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Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology

A review of ammonium attenuation in soil and groundwater

S. R. Buss, A. W. Herbert, P. Morgan, S. F. Thornton and J. W. N. Smith

Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 2004, v.37; p347-359.

doi: 10.1144/1470-9236/04-005

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© The Geological Society of London 2014

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A review of ammonium attenuation in soil and

S. R. Buss1, A. W. Herbert1, P. Morgan1, S. F. Thornton2 & J. W. N. Smith3,4
Environmental Simulations International Ltd, Priory House, Priory Road, Shrewsbury SY1 1RU, UK
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK
Environment Agency, Science Group, Olton Court, 10 Warwick Road, Olton, Solihull B92 7HX, UK
Present address: Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street,
Sheffield, S1 3JD, UK (e-mail: jonathan.smith@environment-agency.gov.uk)

Abstract into groundwater and surface waters must be controlled

to prevent pollution. The principal environmental
mmonium attenuation in subsoils and ground- drivers for limiting NH4+ discharges to the aquatic

A water is predominantly due to cation exchange

and/or nitrification (biological oxidation) pro-
cesses. These processes have been little
studied in UK formations and this relative lack of infor-
mation can result in reduced consistency and robustness
environment are its effect on ecology (particularly fish),
and potable use of water. In addition, the Water
Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) requires Member
States to achieve good chemical status for groundwater
bodies and good ecological status in surface water
in the assessment of risks posed by ammonium contami- bodies. Furthermore, EU Member States must reverse
nation arising from landfills, effluent soakaways, contami- significant and sustained upward trends in the concen-
nated sites and other sources. A review of ammonium tration of pollutants in groundwater. The impact of
fate and transport in the subsurface has been completed NH4+ within a surface water body, and the effects of
and guidance developed on the key processes that polluted groundwater discharging into surface waters
contribute to attenuation. The amount of relevant litera- are important factors that need to be assessed as part of
ture is small but sufficient to provide indicative ranges of the river basin characterization process.
partition coefficients and biological nitrification rates for Ammonium is typically present in landfill leachates,
ammonium in UK subsoils and aquifers. Ammonium wastewater discharges and other industrial liquors, such
attenuation was found to be highly sensitive to the clay as quench waters at coking plants and gasworks sites, at
mineralogy and pore size of the strata, the availability of very high concentrations relative to relevant standards
oxygen and the chemical composition of the contami- for drinking water or environmental quality (Table 1).
nated fluid. The values derived may have application in Under certain conditions it is also a relatively mobile
the initial (screening) phases of risk assessment where contaminant. For these reasons, it is common to use
the conceptual model for the site under consideration NH4+ as a key contaminant species in risk assessments
matches that from which the presented data originate. for landfills, effluent soakaways and contaminated sites
(Environment Agency 2003a).
Keywords: environmental protection, groundwater contamination,
ion exchange, risk assessment

Attenuation of ammonium
Inorganic nitrogen in the form of ammonia (NH3) and The transport of dilute aqueous contaminants in
the ammonium ion (NH4+) is recognized as one of the groundwater is generally represented by the advection–
most common groundwater contaminants arising from dispersion equation, which assumes that the contami-
waste disposal activities, fertilizer use and contaminated nants neither decay nor interact with other aqueous
land (Environment Agency 1996). (In this paper, NH4+ species or mineral phases (Domenico & Schwartz 1998).
is used when referring to the ammonium ion, NH3 when However, reactive processes will be critical in determin-
referring to ammonia, and NH4-N when presenting ing the transport of the majority of contaminants. For
concentration data, which are reported throughout as NH4+, the key reactive processes controlling subsurface
ammonium measured as N.) In drinking water supplies transport are sorption as a result of cation exchange
NH4+ can reduce disinfection efficiency, lead to nitrite processes and biological degradation.
formation, and cause taste and odour problems (World Although cation exchange processes have been widely
Health Organization 1993). In surface water, un-ionized studied, particularly with respect to nitrogen cycling in
ammonia (NH3) can cause fish mortality at very low topsoils (Brady & Weil 2002), there has been relatively
concentrations (National Rivers Authority 1992; little research on the effects of cation exchange on NH4+
Environment Agency 1998). transport in subsoils and groundwater, particularly
Ammonium is a List II substance under both the under the conditions prevailing in UK aquifers.
Groundwater Directive (80/68/EEC) and the Dangerous Similarly, there are relative few field data on biological
Substances Directive (76/464/EEC). As such, its entry attenuation of NH4+, as most research has focused on
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 37, 347–359 1470-9236/04 $15.00  2004 Geological Society of London
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Table 1. Typical concentrations of sources of dissolved NH4+ to groundwater.

Occurrence Reference Typical concentration (mg(NH4-N) l1)

Pumped urban groundwater (Birmingham) Ford & Tellam 1994 <0.01– 0.93
Sewage effluent (tertiary treatment) Horan 1990 1–5
Sewage effluent (secondary treatment) Horan 1990 15–25
Untreated sewage Horan 1990 20–40
Typical landfill leachate (recent wastes) Department of the Environment 1995 800
Typical gasworks soil CL:AIRE 2003 up to 1000 mg kg1 1
Groundwater at cemeteries or graveyards Environment Agency 1999a up to 400
Foot and mouth epidemic mass burial leachate Environment Agency 2003c 1000–7000

For comparison, the current UK Environmental Quality Standard (for ammonia) for freshwater salmonid fisheries is 0.015 mg(NH3-N) l1 and the
Drinking Water Standard (for ammonium) is 0.39 mg(NH4-N) l1.
Soil concentration; no reported data on representative groundwater concentrations.

