U2 L5 Worksheet

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Unit 2.


Lesson 5. Nutrition and reproduction

Worksheet 2.4
Support worksheet 2.4
Animals WORKSHEET 2.4

1. Choose an animal and write the answers to the questions in the table.

2. Work with a friend. Ask them questions about their animal and guess what their animal is.

questions my animal my friend’s animal

Does it have a spine?

Does it lay eggs which have a

Does it live in water?

Does it eat only other ani-

Does it eat both animals and
Does it eat only plants?

Does it have a shell?

© Oxford University Press España, S. A.

Does it have an exoskeleton?

Does it breathe with gills?

Does it fly?

Does it have hair?

Animals WORKSHEET 2.4

1. Choose an animal and write the answers to the questions in the table.

2. Work with a friend. Ask them questions about their animal and guess what their animal is.

questions my animal my friend’s animal

Does it have a spine? Student’s own answers Student’s own answers

Does it lay eggs which have a

Does it live in water?

Does it eat only other ani-

Does it eat both animals and
Does it eat only plants?

Does it have a shell?

© Oxford University Press España, S. A.

Does it have an exoskeleton?

Does it breathe with gills?

Does it fly?

Does it have hair?


Name Date

Unit: Lesson:

1. Trace the words. Then match with arrows.

omnivor∂ I eat other animal∫

carnivor∂ I eat plant∫

herbivor∂ I eat other animal∫ and plant∫

What herbivores What carnivores What omnivores

do you know? do you know? do you know?

Draw one here: Draw one here: Draw one here:


Name Date

Unit: Lesson:

1. Trace the words. Then match with arrows.

omnivor∂ I eat other animal∫

carnivor∂ I eat plant∫

herbivor∂ I eat other animal∫ and plant∫

What herbivores What carnivores What omnivores

do you know? do you know? do you know?

Draw one here: Draw one here: Draw one here:

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