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the collapse of comes unsafe. From 2007 to total assets ow can this new
Silicon Valley 2022, banks boosted their source of fragility be
60% 20%
Bank has de- holdings of Treasurys and eliminated? Uninsured
molished federally backed mortgage se- 1950 New insurance limit increases to $10,000 depositors don’t seem to dis-
much of what the Federal Re- curities to 20% from 12% of 50 1966 2009 18 cipline their banks’ behavior,
serve, political leaders and total assets, while the unin- $15,000 $250,000 said Eric Rosengren, former
investors thought they had sured share of domestic de- Boston Fed president and a
40 16
learned from the global fi- posits rose to 45% from 38%. scholar at the MIT Golub Cen-
nancial crisis of 2007-09. SVB and Signature Bank went 1969 1980 ter. Smaller banks could be
They assumed complex se- to extremes, with uninsured 30 $20,000 $100,000 14 required instead to issue ju-
curities, too-big-to-fail banks deposits at 94% and 90%, re- nior debt, he said. Such debt
and shadowy, lightly regu- spectively, according to S&P could be converted to equity
20 $40,000 12
lated lenders were the weak Global Market Intelligence. or wiped out to resolve a fail-
links in the system. Instead, Government bonds may ing bank, as Swiss regulators
the weak links were its mun- not have default risk, but 10 10 did in forcing Credit Suisse
dane, ostensibly safe parts— they have interest-rate risk: Group to merge with UBS
government bonds, smaller their market value goes Group, he noted.
banks and deposits. down when rates rise, more 0 8 But the Swiss authorities
Perhaps this will blow over so from rock-bottom levels. 1940 ’50 ’60 ’70 ’80 ’90 2000 ’10 ’20 2000 ’10 ’20 still had to backstop UBS’s
with few broader conse- The Bloomberg U.S. Aggre- losses and provide extra li-
*From 2008 to 2010, the FDIC guaranteed all non-interest bearing accounts. Some deposits categorized as uninsured may be insured because they are
quences. But if it doesn’t, two gate bond index fell 13% last held on behalf of multiple beneficiaries. quidity.
unappetizing paths loom: year, its worst performance Sources: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (deposits); Federal Reserve (securities) Without government back-
Smaller and regional banks, going back to the 1970s. ing, U.S. community and re-
exposed as fragile, may For banks, that was only an its brought down many sav- term funding, are rather sta- ple red flags such as rapid gional banks stand to lose
struggle to survive on their issue if the bonds had to be ings-and-loan institutions in ble,” said Randal Quarles, who growth, high dependence on large deposits and customers
own; or the federal safety net sold to redeem deposits, the late 1970s and early ’80s. oversaw regulation at the Fed uninsured deposits from con- to big banks already deemed
will expand, creating new which is what happened to Conceivably, Fed regula- as a governor until 2021. centrated sectors, large de- too big to fail. In response,
risks down the road. SVB. Signature was more reli- tors, like their monetary-pol- Regulators and legislators posits tied to venture-capital midsize banks are urging the
The 2007-09 crisis origi- ant on loans, but it, too, expe- icy colleagues, were caught thought the global financial deals and no chief risk officer. government to insure all
nated with “shadow banks,” rienced a run on uninsured off-guard by how much in- crisis showed small and re- SVB and Signature may bank deposits for two years.
lightly regulated finance com- deposits. Indeed, rising inter- terest rates would rise be- gional banks were inherently have been outliers. But Tuesday, Treasury Secretary
panies, securities dealers and est rates generally force cause of inflation. Such a safer than GSIBs. That ratio- enough banks shared a pass- Janet Yellen said more bank
off-balance-sheet vehicles. banks to raise deposit rates or scenario wasn’t in the stress nale led Congress to raise ing resemblance that skittish deposits could be protected.
They invested in subprime lose funds to alternatives tests given to the global sys- the asset-size threshold at depositors began yanking A blanket deposit guaran-
mortgages and related deriv- such as money market funds. temically important banks which tougher capital and li- out their money. That is the tee would stabilize banks, at a
atives, financed with skittish (GSIBs). Even so, banks quidity requirements kicked essence of a bank run. cost. It could draw funds from
wholesale funding—asset- anks are supposed to should have tested for such a in to $250 billion in 2018. Fearing such an outcome, similar investments such as
backed commercial paper, be safer than shadow scenario on their own. Whether that would have the Fed offered to lend to money funds that lack the
prime brokerage customer banks because they are Fed supervisors also made a difference is unclear; banks against bond collateral guarantee, and it could effec-
accounts and repos. tightly regulated. So how thought, wrongly, that unin- regulations matter only if ex- valued at par instead of tively turn every bank into a
By contrast, SVB was pur- could the Fed, which shared sured deposits were a safe aminers are enforcing much lower market values, government-sponsored enter-
suing the epitome of safe, oversight of SVB with Cali- form of funding. “Long expe- them. While Fed examiners and the FDIC guaranteed all prise. In the process, a key of
boring banking: taking in de- fornia regulators, let this rience has taught supervisors did alert SVB’s management of SVB’s and Signature’s de- the postcrisis regulatory push
posits and investing them in happen? The situation was and regulators that uninsured as far back as 2019 with their posits. Whether this was an would go up in smoke: that
Treasurys and federally hardly unprecedented: A deposits from your customers, concerns, they didn’t, it ap- overreaction is impossible to the public should never again
backed mortgage securities. mismatch between long-term as opposed to brokered de- pears, take more severe know right now; that bank have to backstop the losses of
The problem is that finan- loans and short-term depos- posits or wholesale short steps. That is despite multi- stocks have since fallen fur- private risk taking.
Act, which requires school dis- gis Public Schools failed him
tricts to provide a free and ap- throughout his education, as-
propriate education to dis- signing unqualified interpret-
abled students. ers to the classroom and mis-
The decision could give representing his progress,
school officials greater incen- suggesting the child was on
tive to respond to disabled track to graduate when in
Mathematics teacher Robert Jong, left, demonstrates in solidarity with school employees on Tuesday in Los Angeles. students’ needs. By the same fact administrators intended
token, it might add to the only to award a certificate of
Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by increase, 3% bonus and im- Tuesday from 10 mothers from
emailing wsjcontact@wsj.com or by calling 888-410-2667.
proved healthcare benefits. Our Voice, a group of Latino
“We understand the frus- parents, at the board’s meeting.
tration, a frustration that has Evelyn Aleman, the group’s
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL been brewing not just for a leader, said many families in the
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Industrial Average
First Republic Bank is beef- been hired by First Republic to that rate increases pose a seri-
Nasdaq Composite ing up its adviser ranks as the advise on moves the bank could ous threat to financial stabil-
troubled lender seeks to stay make to regain its footing. ity. If that becomes apparent
afloat and plan for a postcrisis JPMorgan and other big on Wednesday, stocks could
Continued from Page One future amid a trans-Atlantic cri- banks agreed last week to de- decline, these analysts said.
investors betting on another sis of confidence in the banking posit $30 billion into First Re- In a sign that investors
quarter-point increase. system. public to try to shore up the were already recalibrating
The Dow industrials rose 0.5
The California bank this bank. Some of those banks’ their interest-rate bets, prices
316.02 points, or 1%, to week tapped Lazard Ltd. to CEOs, led by JPMorgan’s Jamie of U.S. Treasurys posted major
32560.60 on Tuesday, while help with a review of strategic Dimon, have been discussing declines Tuesday, pushing
the S&P 500 gained 51.3 0 options that could include a ways to help First Republic af- their yields higher.
points, or 1.3%, to 4002.87. sale, a capital infusion or asset ter the move failed to suffi- The yield on the two-year
The Nasdaq Composite trimming, according to people ciently bolster confidence in the U.S. Treasury note, which is
climbed 184.57 points, or 1.6%, –0.5 Five-minute intervals familiar with the matter. It also lender. especially sensitive to changes
to 11860.11. hired consulting firm McKinsey —Lauren Thomas in the near-term interest-rate
Mon. Tues.
The KBW Bank index rose & Co. to help map out a postcri- and Laura Cooper outlook, settled at 4.175%, ac-
5%, as shares in big U.S. banks Source: FactSet cording to Tradeweb, up from
like JPMorgan Chase & Co. 3.922% Monday.
posted strong gains and some lending program to help banks vestors worried that a flight of tors after a risky type of bank Tuesday afternoon that inves- The yield on the 10-year
smaller lenders surged. First to meet withdrawal requests. deposits from midsize banks debt, known as Additional Tier tors were pricing in a roughly note also climbed, to 3.603%
Republic stock jumped 29% to “Our intervention was nec- triggered by the run on Silicon 1 bonds, declined. The selloff 86% chance that the central from 3.477% Monday. Yields
$15.77 after shedding nearly essary to protect the broader Valley Bank could lead to a came after Credit Suisse’s AT1 bank lifts interest rates by a on both bonds, however, re-
half of its value Monday. West- U.S. banking system. And simi- pullback in lending and drag bonds were wiped out as part quarter percentage point, or main well below their levels
ern Alliance Bancorp and lar actions could be warranted on economic growth. of its sale to UBS. Additional 25 basis points, for a second from two weeks ago.
PacWest Bancorp, two other if smaller institutions suffer “The equity market is not Tier 1 bonds ticked higher consecutive time, according to Typically, bond prices
midsize banks that have come deposit runs that pose the risk pricing in a full banking cri- Tuesday. data from CME Group. would fall in response to Fed
under pressure, each climbed of contagion,” Ms. Yellen said. sis,” said Seema Shah, chief The Fed, meanwhile, was “I probably agree with con- guidance suggesting higher in-
more than 14%. Meanwhile, some banking- global strategist at Principal looming larger in investors’ sensus that they are likely go- terest rates are ahead. Yet, in
Aiding Tuesday’s rally, industry representatives and Asset Management. “There’s minds. ing to hike 25 basis points,” the current climate, some be-
Treasury Secretary Janet Yel- lawmakers have called for an not panic setting into that in- Having once thought the said Blake Gwinn, head of U.S. lieve that longer-term bonds
len suggested the government expansion of deposit insur- vestor space, which is cer- central bank could raise rates rates strategy at RBC Capital could actually rally in such a
could, if necessary, take fur- ance, although it isn’t clear tainly a very important thing.” by a half percentage point on Markets. “I don’t necessarily scenario if investors were
ther steps to shore up the whether such a move would be In Europe, bank stocks and Wednesday, investors have re- think it’s the right option, but worried enough that higher
banking system. politically viable in Congress. bonds also recovered, follow- cently been debating whether I just think…they really want rates would drive the economy
Earlier this month, Ms. Yel- JPMorgan Chief Executive ing choppy trading Monday officials will keep up their to separate out the financial quickly in a recession.
len and other federal regula- Jamie Dimon is leading discus- sparked by UBS Group AG’s fight against inflation with a stability tool kit from the in- Asian stocks rallied early
tors used emergency pow- sions about new efforts to sta- emergency takeover of Credit more modest quarter-point in- flation fighting tool kit.” Wednesday. The Asia Dow In-
ers to guarantee uninsured bilize the troubled First Re- Suisse Group. UBS’s stock crease or refrain from raising Along with its decision on dex, Japan’s Nikkei 225 Stock
deposits at Silicon Valley Bank public, The Wall Street climbed 12%. rates altogether until financial interest rates, Fed officials Average and South Korea’s Ko-
and Signature, while also set- Journal reported Monday. The Regulators made attempts conditions stabilize. could have a significant im- spi were each up about 2%.
ting up a new Federal Reserve bank has become a focus of in- Monday to calm bond inves- Fed-funds futures showed pact on markets by signaling S&P 500 futures were flat.
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Tax Credit
BY PATIENCE HAGGIN In a Friday email to an ad 16 Executive Shou Zi Chew plans TikTok, which is owned by BY RICHARD RUBIN
AND SUZANNE VRANICA agency that had inquired to offer a series of broad prom- Beijing-based ByteDance Ltd., AND YUKA HAYASHI
about the uncertain situation, ises on platform safety and se- and House lawmakers released
TikTok has sought to reas- TikTok discussed the steps it 12 curity at a much-anticipated Mr. Chew’s remarks ahead of his WASHINGTON—The Biden
sure advertisers in recent days has taken to secure user data, congressional hearing on Thurs- scheduled appearance. His testi- administration moved to im-
that the app is unlikely to be saying, “We are confident that 8 day, according to his testimony. mony is a calculated gamble by plement a new 25% invest-
banned in the U.S., according we are on a path to fully sat- Mr. Chew will pledge to the platform to win an agree- ment tax credit for U.S.-based
to people familiar with the sit- isfy all reasonable U.S. na- keep safety on Chinese-owned ment from the U.S. government semiconductor manufacturing
uation, as some companies be- tional security concerns.” 4 TikTok a priority—especially for that would allow it to continue and proposed restrictions that
gin to make contingency plans On Monday, TikTok sent an teenagers—and will promise to operating with security improve- would make it difficult for
for their ad spending. ad agency a link to an animated firewall U.S. user data from for- ments, while maintaining its cur- companies to expand China
The Biden administration video that touts those data eign access and keep the plat- rent ownership structure. operations if they receive cer-
has raised national-security safeguards. 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 form free from government in- —John D. McKinnon tain federal funds.
concerns about TikTok and is The video, which includes Source: Insider Intelligence Congress created the tax
demanding that its Chinese images of American flags at credit and chip-maker subsi-
owners sell their stakes in the various points, lays out how draw for advertisers, thanks to Meta Platforms Inc. and Alpha- looking at where they can rep- dies last year as part of a
popular video-sharing app or TikTok spent $1.5 billion on the viral nature of its content bet Inc.’s Google, which have licate the performance they package aimed at boosting
face a possible ban, The Wall “security to prevent unauthor- and strong appeal with teen- increased their short-form are getting from TikTok,” if U.S. competitiveness in semi-
Street Journal reported. Tik- ized foreign access to your data agers. video offerings. Google and the app is banned, she said. conductors. The legislation
Tok is owned by Beijing-based and the systems that deliver The app has been down- Meta together are expected to Ms. DiGuido said some of came in response to a chip
ByteDance Ltd. you content.” loaded more than four billion capture almost 45% of U.S. dig- her clients are spending over shortage during parts of the
The U.S., which is con- A TikTok representative said times globally and was the ital-ad revenue this year, In- $1 million a month on TikTok. pandemic and to concerns
cerned about the app’s Chi- the company has been working most-downloaded app in 2022, sider Intelligence estimates. Backup plans call for money to about relying on other nations
nese owners collecting data on to engage marketers and agen- according to research firm Some brands have begun to be moved to other social-me- for such components.
American users and poten- cies in “open, fact-based, and Sensor Tower Inc. More than prepare for a possible ban by dia sites such as Instagram, The congressional Joint
tially influencing the app’s ongoing dialogue” about its ef- 150 million Americans are on coming up with contingency Alphabet’s YouTube and Committee on Taxation esti-
content, has been applying forts to build a trusted plat- TikTok, the company says. plans for their TikTok ad streaming-TV platforms. The mated that the investment tax
pressure on TikTok for some form for users and brands. The company is expected to spending, several ad execu- agency is still recommending credit, which expires after
time. “If protecting national secu- have 2.5% of the U.S. digital ad tives said. TikTok given its strong ad per- 2026, would cost $24 billion.
The latest move marked an rity is the objective, divestment market this year, and its U.S. Advertisers are looking to formance in terms of reach The Treasury Department pro-
escalation by the Biden admin- doesn’t solve the problem: a ad revenue is expected to avoid any disruption to their and the ability for ad content posed regulations Tuesday
istration. change in ownership would not surge 36% to $6.83 billion, ac- business, said Diana DiGuido, to go viral on the site, she that are designed to spur the
In communications with ad impose any new restrictions on cording to market-research chief client officer at market- said. industry’s domestic growth.
executives in recent days, Tik- data flows or access,” TikTok’s firm Insider Intelligence. ing firm Tinuiti. The legislation also included
Tok ad-sales staffers have statement said. Some of TikTok’s growth Brands “can’t have any gaps TikTok videos find outlets off other federal subsidies for chip
played down the threat of an TikTok has become a big has come at the expense of in performance, so they are of the app itself..................... A12 makers. Those are being ad-
ministered by the Commerce
Department, which issued its
rity company, illustrating the 100 million. “Some politicians in recent months banning the can claim the credit.
difficulties U.S. regulators face have started talking about app from state-owned devices To qualify, a project must
in curtailing data-collection ef- banning TikTok. Now this and networks. have manufacturing of semi-
forts by the popular Chinese- could take TikTok away from Utah and Maryland re- conductors or semiconductor-
owned app. all 150 million of you,” he said, moved the pixel after being manufacturing equipment as
A review of the websites of asking users to post “what you contacted by the Journal. its primary purpose. The pro-
more than 3,500 companies, love about TikTok” for him to “We work with an advertis- posed rules don’t set a per-
organizations and government raise in his testimony. ing agency to run educational centage of a project’s revenue
entities by the Toronto-based Maryland had a ByteDance tracking pixel in the code of its Covid Tracking pixels, also called campaigns that inform Utahns or production that qualifies as
company Feroot Security website until last week even though then-Gov. Larry Hogan ordered web beacons, are intended to about how to access programs a primary purpose. That
found that so-called tracking the removal of ByteDance’s software before he left office. support digital marketing and that could help them get a means the Internal Revenue
pixels from the TikTok parent advertising by logging a visi- better job,” a Utah Department Service, during audits of com-
company were present in 30 government websites use such ing that they should be re- tor’s interactions with the site, of Workforce Services spokes- panies claiming the credit, can
U.S. state-government web- pixels to help measure the ef- moved from websites of gov- such as what is clicked on and woman said. The pixel was look at each project and assess
sites across 27 states, includ- fectiveness of advertising they ernment agencies and the duration of a visit. used in such a campaign, she its primary purpose, a senior
ing some where the app has have bought on TikTok. It companies that collect per- While the web-tracking pix- said. Treasury official said.
been banned from state net- helps agencies determine how sonal information. els ostensibly aim to better A spokesman for the Mary- The new rules clarify that
works and devices. Feroot col- many people saw an ad on the “Like other platforms, the pinpoint advertising, they also land Department of Health manufacturers can’t claim the
lected the data in January and social-media app and took data we receive from advertis- pose threats for privacy, secu- said the pixel on its site was credit for portions of their fa-
February of this year. some action—such as visiting ers is used to improve the ef- rity experts have said. They part of an ad campaign cilities such as parking lots
The presence of that code a website or signing up for a fectiveness of our advertising can sometimes be configured launched last August, and the and outdoor lighting.
means that U.S. state govern- service. The pixels’ prolifera- services,” a TikTok spokes- to collect data that users enter state was investigating why it Snap Inc. had asked the ad-
ments are inadvertently par- tion offers another vector for woman said in a statement. on websites, such as user- remained on the website after ministration to ensure that de-
ticipating in a data-collection data collection beyond Tik- “Our terms instruct advertis- names. With enough pixels on that campaign ended. It was sign facilities would be eligible
effort for a foreign-owned Tok’s popular mobile app. ers not to share certain data enough websites, the compa- removed as of Friday, the for the credit, contending in a
company, one that senior Bi- TikTok’s pixels “can be with us, and we continuously nies running them can piece spokesman said. In December, letter that design is essential
den administration officials watching and recording you work with our partners to together the browsing behav- departing Republican Gov. to manufacturing.
and lawmakers of both parties when you’re renewing your avoid inadvertent transmis- ior of individual users, build- Larry Hogan issued an emer- The rules say a research fa-
have said could be harmful to driver’s license, paying your sion of such data.” ing detailed profiles on their gency cybersecurity directive cility can qualify if it is used
U.S. national security and the taxes or filling out doctors’ TikTok has previously em- interests and online habits. ordering the removal of Byte- in connection with manufac-
privacy of Americans. forms,” said Ivan Tsarynny, phasized that its user data is The Wall Street Journal Dance’s software from state turing. A Snap spokesman de-
Administrators who manage chief executive of Feroot, add- stored in the U.S., not China. was able to replicate a sam- networks and devices. clined to comment.
OBITUARY constitution grants the right to
an abortion for other reasons.
Willis Reed, Knicks The court voted 5-4 on the
Leader by Example ruling in the lawsuit filed by
Planned Parenthood and others
Willis Reed, a Hall of Fame challenging the state laws
center and the heart of the passed after the U.S. Supreme
championship New York Knicks Court overturned the landmark
of the early 1970s, died on Tues- Roe v. Wade decision that legal-
day, the National Basketball Re- ized abortion.
tired Players Association con- —Associated Press
firmed. He was 80.