NH4+ fate in wastewater and topsoils (USEPA 1993; Metal oxides are negatively charged at pH values above
Brady & Weil 2002). the PZC. Manganese oxides (e.g. MnO2) with a PZC of
The lack of data on NH4+ behaviour in the subsurface c. 4–4.5 are likely to contribute more exchange capacity
limits consistency and robustness in the assessment of for NH4+ sorption than Fe oxides (e.g. FeOOH), with
risks posed by NH4+ contamination arising from land- PZC around 6–7 (Parks 1965). Sorption to metal oxides
fills, effluent soakaways, contaminated sites and other may be an important contribution to the attenuation of
sources. Some of these data were reviewed by Erskine NH4+ in aquifers or geological materials containing
(2000), who considered NH4+ attenuation at different these minerals as surface coatings on particles (e.g.
scales in subsoils and aquifers and suggested parameter Triassic sandstone).
values for application in risk assessments. The relative strength with which cations bond to a
To address the requirement for field-relevant data on charged mineral surface is determined by their selectivity
NH4+ attenuation, the Environment Agency has under- coefficients, which are a function of both the mineral
taken a review of NH4+ fate and transport in the surface and solution composition (Appelo & Postma
subsurface and developed guidance on the key processes 1993). The following series of relative selectivity has
that contribute to NH4+ attenuation in subsoil and been presented in order of decreasing affinity for cation
groundwater under UK conditions (Environment exchange sites (Domenico & Schwartz 1998), although
Agency 2003b). This paper summarizes the findings of other schemes have been proposed: Al3+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+
that literature review. > NH4+ > K+ > H+ > Na+.
In many contaminant plumes, NH4+ is not the most
abundant cation. For example, sodium is usually the
Attenuation of ammonium by dominant cation in domestic landfill leachate (Depart-
sorption ment of the Environment 1995) and competes, along
with potassium, calcium and magnesium, with NH4+
Sorption is the process by which a contaminant ions for exchange sites. Cations retained electrostatically
partitions between the solid and aqueous phases in a are easily exchangeable with other cations in the ground-
porous media. It includes all surface-related reactions water with a high selectivity coefficient for the sorbent.
such as adsorption, absorption, surface complexation, Estimates of sorption and retardation for the same
surface precipitation and ion exchange (Stumm 1992). geological formation, using different test methods (and
The effect of sorption is to slow or retard the rate of especially different solution compositions), may vary by
migration of the contaminant relative to the average more than two orders of magnitude (e.g. Lower Chalk,
(advective) groundwater flow velocity. Environment Agency 2000; Lias Clay, Cave & Taylor
Sorption of NH4+ is primarily controlled by cation 2002). Factors that contribute significantly to this
exchange reactions occurring at negatively charged variability are:
mineral surfaces. In aqueous solutions of low to neutral + non-linear sorption isotherms, which apply at
pH, cation exchange occurs primarily on clay surfaces, higher concentrations but can be measured by appropri-
but at pH values above neutral sorption to iron oxy- ately designed experiments;
hydroxides also makes a significant contribution + composition of the aqueous phase and solid
(Sverjensky & Sahai 1996). This is because metal oxides exchanger material;
have a variable negative charge as a function of pH. The + non-equilibrium behaviour, which can be measured
extent of sorption to metal oxide surfaces depends on by longer duration column experiments (although flow
the ambient pH, amount of oxide present and point of velocities in such tests are generally higher than expected
zero charge (PZC) of the specific oxyhydroxide mineral. in the field);
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+ non-ideal behaviour, which has been observed in distribution becomes the Langmuir isotherm. At small
laboratory and field experiments; this is thought to be values of C, the Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm can be
predominantly due to field-scale heterogeneity in approximated by the Freundlich equation:
hydraulic conductivity and partition coefficients, Kd;
+ method, precision and validity of experimental C* = KCN (4)
testing procedures (e.g. the use of single solute solutions
to represent competitive sorption in multi-solute field where K is a constant of proportionality. With N = 1,
systems). the Freundlich isotherm becomes the linear isotherm.
Both the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms are
non-linear but tend to linearity at low concentrations or
Sorption models over a limited concentration range. It is particularly
Theory. The simplest sorption model relates the sorbed important to note that the ratio C*/C decreases at higher
mass to the solute concentration by a constant of concentrations for the Langmuir and Freundlich iso-
proportionality, termed the partition coefficient, Kd: therms. Therefore, if Kd values are determined from
C*/C ratios at low concentrations, the partition coeffi-
Kd = (1) cients may be overestimated. This will overestimate the
C retardation factor and breakthrough time of NH4+ at a
where Kd is the partition coefficient (l kg1), C* is receptor, and underestimate the predicted length of a
concentration of the sorbed contaminant (mg kg1) and pollutant plume in an aquifer.
C is aqueous concentration (mg l1). Although this In this paper, when a partition coefficient is derived
formulation should strictly use activities rather than only for a given concentration (i.e. there is no evidence
concentrations, Kd tends in practice to be based upon for a linear isotherm), the symbol Kd* is used to denote
measured concentrations without correction for ionic the ratio C*/C. The symbol Kd is therefore reserved for
strength (e.g. Environment Agency 2000). a partition coefficient that describes the slope of a linear
The principal limitation of the linear sorption model is isotherm. It should be noted that many publications
that the substrate is assumed to have infinite sorption reviewed did not make this distinction.
capacity, irrespective of solute concentration. This is
unrealistic for natural materials and several alternative Experimental observations. Both linear and non-linear
sorption models have been proposed that account for a isotherms have been observed in studies where sufficient
maximum sorption limit. data were collected to derive sorption isotherms. In
The Langmuir isotherm (Appelo & Postma 1993) general, linear isotherms are obtained where NH4+
assumes that there are a finite number () of surface concentrations were relatively low. Ceazan et al. (1989)
sites that have identical sorption characteristics. It is obtained linear isotherms for NH4+ in spiked uncon-
commonly written as taminated groundwater at concentrations up to
25 mg(NH4-N) l1. In contrast, DeSimone et al. (1996)
C obtained linear isotherms for groundwater containing
C* =  (2) NH4+ at concentrations up to 2 mg(NH4-N) l1 whereas
1 + C
the Freundlich model best represented the sorption
where  is the partition coefficient (l kg1) and  is the relationship at higher concentrations, up to 22 mg(NH4-
maximum amount of solute that can be sorbed by the N) l1.
solid (mg kg1). At low concentrations the Langmuir Cave & Taylor (2002) fitted a Freundlich isotherm to
isotherm becomes linear with Kd = . experimental data for which the NH4+ concentration
Neither the linear nor the Langmuir model accounts was as low as 2 mg(NH4-N) l1, although data obtained
for sorption heterogeneity in the substrate, although at much higher concentrations, up to 280 mg(NH4-
these models are additive if there are multiple hom- N) l1, were required to fully define the shape of the
geneous substrates. Taken to the limit of a continuous isotherm. Colley (1991) used both Freundlich and Lang-
Gaussian-like distribution of  and  to represent a muir isotherms to fit experimental data from three
heterogeneous exchanger, Langmuir isotherms may be different lithologies at concentrations in landfill leachate
integrated to give the Langmuir–Freundlich isotherm between 35 and 185 mg(NH4-N) l1, whereas Jackson
(Sposito 1984): (1989) used Langmuir isotherms only to describe sorp-
tion for four lithologies at concentrations in landfill
(#C)N leachate between 316 and 575 mg(NH4-N) l1.
C* =  (3)
Kd values from column experiments are obtained by
1 + (#C)N
assuming that a linear isotherm applies, but there is
where # is the mean value of  in the distribution and N often insufficient evidence for the validity of linear
is a constant between zero and one that describes the isotherms. However, Thornton et al. (1996) showed that,
degree of heterogeneity in the substrate. With N = 1 the at least for the system examined (landfill leachate in
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Sherwood Sandstone), a linear sorption isotherm for Similar effects were observed by Freewood et al.
NH4+ could be used to reproduce the results of detailed (2001) in colliery spoils and by DeSimone et al. (1996) in
cation exchange modelling using a numerical reactive sand and gravel. Cave et al. (2002) noted the opposite
transport code. The Kd values obtained for NH4+ by effect with leachate in which the NH4+ ion was in excess;
Thornton et al. (1996) are appropriate only for the these concentrations significantly affected the ability of
leachate–aquifer systems studied. Moreover, the range the rock to adsorb potassium. These results indicate that
of conditions under which complex multi-component either real landfill leachate or artificial solutions with the
ion-exchange reactions involving NH4+ can be described same ionic composition as the leachate or leachate-
by a simple linear isotherm model remain poorly under- affected groundwater should be used to estimate NH4+
stood. Predictions of NH4+ transport under such con- sorption if the techniques being used to predict transport
ditions (e.g. landfill leachate plumes in geological media) do not account for multi-species competition.
should be undertaken using appropriate reactive trans-
port codes. For example, PHREEQC or other models
with comparable functionality use ion-exchange selec- Lithology
tivity coefficients, which more correctly describe NH4+
Sorption of cations in aquifers primarily occurs at clay
exchange as a function of solution composition and
surfaces (and metal oxide surfaces, depending on con-
exchanger properties (Appelo & Postma 1993; Tellam et
ditions). The degree of sorption can often be explicitly
al. 1997).
related to the proportion of clay minerals in the aquifer
However, there is evidence that NH4+ sorption does
material. Both Griffin et al. (1976) and Thornton et al.
not always occur by an exchange mechanism. Sorption
(2001) used column experiments to measure the attenu-
of NH4+ to illite and other 2:1-type clay minerals may be
ation of NH4+ in mineral landfill liners using landfill
an effectively irreversible process because the NH4+ ion
leachate. Griffin et al. (1976) tested mixtures of sand and
fits into the intra-layer clay lattice. In soils with con-
montmorillonite, whereas Thornton et al. (2001) used
siderable illite content, interlayer-fixed NH4+ can typi-
mixtures of sand and Oxford Clay or Coal Measures
cally account for 20–40% of the total nitrogen (Brady &
Clay. In both cases the Kd values varied linearly with
Weil 2002). Discussing the data presented for Burnts-
clay content, within the concentration range of NH4+ in
tump and Gorsethorpe landfills, Lewin et al. (1994a, b)
the leachates tested.
and Harris (1988) noted that sorption of NH4+ is not
With regard to clay mineralogy, it has generally been
accompanied by release of base cations as would be
found that mixed-layer clays (e.g. montmorillonite–
expected with ion exchange. Ceazan et al. (1989) ob-
smectite, including bentonite) adsorb NH4+ more
tained only 80% recovery of the NH4+ used to determine
strongly than two-layer clays, such as illite, which in
the sorption isotherm for a clay-poor sand and gravel.
turn adsorb NH4+ more strongly than single-layer clays,
such as kaolinite (Stumm 1992). As such, partition
Solution composition coefficients of NH4+ to aquifer materials are implicitly
related to their lithology and/or mineralogy. The En-
There is abundant evidence that Kd values obtained in
vironment Agency (2000) reported Kd* values for UK
tests with NH4+ spiked artificial solutions (e.g. distilled aquitards and the series of clay mineralogy that shows
or de-ionized water) can be significantly higher than Kd
broadly decreasing NH4+ sorption is: smectite (Gault
values obtained when real landfill leachate is used. The
Clay) > illite (Mercia Mudstone) > kaolinite (Oxford
use of artificially spiked solutions therefore causes
greater uptake of NH4+ by mineral surfaces than that
which would be observed using real landfill leachate.
This observation is generally ascribed to the effects of Implications for modelling of subsurface
competition for exchange sites by other cations that are ammonium transport
present in the landfill leachate but absent from a spiked
solution. In most cases competitive cation exchange will control
This effect was clearly observed in both Chalk and NH4+ transport in a subsurface flow system. Under
Mercia Mudstone by the Environment Agency (2000). these conditions accurate description of NH4+ transport
For Chalk, Kd* values for an artificial NH4+ solution and attenuation requires the simultaneous solution of
(10 mg(NH4-N) l1; pH 8) and leachate (4.24 mg(NH4- coupled non-linear equations. Although this is relatively
N) l1; pH 6.3) were 1.43 and 0.03 ml g1, respectively. simple for systems where transport processes are not
This effect was, in part, probably due to the acidic important, such as landfill liners (Environment Agency
leachate dissolving calcium from the rock matrix to 2002), the non-linearity of the equations prevents their
compete with the NH4+ ions. In tests using Mercia use in simple transport equations. If transport is signifi-
Mudstone, artificial NH4+ solution and leachate (but at cant, numerical codes, such as PHREEQC (Pankhurst
pH 7), Kd* values of 7.78 and 5.24 ml g1, respectively, 1995) or MINTEQA2 (Allison et al. 1991), need to be
were obtained. used.
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Fig. 1. Illustrative breakthrough and flushing curves for linear and Freundlich sorption models, generated using a model adapted
from the column breakthrough model of Appelo & Postma (1993).

