Concentration BOD Concentration
Mile River Mile 310.0 (mg/L) (mg/L)
10 BOD
9 DO
BOD, DO (mg/lit)
275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310
Distance (mile)
FIGURE 9.8 Dissolved oxygen and BOD concentrations along the river (Example 9.8).
Minimize Z = MV (9.67)
Subject to: ∑ W (1 − R )a
j j ij + BGi + Ui − Vi = Os,i − DOi (9.68)
Rj − ∑x k
jk = Rjmin j = 1, 2,..., m (9.69)
m Pj
∑ ∑ c .x
j =1 k
jk jk ≤B (9.70)
0 ≤ x jk ≤ η j ,k − η j ,k −1 j = 1, 2,..., m (9.72)
MV − Vi ≥ 0 ∀i (9.73)
Water Quality Management 407
The violation depends on the treatment efficiency at the sources and the transfer
coefficients and background dissolved oxygen deficits. Equation (9.68) defines the
violation of the DO standard at location i, Eq. (9.70) constrains the amount of money
required for treatment to be less than the budgeted amount, and Eq. (9.73) states
that the maximum violation is equal to or greater than each of the violations. Deterministic Dynamic Programming Model for
Water Quality Management
One of the important advantages of dynamic programming for water quality man-
agement is that it permits the use of more realistic water quality simulation models.
In contrast to many water quality simulation models, linearity is inherent in the
Streeter–Phelps equation. In this section, a deterministic dynamic programming is
presented that minimizes the total treatment cost such that water quality standards
are met at boundaries. The recursive function of this model is:
where v is treatment cost; r k′ is the treatment cost of control option k′; and s* is the
resultant water quality state in stage n – 1 if control option k′ is applied in stage n.
Water quality state s at stage n is mapped onto water quality state s* at stage
n – 1 by control action k through the transition function T as follows:
s ∗ = T (s, k )
408 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 9.9 River reaches and dischargers. (From Fujiwara, O., Puangmaha, W., and
Hanaki, K., ASCE J. Environ. Eng., 114(4), 1988. With permission.)
The objective function of the dynamic programming model minimizes the overall
cost of all feasible control actions (Cardwell and Ellis, 1993):
The feasible control set K consists of all control options k that give acceptable water
quality at the end of the reach:
K = [ k s* ≥ S ] (9.76)
where S is the standard level of water quality variable. One of the problems of
deterministic dynamic programming models is that, when a water quality standard
must be attained (i.e., treated as an inviolate lower bound), control actions that
implicitly or explicitly create transitions to an unacceptable downstream state are
declared not feasible (Cardwell and Ellis, 1993).
Streamwater quality management is complex because the rivers and streams are
polluted from multiple sources, and water quality depends on uncertain streamflow
conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to use optimization models that incorporate
both uncertainty and complex characteristics of the pollution problem. Stochastic
optimization, in which streamflow and/or wastewater flow rate and also various river
parameters are assumed to be random variables, have been formulated by many
researchers (e.g., Lohani and Thanh, 1978; Cardwell and Ellis, 1993; Takyi and
Lence, 1999). In this section, an optimization model with an ability to reflect
important uncertainties of streamwater quality problems is demonstrated. This
model, which was developed by Fujiwara et al. (1988), optimizes wastewater treat-
ment efficiencies at source points and considers various random parameters of the
Water Quality Management 409
⎡⎛ ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ⎞
⎢⎜ k ⎟ ⎥ ⎜ ⎟
⎢⎜ aij ⎟ ⎥ ⎜ dij ⎟
Dij = ∑ ⎢⎜ i b
⎟ k
(1 − x )
k ⎥ +
⎜ i ⎟
k =1 ⎢⎜
⎢⎝ ∑ql ⎟
⎣ l =0 ⎠
⎥ ⎜
⎥ ⎝
⎦ l =0
ql ⎟
The objective function of the model that minimizes the weighted sum of DO
deficits can be written as follows:
⎧ ⎡⎛ ⎞ ⎤ ⎫
⎪ i ⎢⎜ k ⎟ ⎥ ⎪
⎪ dij ⎪
⎢⎜ aij ⎟ ⎥
Minimize ∑∑ ∑ wij ⎨ ⎢⎜ i b (1 − xk )⎥ + i
⎟ k ⎬ (9.78)
i =1 j =1 ⎪ k =1
⎣ l =0
ql ⎟
⎥ ∑
⎦ l =0 ⎭
ql ⎪
where n is total number of pollutant sources and wij are the relative weights of Dij.
Equation (9.78) can be rewritten by dropping the terms that are independent of
the decision variables (xk):
Maximize ∑a b x
k =1
k k k (9.79)
410 Water Resources Systems Analysis
⎛ ⎞
n mi
wij aijk
ak = ∑∑
i=k j =1
⎜ q + q +⋯+ q ⎟
⎝ 0 1 k⎠
For a piecewise linear BOD removal cost function, the optimization model has the
following linear form:
Maximize gT x (9.81)
x≥0 (9.83)
Minimize hT λ (9.84)
λ≥0 (9.86)
where λis the vector of dual variables. Equation 9.85 can be replaced by the chance
constraint to develop a stochastic optimization model, as follows:
⎡ m
Pr ⎢
∑b λ
i =1
ij i ≥ gi ⎥ ≥ e j
for j = 1, 2,..., n (9.87)
which have the deterministic equivalent as follows (for more details, see Chapter 3):
∑ b .λ ≥ u
i =1
ij i j j = 1, 2,…, n (9.88)
Water Quality Management 411
where ej is the probability of exceeding (ej = Pr[gj ≤ uj]), and uj is the ejth quantile
of gj. Therefore, the random vector g is replaced by a quantile vector u of g.
Taking the dual problem of this modified LP, deterministic model proposed by
Burn and McBean (1985) and Fujiwara (1988) is derived as:
Maximize z=u x= T
∑u xk =1
k k (9.89)
xk − ∑x i
k = xkl ∀k (9.91)
4. Determine Yi where i is the first i for which i > mek. Therefore, Yi is the
ekth quintile of akbk.
5. For Z1 = Yi, replicate the above procedure N times to determine (Z2, …,
6. Calculate the mean and variance of sample Zi:
∑Zj =1
ZN = (9.94)
∑ (Z )
j − ZN
j =1
SN2 = (9.95)
( N − 1)
δ( N , α )
RP = (9.96)
where δ(N, α), which is half the length of the 100(1 – α)% confidence
interval of the expected value of Zj, is:
⎛ S2 ⎞
δ( N , α ) = t α .⎜ N N ⎟ (9.97)
N −1,1 −
⎝ ⎠
Epilimnion (warm,
Thermocline acrobic, well mixed)
Hypolimnion (cool,
poorly mixed,
(poorly defined)
FIGURE 9.10 Stratification of a lake during (a) summer and (b) winter.
withdrawal from reservoirs can be managed in this way to supply water that satisfies
water quantity and quality requirements.
Most lakes and reservoirs in the tropical areas are stratified during the summer and
overturn in autumn, but in cold regions reservoirs can undergo winter stratification
and spring overturn. Heat transfer changes the temperature at the water surface and
depends on a number of factors, including air temperature, wind, humidity, and the
magnitude of solar radiation. During the summer, warm water has less density and
remains near the surface. The upper layer, which is nearly mixed by wind and other
forces (the epilimnion), floats on the lower layer (the hypolimnion), which is cooler
and poorly mixed. Figure 9.10a shows the hypolimnion and epilimnion layers in
summer and winter. As shown in this figure, the boundary of these two layers is
called thermocline, which has a high temperature and density gradient.
In the fall, as the surface layer becomes cool and winter storms arrive, the surface
water that is denser than the hypolimnion sinks and the lake or reservoir experiences
a fall turnover. During the turnover, the lake is isothermal from top to bottom. The
turnover process stops when the temperature reaches 4°C, because water has the
highest density at this condition. If the temperature of the surface water decreases,
the winter stratification will occur as shown in Figure 9.10b. A spring turnover occurs
when the water warms and becomes isothermal and well mixed again.
Vertical stratification affects the chemical and biological characteristics of water
in the lakes and reservoirs. The thermocline restricts the diffusion of dissolved
substances; therefore, the hypolimnion and the atmosphere do not contact, and
414 Water Resources Systems Analysis
dissolved oxygen may become depleted in the hypolimnion. This condition can result
in the production of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and the release of methane from iron-
bound phosphorous of sediments, which can dramatically change the biological
environment. Eutrophication
Eutrophication is a significant factor of lakes and reservoirs that can change their
ecological conditions. The introduction and cycling of nutrients can make lakes and
reservoirs more productive and nutrient rich. High levels of nutrients, large popula-
tions of phytoplanktons (algae), and low transparency are characteristics of eutrophic
lakes. Eutrophication time depends on the size of the lake or reservoir and the rate
and characteristics of introduced nutrients. In highly eutrophic lakes, blue–green
algae can result in undesirable odors and tastes and may change the appearance of
the water. In deep and stratified lakes, algal production in the epilimnion can result
in oxygen depletion and anaerobic conditions in the hypolimnion. Nitrogen and
phosphorus are the main factors contributing to algal growth and lake eutrophication.
Therefore, a major concern of water quality management in lakes and reservoirs is
to limit the introduction of nutrients and to slow the entrophication rate, which is
commonly accomplished by limiting phosphorus. HEC-5Q
The HEC-5Q is a simulation model for flood control and conservation systems. It
has useful abilities to accept user-specified water quality and quantity objectives and
to operate the network of reservoirs. The decision criteria are programmed to con-
sider flood control, hydropower, instream flow (municipal, industrial, and irrigation
water supply, and fish habitat needs), and water quality requirements (Willey et al.,
1996). The first version of HEC-5Q was presented in 1979 as a modified version of
HEC-5 model to evaluate reservoir operation for water quality control in large
reservoir systems. The sixth phase of development of this model (1992) added the
capability of simulating new qualitative parameters such as chemicals adsorbed onto
organic and inorganic particles.
Deep reservoirs are conceptually modeled as a series of one-dimensional hori-
zontal layers. Each layer is characterized by a surface area, thickness, and volume,
such as those shown in Figure 9.11. Within each layer, the water is considered
completely mixed, and only the vertical gradient is retained during the water quality
Water Quality Management 415
Vertical advection
& effective diffusion
Volume Element
FIGURE 9.11 Geometric representation of stratified reservoir and mass transport mecha-
nism. (From U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, HEC5: Appendix on Water Quality Analysis,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C., 1986.)
FIGURE 9.12 Geometric representation of stream system and mass transport mechanism.
(From U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, HEC5: Appendix on Water Quality Analysis, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C., 1986.)
streamflow rates at control points using one of the several programmed hydrologic
routing methods. The water quality simulation module can simulate temperature and
selected conservative and nonconservative constituents that might be included in
planning studies. This module computes the vertical distribution of temperature and
other water quality parameters in the reservoir and downstream control points.
HEC-5Q can select the gate opening of the selective withdrawal structure to
satisfy the water quality limits at downstream checkpoints. The water quality module
has three modes:
1. Calibration mode
2. Annual simulation mode
3. Long-term simulation mode
In the calibration mode, decay rates and dispersion coefficients are determined
based on the historical flows and water quality monitoring data. The annual simu-
lation mode is executed on a daily basis and can evaluate the effects of reservoir
operation on water quality of reservoir and downstream reaches. The time steps of
the long-term simulation mode are longer (generally 30 days) and can show the
effects of reservoir operation on water quality over a long-term planning horizon
(e.g., more than 10 years). In the calibration and annual simulation modes, the time
interval must be one day, and simulations are limited to periods contained in one
calendar year (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1986).
It is assumed that each outlet has two openings, and the outflow of one of them
should satisfy the quantitative downstream demands while the second one releases
the extra water for scouring and flashing the reservoir. The following equations
address the releases, scour volumes and salinity during the time period j (j = 1, 2,
…, N) (Nandalal and Bogardi, 1994):
Rel j = ∑ rel
i =1
i, j (9.98)
Sco j = ∑ sco
i =1
i, j (9.99)
i =1
i, j .reli, j
Crel , j = n (9.100)
∑ rel
i =1
i, j
i =1
i, j .scoi, j
Cscour , j = n (9.101)
∑ i =1
scoi, j
418 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Satisfying the downstream water quality requirements and avoiding salinity buildup
in the reservoir are the main qualitative objectives of reservoir operation, and the
qualitative objective function can be written as:
N ⎡ ⎛C − C ⎞2 ⎛ Cscour , j − Cˆ trg, j ⎞ ⎤
Minimize Z= ∑ ⎢W rel , j
⎢ 1 ⎜⎝ Ctrg, j
trg , j
⎟ + W2 ⎜
⎠ ⎝ C ˆ ⎟ ⎥⎥
⎠ ⎦
j =1
⎣ trg , j
In the above nonlinear optimization model, the inflows during each time interval are
neglected. The nonlinear optimization model can result in several different local
optima of possible sets of releases from outlets. Some of these solutions that give
the least objective function should be selected for further investigation. A reservoir
water quality simulation (e.g., HEC-5Q) can be used to compare these potential sets
of selective withdrawals to select the best release policy.
Identification of conflict issues and engaged agencies, defining their utility functions
for different objectives, and defining the relative authority of agencies are the key
steps for defining the required information for conflict resolution models.
The application of Nash bargaining theory (NBT) and multiple-criteria decision-
making (MCDM) methods to conflict resolution of water resources has been pre-
sented in previous chapters. These methods can help to provide a better understand-
ing of the mechanisms of cooperation and the roots of and reasons for conflict and
its resolution in various political and social settings. They also can promote a better
understanding of the issues, and help stakeholders more fully comprehend the
potential consequences of their preferences and choices. This chapter presents
another example of the application of the Nash conflict resolution method to illustrate
the conflict issues and their resolution in water quality management problems.
Example 9.9
1 Domestic
0 20 40 60 80 100
Allocated water (cms)
40 m3/sec, and the return flows of domestic and industrial sectors are 20% of the
allocated water. The travel time in reaches 1 and 2 is assumed to be 8 and 4 hours,
respectively. The BOD5 concentration of headwater, domestic, and industrial return
flows are 1, 30, and 50 mg/L, respectively. The BOD5 concentration of the river at
the entrance point of the lake should be less than 10 mg/L, the BOD5 decay rate is
0.15, and the initial volume of the lake is 30 million m3. The utility functions for
agencies allocating water to different sectors are presented in Figures 9.15 and 9.16.
Solution: The nonsymmetric Nash solution of this problem is the unique optimal
solution of the following problem:
Maximize ∏( f − d )
i =1
i i
This objective function should be maximized taking into consideration the con-
straints of river water quality. The BOD5 decay can be considered using Eq. (9.32).
Results of the model, with and without the water quality constraint, are presented
in Table 9.15. The relative weights of agencies that are related to agricultural,
domestic, industrial, and recreational demands are assumed to be 0.047, 0.465, 0.023,
and 0.465, respectively, and their disagreement points are 0.0, 0.9, 0.9, and 0.0,
respectively. Considering that the environmental constraint and the inflow equal to
40, the BOD constraint cannot be met, and, therefore, we cannot find any conflict
resolution until a hard environmental constraint is considered. Increases in upstream
river discharges can greatly change the water allocated to the various sectors. Results
of the conflict resolution model for river discharge of 50 m3/sec are also presented
in Table 9.15.
TABLE 9.15
Water Allocation Based on the Conflict Resolution Method
With Without Without
Environmental Environmental Environmental
Constraint Constraint Constraint
Demands (Inflow = 50) (Inflow = 40) (Inflow = 50)
1 To ensure that surface and subsurface waste disposal have minimal impact
on the groundwater environment.
2 To optimize the waste treatment capacity of the subsurface system.
This section discusses the main groundwater pollutant sources and contaminant
transport in groundwater systems. Groundwater quality management models are
described in the last section of this chapter.
TABLE 9.16
Sources of Groundwater Quality Degradation
Groundwater Quality Problems that Originate in the Ground above the Water Table
Septic tanks, cesspools, and privies
Holding ponds and lagoons
Sanitary landfills
Waste disposal in excavations
Leakage from underground storage tanks
Leakage from underground pipelines
Artificial recharge
Groundwater Quality Problems that Originate in the Ground below the Water Table
Waste disposal in well excavations
Drainage wells and canals
Well disposal of wastes
Underground storage
Exploratory wells
Groundwater development
Source: EPA, Protection of Public Water Supplies from Ground-Water Contamination, Center for Envi-
ronmental Research Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
content per unit volume of water in groundwater, and md is defined as the mass of
solids per unit volume of space; ms and md are related to each other as ηms = md,
where η is the soil porosity.
The Reynolds transport equation for the dissolved pollutant concentration (cd)
in a mass control can be written as follows (Sincero and Sincero, 1996):
For conservative substances
η ⎛ ∂cd ∂c ∂c ⎞
+ ⎜u +υ d +ω d⎟ (9.109)
1 + fcp K sc md η ⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂z ⎠
+ kηcd + (kcsp md = kcd fcp K sc md ) − G = 0
In Eqs. (9.108) and (9.109), kcspmd represents the decay of substance sorbed onto
solids. The other variables have been defined in Section 9.1.3 of this chapter.
The piezometric head h in groundwater can be calculated using Laplace
where sc is the storage coefficient. Then, u, ν, and ω can be computed using Darcy’s
K xx ⎛ ∂h ⎞
u= ⎜ ⎟ (9.111)
η ⎝ ∂x ⎠
K yy ⎛ ∂h ⎞
υ= ⎜ ⎟ (9.112)
η ⎝ ∂y ⎠
K zz ⎛ ∂h ⎞
ω= ⎜ ⎟ (9.113)
η ⎝ ∂z ⎠
where Kxx, Kyy, and Kzz are the soil hydraulic conductivities in the x, y, and z directions,
respectively. Some useful equations that can be used to estimate Ksc are as follows
(Sincero and Sincero, 1996):
T n
Maximize Z = ∑ ∑ w . f (Q , Q , h , C , C )
t =1 l =1
l l
r i
t t
r (9.114)
p =1
p ≥ Dt ∀t (9.115)
Groundwater recharge
∑Q ≥ W
r =1
∀t (9.117)
where hiMin and hiMax are the minimum and maximum head levels, respectively, at
control points i (m).
Groundwater quality affecting water supply quality and resulting in clogging
where C pMax and CrMax are the maximum mass concentration in the pumped and
injected water (mg/m3).