Mr. Reed, the 1970 NBA Most FDA
Valuable Player, was a burly in-
terior presence in an era of bas- Additional Covid-19
ketball that required one. On five Booster Shots Mulled
occasions over his 10-year ca-
reer, Mr. Reed averaged at least Federal health regulators are
20 points, and six times he aver- closing in on a decision whether
aged at least 13 rebounds. On to authorize a second round of
teams stocked with graceful the Omicron-targeted booster
scorers and intuitive passers, he shots for the elderly and other
supplied the heft that converted people at high-risk of severe
Broadway showmanship into Covid-19, people familiar with
wins. the agency’s deliberations said.
He is best known, however, Food and Drug Administra-
for his role in the last New York tion officials could make the de-
Knicks teams to win the NBA ti- cision within a few weeks, the
tle. The champion 1970 and 1973 people said.
Knicks, among the most beloved The officials are moving to-
teams in NBA history, revolved ward authorizing the second
around Mr. Reed. jabs of the Omicron-targeted
The 1970 Finals supplied the shots for people who are 65
indelible image of Mr. Reed’s ca- years and older or who have
reer, when, after tearing a mus- Willis Reed (19) drives against San Francisco Warrior Clyde Lee during an NBA game at Madison Square Garden on March 4, 1970. weakened immune systems,
cle in his thigh in the fifth game though the officials haven’t
of the series, he suited up to later and say I wished I had OKLAHOMA pregnancy risks their health, not her doctor determines that con- reached a final decision and
play in the seventh. He emerged tried to play,” Mr. Reed would just in a medical emergency. tinuing the pregnancy would en- could change their mind, one of
to raucous applause during later say. Court Relaxes Part It was a narrow win for abor- danger it due to a condition she the people said.
warm-ups and, though he scored Born in Hico, La., in 1942, Mr. Of Ban on Abortion tion-rights advocates since the has or is likely to develop during The Centers for Disease Con-
only four points, gave New York Reed flourished at nearby Gram- U.S. Supreme Court struck down the pregnancy. Previously, the trol and Prevention would then
the emotional boost it needed to bling State University, where he A divided Oklahoma Supreme Roe v. Wade. right to an abortion could take have to recommend the shots
prevail over Wilt Chamberlain was twice named a first-team Court on Tuesday overturned a The court ruled that a place only in the case of medical for them to become widely
and the Los Angeles Lakers. All-American. Mr. Reed’s Tigers portion of the state’s near total woman has the right under the emergency. available.
“I didn’t want to have to look won the 1961 NAIA champion- ban on abortion, ruling women state constitution to receive an The court, however, declined —Stephanie Armour
at myself in the mirror 20 years ship. —Robert O’Connell have a right to abortion when abortion to preserve her life if to rule on whether the state and Liz Essley Whyte
Kyiv Doubles Down on Bakhmut
BY MATTHEW LUXMOORE He said he was sent into com-
bat without a rifle as punish-
ment for looting alcohol from
a local store after being dis-
Visits With
Ukraine—Every time Pvt. Viktor
Daletskiy drives into the be-
sieged eastern city of Bakhmut
patched by his commander to
find food for Russian troops.
Col. Cherevatiy, the military
to pick up the injured and dead, spokesman, said Russia as an BY YAROSLAV TROFIMOV
the front line is a bit closer and attacking force is losing six AND GORDON LUBOLD
the route in more precarious. men for each Ukrainian lost,
“It’s really tough. They’re although some Western ana- Japanese Prime Minister Fu-
manager Jennifer Ta, who substituting single-use plastic so he carried the cutlery in his went remained unanswered.
goes to the office once a week cutleries with reusable ones. bag for weeks before slipping The researchers wrote that ra-
on Wednesdays, makes it a Governments are piling on. the forks back into his office dio frequency identification
point to get in before her col- The New York City Council There are plenty of spoons and knives, but only one fork at pantry when no one was chips might be a better way to
leagues, “because everything passed a “Skip the Stuff” law Canada’s National Truck League, to Ben Stiller’s chagrin. around. keep track of the items’
in the kitchen is a hot com- in January prohibiting restau- In December, Mr. Williams whereabouts.
modity.” She immediately col- rants from providing dispos- noa bowls, creamy chicken spoons available, and no forks. published an audio story Mark Mattiussi, the hospi-
lects a mug, fork and teaspoon able utensils unless customers soup and pesto pasta salad, Mr. Stiller, who calls him- called “Who Gives a Fork?” tal’s chief medical officer and
and puts them on her desk. request them. England is gear- they may have to resort to us- self the “fork police,” said he about what he called a “crisis lead author of the research,
“I am not risking it,” she ing up to ban any business ing their fingers. emailed the whole office to facing lunchrooms across the said he noticed that forks
said, recalling the times she from selling single-use plastic At the office of Canada’s highlight the issue and made a country,” and aired what he sometimes reappeared—
couldn’t find the items she cutleries in October. National Truck League, an in- sign to shame “fork stealers” did. He thinks the scarcity though they weren’t the same
needed. Ms. Ta admitted she The green initiatives have surance broker for the coun- into returning them. played a role in his behavior. dotted ones that were part of
has occasionally taken cutlery provided fertile soil for an try’s trucking industry, mar- “They all came back, and “I used to walk halfway the study. “That’s the phenom-
home, reasoning that she was age-old problem—as workers keting director Ben Stiller said then two weeks later, they around the building looking enon of the fork resurrection,”
simply replacing items that get ready to scarf down qui- the lunchroom usually has only were all gone again,” he said. for a fork,” he recalls. “When he added.
© 2023 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, March 22, 2023 | A11
Before bed
Write down what you want to
dream. Be brief. “Dreaming minds
Some strategies to try: Write down what you want to visualize. Say a mantra as you drift off. do not process language as well,”
says Deirdre Barrett, a researcher
who lectures about dreams at Har-
BONDS wake up? That’s a lucid dream. dream, you may not be able to closed her eyes, and snuggled up vard Medical School.
Scientists once thought the control the outcome, Dr. Walker to “one of his ratty, old T-shirts.” Form a mental image of what
ELIZABETH idea was a sham. But in recent says, adding that just 10% to 20% Then she called me, annoyed. “It’s you want to dream, suggests Dr.
BERNSTEIN years, they’ve used MRI machines of people are regular lucid dream- all bunk,” she announced. “Not a Barrett, author of “The Committee
to show that some people do be- ers. And researchers debate damn thing happened.” of Sleep.” You could also arrange
come aware of their dreams while whether it’s beneficial or detri- Some people say they are suc- objects or pictures by your bed as
recently chatted with a they’re asleep. They scanned the mental to direct our dreams at all. cessful. In reporting this story, I prompts, she says.
friend about dreams. I said I brains of lucid dreamers while One large study showed that lucid heard from people who say they As you drift off, remind your-
long to sail in my sleep. My they were awake, asking them to dreamers get less restorative have directed themselves to dream self that you want to dream about
friend was more specific. repeatedly clench their right and sleep, while a small one indicated about writing poetry, going skiing these objects and become aware
“I want a day of fly fishing, left hands. Then they let them fall and figuring out a way to talk to a that you’re dreaming. A mantra
then a 1970s-style night on the asleep in the scanner, with in- child about a problem. One woman may help. I try: “Sailing, sailing,
town with Farrah Fawcett,” he said. structions to use eye movements likes to invent things in her sailing…”
“Oh, and to fly, like Superman.” to signal when they became lucid
Scientists who study dreams. A cinematographer who
Is it possible to direct our and to then dream about moving sleep say you may be has worked on horror movies, in- While you’re asleep
dreams? their right and left hands. It cluding “Nightmare on Elm Street If you notice you’re dreaming, re-
Scientists who study dreams worked.
able to direct your 4,” reads a script before bed, wills mind yourself what you wanted to
say the answer may be yes. They People get excited about the dreams if you work at it. himself to dream about it and do in the dream. And try to stay
point to a small yet emerging body idea of lucid dreaming because wakes up with new ideas on how calm, recommends Robert Wag-
of research that shows that we they believe it will allow them to to film it. goner, who has written books on
most likely can, at least some- do what they want while they’re And you think your dreams are lucid dreaming. You don’t want to
times, decide what to dream be- asleep, such as visit with loved that they were more refreshed in scary. wake yourself up too soon by get-
fore we go to sleep and then take ones, work on a creative project or the morning. Jay Soled, 59, says he’s been ting excited.
some control of our dream while have sex, says Matthew Walker, a It’s also not that easy. Just ask successfully directing his dreams Unless you’re having a night-
it’s happening. professor of neuroscience and psy- my dear mom. most of his life. As an unathletic mare. In that case, put an end to
The most compelling research chology and director of the Center After I told her that I was teenager, he dreamed that he was that immediately.
in the field is on lucid dreaming, for Human Sleep Science at the working on this column, she de- a star pitcher on the baseball
which is when a person is aware University of California, Berkeley. cided to try to dream about my fa- team, winning the game with a After you wake up
that a dream is happening and can “They view their dreams as a kind ther, who died last year. For five ninth-inning strikeout. “This was Write your dream down before you
sometimes influence events within of virtual reality that’s under their nights in a row, she says, she an appealing formula because the get out of bed. This will help re-
it. Ever noticed you’re having a control,” he says. looked at pictures of him before girls would flock all over me,” he cord it in your memory, creating a
nightmare and told yourself to Yet even if you can influence a bed, whispered his name when she says. positive reinforcement.
An Old Shoe The double monk- glory days, which puts it, oh, right
strap shoe is coming on schedule for a comeback.
back into style. “Babylon” actor Diego Calva re-
‘Pariah’ Reboots
cently wore a pair of double monks
ready becoming mun- on the red carpet, as did Spanish
dane, Mr. Schlossman King Felipe VI to a meeting with
recalled. “That shoe, that country’s national assembly.
almost overnight, felt Two-strap styles are populating the
sneakers and loafers, like a totem or a relic racks at retailers like Nordstrom
ON TREND the sight of double of an era of trend and at tony brands including Tom
monks brought them gone by,” he said. Ford, Gucci and Brunello Cucinelli.
JACOB back—and not in a The mid-aughts Retailer Mr Porter even has a cou-
GALLAGHER good way. would prove to be a ple of $400ish double-monked mod-
Double monks are critical moment in els from its in-house line, Mr P.
“still a pariah in certain American men’s fash- Sneakers may be Teflon, but men
his month’s Paris runway tasteful circles,” said ion. The rise of Kanye are inarguably “return[ing] to a more
show for fashion label Miu Lawrence Schlossman, West’s hoodie-heavy dressier approach, and I think that’s
Miu featured “The Crown” ac- 35, a menswear-pod- Yeezy line; the first translating across to footwear,” said
tor Emma Corrin in disco underwear cast host and one of toe-dips of the dad- Mr Porter’s style director Olie Arnold.
and the runway debut of Zaya the men most respon- sneaker movement; He stressed that Mr P.’s double-monk
Wade, the 15-year-old model daugh- sible for the double- the mainstreaming of models are heftier than styles of the
ter of NBA superstar Dwyane monk moment a de- streetwear—suddenly, past, with one version sitting on a
Wade, in a woolly skirt set. cade ago. In 2010, Mr. even unstructured chunky Vibram sole. Miu Miu’s double
But for a certain corner of men’s Schlossman, then a sportcoats and un- monks likewise look like they’ve spent
fashion watchers, the show was much-followed blogger strapped shoes time in the gym, and were shown not
newsworthy for one reason only: the writing about, say, looked too fussy, too with dandy suits, but flowy trousers
return of double monk-strap shoes. Gant’s latest collection, overthought, too and minimalist topcoats.
A decade ago, these shoes— or whatever Brooks dapper. Mr. Mashburn also recently “rein-
which, as the name would suggest, Brothers was up to, “Streetwear or vigorated” his double-monk design,
have two buckled straps in lieu of started a company more high-fashion giving it some brass hardware and
laces and descend from Middle Age called Run of the Mill stuff?” said Mr. beefing up the shape to lend it a
monks’ shoes, according to legend— with two friends Jer- Schlossman. The “more heroic appearance.” It is con-
were a cornerstone of a very spe- emy Kirkland and Jon double monk “doesn’t sistently one of the company’s top
cific look in men’s fashion. Moy, which sold a va- work with any of three-selling dress shoes, and even
First developed around the early riety of Italian-manu- those outfits.” some weeks now, it is the bestseller.
20th century, they became a choice factured double-monk shoes. Mashburn, owner of an eponymous Once rarefied and hard to find, These brawnier updates are un-
shoe circa 2011 for young men who The shoes were an immediate hit— menswear boutique chain and one of double monks had become too ac- likely to convince every past double-
wished they could dress like a to the point that it overwhelmed the the earliest double-monk backers. Mr. cessible, available cheaply from mall monker to dust off his pair. “I’m not
white-haired Italian signore named three neophyte shoes salesmen. “We Mashburn started selling the shoe in brands like Aldo and Cole Haan. The at the point where I feel like I can
Lido. These shoes, often worn with were not ready for them to sell that 2007. Then, double monks had a sim- shoe of weathered Milanese gents rock double monks,” said Mr.
the straps flapping freely in the well,” said Mr. Schlossman. In those ilar appeal to a smart gingham shirt: suddenly became the shoe of too- Schlossman, who claimed to have a
breeze for maximum sprezzatura, heady days, double monks were get- “It made guys feel kind of like they slick Soho real-estate agents. dozen pairs of the shoes in storage.
were the bedrock of a look that also ting a blistering amount of attention were in the know.” Wearing those Even Mr. Mashburn, who never As we spoke though, he was
included shoulder sport coats, from the menswear media. The Wall two-strapped shoes proved that you stopped carrying the shoe, noted that wearing a pair of square-toe boots,
nubby knit ties and shirts with ex- Street Journal in 2012 called them read Esquire and could tell any pass- “the market was saturated and another polarizing design from de-
aggeratedly swoopy collars. “fall’s smartest men’s shoe” and GQ erby what a roped-shoulder sport maybe got tired of the double monk.” cades ago that had suddenly swung
Sounds niche? It is. But for the endorsed them as “not for the sarto- coat was—whether they wanted to But in fashion, as any first-year back into style. “For whatever rea-
erstwhile 30- and 40-something dis- rial faint of heart. Get it right, though, hear it or not. design student can tell you, trends son,” he said of the pair, “I was like,
ciples of this style, most of whom and you’ll turn twice the heads.” Yet even as Run of the Mill’s first are cyclical. It has now been about I feel like I can do it again.” The
now have settled into conventional “We got fast press,” said Sid orders went out, the monks were al- 10 years since the double monk’s monks in his closet may be on deck.
Shower Regimens erythingshower hashtag on TikTok.
“Consumers are thinking about
enna Ehman spends over their scalp the way they’ve been
ing with stresses in the outside Nancy Twine, founder and chief “They are using different products with it,” Dr. Hartman says.
world. Many consumers also executive of Briogeo, says the hair- for roots versus ends,” she adds. In Pella, Iowa, Nicolle Picray, 36,
splurge on premium hair or body care company started offering add-
Shampoo, conditioner With a half-dozen hair-washing lists more than 10 steps to her
products because they are relatively on products in 2020. It now sells plus bond builders, hair- products, Simmone Taitt, the New shower routine. She shampoos
affordable compared with other bundles of hair-washing products, York-based founder of a maternal twice with two different products,
luxury items, says Cait Lamberton, including a $39 rice water protein
loss treatments and healthcare company, starts applying then conditions. Every other time,
marketing professor at University and moisture strengthening treat- detoxifying scalp scrubs. them before she even steps into the she adds a second conditioning
of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. ment and a $31 charcoal scalp shower. She scrubs in a tea tree oil treatment that lasts 20 minutes,
“We are unlikely to feel guilty mask meant to be used between serum, continues with shampoo and and throws a scented eucalyptus
about that long shower,” she says. the shampoo and conditioner. conditioner. She ends with a clay tablet for additional relaxation
Sales of hair products grew 22% On her jam-packed weekly hair- to complain or interrupt. mask that she keeps on for 30 min- onto the shower floor.
in 2022 compared with the previ- washing day, Ehle DeVaughn, 20, “Now I’m definitely more un- utes. Often she uses a scalp mas- Ms. Picray, who works for a
ous year, according to market-re- uses a shampoo, scalp-cleanser, apologetic about it,” says Ms. sager during the conditioning phase. window and door manufacturer,
search firm Circana, formerly IRI conditioner and heavier deep con- DeVaughn, an architecture and eco- Ms. Taitt, 40, only washes her hair ends with a two-minute cold-water
and the NPD Group. Hair masks and ditioner. It took trial and error, but nomics major at Smith College in weekly, but showers twice a day. rinse that her stylist suggested to
scalp products have jumped the she says she realized most worked Northampton, Mass. On TikTok, the everything make her hair shiny. The weekly
fastest: 30% and 47%, respectively. better when applied to wet hair. In the past three years, bond shower trend is showing how con- routine takes 75 minutes, including
Rather than adding claims to a The weekly process now takes over builders, hair-loss treatments and sumers use a parade of hair, body blow-drying. Afterward, she is
shampoo or conditioner, companies 30 minutes and includes body and detoxifying scalp scrubs have gained and skin products during showers. ready for a break.
are creating separate products, says face treatments that she applies popularity, says Jennifer Lucchese, The process can often last closer to “I’ve done all of this and now
Larissa Jensen, Circana’s vice presi- while keeping each conditioner on vice president of merchandising for an hour. There were nearly 123 mil- I’m so tired that I can’t do anything
dent and beauty-industry adviser. her hair. Her roommates know not hair at beauty retailer Sephora. lion views by Monday for the #ev- else,” she says.
arla Birnbaum banned TikTok’s popularity spans cles warning users it col-
her two daughters across generations. It’s the lected an excessive amount
from downloading the third-most used social-media of personal data. Once Musi-
TikTok app. But she eventu- app among people of all cal.ly merged with TikTok,
ally discovered that the ban ages, with about 36% of the she continued to stay away.
didn’t stop them from U.S. population over age 12 But she still wants to be
watching TikToks. Lots and using TikTok last year, ac- in the loop on the latest hair
lots of them. cording to a survey by Edison tutorials and cooking trends,
When her 12-year-old Research conducted in Janu- which are generally spotted
daughter’s iPhone wouldn’t ary 2022. And even those on TikTok weeks before they
update, she found that the who reject the app find ways are seen anywhere else. She
device’s memory was nearly to get their TikTok fix. loves funny dog videos, too,
full. Friends had been and occasionally
sending the tween shares Spanish lan-
screen recordings of guage videos with
TikTok posts as a her class. Instead of
way to get around going to TikTok,
the Birnbaum house- though, she watches
hold’s no-TikTok rule. them on Instagram.
Her iPhone’s storage Internal research
was so full of re- from Meta Platforms
corded videos—a few Inc. last year showed
hundred, Ms. Birn- nearly one-third of
baum estimates— Reels, the short video
there wasn’t enough feature on Instagram,
space to update the started on another
software. platform—that is,
“As parents, we mostly TikTok—the
didn’t realize how of- Journal reported in
ten that was happen- September. Some-
ing until my younger times, the Reels on
daughter crashed her Instagram will still
phone,” says the 45- have a TikTok logo.
year-old nonprofit TikToks also show
community-engage- up on YouTube, often
ment manager from as compilations of
Angela Proto sends Instagram Reels to her
Johns Creek, Ga. short videos.
boyfriend, Luke Meredith.
Though more than A less likely spot
a billion people use where TikTok videos
TikTok every month, many People without the app also surface is Pinterest,
social-media fans refuse to often get links from friends where they appear in the
download or engage with the and watch the short videos home page, mixed in with
video-sharing app. Some par- in their phone’s web regular posts or in the app’s
ents don’t allow their chil- browser. Doing that gives Watch tab.
dren to use it because they the platform far less per- They even turn up occa-
are worried about the addic- sonal information than in- sionally during a Google
tive nature of TikTok’s algo- app viewing, privacy re- search, usually in the images
rithm and how it effects searchers say. But those tab.
young people’s brains. people can’t like or com- Others may fear getting
Others have concerns ment on posts, or get the sucked into one TikTok video
about their data being continuous, personalized after another and instead
shared with TikTok’s parent feed of videos. watch them only when
company, Beijing-based Byte- And TikTok’s popularity friends send links.
Dance Ltd., and allegations has led to an explosion of Eli Stein, a 33-year-old
that China could use TikTok TikTok-originated videos ap- from New York who works
as a tool for spying or ma- pearing on YouTube, on Insta- in the tech industry, is care-
nipulation. gram’s TikTok-clone feature ful about how much time he
Last week, the Biden ad- called Reels, and even on less spends looking at screens.
ministration demanded that likely social networks such as He worries that if he down-
TikTok’s owner sell its stake Twitter and Pinterest. loads the app, he’ll get
in the app or face a nation- Angela Proto, a 38-year- hooked.
wide ban. Various states and old Spanish teacher in Louis- “I’ve seen how addictive
universities have already ville, Ky., refuses to download social media in general can
blocked TikTok from official TikTok because of privacy be, and it seems TikTok is
devices and networks, concerns. She says she first that on steroids,” he says.
