A Practical Start For PTC and Signal Enforcement Safety
A Practical Start For PTC and Signal Enforcement Safety
A Practical Start For PTC and Signal Enforcement Safety
This paper introduces a new device that works with existing End-Of-Train (EOT) braking
devices as a practical start for Positive Train Control and Signal Enforcement. It is fast
and easy to implement, low cost, interoperable with existing systems and between
railroads, with minimal or no new on-board equipment. Operating the EOT to slow or
stop the train - with or without the driver’s knowledge or consent - will prevent accidental
means of stopping a train separate from the locomotive controls. It will work in "dark" un-
signalled territory and existing conventional signal blocks, and it will perform the same
back-up function with new moving-block systems of Positive Train Control that will derive
their location information from GPS and local markers. For an early start-up, no new on-
board equipment is required on freight trains already using EOTs, and it is simple to add
an EOT system on any passenger train. The device would be located at trackside near
existing signals in its start-up configuration, and relay to the EOT the necessary
command if the train operation does not conform to the signal indication. In this
conceptual mode, quick implementation and low cost are both possible with no changes
to the EOT concept. Later design evolution would see the device as the link between the
moving-block and GPS data to provide redundant and secure vital train-stop capability.
© AREMA 2009 ®
The Signal Enforcement Controller (SEC) is a new device that works with the existing
End-of-Train braking devices currently required on the major freight trains in North
America of over 4,000 tons, to provide an immediate solution for train protection on
North America's passenger and freight railway systems. This solution will be both fast
and easy to implement and at minimal cost. Furthermore it will be interoperable with
existing systems within and across railway companies and will not require any additional
into an occupied block of railway track will be prevented and catastrophic collision will be
avoided or minimized by the rapid engagement of the end of train device, which will slow
or stop the train without the driver's (engineman's) knowledge or willful action. Thus the
proposed system will provide an override capability on the encroaching train and provide
an automatic driver-independent means of stopping the train without any long distance
GPS signals and will augment any GPS driver assistance methods already in use. It will
work in existing "dark territory", conventional signal blocks and will perform the same
back-up function with new moving-block systems of Positive Train Control which will
derive their location from both GPS and local position markers.
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As almost all freight trains currently have an EOT, this solution will be quick to implement
It will be easy to add EOT systems to passenger trains for about $12,000 per train.
A trackside device would be located at or near signals in the initial configuration where it
would relay the appropriate command if the train operation does not conform to the
signal indication.
In this conceptual mode, quick implementation and minimal expenditure are both
possible by extension of the EOT concept. Later design evolution would see the device
as the link between the moving-block and GPS data to provide redundant and secure
Thus, the Signal Enforcement Controller meets the two requirements of the Railway
Safety Improvement Act as it uses the EOT system in use by the freight railroads for
more than 20 years, and it is interchangeable and interoperable now. All of the
accessories that are to be interconnected with the SEC at trackside that are required for
train occupancy detection, speed sensing, train radio and remote consent by radio at a
work site are all devices that are available and on the market now.
the same EOT Sense and Brake Unit at the rear coupler of any passenger train and the
same Locomotive Cab Unit (CBU) in the engineman's console in any passenger
locomotive or cab-car.
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The need for Positive Train Control has been recognized and pursued for many decades,
from serious beginnings of a proposed universal Advanced Train Control System (ATCS)
necessity of universal interoperability have obscured the focal point of the immediate
needs and the object of preventing train accidents at the site of the probable incident.
The accidents that are the object of these efforts are those caused by human error of all
kinds. These causes range among simple distraction from immediate second-by-second
observance and control, to fatigue, possible legal medications, illegal drugs or alcohol, to
The solution suggested in this paper is achieved by the adoption of a new device, for
suitable wayside locations. It is an adaptation and evolution of the more than 20 years of
service of the End-Of-Train braking system developed to stop long freight trains in a
specific emergency situation. Where an error has occurred in the train coupling or re-
coupling after a car intermediate in the train length has been added or dropped off, and
the brake manual closing valve (angle-cock) at the brake hose to car brake pipe has
been left closed, a reduction in air pressure from the locomotive train brake
(independent-brake) valve is prevented from being passed beyond the car affected.