The head and groundwater quality response equation can be derived from qual-
itative and quantitative groundwater simulation models. They can have a typical
form as follows:
428 Water Resources Systems Analysis
hit = fi Qpt , Qrt , hit −1 ) ∀t, i, p, r (9.123)
Cit = gi Qpt , Qrt , Crt , Cit −1 ) ∀t, i, p, r (9.124)
When nonlinear Eqs. (9.114), (9.123), and (9.124) or groundwater quality and
quantity simulation models are used, the discrete dynamic programming method can
be used effectively to determine operational policies and the conflict resolution for
groundwater quality management. A simple example of the application of Nash’s
bargaining theory has been presented in Chapter 7.
9.1 If the BOD5 of wastewater discharge by an industry is 300 mg/L and the
ultimate BOD is 380 mg/L, what is the constant rate of decay? If the
temperature increases to 25°C, calculate the new constant rate and ultimate
9.2 Evaluate the water quality of a river that has the following characteristics
and comment on supplying agricultural and domestic demands from this
9.3 Select seven sampling stations to monitor a river basin that has the fol-
lowing stream network shown here.
9.5 In Example 9.5, select the sampling frequency of each station using the
weighting factors based on the historical means.
9.6 The statistical characteristics of total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations
in five sampling stations on a river are as follows:
1 10.0 7.8
2 11.0 3.2
3 8.0 4.5
4 9.5 2.5
5 10.1 7.0
(a) Determine the annual sampling frequencies for the stations when
the width of the confidence interval of the mean at each station at
the 95% confidence level is 3 mg/L.
(b) Allocate 100 samples per year to each station for a 90% confidence
9.7 A treatment plant plans to discharge 20,000 m3/day partially treated waste-
water into a river. Calculate the maximum BOD5 concentration that can
be discharged into the stream and the partially treated wastewater have
the following characteristics:
River flow is 5 m3/sec.
Stream temperature is 18°C.
Background BOD and DO are 2.5 and 8.4 mg/L, respectively.
Average river velocity after mixing is 0.30m/sec.
kc = 0.4 and k2 = 2.1 at 20°C, which is the effluent temperature.
Minimum allowable DO = 5 mg/L.
9.8 Repeat Example 9.8 considering the following items:
(a) Treatment efficiencies of Industry A and City B treatment plants
can be unequal, but they have the same treatment cost.
(b) Treatment efficiencies of Industry A and City B treatment plants
can be unequal, but the treatment cost in Industry A is 1.5 times the
treatment cost for City B’s treatment plant.
9.9 Consider a river with two point sources. Consider two reaches of lengths
20 km and 30 km and 26 checkpoints at 2-km intervals on this river (see
Figure 9.9). The flow rates in a dry season have the following character-
istics: The main stream flow at upstream of point source 1, qo (m3/sec),
is assumed to be log-normally distributed and the kth wastewater flow
rate, qk (m3/sec), is considered to be a function of qo, as follows:
q k = fq ( qo ) + ε k
TABLE 9.17
Streamflow Characteristics
Variables Unit Mean Deviation Lower Limit Upper Limit
TABLE 9.18
Physical Parameters of the River
Parameters Unit Value
Width (reach 1) m 65
Width (reach 2) m 65
n1 −
1 2.5 × 10–2
m 3s
n2 −
1 2.5 × 10–2
m 3s
S1 — 2.0 × 10–4
S2 — 2.0 × 10–4
Water Quality Management 431
TABLE 9.19
Cumulative Treatment Cost Data
Monthly Cumulative BOD Removal Cost (Unit)
BOD Removal Range (%) Treatment Plant 1 Treatment Plant 2
TABLE 9.20
Monte Carlo Simulation Data
Variable Value
m 300
No (minimum number of iterations) 40
α 0.10
β 0.15
e1 0.9
e2 0.9
TABLE 9.21
Functional Relationship for Discharge Flows,
Reaeration Constant, and Flow Travel Time
Variable Value
q1 f1 (q0) = 0.26 q0 + ε1
q2 f2 (q0) = 0.12 q0 + ε2
k21 33.22(q0 + q1 ) –0.7
k22 34.87(q0 + q1 + q2) –0.7
t1j 9.62 × 10 –2 s1j (q0 + q1 ) –0.4
t2j 9.62 × 10 –2 s2j (q0 + q1 + q2) –0.4
Summary of EPA’s National Primary Drinking Water Standards
(Maximum Contaminant Level Goals [MCLG], Maximum Contaminant
Levels [MCL])
Contaminant (mg/l) (mg/l)
Antimony 0.006 0.006
Asbestos (>10 µm) 7 MFLa 7 MFLa
Barium 2 2
Beryllium 0.004 0.004
Cadmium 0.005 0.005
Chromium (total) 0.1 0.1
Copper 1.3 TTb
Cyanide 0.2 0.2
Fluoride 4 4
Lead 0 TTb
Mercury (inorganic) 0.002 0.002
Nitrate 10 10
Nitrite 1 1
Selenium 0.05 0.05
Thallium 0.0005 0.002
Coliform and surface water treatment
Giardia lambia 0 detected TT b
Legionella 0 detected TT b
Standard plate count N/A TT b
Total coliform 0 detected —c
Turbidity N/A TT b
Viruses 0 detected TT b
Radium 226 + radium 228 0 5 pCi/l
Gross alpha particle activity 0 15 pCi/l
Beta particle + photon radioactivity 0 4 mrem/yr
a MFL = million fibers per liter.
b TT = treatment techniques in lieu of a numerical standard.
c No more than 5% of the samples can be total coliform positive.
Source: Corbitt, R. A., Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990. With permission.
434 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Selected Guidelines for Assessing the Suitability of Water for Irrigation
Degree of Restriction of Use
Slight to
Potential Problem Variablesa Unitsb None Moderate Severe
Source: Tchobanoglous, G. and Schroeder, E. D., Water Quality: Characteristics, Modeling, and
Modification, Addison–Wesley, Reading, MA, 1985. With permission.
Water Quality Management 435
Quantity Discharge , Water Level,
Small Volume in a Body of Water
Examples Temperature, PH, Turbidity, BOD, DO, Cations
Anions, Conductivity, Chlorides, Radioactivity
Example 1 Radioactivity-Producing Variables:
Strontium, Cesium, Tritium, etc.
Turbidity-Producing Variables:
Example 2 Suspended Matter, Colloids, Biota Groups,
Dissolved Minerals, etc.
Specific Compounds
Or Species Producing Most Detailed Classification Fourth Level
Effects in Aggregation of Quality Variables Variables
Minerals Affecting Turbidity:
Examples Iron Oxides, Mangenese
Compounds, Alumina, etc.
FIGURE 9.A1 A hierarchical ranking of water quantity and water quality random variables
for the purpose of procuring information on water quality processes. (From Sanders, T. G.,
Ward, R. C., Loftis, J. C., Steele, T. D., Ardin, D. D., and Yevjevich, V., Design of Networks
for Monitoring Water Quality, Water Resources Publications, Littleton, CO, 1987. With
436 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Surface Water Quality Models: Basic Information
Source: Mays, L. W., Water Resources Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996. With permission.
Water Quality Management 437
Surface Water Quality Models: Variables and Processes
Processes Model
Source: Mays, L. W., Water Resources Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996. With permission.
438 Water Resources Systems Analysis
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Water Quality Management 439
McKee, J. E., The need for water quality criteria, in Proc. of a Conf. on the Physiological
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10 Hydroelectric Systems
At the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June of 1992, various countries presented their plans
for sustainable development, and most of these plans had energy sustainability as
the nucleus of other activities. Definitions of sustainable development depend upon
the subject matter, but the definition we will use here is “development by using
renewable natural resources in a manner that does not eliminate or degrade them or
otherwise diminish their ‘renewable’ usefulness for future generations…” (Kar-
amouz, 1993).
Among all of the energy production methods, electricity, the most environmen-
tally sound energy production method, has been given greater attention in recent
years. Development of hydropower electricity generation, which has high efficiency
(compared to thermal and hydrothermal units) and contributes negligible pollution
to the environment, is a major attribute to the sustainable development.
Electric energy production is estimated to account for about 10% of the world’s
energy production (World Resources Institute, 1998), and hydropower electricity
production contributes about 20% of that total (Mays, 1996). Table 10.1 shows the
variability of electric energy production throughout the world. Europe, with electric
energy production of 15.1%, has the highest ranking among all continents.
The published figures of electric energy production show that in developed
countries, hydropower electric energy production accounts for about 3% of total
energy production, whereas in oil importing and exporting developing countries,
hydropower electricity production has been about 4.2 and 0.5% of total energy
production, respectively. This chapter presents the concerns of water resources
engineers regarding the design and operation of hydroelectric power plants and the
framework of long-term and short-term operation optimization models.
Gross head (H) is the difference in elevation between the water surface in at
the intake and the tailwater surface.
Net head (Hn) is the head available for energy production after deducting
hydraulic losses.
442 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 10.1
Total Energy and Electric Energy Production
Commercial Energy Primary Electricity Percent of Primary
Productiona Productionb Electricity
Region (peta-joulesc ) (peta-joules) (%)
nuclear, wind, tidal, wave, solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric power sources.
c 1 peta-joule = 10 joules.
eh = H (10.1)
et = etur × eg × eh
P( kW ) =
( ) ( )
e ⋅ γ N m 3 ⋅ Q m3 s ⋅ Hn (m )
∫ P ⋅ t =∫ e ⋅ γ ⋅ Q(t) ⋅ H(t) ⋅ dt
t (10.3)
where E is the electrical output of the power plant (kWh) and et is the
overall efficiency of the power generation. As can be seen in this equation,
increasing head H(t) and discharge Q(t) through turbines increases the
energy production. If the head and discharge are measured in N discrete
time intervals, the energy production can be estimated as follows:
E= ∑ e ⋅ γ ⋅ Q(t) ⋅ H(t)
t =1
t (10.4)
where Q(t ) and H (t ) are the average head and discharge through turbine
in discrete time interval t.
Load is the demand for electricity which can be expressed in terms of energy
demand (average power demand) or capacity demand (peak power
demand). It can also be defined as the sequence of instantaneous power
levels over a period that a power system must meet.
Load factor is the ratio of average power demand to peak power demand for
a specific period that can be computed on a daily, weekly, monthly, or
annual basis.
Firm or primary power is the electric energy that should be made available
to a customer to meet any or all of the agreed-upon portion of that
customer’s load requirements. For hydropower plants, it usually can be
estimated based on the energy output of the plant in the most critical period
(low flow) of the historical records.
Secondary power is all power available in excess of firm power.
Plant factor is the ratio of the average load on a plant for a particular time
period to its installed capacity.
Base load is the minimum load of a power system in a specific period of time.
Peak load is the maximum load in a specific period; the peaking portion of
the load is usually defined as the load that occurs at the peak demand hours,
which is about 8 hours a day.
Intermediate load is that portion of the load between the base load and the
peaking portion of the load.
• Interms of capacity
• Microhydro
• Macrohydro
• Interms of head
• Low head — usually operated under heads of less than 20 m
• Medium head — usually operated under heads between 20 and 30 m
• High head — usually operated under heads of more than 30 m
• Interms of layout and operative mode
• Run-of-river —very limited storage capacity; head varies with discharge
• Storage — reservoir sufficient to provide seasonal regulation for car-
ryover storage from the wet seasons to the dry seasons to increase
energy generation in the dry season
• Pumped storage — designed to convert low-value, off-peak energy to
high-value, on-peak energy; water is pumped at off-peak hours from
the tailwater pool to the headwater pool for energy generation in peak
Basic elements of a hydropower plant are as follows (see Figure 10.1) (Mays, 1996):
• The reservoir creates the necessary head that will provide the energy
required for driving turbines.
• The intake structure directs water from the reservoir into the penstock or
conduit. Gates or valves are used to control water discharge to the power
plant. Racks or screens are also used to prevent trash or debris from
entering the turbines.
• The conduit conveys water from the intake structure to the powerhouse.
• The power plant includes the turbines, generators, control, and auxiliary
Energy loss in
Energy Line penstock
the dam provides the required head. The efficiency of power generation in the power
plant shown in Figure 10.1 depends upon:
• Plant efficiency
• Volumetric water flow through the turbine
• Net hydraulic head of water across the turbine
• Type of turbine
Relevant data about the physical characteristics of power plants can be summa-
rized as follows:
• Installed capacity, which represents the upper limit of power that can be
generated by the plant
• Plant factor, which represents the peak and firm energy production of the
• Maximum and minimum discharge
• Head range that the plant operation is satisfactory
• Turbine characteristics, including shape of efficiency curve and minimum
Head losses due to friction in the intake structures and penstock should also be taken
into account in order to determine the net head of the system. The relation between
net head and head losses can be written as follows:
Hn = H − H f − 2g (10.5)
where Hf represents the friction losses in the trash-rack, intake structure, and pen-
stock; Ve2 /2g is the velocity at the draft tube exit.
FIGURE 10.3 Typical daily and weekly load curves for an electric power system. (From
Lindsley et al., 1992.)
or operation management. Figure 10.3 shows typical daily and weekly load curves.
As can be seen in this figure, the demand for electricity varies from a minimum in
the early hours of the morning to peak loads in the late morning or early evening.
Two samples of weekly summer and winter loads for the southeastern United States
are shown in Figure 10.4, where the load shape in summer has a closer correlation
with air temperature which makes it easier to predict load fluctuations.
Power system operators usually divide the load into three segments (Mays,
448 Water Resources Systems Analysis
System load (GW)
20 Load
System load (GW)
FIGURE 10.4 Sample of weekly loads for a utility located in the southeastern United States.
(From Gulliver, J. S. and Arndt, R. E. A., Hydropower Engineering Handbook, McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1991. With permission.)
Besides supplying the power loads, the system should have enough capacity to
supply the expected peak load plus additional capacity to take care of breakdowns
and necessary maintenance shutdowns which is usually defined in terms of reliability.
Reliability in a hydropower system refers to the adequacy and security of a system.
Adequacy relates to the existence of sufficient energy within the system to satisfy
the power loads or system operational constraints. Security refers to the ability of
the system to respond to disturbances within the system (Rangarajan et al., 1999).
Hydroelectric Systems Analysis 449
The flow–duration curve method is the better method for all preliminary or screening
studies. This method is also the best choice for high-head, run-of-river projects where
head is generally fixed or even for low-head projects where head varies with
discharge. For multipurpose storage projects, the SSR method is more appropriate
and also can be used for examining the feasibility of including power at new water
conservation or flood control projects. For peaking and pumped storage projects,
hourly SSR routings are required (American Society of Civil Engineers, 1989). These
methods are explained in the following sections.
with storage effect
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent of time equaled or exceeded
FIGURE 10.5 Typical flow–duration curve with and without storage effect.
450 Water Resources Systems Analysis
the percentage exceedance values, which show the percent of time that different
levels of streamflows are equaled or exceeded. To develop the flow–duration curves,
all of the daily flow data should be ranked according to discharge, not the sequence
in which they occurred. The use of daily data for development of flow–duration
curves is recommended (Gulliver and Arndt, 1991). The flow–duration curve can be
converted to a power–duration curve through application of the following power
ei ⋅ γ ⋅ Qi ⋅ Hi
Pi ( kW ) = (10.6)
Pi is the power production (in kW) when the turbine discharge is at exceed-
ance percentage i.
ei is the overall plant efficiency with turbine discharge equal to Qi and net
head equal to Hi.
Qi is the turbine discharge at percentage exceedance i (Q10, Q20, …); turbine
discharge is assumed to be equal to river discharge except when river
discharge exceeds turbine capacity or other constraints on turbine discharge
are encountered.
Hi is the net head available with river flow at exceedance percentage i.
Figure 10.6 shows the flow–duration and power–duration curves developed for St.
Cloud Dam (Gulliver and Arndt, 1991). The area under the power–duration curve
is the average annual energy production.
River discharge in 1000 ft3/s = 0.0283 m3/s
Generator output MW
FIGURE 10.6 Flow–duration curve at St. Cloud Dam. (From Gulliver, J. S. and Arndt, R. E. A.,
Hydropower Engineering Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991. With permission.)
Hydroelectric Systems Analysis 451
TABLE 10.2
Monthly Streamflow Data for Examples 10.1 and 10.2
Streamflow Data (m3/sec)
Month 1999 2000 2001
Example 10.1
Table 10.2 provides the monthly streamflow data for a gauging station for the years
1999 to 2001. Plot the flow–duration curve for this river.
Solution: To develop the flow–duration curve, the observed streamflows should
be arranged in descending magnitude, as shown in Table 10.3. The streamflows have
been equal to or exceeded 28 m3/sec. As can be seen in Table 10.3, the data are
ranked from 1 to 36. The probability of exceedence is then estimated by the following
Pei =
N +1
where i is the rank of the data and N is the total number of data (36 in this example).
The flow duration curve in Figure 10.7 shows the values in column 2 of Table 10.3
vs. the values in column 3 of this table.
Example 10.2
A run-of-river power plant is proposed at the site for which the monthly flow data
are presented in Table 10.2. The head available at the site is about 10 m and plant
efficiency is about 70%. Assume that the turbine discharge capacity is 500 m3/sec.
Plot the power–duration curve and find the firm energy that is expected with 90%
probability of exceedance.
Solution: Using Eq. (10.6), the power–duration curve can be estimated. For
example, the power output of the proposed plant for a flow of 419 m3/sec, as in June
1999, can be determined as follows:
452 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 10.3
Monthly Streamflow Data in Descending Order of Magnitude
for Example 10.1
Rank Sorted Streamflows Probability of Exceedance
1 1968 0.03
2 1965 0.05
3 1330 0.08
4 1308 0.11
5 1000 0.14
6 930 0.16
7 860 0.19
8 690 0.22
9 645 0.24
10 640 0.27
11 515 0.30
12 440 0.32
13 419 0.35
14 360 0.38
15 337 0.41
16 305 0.43
17 300 0.46
18 275 0.49
19 210 0.51
20 155 0.54
21 108 0.57
22 105 0.59
23 102 0.62
24 100 0.65
25 95 0.68
26 92 0.70
27 89 0.73
28 88 0.76
29 88 0.78
30 80 0.81
31 71 0.84
32 50 0.86
33 50 0.89
34 40 0.92
35 32 0.95
36 28 0.97
Hydroelectric Systems Analysis 453
Discharge (cms)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Percent of time equaled or exceeded
The power generation in each of the months is estimated using the above relation
and shown in Table 10.4. It should be noted that in the months when the discharge
is higher than the maximum turbine discharge (500 m3/sec), the maximum power
generation can be estimated as:
Figure 10.8 shows the resulting power–duration curve. The minimum power gener-
ation has been 1922.8 kW. The firm energy with 90% reliability is then estimated
as 2967 kW using the numbers in Table 10.4.
Example 10.3
Assume that we are sizing the turbines in the proposed power plant for Example
10.2 to run full 30% of the time. Find the turbine design discharge.
