Study Nipple Discharge

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Nipple Discharge: Current Clinical and Imaging Evaluation

Dipti Gupta, MD1, Ellen B. Mendelson, MD, Ingolf Karst, MD, PhD
Breast Imaging · Review

central duct excision, ductography, nipple OBJECTIVE. Nipple discharge is a common complaint that is first evaluated with
discharge, pathologic discharge, physiolog- clinical assessment. Physiologic discharge does not require imaging other than routine
ic discharge screening mammography. Initial evaluation of pathologic nipple discharge involves
mammography and ultrasound. evaluation of pathologic nipple discharge involves
mammography and ultrasound. Because of its high sensitivity in detecting breast ma-
Submitted: Jul 16, 2019
Revision requested: Aug 10, 2019 lignancy and its biopsy capability, MRI is increasingly used in lieu of ductography.
Revision received: Sep 18, 2019 CONCLUSION. The problem-solving algorithm for evaluating suspicious nipple
Accepted: May 15, 2020 discharge is evolving. When diagnostic imaging for evaluation of pathologic nipple
First published online: Dec 9, 2020 discharge is negative, management is based on clinical suspicion. If additional im-
aging is warranted, MRI is preferred because of its increased sensitivity, specificity,
The authors declare that they have no and patient comfort. Although central duct excision is the current standard for eval-
disclosures relevant to the subject matter of uation of malignancy in patients with pathologic nipple discharge, studies suggest
American Journal of Roentgenology 2021.216:330-339.

this article. that, given the high negative predictive value of MRI, surveillance may be a reason-
able alternative to surgery.

Nipple discharge accounts for 2–5% of medical visits among women and is the pre-
senting feature of breast cancer in 5–12% of women [1]. Nipple discharge involves direct
drainage from the ducts due to excess secretions, which may be caused by intraductal le-
sions that partially interfere with drainage.
Evaluation of nipple discharge begins with clinical assessment. The patient’s history
and physical examination findings can help differentiate normally occurring physiologic
discharge from benign and malignant pathologic discharge. Diagnostic breast imaging
evaluation is not necessary for patients with clinical features of physiologic discharge but
is required for patients with suspicious discharge. Mammography and retroareolar ultra-
sound (US) are first-line examinations when imaging is indicated [2].
The problem-solving algorithm for evaluating suspicious nipple discharge is evolving.
Historically, when mammography and US results were negative, ductography, central
duct excision, or both were standard. However, advances in breast imaging technology
have led to a preference for less invasive procedures and a need to reevaluate manage-
ment of nipple discharge [1, 3–5].

Clinical Evaluation of Nipple Discharge

Physiologic Nonpathologic Discharge
Physiologic discharge may be yellow, green, or white. It is typically bilateral, and non-
spontaneous, and occurs in multiple ducts [6–8]. Many women can express discharge
during reproductive years. Galactorrhea is milky nipple discharge unrelated to the nor-
mal milk production of breastfeeding that may occur 1 year or longer after lactation has
ceased. Colostrum, which is a yellowish-clear and sticky discharge, is also considered
Gupta et al.
physiologic during the third trimester of pregnancy. In patients without a history of preg-
Nipple Discharge nancy and lactation, galactorrhea is most commonly caused by hyperprolactinemia and
Breast Imaging
may indicate an endocrinopathy [1]. Commonly prescribed medications such as antide-
pressants, antipsychotics, and oral contraceptives can also cause galactorrhea. In pre-
menopausal women, galactorrhea accompanied by amenorrhea and relative infertility
Gupta D, Mendelson EB, Karst I can suggest a pituitary microadenoma [9] (Fig. 1).
Duct ectasia is nonspecific dilatation, greater than 3 mm in diameter, of one or more
ducts [10]. Mild duct ectasia is a manifestation of normal involution of the breast that oc-
curs with aging [11]. When stagnant secretions accumulate in dilated ducts, the r­esult
AJR 2021; 216:330–339
ISSN-L 0361–803X/21/2162–330 All authors: Lynn Sage Comprehensive Breast Center, Prentice Hospital, Northwestern Medicine, 250 E Superior St,

© American Roentgen Ray Society Chicago, IL 60611. Address correspondence to D. Gupta (

330 | AJR:216, February 2021

Nipple Discharge

American Journal of Roentgenology 2021.216:330-339.