Modelling of column experiments shows that the attenuation, in which case a value of 10% of the upper
sorption isotherm affects the shape of breakthrough bound is used. Where possible, Table 2 has been based
curves (Appelo 1994). Because Langmuir and Freund- solely on values derived for mixed solutions, such as
lich isotherms adsorb relatively less at higher concen- dilute landfill leachate, as these are more representative
trations, they tend to have sharper initial breakthroughs of field conditions.
and are shallower when approaching peak concen- The values provided are unlikely to be valid (and will
trations (Fig. 1). They also tend to have longer tails not be conservative) for the assessment of transport
during flushing. through landfill liners or the unsaturated zone where
there is migration of high-strength NH4+ solutions.
Under these conditions the use of a linear isotherm
Indicative partition coefficients for model is likely to overestimate the amount of sorption.
ammonium sorption in UK lithologies Modelling fate and transport in these circumstances, or
where the outcome of a risk assessment is critical, is
Many of the studies quoted above show that the linear
better accomplished using modelling tools that incorpor-
sorption model is appropriate for use in predicting
ate ion exchange processes and can take into account the
NH4+ transport in dilute solutions. It is generally con-
detailed site hydrochemistry.
sidered reasonable to expect the linear isotherm to be
true at low concentrations under a very wide range of
conditions, even when there are many substances ad-
sorbed and when there is some heterogeneity (Milne et Microbial attenuation of ammonium
al. 2002). Table 2 presents a compilation of reported Kd
values from the reviewed literature, assuming that the Contributory processes
linear sorption model is appropriate. They are consid-
ered relevant for screening risks associated with NH4+ Nitrogen is an essential component of cells and signifi-
transport and attenuation in different lithologies for cant quantities of NH4+, nitrite, nitrate and organic
dilute mixed solutions. nitrogen compounds may be utilized by active microor-
In Table 2, ranges are presented for probabilistic ganisms. With the exception of highly fertile topsoils,
modelling purposes. Where two values for Kd are given microbial growth in the subsurface is constrained by the
this indicates that a uniform distribution is suggested. If supply of oxidants, essential nutrients, substrates and
three are presented, the data are of sufficient quality to other growth factors (Bitton & Gerba 1984). Conse-
justify the use of a triangular distribution. Where there is quently, biomass production is small and removal of
uncertainty in the lower bounding value, a value of zero NH4+ by uptake and incorporation into biomass will
has been assumed. The exception is where knowledge of generally make an insignificant contribution to NH4+
the lithology suggests that there will always be some attenuation in the subsurface.
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Table 2. Estimated partition coefficients for ammonium reported for a selection of UK lithologies.