Solution: The turbine design discharge can be found by taking the intercept of
the 30% exceedance ordinate on the flow–duration curve and moving horizontally
across to the river discharge abscissa at 515 m3/sec. This is the river discharge that
is met or exceeded 30% of the time and will be the turbine design discharge.
ΔS = I − O − L (10.7)
454 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 10.4
Monthly Power Generation (kW) Based on the Streamflow Data in
Table 10.3 (Example 10.1)
Sorted Probablity of Generation
Rank Streamflows Exceedance (kW)
1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942
FIGURE 10.9 Effect of storage on firm energy production of a hydropower plant. (From
American Society of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering Guidelines for Planning and Design-
ing Hydroelectric Developments, Vol. 1, Planning, Design of Dams, and Related Topics, and
Environmental, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1989. With permission.)
where I and O are inflow to and outflow from the reservoir; L represents the losses
due to evaporation, seepage, etc.; and ∆S is the change in reservoir storage. This
equation is applied sequentially to all historic records in order to obtain a continuous
record of project operation. Hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly data can be used
depending on the nature of the study and the type of data available (American Society
of Civil Engineers, 1989). Energy output can then be estimated by applying the
reservoir outflow values to the power equation, Eq. (10.2).
The SSR method can be used for maximizing firm energy production. In run-
of-river plants, the firm energy that can be produced is equal to the energy production
456 Water Resources Systems Analysis
in the most critical low-flow periods in the historical records. However, in storage
projects water can be stored in the high-flow periods in order to increase plant
discharge in low-flow periods. Figure 10.9 shows the effect of storage on firm energy
production of a typical storage power plant.
Example 10.4
Assume a reservoir with 8 billion m3 of storage is constructed at the site discussed
in Example 10.2. The firm yield of the reservoir is considered to be 400 m3/sec,
which is also equal to the discharge capacity of the turbine. Assume that the total
hydraulic losses are negligible. The storage-water elevation relation at the reservoir
site is given as follows:
h = 4 × ( S + 7)
where h is the water elevation in the reservoir (in meters) and S is the reservoir
storage (in billion cubic meters). Use the following relation for estimating the
tailwater elevation:
( )
hT = R + R s × 0.0009
where R and Rs are the regulated and spilled releases (in m3/sec), respectively, from
the reservoir, and hT is the tailwater head (in meters). Consider that the reservoir is
full at the beginning of the first month. Use the SSR method to estimate the expected
monthly power generation in the reservoir.
Solution: Table 10.5 shows the results of the SSR method. For example, examine
the data for the first month. The reservoir storage was assumed to be at full capacity,
or 8 billion m3. When taking into consideration the 400-m3/sec constant release and
105-m3/sec inflow to the reservoir, the reservoir storage at the end of this month can
be estimated as:
⎛ hrs ⎞
days ⎞ ⎛ mins ⎞ × 60⎛ secs ⎞
× 24⎜ ⎟ × 60⎝
⎝ mon ⎠ ⎝ day ⎠ hr ⎠ ⎝ min ⎠
Storage at the end of Jan. = 8 + (105 − 400) ×
10 9
= 7.21 Billion cubic meters
The elevation at the beginning and the end of January can be found as:
Jan. 8.00 60.00 105 281.23 400 1071.36 7.21 56.84 0.36 58.06 114,824.52
Feb. 7.21 56.84 108 270.60 400 1002.24 6.48 53.91 0.36 55.02 108,805.35
Mar. 6.48 53.91 645 1727.57 400 1071.36 7.13 56.54 0.36 54.87 108,507.01
Apr. 7.13 56.54 1000 2505.60 400 1002.24 637.80 0.25 8.00 60.00 0.36 57.91 114,525.73
May 8.00 60.00 1308 3503.35 400 1071.36 2431.99 908.00 8.00 60.00 1.18 58.82 116,333.62
Jun. 8.00 60.00 419 1086.05 400 1036.80 49.25 19.00 8.00 60.00 0.38 59.62 117,915.97
Jul. 8.00 60.00 89 238.38 400 1071.36 7.17 56.67 0.36 57.97 114,655.02
Aug. 7.17 56.67 28 75.00 400 1071.36 6.17 52.68 0.36 54.32 107,419.23
Sep. 6.17 52.68 32 82.94 400 1036.80 5.22 48.87 0.36 50.41 99,705.34
Oct. 5.22 48.87 40 107.14 400 1071.36 4.25 45.01 0.36 46.58 92,118.59
Nov. 4.25 45.01 80 207.36 400 1036.80 3.42 41.69 0.36 42.99 85,023.94
Dec. 3.42 41.69 210 562.46 400 1071.36 2.91 39.66 0.36 40.31 79,730.30
Jan. 2.91 39.66 440 1178.50 400 1071.36 3.02 40.09 0.36 39.51 78,141.18
Feb. 3.02 40.09 275 689.04 400 1002.24 2.71 38.83 0.36 39.10 77,326.12
Mar. 2.71 38.83 337 902.62 400 1071.36 2.54 38.16 0.36 38.14 75,419.86
Apr. 2.54 38.16 515 1290.38 400 1002.24 2.83 39.31 0.36 38.37 75,892.15
May 2.83 39.31 1968 5271.09 400 1071.36 7.03 56.11 0.36 47.35 93,643.46
Results of the SSR Method in Example 10.4
Begin. Ending Ending water Net
Storage Elev. Inflow Release (controlled) Release (Spilled) Stor. Elev. Elev. Head Energy
Month (109 m3) (m) (cms) (MCM) (cms) (MCM) (cms) (MCM) (109 m3) (m) (m) (m) (MWh)
Jun. 7.03 56.11 1965 5093.28 400 1036.80 3083.79 1189.73 8.00 60.00 1.43 56.62 111,984.78
Jul. 8.00 60.00 360 964.22 400 1071.36 7.89 59.57 0.36 59.43 117,526.02
Aug. 7.89 59.57 71 190.17 400 1071.36 7.01 56.05 0.36 57.45 113,616.79
Sep. 7.01 56.05 50 129.60 400 1036.80 6.10 52.42 0.36 53.87 106,543.00
Oct. 6.10 52.42 95 254.45 400 1071.36 5.29 49.15 0.36 50.42 99,723.46
Nov. 5.29 49.15 100 259.20 400 1036.80 4.51 46.04 0.36 47.24 93,416.54
Dec. 4.51 46.04 88 235.70 400 1071.36 3.67 42.70 0.36 44.01 87,035.46
Jan. 3.67 42.70 102 273.20 400 1071.36 2.88 39.50 0.36 40.74 80,573.04
Feb. 2.88 39.50 860 2154.82 400 1002.24 4.03 44.11 0.36 41.45 81,974.89
TABLE 10.6
Rule Curve Policy for Reservoir Operation for Example 10.5
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
St a 5 6 7 8 8 7 6 5 6 6 6 6
a St is the reservoir storage at the beginning of month t (109 m3).
The average water elevation in the reservoir is (60 + 56.84)/2 = 58.42 m. The tailwater
elevation in this month can be found as:
Therefore, the net head in this month would be 58.42 – 0.36 = 58.06 m. The power
generation in this month can then be estimated as:
Example 10.5
In Example 10.4, assume that the reservoir should be operated based on the rule
curve shown in Table 10.6. Assume also that the maximum turbine discharge is 700
m3/sec. Determine the monthly power generation of the reservoir.
Solution: Table 10.7 shows the results of the SSR method. For example, examine
the first month. The reservoir storage was 5 billion m3 at the beginning of the month.
Based on the rule curve policy, the reservoir storage at the end of January should
be 6 billion m3. The inflow volume in this month is 281 million m3, and the storage
at the end of this month is estimated to be 5000 + 281 = 5281 million m3. Therefore,
the release is set to 0 for this month. The estimated monthly power generation values
for the rest of the operation period are shown in Table 10.7.
Begin. Total Release Ending Ending water Net
Storage Elev. Inflow Release (Controlled) Release (Spilled) Stor. Elev. Elev. Head Energy
Month (109 m3) (m) (cms) (MCM) (MCM) (cms) (MCM) (cms) (MCM) (109 m3) (m) (m) (m) (MWh)
Jan. 5.00 48.00 105 281.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.28 49.12 0.00 49.12 0
Feb. 5.28 49.12 108 270.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.55 50.21 0.00 50.21 0
Mar. 5.55 50.21 645 1727.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.28 57.12 0.00 57.12 0
Apr. 7.28 57.12 1000 2505.60 1785.00 688.66 1785.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 60.00 0.62 59.38 202,184
462 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Optimal Weekly
Optimal Mid-term Optimization
FIGURE 10.10 Flowchart comparing long-, mid-, and short-term operation optimization
models for a hydropower reservoir.
Firm energy can be increased in storage power plants because the streamflows stored
in high-flow season can be discharged in dry seasons at a rate higher than the normal
flow rates in those seasons (see Figure 10.9). To optimize hydropower reservoir
operations, maximizing the firm and/or average annual energy can be considered as
the objective function. Hydropower storage projects are usually multipurpose (see
Chapter 8 for discussion on various objectives of reservoir operation). Considering
the variety of these objectives and the temporal variation of power loads, a time
decomposition approach is necessary for hydropower reservoirs (see Figure 10.10).
In the flowchart shown in Figure 10.10, the higher level policies impose constraints
on the lower time sequence models (Yeh et al., 1992). As seen in this figure,
optimization of the hydropower reservoirs operation consists of four steps:
Hydropower units often operate as a part of a larger system. Even though perfor-
mance of a reservoir in supplying water demands might affect only local users
downstream of the reservoir, the power generation of a hydropower plant might have
more far-reaching effects on the power network of the region. In the following
sections, the bases of the long-term and short-term planning and real-time operation
models for multipurpose hydropower storage projects are discussed.
Hydroelectric Systems Analysis 463
With respect to supplying instream flows, a conflict arises between the water supply
objectives and maintaining enough head in the reservoirs for efficient power gener-
ation. A general formulation of a long-term planning model can be summarized as
Pt = f Rtp , Et ) (t = 1,…, n) (10.10)
Et = g( St ) (t = 1,…, n) (10.11)
As seen in Eq. (10.8), the objective function of the monthly optimization model
consists of two parts. The first part represents operation losses based on the water
supply objectives. The second part of the objective function represents losses asso-
ciated with power generation and is usually estimated based on a comparison
between the generated power and power load of the system or a target power
generation defined by system operators and decision makers. Transmission losses
should also be taken into account. A suitable way of considering transmission losses
in preliminary studies is to incorporate them into a plant efficiency factor (Yeh et
al., 1992).
Example 10.6
For the first year of the data given in Example 10.4, consider that a reservoir supplies
the domestic demands of a city located downstream of the reservoir. It also supplies
part of the energy demands of the city. Formulate an optimization model to determine
the optimal releases for only the first year of data. Use the following loss functions
to estimate the losses associated with shortages in supplying water demands and
energy loads:
⎧⎪1.56 × DW − R )
if DtW > Rt
loss = ⎨
t t
⎩⎪0 otherwise
losst2 = ⎨
⎧⎪7.35 × DtL − Pt ) if DtL > Pt
⎩⎪0 otherwise
where losst1 and losst2 are losses associated with water supply and energy generation
objectives, respectively. DtW and DtL are water and energy demands (expressed in
m3/sec and MWh, respectively). Rt and Pt are water release and power generation,
respectively, in month t.
Solution: The objective function is to minimize the losses:
S9 = S8 + 75 − R8
S10 = S9 + 82.94 − R9
S11 = S10 + 107.14 − R10
S12 = S11 + 207.36 − R11
S13 = S12 + 562.44 − R12
S1 = 8000
Si ≤ 8000 ∀i
Si , Ri ≥ 0
medium value, and the last two classes (k = 4, 5) would have a very low value (firm
generation). Therefore, the main objective of the short-term optimization model
could be defined to maximize the peak power generation of the plant considering
the optimal policies obtained from the mid-term optimization model as a constraint.
The objective function of this model can be defined as:
5 720
Maximize ∑∑ P
k =1 t =1
k ,t × Vk (10.16)
where Vk is the value of power and Pk,t is the power generation of the power plant
in class k.
where Pt,i is the power generated by unit i in time interval t and Pi cap is
the power generation capacity of unit i.
Hydroelectric Systems Analysis 467
24 NU
R =
∑∑ R
t =1 i =1
t ,i (10.18)
where Rtos is the optimal daily release obtained from the short-term opti-
mization model, NU is the number of units in the hydropower plant, and
Rt,i is the hourly release from unit i in time t.
• System security requirements should be satisfied:
i =1
t ,i ≤ Pt max (t = 1,…, 24) (10.19)
24 NU
∑∑ P
t =1 i =1
t ,i
Etotal = 24 NU (10.21)
∑∑ R E
t =1 i =1
t ,i t ,i
hydrothermal coordination problem can be classified into two categories (Wood and
Wollenberg, 1996):
to run the thermal generators, can be considered as the objective function of this
For this purpose, thermal plant cost functions, also called lambda (λ) curves,
can be used. Figure 10.12 shows the typical lambda curve for the southeastern United
States (Georgakakos et al., 1997). This curve shows that at higher system loads, the
production cost of an additional unit of energy is higher. Therefore, hydropower
plants should be scheduled to replace the more expensive thermal generation with
hydrogeneration. Figure 10.13 shows the typical weekly system generation require-
ment and hydrothermal coordination for supplying power loads. For example, for
an hourly interval k, the lambda curve can be approximated by:
λ = aL + b (10.22)
where a and b are constant coefficients and L is the power load. As shown in Figure
10.14, the cost savings can be estimated as follows:
CSk =
k ] [ ]
+ b + a Lk − Pk + b
Pk =
−a 2
[ ]
P + aLk + b Pk (10.23)
2 2 k
where Pk is the displaced power generation by hydropower units and CSk is the cost
savings for hourly time interval k. This approximation is based on assuming the λ
curve is linear within specific intervals.
Specific constraints for optimization of hydrothermal systems should be consid-
ered. Among the different constraints for operation of thermal units, constraints for
the maximum allowable change in power generation of these systems within short
time intervals (e.g., hourly intervals) are the most common:
Tk − Tk −1 ≤ ΔT
Tk −1 − Tk ≤ δT
Tk ≤ Tmax (10.25)
where ΔT and δT are the maximum allowable increase and decrease, respectively,
in the thermal unit output at hourly time intervals; Tk is the power generation of a
thermal unit at hour k; and Tmax is the maximum capacity of the thermal unit. If
λk(Tk) represents the costs of a thermal unit operating at power level Tk in time
interval k, the objective function of the hydrothermal coordination problem in a
scheduled horizon including M intervals can be written as:
Minimize C = ∑ n λ (T )
k =1
k k k (10.26)
470 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 10.12 Typical lambda curve. (From Georgakakos, A. P. et al., ASCE J. Water
Resources Planning Manage., 123(1), 30–38, 1997. With permission.)
System capacity required
12 Hydro generation
10 Residual
Hydro load duration curve
FIGURE 10.13 Typical weekly
system generation requirement 2
and hydrothermal coordination.
(From Gulliver, J. S. and Arndt,
R. E. A., Hydropower Engineering 0
0 40 80 120 160
Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1991. With permission.) Hours
Hydroelectric Systems Analysis 471
λ =aL+b
where nk is the length of interval k in the schedule horizon. The total power load in
the kth interval is:
Lk = Pk + Tk − Pkl (10.27)
where Pkl is the electric loss between the hydroplant and the load and can be estimated
as a function of hydropower generation:
Pkl = h( Pk ) (10.28)
h( Pk ) − Pk + ( Lk − Tk ) = 0 (10.29)
Assuming that the hydrogeneration is a function of water discharge rate, the water
discharge rate in interval k can be estimated as a function of (Lk – Tk):
QK = ∑ n g( L
k =1
k k − Tk ) (10.30)
where QK is the total water discharge in schedule horizon M (Wong and Wong,
1994). It should be mentioned that in the above formulation, the transmission losses
are estimated only for hydropower generation. In more sophisticated formulations,
the transmission losses are considered for both hydro and thermal units (see Yeh et
al., 1992 for more details).
472 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Example 10.7
Suppose you want to optimize the energy-scheduling problem in a system for which
the hydroelectric component is the primary source. Use the following notation to
formulate the hydrothermal coordination problem:
Solution: It is desired to supply the entire amount of load from the hydroplant
in such a way that the cost of the thermal plant is minimized. The objective function
is to minimize the total cost within the planning horizon, which can be written as:
Minimize Ctot = ∑ λ (T ) ⋅ i
m =1
m m
Subject to: ∑
m =1
Tmim − ∑
m =1
Lmim + ∑P i
m =1
m m =0 (10.31)
This constraint shows that the total power generation in the thermal and hydro plants
should supply the total load of the system. It should be noted that all physical
constraints related to power generation capacity of hydro and thermal plants should
also be incorporated and are not presented here.
Example 10.8
In Example 10.7, the cost of power generation in thermal plants can be estimated
using the following relation:
Use the Lagrange function to find the optimal rate of power generation in the thermal
units, assuming that the optimal rate of power generation in the thermal plant (T*)
is constant for the entire period it is operating (Wood and Wollenberg, 1996).
Hydroelectric Systems Analysis 473
⎛ MT M M
L= ∑
m =1
λ(Tm ) ⋅ im + α⎜ −
⎝ m=1
Tm im + ∑ ∑ m =1
Lm im − ∑ P i ⎟⎠
m =1
m m
∂L dλ(Tm )
= −α = 0 for m = 1, …, M
∂Tm dTm
dλ(Tm )
=α for m = 1, …, M
This means that the thermal plant should be run at a constant incremental cost for
the entire period it is on. Considering the constant rate of power generation in thermal
plants, it can be written as:
Ctot = ∑m =1
( )
λ T * ⋅ im = λ T * ( )∑ i
m =1
m ( )
= λ T * ⋅ MT
Considering the cost function for the thermal plant (Eq. (10.32)), it can be written
Ctot = aT ∗2 + bT ∗ + c ⋅ MT )
Using Eq. (10.31), it can be written:
T ∗ MT − ∑m =1
Lm im + ∑P i
m =1
m m =0
∑ Lm im − ∑P i m m
Ctot = aT( ∗2
+ bT + c ⋅∗
) m =1
m =1
474 Water Resources Systems Analysis
c ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
∑ ∑ P i ⎟⎠ = 0
dCtot ⎛
= a − ⋅ ⎜ L i −
dT * ⎝ T ∗2 ⎠ ⎝ m=1 m m m =1
m m
T∗ = c / a
The optimal rate of power generation of the thermal plant is estimated to be c/a .