David Koresh,
right; agents at the
compound, left
‘Waco’: Putting a
Calamity in Context convoy of agents, who lost the ini-
tial firefight. As TV reporter John
McLemore said at the time, Koresh
ther gunfire from inside the Mount
Carmel Center.
“We could expect that some-
might have thought he was the thing stupid was going to happen,”
unditry abounds regard- father, David, who was among the hearings were coming up and the second coming of Jesus Christ, Dallas Morning News reporter Lee
ing the polarization of 76 Branch Davidians who died in the ATF, which had image problems, “but the Messiah’s well-armed this Hancock says about something spe-
the American political final conflagration on April 19, 1993 needed a big win. There’s no debate time.” cific, though her sentiment be-
landscape right now, but (a date commemorated two years about illegal firearms being on the “Waco: American Apocalypse” is comes redundant: As comfortably
what one might call the later by Timothy McVeigh in Okla- premises, which is why the bureau less forensic in its approach than, as Waco fits into deep-state con-
Big Bangs of government homa City). Kathy Schroeder, a fol- was serving a warrant. There’s also say, “Waco: The Rules of Engage- spiracy theories, “American Apoca-
distrust—Ruby Ridge and Waco— lower of the evidently delusional little argument that Koresh was a ment,” the 1997 documentary by lypse” makes a better case for er-
are three decades old and continue Branch Davidian “prophet” David familiar figure around the Mount William Gazecki, which had the ad- rors of incompetence, ego and
to haunt a house divided. The fed- Koresh, defends the sect’s beliefs Carmel community (about 13 miles vantage of immediacy, but also had machismo.
eral government can be said to and its leader’s dictates, including to fight its way through a fog gen- “Waco” suffers from a few miss-
have misplayed its hand in both in- his sexual dominion over all women erated by congressional hearings, ing details. Who ordered the as-
stances, to put it mildly. The events at the Mount Carmel compound. widespread obfuscation and a pub- sault despite Mr. Buford’s warning?
have been examined and re-exam- Chris Whitcomb, an FBI sniper who
Re-examining lic perception skewed by claims of Who misinformed Attorney General
ined, investigated and reinvesti- witnessed the entire siege, harbors the disastrous child abuse at the compound and Janet Reno about child abuse at the
gated. But on the 30th anniversary such anger that one wonders if he the many disturbing truths about compound? What happened to
of the Branch Davidian debacle, should be handling a gun.
Texas stand-off of Koresh. For all its occasionally awk- Heather Jones’s mother, who left
“Waco: American Apocalypse” at- In the end, four federal agents 30 years ago. ward sentimentality, director Tiller the Branch Davidians “family”
tempts to put the Texas battle into and 82 Davidians would perish. Russell’s new Netflix series benefits when Koresh began breaking up
a sensible context. And it’s a fasci- What any student of Waco wants to from a long-range perspective that marriages and sleeping with the
nating fool’s errand. know right away is who started it. supports its central thesis—that the wives? At the same time, it features
There’s a bit more narration Bill Buford and Jim Cavanaugh, for- from Waco itself) and could have unnecessary calamity of Waco was people very close to the subject be-
than explanation in this three-part mer agents of the Bureau of Alco- been arrested at almost any time. due to the inability, or outright re- ing very open about what hap-
documentary series, though a deep hol, Tobacco and Firearms, deny up Even Mr. Buford remembers advis- fusal, of one U.S. government entity pened, even if, when all is said and
dive into the personal enriches the and down that their people opened ing against the raid on that day, be- to listen to another. done, they don’t understand it now
storytelling. Heather Jones was 9 fire first, though, as the series cause the agency had lost the ele- Or even to itself: Then-FBI hos- any better than they did in 1993.
years old when she became the last mentions, the fired-on front door of ment of surprise. (Reporters had tage negotiator Gary Noesner fairly
child “freed” from the compound the compound and the videotapes stopped a postman for directions to sputters over the actions of his Mr. Anderson is the Journal’s
known as Mount Carmel Center of the initial encounter disappeared the compound and the raid they’d own bureau’s Hostage Rescue TV critic.
during the 51-day standoff (she long ago. Among the critical points caught wind of; the postman was Team, which undercut negotiations
didn’t want to go). She breaks down made by “American Apocalypse” is Koresh’s brother-in-law.) at several points and took actions Waco: American Apocalypse
several times in remembering her that congressional appropriations Instead, the ATF arrived in a seemingly aimed at provoking fur- Wednesday, Netflix
But “10,000 gecs” (Atlantic/Dog scales over a charmingly oblong veloped more fully, rather than Trashmen’s “Surfin’ Bird” or the Ra- DNA, and “10,000 gecs” honors this
Show), out now, is as strong as its and bass-heavy beat. Elsewhere, eight or nine fragments that are mones’ “Blitzkrieg Bop,” the music tradition with 10 funny, knowing
predecessor, with a few refinements the duo zeroes in on simpler plea- splattered against the wall. As an- of 100 gecs is designed to annoy and viscerally joyful tracks.
and a firmer grounding in rock that sures. The third track, “Hollywood archic as 100 gecs can be, these parents and disturb the gatekeepers
make it hit even harder. Baby,” has the stomping thud of al- songs are also meticulous and effi- who insist that important music
With its postmodern mishmash ternative rock and a guitar riff that cient in their arrangements, pack- must be serious. Mr. Richardson is the Journal’s rock
of genres and styles in service of evokes Weezer, but also happens ing a great deal of excitement and As goofy and mischievous as the and pop music critic. Follow him on
catchy and playful pop songs, 100 to have a better guitar riff and variety into two or three minutes. words are throughout, one shouldn’t Twitter @MarkRichardson.
This Football Play Sent
BY ANDREW BEATON ning the hitch route was wide
open to catch the pass.
ansas State was clinging to Muller, a die-hard Bears fan
a narrow lead over Ken- who quit playing football after
tucky in the final minute of
their second-round NCAA tourna-
ment game when coach Jerome
Tang knew exactly which play to
Two Teams to the Sweet 16 seventh grade, had the idea out of
desperation. He spent the summer
beforehand mulling strategies be-
cause his team had been pretty
call. With their seasons at stake, Kansas State and Florida Atlantic wretched at inbounding the ball
What unfolded next looked against full-court presses for
completely out of place on a bas- used plays inspired by the ‘Air Raid’ to beat the press years. Then this one popped into
ketball court. That’s because he his head—he isn’t convinced that
was betting his chances for reach- he invented the idea, but he knows
ing the Sweet 16 on a football he didn’t rip it off anything he saw
play. someone else do.
With Kentucky applying a full- Muller’s first call after coming
court press before Kansas State’s up with it was to a rules official to
inbounds pass, all five of Tang’s ask if it was against the rules in
players lined up out of bounds be- any way for all of his players to
hind the baseline as if it were the line up behind the baseline. It was
line of scrimmage in football. such an outrageous question the
When the referee handed one of official couldn’t give him an an-
them the ball, he might as well swer right away. Muller had to
have said “hike.” The four other wait for him to call back to learn
players immediately executed what that it was permissible.
anyone familiar with football could Brannen had that same exact
recognize as a screen pass. question. He called his friend
Two assumed the roles of of- Muller the night he saw the play
fensive linemen and blocked. That to learn about it. Then he also
cleared the way for a safe in- called a conference rules official to
bounds pass to a player who as- confirm it was allowed. That’s
sumed the space behind them. how, just three days after Brannen
The craziest part about one saw it on television, Northern Ken-
team using a bubble screen to se- tucky ran the play the team called
cure a tournament win was that “Clemson,” because the school
hours later, something strikingly that had just won the college foot-
similar happened. Florida Atlantic ball national championship. It
used a football play to break Fair- helped the Norse secure a narrow
leigh Dickinson’s press—again with victory over Wright State on Jan.
all five players lining up on the 11, 2019.
baseline waiting for the ball to be Coaches say the play works
snapped. This college basketball against the press for several rea-
play looked precisely like one “Air sons. The opposing team is usually
Raid” offenses have used to break Kansas State’s Markquis Nowell, above, reacts during a win against Kentucky. Right, Florida Atlantic’s ‘mesh’ route play. flummoxed by the sight of some-
college football defenses. thing they have never seen playing
The proliferation of using foot- nen, the former coach of Northern the rim. basketball. It prevents defenders
ball plays during basketball games Kentucky. But Brannen was in- from funneling their counterparts
in these crucial scenarios isn’t ter- Brannen knows better than any- trigued by just how Illi- into areas, like the corner of the
ribly surprising to the people who one else how quickly and easily nois State had in- floor, where they are vulnerable to
have run them in the past. They the play can be pilfered. That’s be- bounded the ball against traps. And it changes the nature of
are fully aware of why it’s effec- cause he may have been the first Northern Iowa’s press the play to favor the offense:
tive—and how quickly ideas can be person to pirate it, after watching on the play that started While defenders can typically do
stolen. a game between Northern Iowa the craziness. With their best to stay between the in-
Tang was coy about the con- and Illinois State on Jan. 8, 2019. seven seconds on the bounder and the player they are
cept after Kansas State’s win. He The ending of that particular clock, the team’s head covering, now they are suddenly
declined to walk through the X’s game between two mediocre, mid- coach Dan Muller called doing the job of a cornerback fac-
and O’s, knowing every word he major schools was slightly un- a timeout and scribbled ing someone charging toward
said could help a future opponent, hinged. With a one-point lead and down something the them.
but he offered up a few details: seconds left, Illinois State in- team had never prac- Muller says he ran it only three
The play is called “Mahomes.” bounded the ball, got fouled and ticed before. times, in part because his teams
Baylor, where he used to be an as- hit both free throws to extend the Muller’s play called weren’t very good so they didn’t
sistant coach, ran a version of it. lead to three. Then with no better for all five players to line up be- made like he was also doing just enjoy the pleasure of protecting
But that’s not where it was in- option and only a couple seconds hind the baseline. One was the that before coming back on a hitch late leads too often. But he added
vented. left, a Northern Iowa guard heaved quarterback, and the other four route toward the baseline. that there’s value in scarcity.
“We stole it from somebody a prayer from about midcourt— would be his wide receivers. One “I draw it up and my players “It’s like football: sometimes
else,” Tang said. and got fouled. Illinois State could ran a crossing pattern. Two ran look at me like I’m absolutely you save your best 2-point conver-
“There’s no original thought in finally exhale when one of the “go” routes, sprinting toward the crazy,” Muller says. sion play for a specific time,”
this profession,” adds John Bran- free-throw attempts clanged off other end of the floor. The other He wasn’t crazy. The guy run- Muller says.
L S A Y S O ter her team was knocked combination of social media inson’s upset of No. 1 Purdue
in a military a ballooning A AM I L N E U B E R S
band 5 Charge with out. She mentioned 12-seed and more women’s games in the men’s tournament.
budget, and a C O U N T D R A C U L A
no extras A D V E N T O E R R O I Toledo’s upset of 5-seed on TV—including on confer- “We’ve got to normalize
hint to the
24 Course C E A S E B T S A S F O R Iowa State in the first round. ence networks that hardly that for the women’s game,”
circled letters 6 Refrain from D E L T O E E X I S T S
material Overall, this year’s Sweet existed two decades ago— McPhee-McCuin said. “A lot
bothering C R U E L L A D E V I L 16 has a higher-than-usual have added fuel. They create of times, women, this
55 Cross the E X A C T M I S L A Y S
25 Drill address underdog quotient, with buzz for winning teams and doesn’t happen because as
kiddie pool, 7 Cheering A R M E D S K I T M A A
27 Mob rubouts say loudly S E E D Y C H A R A C T E R S more high-seeded teams ad- expectations among fan females, we are taught to
K I A D O OM S B A N D S vancing. If you add up all the bases whose teams are lag- hone it in....I think this is
▶ Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at WSJ.com/Puzzles. S N L I O WA S U D S Y remaining seeds, this year’s ging. good for the game.”
The Joe Biden Banking Crisis BOOKSHELF | By Anna Mundow
Some points
worth con-
uphold the financial system.
A great imponderable was
unsellable altogether.
All banks exist on confi-
confidence in the insurance,
regulatory and economic sys-
The Foxed and
The Furbished
sidering in Joe Biden’s decision of Sun- dence that something like this tems on which they rest. This
the recent day, March 12. Would letting isn’t about to happen. In one also gives government an op-
bank bail- Silicon Valley Bank fail the way, today’s nut is tougher portunity to bungle that confi-
outs: normal way, with big custom- than 2008’s. Then, housing as- dence. We haven’t seen yet
• JPMor- ers required to accept mod- sets on bank balance sheets, which the Biden administra-
WORLD gan, Citibank
and other gi-
est haircuts on their unin-
sured deposits, cause a
though greatly depreciated in
the market, continued to per-
tion has achieved, bracing up
confidence in the banks or
Once Upon a Tome
By Holman W.
ants pro- nationwide bank run and eco- form. Banks were still in the helping to weaken it. By Oliver Darkshire
Jenkins, Jr.
vided $30 nomic calamity? black on the spread over their In Mr. Biden’s shoes, any (Norton, 244 pages, $27.95)
billion in de- Mr. Biden must think so but deposit costs. If there was no reader might have made the
posits to help shore up First the information isn’t available same better-safe-than-sorry o many of us—regardless of our age in reading years—
Republic Bank, which makes to let us judge the matter in- decision to bail out a midsize a book will always be a mysteriously charged pres-
them—guess what?—unin- dependently. FDR and Obama California lender. I bet most, ence. Even unopened, it rekindles a sense of antici-
sured depositors. If First Re- We do know he got a lot of though, wouldn’t have made pation we first experienced in childhood and thankfully
public were still to fail and be help in deciding to bail out inherited their the decisions two years earlier never outgrew. And once activated, it can eclipse the
seized by regulators, would Silicon Valley Bank’s unin- meltdowns. Biden’s that helped create the prob- present with the turn of each page, as a story, real or
the $250,000 limit on insured sured depositors from its un- lem of two Sundays ago. imagined, takes hold. There are those, however, for whom
deposits be waived for these insured depositors, including was self-made. Mr. Biden essentially em- the book as object, artifact or acquisition provides a very
conspicuously unsympathetic tech entrepreneurs and ven- braced the progressives’ different thrill, often bordering on obsession. They are the
lenders? The politics would be ture capitalists who worked modern monetary theory, collectors—seekers and sages of the printed page who can
harrowing. No wonder JPMor- the phones and social media run, they could continue in- which admittedly became uni- (and will) tell you all you want to know (and more) about
gan and friends are scroung- and skew heavily Democratic definitely and grow out of versal amid the pandemic, the marbling of endpapers, the tooling of leather, the al-
ing up an alternative private in their political giving. trouble. positing that the U.S. govern- chemies of font. Or who, on a less rarified level, can’t resist
rescue for First Republic. We know that lobbying for Let’s just say the whole ment could print and spend adding yet another volume to their teetering pile.
• Silicon Valley Bank failed the bailout was California Gov. economy still has to solve the money without inflation. Mr. We meet one such compulsive collector in “Once Upon
because its “safe” assets de- Gavin Newsom, a Democratic problem Silicon Valley Bank Biden arrived, as I noted at a Tome: The Misadventures of a Rare Bookseller” by Oliver
clined in value because of up-and-comer whose personal would have had to solve to the time, with an “over- Darkshire, a writer so disarming we can forgive him that
higher interest rates and infla- business and nonprofit ties stay alive. Financial institu- whelming priority to pass a dreadful pun. “Some of the rooms were completely inac-
tion. Now the Fed, for pur- with Silicon Valley Bank were tions’ fixed-rate assets not superfluous domestic bailout cessible,” Mr. Darkshire
poses of lending to the banks, extensive. only have been badly dinged package, on top of those al- recalls of this hoarder’s house
is crediting this collateral with Did the bank’s progressive in market value, the mingy in- ready passed, so [he] could outside of London, “as books
its original value. If you could dabblings contribute to its fail- come streams they generate claim credit for the pandemic filled the doorframe in such
sell 65 cents to the Fed for a ure—or its rescue? Its invest- can’t keep up with rising de- recovery already visible a manner that he could only
dollar, why would you ever re- ment in political window posit rates and operating around the corner.” have achieved it by strategi-
verse the transaction? You dressing at least tells you what costs. This problem didn’t That recovery was shaping cally filling the gaps as he
wouldn’t. The Fed says the management believed about first surface with Silicon Val- up to be a rocket ship. By retreated, like a three-dimen-
loan terms are limited to a its political environment. ley Bank but with U.K. pension pouring unnecessary fuel into sional game of Tetris.” Back in
year but the problem is un- No bank is safe if deposi- funds during the short, un- its engines, Mr. Biden contrib- the city, Mr. Darkshire has
likely to be solved in a year. tors run and keep running. A happy premiership of Liz uted to the destabilizing rise already come to know—and
• The dollar is faltering big capital cushion does zip. If Truss. Remember the cynical in inflation and interest rates dread—another such custodian
amid the predictable global depositors are running be- way the Biden administration that spawned today’s bank of chaos, the “diminutive,
flight to safety. Dollar holders cause of general economic piled on to suggest Ms. Truss’s panic, the end of which may ancient” Mrs. Hawthorne, who
may be figuring out that they, conditions, or if the run itself garden-variety pro-growth not be in sight. haunts his place of employ-
and not just U.S. taxpayers, tanks the economy, the assets nostrums were to blame? FDR and Obama can rightly ment undeterred by “veiled
have volunteered for unlim- a bank might hope to sell to Today’s banks can hardly say they inherited their melt- threats of a restraining order if
ited dilution if the govern- pay off fleeing depositors are be independent from the gov- downs. Mr. Biden can claim she didn’t stop lugging in sacks of books.”
ment needs to print money to likely to be falling too if not ernment that underwrites authorship of his. Indeed, an entire cast of oddballs awaits our young
author when, like Alice stepping through the looking-glass,
he blithely answers an advertisement for a bookseller’s
Netanyahu’s Judicial-Reform Blunder apprentice. “The pay was Victorian, the expected duties
nebulous, . . . no prior experience was necessary.” The book-
store, however, is Henry Sotheran Ltd, a decidedly venerable
Whatever one received slightly more—48.9%. spectrum, he proposed a frame- increasing influence of reli- establishment. Founded in 1761, Sotheran’s has handled,
thinks of the Nor do his sweeping judicial work for compromise, which gious Jews and immigrants among others treasures, the libraries of Laurence Sterne
judicial re- changes reflect the will of the key opposition leaders accepted from the Middle East and in 1768 and Charles Dickens in 1870, and the firm continues
forms that Is- people. A survey conducted by as a basis for negotiations. But North Africa, the Supreme to specialize in “Fine Books and Prints.” So a peeling, lop-
raeli Prime the Israel Democracy Institute Mr. Netanyahu turned it down Court came to be seen as a sided sign on a Piccadilly side street informs Mr. Darkshire
Minister Ben- found that a majority of vot- flatly, reportedly because his bastion of secular European when he arrives for his interview, which takes place in a
POLITICS jamin Netan- ers—including substantial mi- hard-line justice minister, Yariv elites, who use the institution broom closet stacked with old trade magazines. Sotheran’s,
yahu’s coali- norities of coalition support- Levin, threatened to resign and to enforce their views on Is- we gather, is as eccentric as its clientele. Or so it appears
tion has ers—oppose each of the bring down the coalition if the raeli society and politics. in this memoir, which is described as “true-ish” in the light-
By William
proposed, it’s government’s main judicial pro- prime minister opened the door With the announcement of hearted preface but which certainly captures not only the
A. Galston
hard not to posals. Sixty-three percent of to talks. the government’s reform pro- arcane nature of the book dealer’s trade but also the be-
conclude that Israelis favor the current The stakes of this conflict posals, these longstanding ten- wilderment of the novice entering into it. For Mr. Darkshire
he is proceeding in a reckless method of selecting judges are very high. Israel’s declara- sions have exploded into one of is a witty observer and (despite bouts of narcolepsy that
and destructive manner. He rather than the government’s tion of independence, which the most divisive confronta- his employers politely ignore) a fast learner.