Lithology (and references)1 Kd range (ml g1)2 Comments

Chalk (7, 10) 0–0.03 Low confidence as isotherms have not been identified
Triassic Sherwood Sandstone (1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12) 0–0.2–0.6 Reasonable confidence as there have been several
independent tests, although most values are from one
site only (Burntstump)
Lincolnshire Limestone (7) 0.065–0.65 Low confidence as isotherms have not been identified
Lower Greensand ‘Hassock’ (4, 10) 0.18–1.8 Low confidence as no isotherms have been found.
Measurements have been on the ‘Hassock’ lithology
only. A lower bound of zero should be used for Lower
Greensand in general
Lower Greensand (undifferentiated) (4, 10) 0–1.8
Red Crag (10) 0.05–0.5 Low confidence as isotherms have not been identified
Oxford Clay (7, 13) 0.135–1.35 Based on modelling of column experiments
Mercia Mudstone (7) 0.5–5 Low confidence as isotherms have not been identified
Gault Clay (7) 0.65–6.5 Low confidence as isotherms have not been identified
Lias Clay (2) 1.2–2.6 Low confidence as isotherms have not been identified.
Cave & Taylor (2002) presented higher Kd* values for
lower concentrations
Coal Measures Clay (13) 0.18–1.8 Based on modelling of column experiments, being
derived from clay–sand mixtures. Value of 1.8 ml g1
obtained for 100% clay system
Sand and gravel, clean (3, 6, 8, 11) 0–0.4–0.9 Reasonable confidence as there have been several
independent tests. However, this is naturally a very
heterogeneous lithology so a full site characterization
should be made if the ‘clayey’ range of values is used
Sand and gravel, clayey (3, 6, 8, 11) 0.4–0.9
Cohesive Boulder Clay (2) (Glacial Till) 2–4 Low confidence as isotherms have not been identified.
Glacial Till is naturally a very heterogeneous lithology
so a full site characterization should be made and the
risk assessor must be very confident that there are no
sandy sequences in the Till
Engineered clay landfill liners (9, 13) 0.1–0.5–5 Reasonable confidence as there have been a number of
independent tests that yield seemingly consistent
results. Kd has been shown to correlate with clay
content and/or CEC so less conservatism might be
permissible with suitable testing and justification.
Consideration should be given to the dominant clay
mineral present