• Keeping enough head in reservoirs for power generation with high effi-
ciency is in conflict with
• Supplying water demands, especially in dry seasons
• Keeping flood control storage
• Improving the water quality in the reservoir
• Water and energy demands do not follow the same pattern; therefore,
optimal scheduling of water release from the reservoir for these purposes
might vary.
The first step for formulating the conflict resolution problem should be recognizing
the main conflict issues for all the relevant organizations. For example, consider a
river–reservoir system that supplies the following demands:
Utility 0.8
Pa Pb Pc Pd
Power generation (MWh)
sectors. Analysts can also define a set of relative weights based on the authority of
the various agencies to make decisions regarding water allocation.
The final step is to formulate the conflict resolution problem. For this purpose,
different methods can be used, as briefly explained in Chapter 2. The steps that
should be taken for conflict resolution in hydropower systems modeling can be
summarized as follows:
Example 10.9
Consider a reservoir that supplies water to the following demand points:
A run-of-river power plant is also located on the river downstream of the water
diversion for the above demand points. The head available at the site of this power
plant is 10 m and plant efficiency is about 60%. The following agencies are affected
by decisions made to release water from the reservoir:
The main objective is to meet the water and energy demands of these agencies.
The Department of Water Supply has a twofold role — namely, to allocate water to
different purposes as well as supply water for domestic purposes (DD). The irrigation
demand (RD), industrial demand (ID), and energy demand (ED) should also be
accounted for. Decision makers in these agencies are asked to set their most favorable
ranges of water allocation and energy production by assigning either a 1 (most
favorable) or a 0 (least favorable); see Figures 10.16 to 10.19. Analysts set the
following weights on the relative importance of water demands within the political
climate of that region:
Agricultural: 0.19
Domestic: 0.38
Industrial: 0.19
Energy: 0.24
Hydroelectric Systems Analysis 477
120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Volume (million cubic meters)
FIGURE 10.16 Utility function for water allocation for the domestic demand defined by
Agency 1.
FIGURE 10.17 Utility function for water allocation for the agricultural demand defined by
Agency 2.
50 70 90 110 130 150 170
FIGURE 10.18 Utility function for water allocation for the industrial demand defined by
Agency 3.
478 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 10.19 Utility function for the power generation defined by Agency 4.
Average annual inflow to the reservoir is estimated to be 1400 million m3. Find the
most appropriate water allocation scheme for a normal year and a year with the
projected inflow of 1000 million m3.
Solution: The discharge required for generating the range of power defined by
Agency 4 (see Figure 10.19) can be estimated as follows:
⎧0 Q = 980, 000
(0.6 × 9.81 × 10 × 24 × 365) = 1.9 m sec = 60 million m / month
3 3
⎪1 Q = 1, 140, 000
(0.6 × 9.81 × 10 × 24 × 365) = 2.21 m sec = 70 million m / month
3 3
Utility = ⎨
⎪1 Q = 1, 635, 000
(0.6 × 9.81 × 10 × 24 × 365) = 3.17 m sec = 100 million m / month
3 3
Q = 2, 125, 000
(0.6 × 9.81 × 10 × 24 × 365) = 4.12 m sec = 130 million m / month
3 3
Maximize ∏( f − d )
i =1
i i
TABLE 10.8
Results of Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Nash Solutions for Example 10.9
Nonsymmetric Solution Symmetric Solution
(million m3) (million m3)
Inflow = Inflow = Inflow = Inflow =
1000 1400 1000 1400
by an independent party to be at minimum about 110, 960, and 150 million m3 and
1830 kWh for domestic, agricultural, industrial, and energy demands, respectively.
In dry years (inflow = 1000 million m3), domestic and agricultural demands are not
supplied according to either solution; however, based on the symmetric solution, the
energy demands have been supplied. In normal years, all demands have been supplied
in both scenarios.
10.1 Monthly streamflow data for a gauging station are presented in the fol-
lowing table. Plot the flow–duration curve for this river.
January 10 44 10
February 12 28 86
March 64 37 64
April 105 55 60
May 138 198 130
June 45 195 93
July 10 36 16
August 3 7 9
September 3 5 5
October 4 10 9
November 8 10 35
December 20 9 30
10.2 In Problem 10.1, a run-off river power plant is proposed at the site. The
head available at the site is 50 m and plant efficiency is about 75%.
Determine the expected firm energy at this plant.
10.3 In Problem 10.2, find the turbine design discharge if the turbines should
run full 40% of the time.
480 Water Resources Systems Analysis
10.4 Assume that a reservoir with storage of 800 million m3 storage is built at
the site explained in Problem 10.2. Firm release from the reservoir is
considered to be 35 m3/sec, which is also the turbine discharge capacity.
The storage–water elevation relation at the reservoir site is given in the
following table:
Elevation Storage
(m) (million m3)
10 100
20 350
30 550
40 700
50 800
Assume that the reservoir storage at the beginning of the first month is
750 million m3. Use the SSR method to estimated the expected monthly
power generation in the reservoir.
10.5 In Problem 10.4, assume the reservoir should be operated based on the
following rule curve. Find the monthly power generation of the reservoir
and the firm energy.
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Eta 25 30 40 50 50 40 30 40 40 40 40 40
a Et is the reservoir elevation at the beginning of month t (m).
10.6 For the system explained in Problem 10.4, consider that reservoir supplies
irrigation demands of agricultural lands downstream of the reservoir as
shown in the following table:
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
IDta 0 0 5 20 30 60 50 30 10 0 0 0
a IDt is the irrigation demand in month t (106 m3).
⎧⎪1.56 × DW − R )
if DtW > Rt
loss = ⎨
t t
⎪⎩0 otherwise
losst2 = ⎨
⎧⎪7.35 × DtL − Pt ) if DtL > Pt
⎪⎩0 otherwise
where losst1 and losst2 are losses associated with water supply and power
generation objectives, respectively. DtW and DtL are water and energy
demands (in m3/sec and MWh, respectively). Rt and Pt are water release
and power generation, respectively, in month t.
10.7 In Problem 10.6, use the water and energy prices to formulate the opti-
mization problem. Discuss the proper form of the objective function.
American Society of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering Guidelines for Planning and Design-
ing Hydroelectric Developments, Vol. 1, Planning, Design of Dams, and Related
Topics, and Environmental, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, 1989.
Creager, W. P. and Justin, J. D., Hydropower Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1950.
Georgakakos, A. P., Yao, H., and Yu, Y., Control Model for Hydroelectric Energy-Value
Optimization, ASCE J. Water Resources Planning Manage., 123(1), 30–38, 1997.
Gulliver, J. S. and Arndt, R. E. A., Hydropower Engineering Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1991.
Karamouz, M., Energy and resource sustainability in developing countries, in Proc. of the
First Annual Conf. on Technological Advancement in Developing Countries, Colum-
bia University, New York, 1993.
Karamouz, M., Zahraie, B., Araghi-Nejad, Sh., A decision support system for monthly oper-
ating of hydropower reservoirs: A case study, ASCE J. Computing Civil Eng., 2003
Linsley, R. K., Franzini, J. B., Freyberg, D. L., and Tchobanoglous, G., Water Resources
Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992.
Mays, L. W., Water Resources Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.
Rangarajan, S., Surminski, H., and Simonovic, S. P., Reliability-based loss functions applied
to Manitoba hydro energy generation system, ASCE J. Water Resources Planning
Manage., 125(1), 34–40, 1999.
Wong, K. P. and Wong, Y. W., Short-term hydrothermal scheduling. Part 1: Simulated anneal-
ing approach, IEE Proc. Gener. Transm. Distrib., 141(5), 497–501, 1994.
Wood, A. J. and Wollenberg, B. F., Power Generation, Operation, and Control, John-Wiley
& Sons, New York, 1996.
World Resources Institute, World Resources: A Guide to the Global Environment: Toward
Sustainable Development, a joint publication by the World Resources Institute, The
United Nations Environment Programme, The United Nations Development Pro-
gramme, and The World Bank, Oxford University Press, London, 1992.
482 Water Resources Systems Analysis
World Resources Institute, World Resources 1998–99, a joint publication by the World
Resources Institute, The United Nations Environment Programme, The United
Nations Development Programme, and The World Bank, Oxford University Press,
London, 1998.
Yeh, W. W.-G. and Becker, L., Economic optimization of hydrothermal power systems oper-
ation, in UERG Energy Science and Technology Report, UER-114, University of
California, Berkeley, CA, 1983.
Yeh, W. W.-G., Becker, L., Hua, S.-Q., Wen, D.-P., and Liu, J.-M., Optimization of real-time
hydrothermal system operation, ASCE J. Water Resources Planning Manage., 118(6),
636–653, 1992.
Yi, J., Labadie, W., and Stitt, S., Optimal unit commitment scheduling in hydropower systems,
in Proc. of ASCE International Conference of WaterPower ’97, 1997.
11 Water Demand Analysis
and Management
Water required for various purposes may come from groundwater or surface
resources such as lakes, reservoirs, and rivers. It is called untreated or raw water
and is usually transferred to a treatment plant. The degree of treatment depends on
the raw water quality and the purpose for which that water will be used. Different
water quality standards for domestic, industrial, and agricultural purposes are pre-
sented in Chapter 9. After treatment, the water usually enters a water distribution
network. Details of the facilities required for water distribution are presented later
in this chapter.
Providing an adequate water supply and sanitation to rapidly growing urban
populations and developing agricultural and industrial activities is becoming increas-
ingly difficult for different states throughout the world. The predominant approach
to supplying these increasing water demands has been supply augmentation schemes.
But, in many developed or developing countries, the costs of developing new sources
or expanding existing sources are growing and becoming more physically and
economically infeasible. The real costs of water per cubic meter in second- and
third-generation projects in some cities have doubled between the first and the second
project and then doubled again between the second and third (Bhatia and Falken-
mark, 1993).
In recent years, more consideration has been given to saving water rather than
developing new sources of water. In many countries, this approach has been accepted
from both an economic and environmental point of view as being the best solution
for meeting growing water demands. Therefore, water demand management is an
appropriate strategy for improving efficiency and the sustainable use of water
resources, taking into account economic, social, and environmental considerations
(Wegelin-Schuringa, 2002).
The ability to manage existing water resources and then to plan for developing
new water resources is directly tied to the ability to describe both present and future
water use. The main objective of water demand management is to improve the
efficiency and equity of water use and sanitation services. For this purpose, various
instruments have been developed that can be generally classified into the following
The efficiency of each of these instruments depends greatly on local conditions. This
chapter presents various aspects of managing water demands for domestic, industrial,
and agricultural purposes.
TABLE 11.1
Definitions of Water Use Terms
Term Definition
Consumptive use The part of water withdrawn that is evaporated, transpirated, incorporated
into products or crops, consumed by humans or livestock, or otherwise
removed from the immediate water environment
Conveyance loss The quantity of water that is lost in transit from a pipe, canal, conduit, or
ditch by leakage or evaporation
Delivery and release The amount of water delivered to the point of use and the amount released
after use
Instream use Water that is used but not withdrawn from a ground- or surface-water source
for such purposes as hydroelectric-power generation, navigation, water
quality improvement, fish propagation, and recreation
Offstream use Water withdrawn or derived from a ground- or surface-water source for public
water supply, industry, irrigation, livestock, thermoelectric-power
generation, and other uses
Public supply Water withdrawn by public or private water suppliers and delivered to users
Return flow The water that reaches a ground- or surface-water source after release from
the point of use and thus becomes available for further use
Reclaimed wastewater Wastewater treatment plant effluent that has been diverted for beneficial use
before it reaches a natural waterway or aquifer
Self-supplied water Water withdrawn from a surface or groundwater source by a user rather than
being obtained from a public supply
Withdrawal Water removed from the ground or delivered from a surface–water source for
offstream use
Source: Mays, L. W., Ed., Water Resources Handbook, , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996. With permission.
Water Demand Analysis and Management 485
use, a use is made of a body of water without withdrawing water from it. Onsite
water use refers to maintaining swamps and wetlands for wildlife habitats and
ditching and ponding for soil management. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
definitions for ten water use accounts are given in Table 11.1. In the water-use
circulars prepared by the USGS, the following water uses are identified within the
overall water accounting system (Solley et al., 1993):
Water use can also be classified as offstream use and instream use. Different
water demands resulting from offstream uses can be classified as:
These uses require withdrawal of water from the surface or groundwater resource
system. Part of the water withdrawn may return to the system, perhaps at another
location and time with different quality. The percent of return flows is an important
factor in evaluating water use efficiency. It should also be considered in water
resources management schemes. Table 11.2 shows a more detailed classification of
water demands. As shown in this table, water use can be classified as municipal,
agricultural, industrial, environmental, or infrastructure (public work).
Water demand changes from year to year and month to month. Many physical,
economic, social, and political factors account for these variations. Significant cli-
mate changes have been observed in recent years in many parts of the world,
producing more intense floods, greater precipitation, and even unusual droughts in
some regions. Prediction of the demand variations in the future is the main objective
in water demand forecasting, which is discussed in the next section of this chapter.
486 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 11.2
Detailed Classification of Water Uses
Use-Type Rate of
Water Demand Purpose Classification Classification Consumption
methods, social preferences, and public policies with respect to water use and devel-
opment (Mays and Tung, 1992); otherwise, the forecasts would be of limited value
to decision makers. The growing number of conflicts among water users is another
important factor that should be incorporated in long-term water demand forecasting.
Because land, water, and other natural resources have region-specific character-
istics, the response of industrial and agricultural activities to development policies
would be expected to vary within and between regions. The following items indicate
some of the main differences encountered among regions corresponding to the
development of natural resources:
Water demand forecasts should reflect these regional characteristics. High water
effluent standards and water prices may cause shifts in population. Within a long-
term planning horizon, they may shift water demands from one region to another.
In contrast, programs that support agricultural development (such as price-support
programs) may encourage populations to move to regions offering more job oppor-
tunities. Water demand predictions based on simple extrapolation of current trends
may lead to serious errors. The following data and information are necessary for
forecasting the regional water demand over a long-term lead time:
The water demand projections can be made without incorporating the water supply,
at least at the first step. But, because these projections are likely to be revised if the
costs of water are taken into account, a projection of demand must be accompanied
by information about the supply curve of water for each planning region (see
Chapter 4 for more information about the supply curve). Some of the water supply
issues are presented in the following section.
488 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Among the unconventional water supply methods, desalination is the most widely
used. Seawater has a salinity of about 35,000 mg/l which is primarily composed of
sodium chloride. Desalination of seawater in coastal areas or brackish water in inland
areas is technically feasible, but it is expensive. The cost of desalination of seawater
ranges from $.80 to $3/m3 (Bouwer, 1994). In addition to a high rate of energy
consumption, a major problem at inland desalination plants is the disposal of rejected
brine. Evaporation ponds, injection in deep wells, and transfer to the ocean are
common methods that depend on the volume of rejected brine, site location, and
Water Demand Analysis and Management 489
Screen on
Manhole cover Foul flush top of
diverter downpipe
Outlet Overflow
Draining tank
Screened intake
Manhole cover
Storage cover
Bottom Screened
Drain sloped outlet
Screened overflow
Sand Delivery
Drainage sump
FIGURE 11.1 Examples of rainwater catchment systems. (From Falkland, A., Ed., Hydrology
and Water Resources of Small Islands: A Practice Guide, United Nations Educational, Sci-
entific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), New York, 1991.)
490 Water Resources Systems Analysis
geographical and climatic conditions. The following methods are used for removing
dissolved solids:
Among these methods, the first two are the most common processes for desaliniza-
tion of seawater. Electrodialysis is usually preferred for brackish groundwater.
the water is stored. For this purpose, the rock where the dam is to be constructed
should be relatively impermeable. Also, a suitable storage formation consisting of
coarse sediments should be situated over the impermeable base. Further information
on groundwater dams can be found in Nilsson (1988).
Addis Ababa
New York
San Salvador
Guatemala City
Rio de Janiro
countries. In rural areas, the distance between standpipes or the number of persons
served by a single tap or well are decisive factors controlling the level of demand.
Precise estimation of municipal water use can be obtained by breaking down the
total delivery of water to urban areas into a number of classes of water use and
determining separate average rates of water use for each class. This method is
referred to as disaggregate estimation of water use. Previous studies have shown
that water use within some homogenous sectors is less variable compared to the
total water use; therefore, greater accuracy in estimation of water use can be obtained.
The components of urban water usage can be classified as follows:
• Domestic
• Washing and cooking
• Toilet
• Bath and/or shower
• Laundry
• House cleaning
• Yard irrigation
• Swimming pool
• Car washing
• Other personal uses (hobbies, etc.)
• Public services
• Public swimming pools
• Governmental agencies and private firms
• Educational services (such as schools, universities, and dormitories)
• Firefighting
• Irrigation of parks, golf courses, etc.
• Health services (such as hospitals)
• Public baths, public toilets, etc.
• Cultural public services (such as libraries and museums)
• Street cleaning and sewer washing
• Entertainment and sport complexes (such as cinemas and clubs)
• Food and beverage services
• Accommodation services
• Barber shops and beauty parlors
• Small industries (such as laundries or workshops)
• Construction and public works
• Water losses
• Leakage from pipes, valves, meters, etc.
• Evaporation in open reservoirs
• Overflow of reservoirs
• Disrepair of elements of a water distribution network, such as cracked
reservoirs, flow back through one-way valves and pumps, etc.
• Loss in production process (cooling, pumping, etc.)
• Transportation
• Taxies, buses, and other conveyances (stations, garages, etc.)
• Ports and airports
• Railways (stations and workshops)
Water Demand Analysis and Management 495
In order to estimate the total municipal water use in a city, the study area should
first be divided into homogenous areas. These homogenous areas are usually selected
based on pressure districts or land-use units, and the water use rates can be assumed
to be constant for different users within each area. Temporal (e.g., annual, seasonal,
monthly) variation may also be considered when subdividing the water uses.
The most commonly used method to forecast water use is regression analysis.
A simple regression model can be formulated as follows:
Qt,i,j is the average rate of water use in time period t for disaggregated use i
in homogenous subarea j.
Xt,i,j is the independent variable in time period t for disaggregated use i in
homogenous subarea j.
εt is the error term in time period t.
a and b are regression coefficients.