Fig. 1—57-year-old woman with history of bilateral milky nipple discharge because of known pituitary microadenoma who presented for evaluation of right
retroareolar redness and swelling.
A and B, Retroareolar ultrasound images of right (A) and left (B) breasts show extensive bilateral symmetric duct ectasia with echogenic debris (arrows) and no
evidence of abscess.
C, Axial T2-weighted MR image shows ducts filled with fatty debris from milk products. Volume loss and distortion (arrow) from prior surgical incision and drainage are
seen in right periareolar area.
D, Sagittal T2-weighted MR image of right breast shows ducts filled with low-signal-intensity fatty debris (arrow).

may be a thick, creamy discharge of off-white, gray, green, or Benign and Malignant Pathologic Discharge
brown color. Pathologic nipple discharge resulting from both benign and
Lactating women can experience blocked ducts due to stasis of malignant causes tends to occur unilaterally and spontaneous-
milk. A persistent buildup of milk without release can result in mas- ly from a single duct orifice and is usually clear or blood-stained.
titis, which may progress to abscess formation. Fecal occult blood testing of the discharge is not necessary, be-
When medical history and physical examination suggest phys- cause both serous and blood-tinged discharge may be associat-
iologic discharge, the American College of Radiology Appropri- ed with malignancy [13]. Cytologic assessment of the discharge is
ateness Criteria recommend routine screening mammography not recommended because it is neither sensitive nor specific and
[2]. However, in an online survey of U.S. radiologists, Patel et al. adds to the cost of the evaluation [14, 15].
[12] found significant variability in the choice of imaging modality Patient demographics can help determine the degree of sus-
for evaluation of nipple discharge. These authors found that non- picion regarding pathologic nipple discharge. For example, the
academic breast imaging radiologists and those who read breast risk of underlying breast malignancy in women with nipple dis-
images less than 50% of their clinical time were more likely to rec- charge increases with age [8, 16–18]. Seltzer et al. [19] found that
ommend diagnostic mammography with or without US for phys- only 3% of women with breast cancer who were younger than 40
iologic nipple discharge [12]. years old presented with nipple discharge as their only symptom,

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Fig. 2—42-year-old woman with spontaneous bloody discharge from left nipple.
A, Gray-scale ultrasound image of subareolar region of left breast shows intraductal hypoechoic mass (arrows).
B, Color Doppler ultrasound image shows ample flow within mass. Follow-up ultrasound-guided biopsy indicated intraductal papilloma.

At times, processes thought to be physiologic may overlap

with pathologic causes. The second most common cause of
pathologic discharge is duct ectasia, which accounts for 17–36%
American Journal of Roentgenology 2021.216:330-339.

of cases [23, 24]. Duct ectasia can cause both physiologic (bilat-
eral yellow or brown) and pathologic (unilateral clear or bloody)
discharge. Imaging features of nonphysiologic duct ectasia that
may indicate malignancy include irregularity of the duct margin,
a peripherally dilated duct, focal wall thickening, and adjacent
hypoechoic tissue that may represent a mass [10].
The combination of a postoperative fluid collection in the first
few years after breast conservation therapy and lactiferous ducts
may result in serous or serosanguineous discharge. Patients may
also note bloody nipple discharge after a needle biopsy of the
retroareolar region. Informing patients of this expected sequela
Fig. 3—42-year-old woman with previously diagnosed multiple peripheral
papillomas who presented for follow-up MRI evaluation. Axial contrast-
of retroareolar biopsy at the time of informed consent would pre-
enhanced subtraction maximum-intensity-projection breast MR image shows vent them from becoming alarmed when discharge occurs.
numerous bilateral enhancing masses (arrows), which had remained stable Cancer is found in 5–15% of patients with pathologic nipple
since prior MRI examinations. Previous biopsy of two masses in left breast and discharge, the most common type being ductal carcinoma in situ
one mass in right breast had led to diagnosis of papilloma.
(DCIS) [34–36]. Up to 12% of patients with DCIS present with nip-
whereas 32% of women with breast cancer who were 60 years old ple discharge [37]. Several studies have found that the rate of ma-
or more had nipple discharge as the presenting symptom. lignancy increases when a palpable abnormality or radiographic
Any nipple discharge associated with a palpable abnormality abnormality is associated with the discharge [6, 38].
or new nipple inversion warrants diagnostic imaging [20]. Also,
nipple discharge in a male patient is always suspicious. Although Imaging Evaluation of Pathologic Nipple Discharge
discharge is uncommon in men, it is associated with breast can- Mammography
cer in 23–57% of cases [21, 22]. Diagnostic breast imaging, including mammography and ret-
Papillomas are the most common cause of pathologic nip- roareolar breast US, is the first step in evaluation of pathologic
ple discharge, accounting for 35–58% of cases [23, 24]. They nipple discharge for women who are 30 years old and older [2,
can be classified as solitary intraductal or multiple peripheral 6, 13, 34]. Mammography may be complementary to US in wom-
papillomas (Figs. 2 and 3). Papillomas causing nipple discharge en under 30 years old if they are BRCA positive or have another
are excised. Surgical excision of papillomas with atypia is wide- gene mutation predisposing them to breast cancer [2]. Addition-
ly accepted with the upgrade rate to malignancy on excisional ally, according to the American College of Radiology Appropri-
biopsy ranging between 21–38% [25–29]. The management of ateness Criteria, mammography should be performed initially for
asymptomatic papillomas without atypia is controversial, with men 25 years old or older with nipple discharge, with US added
upgrade rate to malignancy ranging between 2–12% [25, 29– as indicated [2].
31]. Although some physicians still recommend excision of all Despite having low sensitivity (7–26%) for detecting malignant
papillomas, observation of asymptomatic papillomas is increas- and high-risk lesions as the cause of nipple discharge, mammog-
ingly suggested when radiologic and histopathologic findings raphy still plays an important role in breast imaging [24, 34, 36].
are in agreement [27, 31–33]. Because DCIS is the malignancy most commonly associated with