References cited: (1) Butler et al. (2003); (2) Cave & Taylor (2002); (3) Ceazan et al. (1989); (4) Colley (1991); (5) Davison & Lerner (1998); (6)
DeSimone et al. (1996); (7) Environment Agency (2000); (8) Erskine (2000); (9) Griffin et al. (1976); (10) Jackson (1989); (11) Kjeldsen & Christensen
(1984); (12) Thornton et al. (2000); (13) Thornton et al. (2001).
Values are considered to apply equally to both the unsaturated and saturated zones.
Where two values for Kd are given this indicates that a uniform distribution is suggested for probabilistic modelling; where three are presented then
a triangular distribution is suggested.

Ammonium can also be oxidized by certain bacteria NH4+ + 1.83 O2 + 1.98 HCO–3 / 0.021 C5H7NO2 +
to generate energy, a process known as nitrification. 1.041 H2O + 0.98 NO–3 + 1.88 H2CO3.
Nitrification is generally a two-stage process; each stage
is performed by different microorganisms, collectively
known as nitrifiers: The process is aerobic (i.e. it requires oxygen) and
oxygen consumption is c. 3.3 kg O2 for each kilogram
NH4+ + 1.5O2 / NO–2 + H2O + 2H + of NH4-N degraded (i.e. 3.3 kg kg(NH4-N)1). This
NO–2 + 0.5O2 / NO–3. means that nitrification requires a continuous supply of
oxygen. Biomass yield from nitrification is also low,
Carbon for biosynthesis in nitrifying bacteria is pro- c. 0.13 kg kg(NH4-N) 1, which suggests that the growth
vided by dissolved CO2 (as bicarbonate). Representing of nitrifying bacteria will be slow.
the chemical composition of microbial biomass as Nitrification can also take place under anaerobic
C5H7NO2, the two stages of nitrification can be com- (i.e. oxygen-free) conditions with nitrate or manganese
bined to give an overall reaction (Horan 1990): oxides acting as the oxidant, for example:
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5NH4+ + 3NO–3 / 4N2 + 9H2O + 2H + Environmental factors controlling subsurface

