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Bangladeshi Birth Registration Application Process: Step by Step Guideline

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Bangladeshi Birth

Application Process

Step by Step Guideline

1. We recommend you to use Windows Laptop/Desktop to fill in this
Online Application form.
2. You will need Bengali Typing Software and Bengali Font to complete this
form. For Bengali typing software you may use Avro Software which is
available from here (https://www.omicronlab.com/avro-keyboard-
Guideline before
3. You can also download font from here. starting the Birth
4. Two documents must be kept in a JPG format which must be below 100 Registration Online
Kilobyte each. We recommend the file size to be below 70 Kilobyte. You
can use free image resizer available from Internet. Form (Tips for
5. Upload the document that is discussed in the document requirement
section regardless what is written in Bengali as the File Type.
successful application
6. The document file type must be PDF or JPEG. Other file type will not be
7. You must know your Birth Place, Present Address and Permanent
Address correctly.
8. For MRP reason your Permanent Address must be in Bangladesh.
9. Birth Certificate is not processed along with the MRP. You must get a
Birth Certificate prior to applying for New MRP.
❑ Two documents must be kept in a JPG format which must be below
100 Kilobyte each. Two documents needs to be uploaded while
completing the form.

▪ For the Persons who born in the UK

Documents • UK Birth Certificate for the new born
• Fathers or mothers Bangladeshi Passport copy
▪ For the Adult who were not born in the UK and came to the UK
with a Bangladeshi passport (Any two documents needs to be
• Old Handwritten Bangladeshi Passport copy for
the Adults and
• Bangladeshi Educational Certificate for the Adult
• Chairman certificate issued from the local
Step 1:
Apply from https://bdris.gov.bd/home
Step 2:
Please select

আপসন যসে বাাংলাদেশ হাইকসিশন লন্ডদন

আদবেন করদে চান
োহদল এখাদন সিক করুন

Step 3:
Please select

দেশঃ যুক্তরাজ্য
সিটঃ লন্ডন
অসিিঃ বাাংলাদেশ হাইকসিশন, লন্ডন
Step 4:
All the fields needs to be filled in here

- In this page you will have to put your Birth

Place address precisely.

Note: You must Fill in the Bengali field in

Bengali and English fields in English.


When the date of Birth will be

selected then this box will be
popped up and the green box needs
to be selected.
Step 5: Parents
You will have to fill out his section very
- Parents name both in Bengali and
- The * fields are mandatory field.

- If you do not have the Birth ID of your
parents you can skip this filed as this
field is not mandatory.
Step 6: Address
- You need to click both the
‘দকানটই নয়’
- Then the address fields will be
Step 7: Permanent Address
- Keep the box ‘জ্ন্মস্থাদনর ঠিকানা ও স্থায়ী ঠিকানা একই’ unselected। You must put your Permanent
Address in Bangladesh.
- You need to know your Permanent address in Bangladesh including your Union and Wards.
Step 8: Present Address
- You may write your present address in the UK
Step 9: Document Upload
- When you have filled out this form you will get the below page. In this page you must give a
phone number and email address mandatorily and you will also need to upload two
documents. The file format must be PDF or JPEG.
- The file size must be below 100 Kilobyte.
Step 10: Document Upload
- After you have clicked the ‘িাংদযাজ্ন’ you can
browse and select the file from your device. The
file format must be PDF or JPEG.
- The file size must be below 100 Kilobyte. We
recommend the file size to be below 70 Kilobyte.
- You may use free image resizer available in the
internet to resize your document.

Step 11: File Type

- You must select the File type from the drop down
menu. This is mandatory. Otherwise the file will
not be uploaded.
- Upload the document that was discussed in the
document requirement section regardless what is
written in Bengali as the File Type.
Step 12: Summary Page
- Once these two documents are uploaded, You will click Next and you will see this type of
summary page. Please do carefully examine this page and click the Submit Button.
Step 13: Application Print
- Once this is submitted you will get a page like this and then you will click the ‘আদবেনপত্র সিন্ট করুন’.
- Then you can print this application. You need to bring this printed application to us.
Documents you need to bring to the high commission

1. For the Persons who born in the UK

• Printed online Application form + UK Birth Certificate for the new

born+ Parents Bangladeshi Passport copy

2. For the Adult who were not born in the UK and came to the UK
with a Bangladeshi passport
Final Document
• Printed online Application form + Old Handwritten Bangladeshi
Preparation for
Passport copy for the Adults + Bangladeshi Educational Certificate
for the Adult or Chairman certificate issued from the local Submission

- Yo u d o n o t n e e d a n y a p p o i n t m e n t t o s u b m i t a
Birth Certificate Application
- The payment is 4 pound.
- The Birth Certificate will be delivered after 5-7
working days.
- Birth Certificate is not processed along with the
M R P.

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