332 AJR:216, February 2021

Nipple Discharge

Fig. 4—60-year-old woman with bloody discharge from right nipple.
A, Craniocaudal mammography image shows area of architectural distortion (arrow) in right retroareolar
region of breast.
B and C, Radial (B) and antiradial (C) targeted breast ultrasound images show irregular hypoechoic mass
(arrows) in area of distortion. Ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy yielded grade 2 invasive ductal
American Journal of Roentgenology 2021.216:330-339.

pathologic nipple discharge, mammograms must be carefully eval- lated duct should be imaged as peripherally as possible to assess
uated for suspicious calcifications. Underlying malignancy may also the extent of involvement.
present as a mass or architectural distortion on mammography US is an important tool not only for the initial evaluation of
(Fig. 4). The presence of a new solitary dilated duct on mammog- duct discharge but also to guide biopsy for obtaining a diagnosis
raphy is considered suspicious, is classified as BI-RADS category 4, and, if needed, guide localization for surgical excision.
and is associated with a malignancy rate of 6–24% [39, 40].
Bilateral mammography, with or without digital breast tomo- Ductography
synthesis (DBT), should also be performed in women younger than Traditionally, ductography has been the imaging test of choice
30 years old who have suspicious masses on US. This is especially when mammography and US findings are negative for patholog-
important when calcifications are seen in the surrounding tissues ic nipple discharge. In the setting of negative findings with con-
on US or in the mass or the ducts, because the extent, pattern, and ventional imaging, ductography can localize 76% of otherwise
morphology of calcifications are best seen on mammograms [41– occult high-risk and malignant lesions [46].
43]. To our knowledge, evidence of a specific role for DBT in the Ductography is performed with a 30-gauge blunt-tipped
evaluation of nipple discharge is not present in the literature. straight or angled cannula. First, the nipple is gently cleansed us-
ing an alcohol swab. A warming pad may be used to relax the
Ultrasound tissues and facilitate cannulation. A small amount of discharge is
Mammography and US are complementary examinations in elicited by squeezing the nipple or applying pressure at the trig-
the initial evaluation of pathologic nipple discharge. The sensi- ger point. Once the discharging pore is identified, the tip of the
tivity of US alone in detecting underlying malignancy in patients cannula is placed on the orifice, where it should pass easily into
with pathologic nipple discharge is 56–80%, which is higher than the duct. Then, 1–3 mL of nonionic iodinated contrast medium
mammography [2]. In one study, US examination in patients with is slowly administered, and two orthogonal views are obtained,
pathologic discharge but negative mammographic imaging with additional views obtained as indicated [47]. Ductography
led to detection of underlying malignancy in 15% of the cases findings that suggest a malignancy or a papillary lesion include
[44]. Retroareolar lesions causing discharge are often intraductal an intraluminal mass, partial or complete duct obstruction, duct
masses that are noncalcified, although occasionally a few echo- expansion, or duct wall irregularity [48] (Fig. 6).
genic foci appear as calcifications. US can depict ductal abnor- In a retrospective study of 168 patients with pathologic nipple
malities smaller than a centimeter and associated ductal chang- discharge, Adepoju et al. [49] reported a sensitivity of 75% and a
es that are occult on mammography, especially in women with specificity of 49% for the detection of malignancy with ductogra-
dense breast tissue [45]. phy (Table 1). Cabioglu et al. [38] reported an even higher sensi-
When an intraductal mass is identified, its size, clockface posi- tivity (100%) of ductography for detecting malignancy in anoth-
tion, and distance from the nipple should be reported along with er retrospective study of 147 patients. However, given that only
the distance between the mass and the nipple base (Fig. 5). A di- three cases had cancer, the 95% CI was wide at 75.3–100% [38].

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Fig. 5—Reporting intraductal masses found on examination of 42-year-old woman with spontaneous clear discharge from right nipple.
A, Radial targeted breast ultrasound image shows intraductal mass (white arrow) at 9-o’clock position in retroareolar region of right breast and portion of duct (black
arrow) from nipple (blue arrow) to mass.
B, Radial targeted breast ultrasound image shows length of duct from nipple base to mass (11.25 mm, long solid line) and length of duct segment affected by mass
(4.50 mm, short solid line). Report of this examination should include clockface position of intraductal mass, distance of mass from nipple, and size of intraductal mass.
Ultrasound-guided biopsy yielded intraductal papilloma.
American Journal of Roentgenology 2021.216:330-339.