2NH4+ + 3MnO2 + 4H + / N2 + 6H2O + 3Mn2 + . nitrification

These reactions were originally observed in waste- Nitrification is generally considered to be sensitive to
water treatment processes (Mulder et al. 1995; Van de environmental conditions and the presence of inhibitors,
Graaf et al. 1995), but have more recently been demon- at least in wastewater treatment processes where most
strated in soils and sediments and may play an import- studies have been performed (USEPA 1993). Such
ant role in the natural nitrogen cycle (Schmidt et al. inhibitory conditions may also arise in a contaminant
2001; Thamdrup & Dalsgaard 2002). The contribution plume and need to be taken into account when evaluat-
of anaerobic NH4+ oxidation to subsurface attenuation ing the behaviour of NH4+ pollution in the subsurface.
has not been significantly assessed to date.
The nitrite and nitrate generated by aerobic nitrifica- Oxygen. Aerobic nitrification in the subsurface will be
tion of NH4+ are susceptible to biological degradation limited by the supply of oxygen. This may be either the
(denitrification) to nitrogen (N2) under anaerobic con- rate of oxygen (air) diffusion from the atmosphere or the
ditions. Further discussion of denitrification is beyond infiltration of oxygenated recharge (Fetter 1999). As
the scope of this review, except to note that this could both nitrification and biodegradation of organic matter
consume nitrate that might otherwise be available for (either natural or contaminant compounds) consume
anaerobic NH4+ oxidation. oxygen, microbial activity in contaminated subsurface
environments tends to consume oxygen more rapidly
than it can be replenished and anaerobic conditions
result (Christensen et al. 2001). In such cases, significant
The significance of nitrification in aerobic biological nitrification will be confined to the
subsurface ammonium attenuation margins of the plume, where recharge by infiltration or
mixing with uncontaminated, oxygenated groundwater
There is clear evidence that nitrification can play a by dispersion occurs. Furthermore, it should not be
significant role in the attenuation of NH4+ in the assumed that the unsaturated zone will contain oxygen,
unsaturated zone and groundwater (Erskine 2000). Such as monitoring at the Stangate East landfill indicated that
observations have been made for NH4+ contamination the migration of methane could create anaerobic con-
arising from contaminated sites (e.g. Torstensson et al. ditions in the subsoil beneath and around that landfill
1998), landfills (e.g. Bjerg et al. 1995) and effluent (Robinson 1989).
discharges to land (e.g. DeSimone et al. 1996; Lee & Anaerobic NH4+ oxidation is likely to occur only in
Bennett 1998). Under conditions where attenuation by the absence of oxygen, but the conditions that support
cation exchange is limited, for example in clay-poor this process in the subsurface are not known.
aquifers, nitrification can be the main process limiting
development of an NH4+ plume (Christensen et al. 2000, Temperature. Nitrification can be expected to occur at
2001). UK subsurface temperatures (groundwater typically
Most research has evaluated nitrification under aero- around 11 (C). Rates used in assessing attenuation must
bic conditions. Most studies have not determined the be derived for ambient aquifer conditions.
significance of anaerobic NH4+ oxidation under anoxic
and anaerobic conditions. This is not surprising, as Acidity. Nitrification is relatively sensitive to pH, in part
anaerobic NH4+ oxidation has only recently been recog- because of the generation of ammonia (NH3) under
nized, but the study of Bjerg et al. (1995) had already alkaline conditions and nitrous acid (HNO2) under
highlighted the potential importance of anaerobic NH4+ acidic conditions (USEPA 1993). Both substances
oxidation before it had been directly demonstrated in inhibit nitrifying bacteria. The nitrification reaction
soils and sediments. These workers reported that itself generates acidity via the production of H+ (see
nitrification was an important process controlling the reaction above).
attenuation of NH4+ in a landfill leachate plume in a It is reasonable to infer that pH 6.5–8 is the optimum
Danish sand–gravel aquifer, and demonstrated a major pH range for nitrification, but rates are likely to be
contribution from anaerobic NH4+ oxidation, possibly significantly decreased below pH 6.0 or above pH 8.5
linked to microbial manganese-reduction. In contrast, (USEPA 1993). However, Allison & Prosser (1993) have
other field studies have suggested that little or no measured nitrification in natural environments at pH
anaerobic NH4+ oxidation occurs (e.g. DeSimone et al. values as low as 3.7.
1996; Ptacek 1998; Torstensson et al. 1998; Gooddy Soils are generally well-buffered systems but signifi-
et al. 2002). Consequently, it is not yet clear whether cant pH changes can be induced by alkaline or acidic
anaerobic NH4+ oxidation is an important attenuation contaminants present at contaminated sites. For landfill
process for many plumes or whether the process leachates containing a high proportion of putrescible
becomes important only under particular conditions. organic matter, highly acidic leachate (e.g. pH 5–6) can
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arise during the early period of leachate generation competition for mineral nutrients by hydrocarbon-
in domestic waste landfills (Department of the degrading bacteria stimulated by the addition of diesel.
Environment 1995). Although not explicitly considering Broholm & Arvin (2000) found no nitrification in
nitrification, a review by Mather (1989) provides laboratory microcosms constructed with samples from
pertinent information on microbial activity in the a coking waste-contaminated site on the Triassic
unsaturated zone of the Chalk and sandstone aquifers Sherwood Sandstone aquifer, even after biodegradation
underlying landfills. Chalk and other calcareous forma- had removed a significant proportion of the dissolved
tions appear to be sufficiently buffered to prevent organic contaminants. Those workers noted that the
detrimental pH changes, as are strata that contain a lack of nitrification may have been due to the absence of
high proportion of clay minerals (as a result of ion aerobic nitrifying bacteria in the strongly anaerobic
exchange, although this capacity will ultimately become samples collected.
exhausted). However, in formations containing little
clay and only a few per cent carbonate minerals (e.g. Salinity. Nitrifying bacteria appear to be relatively
much of the Permo-Triassic sandstone) the pH may sensitive to changes in salinity. Many reports indicat-
drop below 6.0 during the early period of landfill ing nitrification inhibition at high concentrations of
leachate generation. This can cause a significant decline inorganic NH4+ have found that this was due to osmotic
in microbial activity (e.g. Thornton et al. 1996; Tellam shock caused by the added salts (e.g. Malhi & McGill
et al. 1997). Older landfill leachates tend to have a 1982; Flowers & O’Callaghan 1983).
neutral pH value and microbial inhibition as a result of Rapid changes in salinity can therefore affect
pH changes is generally transient, although it may nitrification rate. However, adaptation to elevated
persist for a number of years (Department of the salinity occurs relatively readily (USEPA 1993) and
Environment 1995; Environment Agency 1999b). dissolved salts in landfill leachates (Department of the
Environment 1995) are not expected to have a significant
Ammonium concentration. Except for the production of detrimental long-term effect on nitrification.
ammonia (NH3) or nitrous acid at pH values outside the
optimum range, nitrification in the subsurface does not The significance of hydraulic flow paths
appear to be sensitive to the NH4+ concentration. For
topsoil, Malhi & McGill (1982) considered 400– The majority of microbial biomass in the subsurface is
800 mg(NH4-N) kg1 to be a reasonable upper concen- attached to solid surfaces. Consequently, most micro-
tration to ensure optimum nitrification under neutral biological metabolism in subsoils and aquifers occurs at
conditions. the mineral surface–water interface (Fredrickson &
Fletcher 2001). The nature of hydraulic flow in the
Water content. Nitrification does not take place in subsurface will therefore play a significant role in deter-
desiccated soils but is otherwise a viable process across mining the rate and ultimate capacity of nitrification and
the range of soil water contents normally found in the other biological attenuation processes.
unsaturated zone in the UK (Malhi & McGill 1982; Intergranular flow provides a high surface area to
Flowers & O’Callaghan 1983). Rates of aerobic nitrifi- volume ratio for microbial growth and the pore space is
cation in unsaturated zone soils will tend to decrease at the location of greatest biomass and metabolic activity
high water contents as a result of reduced oxygen (see data for the Chalk and sandstone of Blakey &
availability. Towler (1988) and the Environment Agency (1999b)).
The exception to this is when the pore spaces are too
Presence of other contaminants. Nitrification in waste- small to permit the entry of microorganisms. For
water treatment is often relatively sensitive to inhibition example, Rees (1981) noted the absence of microbial
by organic and inorganic components (e.g. USEPA activity in the pore spaces of unfissured Lower Chalk
1993), such as heavy metals and many organic contami- beneath a landfill in Oxfordshire. Whitelaw & Rees
nants that may also arise from industrially contaminated (1980) confirmed the presence of nitrifying bacteria in
sites or landfills. However, there has been little research the unsaturated zone, to a depth of at least 50 m, of the
on their effects on nitrification in the subsurface. Middle and Upper Chalk underlying agricultural land
Deni & Penninckx (1999) reported the effects of but proposed that microbial activity was confined to
hydrocarbon contamination on the rate of nitrification fissures. Both studies concluded that penetration of
in loamy sand topsoils obtained from an agricultural microbial cells (typical diameter 1 µm) was precluded by
source and an oil refinery site. The addition to the soil of the small pore sizes of the Chalk matrix (median diam-
diesel fuel hydrocarbons at a concentration of eter 0.22 µm for the Lower Chalk and 0.5–0.7 µm for the
4000 mg kg1 had no detrimental effect on nitrification Middle and Upper Chalk; Rees 1981). Based on these
in the agricultural soil but inhibited nitrification in the studies it appears unlikely that a large microbial popu-
refinery soil by c. 50%. It was demonstrated that this lation can develop in the pore space of the Chalk matrix.
inhibition was not due to toxic effects but rather to Consequently, there could be a much lower capacity for
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nitrification in poorly fissured Chalk aquifers. In aerobic nitrification in the shallow sand–gravel aquifer
general, the pore sizes of the matrix of other UK was calculated to result in an NH4+ half-life of c. 6 years.
aquifers are larger (British Geological Survey & Data for the Sherwood Sandstone aquifer underlying
Environment Agency 1997, 2000) and therefore are the Burntstump landfill in Nottinghamshire (Lewin et al.
likely to have the capacity to support an active microbial 1994a) suggested a half-life close to 3.5 years, although
population for nitrification (Environment Agency 2001). more recent work at the same site by Butler et al. (2003)
Conversely, where large fractures represent the pre- suggested a half-life of 2.2 years.
dominant flow pathway in a formation, there will be a Where a high concentration of NH4+ exists, the rate
small surface area for microbial growth relative to the of nitrification in deeper subsoils and aquifers may be
fracture volume, and a comparatively short hydraulic inadequate for it to be distinguished from abiotic pro-
residence time within the fractures. Consequently, the cesses, except at the margins of a plume. A similar
rate of biodegradation activity in a fracture flow system situation may result from the presence of high concen-
will be low compared with an otherwise similar inter- trations of biodegradable organic contaminants. For
granular system (Mather 1989). The reduced bio- example, in a mixed organics–ammonium plume in the
degradation potential of organic contaminants in Triassic Sherwood Sandstone, Torstensson et al. (1998)
aquifers during fracture flow is well known (e.g. were unable to determine the rates of nitrification,
Wealthall et al. 2001) and the aquifer capacity for although geochemical evidence clearly indicated that it
nitrification may similarly be significantly less in such took place. This may have been due to the relatively high
systems. Selection of a model that adequately simulates concentrations of dissolved NH4+, or to the preferential
conceptual model assumptions (relating to both hydro- biodegradation of the organic contaminants (Broholm
geological and microbiological processes), including & Arvin 2000), or both.
both flow and degradation within fracture and matrix
environments, is essential. The common approach of Nitrification kinetics
simulating flow and attenuation in fractured aquifers by
assuming a low effective porosity value within a porous The kinetics of nitrification in wastewater biotreatment
medium model is unlikely to be sufficiently robust to processes have been intensively studied and modelled,
accurately represent pollutant behaviour in fractured commonly using Monod kinetics (USEPA 1993).
aquifers. Readers are directed to Kovárová-Kovar & Egli (1998)
for a fuller description of the principles of Monod and
related kinetic expressions. In contrast, nitrification
kinetics in subsoil and groundwater have received little
Measured rates of nitrification in subsurface attention.
environments Selection of an appropriate kinetic model (Bekins
et al. 1998; Suarez & Rifai 1999) for subsurface nitrifi-
There is relatively little information on subsurface nitri- cation will be complicated by a number of factors.
fication rates, except for topsoils. DeSimone et al. (1996) Where NH4+ concentrations show significant spatial
reported a long-term mass balance evaluation for con- variation (e.g. within a groundwater plume), different
taminants arising from a rural sewage treatment plant kinetic models may be appropriate in different regions of
soakaway in Massachusetts, USA. Ammonium was the plume. First-order kinetics, which have been widely
almost completely removed during transport through applied for modelling biodegradation of organic con-
the unsaturated subsoil zone (sandy soil) with nitrifica- taminants, are applicable for biological processes only
tion being the predominant attenuation mechanism. The when the substrate concentration is significantly below
estimated rate of nitrification was c. 0.017 kg(NH4- the reaction half-saturation constant (Ks). Such con-
N) day1, corresponding to a half-life of c. 13 days at ditions may well apply towards the margins of a plume,
the discharge NH4+ concentration of 27 mg(NH4- as Ks values for nitrifying bacteria are generally 0.2–
N) l1. However, such rates are likely to occur only 5.0 mg(NH4-N) l1 (USEPA 1993). However, a zero- or
where high biological growth rates can be supported by second-order model may be more appropriate at other
other nutrients in the contaminant mixture. The assump- NH4+ concentrations or where site data support its use.
tion adopted by DeSimone et al. (1996) and many others Monod and other kinetic expressions that incorporate
is that NH4+ degradation is a first-order process, which microbial growth may be inappropriate in subsoil
requires estimation of a single parameter equivalent to a and groundwater where limiting conditions mean that
half-life. net biomass growth of nitrifiers may be insignificant.
The much slower rates of nitrification that can be Furthermore, a necessary input to these models is a
expected under typical aquifer conditions were illus- number of biological parameters, few of which have
trated by Erskine (2000), who discussed nitrification been determined for nitrifying organisms growing under
rates obtained from field data for two landfill leachate subsurface conditions. As a further complication, the
plumes. At the Llwn Isaf landfill in North Wales, greatest proportion of subsurface nitrification activity is
Downloaded from http://qjegh.lyellcollection.org/ at Carleton University Library on July 5, 2014