has divided his country and proposed political takeover of established the state, promises tions in Israel’s history. The cur- “Managing the expectations and desires of collectors is
driven many of its citizens to the process. According to the to ensure “complete equality rent moment is the coalition’s at the heart of the rare book business,” he explains, “a
protest in the streets. He has IDI, a majority of Israelis fear a of social and political rights to best chance to redress what it strange kind of symbiosis in which the least social of
lost the confidence of Israel’s all its inhabitants irrespective sees as decades of judicial usur- people, each allergic to daylight in our own way, come
economic leaders and has led of religion, race, or sex” and to pation. For the opposition, this together to serve a mutually beneficial purpose.” And
many members of the coun- Facing discord, his guarantee “freedom of reli- effort represents a mortal collectors, we learn, fall into two broad categories: the
try’s defense forces to ques- gion, conscience, language, ed- threat to its version of a just “Smaugs,” as Mr. Darkshire calls polymaths for whom
tion his government’s orders. government should ucation, and culture.” and inclusive society governed “one subject is not enough, when they could have fifty,”
Members of his own Likud step back and make These commitments distin- by Israel’s founding ideals. The and the “Draculas,” who “have one very specific interest
Party are signaling that he is guish a liberal democracy from opposition believes it could lose that sustains them . . . Rare plants. Gothic table deco-
going too far, too fast. room for compromise. pure majoritarianism, which everything if its resistance to rations. Calligraphy.” In either case, the bookseller’s bait
Mr. Netanyahu also has can run roughshod over the these reforms fails. has always been the sales catalog. And to this day, these
driven a wedge between Israel rights of individuals and mi- While the government’s pro-
and a growing majority of range of negative consequences, norities. But they are not self- posals are deeply flawed, the
American Jews. The Jewish including “damage to their per- executing. America’s founders status quo is far from perfect. A cub-pilot’s tour of the erudite, jargon-
Federation of North America
sent him a letter last month
sonal savings, restrictions on
freedom of expression, exposing
understood that without insti-
tutional support, verbal guar-
The court’s jurisdiction has ex-
panded into what are clearly
laden, eccentric-haunted world of London’s
opposing major portions of his IDF soldiers to international antees—whether the separa- political issues, the require- enduring rare-book trade.
proposed legislation and urg- war crimes charges, [and] polit- tion of powers or a bill of ments for bringing a case before
ing compromise. The American icization of the civil service.” rights—would be, in the words the court are too permissive,
Israel Public Affairs Commit- Mr. Netanyahu, who as finance of James Madison, mere and key criteria that the court densely informative brochures remain rich in decorous
tee, which has given Mr. Ne- minister helped create Israel’s “parchment barriers.” uses to settle cases are subjec- terms employed both to describe and to entice. A listed
tanyahu a hero’s welcome in dynamic economy, has assured As a parliamentary democ- tive at best. There is room for item will be described as “foxed” rather than mottled;
the past, has fallen silent. his people that his judicial plan racy with a one-chamber leg- an honorable compromise. “sophisticated” rather than tampered-with; “mellowed” not
“Great innovations should will not harm the economy, but islature, Israel has fewer The government has re- faded. In a similar vein, “furbishing” refers to a book repair
not be forced on a slender ma- only 35% believe him. checks and balances than the cently offered to pause some that is “not quite restoration, and . . . not quite cheating.”
jority,” Thomas Jefferson ad- Tellingly, 70% of Israelis—in- U.S., and Israel’s Supreme parts of its legislation while The in-house furbisher at Sotheran’s, for example, im-
vised. It isn’t even clear that cluding 60% of the coalition’s Court emerged as the princi- proceeding with its plan to presses Mr. Darkshire by replacing an entire endpaper
Israel’s prime minister entered own voters—favor negotiations pal barrier against the tyranny take over the judicial selection “with no outward indication that the new one was not the
office with majority support. between the government and of the majority. Over time, process. This is a start, but it’s original” (such repairs are, of course, declared when a fur-
Yes, his coalition controls 64 the opposition to find common however, the court expanded not enough. Mr. Netanyahu bished book is sold). Which leads us to bookbinders, those
seats in the 120-seat Knesset, ground. In a series of speeches, its jurisdiction and asserted a should freeze the entire legis- specialists who, it turns out, have a sly way of punishing
Israel’s parliament, but it rep- President Isaac Herzog has broad right of judicial review, lative process to make space clients who haggle. As Mr. Darkshire puts it, “When you
resents only 48.4% of the votes done his best to jump-start which its critics saw as a for negotiations, which are the wait eight months for a book to turn up, only to find it
cast in last year’s election, such a process. After consulting power grab. And as Israel’s only alternative to unending titled in fancy gold letters Great Expactions or Little Dorito,
while the opposition parties leaders across the political electorate came to reflect the discord. you quickly learn to pay the asking price.”
All of this—the craft and customs of an esoteric enter-
prise; the delights and irritations of buying and selling—
The Danger of Cameras to the High Court is conveyed in charming short chapters with titles like
“Kerfuffles,” and in a prim tone perfectly suited to Mr.
Darkshire’s subject. Regarding customer requests of an
By Ryan J. Owens speaker’s face while he spoke. watched a neutral exchange be- If Congress insists on cam- anti-Semitic or racist nature, for example, he simply states
And Ryan Black Others viewed a static wide-an- tween judge and attorney found eras, our findings suggest the that “one does not sell books to Nazis.” And when it comes
gle shot of the full bench from the court to be more legitimate static video feed approach to more quotidian matters, little escapes his droll scrutiny.
ens. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) a distance. than did those who merely lis- would do the least damage. Thus a leaky basement calls forth “an extraordinarily un-
and Chuck Grassley (R., After presenting these clips, tened to that exchange. Showing the full bench from a prepared-looking old man carrying a small tube of sealant
Iowa) have reintroduced we measured respondents’ Respondents who viewed ex- distance, with the majesty of . . . and whistling through his teeth in a way that tradesmen
a bipartisan bill to require the views of judicial legitimacy. We changes through a static the courtroom in the back- do when they know they’re about to disappoint you,” while
Supreme Court to televise oral asked whether courts ought to view—with a camera angle that ground, might be enough to off- an inspection by the “well-meaning, government-funded
arguments. Mr. Grassley says it be made less independent, included the full court—were set the legitimacy losses from Centre for Proper Apprentice Training” conjures up Kylie,
“would be a victory for trans- whether judges who consis- contentious exchanges. an emissary “possessed of a bundle of binders, a takeaway
parency and would help the tently decide cases at odds with It is unclear if Congress has coffee, a laptop bag and far too much confidence in the
American people grow in con- public opinion should be re- Our study showed the constitutional authority to System” (one easily defeated, of course, by Sotheran’s
fidence and understanding of moved, and similar questions. require the court to allow cam- own topsy-turvy procedures).
the judiciary.” A forthcoming The results show that cameras they can diminish eras. What is clear is that it This entertaining narrative ends with Mr. Darkshire
study suggests otherwise. can as easily harm the courts’ the perception of the has costs as well as benefits. making way for the next apprentice. In a few days, a fresh
With political scientists legitimacy as help it. Because the court’s support is innocent will be drawn into the “wonderful, collective
Timothy Johnson and Justin Respondents who observed judiciary’s legitimacy. fragile, broad institutional dream” of trading and coveting the marks made by humans,
Wedeking we conducted an ex- the Zoom-like approach were changes should occur incre- over thousands of years, in an ingenious variety of ways.
periment that exposed respon- most likely to change their mentally and with sufficient And if the author of “Once Upon a Tome” leaves the reader
dents to real TV clips from two views about judicial legitimacy. less influenced by the nature of analysis. If Congress is serious wanting more (some of us would have welcomed a detour
state supreme courts. Some lis- Those who watched a conten- the exchange and the difference about this issue, it should into London’s Type Archive, where gigantic typographical
tened to an oral argument; oth- tious exchange between the between audio and video. commission further research machines, centuries old, are housed in a building once
ers watched it. Some saw a jus- judge and attorney found the These results suggest the to examine the consequences used as a hospital for circus animals), we should hardly be
tice aggressively question an court to be less legitimate than justices are on reasonable before it takes action. surprised. Like any good bookseller, he has learned the
attorney; others observed a po- those who listened to the ex- grounds to hesitate. Conten- rules of enticement. “A customer hurried is easily lost,” the
lite exchange. Some saw a dy- change. Watching a justice com- tious exchanges are those the Mr. Owens is a professor of Sotheran’s Staff Manual informed Mr. Darkshire when he
namic camera angle that batively interrogate a lawyer— media will cover. If the media American politics at the Uni- eventually got around to reading it, “but so is a customer
showed the judge and lawyer in as some U.S. Supreme Court are able to present such sto- versity of Wisconsin-Madison. given too long to make up their mind. Persuasion should
a Zoom-like format—up close, justices do—caused immediate ries with the Zoom-like camera Mr. Black is a professor of po- be gentle and careful; and above all, finely timed.”
with frequent camera changes, and significant harm to the angle, the results for the court litical science at Michigan
and with the ability to see each court’s legitimacy. Those who could be devastating. State University. Ms. Mundow is a writer in central Massachusetts.
The End of Market Discipline for Banks Barr Responds to Mexican Foreign Secretary
inancial regulators have ignored their part of Dodd-Frank. Now Ms. Yellen is throwing In his letter (March 11) replying to the U.S., they’ll be more peaceful in-
post-2008 rule book to contain the lat- out residual discipline by telling even uninsured my op-ed “The U.S. Must Defeat Mex- side Mexico. This policy has failed.
ico’s Cartels” (March 3), Mexican For- Mr. Ebrard’s letter reflects AMLO’s
est banking panic. And on Tuesday Trea- depositors that they needn’t worry.
eign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard Casau- standard obfuscations: Instead of tak-
sury Secretary Janet Yellen The consequences will be bon cites my pressing for cooperation ing concrete, sustained action, engage
tore it up by announcing a de Yellen essentially says far-reaching even if the dam- against the cartels in 2019 and 2020. I in endless blather about “frame-
facto guarantee of all $17.6 age isn’t immediately clear.
trillion in U.S. bank deposits.
all deposits are insured. Bank executives won’t have an
argued then, as now, that the cartels
can be effectively dismantled if the
works.” Next, jealously invoke Mex-
ico’s sovereignty to block the Ameri-
Regional bank stocks rallied, From now on, moral incentive to manage conserva- U.S. and Mexico joined in an all-out cans from taking action, while
but it’s important to under- tively if they know their de- campaign, using every tool we have. surrendering sovereignty to the narco-
stand what this moment
hazard rules. posits aren’t at risk of fleeing. Mr. Ebrard ignores the obstacles to terrorists. Harp on sovereignty but ig-
means: the end of market dis- Large depositors will be less real progress. First, the cartels’ grip nore Mexico’s corresponding duty un-
cipline in U.S. banking. likely to spread their cash on Mexico is so strong that Mexico der international law to ensure its
“Our intervention was necessary to protect across multiple banks. Deposits and risk could lacks the ability to free itself from territory isn’t a sanctuary for groups
their domination. This impotence is preying on the U.S.. Justify inaction by
the broader U.S. banking system,” Ms. Yellen become more concentrated at poorly managed
largely due to the cartels’ success in blaming the existence of the cartels on
told the American Bankers Association conven- banks that offer more customer perks, as hap- corrupting Mexico’s government at all American demand for drugs, though
tion. “And similar actions could be warranted pened at SVB. levels. Breaking free will require U.S. somehow this demand hasn’t made
if smaller institutions suffer deposit runs that Sen. Elizabeth Warren says no one should ex- help inside Mexico, hopefully working Canada into a narcostate, or prevented
pose the risk of contagion.” pect small businesses with more than $250,000 cooperatively with the Mexicans. Colombia from breaking free. Nor is
Translation: Depositors needn’t worry about in cash to be savvy enough to know the differ- Second, President Andrés Manuel there U.S. demand for the mass mur-
the safety and soundness of banks. Uncle Sam ence between a well and poorly run bank, so de- López Obrador has no interest in seri- der caused by the poison fentanyl.
will make sure you don’t lose money. posits should be guaranteed. “The one excep- ously confronting the cartels and It is the Mexican government that
This isn’t an explicit guarantee, but it’s close tion I might draw to that is the billion-dollar won’t allow the U.S. to do it. He wants allows cartels to flourish. Efforts to
enough for government work. Dodd-Frank lets depositor,” she told Roll Call. to “hug” them, not fight them. Only reduce demand might help over the
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. guarantee But most mom-and-pop businesses don’t after President Trump threatened to long term but aren’t a substitute for
designate the cartels as terrorists did decisive steps now to reduce the
uninsured deposits under its “systemic risk” ex- have more than $250,000 sitting in the bank. AMLO make halfhearted gestures at slaughter today.
ception.” But banks must fail for the exception The small businesses she’s referring to are cooperation—for show. These WILLIAM P. BARR
to apply and the systemic risk is supposed to be hedge funds, venture and law firms and well- abruptly stopped when Mr. Trump Washington
genuine. Regulators stretched that exception with funded startups. Many VCs didn’t do due dili- lost re-election. AMLO’s plan: If the Mr. Barr served as U.S. attorney
SVB and Signature, and the Treasury Secretary gence before parking money at SVB, but it’s not cartels are left free to traffic drugs to general, 1991-93 and 2019-20.
is now making clear that they will stretch it again unreasonable to expect that they should.
to prevent more bank runs on her watch. Ms. Yel- Letting uninsured depositors at SVB and Sig-
len would court criticism in Congress if she nature take a modest haircut would have pro-
straight up declared a guarantee for all uninsured vided useful market discipline. The Administra- Who Is Really in Charge at Stanford Law?
deposits, but it’s now clearly implied. tion is doing the opposite. It’s creating moral
Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan’s op-ed when they allow such behavior. How
But why does she feel the need to provide hazard that will seed future trouble by encour-
“My Struggle Session at Stanford Law many of these impostors can these
this assurance if “the situation is stabilizing, aging more risky behavior by bank management School” (March 18) seems to answer universities employ before the world
and the U.S. banking system remains sound,” and reducing caution among depositors, inves- the question raised earlier on your outside their bubbles stops taking
as she claimed? Perhaps because bank deposi- tors and creditors pages: “Who Owns the University?” them seriously? I hope not many.
tors and investors fear the trouble in banks is The Administration is presenting its inter- (op-ed by Richard Vedder, March 17). JAMES OLIVEIRA
wider than she claims. vention as a one-off. But once regulators do Apparently, the answer at Stanford Oakdale, Calif.
i i i something, they create the market expectation Law is the 100 students who were en-
A stable financial system requires clear and that they will do it again. And if they don’t, the couraged by a diversity dean to abol- Tirien Steinbach, the Stanford Law
transparent capital standards, sound regula- ensuing market panic will invariably impel ish free expression and peaceful as- associate diversity dean, is Exhibit A
tion, and above all market discipline to punish them. Biden officials are crossing a Rubicon sembly. Where are the other owners: in the case for eliminating the DEI
reckless behavior. The current panic has shown here, and they’re doing it essentially by fiat the board, the administrators, the fac-blob in higher education (“The Tyr-
ulty, the other students, the alumni, anny of the DEI Bureaucracy,” Review
that none of those exist in the U.S. without approval by Congress.
even the accrediting agencies? & Outlook, March 18). Instead, use
Risk-weighted capital standards have made Regulators have become all too accustomed HARRY RUFFALO those funds to hire personnel who
banks look healthier than they are. The Dodd- to doing anything they want during a market Phoenixcan contribute to an education. Her
Frank regulatory architecture failed to protect panic, reaching for extraordinary power even embarrassing and contradictory ti-
against the interest-rate risk that landed Silicon in non-emergencies. Ms. Yellen may have Given that a new fiasco emerges rade—“Me and many people in this
Valley (SVB), Signature and First Republic shored up confidence in midsize banks, but the from Stanford every week, I thought I administration do absolutely believe
banks in trouble. Market discipline fell sharply cost of her guarantee will be a less sound and could hardly be surprised by anything in free speech”—also demonstrates
with the creation of too-big-to-fail banks as safe U.S. banking system. that might happen there. I was the need for more English professors.
wrong. Judge Duncan’s account of SUSAN DENCH
events left me gasping. While there is Portland, Maine
Crime and Consequences in Seattle no shortage of overentitled, infantile
antics for review at our nation’s There is a well-established legal
soon-to-be formerly great universities maxim regarding criticisms by the
olicy news flash: Fighting crime reduces ferrals by this group has dropped to 2.7. What put on by students, I couldn’t believe media after Judge Duncan called the
crime. The latest evidence comes from changed? that an employee of the university— protesting Stanford Law students
Seattle, of all places, where City Attor- Well, start with arrests and punishment. In in a leadership position, no less— “appalling idiots,” “bullies” and “hyp-
ney Ann Davison’s efforts are the past year 142 of Seattle’s joined in the absurdity, and thereaf- ocrites”: Truth is an absolute defense
showing results. The new City Attorney 168 top recidivists were be- ter kept her job. to all libel charges.
Ms. Davison took office in
January 2022 after voters
gets results by pursuing County hind bars at some point. King
jails had limited book-
Schools like Stanford sow the
seeds of their eventual irrelevance
elected her on a law-and-or- repeat offenders. ings for most misdemeanors.
der mandate. She has fo- But last spring Ms. Davison
cused on the 168 troublemak- brokered an agreement to What McKinsey Hasn’t Proved About Diversity
ers responsible for a disproportionate make an exception for Seattle’s most prolific In her letter (March 17) replying to Haubegger about the research.
amount of crime—nearly 3,500 misdemean- misdemeanor criminals. Andy Kessler column (“Who Killed Sil- In each of its 2015, 2018 and 2020
ors in Seattle over a five-year period, by her She also pushed through a reform that ex- icon Valley Bank?” Inside View, March diversity reports, McKinsey is careful
office’s estimates. cludes from Seattle’s notoriously lenient Com- 13), Christy Haubegger states, “It has to state that the positive correlations
These miscreants had an average of 6.3 mis- munity Court anyone who had 12 or more long been established by academics, it finds between executive racial or
demeanor criminal incidents referred for prose- charges referred to the city attorney for prose- McKinsey and others that there is a ethnic diversity and profitability
cution in Seattle in a year. Their most common cution over the past five years, including one positive correlation between board don’t imply causation. Ironically,
crimes were theft to buy fentanyl or meth, in the past eight months. Their cases are now and executive diversity and company however, McKinsey issues this caveat
which often led to more serious charges, such handled by the Municipal Court, where they can stock performance.” Setting aside my because its analyses are structured to
as assaults and “robbery if someone attempts face bail requirements and jail time. doubt that Mr. Kessler is correct in hisevaluate the reverse direction of cau-
idea that diversity demands “dis- sality—that higher profitability
to stop them,” the Seattle City Attorney’s office Ms. Davison has persevered despite criticism
tracted” the SVB board in a way that causes higher executive diversity.
says in a new report. from Seattle progressives, but the facts vindi- could be material to the bank’s col- Even using McKinsey’s causality-
But new numbers show that on Ms. Davison’s cate her approach. Imagine: Crime falls when lapse, I firmly disagree with Ms. flawed methodology, my own re-
watch the number of annual misdemeanor re- you arrest and punish criminals. search with Jeremiah Green at Texas
A&M fails to find any reliably non-
All the Warning Signs Were
A Big Donor, Nancy Pelosi and the FCC There. They Were Ignored
zero correlation, positive or negative,
between prior firm performance and
present firm executive racial or eth-
e recently told you that Federal Com- cessity.” Leftwing groups piled in with com- Regarding Daniel Henninger’s “Was nic diversity. I urge caution in claim-
munications Commission Chair Jes- ments opposing the deal. SVB a Twitter Panic?” (Wonder Land, ing that studies such as McKinsey’s
sica Rosenworcel’s move to scuttle On Oct. 6, 2022, Mrs. Pelosi and then chair- March 16): The two things government show that publicly traded U.S. firms
does best are nothing and overreact. can deliver improved financial perfor-
Standard General’s acquisition man of the House Energy and
of TV station operator Tegna Follow the timing of Commerce Committee Frank
The warning signs were there,
from long-sounding predictions of
mance by increasing the racial or eth-
nic diversity of their executives. Sim-
Inc. is dubious as a matter of
law. Now evidence suggests
campaign cash, a letter, Pallone sent Ms. Rosenworcel
a letter praising the agency’s
rising interest rates and a depositor ply stated, they don’t.
list bloated with dice-rolling startups PROF. JOHN R.M. HAND
she may have been doing the and an agency decision. decision to seek more informa- to offering interest on deposits mate- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
bidding of a major Democratic tion and urging it to do a rially above market and the lack of
donor. “more thorough review of the safety precautions like rate hedges.
Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group made a play public interest claims.” Yet regulators did nothing. Isn’t ChatGPT Redundant?
for Tegna in autumn 2021. Bloomberg News re- FEC records show that five days later—a Then, when the Twit-storm broke
Regarding Ted Rall’s “ChatGPT Li-
ported at the time that he was seeking to raise month before the midterm election, as Demo- and the Twit hit the fan, government
beled Me. Can I Sue?” (op-ed, March
overreacted by blowing up the de-
money from investment funds to buy Tegna and crats scrambled to hold their House majority— 17): ChatGPT apparently inserts
posit-insurance rules. But, hey, the
roll his existing stations into the new company. Mr. Allen donated another $250,000 to the supposedly independent, big-name
poorly researched falsehoods into the
Around the same time, Mr. Allen made several House Majority PAC. Was the timing a coinci- most generic discussions, fooling the
accountants didn’t catch this stuff,
contributions to then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dence? Were we born yesterday? naive user. I thought the mainstream
signing off on SVB’s audit only weeks
and Democratic campaign committees. On Feb. 24 of this year, Ms. Rosenworcel’s Me- media already provided that service.
before. Which leaves one to wonder
According to Federal Election Commission re- dia Bureau chief issued a memo designating the BOB SPEAR
about the whole sorry bunch: What
Coronado, Calif.
cords, in early October 2021 he donated to Mrs. deal for an administrative hearing. This will good are they?
Pelosi’s campaign ($2,900); to PAC to the Future likely have the effect of killing the Standard Gen- ART HUDMAN
($5,000); the Democratic Congressional Cam- eral transaction without a vote of the full FCC Plano, Texas
paign Committee ($36,500) and the Nancy Pelosi since the financing deadline for the deal is May Pepper ...
Victory Fund ($44,000). That December he con- 22. In the past 30 years, no broadcast license
Pope Francis’s New Rules And Salt
tributed another $219,000 to the Democratic Con- transfer has completed the FCC hearing process
gressional Campaign Committee. in fewer than 358 days. The German Catholic bishops con-
Was he trying to leverage political pressure Who would be the most likely beneficiary if the ference has entered formal schism
on Tegna to accept his bid? If so, he wasn’t Standard General deal falls through? Why, none (“Apostasy in Germany’s Catholic
successful—at least not with Tegna. In Febru- other than Mr. Allen. A spokesperson for the Allen Church” by George Weigel, Houses of
Worship, March 17), but if I want to at-
ary 2022, the company agreed to an offer from Media Group says Mr. Allen’s campaign contribu-
tend a centuries-old Latin Mass I must
Standard General financed in part by Apollo tions and Mrs. Pelosi’s letter weren’t connected do so in the attic of a school gym? This
Global Management, which would infuse the and that he has contributed to numerous charities pontificate has been a Bizarro World.
new company with capital to expand local pro- and political campaigns for decades. KENNETH J. WOLFE
gramming. It sure looks like the former House Speaker Alexandria, Va.
A few months later, Ms. Rosenworcel’s Media lobbied the FCC Chair to scuttle a business deal
Bureau opened the deal to public comment. It in a way that would promote the business inter-
Letters intended for publication should
was an unusual decision. The FCC doesn’t have ests of a major Democratic donor. Standard Gen- be emailed to wsj.ltrs@wsj.com. Please
the authority to block acquisitions, but the 1934 eral offered Tegna a better financial deal, but the include your city, state and telephone
Communications Act lets the agency block the hedge fund appears to have been outbid by Mr. number. All letters are subject to
transfer of station licenses if it finds they don’t Allen’s campaign contributions and Nancy editing, and unpublished letters cannot “The vet had to keep her overnight,
be acknowledged.
serve “the public interest, convenience, and ne- Pelosi’s political influence. but they gave us a loaner.”
potential deposit outflows by hawks and doves. The ver-
enjamin Franklin famously borrowing against long-term dict—based on four centuries
observed that nothing is securities that the banks own. of data—is clear. In the short
certain in life except death In the financial world, such run, the doves have the better
and taxes. If he were lending against securities is case. Output falls less and re-
around today he’d be standard practice. It is the fuel covers more quickly when
tempted to add one more to the list: behind the $15 trillion repo doves are in charge and a cen-
bailouts. The recent collapse of Sili- market, one of the largest and tral bank intervenes more
con Valley Bank—a midsize institu- most liquid financial markets readily. Monetary aggregates
tion at best with 17 branches in Cali- in the world. remain stable and deflation—a
fornia and Massachusetts and $175 Yet such markets function typical byproduct of full-
he Russian warplane that route to northern Ukraine last year. nalist currently on trial for opposi- with millions of voters to get rid of hasn’t been forgotten.
downed a U.S. drone over the He allows Russian warplanes to use tion activities including blogging him. Since the 2020 election in Be-
Black Sea this month provided Belarus’s air bases, and in the past from Poland about the rigged 2020 Immediately after Mr. Lukashenko larus, Mr. Lukashenko has become a
a sharp reminder of how easily few weeks he has been cozying up to election. Mr. Protasevich made inter- stole the 2020 election, my children threat to international peace and se-
Vladimir Putin’s war might spread Iran and China to dodge Western national headlines two years ago and I received death threats. I left curity. The international community
beyond Ukraine’s borders. sanctions. when Belarusian agents devised a Belarus for Lithuania, where I now must apply stronger pressure to his
As the exiled president-elect of He also destroyed my family life, bogus bomb threat and forced a ci- live in exile, but I haven’t stopped regime, including tougher sanctions.
Belarus, the country that borders drove me into exile and put me on vilian flight crossing Belarusian air- He is two-faced and ruthless and
Ukraine to the north, I’m painfully trial for supposed treason—all be- space to divert to Minsk, with the will do anything to save his own
aware of the damage that Mr. Putin cause I beat him in the 2020 presi- goal of arresting him. He was hauled He stole an election, helps skin. He never stopped issuing blus-
and his puppets in the region are in- dential election. He rigged the re- off the plane and thrown in jail after tering threats against Ukraine. “If
flicting on millions of people far be- sults, declared himself the winner, the plane landed. Last week two dis- Russia against Ukraine, they commit aggression against Be-
yond the battlefield. arrested thousands of opposition ac- tinguished journalists, Maryna Zolat- and is making common larus,” he said last month, “the an-
Chief among those puppets is tivists, and climbed into Mr. Putin’s ava and Valeryia Kastsiuhova, were swer will be the most severe.”
Alexander Lukashenko, the Belaru- pocket to secure his corrupt regime. convicted of charges that included cause with Iran and China. Mr. Lukashenko increasingly acts
sian dictator. U.S. State Depart- He is also imprisoning journalists inciting hatred and distributing ma- contrary to U.S. interests. The State
ment spokesman Ned Price recently who tell the truth about his regime. terials that endangered national se- Department described his recent
said Mr. Lukashenko has “essen- Among those now languishing in Be- curity. Ms. Zolatava was sentenced fighting to fulfill my only election visit to Tehran as “an extension of
tially ceded his sovereignty to the larus’s jails is Ales Bialiatski, the to 12 years in prison. Ms. Kastsi- promise—to bring democracy to Be- the deepening relationship between
Kremlin.” veteran dissident who was awarded uhova was sentenced to 10. larus. Meanwhile, the heroic Belaru- Iran and Russia.” The visit ended
I never planned to run against Mr. sian resistance hasn’t been blud- with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi
Lukashenko in 2020. My husband, geoned into submission. openly boasting that his regime was
Siarhei Tsikhanouski, who ran a pop- Last month antiwar partisans dis- “ready to share our experiences” of
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY ular opposition blog and YouTube gusted by Mr. Lukashenko’s support Western sanctions “with the friendly
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson channel, bravely put himself forward for Mr. Putin sent a pair of drones to Belarus in this regard.”
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp as a presidential candidate. Thou- drop bombs on Russian targets at We hope that Washington and its
Emma Tucker Almar Latour sands of his supporters used to the Machulishchy airfield outside allies will continue to apply as much
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
chant his anti-Lukashenko slogan Minsk. They succeeded in severely pressure as possible on Mr. Lukash-
Liz Harris, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: “Stop the cockroach!” He was ar- damaging a $330 million Beriev A-50 enko’s vile regime. We need his role
Jason Anders, Deputy Editor in Chief Daniel Bernard, Chief Experience Officer; rested two days after his announce- spy plane used for target-spotting in in Mr. Putin’s war to end and for
Neal Lipschutz, Deputy Editor in Chief Mae M. Cheng, SVP, Barron’s Group; David Cho,
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, News;
ment and prevented from registering Ukraine. Russian troops to leave Belarus for
Barron’s Editor in Chief; Jason P. Conti, General
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Brent Jones, Culture, with the election commission. For With heroes like these, Belarus good. We need the gulags to empty
Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo,
Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print & Chief People Officer; Frank Filippo, EVP, Business
some reason, the commission ac- continues to fight for liberation. and the people of Belarus to be able
Writing; Michael W. Miller, Features & Weekend;
Information & Services, Operations; cepted my name instead. Perhaps That is why I am visiting the U.S., to decide without fear of retribution
Emma Moody, Standards; Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Mr. Lukashenko didn’t believe he whose support for democracy and how they want to be governed. The
Elizabeth O’Melia, Chief Financial Officer;
Philana Patterson, Audio; Matthew Rose,
Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi, Investigations;
Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & Chief Revenue Officer, could be beaten by a woman. sovereignty in Belarus has been in- choice is between democratically
Amanda Wills, Video WSJ | Barron’s Group; Sherry Weiss, Chief Siarhei eventually was sentenced valuable. On Wednesday I will meet elected leaders and a Kremlin
Paul A. Gigot
Marketing Officer to 18 years in jail. I was sentenced in House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and stooge.
Editor of the Editorial Page absentia this month to 15 years in senior State Department officials.
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
1211 Avenue of the Americas
prison for the usual made-up Next week I will testify before the Ms. Tsikhanouskaya was a candi-
New York, N.Y., 10036 charges: endangering national secu- Senate Foreign Relations Committee. date for president of Belarus in
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES rity, inciting unrest and conspiring The world’s attention is fixed on the 2020.
son can own to three from six. In a 2005 referendum, 64% Ugandan law now allows
Now comes the hard part: of Brazilians said they didn’t the death penalty for capital
getting people to give up their agree with a ban on firearm offenses including murder or
weapons. sales in the country. But the robbery, but the country hasn’t
Of the some three million restrictions imposed in 2003 executed anyone since 2005.
guns now registered by Brazil- remained in place until the “We want to shape the fu-
ians for civilian use, 1.6 million Workers’ Party lost the presi- ture of our children by protect-
were bought during Mr. Bolson- dency in 2016. ing them from homosexuality,”
aro’s four-year stint in office Michel Temer, Mr. Bolson- Mutasingwa Kagyenyi, a parlia-
until 2022, according to esti- aro’s predecessor, eased some mentarian for Mr. Museveni’s
mates based on army and po- restrictions on owning and National Resistance Movement
lice data by the Igarapé Insti- carrying guns. But it was un- who co-wrote the bill with op-
tute, a Brazilian think tank. The der Mr. Bolsonaro, a former position lawmakers, told a
increase occurred in a country Lizandra Pascoal at a gun club. Brazilians, she says, have a right to defend themselves with guns. army captain, that gun owner- packed chamber Tuesday.
that has historically imposed ship surged. Existing, colonial-era law in
strict firearms controls. pass a presidential decree loosening weapons restrictions 2022 under Mr. Bolsonaro’s Brazil’s to and fro on gun Uganda criminalizes homosex-
Mr. da Silva’s Workers’ forcing owners to sell firearms to bring what he called “U.S.- government. Gun enthusiasts control in recent decades has uality, but no one has been
Party is back in power, but to the state that exceed the style gun legislation” to Brazil. said that buttressed their ar- turned the country into a type convicted for consensual same-
many of Brazil’s gun owners new three-per-person rule, or At a newly opened shooting gument that arming law-abid- of laboratory experiment on sex relations since the country
say they don’t want to give up face arrest, Brazil’s justice gallery in São Paulo, Lizandra ing citizens deters criminals. firearms legislation, said Fab- gained independence from Brit-
their firearms despite the minister, Flávio Dino, told The Pascoal swept back her long Antigun campaigners point ricio Rebelo, a legal expert and ain in 1962. Still, many mem-
clampdown. Wall Street Journal. hair after firing her Stribog out that murders were already head of the Center for Re- bers of Uganda’s LGBTQ com-
“It’s time to put down your “Any gun that is not de- semiautomatic 9mm handgun. in decline in 2018 before Mr. search on Law and Public Se- munity live in secrecy because
weapons, weapons that should clared will be considered an il- Like many gun owners here, Bolsonaro took office, attribut- curity. But the existence of of stigma and antigay violence.
never have been wielded,” Mr. legal weapon.…They’ll be com- she says civilians deserve the ing the reduction partly to a multiple official databases for Human Rights Watch
da Silva said after winning the mitting a crime,” Mr. Dino right to defend themselves truce in a bloody turf war be- crimes and gun ownership warned last week that after
October presidential election. said. According to the disar- with firearms. tween rival gangs, rather than makes it difficult to draw con- the 2014 law was passed,
“Guns kill and we choose life.” mament law, having illegal “They can in the U.S., so to looser gun laws. clusions, he said. members of Uganda’s LGBTQ
To determine just how guns can lead to two to four why can’t we?” she said. For many younger Brazil- During Mr. Bolsonaro’s ad- faced reduced access to health
many guns came into circula- years in prison plus a fine. The Workers’ Party pub- ians, Mr. Bolsonaro’s adminis- ministration, a new shooting services, including HIV pre-
tion under his predecessor, Only 60% of gun owners lished a campaign video last tration marked the first time club opened every day on av- vention. Many were evicted by
Mr. da Silva has given owners have complied with register- May on U.S. school shootings. that guns had been readily erage, according to official fig- landlords or fired from jobs on
until March 31 to take any ing, according to government “This is the result of looser gun available in their lifetime. ures, with an increasing num- the basis of their perceived
guns they bought under looser figures. laws,” reads the text overlay. “Is Gun laws were relatively lax ber of women among their sexual orientation.
rules since May 2019 to the Several politicians and citi- this what you want for Brazil?” in the 1980s as the country’s numbers. Many began to oper- Uganda has one of the larg-
nearest police station for in- zens have referenced U.S. gun After Brazil registered more military dictatorship came to ate 24 hours a day. Under est HIV/Aids epidemics in Af-
spection and registration in a policy amid the debate. Mr. homicides than anywhere in an end: Anyone over the age of April’s decree, Mr. da Silva rica, with at least 1.4 million
government database. Bolsonaro, as president, the world in 2017, homicides 21 could buy a firearm in a will ban shooting clubs from people living with HIV.
In April, Mr. da Silva will passed more than 40 decrees dropped to a 15-year low in shopping mall. Cars were de- operating around the clock.
London Police Accused Seoul Will Restore
Of Racism, Misogyny Japan’s Trade Status
An independent report con- South Korean President Yoon
cluded that London’s Metropoli- Suk Yeol said Tuesday his gov-
tan Police force—Britain’s larg- ernment would move to restore
est—is institutionally racist, Japan’s preferential trade status
antigay and sexist, and should as he pushes to resolve history
be broken up if it can’t change. and trade disputes with Japan
The review into the Met’s cul- despite domestic opposition.
tures and standards, which was Mr. Yoon defended his moves,
released Tuesday, was written by saying that leaving ties with Japan
Baroness Louise Casey, who has as fraught as they are would be
held a number of top government neglecting his duty because
posts working in social welfare, af- greater bilateral cooperation is vital
ter the rape and murder of Sarah to resolve diverse challenges fac-
Everard by a serving Met police ing Seoul. He said the need to
officer in 2021. It details failings boost ties with Japan has grown
about which it says the force has because of North Korea’s advanc-
been in denial for years. A previ- ing nuclear program, the intensify-
ous independent report in 1999 ing U.S.-China strategic rivalry and
called the Met institutionally racist. global supply-chain challenges.
“We have found widespread —Associated Press
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bard.google.com, instead of
within its current products.
Bard is designed to respond
specific timeline. Google said it
plans to expand Bard’s avail-
ability to additional countries
its AI technology last week.
Microsoft said it was using the
system, GPT-4, to power a new
Billions in
into its search function
to more users in the U.S. and
U.K. The move intensifies the
battle between Google and Mi-
to written prompts using infor-
mation sourced from websites
such as Wikipedia and can han-
and non-English languages.
A pioneer of the artificial-
intelligence technology behind
chatbot embedded in its
search engine Bing.
China’s search giant Baidu
Safe U.S.
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.
tor Nancy Meyers after a dis- Monthly subscriber platforms. After back-to-back
agreement between Netflix churn rate* quarters of subscriber losses
A Good Meat .................. B4 O and the filmmaker over its Average of 10 last year, the company moved
Aims for
Abbott Laboratories...A7 Great Wall Motor.....B16 OpenAI ........................ B1 cost, people familiar with that swiftly to cut costs and told
streaming services
Alphabet...........A6,B1,B4 H P film said. shareholders last year that it
B Hilton Worldwide ....... B8 6
PacWest Bancorp ....... A4 Netflix film chairman Scott plans to keep its content budget
Baidu ........................... B1 Hospitality Ventures PDD..............................B4
Management.............B8 Stuber is trying to balance steady in the next few years.
BYD............................B16 Pernod Ricard..............B3
Hyundai Motor............B6 higher-budget blockbusters 5 While Netflix has had suc-
ByteDance ............. A6,B4 R
C J that have a chance of fran- cess with some franchises such
Coinbase Global........B15
JPMorgan Chase.........A4 chise opportunities, with a 4 as “Stranger Things”—turning
CoinShares..................B1 Continued from page B1 steady diet of less-pricey mov- Netflix the show into a five-season se-
Credit SuisseA4,B15,B16 Knight-Swift has resisted putting its movies ies that a sizable portion of ries, videogames and a coming
Transportation..........B6 Suzuki Motor..............B6 3
D T in theaters on a large scale. subscribers watch, people fa- stage play—executives have
Diageo ......................... B3 L
Tata Motors................B6 Discrepancies in calculating miliar with the strategy said. said getting better at building
Dominion Voting Lazard..........................A4 2
Tencent........................B4 movie budgets can stem from “The Electric State,” based franchises and worlds is part of
Systems....................B2 M-N Tesla..........................B16
Dongfeng Motor ....... B16 what expenses are included in on a 2018 graphic novel by the its content strategy.
Mahindra & Mahindra B6 U 1
DuckDuckGo................B1 Mark Anthony.............B3 the tally—for example, Swedish author Simon Stålen- Franchise building can take
E McDonald's..................B8 UBS ......... A4,B4,B15,B16 whether the figure is gross or hag, describes a cross-country time. Netflix announced plans
McNeill Investment....B8 Upside Foods...............B4
Eat Just.......................B4
U.S. Xpress Enterprises
net after factoring things such journey taken by a teenage girl 0 to make its first original film
Meta Platforms..........A6
F-G Microsoft.....................B1 .....................................B6 as tax credits for filming in a and a robot. It is directed by Feb. 2022 ’23 in 2014 and has grown its li-
First Republic Bank MicroStrategy...........B15 V certain jurisdiction. Joe and Anthony Russo, who brary of those films since.
*Excludes involuntary churn, such as when a
........................A1,A4,B15 Mitsubishi Motors......B6 The investment in “The directed “Avengers: Endgame,” Netflix bought the right to
Volkswagen..........B6,B16 credit card is declined.
Ford Motor...........B6,B16 Netflix.........................B1
Fox...............................B2 W Electric State” comes as Net- the second-highest grossing Source: Antenna make two sequels to Rian John-
News Corp.............A4,B2
GameStop....................B3 Nike.............................B3 Western Alliance flix tries to maximize the $17 movie of all time behind son’s movie “Knives Out” for
General Motors...........B6 Nissan Motor..............B6 Bancorp.....................A4 billion content budget that it 2009’s “Avatar.” quel due this June. nearly $450 million in 2021,
spends each year in an ultra- Other bets Netflix is placing Netflix, with 231 million sub- The Wall Street Journal re-
competitive streaming market on new franchises include scribers, has spent heavily on ported at the time. “Glass On-
INDEX TO PEOPLE in which investors give prior-
ity to profitability.
Zach Snyder’s space fantasy
“Rebel Moon,” due this year,
producing original content as it
tried to depend less on movies
ion: A Knives Out Mystery”
nabbed an Oscar nomination
The company recently action film “The Old Guard,” and shows from entertainment for best adapted screenplay and
A H Patel, Bhavik...............B8 pulled the plug on a more than which has a sequel under way, rivals, which in recent years was among the most-watched
Ablin, Jack .................. A4 Halligan, Patrick.......B14 Portillo, Matthew.......B8 $100 million romantic comedy and “Extraction,” another moved to keep their best con- English-language movies on
Harrington, Tim..........B6 Prasad, Akshay...........B6
B written and directed by direc- Russo Brothers film with a se- tent for their own streaming Netflix after its release.