The pressure reduction from the locomotive control stand train-brake is what activates
the local brake application in every car in the train within just a few seconds, even on a
mile-long train. An inadvertently closed angle-cock, or any other obstruction to the train
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brake pipe, will prevent the freight cars beyond that point from receiving the brake
application instruction, at which point the train will stop only under the influence of the
car brakes back to the point of closed angle-cock or obstruction. Serious runaways can
occur from this kind of incident causing extensive damage and potential loss of life to
both train crews and people living close to the site of the probable derailment.
The EOT system was developed to provide a separate means of control, with the SBU
partly replacing the responsibility of the conductor or the brakeman who used to ride in
the caboose of a freight train. A runaway resulting from the cause described in the
scenario above as a possible closed angle-cock somewhere in the train could have been
stopped by the brakeman (or conductor) in the caboose applying the train brake from an
Another function of that crew was to monitor the train brake pipe pressure from the
caboose and note brake application pressure reductions and the pressure and time to
restore brake releases. With the elimination of cabooses, the EOT system’s SBU took
over this function too, relaying actual brake pressure readings by radio to the locomotive
cab to confirm to the engineman the functioning of the train air brakes.
The EOT, then, represents a ready, proven, reliable and low-cost system currently
required and in use on freight trains for most of the last 20 years.
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The Sense and Brake Unit of the
EOT installed on a trailer flat car
coupler at rear of a freight train.
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As there have been a few instances of freight train derailments during emergency
braking, the Canadian Transportation Safety Board has recommended that the engineer
apply the EOT at the trailing end of the train with his Locomotive Control Unit (LCU) Red
switch, before putting the automatic brake valve into "Emergency". This application of
the EOT first will reduce any in-train slack action thereby reducing any tendency to derail
because of possible run-in action due to the heavy braking of the emergency brake
While originally powered only by a replaceable battery in the SBU (Sense and Brake
Unit) at the rear coupler of the last car on the train, newer systems use a small, low-
power air-turbine battery recharging generator that uses less air from the main brake
pipe than normal joint leakage and therefore has no effect on the performance of the
existing brake application and control of the existing air brake systems.
the SBU of an oncoming train. Depending on the protocol in use by the operating
railroad, that message can demand a service brake application or an emergency brake
application completely separately from any action or inaction by the locomotive crew.
The Signal Enforcement Controller may be installed at an existing ABS signal post
where it will receive an occupied block indication from the signal-block track-circuit relay
or any other speed restriction indication (approach, yellow signal), or from an added
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position. The SEC will sense the radio signals from the EOT on an approaching train and
will acknowledge its presence and functioning status to the head-end EOT panel or by
voice radio to the engineman. The SEC would usually be powered by its own solar cell
Where needed for the protection of track gang work, a portable version of the SEC
would be placed at the flagging site with a portable train presence detector (such as a
magnetic wheel detector, an optical sensor, radar sensor or an AEI tag reader). While
the specific details would conform to the protocols of the operating railroad, in generic
terms, a train attempting to pass the flag site would be automatically stopped by either a
service or emergency brake application, unless the work foreman using a remote radio
however, over the train voice radio: the train engineman would be required to request
permission from the foreman to proceed, and at what speed, before his train reaches the
flagging point.
flagging would be used with the SEC installed at convenient locations corresponding to
the boundaries of manual blocks. The train engineman would be required to request
radio authorization to pass the point of sensing from the Rail Traffic Controller or
dispatcher, who would then either give or withhold authorization for the driver to pass
The SEC can also be used for sensing over-speed at any specific location or at an
approach signal. A speed sensing device would be attached to the SEC to indicate
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speed at that point and a train exceeding the allowable speed would be warned by radio
that it is exceeding the defined speed. Automatically a service brake will be applied by
the SEC to the SBU at the end of the train. The choice of a service brake or emergency
brake application depends on the protocol of the operating railroad. Means could be
established to release the service brake application when train speed drops to the
applicable limit before the train has completely passed the SEC location. The safest fail-
safe protocol may in fact be to stop the train completely if its speed has been excessive,
as it might not otherwise stop under the control of its engineman if the next signal is red
(e.g. if the engineman is distracted or for some other reason unable to control the train).