likely to result from biomass present on mineral surfaces flow takes place through pore spaces too small to allow
(Fredrickson & Fletcher 2001), which may require the access of microorganisms (an average pore diameter
special kinetic models. of <1 µm; Rees 1981). The dataset is insufficient to allow
In a study of biodegradation kinetics for groundwater conclusions to be made on parameterization of kinetic
contaminant fate and transport modelling, Davison & models for nitrification in the subsurface. Estimated
Lerner (1998) found that degradation rates were often ranges for the first-order degradation half-life of NH4+
relatively insensitive to the biological parameters applied in UK subsoils and aquifers have been derived from the
in the Monod model. They concluded that it may be published literature (Table 3) but caution must be used
acceptable to assume that the degradation reaction is in their application, as they are based on a very limited
instantaneous relative to groundwater velocity. Based dataset and extrapolation from broader studies. With
on a dataset from a column study, Davison & Lerner the present state of knowledge, it is not possible to
(1998) argued that the instantaneous reaction assump- provide more reliable guidance, and further research
tion could apply to aerobic nitrification, but noted on subsurface nitrification under both aerobic and
considerable uncertainty as to when this assumption anaerobic conditions is essential. Although the rates of
may be valid. nitrification are slow, the long contaminant travel times
The selection and application of an appropriate that apply in many cases mean that indigenous nitrifiers
kinetic model for nitrification is complicated and suffers may have the opportunity to achieve significant mass
from a lack of relevant parameter data. When the effect removal of NH4+ (Robinson 1992).
of biodegradation modelling plays a critical role in
determining the impact of NH4+ contamination, the
justification for the kinetic model applied ought to be Conclusions
carefully made on the basis of appropriate site-specific
data, but for screening purposes a simpler approach may Significant attenuation of NH4+ contamination in sub-
be used. soils and groundwater is predominantly due to cation
Of equal importance is the method used to simulate exchange and/or nitrification (biological oxidation)
biodegradation of contaminants sorbed to aquifer processes. A literature review (Environment Agency
minerals. Many contaminant fate and transport 2003b), of which this paper is a summary, has provided
methods assume that degradation of contaminants can a moderate amount of data on NH4+ sorption for a
occur in both sorbed and aqueous phases. However, number of UK geological strata and engineered landfill
sorption may affect the bioavailability of contaminants liners. The degree of NH4+ attenuation is strongly
(Bosma et al. 1997) and it may therefore be necessary to dependent on the clay mineralogy of the strata and the
model biodegradation using different rate constants for chemical composition of the contaminated fluid. How-
the dissolved and sorbed contaminant fractions (Zheng ever, sufficient evidence was available to provide a
& Bennett 1995). In the extreme case, degradation may range of partition coefficients for NH4+ in UK litholo-
be inhibited by sorption and although sorption may gies. The literature indicates that nitrification can be a
reduce the apparent velocity of a contaminant plume significant mechanism for NH4+ attenuation in unsatu-
in an aquifer, it will not reduce the concentration rated subsoils under both aerobic and anaerobic con-
eventually observed at the receptor. ditions. However, in aquifers nitrification may be
limited by the relatively low aqueous solubility of
dissolved oxygen (maximum 10 mg l1 at standard
Indicative rates of nitrification under UK temperature and pressure) and physical mixing by
subsurface conditions dispersion of the anaerobic NH4+ plume with aerobic
There are very few data on measured rates of nitrifica- Based on the limited literature available, estimates of
tion in unsaturated subsoils and aquifers. It is evident the typical degradation rate and attenuation capacity
from the literature that nitrification can play a signifi- under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions have been
cant role in controlling the concentrations of NH4+ derived (Tables 2 and 3). These values may be helpful in
in infiltrating water and contaminated groundwater. the initial (screening) phases of risk assessment for
Aerobic nitrification is particularly important at plume landfills, sewage effluent disposal to land, and poten-
margins, where the influx of oxygenated groundwater tially contaminated sites. However, the ranges provided
via dispersion is sufficient to support this process. are indicative and site-specific data will always be pre-
However, the literature is contradictory on whether ferred and will be necessary for more detailed risk
anaerobic NH4+ oxidation is a significant process in assessments or when the conceptual model for the site
the subsurface, especially at high contaminant under consideration does not match that from which the
concentrations. presented data originate. In such cases, it is recom-
It is apparent from the literature that nitrification can mended that more sophisticated reactive transport
occur in most formations, except where intergranular modelling should be undertaken using codes that
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Table 3. Estimated half-lives for NH4+ biodegradation (nitrification) in different subsurface lithologies under aerobic and anaerobic