Qt,i,j is the dependent variable of the regression. The independent variable, Xt,i,j,
should be selected based on the available data of different factors affecting the water
use and the relative importance of them in increasing or decreasing water uses. For
example, the most important factor in estimating water use in an urban area is the
population in each subarea. In Eq. (11.1), if the independent variable is set to be
equal to the number of users in each subarea, then the regression slope coefficient,
a, would be the per-capita water use. The water use can also be estimated based on
the number of connections to the water distribution system as follows:
demand models are based on economic reasoning and include only variables that
are correlated significantly with water use and are expected to be causally related
to water use (Mays and Tung, 1992). Linear and logarithmic water use models have
been suggested by different investigators:
Q = a1 x1 + a2 x2 + ⋯ + an xn + ε (11.3)
Q = a1 ln x1 + a2 ln x2 + ⋯ + an ln xn + ε (11.4)
Besides regression models, time series analysis has also been used to forecast
future variations of water demands. For this purpose, time series of municipal water
use and related variables are used to model historical patterns of variations in water
demand. Long memory components, seasonal and nonseasonal variations, jumps,
and outlier data should be carefully identified and used to model water demand time
series. Details of time series analysis and statistical modeling are provided in
Chapter 5.
nodes and not necessarily the straight-line distance. Pipes are usually
produced in lengths of around 6 m and are referred to by their nominal
diameter. The internal diameter of the pipes, which should be used in
modeling, is usually different from the nominal diameter. Internal diam-
eters may change over time due to tuberculation, corrosion, etc.
• A junction refers to any of the following nodes in a water distribution
• Location where two or more pipes meet
• End of a single pipe (dead-end pipe)
• Location where water is withdrawn from the network
• Location where water is injected into the network
• Pumps are used for a number of purposes in water distribution networks;
however, they are usually used to boost the head at specific locations to
overcome piping head losses and physical elevation differences. Some of
the main types of the pumps can be classified as:
• Low-lift pumps elevate water from a source to a treatment plant.
• High-service pumps discharge water under pressure to a distribution
• Booster pumps increase pressure in a water distribution system.
• Circulation pumps move water in a treatment plant.
• Well pumps lift water from wells for water supply.
• In water distribution networks, the most commonly used type of pump is
the centrifugal pump. A centrifugal pump has a motor that spins a piece
within the pump called an impeller. The mechanical energy of the rotating
impeller is imparted to the water, resulting in an increase in head.
• A valve is an element for controlling either the magnitude or direction of
water flow through a pipeline. Some of the main types of the valves can
be classified as:
• Shutoff valves, the most common types of the valves in water distri-
bution systems, are used to stop the flow of water through a pipeline.
The primary purpose of this type of valve is to turn off a portion of
the system, for example, for the time it takes to replace a broken pipe.
Different types of shutoff valves include gate, butterfly, globe, and plug
valves. Among all these types of shutoff valves, gate valves are the
most widely used valve.
• Check valves are used to ensure that water flows only in one direction
in the pipeline. Water flowing backward through the valve causes it to
close. They are usually installed in the discharge pipes of centrifugal
pumps to prevent backflow when the pump is off.
• Altitude valves are used to automatically control the flow into and out
of an elevated storage tank or standpipe to maintain desired water-level
elevation. When the tank level rises to a specific upper limit, the valve
closes to prevent any further flow from entering.
• Air release valves release trapped air during the operation of water
distribution systems. Air can enter a pipe network through leaking
joints, from pipes drawing air into the suction pipes, etc. These air
498 Water Resources Systems Analysis
pockets increase resistance to the flow of water. Air release valves can
be used at these locations to discharge the trapped air.
• Control valves can be classified as flow control valve, throttle control
valve, and pressure-based control valves. Pressure-based control valves
are designed to maintain the hydraulic grade or the pressure at a specific
A brief explanation is presented here about each of the above water management
• Apparent water loss, which includes errors due to meter inaccuracy and
improper accounting of water used in the commissioning and filling of
new mains, connections, and service reservoirs and for cleaning and
flushing of the water distribution system during maintenance
• Real water loss, which includes water loss due to leaks and illegal draw-
offs from the transmission and distribution system
The following items can be considered as control measures for reducing the
amount of unaccounted-for water:
The levels of responsibility for these agencies may also differ at national or more
limited provincial or city levels. These tasks may be handled by a number of
organizations, and the decisions made in each of them can significantly affect other
responsible agencies. In addition, the urban sector is closely interrelated with other
economic sectors, which is why any proposed program for urban water conservation
will not be successful if it attempts to isolate the water supply and sanitation sector
Water Demand Analysis and Management 501
from other urban sectors. Thus, integrated management policies are required to
achieve economical use of water in urban areas (United Nations, 1998); however,
such policies can only be put into practice with the commitment and close cooper-
ation of all the organizations and agencies involved. For this purpose, conflict
resolution issues should be incorporated in the development of planning and man-
agement policies.
The efficiency of implementing water resources development projects and utility
management can be improved by allowing the private sector to manage and handle
the associated risk, but the governmental agencies should maintain overall control
through legislation and regulation. The injection of private-sector efficiency and
productivity also results in reduced public-sector expenditure.
where ETcrop is the water requirement for a specific crop, and Kc is the empirical
crop coefficient, which depends on the following factors:
• Climate
• Temperature
• Wind
• Humidity
502 Water Resources Systems Analysis
• Crop
• Stage of growth
• Crop reflectivity
• Crop height and roughness
• Degree of ground cover
• Canopy resistance to transpiration
For most crops, the Kc value varies from 0.6 to 0.9 for the total growing season. In
order to estimate the agricultural water demands, the following items should be
• Crop water requirement is the amount of water that crops require to grow
and is considered to be equal to evapotranspiration.
• Irrigation requirement is the crop water requirement minus effective rain-
fall available for plant growth. In estimating the irrigation requirements,
water consumed for leaching and other miscellaneous requirements such
as for germination, frost protection, and plant cooling should be included,
and the soil moisture loss should be subtracted.
• Farm delivery requirement is estimated as the irrigation requirement plus
farm water losses due to evaporation, deep percolation, surface waste, and
nonproductive consumption.
• Gross water requirement is estimated based on farm delivery requirements
plus seepage losses in the canal system from the headworks to the farm
unit plus the waste of water due to poor operation.
Agricultural water demands are changed from year to year and month to month.
The parameters affecting agricultural water demands can be summarized as follows:
• Crop mix. Each crop has its own water demands; therefore, the types of
crops and the areas covered by each crop, which usually vary from year
to year, can dramatically change the agricultural water demands of a
specific farm.
• Irrigated and dry-land farming. Substitution of irrigated farming for dry-
land farming frequently occurs in areas with a sufficient rate of effective
• Period and sequence of cropping. The time of planting may also change
the water demands of crops. These variations are highly dependent on
climatic characteristics.
• Physical characteristics of the water transfer and irrigation systems. The
physical characteristics of irrigation systems are important in estimating
water losses through a transfer and irrigation system. The water supply
efficiency can be defined based on the project, field, and farm efficiency.
Project efficiency can be estimated based on the proportion of flow at the
source and water applied to crops. Field efficiency deals with the propor-
tion of water flowing into the field to the amount of water that is applied
Water Demand Analysis and Management 503
FIGURE 11.3 Examples of (a) flood and (b) furrow irrigation systems.
Water Demand Analysis and Management 505
• Because the area wetted is larger than that in drip systems, some evapo-
ration losses occur.
• Because the leaves get wet, brackish water cannot be used in irrigation.
• Low-head irrigation: In a closed conduit system, the conveyance losses
are avoided but the system requires energy to pressurize water for distri-
bution. Low-head systems have the advantages of a piped system but do
not require any pumps or nozzles. In these systems, water is simply
506 Water Resources Systems Analysis
FIGURE 11.4 Different types of sprinkler irrigation: (a) center pivot system; (b) sprinkler
irrigation; (c) wheel line field irrigation.
Water Demand Analysis and Management 507
allowed to bubble out from open, vertical standpipes that rise from buried
lateral irrigation tubes. These systems are often used for flow rates
typically on the order of 30 to 200 l/sec and are particularly suitable for
widely spaced crops such as fruits trees and grapevines. Low-volume,
high-frequency, partial-area irrigation is possible with this system. The
initial cost of the system is comparable to or even lower than other
systems, it incurs no energy costs, and the useful life of the system is
As the field conditions tend to be highly complex and variable, empirical equations
must be used to estimate the desirable depths and spacing of drain pipes under
particular soil and groundwater conditions.
Water Demand Analysis and Management 509
TABLE 11.3
Physical Site Conditions to Consider in Irrigation System Selection
Crops Land Climate Water Supply Energy
Source: Mays, L. W., Ed., Water Resources Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996. With permission.
510 Water Resources Systems Analysis
⎧ N 12
⎪⎪ ∑ ∑(I
Minimize z = ⎨ j =1 i =1
ij −Dij ) if I ij ≥ Dij
⎪⎩0 otherwise
This objective function will minimize losses for months in which the surface runoffs
are not allocated. To limit possible shortages when supplying irrigation demands,
constraints can be considered to limit the maximum shortage rates in different
months. Agencies responsible for irrigation water supply usually define tariffs based
on the price of agricultural products; therefore, water allocated to agricultural lands
may be priced differently. The difference in price may also be incorporated in finding
the optimal crop mix for each specific region.
are charged according to the volume of wastewater they discharge to water bodies,
they have an incentive to recycle and reuse water.
• Be healthy.
• Look after the needs of animals and plants such as fish, macroinverte-
brates, and plants.
• Maintain its biodiversity.
coupled to streamflow variation. Natural flow regimes are therefore intimately linked
to many different aspects of ecological integrity. In the river channel, low flows will
concentrate fish and other aquatic organisms, benefiting predators such as larger
fish. If low flows are too severe or last for too long due to human influences, large
numbers of individuals may perish and jeopardize the local populations of certain
species. Thus, rather than trying to prescribe a flow regime that benefits some species
all of the time, a better approach is to restore or sustain a flow regime that benefits
each species some of the time. The species that are found in each river have endured
many trials of adverse flow conditions, exploited many occasions of favorable flow,
and have managed to persist in their native rivers over long periods of time. Most
environmentalists believe that perpetuation of the natural flow regime is the best
approach for conserving the full richness of the biological diversity of a river.
Various methods have been developed for wastewater treatment, and a brief expla-
nation about these methods and their efficiency in treating sewage from different
sources is presented next.
• Preliminary treatment
• Primary treatment
• Secondary treatment
Table 11.4 shows a summary of treatment processes required to meet health criteria
for wastewater reuse.
Combined Sanitary
wastewater wastewater
To primary
FIGURE 11.6 Three possible arrangements for preliminary treatment units in municipal
wastewater processes. (From Viessman, W., Jr. and Hammer, M. J., Water Supply and Pollution
Control, Harper & Row, New York, 1985.)
In the activated sludge process, wastewater is continuously fed into an aerated tank,
where microorganisms synthesize the organics. The resulting microbial floc (acti-
vated sludge) is settled from the aerated mixed liquor under quiescent conditions in
a final clarifier and returned to the aeration tank. Advantages of liquid aeration are
high BOD removal, ability to treat high-strength wastewater, and adaptability for
future use in plant conversion to advanced treatment.
518 Water Resources Systems Analysis
• Heavy metals
• Organic chemicals
• Suspended solids
• Inorganic salts
• Phosphorus
• Pathogens
They also oxidize ammonia to nitrate. Lime precipitation is one of the suggested
methods for removing heavy metals. Applying lime to raw wastewater precipitates
phosphates and hardness cations along with organic matter. Suspended solids can
also be removed by granular-media filtration. Phosphorus, like the majority of
soluble compounds in wastewater, is removed only sparingly by plain sedimentation.
About 20 to 40% of phosphorus can be removed through conventional treatment
methods. Chemical precipitation using aluminum or iron coagulants is effective in
phosphate removal. Chemical/biological phosphorus removal processes also com-
bine chemical precipitation with biological removal of organic matter. Alum or iron
Water Demand Analysis and Management 519
salts are added prior to the primary clarification, directly during the biological
process, or prior to final clarification.
Where the ammonia content of the effluent causes pollution of the receiving
watercourse, nitrification of wastewater is performed. The process does not remove
the nitrogen but converts it to the nitrate form. Nitrate can be reduced to nitrogen
gas by heterotrophic bacteria in an anoxic environment. An organic carbon source
is required to act as a hydrogen donor and to supply carbon biological synthesis. In
biological nitrification and denitrification, unoxidized organic matter can be used as
an oxygen acceptor for conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas.
Pathogens include all categories of microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria,
protozoa, and helminths. Disinfection of biologically treated wastewater requires
coagulation and granular-media filtration followed by chlorination with an extended
contact time. Cysts of protozoa and helminth eggs are resistant to chlorine, and they
must be physically removed by effective chemical coagulation and granular-media
• Black water — toilet wastewater (in no-mix toilets, black water can also
be classified as brown water or yellow water).
• Gray water — household wastewater without black water
Urban sanitation is the first step for controlling water pollution in urban areas. For
this purpose, sewage systems were introduced in the middle of the 19th century.
They consisted of single-pipe drainage with water-flushed toilets for sanitation. In
large cities around the world, surface runoff is also accepted by the single-pipe
drainage system that transfers all urban water into a sewage treatment plant. Large
amounts of surface runoff containing a variety of pollutants cause inefficiency of
most sewage treatment plants.
In a sustainable society, strong coordination between urban and rural components
for nutrient and biomass recycling is required. After consumption, the question arises
as to how to deal with the resulting urine and feces and include them in the recycling
of nutrients and the biomass. One solution is diversion of urine from the conventional
sewage pipe drainage outlet. This process of ecological sanitation utilizes a dry
toilet to divert urine at the source (Winblad et al., 1998). The diverted urine can be
then transferred to the nutrient processing plants, where the nitrogen and phosphorus
are recovered as chemical fertilizers.
If the urine and feces are collected and used for agriculture, sewage character-
istics may change to so-called gray water, which is easier to treat by conventional
wastewater treatment processes. The collected gray water can be treated locally and
discharged to surface waters in the vicinity of the collection points (Maksimovic
and Tejada-Guibert, 2001). The nutrient content of gray water is comparable to
waters that by different standards are regarded as “clean” (Gunther, 1996).
520 Water Resources Systems Analysis
A gray-water reuse system should be able to receive the effluent from one or
more households in all seasons of the year. Where saturation of garden soils of low
permeability occurs in winter rainfall, a facility to divert effluent to sewers or
alternative disposal should be present. The system must protect public health and
the environment, meet community expectations, and be cost effective (Anda et al.,
Efficient reuse of wastewater and nutrients requires new sanitation designs.
Conventional wastewater systems can often handle gray water and municipal waste-
water without urine in a reuse-efficient way. Otterpohl and Grottker (1996) suggested
the following objectives for designing sanitation systems:
Example 11.1
Assume city A is located near river X and municipal water demands of this city are
supplied from this river. Industrial complex B is also located near this river. Water
required for the manufacturing processes and cooling systems of the industries
located in this complex is also supplied by a water diversion system implemented
downstream of the diversion point for city A. Remaining flow in the river supplies
the irrigation demands of agricultural lands located downstream of industrial com-
plex B. The river is capable of supplying total water demands in high flow seasons.
For simplicity, the average monthly streamflow in the river and the municipal,
agricultural, and industrial water demands are as shown in Table 11.5. As can be
seen in this table, about 33% of the water demands cannot be supplied by the river.
The following options are proposed for demand management by the responsible
TABLE 11.5
Average Monthly Streamflow in River X and
Water Demands for Example 11.1
(million m3)
Streamflow in river X 40
Municipal water demand 20
Industrial water demand 15
Agricultural water demand 25
522 Water Resources Systems Analysis
• Department of Industries
• Implementation of a system for recycling water for cooling systems in
the complex
• Modification of the manufacturing process
• Department of Agriculture
• Implementation of drip and pressure irrigation system (for increasing
irrigation efficiency)
• Education and training programs for farmers
Table 11.6 shows the estimated costs and expected percentage of reduction in water
demands for each sector. Each of the above-mentioned agencies has proposed a
favorite range of investment for demand management based on the costs of each of
these options and the benefits associated with supplying water demands with higher
reliability. The results of these proposals are summarized in Figures 11.7 to 11.9,
where the most favorable range of investment by each organization is indicated by
a utility equal to 1. Other investment levels are ranked by lower values of utility.
The highest possible level of investment is assigned by each organization for 0 utility.
Find the optimal set of demand management options to be able to supply the whole
demands of the system by the river.
TABLE 11.6
Estimated Costs and Expected Percentage of Reduction in the Water
Demands for Each Sector
Percentage of Reduction
in Water Demands Estimated Cost
Option for Demand Management of Each Sector (monetary units)
0 5 10 15 20 22 Investment
(monetary unit)
FIGURE 11.7 Utility function of the Department of Water Supply for investing money in
municipal water demand management.
0 10 20 25 30 Investment
(monetary unit)
FIGURE 11.8 Utility function of the Department of Industries for investing money in indus-
trial water demand management.
0 5 8 15 20 Investment
(monetary unit)
FIGURE 11.9 Utility function of the Department of Agriculture for investing money in
agricultural water demand management.
524 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Solution: The nonsymmetric Nash theorem has been used and the optimization
problem for finding the optimal set of demand management options is formulated
as follows:
Maximize ∏( f − d )
i =1
i i
Subject to di ≤ fi ≤ fi∗ ∀i
3 NOi
∑∑ Ri =1 j =1
i, j ≥ 20
where wi is the relative authority of each agency, fi is the utility function, di is the
disagreement point, and fi* is the ideal point of player (agency) i. In this example,
the relative authority of each agency is considered to be equal to one; therefore, the
problem is simplified to a symmetric problem. The disagreement point is also set
to zero. The above equations show that the total water demand reduction of the
system should be more than 20 million m3, which is the mean monthly deficit in
the current situation. In this equation, Ri,j is the volume of expected water demand
reduction for option j (j = 1, …, NOi), proposed for sector i. NOi is the total number
of water demand management options proposed for sector i. Table 11.7 shows the
TABLE 11.7
Optimal Set of Water Demand Management Options for Example 11.1
Total Total Water
Water Demand Reduction in Estimated Demand
Management Water Demand Cost for Each Reduction
Sector Option (million m3) Sector Utility (million m3)
optimal set of water demand management options found by solving the above
formulation. As can be seen in this table, the total reduction in water demand is
21.55 million m3, which is higher than the deficit of 20 million m3 in the current
11.1 Assume that you want to model the water demand of a city in order to
forecast the municipal demands over the next several years. Historical
data for water use, population, price, and precipitation for a 10-year time
horizon are shown in the following table. Formulate a multiple regression
model for estimating the water use data and comment on selecting the
independent variables.
Price Precipitation Water Use
Year Population (monetary unit/m3) (mm) (m3/year)
11.2 Agricultural lands near a river are irrigated by water diverted from the
river. The total area of irrigated lands is 400 ha (4,000,000 m2). Use the
following notation to formulate an optimization problem for finding the
optimal crop mix. Define the objective function so that as the shortages
in supplying irrigation demands are minimized:
Di,j is the irrigation demand of crop i in month j.