suppliers is considered good, and any in-service failures can be worked around in the
same way as a signal failure. It is not unusual in the railway industry to use a fail-safe
mode where an equipment failure warns and then stops the use of the failed system and
redundancy of equipment and circuits with appropriate failure warning, if one half of the
system fails, may be considered. Then reduced speed or alternate operation would
become mandatory as defined in rules for the specific situation. By using the SEC,
railway operators can meet all of the necessary railway safety standards more easily
than with a system that transmits data over long distances and with the residual time
delay for processing, transmission and acknowledgement. The electric utility companies
find that even the speed-of-light transmission of synchronization data such as 60Hz
generator phase angles is too slow for distances of more than 700 miles, and this
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between them. Quebec Hydro power frequency and phase angle is not synchronized
with New York State for this reason. Most electric utility companies are well aware of this
The current prices of different manufacturers’ EOT systems vary with the features
included but estimates are in the range of $5000 for an SBU for the coupler at the last
car of the train plus $7,000 more or less depending on the features for the LCU. To
equip a passenger train with these on-board devices, as used on freight trains, would
In this perspective, the basic wayside SEC with its mounting pole and radio speed
sensor, switch position sensor or work foreman consent radio will not be high. Specific
cost estimates for quantity production in thousands of units have not yet been made. At
double track and siding end locations, additional SEC units may be needed.
The time to have working field trial models in service should be less than 12 months.
Field trials should be carried out in several different locations and situations, always in
parallel with existing safety systems and procedures until careful testing and monitoring
has proven their safety for general use and has been certified so by the technical and
regulatory authorities.
© AREMA 2009 ®
US Congress has already opened the discussion for a solution termed “Positive Train
Control” in:
requirements stipulated in the Rail Safety Improvement Act in the short and long term, at
The bill requires the implementation of “interoperable” positive train control systems for
Class I freight and passenger rail carriers by December 31, 2015. It also authorizes
$250 million in “Railroad Safety Technology Grants” ($50 million per year) to help
operators implement the technology. The grants require a 20% local match, and priority
will be given to projects that advance PTC technology and benefit both freight and
passenger rail.
and the movement of a train through a switch left in the wrong position.
railroad and tenant railroad to communicate with and respond to the positive train
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The Signal Enforcement Controller meets these requirements. It is a positive train
derailments, prevent incursions into established work zone limits, and prevent the
It has the added advantage that it works with the existing End Of Train braking devices
currently installed on practically all the major freight trains in North America. It is fast and
easy to implement and at minimal cost. It will be interoperable with existing systems
within and across railway companies and will not require any additional cost or
equipment on board existing caboose-less freight trains. Implementation of the SEC will
It is within our reach now, and has the ability to evolve with any future system.
In the words of Canadian Judge René Foisy who headed the commission of enquiry into
the collision near Hinton, Alberta on February 8, 1986 “The damage to the running
equipment was extensive. The monumental destruction discovered by those first on the
scene was beyond description.” This head-on collision between a passenger train and a
freight train at a combined speed of 110 miles per hour resulted in the violent death of 23
people: “Having regard to the incredible forces of the collision it is nothing short of
In his report, Judge Foisy discussed the developments in Advanced Train Control
“Emerging remote train intervention and enforcement technologies are not dependent on
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speeds and stop trains in the event that an order is being disobeyed or an authority
exceeded. The presences such systems would render a collision like that which
“In the Commission’s view, it is essential that such remote intervention and enforcement
Unfortunately, even by 1989, ATCS Level 30 was not yet ready. Now, in 2009, work is
progressing on a GPS based PTC which will by 2015, achieve the objectives anticipated
In the interim, until a 2015 strategy is proven effective, the Signal Enforcement Controller,
working with the existing EOT systems, will achieve all of the objectives quickly and
economically with proven technology and experience and little or no change to most
freight trains.
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1986 at Dalehurst, Alberta, The Honourable Mr. Justice René Foisy; Canada
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