Icees 2019 8719237
Icees 2019 8719237
Icees 2019 8719237
Abstract—The usage of multirotor helicopters in the drone sprayer [2, 3] aims to reduce the ill effects of the
agricultural system is increasing rapidly. In the present pesticides on human beings and to spray it in a short interval
of time for the large area. Due to its fastness and accuracy, it
generation Automation is used in every industrial system but reduces the time consumption and manual labour of the
not much in agriculture. Till now most of the farmers are farmers. Basically, this device works both as a quadcopter
and a spraying mechanism. It can be operated through a
applying fertilizers and pesticides manually in their fields radio controller or mobile.
especially in developing countries. This causes many health
This paper is organized as follows: system architecture in
issues to them because of the chemicals they are using. In near section II, mathematical modelling in section III, Result,
future Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (UAVs) are used in the conclusion and future work are discussed in section IV and
agricultural field for monitoring, analyzing the field, disease
detection, detection of the faulty area, identifying the suitable II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
pesticide and applying the pesticide in the affected area. There are two parts in system architecture: one is
Present spraying systems in quadcopters are manually Hardware and the other is Software.
controlled or semi-autonomous. In this project, UAV is used
for agricultural spraying which can be done semi
Due to the rapid growth in the population and
industrialization, there is a tremendous decrease in the
farming land. The world Bank says that they will need to
produce 50% more food by 2050 to keep up the demand. [1].
To meet this challenge regular forming methods have to be
changed. So, there is a need to adopt new technical
innovations and implement them in the agricultural sector.
With the advances in the agriculture field we will be able to
know about the farms such as soil PH, watersaturation,
weeds, disease, crop health, and yield can be estimated. From
this information, we can know where to irrigate and where to
apply herbicide.
Most of the formers in the developing countries like India
will have small cultivating areas. They can’t afford and adopt
new technologies in farming their lands. Hence, they are Fig. 1. System architecture for Pesticide Sprayer
continuing the old methods of cultivation. It consumes more
time and manual power which leads to tiredness and brings A. Hardware structure
many health issues as they directly expose to the fertilizers
Hardware system consists of several components [4][5].
and pesticides that they are applying to their lands.World
The fig1. shows the entire architecture of the spraying drone.
Health Organisation survey says that there were more than 3
The On-board system consists of an aluminum metal frame,
million cases of pesticide poisoning cases each year.
360 (kv) motors, four 14×4.7 propellers, a Pixhawk
This project introduces a low-cost UAV which is used for Controller board, a GPS compass module, four 45A ESCs,
pesticide spraying in the agriculture field. The agriculture power module, a 24 volts 3300mAh 6S 35C Lipo pack
978-1-5386-9249-3$31.00©2019 IEEE
ICEES 2019 Fifth International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems 21- 22 February 2019, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India
battery, Radio controller, Telemetry, Arduino Uno, L298n D. Mission planner software
motor drive and spraying mechanism. Mission Planner is an open source software for control
Plane, Copter, and Rover. Mission Planner can be used as a
B. Pixhawk 2.4.8 connections configuration utility or as a dynamic control supplement for
Pixhawk 2.4.8 architecture is shown in Fig. 2. It has 6 an autonomous vehicle. This software provides access to the
auxiliary and 8 main output ports. The ESCs for the motors google maps on PC or mobile this will help to plan and save
1-4 are connected to the 1-4 terminals of the main output.The load autonomous mission in UAV and it also helps to
radio controller is connected to the RCIN terminal. The 24 monitor the UAV by telemetry. Record of telemetry logs
volts Lipo battery is connected ESCs through power module. helps to view and analyse the vehicle performance.
The produced 5 volts constant DC from the power module
energizes the controller board. The telemetry of connected to E. Flowchart of the Overall Strategy:
the telem 1 or telem 2 in a pixhawk board. A buzzer and The flow chart of the overall strategy is shown in Fig.4
safety switch are connected to audio and switch ports
Name of the
Type Weight
Propellers 45.35ൈ4 Carbon fibre 181 gm Fig. 6. The path planning for pesticide spraying mechanism
Controller board Pixhawk controller 38 gm The boundaries of spraying area should be selected in the
GPS of the Mission plannerand according to type and height
Battery Lippo 3300 mAh 550 gm
of the crop, spacing and altitude [7,8,9] should be selected in
Sprinkler Steel 150 gm the flight control software, Mission planner. Fig. 6 depicts
the path planning for an area where the spacing between two
Water tank &motor Plastic, DC motor 250 gm rows is 1 metre and altitude is 2metres. This spraying
mechanism can also be performed manually.
Telemetry 433 MHz 10 gm
Total — 2853 gm
Payload — 1850 gm
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