Qi,j is the water allocated to crop i in month j.
Ai is the area of the field allocated to crop i.
α is the water supply (irrigation) efficiency
Ij is the river discharge in month j.
526 Water Resources Systems Analysis
11.3 Use the following data to solve Problem 11.2. Assume that the irrigation
efficiency is 65%.
0.2 0.35 1 1.5 1.7 0.8 0.75 0.6 0.36 0.25 0.2 0.15
11.4 In Problem 11.2, formulate the optimization problem for maximizing the
real-time use of river discharge.
11.5 Use the data for Problem 11.3 to solve Problem 11.4.
Anda, M., Ho, G., Mathew, K., and Monk, E., Greywater reuse options: areas for further
research in Australia, in Integrated Water Management in Urban Areas, Niemczynow-
icz, J., Ed., United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO)-IHP, New York, 1996, pp. 347–356.
Bhatia, R. and Falkenmark, M., Water Resources Policies and the Urban Poor: Innovative
Approach and Policy Imperatives, Water and Sanitation Currents, United Nations
Development Program-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, New York, 1993.
Blaney, H. F. and Criddle, W. D., Determining water requirements in irrigated areas from
climatological data, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service,
Washington, D.C., 1945.
Bouwer, H., Role of geopurification in future water management, in Soil and Water Science:
Key to Understanding Our Global Environment, Soil Society of America Special
Publication 41, Cincinnati, OH, 1994, p. 7381.
Dean, R. B. and Lund, E., Water Reuse: Problems and Solutions, Academic Press, San Diego,
CA, 1981.
Falkland, A., Ed., Hydrology and Water Resources of Small Islands: A Practical Guide, United
Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), New York,
Gunther, F., Simplifying wastewater treatment by source separation outline for a biologically
based greywater purification plant, in Integrated Water Management in Urban Areas,
Niemczynowicz, J., United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO)-IHP, New York, 1996, pp. 301–314.
Hammer, M. J. and Hammer, M. J., Jr., Water and Wastewater Technology, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1996.
Hanson, G. and Nilsson, A., Groundwater dams for rural-water supplies in developing coun-
tries, Groundwater, 24(4), 497–506, 1986.
Water Demand Analysis and Management 527
530 Water Resources Systems Analysis
a permanent shortage in soil moisture in the growth season; therefore, the average
shortage in soil moisture over a period of several months for crops that are sensitive
to soil moisture and have high water demands can be used as an indicator of drought
A number of definitions of drought events have been suggested by researchers.
Yevjevich (1967) stated that if a widespread region is affected by a severe water
shortage for a long time, then it is possible to distinguish drought from other events
such as water shortage in that region. Dracup et al. (1980) stated that it is not possible
to define and analyze drought without paying attention to the nature of water
shortage, sequence of time for discretization of drought and truncation levels that
are used to separate drought from other phenomena, and regional aspects of the
Based on these definitions, droughts can be divided into two categories: point
(localized) or regional. In the point drought analysis, drought in station or small
area is investigated. Yevjevich (1967), Griffits (1990), and Beric et al. (1990) have
studied point drought. In point investigations, a time series of hydroclimatological
factors or a drought indicator is evaluated at a specific point. A time sequence and
then a truncation level are assigned to determine drought events in a time series in
order to perform the analytical evaluation.
According to Yevjevich (1967), the application of run theory is a fundamental
method of analyzing point drought. According to this theory, one could detect a
consecutive period of shortage or surplus after choosing a truncation level for existing
data by assuming that they are stationary. Then, from detected consecutive shortage
periods, probability distributions of drought parameters such as duration and the
amount of shortage are evaluated (Guerrero-Salazer and Yevjevich, 1975). Each of
these investigators chose a truncation level based on their specific goals. For example,
Sen used various probabilities of successful events (wet years) and failure events
(shortage). Griffits (1990) used average and Beric et al. (1990) used consecutive
time intervals with no rain (15 days) in the growth season as truncation levels.
In the study of regional drought, severe water shortage conditions in contiguous
and extended regions are investigated (e.g., Santos, 1983; Sen, 1980). Santos (1983)
suggested that, in addition to defining truncation level, a critical area should also be
defined. Based on this approach, regional drought occurs when the drought-affected
area is greater than the critical area. Many investigators such as Tase and Yevjevich
used standardized normal distribution values for drought events with different return
periods as a truncation level, assuming that all the specified rain gauges in the study
area follow the normal distribution. Santos (1983), who has done intensive studies
on the analysis of regional droughts, used 10 to 20% of average regional precipitation
as a truncation level.
532 Water Resources Systems Analysis
to real drought and how their results can be used for development of water resource
strategies in a region. The factors affecting hydrologic droughts are so complex and
interrelated that they cannot be modeled unless a precise water balance model is
developed. Such a water balance model can be used to make a realistic assessment
of rainfall, runoff, changes in temperature, and soil moisture conditions. It is impos-
sible to assess the occurrence and continuity of drought events with reasonable
certainty. The results of climatic drought, especially on a regional scale, as well as
assessment of effective rainfall, moving averages, and determination of drought-
affected areas can guide short- and mid-range water and agricultural resources
management. Topics such as drought prediction, forecasting, and monitoring can be
investigated once the types of droughts, their thresholds, and how they are related
are determined.
Assume that {Xi , i=1, …, N} is a discrete point series vector of a drought indicator
in N existing rain gauges of the study area. In analysis of climatic drought, the
drought indicator is precipitation and the time sequence is usually considered to be
annual. To choose the best statistical distribution for the time series of each station,
Xi, the following assumptions should be verified:
To choose the best statistical distribution, the classical approach can be used; how-
ever, it has many shortcomings. In this approach, first all of the existing data for
point (station) i (Xi) should be sorted in ascending order to form a new set (x(1), x(2),
x(n)) in such a way that x(1) = min(Xi) and x(n) = max(Xi). Then, if the data are sufficient
(at least 30 values, as recommended by Kottegoda and Rosso, 1998; Mendenhall
Drought Management 533
et al., 1990), the range between x(1) and x(n) is divided into K intervals and a histogram
for point i can be plotted. The best distribution can be chosen by considering the
shape of the histogram and comparing it to the shape of different statistical distri-
butions and by using the result of different goodness of fit tests such as the Kol-
mogorov–Smirnov and chi-square tests. Alternatively, to choose the best distribution
the observed data distribution plot can be compared with the expected values from
a statistical distribution plot. Quantile–quantile (Q-Q) and probability–probability
(P-P) graphs are two methods used for comparing observed values with values from
a given distribution. By these methods, the best distributions can be found with more
flexibility and accuracy as compared with the classical method.
In general, it is possible to obtain (n – 1) values in the observed sample in such
a way as to divide the cumulative frequency of the sample equally into n values.
Each of these values is a quintile. The objective is to compare the observed value
of events with their corresponding values from a statistical distribution function. To
prepare a Q-Q graph, the observed values should be ordered (x1 ≤ x2 ≤ … ≤ xn) and
then these values are plotted against the inversion of the cumulative probability
distribution function as:
Q = F −1 ⎜
⎛ i−r
adj ) ⎞⎟ i = 1, 2,..., n (12.1)
⎜ n+n
⎝ adj ) ⎟⎠
where nadj and radj are constants and should be ≤ 0.5, and F–1 is the inverse of the
cumulative distribution function (CDF) for a statistical distribution. This yields a
graph of observed values vs. standardized expected values from a specific distribu-
tion. The best statistical distribution is the one that falls into a linear regression
relationship of high correlation coefficients with the distribution of observed values.
nadj and radj are limiting the p-values for the CDF to fall between 0 and 1.
To prepare a P-P graph, the cumulative distribution function of the observed
values is plotted vs. the CDF of a statistical distribution. To plot P-P graphs, after
sorting the observed values in ascending order, one axis is the CDF of the observation
i vs. a cumulative distribution function of a statistical distribution for the observed
values (Xi). If the selected statistical distribution estimates the observed values
closely, then in a P-P graph all of the points should be on a 45° line.
To find a good fit for statistical distribution, parameters of a distribution should
be calibrated. One of the most sensitive parameters is the location parameter, which
is a measure of the truncation level (threshold) for a given distribution. For example,
in a Weibull distribution, the location parameter has been used in the following
density function:
*e [
− ( x −θ ) b ]
f ( x ) = c b *[( x − θ) b]
c −1
0≤x<∞ (12.2)
b > 0; c > 0; θ > 0
534 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The feasible range for this distribution is between 0 and infinity. The location
parameter (θ) should be less than the smallest observed value. In this case, this value
is subtracted from all of the existing data and the Weibull distribution is then fitted.
The scale parameter (b) could also be considered. Variation of this parameter
can change the size of the distribution. As can be seen in Eq. (12.2), as b increases,
the size of the distribution (the peak value) becomes smaller. In this case, to keep
the area under the curve equal to 1, the distribution will spread out more. By changing
these parameters, we can obtain a better fit of a Weibull distribution to the observed
data. The other types of distributions have similar parameters.
Beta distribution is another suitable type of distribution for predicting the behav-
ior of precipitation data but has not been given much attention in previous drought
studies. This distribution may change from a normal distribution to a very skewed
distribution and offers the flexibility necessary for drought studies.
The beta distribution has a probability density function of:
f ( x ) = Γ( υ + ω ) [Γ( υ)Γ(ω )] * ( x − θ)
* (σ + θ − x )
ω −1
]σ υ +ω +1
0 < x <1 ; υ > 0 ; ω > 0
Note that the shape of the beta distribution depends on the values of the parameters
ω and υ. The standardized beta distribution has a valid range from 0 to 1. Smaller
thresholds can be considered by standardizing the variable as (x – θ)/σ. Note that
the location parameter must be less than the smallest observed value, and the (σ +
θ) must be greater than the largest observed value. In general, if the points in the
Q-Q plot form a straight line, then the respective family of distributions (a beta
distribution with υ and ω parameters, in this case) provides a good fit to the data;
thus, the intercept and slope of the fitted line can be interpreted as graphical estimates
of the threshold (θ) and scale (σ) parameters, respectively.
TABLE 12.1
Average Precipitation Data for 10 Years for Two Regions
(Example 12.1)
Average Precipitation Average Precipitation
Year of Region A (mm) of Region B (mm)
1 640 230
2 456 127
3 236 261
4 456 301
5 235 261
6 601 322
7 532 400
8 731 223
9 256 128
Current year 541 112
n −1
X ′j =
n ∑X
j +i n = 3,5,9,... (12.4)
Usually, 3-, 5-, and 10-year moving averages are investigated to recognize drought
spells and to predict their trend.
Example 12.1
Use the 3-year moving averages to compare the two series of annual average
precipitation for two different regions presented in Table 12.1. Which of these regions
is facing a severe drought in the current year? If the long-term average precipitation
in regions A and B is estimated to be 400 and 250 mm, respectively, discuss the
drought periods and their durations.
Solution: Table 12.2 shows the estimated 3-year moving averages for regions
A and B. Figures 12.2 and 12.3 show the 3-year moving average and long-term
average of precipitation for the two regions. Region A has experienced one drought
event of a 2-year duration. The current year in that region is experiencing a wet
spell. Region B was in the middle of a drought period for the first years of the
record, and the current year seems to be the first year of a drought event.
536 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 12.2
3-Year Moving Average for Two Regions (Example 12.1)
3-Year Moving Average 3-Year Moving Average
Year for Region A (mm) for Region B (mm)
1 — —
2 — —
3 444.00 206.00
4 382.67 229.67
5 309.00 274.33
6 430.67 294.67
7 456.00 327.67
8 621.33 315.00
9 506.33 250.33
Current year 509.33 154.33
Precipitation (mm)
200.00 3-year moving average
100.00 long-term average
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FIGURE 12.2 Long-term average annual precipitation and 3-year moving average for
region A in Example 12.1.
Precipitation (mm)
100.00 3-year moving average
50.00 long-term average
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FIGURE 12.3 Long-term average annual precipitation and 3-year moving average for
region B in Example 12.1.
Drought Management 537
ERi,n = Mi,n + Wi ERi −1,n − Mi −1 ) (n = 1, …, NY ) , (i = 1,…,12)
ER1,1 = M1
⎛ ⎞
Wi = C⎜1 +
Mi ⎟ (12.6)
1 ⎟
⎜ × MAR ⎟
⎝ 12 ⎠
C is a constant that can be obtained by trial and error in order to better simulate the
observed wet and dry periods. In the previous studies a value of about 0.1 is selected
for C. The weighting factors obtained from this equation show the effect of rainfall
at each month on the drought situation of the next months. An average deficit ( DF i )
for month i is defined as:
∑ DELTA i ,n
RDi = n =1
(i = 1,…,12) (12.7)
538 Water Resources Systems Analysis
The carryover from month to month is defined as the effect of rainfall deficit or
surplus from the previous month:
⎧⎪ ERi,n − Mi if ERi,n ≥ Mi
ERSi,n = ⎨ (12.9)
⎪⎩0 otherwise
RDi,n = Min ( Mi − ERi,n ), RDi ] (n = 1, …, NY ) (12.11)
The carryover from month to month is determined by subtracting the mean rainfall
for a particular month from the effective rainfall for the same month so that a deficit
or surplus rainfall for that month is obtained. The deficit and surplus rainfall is
multiplied by a weighting factor for the next month and the product, whether negative
or positive, is added algebraically to the rainfall figures of that month. This sum is
the effective rainfall. The weighting factor is used to calculate the carryover effect
of a particular month and shows the relative effect of the deviation from the mean
in a month as it contributes to the soil moisture of the following month.
For these equations, the carryover is assumed to be 0 for the first month of the
record. The process is continued to obtain the effective monthly rainfall for the entire
period of the record. Excessive rainfall deficit (ERD) is of particular importance to
drought studies. This measure indicates how large the deficit of a system could
tolerate beyond the normal amount of deficits of the system naturally and over the
coarse of experienced historical data. This parameter is the main feature of calcu-
lating drought severity.
Example 12.2
The monthly rainfall data for a period of 24 months and the long-term monthly
average rainfall are presented in Table 12.3. The mean annual rainfall (MAR) is
estimated as 535.2 mm from long-term data. Assume C (the constant in Eq. (12.6))
Drought Management 539
TABLE 12.3
Rainfall Data for Example 12.2
Rainfall Mean Monthly Rainfall
Month (mm) (mm)
1 0.99 1.25
2 3.99 1.13
3 1.59 0.67
4 19.59 10.43
5 2.45 57.51
6 21.06 77.7
7 72.31 76.75
8 75.21 80.91
9 116.42 106.08
10 34.81 75.22
11 14.62 43.37
12 0.00 4.17
13 1.02 1.25
14 0.86 1.13
15 0 0.67
16 0.7 10.43
17 67.4 57.51
18 51.7 77.7
19 45.4 76.75
20 81.2 80.91
21 38.1 106.08
22 57.1 75.22
23 2.3 43.37
24 0.1 4.17
is 0.1. Calculate the effective rainfall, rainfall deficit, and excess rainfall deficit for
the region.
Solution: Equations (12.5) and (12.6) are used for estimating the effective
rainfall. Based on Eq. (12.5), the effective rainfall in the first month is considered
to be equal to the average rainfall in that month, which is 1.25 mm. For the second
month, the weighting factor can be estimated as follows:
⎛ ⎞
⎜ 1.13 ⎟
W2 = 0.1 × ⎜1 + ⎟ = 0.103
⎜ × 535.2 ⎟
⎝ 12 ⎠
Then, the effective rainfall for this month can be estimated using Eq. (12.5):
Equations (12.7) and (12.8) are used for estimating the rainfall deficit. For example,
for the first month, it can be written:
∑ DELTA i ,n
0.26 + 1.07
RD1 = n =1
= = 0.665 mm
2 2
The excess rainfall deficit for the first month is estimated using Eq. (12.10) as
Table 12.4 shows the values of effective rainfall, rainfall deficit, and excess rainfall
deficit estimated for the 15 months of data presented in Table 12.3. Onset and Termination of Drought
In a test to signify the onset of a drought, it can be assumed that a single month
could constitute a drought only if no rain occurred in the month of highest mean
rainfall. The test is based on a comparison of the sum of the negative differences
(deficits) from the point in time the test begins, with a sliding scale of 12 values
calculated by linear interpolation between the maximum value of the mean monthly
rainfall (MMMR) and the mean annual deficit (MAD). A monthly increment x is thus
obtained from the following equation:
x= (12.12)
where MMMR = Max[Mi ], and MAD is equal to the ratio of total deficits in the
historical period to the number of the years in which deficits have occurred.
The sliding scale is a line connecting the MAD to the MMMR. The first value
on the sliding scale is equal to the MMMR and is the maximum deficit that can
occur in a single month. The second value on the sliding scale is obtained by adding
x to the MMMR; the third, by adding 2x; and so on up to MMMR + 11x, which is
equivalent to the MAD. To start the test, it can be assumed that no drought prevailed
prior to the start of the available rainfall record. If the first month of available data
Drought Management 541
TABLE 12.4
Effective Rainfall, Rainfall Deficit, and Excess Rainfall Deficit Estimates
for Example 12.2
Effective Rainfall —
Effective Excess Rainfall Average Monthly
Rainfall Rainfall Deficit Deficit Rainfall
Month (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
is to look at successive surplus periods to see how they compare with the maximum
of 3-, 4-, …, 12-month successive averages. If the successive surpluses exceed the
maximum successive averages, then the drought could be considered terminated.
After determining a drought period, its severity is obtained from the following
equation (for more details, see Herbst et al., 1966):
Sd =
∑ ( ERD ) * D
j d
∑ RD d
Example 12.3
Determine the onset, duration, and severity of drought for the data presented in
Example 12.2. Consider that the mean annual deficit is 150 mm and the maximum
values of the n-month average rainfall are shown in Table 12.5.