Lithology1 NH4+ half-life under aerobic NH4+ half-life under Comments

conditions (years)2 anaerobic conditions (years)3

Sands and gravels 1–6 N Based on range of

literature-derived values
(<1–6 years) in unsaturated
subsoil and aquifers
Unfissured Chalk and other N N No degradation; pore size
strata with mean pore size of excludes entry of bacteria
<1 µm
Strata with mean pore size of 5–10 N No kinetic data exist but
>1 µm or showing a attenuation has been
significant degree of fissure demonstrated to take place.
flow4 Suggested range (5–10 years) is
considered reasonably
Landfill liners N N No data, but pore size may
exclude entry of bacteria. Assume
no degradation to ensure liner
design suitably conservative

Estimated half-lives are taken from literature and extrapolated to representative systems, which must be consistent with the conceptual model to
which the data are applied during risk assessments.
Values are considered to apply equally to both the unsaturated and saturated zones.
Where a range is given a uniform distribution is recommended for probabilistic modelling.
It is assumed that no anaerobic NH4+ oxidation takes place unless site-specific data indicate otherwise.
Where mean pore sizes in the matrix of dual porosity media are less than 1 µm (e.g. fissured Chalk) care should be taken that only the fraction of
contaminant flowing in the fractures is degraded by the model used.

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