Hsiao, Sissie...............B1 Q
Bolton, Valerie............B8 Hwang, Bill................B14
Butterfill, James ...... B15 Quinlan, Tim...............A4
C Kauffmann, Patrik....B15 Safai, Michael.............B1
Caloni, Artaud...........B15 L Schiraldi, Frank...........B8
Castro, Ramon de.....B15 Shah, Seema...............A4
Lawler, John................B6
Cohen, Ryan................B3 Stuber, Scott...............B2
Collins, Eli...................B4 M
Maginnis, Christine....B8 T
Mandl, Anthony von...B3 Tannenbaum, Carl.......A4
Dimon, Jamie..............A4 Medalie, Clara.............B1 Tetrick, Josh................B4
Divounguy, Orphe.......A4 Mehta, Ankur............B15 U-W
Dusaniwsky, Ihor......B15
other lawsuits in which a Fox self of neutral reportage, even
News producer alleged Fox’s
lawyers coached her to give
if it’s not true? How can that
be neutral?” the judge asked.
false and misleading answers Ms. Murphy pushed back
during her deposition testi- and said the hosts didn’t make
mony in the Dominion suit to defamatory statements on air.
Schwab 0.45%
protect male colleagues and ex- Dominion’s court papers
ecutives. cited hundreds of pages of ma-
Dominion sued Fox News for terial, including a deposition in
defamation in 2021, seeking which Rupert Murdoch, the
$1.6 billion in damages on alle- chair of Fox News parent Fox
gations that the network en- Corp., said some Fox News and
TD Ameritrade 0.35%
dorsed false claims that the Fox Business commentators en-
voting-machine company dorsed the idea of a stolen
helped rig the presidential elec- election to varying degrees. Mr.
tion against Mr. Trump. Fox Murdoch said Fox News itself
News says it was reporting on didn’t endorse that narrative
newsworthy allegations made but could have been stronger in
by the president’s supporters. denouncing it, according to the
The bar for proving defama- filing.
tion is high, and will require Other internal documents
Dominion to prove that Fox cited by Dominion indicated
News acted with actual malice, there was a deep fissure in the
by either knowingly publishing network between high-profile
a false statement or showing a prime-time opinion hosts and
reckless disregard for the truth. other personnel who were
Evidence presented so far by deeply skeptical of election-
Dominion in court documents fraud claims.
includes internal communica- Fox says Dominion cherry-
tions and interviews from Fox picked quotes from internal
executives and on-air hosts pri- network communications with-
vately expressing skepticism out context and that much of
about the allegations against
Dominion, even while Fox News
and Fox Business programs
the voting-technology com-
pany’s alleged evidence isn’t
relevant to its defamation
broadcast appearances in claims. It also says Dominion
which Trump allies such as Sid- hasn’t suffered the kind of fi-
ney Powell and Rudy Giuliani nancial harm it claims.
made the allegations on air. In lawsuits filed Monday
Member NYSE, FINRA, SIPC. Supporting documentation for any claims and statistical information will be provided upon
“It’s not just that Sidney against Fox News and Fox Corp.
Powell wasn’t a reliable source, in New York and Delaware, request. Competitor rates and offers subject to change without notice. Services vary by firm. [1] Rate shown applies to IBKR
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Smolla. Defamation law, he tiromo, said she got the im-
said, is about “protecting the pression she should avoid Neither Nasdaq, Inc. nor its affiliates make any recommendation to buy or sell any security or any representation about any
integrity of our public dis- speaking negatively about Mr.
company’s financial condition. Investors should undertake their own due diligence before investing. © 2023. Nasdaq, Inc. All
course itself.” Carlson and other male co-
Fox Corp. and News Corp, workers during her deposition Rights Reserved. Nasdaq.com. 03-IB23-1606CH1607
the parent of Wall Street Jour- in the Dominion case.
Nike Inventory
available in 12-ounce cans.
The 73-year-old sole owner
of White Claw’s parent com-
pany, Mark Anthony Group,
Buildup Slows
said a change in U.S. regula-
tions opened the door for inno-
vation in the way vodka is
made. The Alcohol and Tobacco
As Sales Rise
Tax and Trade Bureau in 2020
changed a definition that had
previously required vodka to
be “without distinctive charac-
BY INTI PACHECO the quarter fell 11% to $1.24 ter, aroma, taste, or color.”
billion. The chief executive said his
Nike Inc. made progress Recent unrest in the bank- R&D team came up with a new
working through the inventory ing sector adds to the elevated filtration process that uses in-
glut that squeezed the sneaker inflation and rising interest tense pressure to create what
giant last year, reporting a 14% rates that have weighed on Mr. von Mandl described as a
jump in quarterly sales and U.S. consumer spending in re- smoother drink.
raising its revenue growth tar- cent months. Spending at re- White Claw Premium
get. tailers declined in February, Vodka is entering a U.S. mar-
The sportswear company according to the Commerce ket led by Tito’s Handmade
said its inventory increased Department, and consumer Nike had started discounting last summer but worked more aggressively in the fall quarter. Vodka, which is made by
16% in the quarter ended Feb. sentiment fell in March for the Texas-based Fifth Generation
28 compared with the same first time in four months, ac- peak. Nike had started increas- term plans to focus on direct- Nike’s quarterly revenue Inc. Tito’s is a juggernaut that
period a year ago. Inventories cording to a University of ing discounting last summer to-consumer sales. $12.39B after its introduction in 1997
had swelled by more than 40% Michigan survey. but worked more aggressively Wholesale revenue growth $14 billion grew to outsell Diageo PLC’s
in each of the prior two quar- Mr. Friend said Nike was to clear out items in the fall will be moderate for the next Smirnoff vodka and become
ters. The company ended Feb- monitoring the building pres- quarter. few quarters as the company 12 the biggest spirits brand in
ruary with $8.9 billion of in- sure on consumer confidence For the past two years, sup- expects less product from its the U.S.
ventories, down from $9.3 but said demand remained ply-chain snarls have pinched suppliers, but executives said 10 The largest global spirits
billion at the end of November. strong despite macroeconomic growth. The company initially gross margins would decline makers, Diageo and Pernod
“We are increasingly confi- uncertainty. had a lack of inventory be- in the next quarter. 8 Ricard SA, have so far failed
dent that we will exit the year Executives said full-price cause of Covid lockdowns and Executives said inflationary to unseat Tito’s in the U.S.
with healthy inventories sales remained strong and the factory closures in Vietnam costs in logistics and increased 6 vodka market, as have upstart
across the marketplace,” Nike company had been able to in- and China. Then the company product input costs added craft brands.
finance chief Matthew Friend crease prices across its portfo- increased orders to meet con- pressure on profitability. “We 4 White Claw Premium
said Tuesday on a conference lio. The company is now fore- sumer demand and get ahead will continue to focus on man- Vodka is distilled in Illinois,
call with analysts. casting a revenue growth rate of transit constraints. aging those levers together in 2 bottled in Kentucky and
Higher markdowns once in the high mid-single digit To deal with excess inven- order to try to drive profitable priced comparably to Tito’s,
again hurt profit margins, percentage for the fiscal year tory, executives said in Decem- growth,” Mr. Friend said. 0 the company said. A 750 ml
though Nike’s quarterly earn- ending in May. ber they were cutting orders In China, Nike saw a re- FY2021 ’22 ’23 bottle of Tito’s costs about
ings came in above Wall Nike executives said last from suppliers. The company bound in traffic at its stores in Note: Fiscal quarter ended Feb. 28
$20. A four-pack of White
Street’s expectations. The year they believed the com- also leaned on wholesale part- January and strong sales *Change from a year earlier Claw’s canned vodka and soda
company said net income in pany was past its inventory ners, a reversal from its long- through February. Sources: S&P Capital IQ; the company will be sold for around $11.
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Trucking Giant Knight-Swift to Buy U.S. Xpress ments. Meanwhile, some won-
der whether Ford can meet its
targets for its EV segment as
higher interest rates act as a
BY COLIN KELLAHER load revenue, bringing its an- members of U.S. Xpress’s co- Knight-Swift, will serve as tory with Swift of purchasing drag on vehicle demand.
nual revenue run rate to founding Fuller family plan to president of U.S. Xpress, and underperforming [truckload] An event Thursday aims to
Knight-Swift Transporta- nearly $10 billion. Knight- roll shares valued at about $33 that members of the Fuller assets and improving profit- share with investors and oth-
tion Holdings Inc. is buying Swift, which has bulked up million into a new Knight- family will transition out of ability through the cycle and ers how and why Ford is reor-
rival trucker U.S. Xpress En- through a series of acquisi- Swift unit formed to hold the their executive roles. we’d expect a similar opportu- ganizing its operations and is
terprises Inc. in a deal valued tions in recent years, is the acquired business. Knight-Swift said the U.S. nity here,” Citigroup Inc.’s the culmination of a process
at about $808 million that will largest operator in trucking’s The company also will as- Xpress deal offers economies Christian Wetherbee wrote in the company began discussing
bolster the scale of one of the truckload sector, in which sume $484 million of U.S. of scale, adding that it sees a research report. in late 2021, said Chief Finan-
country’s largest trucking op- trucks carry full loads for sin- Xpress debt. limited opportunities for or- Knight-Swift counted about cial Officer John Lawler.
erators. gle customers for deliveries The deal is the biggest for ganic growth in the current $7.4 billion in overall revenue “Model e was a startup com-
Phoenix-based Knight-Swift such as transports to distribu- Knight-Swift, formed by the trucking environment. The last year from all its opera- pany buried within Ford Motor
said Tuesday it would pay tion centers, according to SJ 2017 merger with Swift Trans- company said it expects the tions, a nearly 24% increase Company and now they’ll see
$6.15 a share in cash for U.S. Consulting Group. portation Co., since it acquired acquisition to begin adding to from 2021 as the carrier bene- transparently where Model e
Xpress, more than four times The addition of U.S. AAA Cooper Transportation in adjusted per-share earnings fited from strong freight de- is,” Mr. Lawler said of inves-
Monday’s closing price of Xpress’s 7,200 tractors and a $1.35 billion deal in 2021. next year, with a target of mand triggered by pandemic- tors. They will also have a bet-
$1.50 for the Chattanooga, 14,400 trailers would boost Knight-Swift said U.S. adding at least $1 a share in driven restocking by retailers ter look at the two other seg-
Tenn.-based carrier and 13% Knight-Swift’s truckload fleet Xpress will continue to oper- 2026. during the first half of the ments as well, the CFO said.
above the stock’s 52-week high to roughly 25,000 tractors and ate as a separate brand with Analysts said they expect year. Investors will see categories
of $5.44 reached last April. 93,000 trailers. separate operations, in line Knight-Swift to drive operat- The freight market has such as revenue, earnings be-
Knight-Swift said the deal Knight-Swift said it would with past acquisitions. ing improvements at U.S. slowed since then, and Knight- fore interest and taxes, margins
will add about $2.2 billion in pay about $291 million in cash The company said Tim Har- Xpress that will improve earn- Swift’s revenue declined 4% in and assets for each segment of
total operating revenue, in- at closing, expected by the end rington, currently executive ings. the fourth quarter from the the business, said Ford Con-
cluding $1.8 billion in truck- of the third quarter, while vice president for sales at “Clearly, Knight has a his- year before, to $1.74 billion. troller Cathy O’Callaghan.
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When hotel operator Nath Other hoteliers are feeling a training of operations manag-
Inc. reopened its eight hotels in similar strain. Wage growth in ers for general-manager roles
the summer of 2020, it strug- leisure and hospitality skyrock- at select-service properties, a
gled to fill openings for house- eted in 2021. But it peaked in position that has seen high
keepers and front-desk employ- December of that year, when turnover compared with full-
ees. The company boosted wages were up nearly 14% com- service hotels since 2020. The
wages for some positions by pared with the prior year, ac- eight-month program includes
more than 30% but was still cording to the BLS. Since then, intensive training in areas such
short-staffed. wage growth has moderated as revenue, financial reporting
Then Nath tried a different but remains above the prepan- and people and facilities man-
tack: The company created a demic pace, with earnings in- agement, job shadowing and in-
career-development program creasing nearly 7% from a year terim general-manager assign-
with cross-department training COO Bhavik Patel, left, said Nath Inc.’s career-development program has helped the hotelier compete earlier to $20.83 an hour last ments.
and leadership workshops. Pro- for scarce employees. Lindsey Damron, right, moved into a sales job from a general manager role. month. The company spends
spective housekeepers liked the Benefit growth also has lev- $60,000 on training each par-
idea that the company offered The percentage of job post- at the Hilton Garden Inn in telling Mr. Patel that she was eled off. The number of hospi- ticipant, said Sue Sanders, chief
a path from cleaning rooms to ings on the online hiring plat- Twin Falls, Idaho. burned out as a general man- tality job postings that listed human resources officer.
running housekeeping or even form Wizehire emphasizing ca- “There were days I wanted ager at the company’s Best benefits, typically health insur- McNeill Investment Group
managing a hotel, said Chief reer-development programs to quit because I didn’t get Western property in Kalama- ance, doubled to 16% but the has started lining up training
Operating Officer Bhavik Patel. has increased to 8% from 2% training,” she said. zoo, Mich. number hasn’t changed much within the first 90 days of hir-
“We want to develop you to prepandemic. Then McNeill Investment Mr. Patel offered her a posi- since mid-2022, according to ing chief engineers at its hotels.
grow within the company,” he This approach has become Group, which took over the ho- tion selling blocks of rooms Wizehire Chief Executive Sid The company has struggled in
said. another way for hoteliers to tel around the time Ms. Erd- and making cold calls to poten- Upadhyay. recent years to find qualified
Despite a recent jump in the compete with remote jobs, fast- mann was hired, began requir- tial customers, as well as the Some early indications sug- candidates for the position,
hospitality sector’s hiring, ho- food chains and delivery com- ing managers to train their opportunity to shadow a sales gest that the promise of career which involves building mainte-
tels and restaurants are still panies that are hiring from the staff for higher-level roles. Ms. director with the intention of growth is helping hotels hire. nance and repair, planning
understaffed. The accommoda- same pool of workers. The exo- Erdmann, by then assistant promoting Ms. Damron to that Job postings for entry-level maintenance employees’ sched-
tion and food-services sector dus of hospitality employees housekeeper, stayed after her level within a year or so. At the roles that emphasize career de- ules, ordering supplies and
had nearly 1.5 million job open- during the pandemic showed shift to learn the hotel’s com- same time, Ms. Damron is velopment are seeing more ap- working with vendors.
ings as of January, according to that hotels needed to offer puter systems and how to training her own replacement plications, and interview and McNeill pays for new hires
seasonally adjusted numbers more opportunities for career schedule shifts and order sup- at the Best Western. hire rates are 5% to 10% higher, to get certified in areas ranging
from the U.S. Bureau of Labor training and advancement, ac- plies. These skills enabled her Nath is hoping that career according to Wizehire. from pool operation to HVAC
Statistics. cording to hotel owners. to take over the executive advancement can counter com- At Hilton, a new education repair. The company has found
Beyond raising wages and “There’s still a lot of turn- housekeeping position last panies offering higher pay. In benefit launched in May 2022 the perk helps them win over
increasing benefits, hotel own- over, but it’s been more suc- summer. October, a front-desk associate offers staff at all corporate of- candidates who were interview-
ers, lodging operators and cessful for us this way,” Mr. Pa- “Now I really like my job,” at a hotel in Traverse City, fices and nonfranchised proper- ing with competing hotels, said
global brands such as Hilton tel said. she said. Mich., told Mr. Patel that she ties free opportunities ranging Valerie Bolton, executive vice
Worldwide Holdings Inc. are Shelby Erdmann, 24 years Some hotel employees in had been offered a dollar more from high school and profes- president of human resources.
trying to attract and retain em- old, said she didn’t receive management positions also an hour for a job at sional certifications to college “They have a strong founda-
ployees with the prospect of much career support when she have embraced retraining. McDonald’s. courses. In the first month fol- tion, usually. We just need to
greater responsibility down the started six years ago as an en- Lindsey Damron, 41, moved Mr. Patel matched the offer lowing the program’s launch, add to that to round them out,”
line. try-level maintenance worker into a sales job at Nath after but told the employee any addi- online job postings that men- she said.
Loan Annual volume of commercial
real estate loans expiring
restructured to give borrowers
more time and more flexibility
to pay what they owe. Much of
after the fiscal crisis who is
now an adjunct instructor at
the University of Cincinnati’s
$450 billion
the guidance the Federal Re- department of finance.
400 serve and other regulators are The Fed in September said
following was enacted during it would revisit its financial-
Increase 350
the global financial crisis to
shore up the economy.
For example, in 2009 regu-
crisis-era guidance regarding
commercial-property restruc-
turings but noted that new
Other lators issued a policy state- policy would “build on exist-
Continued from page B1 250 ment that allowed banks to ing guidance.” The new policy
value of loans and securities keep loans on their books at “is timely in the postpandemic
held by banks is around $2.2 200 full value in many situations era, as trends such as in-
trillion lower than the book even if the property backing creased remote working may
value on their balance sheets. 150 the loan was worth less than shift historic patterns of de-
That drop in value puts 186 the loan balance. While banks mand…in ways that adversely
banks at risk of failure if half had a reasonable expectation affect the financial condition
their uninsured depositors de- 50 of being repaid, critics warned and repayment capacity” of
cide to pull their money, the Held by banks at the time that this guidance commercial property land-
economists estimate. Real-es- 0 would hurt the economy in the lords, the Fed said.
tate loans account for more 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’20
long run because the pain was Still, a flexible approach to
than a quarter of the shortfall, only being deferred. real estate workouts among
said Mr. Piskorski. Source: Trepp But the strategy was suc- regulators has limitations.
At the median U.S. bank, cessful. Commercial-property Banks are still typically re-
commercial-real-estate loans their mortgages even if they values rose steadily in the years quired to cut the value of the
account for 38% of loan hold- suffer a loss in value. “The sav- after the crisis thanks in large debt on their books if a bor-
ings, according to an analysis ing grace here is that you do part to low interest rates. rower defaults. Already the
by KBW Research. have a decent-sized cushion,” Eventually, many borrowers number of defaults is growing,
The good news is that banks said Frank Schiraldi, a stock an- were able to pay off the loans partly because of high interest
lent more conservatively in re- alyst at Piper Sandler. that were modified and ex- rates, work from home and
cent years compared with the Also, government regula- tended during the tough years. tech layoffs. Landlords that
period before the 2008 finan- tors have given banks ways to Regulators “turned out to be have defaulted include Pimco
cial crisis. Many buildings avoid taking losses even when correct,” said Tyler Wiggers, a and Brookfield Asset Manage-
might still be worth more than loans are in trouble and are senior staff member at the Fed ment.