Solution: As shown in Table 12.3, the maximum value of the mean monthly
rainfall (MMMR) is 106.08 mm. The sliding scale is then estimated using Eq. (12.12)
as follows:
150 − 106.08
x= = 3.99
TABLE 12.5
Maximum n-Month Average of the Rainfall
Series (mm) for Example 12.3
Maximum 2-month average 175.0 mm
Maximum 3-month average 243.1 mm
Maximum 4-month average 265.3 mm
Maximum 5-month average 275.3 mm
Maximum 6-month average 283.9 mm
Maximum 7-month average 298.4 mm
Maximum 8-month average 310.5 mm
Maximum 9-month average 345.6 mm
Maximum 10-month average 366.3 mm
Maximum 11-month average 380.5 mm
Maximum 12-month average 410.1 mm
Drought Management 543
TABLE 12.6
Estimated Values for the Sliding
Scale for Example 12.3
Month Sliding Scale Value
1 106.08
2 110.07
3 114.06
4 118.05
5 122.04
6 126.03
7 130.02
8 134.01
9 138.00
10 141.98
11 145.97
12 150.00
TABLE 12.7
Cumulative Differences and Sliding Scales
for Example 12.3
Month Sliding Scales Cumulative Difference
1 106.08 –0.26
2 110.07 2.57
3 114.06 3.78
4 118.05 13.09
5 122.04 –39.84
6 126.03 –110.99
7 130.02 –134.79
8 134.01 –147.19
9 138 –141.04
10 141.98 –179.80
11 145.97 –216.19
12 150.00 –224.34
Table 12.6 shows the values estimated for the sliding scale for different months. To
test the onset of droughts, the differences between effective rainfall and the long-
term average of rainfall in each month are estimated, which is shown in Table 12.4.
As it can be seen in Table 12.4, the first negative difference occurs in month 1;
therefore, it could be considered as the onset of a drought event. The cumulative
summations of the differences after the first negative value are compared with the
sliding scales (x) in Table 12.7. As shown in this table, the absolute values of the
difference series become greater than the sliding scale series after month 7. Now it
544 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 12.8
Results of Drought Termination Analysis for Example 12.3
Differences = Effective Cumulative Rainfall Maximum
Rainfall – Monthly After the First n-Month
Month Rainfall Mean Rainfall Positive Difference Averages
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 0.99 –0.26 — —
2 3.99 2.83 — —
3 1.59 1.21 — —
4 19.59 9.31 — —
5 2.45 –52.93 — —
6 21.06 –71.15 — —
7 72.31 –23.80 — —
8 75.21 –12.40 — —
9 116.42 6.15 116.42 —
10 34.81 –38.76 151.23 175.0
11 14.62 –36.39 165.85 243.1
12 0.00 –8.15 165.85 265.3
13 1.02 –1.07 166.87 275.3
14 0.86 –0.38 167.73 283.9
15 0 –0.71 167.73 298.4
16 0.7 –9.82 168.43 310.5
17 67.4 7.64 235.83 345.6
18 51.7 –23.90 287.53 366.3
19 45.4 –37.85 332.93 380.5
20 81.2 –10.36 414.13 410.1
21 38.1 –71.48 — —
22 57.1 –37.32 — —
23 2.3 –48.43 — —
24 0.1 –9.37 — —
can be said that a drought has started from month 1. If this test is not passed after
considering 11 sliding scales, the test is performed again after observing another
negative difference.
The test of termination of a drought starts after the first positive difference
between effective rainfall and monthly mean rainfall is observed during a drought.
In this example, the application of the test starting from first positive value shows
that the drought has not been terminated yet. In the second iteration, the cumulative
summation of rainfall (column 4) is compared with the maximum n-month averages
(column 5), which shows that the values in column 4 become greater than the values
in column 5 after the 20th row. Therefore, it can be said that the drought has been
terminated and 20 months is considered as the duration of drought.
Drought Management 545
∑ (ERD ) = 212.31
Dd = 20.0
∑ RD
d = 233.7
212.31 × 20
Sd = = 18.1
In this method, the weights of each station are calculated by applying the Thiessen
polygon network and the long-term average regional precipitation dataset is obtained
for the entire region. Then, the best statistical distribution is chosen for the long-
term average precipitation dataset ( P ) and based on that, the ratios of average
regional precipitation to long-term average precipitation for various probabilities
(different return periods) are calculated. These ratios are applied as regional criteria
to designate the precipitation datasets of each rain gauge of the region as wet or dry
Example 12.4
The historical annual precipitation data for a basin are given in Table 12.9. Table
12.10 shows the annual rainfall in drought events with different return periods. If a
10-year climatic drought occurs in the region, determine which sub-basins face a
drought with a 10-year or more return period.
Solution: In order to find the annual rainfall associated with a 10-year drought
event, the data given in Table 12.9 are sorted in ascending order (see column 3 of
Table 12.9). Then, the probability for each data is estimated using the following
n +1
where m is the rank of the sorted data and n is the total number of data.
546 Water Resources Systems Analysis
TABLE 12.9
Annual Average Precipitation for a Basin (Example 12.4)
Precipitation Sorted Precipitation Return Period
No. of Years (mm) (mm) Probability (yr)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
TABLE 12.10
Estimated Regional Precipitation Data for Drought Events (Example 12.4)
Drought Event Precipitation (mm)
Sub-Basin Area (%) 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year
TABLE 12.11
Recorded Precipitation Data for Stations in Example 12.5
Stations Representing Sub-Basins
Example 12.5
In a specific year, the data shown in Table 12.11 have been recorded in the region
presented in Example 12.4. What is the appropriate return period of the regional
Solution: The average precipitation over the region can be estimated using the
Thiessen polygon network as follows:
Average rainfall =
(380 × 20) + (520 × 30) + (320 × 15) + (250 × 15) + (410 × 20)
= 399.5
Considering the data presented in Table 12.9, the regional drought is estimated to
have a 2.4-year (between 2 and 3 years) return period.
The objective is to obtain a regional truncation level; therefore, the medians of the
calculated P/Pmean ratios are determined for various return periods for point evalua-
tion of the different stations in the region:
⎛ P ⎞ ⎧⎪⎛ P ⎞ T ⎫⎪
⎜P ⎟ = Median ⎨ ⎜ ⎟ ; i = 1,..., N ⎬; T = 2, 5,10,... (12.14)
⎝ mean ⎠ T ⎪⎩⎝ Pmean ⎠ i ⎪⎭
This method is a combination of the previous two methods. In this method, the
estimated values for (P/Pmean)T in the point evaluations for each station will be
weighted by using their relative area in the Theissen network. Therefore, the third
regional criterion can be calculated as follows:
⎛ P ⎞ ⎛ P ⎞
⎜P ⎟ =
⎝ mean ⎠ T ∑i =1
αi × ⎜ ⎟
⎝ Pmean ⎠ i
; T = 2, 5,10,... (12.15)
548 Water Resources Systems Analysis
• The total observed data for all of the rain gauges are changed to be
• A regional isohyetal map is plotted over the entire region.
• Based on regional criteria definitions, drought-affected areas are estimated
by summation of all of the drought-affected subareas over different time
periods as follows:
ADT (t ) = ∑ β ⋅ a (t )
i i
⎪⎧1 if Pi (t ) ≤ PiT
βi = ⎨
⎪⎩0 otherwise
Figure 12.4 shows an isohyetal map of P/Pmean ratios for a 25-year return period
(drawn for a river basin in the central part of Iran) (Karamouz et al., 2002). This
map can be plotted using the spatial kriging method. Similar maps can be generated
for different return periods. According to these maps, if the region is affected by a
drought with return period T, one can identify parts of the region that are in the most
critical situation.
Drought Management 549
FIGURE 12.4 Isohyetal map for P/Pmean ratios for 25-year return period for a river basin in
the central part of Iran (the hatched sections show the drought affected areas in the region).
(From Karamouz, M. et al., Proc. 2002 EWRI Conference on Water Resources Planning and
Management, Roanoke, VA, 2002. With permission.)
FIGURE 12.5 Three-year moving average of precipitation the Zayandeh-rud River basin in
the central part of Iran and polynomials fitted to the dry and wet spells. (From Karamouz,
M. et al., Proc. 2002 EWRI Conference on Water Resources Planning and Management,
Roanoke, VA, 2002. With permission.)
Yki = a0 k + a1k × tik + a2 k × tik 2 + … + ank × tikn ; k = 1, 2,..., K ; i = 1, 2,..., Tk′ (12.17)
Yki is the moving average value in the kth wet and dry spells during sequence i.
ajk is the jth polynomial coefficient in the kth wet and dry spell.
tik is the time sequence for the kth wet and dry spell.
k is the number of existing wet and dry spells in the observed dataset.
Tk′ is the wet and dry spell time period.
If a region is in the middle of a dry spell, a polynomial can be fitted to predict the
duration of the drought. Figure 12.5 shows the 3-year moving average and fitted
polynomial for the dry and wet spells for a river basin in the central part of Iran
(Karamouz et al., 2002).
and potential water supply of a system, surface reservoirs, groundwater, and inflows
to the system must be considered. As far as water demands, different demands of
the system and their trends and variations, especially during drought periods, should
be studied. Natural and uncontrolled events include streamflows; others are induced
by human intervention, such as the operation of reservoirs. Because of the natural
uncertainty in streamflow and its relation with other parameters such as precipitation,
the most important part of a hydrologic drought study is streamflow investigation.
For hydrologic drought, most of the literature has concentrated on analysis of
historical and generated streamflow data, including estimation of the pdf (probability
density function) of the drought characteristics. These efforts can be classified into
three categories:
The above procedure is initialized on an annual time scale. However, if the time
scale is less than one year and includes periodic parameters, a seasonal or monthly
time scale can be used. Analysis of sequential periods helps the evaluation of the
probability distribution of drought duration and severity. It should be noted that the
time series usually are not long enough for this analysis; therefore, sufficient data
must be generated to obtain a long-term time series. The bootstrap, tree ring, and
autoregressive moving average (ARMA) methods have been used for data generation
in various investigations.
Answering these basic questions requires a large number of statistical data series
for which only long-term generated data are not sufficient; therefore, a planning
horizon should be considered that is usually the same as the available historical
data period or an existing planning horizon. The number of samples that must be
generated is also determined. Because each sample represents only one value for
each predefined objective (for example, each sample has only one drought with
maximum intensity), the number of generated series should be large enough for
frequency analysis.
Drought Management 553
PE = 16(10θ / I ) a * f (λ ) (12.18)
( )
I = θ5 (12.20)
The objective of this step is to identify the pattern of soil moisture variation as a
function of temperature and precipitation. First, the precipitation at a specific month
is compared with the potential evapotranspiration for that month. If the precipitation
is sufficient, then the actual and potential evapotranspiration are assumed to be equal.
After subtracting the potential evapotranspiration, the remaining amount will supply
the soil moisture until it reaches its capacity (Φ). The rain that remains produces
runoff and results in groundwater recharge. If the precipitation is less than potential
evaporation, then the actual evapotranspiration could be provided from soil moisture
from the previous month. The following equations express these situations:
⎧ ETi = PEi
⎪Si = Min ( Pi − PEi ) + Si −1,Φ
If Pi ≥ PEi then: ⎨ Ri = Si − Si −1 (12.21)
⎪ Li = 0
⎪⎩ EPi = (Pi − PEi + Si −1) − Φ
⎧ ETi = Min{PEi ,( Pi + Si −1 )}
⎪Si = ( Pi + Si −1 ) − ETi
otherwise: ⎨ Ri = 0 (12.22)
⎪ Li = Si −1 − Si
⎪⎩ EPi = 0
Di = Φ − Si (12.23)
In the first condition, the excess rainfall can be greater than 0, which means that the
soil moisture deficit is equal to 0 and excess water is available for runoff.
Example 12.6
The monthly water balance parameters of a region are provided in Table 12.12.
Assume that the soil moisture content does not change before and after rainfall.
What is the evapotranspiration in that month (in mm)?
Solution: Direct runoff and groundwater recharge can be estimated as:
The actual evapotranspiration can then be estimated as the difference between rainfall
depth and depth of direct runoff and groundwater recharge:
Evapotranspiration = 60 – 18 – 6 = 36 mm
Runoff is generated as a result of excess rainfall. The simplified water balance model
is applied to calculate excess rainfall. Separation of runoff and groundwater recharge
is difficult. Runoff can be calculated as follows:
TABLE 12.12
Parameters of Water Balance Model for Example 12.6
Changes Storage Coefficient
Precipitation (mm) Runoff Coefficient in Water Table (cm) of Aquifer
60 0.3 +10 6%
Drought Management 557
• Potential recharge (PR) is the moisture required by the soil to reach its
moisture capacity. It is the difference between soil moisture capacity and
the actual soil moisture which is the same as soil moisture deficit, Di.
• Potential moisture loss (PL) is the amount of moisture lost from the soil
to supply the evapotranspiration demand (PEi – Si–1). The moisture loss
approaches its potential when there is no precipitation.
α= (12.26)
where ETi and PEi are the averages of the historical ET and PE, respec-
tively, in month i. The expected ET obtained by applying this coefficient
could be compared with its actual amount in a specific month to obtain
the deviation from normal conditions for that month.
• Recharge coefficient (β): In many regions, soil moisture recharge is a
seasonal property of the soil. The proportion of average recharge for month
i to average potential recharge is β:
β= (12.27)
γ= (12.28)
δ= (12.29)
ET i = α.PEi (12.30)
Rˆ i = β.PRi (12.31)
ROi = γ.PROi (12.32)
∧ ∧
Pˆi = ETi + Rˆ i + ROi − Lˆi (12.34)
∑ (ET )
i =1
n ∑ (ET ) i n
∑ ∑ (PE )
⎛ ET ⎞= i =1
⎝ i⎠ n i
i =1
∑ (PE )
i =1
i =1
n n
∑ ∑ (ET )
⎛ ET ⎞= (12.37)
⎝ i⎠ i
i =1 i =1
560 Water Resources Systems Analysis
and the average value of CAFEC evapotranspiration is equal to the average evapo-
transpiration from historical hydrologic accounting. The same reasoning holds for
the averages of other components of CAFEC precipitation; therefore, the estimated
value of CAFEC precipitation is unbiased. In spite of having the same averages, the
CAFEC values and the actual/observed values for each period are seldom in complete
agreement; however, in large period studies and observations they tend to converge. Anomaly Moisture Index (Z)
After calculating CAFEC precipitation and comparing it with observed precipitation,
the difference (d) can be calculated as:
di = Pi − Pˆi (12.38)
These departures from normal series show the deviation of weather from its normal
condition. This new series provides a good description of the moisture or lack of
moisture in the climate. Climatic Character (K)
Average moisture supply is not always dependent on the precipitation in a period.
Sometimes, when precipitation is insufficient, storage of moisture in the previous
period is used. Using the average of moisture supplied, a climatic character (ki) for
each month i is calculated as follows (Palmer, 1965):
∑ D ×K ′
K j = 17.67 K ′j / i j j = 1, …12 (12.39)
i =1
⎛ T + 2.8 ⎞
K ′j = 1.5 log10 ⎜ j _ ⎟ + 0.5 (12.40)
⎝ Dj ⎠
Tj = ( PE j + R j + ROj ) / ( Pj + L j ) (12.41)
Tj is a measure of the ratio of moisture demand to moisture supply for a month, and
(K) is a regional climatic character. To estimate the Z index for a specific region,
the coefficients of the above equations must be calculated based on the climatic
character of the region. The monthly constants (K) are used as weighting factors of
monthly deviations during dry spells. Then, a moisture anomaly index, Z, for month
i is defined as follows:
Zi = K × di (i = 1, 2,⋯, N ) (12.42)
Drought Management 561
The coefficients of the above equation depend upon the region and will change in
various zones and regions with different climatic regimes. To obtain the above
equation for a specific region, all sub-basins of the region must be investigated. The
methodology of calculating the PDSI coefficients is described as follows. First, the
Z index series, which will serve as the basis of the agricultural index, is calculated
for all sub-basins. Based on the calculated Z index series for all sub-basins of the
region, the following steps convert the Z index to a drought severity index:
Karamouz et al. (2002) obtained the following equation for a specific region in
the central part of Iran:
Xi = ∑Z
t =1
t (5.14t + 10.88) (12.44)
TABLE 12.13
Amount of Abnormal Dryness Required To Maintain a Given Drought
i −1 i
T Xi–1
∑t =1
Δ Xi Xi
t =1
X1 = Z1 /16 (12.46)
A certain amount of dryness (Z < 0) is required to maintain the severity of the existing
dry spell. Now we must determine this dryness for ΔX = 0 (Table 12.13) (Palmer,
1965). The rate of increasing Z, in order to maintain a constant value of X (ΔX = 0),
depends on the value of X that is to be maintained (Palmer 1965). This reasoning
adds additional term to Eq. (12.47), and the equation is changed to the form:
ΔXi = Xi – Xi–1
Now the problem is to determine the c coefficient. Using Eq. (12.44), the value
of zi will maintain a given value of X from month to month. These values for two
arbitrary values of Xi–1= Xi and two arbitrary values are shown in Table 12.13. If we
bring the values of Zi, Xi–1, and ΔX from Table 12.13 into Eq. (12.48), we obtain:
Drought Management 563
ΔX = 0 = (–15.42/16) – 3.0 c (12.50)
Therefore, c is –0.321, and the final equation for the monthly contribution to drought
severity is:
where N is the number of time periods. Dry and wet spells are categorized by the
PDSI; see Table 12.14 for the drought classifications based on PDSI values.
TABLE 12.14
Drought Categories Based on PDSI
PDSI Drought Category
To obtain drought and wet spells using the PDSI, one of the three different
indices ( Xik ) must be used as follows:
To determine the drought severity index, the following steps should be taken: If
Xi2 is greater than or equal to –1, then month i is in a dry spell. If Xi1 is greater
than or equal to 1, then month i is in a wet spell. During a drought period, Xi3 = Xi2 ,
and during a wet period Xi3 = Xi1 . In this situation, when the indicators ( Xi1 or Xi2 )
are between –0.5 and 0.5, then X 3i is equal to 0, which represents the termination
time of a dry or wet spell, respectively. Often only one indicator is not equal to 0,
and this indicator is the PDSI. The advantage of this method is that once a dry or
wet period is observed by either Xi2 or Xi1 , then the other resets to 0. Therefore, the
value of the PDSI does not grow without any limits, which could be the case if only
Eq. (12.52) is used (Alley, 1984).
The termination of an established drought is assumed to occur when Zi ≥ Zei,
where Zei is the moisture required to reduce the severity of a drought to –0.5.
Similarly, the termination of a wet spell is assumed to occur when Zi ≤ Zei. Zei can
be derived by solving Eq. (12.52) for Zi and substituting –0.5 and 0.5 for Xi, for dry
and wet spells, respectively. The parameter introduced by Palmer (1965), Pe, is used
to determine the correct value for the PDSI under various conditions. Pe is the
probability that an established wet or drought spell has ended and is defined as:
100 ∑U
j =0
(i− j )
Pei = j*
Zei + ∑U
j =1
(i− j ) − Ui
Based on the study of Palmer (1965), in the case of an established drought a value
of Z = 0.15 will maintain an index of –0.5 from month to month. Therefore, any
value of Z greater than or equal to –0.15 will tend to end a drought. A similar
assumption could be considered for the termination of a wet spell, and Palmer
proposed the Ui as defined here.
The parameter j* corresponds to the number of successive values of Ui computed
prior to the current month. When the PDSI series shows a drought or wetness period,
Pe must be at its extreme values (0 or 100) to change the current condition. When
0 < Pe < 50, then the PDSI = X3; when 50 < Pe < 100, then the PDSI = X2 or X1,
depending on which term is the opposite of the sign of X3. Readers are referred to
Palmer (1965) and Alley (1984) for more details.
As mentioned in the methodology for calculating the PDSI, the coefficients of
the Palmer drought severity index are dependent on the regional climate and may
change with the climatic characteristics of various regions. So, it is necessary to
derive new coefficients for the PDSI equation for different study areas.
Example 12.7
An example of the estimated PDSI for a specific region is provided in Figure 12.6,
which shows the time series of the PDSI and standardized effective rainfall for the
Zayandeh-rud River basin in the central part of Iran for a period of 34 years as
monthly data from 1967 to 2002. Also, drought periods identified by the PDSI
through the method described in Section 12.7 and effective rainfall calculations
described in Section 12.4 are shown in the figure. The PDSI series shows seven
drought periods, and the seventh period has not yet terminated. Effective rainfall
series also show seven drought periods, and the seventh period has not yet terminated.
Comparison of the two series reveals an overlap between the dry periods in both
series. Similarities between the onset and termination times of both series show the
relative consistency of both methods in identifying drought periods. Figure 12.6
shows the variations in standardized effective rainfall and PDSI time series and the
drought spells identified by these methods.
FIGURE 12.6 Dry and wet spells identification using PDSI (䡬) and effective rainfall
method (䡺).
Drought Management 567
12.8.1 KRIGING
Kriging is a collection of generalized linear regression techniques used to minimize
estimation variance which is defined from a prior model for a covariance. It is
important to have area-wide drought information before applying drought-control
measures to an entire basin. Kriging can be used in its spatial form to determine the
drought-affected areas in a region or for future installation of new gauging stations
in ungauged areas. Kriging methods may be used to study the temporal variation of
a process. In this case, a temporal domain, time variogram, and covariance function
could be used to predict variables for unobserved data. Regional data resulting from
dynamic processes in space and time use variogram and covariance functions that
allow prediction of that process in different points in space and with different lead
Kriging in the simplest form applies first-order analysis based on the following
intrinsic hypotheses (Bogardi et al., 1985):
E[ Z ( x )] = m (12.57)
E[ Z ( x )] = m( x ) (12.58)
Y ( x ) = Z ( x ) − m( x ) (12.59)
• For all vectors h, the increment [Z(x + h) – Z(x)] has a finite variance
independent of x:
The γ function is the variogram. Variograms are obtained from the fol-
lowing three parameters: (1) nugget effect, which can partly be explained
by the measurement error (C0); (2) sill, which is the total variance of the
data beyond a certain distance or range (C); and (3) range or zone of
influence (R) (see Figure 12.7).
568 Water Resources Systems Analysis
∑ [(z( x ) − z( x + h)) ]
1 2
γ(h) = i i (12.62)
where γ(h) is the semivariogram value for distance h, z(xi) is the measurement of
location xi, and z(xi + h) is the measurement at location xi + h, where n is the number
of measurement pairs separated by vectorial distance h.
The empirical variogram could be replaced by a theoretical variogram model to
be used in a kriging problem. A theoretical semivariogram model consists of an
isotropic nugget effect and any positive linear combination of the following standard
semivariogram models:
Drought Management 569
⎧ ⎡ h ⎛ h⎞ ⎤
⎪ . ⎢1 .5 − 0 . 5
⎝ a ⎠ ⎥⎦, if (h ≤ a)
γ(h) = c.Sph⎛ ⎞ = ⎨ ⎣ a
⎝ a⎠ (12.63)
⎩c, if (h ≤ a)
⎡ 3h ⎤
γ(h) = c.Exp⎛ ⎞ = c.⎢1 − exp⎛ − ⎞ ⎥
⎝ a⎠ ⎣ ⎝ a ⎠⎦
• Gaussian model:
⎡ ⎛ (3h)2 ⎞ ⎤
γ(h) = c.⎢1 − exp⎜ − 2 ⎟ ⎥ (12.65)
⎢⎣ ⎝ a ⎠ ⎥⎦
• Power model:
⎡ ⎤
γ (h) = c.⎢1.0 − cos⎛ .π⎞ ⎥
⎣ ⎝ a ⎠⎦
∑ ∑ λ (u)) )m
Z SK (u ) = λ α (u) Z (u ) + ( (1 − α (12.68)
α =1 α
where Z SK is a simple kriging estimator, and λα(u) are the weights to minimize the
error variance, also referred to as the estimation variance. Minimization of the error
variance in a set of normal equations results:
570 Water Resources Systems Analysis
λ β (u)C(uβ − uα ) = C(u − uα )
β =1 (12.69)
∀α = 1,..., n
where C is the stationary covariance and C(0) is the stationary variance of Z(u).
The corresponding minimum estimated variance, or kriging variance, is:
σ 2SK (u) = C(0) − λ α (u)C(u − uα ) ≥ 0 (12.70)
α =1
Ordinary kriging is the most commonly used method of kriging, whereby the sum
of weights
λ α (u )
is limited to 1. This allows building an estimator Z *OK (u) that does not require
prior knowledge of the stationary mean m and remains unbiased in the sense that:
The relationship between weights λ and the semivariograms introduced earlier can
be represented in a matrix form as follows:
⎛ 0 γ 12 γ 13 ⋯ γ 1n 1⎞ ⎛ λ10 ⎞ ⎛ γ 10 ⎞
⎜ γ 21 0 γ 23 ⋯ γ 2n 1⎟ ⎜ λ2 ⎟ ⎜ γ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 0 ⎟ ⎜ 20 ⎟
⎜ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮⎟ ⎜ ⋮ ⎟ =⎜ ⋮ ⎟ (12.72)
⎜γ γ n2 γ n3 … 0 1⎟ ⎜γn⎟ ⎜γ ⎟
⎜ n1 ⎟ ⎜⎜ 0 ⎟⎟ ⎜ n 0 ⎟
⎝ 1 1 1 ⋯ 1 0⎠ ⎝ µ⎠ ⎝ 1 ⎠
where λi0 represents the weight of station i, and 0 represents the origin station.
• A spatial network with specific grids is considered over the entire region.
• The observed data of all rain gauges are considered as known measured
data at their nearest nodes of the network.
Drought Management 571
Z(u, t) is a set of rainfall time series during period T at each location u, which is a
two-dimensional vector; D represents the two-dimensional domain of the study area;
M(u, t) is a deterministic spatiotemporal component that models the average variation
of rainfall; and R(u, t) is a random variable component, independent from M(u, t),
that models the fluctuations with higher frequency around the average spatiotemporal
variations. Deterministic models of rainfall variations, M(u, t), are developed inde-
pendently at each station u. The stochastic model of spaciotemporal variation is then
obtained by regionalizing the parameters of the deterministic models. The first goal
at each station is to determine the periodic behavior of the rainfall data, such as
inter-annual variations, which can be obtained through time series models such as
spectral analysis.
Deterministic variations at each station uα can be modeled as the sum of k + 1
unknown temporal basic functions fk(t) as follows:
M ( u α , ti ) = ∑ b (u ) f (t ),
k =0
k α k i i = 1, ⋯, Tα (12.74)
572 Water Resources Systems Analysis
where bk(uα) is the coefficient of the kth function. These functions usually consist
of a linear function to show the long-term trend and the seasonal or annual periodic
components. The periodic nature of the basic functions is determined as a component
of M(u,t) by a time series analysis method such as Fourier analysis. The coefficients
of the model are regionalized by the kriging method. This makes it possible to predict
the rainfall trend at each location of the region. Also simulation of the regionalized
trend is possible using geostatistical simulation methods (Deutsch and Journel,
The residual values R(u,t) are obtained by subtracting the average variations
M(u,t) from rainfall values, Z(u,t) at each station. The model of the spatio-temporal
residual, R(u,t), is developed using spatially correlated residual time series.
Regionalizing and simulating data using various kriging and simulation methods
could be applied to both trends and residuals of time-series modeling. Most geosta-
tistics methods require time series to be in a Gaussian distribution environment;
therefore, transformation of the data to normal values will be necessary in most cases.
The most straightforward algorithm for generating the realizations of a multi-
variate Gaussian field is provided by the sequential Gaussian simulation (Deutsch
and Journel, 1998). Simulation through LU (lower and upper triangular matrices)
decomposition of the covariance matrix is another method in geostatistical simulation.
The final real precipitation time series of each realization is obtained by com-
bining the results of the simulated trend and residual models for all points (nodes)
of the region.
Example 12.8
Consider a region with 36 rain gauges (Figure 12.8) which have recorded 50 years
of precipitation data. The rain gauges are shown as points in a 30 by 30-unit network.
Set up an algorithm for monthly space–time regionalization of the precipitation time
Solution: The algorithm is expressed by following steps:
6. Using the coefficients of trend model and sequential time steps, the pre-
cipitation trend series are obtained at each station, which are equal to
900 × m vectors of 600 values.
7. The precipitation residual time series at each station are regionalized using
geostatistical methods. This will provide 900 residual time series of 600
8. To obtain m realizations, m simulation of residuals should be done. Then
the output will contain 900 × m vectors of 600 values.
9. Compose the trend values and residuals at 900 nodes of the network to
provide 900 × m vectors of 600 values of the normalized precipitation
time series.
10. Use inverse transformations to convert normalize data to real values.
11. Finally the result consists of m realizations of 50-year (600-month) time
series at each 900 nodes of the network.
574 Water Resources Systems Analysis
12.1 Use the 3-year moving averages to compare the two series of annual average
precipitation for two different regions presented in the following table:
1 50 71
2 3 40
3 8 118
4 59 99
5 58 48
6 141 134
7 30 107
8 22 92
9 41 28
10 47 32
11 103 45
12 23 53
13 64 66
14 46 142
15 129 153
16 82 59
17 128 46
18 89 121
19 17 11
20 15 191
21 28 101
Current year 15 45
Which of these regions is facing the most severe drought in the
current year?
(b) If the long-term average precipitation in regions A and B is esti-
mated to be 350 and 250 mm, respectively, discuss the drought
periods and their durations.
(c) Use Eq. (12.13) to estimate the drought severity for each of the
drought periods.
12.2 The monthly rainfall data for 22 years is presented in the following table.
Assume C (the constant in Eq. (12.6)) is 0.1 and calculate the following
items for the region:
(a) Effective rainfall
(b) Rainfall deficit
(c) Excess rainfall deficit.
12.3 Determine the onset, duration, and severity of drought for the first year
of data presented in Problem 12.2.
12.4 The historical annual precipitation in a basin and the annual rainfall in
drought events with different return periods are shown in the following
Drought Management 575
No. of
Years Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug.
1 0.2 49.6 71.0 40.9 77.1 109.2 153.3 40.9 9.8 0.7 1.6 0.4
2 0.4 2.9 40.3 106.8 73.7 90.8 83.5 5.0 0.0 15.9 0.8 0.0
3 10.4 8.3 117.7 88.4 67.2 88.7 59.8 12.8 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 59.2 98.6 205.1 179.7 76.5 37.4 73.1 13.6 0.0 0.6 0.0
5 8.8 57.9 47.5 124.3 28.1 77.7 124.5 27.8 1.4 1.4 6.7 0.2
6 38.0 140.7 133.9 54.5 55.6 128.8 82.4 45.5 14.2 0.3 2.0 0.0
7 2.5 29.5 106.6 48.1 43.3 31.7 15.4 31.5 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0
8 4.7 22.0 91.8 61.2 164.8 159.9 83.7 97.4 8.7 0.3 1.3 1.4
9 1.9 40.5 27.5 122.9 74.9 73.2 93.9 23.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0
10 15.3 46.8 31.7 62.6 80.1 121.3 125.4 27.5 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.0
11 50.2 102.7 44.6 93.1 58.3 107.0 65.1 28.0 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
12 0.0 22.6 53.2 63.0 40.8 117.3 39.2 55.3 2.8 0.0 0.4 0.1
13 17.4 64.4 66.2 59.5 64.3 55.5 92.3 49.9 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
14 0.5 46.4 142.0 24.2 67.2 90.2 41.8 29.5 0.9 0.0 0.1 1.1
15 0.5 128.8 153.2 73.5 69.6 175.7 73.3 95.6 2.9 0.0 0.6 0.5
16 33.4 82.2 58.5 151.7 99.0 145.9 57.1 38.1 0.2 10.6 14.9 0.0
17 16.3 127.5 45.7 67.7 56.6 82.2 24.9 34.5 0.3 0.9 0.2 0.2
18 0.0 88.7 120.8 49.2 74.0 115.2 41.4 51.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
19 2.1 17.2 10.7 77.8 65.4 116.4 47.0 4.8 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0
20 47.7 14.8 190.6 82.5 48.0 110.6 97.8 1.9 0.4 1.0 0.0 0.3
21 2.3 28.2 101.3 139.0 131.2 252.9 59.4 96.9 5.5 0.7 0.0 0.5
22 0.7 77.2 45.3 74.7 78.2 102.9 59.1 135.8 0.0 0.0 0.3 1.1
12.5 The data presented in the following table have been recorded in the region
presented in Problem 12.4 for one specific year. What is the appropriate
return period of regional drought?
12.6 Consider a basin with 12 rain gauges, the locations of which are shown
in the following figure. The recorded rainfall at each station for a year
are presented in the following table. Assume a threshold of 25-mm pre-
cipitation for the return period of a 10-year drought in the region. Specify
the 10-year drought-affected areas in the region.
Rain Gauges
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Precipitation 320 315 205 105 120 240 230 231 242 250 317 318
Drought Management 577
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ε-Constraint Method, 36 Basic solution, 28
Basic variable, 27
A Homogenous, 207
Bayesian decision theory, 103
Activated sludge process, 515, 517 Bellman optimality principal, 323
Activity coefficient, 389, 391 Benefit
Adequacy, 448 External, 119
Advection envelopes, 375–377 Marginal, 141
Aesthetic value, 136 Benefit–cost ratio, 132–135, 142, 309
Akaike criterion, 166 Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
Allele, 60 Carbonaceous, 386, 388
Alternating direction implicit method, 256 Nitrogenous, 388
Alternative, 21 Removal, 389
Ambient trend monitoring, 375 Biological tower, 517–518
Ancillary facilities, 299 Bioxidation
Anderson test, 162 Parameters, 393
Annual worth, 129, 132–133, 142 Rate constant, 389, 400–401
Aquatic life, 366–367, 387, 419 Bivariable function, 80
Aquiclude, 239 Black water, 519
Aquitard, 239, 241 BOD, See Biochemical oxygen demand
Area-volume-elevation curve, 300, 308, 445 Borda count, 49
ARIMA Box-Cox, 151
Forecasting, 173–175 Breakdown probability, 90
Modeling, 175 Brown water, 519
ARMA BSDP model, 328, 333
Forecasting, 172–173
Generation, 173
Modeling, 173 C
Artificial recharge, 490
Furrow, 490 Calibration, 212–213, 229
Flooding, 490 Capacity expansion, 273–274, 304, 310
Recharge well, 490 Capillary forces, 196
Stream-channel, 490 Capital recovery factor, 121–122
Assimilative capacity, 487 Catchment basin, 191, 193–194
Atmospheric water, 4 Chance constraint programming, 101, 114,
Attribute, 22 319–322
Autoregressive Channel modification, 206, 232
Coefficient, 167–170 Characteristic flow, 324–327
Modeling, 167 Chi-square, 533
Autocorrelation, 148, 161–163, 169–170, Test, 155–158, 182, 185
172–173, 182–183 Degree of freedom, 156–157
Chromosomes, 60
Circularity ratio, 194
B Climatic
Character, 560, 565
Backward shift operator, 150 Drought, See Drought
Bacteria, 364, 437 Cloud seeding, 491
580 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Soil moisture, 195–196, 205, 207, 215, 530, 538, Parallel, 93, 114
554 Properties, 6
Anomaly index, 554 Quantized, 7
Capacity, 554, 556–557 Series, 93
Condition, 555 Simple, 7
Deficit, 553–554, 556–557
Simulation, 8
Loss coefficient, 558
Stable, 8
Sorbed pollutant concentration, 368
Source monitoring, 375 Stochastic, 7
Specific storage, 243, 249 Theory, 85, 98
Spinning reserve, 468
State of nature, 7
Stationarity, 172–173, 181 T
Stationary condition, 168
Stationary solution, 323, 328 Tactic, 462
Statistical distribution, 532–533, 545 Tail water, 441, 444–445, 456–460, 480
Steady state flow, 216 Tariff, 498, 00, 511
Stethoscope, 499 Termination, 162
Stochastic Test of independence in time, 162
Dynamic programming, 82, 86 Test of normality, 147
Matrix, 95 Thermal plant, 468–474
Process, 97 Thermocline, 413
Simulation, 102
Thiessen polygon network, 545, 547
Storage coefficient, 242, 248–249, 271, 287–288,
Thomas Fiering, 167
290, 532
Strategy, 462 Thornthwaite method, 210–211, 501, 553–555
Stratification, 374, 413–414 Time of concentration, 199, 206, 215
Stream flow Time series
Estimation , 207–209 Modeling, 11, 145
Hydrograph, 198, 210 Toxic metals , 364–365
Streeter and Phelps equation, 388, 393–394, 400, Transformation, 147, 150–152, 160
407, 409 Transition
Subsurface flow, 10, 250 Matrix, 96, 326
Superfluous variable, 102 Probability, 97–98, 114, 326, 328, 333, 358
Supply curve, 487–488
Transmission loss, 464, 468, 471
Suspended soils, 364, 368
Transmissivity, 242
Synthetic problems, 8, 319
Synthetic stream flows, 319 Transpiration, 197
Synthetic time series, 167, 176 Trash-rack, 446
System Treatment
Adaptive, 8 Cost, 395, 397–399, 405, 407, 411, 419, 426,
Causal, 8 429–431
Complex, 7 Efficiency, 395–396, 398–399, 403, 405, 407,
Continuous, 7 409
Damped, 8 Trend, 146
Definition, 6 Linear function, 146
Degree of integration, 6 Polynomial function, 146
Deterministic, 7
Power function, 146
Devised, 7
Removal, 146–150
Discrete, 7
Failure, 93 Trickling filters, 517–518, 520
Hydrologic, 8 Turbine, 442–446, 450, 453, 456, 459, 479–480
Identification problem, 8 Turnover, 413
Linear, 85, 98, 100 Turning point test, 165–166, 181
Natural, 7 Tylor’s polynomial, 29, 59
588 Water Resources Systems Analysis