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571.67 2.6 Double-A-rated 4.660 3.110 5.320 405.87 2.0 7-12 year 2.751 2.177 3.794
777.47 2.2 Triple-B-rated 5.650 3.870 6.440 452.55 2.2 12-22 year 3.627 2.443 4.428
Cash Prices | wsj.com/market-data/commodities Tuesday, March 21, 2023 High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 422.66 2.5 22-plus year 4.361 2.936 5.131
These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace— 472.42 2.0 High Yield Constrained 8.894 5.940 9.623 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future 435.61 3.6 Triple-C-rated 15.298 9.837 16.916 535.09 2.6 Global Government 2.850 1.600 3.250
months. High Yield 100 786.28 3.0 Canada 3.040 2.330 3.780
3185.21 2.3 8.076 5.329 8.753
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 124.7 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 10.3575 412.65 1.7 Global High Yield Constrained 8.976 6.201 9.945 341.60 2.6 EMU§ 3.050 1.103 3.490
Energy Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m n.a. Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 6.7325
314.75 1.9 Europe High Yield Constrained 7.630 4.313 8.508 633.05 2.1 France 2.910 0.980 3.310
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 88.800 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 1160 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 8.7025
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 14.950 Battery/EV metals Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 7.7250 U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 453.28 2.2 Germany 2.290 0.400 2.760
BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,w 51125 Food
Metals BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,w 1715.55 1.5 U.S Agency 4.470 2.370 5.080 285.27 2.7 Japan 0.740 0.520 1.060
Gold, per troy oz BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,m 5760 Beef,carcass equiv. index
1516.58 1.3 10-20 years 4.460 2.310 5.100 489.87 2.1 Netherlands 2.600 0.640 3.000
Engelhard industrial 1966.00 BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 5616 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 257.32
Handy & Harman base 1952.50 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 768 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 245.99 3312.11 3.8 20-plus years 4.590 3.000 5.240 805.32 2.9 U.K. 3.610 1.610 4.690
Handy & Harman fabricated 2167.28 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.3014
LBMA Gold Price AM *1981.95
Fibers and Textiles Butter,AA Chicago-d 2.4050 2582.18 1.9 Yankee 5.110 3.290 5.840 776.41 1.1 Emerging Markets ** 7.828 5.919 9.159
LBMA Gold Price PM *1969.35 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 195.25
Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.7175 *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Krugerrand,wholesale-e Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 198.50
2025.00 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.7685 ** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan
Maple Leaf-e Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 115.50
2073.45 Cotlook 'A' Index-t *92.30 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 1.8720
American Eagle-e 2073.45 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.2627
Mexican peso-e
Austria crown-e
Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 3.2850 Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Austria phil-e 2034.69 Grains and Feeds Flour,hard winter KC-p 21.65
Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u n.a. Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Silver, troy oz. Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 77.52
Engelhard industrial 22.6000 Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w 165 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u 1.1571
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Handy & Harman base 22.2570 Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 6.2900 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.0221 Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Handy & Harman fabricated 27.8210 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 204.9 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a. Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
LBMA spot price *£18.3900 Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 644.4 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 218.50
(U.S.$ equivalent) *22.4950 Cottonseed meal-u,w 393
4.625 U.S. 2 4.175 s l 3.922 4.729 2.132
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 20015 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 215 Fats and Oils 3.500 10 3.603 s l 3.477 3.953 2.315
Other metals Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 430 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w n.a. 3.250 Australia 2 2.850 t l 2.863 3.636 1.394 -132.5 -112.8 -73.0
LBMA Platinum Price PM *985.0 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 4.0400 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.5250
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 1005.0 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 37.00 Lard,Chicago-u n.a. 1.750 10 3.204 t l 3.253 3.828 2.575 -39.3 -23.3 28.0
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 1430.0 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a. Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.5971 0.000 France 2 2.713 s l 2.478 3.094 -0.235 -146.2 -151.3 -235.9
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2237.5 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 478.00 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.5475
Copper,Comex spot 4.0185 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 14.5300 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a. 2.000 10 2.808 s l 2.656 3.012 0.913 -78.9 -82.9 -138.1
2.500 Germany 2 2.615 s l 2.350 2.953 -0.280 -156.0 -164.1 -240.4
KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark 2.300 10 2.296 s l 2.119 2.531 0.470 -130.1 -136.6 -182.4
Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 3/20
Source: Dow Jones Market Data 2.500 Italy 2 3.003 s l 2.868 3.453 0.129 -117.2 -112.3 -199.5
4.400 10 4.104 s l 3.987 4.470 1.978 50.7 50.1 -31.6
0.005 Japan 2 -0.072 l -0.072 -0.026 -0.021 -424.7 -406.3 -214.5
0.500 10 0.247 l 0.247 0.503 0.208 -335.1 -323.9 -208.6
0.000 Spain 2 2.837 s l 2.660 3.243 0.046 -133.8 -133.1 -207.8
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or WSJ.com/classifieds
U.K. 2
3.314 s
3.275 s
4.250 10 3.369 s l 3.312 3.611 1.639 -22.8 -17.3 -65.6
Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close
Corporate Debt
Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Spread*, in basis points
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Credit Suisse CS 3.750 8.17 March 26, ’25 398 –299 624
UBS UBS 4.125 5.79 April 15, ’26 185 –72 n.a.
Banco Santander SANTAN 5.147 6.16 Aug. 18, ’25 200 –48 133
Jan. 10, ’53
March 8, ’26
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All offers subject to vehicle availability. Larry Barnes Bs.21554 775-846-5080 © 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Lester Conklin s.32291 775-762-0338 All Rights Reserved.
COMMODITIES wsj.com/market-data/commodities
Metal & Petroleum Futures May 22.665 22.785 22.290 22.425 –0.221 97,907
Agriculture Futures
June 114-315 115-145 114-020 114-040 –31.0 4,150,488
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Contract Open March 108-225 108-315 108-182 108-202 –18.7 427
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest April 67.62 69.60 66.77 69.33 1.69 17,608 Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
May June 109-197 109-310 108-272 108-290 –25.5 4,360,320
May 67.83 69.77 66.90 69.67 1.85 373,250 632.75 638.25 628.75 630.00 –3.00 493,243
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
June 67.99 69.85 67.10 69.77 1.78 236,220 July 615.00 620.25 610.25 611.25 –4.25 352,937
March 4.0510 4.0515 4.0140 4.0185 0.0430 1,690 March 102-302 103-013 102-288 102-295 –15.7 545
July 68.04 69.79 67.14 69.72 1.71 184,346 Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
May 3.9555 4.0345 3.9285 3.9940 0.0425 113,865 May 356.50 362.50 356.50 359.00 3.25 3,000
June 103-158 103-218 103-021 103-030 –16.5 2,348,445
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Sept 67.75 69.30 66.90 69.26 1.55 121,447
July 354.00 359.25 352.50 354.25 1.00 748
30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
March 1973.80 1973.80 1939.90 1938.00 –41.20 428 Dec 67.00 68.40 66.25 68.34 1.30 217,252
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 95.3700 95.3725 95.3600 95.3650 –.0050 179,983
April 1983.10 1988.70 1938.60 1941.10 –41.70 168,783 NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. May 1483.75 1497.00 1465.00 1467.00 –19.00 292,187
April 95.2350 95.2600 95.2100 95.2200 –.0250 531,372
May 1995.20 1996.20 1948.30 1949.50 –41.50 377 April 2.6856 2.6990 2.6363 2.6902 .0031 42,834 July 1464.75 1476.25 1446.75 1448.50 –18.25 173,233
10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
May 2.5571 2.5793 2.5112 2.5729 .0151 74,005 Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. June 97-130 97-205 97-020 97-050 –1-03.0 10,589
June 2000.70 2005.70 1955.90 1958.30 –41.40 261,369
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. May 462.00 468.40 459.70 460.60 –2.10 189,577
Three-Month SOFR (CME)-$1,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
Aug 2017.70 2021.10 1973.60 1975.40 –41.10 21,255 March 95.1700 95.2000 95.1250 95.1350 –.0450 1,041,868
Oct 2036.50 2036.50 1990.00 1991.70 –40.40 7,727 April 2.5360 2.5708 2.5055 2.5389 .0029 49,560 July 455.40 461.00 453.60 454.30 –1.40 112,599
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. June 95.4300 95.5400 95.1550 95.1750 –.3350 1,605,219
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. May 2.4968 2.5321 2.4721 2.5063 .0095 82,797
Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100%
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. May 58.02 58.24 56.08 56.24 –1.75 159,402
March 1369.30 –17.20 47 April 94.9175 94.9175 94.7550 94.8425 –.0325 116,472
April 2.246 2.358 2.127 2.348 .125 71,023 July 57.97 58.15 56.21 56.35 –1.59 114,620
June 1408.00 1412.50 1375.50 1383.10 –17.50 11,388
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. June 95.0250 95.1400 94.8000 94.8150 –.2650 612,981
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. May 2.339 2.493 t 2.240 2.485 .154 337,514 Sept 95.4900 95.6000 95.1150 95.1400 –.4300 613,848
May 17.34 17.44 17.23 17.27 –.04 4,959
March 974.80 –20.10 2 July 2.788 2.964 2.698 2.957 .185 105,229
Sept 15.42 15.55 15.40 15.43 –.02 2,324
Dec 95.6750 95.8100 95.3550 95.3900 –.4050 584,717
July 998.70 1002.30 971.50 981.40 –16.00 38,181 Sept 2.795 2.959 2.714 2.952 .174 97,624 Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Oct 2.883 3.046 2.800 3.037 .175 96,847 May 700.00 705.50 680.25 683.25 –17.50 184,129 Currency Futures
March 22.570 22.600 22.205 22.324 –0.209 28 Jan'24 3.847 4.029 t 3.785 4.020 .204 76,924 July 708.25 714.00 689.50 692.50 –16.00 99,802 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. April .7652 .7662 .7571 .7575 –.0073 1,061
May 829.25 843.00 815.00 820.25 –9.50 78,707 June .7718 .7734 .7639 .7645 –.0074 163,840
Borrowing Benchmarks | wsj.com/market-data/bonds/benchmarks July 815.00 827.75 802.50
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
806.75 –8.50 50,745 Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
April .7323 .7331 .7283 .7293 –.0030 495
March 188.500 189.150 187.800 188.775 .575 3,362 June .7327 .7339 .7290 .7301 –.0030 176,047
May 199.275 199.975 197.775 199.550 .400 21,304 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Money Rates March 21, 2023 Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. April 1.2281 1.2289 1.2187 1.2224 –.0065 1,817
April 162.275 162.875 161.700 162.425 .400 55,487 June 1.2306 1.2308 1.2204 1.2241 –.0066 179,542
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a June 155.750 156.500t 154.625 156.150 .625 127,032 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions. April 77.575 78.100 t 77.000 77.050 –.725 39,547
June 1.0882 1.0966 1.0847 1.0946 .0057 35,434
Sept 1.1040 1.1059 1.0950 1.1048 .0059 361
Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK— June 92.150 92.775 90.975 91.350 –.525 86,166 Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. April .6700 .6733 .6657 .6671 –.0051 539
Feb. index Chg From (%) May 442.30 448.70 437.00 440.70 –3.70 1,496 June .6741 .6748 .6672 .6687 –.0051 147,323
level Jan. '23 Feb. '22 Federal funds Libor Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
Effective rate 4.6000 4.6000 4.6000 0.3300 One month 4.77929 4.72771 4.80600 0.42857 March 18.07 18.07 18.02 18.05 … 5,095 April .05290 .05338 .05278 .05337 .00053 24
U.S. consumer price index High 4.9100 4.9000 4.9100 0.3400 Three month 5.01771 4.94100 5.15371 0.95371 April 19.02 19.08 18.87 18.99 –.03 5,085 June .05222 .05285 .05205 .05276 .00053 223,212
All items 300.840 0.56 6.0 Six month 5.00657 4.96843 5.49986 1.38457
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
Low 4.5800 4.5900 4.5900 0.3000 May 2,788 2,823 2,781 2,817 32 126,197
Core 304.011 0.68 5.5 One year 4.99671 4.99229 5.88071 2.01086 April 1.0735 1.0805 1.0722 1.0782 .0041 2,142
Bid 4.5800 4.5800 4.5800 0.3100 July 2,757 2,785 2,752 2,780 24 83,799 June 1.0782 1.0845 1.0762 1.0821 .0040 721,854
Offer 4.6200 4.6000 4.6200 0.3300 Secured Overnight Financing Rate Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
International rates March 186.70 1.80 1
Treasury bill auction 4.55 4.55 4.58 0.26
May 179.35 182.85 178.85 180.30 1.80 76,469
Index Futures
Week 52-Week Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Latest High Low 4 weeks 4.220 4.640 4.640 0.135 Value 52-Week
ago Latest Traded High Low May 20.60 20.92 20.49 20.80 .32 357,472 June 32474 32830 32441 32774 318 79,833
13 weeks 4.675 4.750 4.765 0.480
July 20.13 20.35 19.99 20.28 .29 242,144 Sept 32659 33044 32659 33001 342 93
Prime rates 26 weeks 4.620 4.700 4.970 0.870 DTCC GCF Repo Index
Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
Treasury 4.588 23.400 4.613 0.239
U.S. 7.75 7.75 7.75 3.50 Secondary market MBS 4.629 63.070 4.665 0.286
May 38.00 .50 1,850 June 3986.50 4043.25 3981.75 4035.75 52.75 2,124,752
Canada 6.70 6.70 6.70 2.70 July 37.90 .45 2,313 Sept 4018.00 4076.75 4014.50 4069.25 55.25 4,121
Japan Fannie Mae Notes on data: Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 May 77.30 79.16 77.22 77.85 .63 93,156
30-year mortgage yields June 2435.90 2488.50 2434.10 2476.90 44.80 41,756
U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate
Dec 78.80 80.53 78.80 79.54 .73 46,912 Sept 2493.30 43.60 n.a.
Policy Rates 30 days 6.015 6.010 6.812 3.995 loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
U.S. banks, and is effective February 2, 2023. Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
Euro zone 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 60 days 6.037 6.036 6.988 4.066 May 238.00 240.40 235.55 238.50 .35 8,375 June 12699.75 12898.25 12676.50 12867.25 178.75 212,143
Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable;
Switzerland 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 lending practices vary widely by location; July 230.50 231.95 228.60 231.20 .65 981 Sept 12819.00 13031.00 12805.50 13000.75 187.00 999
Britain 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.75 Other short-term rates Discount rate is effective February 2, 2023. Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
Australia 3.60 3.60 3.60 0.10 Secured Overnight Financing Rate is as of Interest Rate Futures June 1763.90 1808.20 1761.10 1793.30 32.60 483,845
Week 52-Week March 20, 2023. DTCC GCF Repo Index is Sept 1793.30 1819.20 1774.20 1806.50 32.40 34
Overnight repurchase Latest ago high low Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
average for overnight trades in applicable March 142-100 142-100 140-050 140-130 –1-21.0 443
U.S. 4.58 4.58 4.59 0.15 CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. June 2203.00 2216.30 2182.20 2211.70 29.70 6,802
Call money June 141-200 142-170 139-310 140-080 –1-21.0 1,427,526
U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
U.S. government rates 6.50 6.50 6.50 2.25 of 5:30 p.m. ET. March 130-240 130-240 128-140 128-230 –1-09.0 5,239
June 102.96 103.15 102.64 102.90 –.04 33,959
Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Sept 102.75 102.85 102.50 102.62 –.04 496
Discount Commercial paper (AA financial) June 131-070 131-280 129-270 130-000 –1-14.0 1,215,413
Statistics; DTCC; FactSet; Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
4.75 4.75 4.75 0.50 90 days n.a. n.a. 4.84 0.61 Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. March 114-150 114-210 113-190 113-205 –30.5 500 Source: FactSet
Closing Chg YTD iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 47.24 1.88 3.0 JPMEquityPrem JEPI 53.40 0.74 –2.0 SPDR S&P Div SDY 121.10 0.46 –3.2 VangdMC VO 206.57 1.55 1.4
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShNatlMuniBd MUB 106.48 –0.33 0.9 JPM UltShIncm JPST 50.29 –0.06 0.3 TechSelectSector XLK 144.69 0.81 16.3 VangdMC Val VOE 131.64 1.20 –2.7
Closing Chg YTD iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 50.21 0.14 0.8 SPDRBbg1-3MTB BIL 91.73 ... 0.3 VangdMBS VMBS 46.26 –0.30 1.6
UtilitiesSelSector XLU 65.65 –2.01 –6.9
ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iShCoreS&P MC IJH 245.59 1.76 1.5 iSh1-3YTreaBd SHY 81.86 –0.38 0.9 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 325.62 1.03 –1.7 VangdRealEst VNQ 81.11 –0.44 –1.7
VangdInfoTech VGT 371.35 1.13 16.3
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 145.43 2.76 12.6 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 95.94 1.67 1.4 iShPfd&Incm PFF 30.37 1.71 –0.5 SPDR Gold GLD 180.37 –1.89 6.3 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 367.88 1.31 4.7
VangdSC Val VBR 156.64 1.88 –1.4
CnsStapleSelSector XLP 72.70 –0.08 –2.5 iShCoreS&PTotUS ITOT 88.63 1.49 4.5 iShRussMC IWR 68.37 1.67 1.4 SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 31.11 1.34 4.8 VangdST Bond BSV 76.02 –0.28 1.0
VangdExtMkt VXF 137.70 2.15 3.6
DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 24.91 1.59 2.6 iShCoreTotalUSDBd IUSB 45.71 –0.22 1.7 iShRuss1000 IWB 220.15 1.41 4.6 SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 39.63 1.23 1.9 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 75.68 0.19 0.7
VangdDivApp VIG 151.17 0.90 –0.4
EnSelSectorSPDR XLE 80.39 3.46 –8.1 iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 98.80 –0.30 1.9 iShRuss1000Grw IWF 238.01 1.51 11.1 SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 46.88 1.27 4.2 VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 47.33 –0.23 1.3
iShESGAwareUSA ESGU 88.58 1.43 4.5
VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 51.78 1.15 3.3
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 31.96 2.53 –6.5 iShRuss1000Val IWD 149.53 1.32 –1.4 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 53.98 1.45 6.5 VangdShortTrea VGSH 58.31 –0.38 0.8
iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 70.88 0.14 –1.7 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 43.76 1.30 4.3
HealthCareSelSect XLV 127.73 0.61 –6.0 iShRussell2000 IWM 176.65 1.84 1.3 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 398.91 1.31 4.3 VangdSC VB 186.06 1.88 1.4
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 121.34 1.11 6.5 VangdFTSE EM VWO 39.19 1.06 0.5
IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 98.68 1.16 0.5 iShS&P500Grw IVW 62.49 1.43 6.8 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 33.75 1.23 4.8 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 50.06 –0.14 1.2
InvscQQQI QQQ 310.34 1.43 16.5 iShGoldTr IAU 36.80 –1.87 6.4 iShS&P500Value IVE 148.43 1.22 2.3 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 46.85 1.47 4.6
VangdFTSE Europe VGK 59.09 1.91 6.6
VangdTotalBd BND 73.20 –0.27 1.9
InvscS&P500EW RSP 140.98 1.34 –0.2 iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 108.19 0.48 2.6 iShSelectDiv DVY 115.65 0.85 –4.1 SchwabUS Div SCHD 72.33 1.06 –4.2 VangdGrowth VUG 242.12 1.61 13.6 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 48.81 –0.49 2.9
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 49.17 0.92 –1.7 iShJPMUSDEmBd EMB 84.81 0.71 0.3 iSh7-10YTreaBd IEF 98.00 –0.87 2.3 SchwabUS LC SCHX 47.28 1.35 4.7 VangdHlthCr VHT 236.01 0.70 –4.9 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 53.48 1.19 3.4
iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 64.82 1.41 5.2 iShMBS MBB 94.12 –0.19 1.5 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.33 –0.03 0.4 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 63.36 1.75 14.0 VangdHiDiv VYM 103.30 1.08 –4.5 VangdTotalStk VTI 199.70 1.43 4.5
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 47.19 0.98 1.0 iShMSCIACWI ACWI 88.57 1.33 4.3 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 108.49 –0.21 1.9 SchwabUS SC SCHA 41.31 1.95 2.0 VangdIntermBd BIV 75.77 –0.53 2.0 VangdTotWrldStk VT 89.50 1.31 3.8
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 60.02 1.23 3.7 iShMSCI EAFE EFA 69.26 1.51 5.5 iSh20+YTreaBd TLT 105.00 –0.86 5.5 Schwab US TIPs SCHP 52.80 –0.19 2.0 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 79.20 0.16 2.2 VangdValue VTV 136.09 1.11 –3.0
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 402.23 1.30 4.7 iSh MSCI EM EEM 38.09 0.90 0.5 iShUSTreasuryBd GOVT 23.17 –0.73 2.0 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 448.28 1.82 1.2 VangdLC VV 182.80 1.35 4.9 WisdTrFRTrea USFR 50.38 0.02 0.2
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Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
32560.60 s 316.02, or 0.98% Trailing P/E ratio 21.61 19.33 4002.87 s 51.30, or 1.30% Trailing P/E ratio * 17.62 24.53 11860.11 s 184.57, or 1.58% Trailing P/E ratio *† 25.37 32.75
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.04 18.00 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.93 16.52 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 24.72 24.97
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.15 2.03 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.73 1.42 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.89 0.71
All-time high 36799.65, 01/04/22 All-time high 4796.56, 01/03/22 All-time high: 16057.44, 11/19/21
ApolloGlbMgmt APO 60.71 3.90 Church&Dwight CHD 84.54 -1.18 FidNatlInfo FIS 53.09 1.54 LKQ LKQ 55.22 0.47 OnHolding ONON 27.26 5.69 SOQUIMICH SQM 81.92 4.42 Two-month CD Two-year CD
Apple AAPL 159.28 1.88 s ChurchillDowns CHDN 254.82 4.22 FifthThirdBncp FITB 27.39 1.18 LPL Financial LPLA 214.80 9.16 ON Semi ON 81.35 1.37 SolarEdgeTech SEDG 296.51 24.20
VirtualBank $10,000 2.74 First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000 4.70
ApplMaterials AMAT 120.40 -3.64 Ciena CIEN 50.10 -0.10 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA 589.68 27.34 L3HarrisTech LHX 197.80 0.76 OpenText OTEX 38.27 0.61 Sony SONY 89.37 0.95
Aptargroup ATR 113.02 0.24 Cigna CI 276.62 3.72 FirstHorizon FHN 16.13 0.90 LabCorp.ofAmerica LH 221.31 3.92 Oracle ORCL 87.58 0.62 Southern SO 67.13 -1.42 (877) 998-2265 (888) 873-3424
Aptiv APTV 110.98 2.17 CincinnatiFin CINF 111.27 0.86 FirstIndRlty FR 51.25 -0.44 LamResearch LRCX 507.36 -5.93 Orange ORAN 11.68 0.15 SoCopper SCCO 71.35 0.34
Colorado Federal Savings Bank $5,000 0.75 Merrick Bank $25,000 4.70
Cintas CTAS 443.12 1.33 FirstSolar FSLR 209.25 4.57 LamarAdv LAMR 96.20 0.50 Orix IX 81.45 1.17 SouthwestAir LUV 31.04 0.96
Aramark ARMK 34.25 0.84 (877) 484-2372 (866) 638-6851
CiscoSystems CSCO 50.67 -0.27 FirstEnergy FE 39.38 -0.94 LambWeston LW 99.65 0.57 OtisWorldwide OTIS 82.31 0.53 Splunk SPLK 94.43 4.66
ArcelorMittal MT 28.08 1.09
Citigroup C 45.07 0.98 FirstService FSV 135.70 -0.90 LandstarSystem LSTR 174.42 2.70 Ovintiv OVV 35.86 1.54 Spotify SPOT 128.81 2.40 State Bank of India California $1,000 0.50 5 Star Bank $1,000 4.60
ArchCapital ACGL 67.21 1.60
CitizensFin CFG 33.02 1.47 Fiserv FISV 113.04 2.23 LasVegasSands LVS 55.16 0.20 OwensCorning OC 92.86 1.57 StanleyBlackDck SWK 79.67 1.03
ArcherDaniels ADM 77.69 0.76 (877) 707-1995 (800) 776-2265
Clarivate CLVT 9.91 0.21 FiveBelow FIVE 199.59 0.49 LatticeSemi LSCC 93.04 0.97 PDD PDD 78.93 0.02 Stantec STN 56.54 -1.07
AresMgmt ARES 78.52 3.78
CleanHarbors CLH 137.89 2.87 FleetCorTech FLT 210.63 Lear LEA 139.29 3.77 PG&E Starbucks SBUX 100.54 0.69
arGEN-X ARGX 357.53 -7.45
ClearwayEnergyC CWEN 30.23 -0.08 Flex
LegendBiotech LEGN 44.97 -1.26 PNC Fin
PCG 15.97 -0.03
PNC 131.62 4.27 StateStreet STT 76.72 3.28 Three-month CD Five-year CD
s AristaNetworks ANET 168.08 3.88 FLEX 21.56 0.55
ClearwayEnergyA CWEN.A 28.81 -0.24 Floor&Decor FND 93.76 1.33 Leidos LDOS 92.64 1.06 POSCO PKX 61.34 -0.29 SteelDynamics STLD 111.05 3.38 Goldwater Bank $5,000 4.25 GTE Financial Credit Union (U) $500 4.54
ArrowElec ARW 118.63 1.00
Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 18.38 0.50 FomentoEconMex FMX 88.01 0.01 Lennar B LEN.B 87.01 1.03 PPG Ind PPG 126.60 1.29 Stellantis STLA 17.42 0.46
AscendisPharma ASND 108.92 -0.88
Lennar A LEN 103.47 1.16 PPL (480) 281-8200 (888) 871-2690
AspenTech AZPN 203.20 4.44 Clorox CLX 156.73 0.28 FordMotor F 11.72 0.54 PPL 26.78 -0.49 Steris STE 184.49 3.23
Cloudflare NET 57.26 3.54 Fortinet FTNT 62.46 0.92 LennoxIntl LII 249.38 -0.11 PTC PTC 120.39 1.27 Stevanato STVN 23.40 0.22 Popular Direct $10,000 4.10 CFG Community Bank $500 4.50
AstraZeneca AZN 66.99 0.25
Coca-Cola KO 60.32 -0.28 Fortis LeviStrauss LEVI 16.59 0.38 Paccar PCAR 71.44 1.09 STMicroelec STM 49.71 0.85
Atlassian TEAM 154.30 5.40 FTS 40.83 -1.24 (800) 274-5696 (888) 205-8388
Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 56.68 0.55 Fortive FTV 65.94 0.51
LiAuto LI 23.53 0.69 PackagingCpAm PKG 132.96 -0.54 Stryker SYK 278.12 1.29
AtmosEnergy ATO 110.21 -4.67 Luana Savings Bank $2,000 3.85 First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000 4.49
Cognex CGNX 49.64 0.32 FortuneBrands FBIN 58.62 0.67
LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 80.04 0.74 PalantirTech PLTR 8.45 0.37 SumitomoMits SMFG 7.98 0.11
Autodesk ADSK 207.15 6.73
CognizantTech CTSH 59.18 0.48 FoxA FOXA 33.73 0.30
LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 80.08 1.14 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 194.49 5.06 SunComms SUI 133.57 -2.31 (800) 666-2012 (888) 873-3424
Autoliv ALV 89.42 2.75
CoinbaseGlbl COIN 83.99 8.85 FoxB FOX 31.03 0.33
LibertyGlobal B LBTYB 19.76 1.37 ParamountA PARAA 24.75 1.32 SunLifeFinancial SLF 45.47 0.41
ADP ADP 218.10 2.23
LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 19.29 0.06 ParamountB PARA 21.25 1.25 SuncorEnergy SU
AZO 2394.95 3.78
AVB 161.08 -1.58
ColgatePalm CL
Comcast A CMCSA 36.99
72.38 -0.70 Franco-Nevada FNV 140.74
0.56 FranklinRscs BEN 26.94
0.60 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 20.13 0.05 ParkerHannifin PH 326.21 10.38 Suzano SUZ
-0.09 High yield jumbos - Minimum is $100,000
CommerceBcshrs CBSH 60.74 1.90 FreeportMcM FCX 38.26 0.81 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 66.33 0.98 Paychex PAYX 110.29 0.59 SynchronyFin SYF 29.90 1.45
AGR 38.79 -1.03
AVTR 21.60 0.61 SABESP SBS 9.38 -0.24 FreseniusMed FMS 20.06 0.62 LibertyFormOne C FWONK 73.14 1.16 PaycomSoftware PAYC 277.35 6.98 Synopsys SNPS 374.36 -1.23 Money market and savings account Six-month CD
ConagraBrands CAG 36.42 0.27 FullTruck YMM 7.26 0.22
LibertyBraves A BATRA 33.97 0.88 Paylocity PCTY 182.24 4.71 Sysco SYY 75.20 1.11
AveryDennison AVY 172.38 2.80 UFB Direct 5.02 Bank5 Connect 4.75
Concentrix CNXC 120.95 0.90 Futu LibertyBraves C BATRK 33.20 0.69 PayPal PYPL 76.72 3.51
AvisBudget CAR 183.97 8.86
ConocoPhillips COP 99.71 3.55
FUTU 45.75 1.68
LibertySirius A LSXMA 27.46 0.59 Pearson PSO 10.16 -0.15
T U V (877) 472-9200 (508) 679-8551
AxaltaCoating AXTA 28.54 0.65
AxonEnterprise AXON 219.68 5.96 ConEd ED 93.19 -3.72 G H I LibertySirius C LSXMK 27.37 0.67 PembinaPipeline PBA 31.28 0.30
TC Energy TRP 38.12 0.30 CFG Community Bank 4.80 Merrick Bank 4.60
ConstBrands A STZ 216.17 0.77 LifeStorage LSI 123.88 -1.90 PenskeAuto PAG 136.05 2.18
BCE BCE 44.16 -0.29 GE HealthCare GEHC 76.52 TD Synnex SNX 92.76 1.48
ConstellationEner CEG 76.52 -0.48
1.32 EliLilly LLY 331.08 -2.52 Pentair PNR 52.80 1.35 TE Connectivity TEL 125.42 0.85
(888) 205-8388 (866) 638-6851
BHP Group BHP 58.20 -0.56 GFLEnvironmental GFL 33.00 -0.20 LincolnElectric LECO 167.08 3.16 Penumbra
BILL BILL 78.43 4.93 Cooper COO 350.83 6.32 PEN 270.07 3.90 Telus TU 19.79 -0.24 BankPurely, a division of Flushing Bank 4.45 Popular Direct 4.55
Copart CPRT 71.17 0.64
GSK GSK 35.05 0.12 Linde LIN 341.30 2.49 PepsiCo
BJ'sWholesale BJ PEP 178.01 0.42 Ternium TX 40.02 0.72
76.08 0.23
CorebridgeFin CRBG 16.68 0.88
Gallagher AJG 183.88 1.42 Littelfuse LFUS 259.68 2.56 PerformanceFood PFGC 56.85 1.61 (800) 581-2889 (800) 274-5696
BP BP 37.02 1.22 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 50.56 0.20 TFI Intl TFII 118.70 0.61
Corning GLW 33.67 0.44 LiveNationEnt LYV 69.23 1.20 PerkinElmer PKI 125.55 1.78
BRP DOOO 79.29 1.21
Corteva CTVA 58.51 0.89
Garmin GRMN 97.36 0.54 LloydsBanking LYG 2.32 0.10
PetroleoBrasil PBR 10.00 0.23 T-MobileUS TMUS 144.67
TJX 76.36 0.96 One-month CD One-year CD
Baidu BIDU 151.75 1.57 Gartner IT 314.06 5.91 -0.94
CoStar CSGP 67.86 1.10 LockheedMartin LMT 474.76 -0.94 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 8.94 0.21 VirtualBank 2.48 CFG Community Bank 5.15
BakerHughes BKR 28.04 1.09 GenDigital GEN 17.06 0.42 TPG TPG 28.76 1.69
Costco COST 490.85 1.56 Loews L 56.02 0.76
Pfizer PFE 40.66 -0.15 T.RowePrice TROW 110.48
Ball BALL 52.67 0.93 Generac GNRC 114.73 3.02 2.91 (877) 998-2265 (888) 205-8388
CoterraEnergy CTRA 24.13 0.54 LogitechIntl LOGI 53.69 0.42 PhilipMorris PM 95.70 -0.60 TaiwanSemi TSM 92.50
BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 7.05 0.44 GeneralDynamics GD 222.37 2.46 2.46
Coty COTY 11.29 0.22 Lowe's LOW 196.79 ...
Phillips66 PSX 95.55 ... TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 118.59 Colorado Federal Savings Bank 1.00 Colorado Federal Savings Bank 5.15
BancoBradesco BBDO 2.21 0.01 GeneralElec GE 92.18 2.26 2.28
Coupang CPNG 13.64 0.47 Lucid LCID 8.19 0.49 PinnacleWest PNW 77.40 -2.22
BancodeChile BCH 18.59 0.29 GeneralMills GIS 80.75 0.10 lululemon LULU 298.81 5.36 Pinterest
TakedaPharm TAK 16.40 0.03 (877) 484-2372 (877) 484-2372
BancSanBrasil BSBR 4.98 0.14 Crane CR 113.23 0.83 PINS 27.52 0.77 Tapestry TPR 41.45 0.83
Credicorp BAP 127.99 3.64
GeneralMotors GM 35.10 1.48 LyondellBasell LYB 88.48 1.34 PioneerNatRscs PXD 195.34 8.45 State Bank of India California 0.50 First Internet Bank of Indiana 5.06
BcoSantChile BSAC 16.84 0.43 Genmab GMAB 36.77 0.81 TargaResources TRGP 70.95 2.33
Crocs CROX 122.02 3.43 (877) 707-1995 (888) 873-3424
BancoSantander SAN 3.59 0.19
CrowdStrike CRWD 136.02 3.28
Genpact G 45.44 0.60 M N PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 12.18 0.49 Target
TGT 162.71
PAGP 12.81 0.54 TeckResourcesB TECK 35.32
BankofAmerica BAC 28.59 0.84 Gentex GNTX 27.24 0.26
BankofMontreal BMO 86.66 0.86
CrownCastle CCI 129.49 -1.75
GenuineParts GPC 165.92 1.17 M&T Bank MTB 127.55 5.84 PlanetFitness PLNT 76.66 2.13 TeledyneTech TDY 424.56 6.31 Two-month CD Two-year CD
CrownHoldings CCK 79.18 1.54 MGM Resorts MGM 42.68 0.89 PlugPower PLUG 11.52 0.68 Teleflex TFX 244.87 7.55
BankNY Mellon BK 45.14 1.87 Gerdau GGB 4.84 0.05 VirtualBank 2.74 First Internet Bank of Indiana 4.70
CubeSmart CUBE 46.17 -0.92 MPLX MPLX 34.02 0.29 Polaris PII 110.58 3.07 Ericsson ERIC 5.39 0.05
BankNovaScotia BNS 48.58 0.43 GileadSciences GILD 79.14 -0.32
Barclays BCS 6.93 0.26
Cullen/Frost CFR 107.37 2.64 MSCI MSCI 554.33 10.00 PolestarAuto PSNY 3.58 0.03 TelefonicaBras VIV 7.31 -0.08 (877) 998-2265 (888) 873-3424
GlobalPayments GPN 102.45 2.62
Cummins CMI 234.37 4.40 MagellanMid MMP 52.18 -0.10 Pool POOL 346.72 3.77 Telefonica TEF 4.10 0.11
BarrickGold GOLD 17.69 -0.55 GlobalFoundries GFS 68.84 0.75 Colorado Federal Savings Bank 0.75 Merrick Bank 4.70
Curtiss-Wright CW 171.58 2.05 MagnaIntl MGA 51.47 1.10 PrincipalFinl PFG 75.14 2.20 TelekmIndonesia TLK 26.67 0.38
Bath&BodyWks BBWI 35.77 0.95 Globant GLOB 153.46 4.47 (877) 484-2372 (866) 638-6851
ManhattanAssoc MANH 147.28 1.19 ProcoreTech PCOR 62.40 2.04 TempurSealy TPX 38.65 1.57
BaxterIntl BAX 39.61 1.42
BectonDicknsn BDX 240.25 1.76
D E F GlobeLife GL 109.89 2.34
State Bank of India California 0.50 5 Star Bank 4.60
GlobusMedical GMED 53.18 0.79
BeiGene BGNE 225.85 2.80 DCP Midstream DCP 41.62 0.07 GoDaddy GDDY 74.29 -0.11 (877) 707-1995 (800) 776-2265
BentleySystems BSY 41.84 0.56 DTE Energy DTE 106.29 -2.11 GoldFields GFI 11.54 -0.28
Berkley WRB 62.50 0.81
BerkHathwy B BRK.B 303.85 2.79
s Darden
DHR 248.38
DRI 152.43
3.58 GoldmanSachs GS 317.28
1.80 Grab GRAB 2.87
Dividend Changes Three-month CD Five-year CD
BerkHathwy A BRK.A 4605154597.59 DarlingIngred DAR 56.73 2.28 Graco GGG 69.49 0.56 Goldwater Bank 4.25 GTE Financial Credit Union (U) 4.80
BerryGlobal BERY 56.64 0.95 Datadog DDOG 69.67 3.46 Grainger GWW 680.82 6.93
Amount Payable / (480) 281-8200 (888) 871-2690
BestBuy BBY 77.77 -0.36 DaVita DVA 78.20 0.21 GraphicPkg GPK 23.94 0.33 Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
Popular Direct 4.10 CFG Community Bank 4.50
Bilibili BILI 23.16 -0.47 DeckersOutdoor DECK 439.88 24.37 GpoAeroportuar PAC 177.97 0.99
Bio-Techne TECH 73.85 1.29 Deere DE 402.59 8.09 GpoAeroportSur ASR 284.90
Foreign (800) 274-5696 (888) 205-8388
Bio-RadLab A BIO 480.29 12.77 DellTechC DELL 39.15 0.60 Guidewire GWRE 77.15 1.32 BanColombia ADR CIB 4.7 .73324 Q Apr13 /Mar31
Luana Savings Bank 3.85 First Internet Bank of Indiana 4.49
Biogen BIIB 266.15 -1.76 DeltaAir DAL 33.89 0.75 HCA Healthcare HCA 258.69 2.25 Granite REIT GRP.U 3.9 .1939 M Apr14 /Mar31
BioMarinPharm BMRN 92.08 -0.26 DentsplySirona XRAY 37.71 0.72 HDFC Bank HDB 64.59 0.85 (800) 666-2012 (888) 873-3424
SAP ADR SAP 1.3 2.18637 A May22 /May15
BioNTech BNTX 133.33 1.25 s DescartesSystems DSGX 79.01 0.57 HF Sinclair DINO 49.19 0.05
BlackKnight BKI 55.61 0.31
Seapeak 8.5% Pfd. B SEALpB 9.0 .5313 Q Apr14 /Mar31 Notes: Accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 per person. Yields are based on method of
DeutscheBank DB 10.59 0.68 HP HPQ 28.61 0.42
BlackRock BLK 662.15 18.59 DevonEnergy DVN 49.06 2.06 HSBC HSBC 33.93 0.68 Seapeak 9% Pfd. A SEALpA 9.3 .5625 Q Apr14 /Mar31 compounding and rate stated for the lowest required opening deposit to earn interest. CD
Blackstone BX 86.88 4.34 DexCom DXCM 118.98 1.77 H World HTHT 48.59 1.08 figures are for fixed rates only. MMA: Allows six (6) third-party transfers per month, three (3) of
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data which may be checks. Rates are subject to change.
Block SQ 77.46 2.96 Diageo DEO 176.71 1.27 Haleon HLN 8.18 0.25
BlueOwlCapital OWL 11.04 0.79 DiamondbkEner FANG 130.62 5.01 Halliburton HAL 31.94 1.25 KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: Source: Bankrate.com, a publication of Bankrate, Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Boeing BA 204.70 -0.07 Dick's DKS 146.64 2.89 HartfordFinl HIG 69.56 2.52 spin-off. Internet: www.bankrate.com
Fifth Third Bancorp
Truist Financial In Credit Suisse’s risk premium across the spec- Volume of AT1 issuance The complete write-down of
trum, with cost of AT1 issu- Credit Suisse’s securities had
Silicon Valley Bank $17 billion write-off, ance potentially rising into €150 billion been pushed for by UBS execu-
U.S. Bancorp holders of this type double digits,” they wrote.
tives to reduce the burden the
Over the past year, banks firm inherited by taking over
Charles Schwab of debt got nothing have typically issued such its rival.
bonds paying annual percent- 100 Other Some investors were caught
$0 25 50 75 100 125 150
BY JOSH MITCHELL age interest rates of mid-to- Europe off-guard because Credit
Note: Debt held as of year-end 2022. Source: the companies AND ANNA HIRTENSTEIN high single digits. 75 Suisse common shares were
Market pricing initially ap- spared, with UBS paying $3.2
Over Safe
when a rash of withdrawals prompted investors to reas- with global bank stocks, but While that upends the com-
forced SVB to sell the securities sess a market integral to the most prices remained substan- mon order in an insolvency,
at a loss, triggering a bank run. safety and resilience of Eu- tially below levels from before 0 there was a fierce debate over
be marked at above-market corp. now likely to demand a higher “Whenever they pay you a bank isn’t viable. Suisse was easy target..... B16
So far this year investors who have bet against crypto have lost. A Bitcoin ATM at a gas station.
“That’s not a trade that has software intelligence firm Mi- the banking system,” Mr. Mor-
done particularly well this year croStrategy Inc. were down akis said. “But I think we will
given the price increases, yet 76% and 62%, respectively, this follow the lead of the U.S.
people are quite active in it.” year, according to Ihor Du- stock market.”
Mr. Butterfill noted that saniwsky, managing director
crypto investors have been par- of predictive analytics at S3
ticularly sensitive to regulatory Partners. Coinbase and Mi- AUCTION RESULTS
Here are the results of Tuesday's Treasury auctions.
and interest-rate developments. croStrategy are among some All bids are awarded at a single price at the market-
clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference
They tend to pull money from of the most heavily shorted between that price and the face value.
long-bitcoin funds while adding crypto stocks. About 23% of 52-WEEK BILLS
to short-bitcoin products after Coinbase’s shares available for
Applications $97,992,540,100
the Federal Reserve announces trading were sold short, while Accepted bids
" noncompetitively
interest-rate increases and reg- 33% of MicroStrategy’s shares " foreign noncompetitively $3,200,000
ulators take action against available for trading were sold Auction price (rate) 95.561222
crypto companies. short, according to S3 Part- Coupon equivalent 4.617%
Since regulators started to ners data as of March 17. Bids at clearing yield accepted 26.71%
Cusip number 912797LL9
crack down on some of the Crypto’s recent rally has The bills, dated March 23, 2023, mature on March 21,
Suki Waterhouse
biggest crypto players, inves- lured some investors back into 2024.
tors have pulled about $424 the market. Open interest in 19-YEAR, 11-MONTH BONDS
million from global exchange- bitcoin options on the crypto
rocks the season’s
Applications $30,313,256,600
traded products that track the derivatives exchange Deribit Accepted bids
" noncompetitively
price of bitcoin while adding reached a record high of
best fashions
" foreign noncompetitively $0
around $45 million into ETPs 388,000 with a notional value Auction price (rate) 99.526236
that track the inverse of bit- of about $11 billion, according Interest rate 3.875%
coin’s price, according to data to data from the exchange. Bids at clearing yield accepted 70.98%
Cusip number 912810TQ1
compiled by CoinShares for Open interest—the number of The bonds, dated March 31, 2023, mature on Feb. 15,
the six weeks ended March 17. unsettled and active futures 2043.