TABLE 1: Utility of Breast Imaging Studies in 168

Patients With Spontaneous Single-Duct
Measure Mammography Ultrasound Ductography
Sensitivity 10 36 75
Fig. 6—36-year-
Specificity 94 68 49
old woman
with recurrent PPV 18 14 18
clear discharge NPV 88 89 93
from left nipple. Note—Data were originally reported by Adepoju et al. [49]. Cancer was present
Mammography and in 20 patients. Values are percentages. PPV = positive predictive value, NPV =
targeted retroareolar negative predictive value.
ultrasound results
(not shown) were
negative. Discharging TABLE 2: Predictive Value of Ductography and MRI
duct was cannulated in 186 Patients With Suspicious Nipple
for ductography, and
1.5 mL of contrast
medium was Ductography
injected. Magnified
mediolateral Parameter (n = 163) MRI (n = 52)
mammogram of No. of cancers detected 12 7
left breast shows
abrupt cutoff (arrow). No. of high-risk lesions detected 7 3
Intraductal papilloma
was confirmed on Positive predictive value (%) 19 56
excision. Negative predictive value (%) 63 87
Note—Data were originally reported by Morrogh et al. [52].

Ductography is an unreliable predictor of the benignancy or tive ductogram, the authors concluded that a negative ductogram
malignancy of an intraductal abnormality [50–52]. In a retrospec- does not exclude malignancy or a high-risk lesion [52].
tive study of 186 patients with negative conventional imaging re- Ductography can be a technically challenging procedure and
sults, Morrogh et al. [52] reported a positive predictive value of uncomfortable for patients. The rate of incomplete or failed duc-
19% and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 63% for ductography tograms may be as high as 15–23% [53]. Discharge must be pres-
when detecting cancers and high-risk lesions (Table 2). The sensi- ent on the day of the procedure for successful identification and
tivity and specificity were 75% and 11%, respectively. Because an cannulation of the discharging duct. Additionally, a lesion proxi-
underlying malignancy was found in 10% of patients with a nega- mal to the discharging duct may prevent cannulation of the duct,

334 AJR:216, February 2021

Nipple Discharge

or duct perforation and contrast medium extravasation may oc- gesting a proliferative, inflammatory, or neoplastic process [10].
cur [54]. Given the procedural limitations of ductography and the Malignant lesions may present as enhancing intraductal masses
increasing accessibility of MRI, proceeding directly to MRI for di- or nonmass enhancement in a ductal or segmental distribution.
agnosis has become a more common practice. Breast MRI is the most sensitive modality for detecting breast
cancer, with sensitivity ranging between 93% and 100% [2]. In a
Breast MRI retrospective study of 103 women who underwent MRI evalu-
Conventional mammography and US findings may be nega- ation for nipple discharge, the sensitivity and specificity of MRI
tive in up to half of patients with pathologic nipple discharge [53]. were 100% and 63%, respectively, and NPV was 100% [4]. Oth-
A negative ductogram does not rule out an underlying malignan- er studies have also reported high sensitivity and NPV of MRI for
cy, and a positive ductogram cannot reliably distinguish between nipple discharge [36, 52, 55–57] (Table 3).
a benign and malignant abnormality. Given its high NPV, MRI is Bahl et al. [58] performed a retrospective review of 118 women
emerging as the next step in the management of patients with who underwent MRI for nipple discharge after a negative or incon-
nipple discharge and negative imaging findings. MRI also allows clusive mammogram. They found six cancers, three of which were
visualization of lesions in the peripheral ducts that are not clearly detected on MRI, yielding an MRI NPV of 96.2% for invasive and
visualized on US and not included in a central duct excision. in situ malignancy and 100% for invasive malignancy. Additionally,
Normal-caliber ducts are not apparent on breast MRI. The lu- three cancers without suspicious MRI findings were diagnosed on
mina of dilated ducts, however, are visible on T1- and T2-weight- surgical excision as grade 1 DCIS. Most false-negative malignan-
ed sequences as high-intensity branching tubular structures (Fig. cies found on MRI are low-grade DCIS, as supported by Lubina et
7). In these cases, the contrast-enhanced subtraction images can al. [56]. They studied 50 women who underwent 3-T MRI after neg-
show enhancement of the obstructed duct wall or lumen, sug- ative conventional imaging results and found eight cancers, yield-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2021.216:330-339.

Fig. 7—55-year-old woman with spontaneous clear discharge from left nipple.
A, Diagnostic ultrasound image showing dilated duct at 6-o’clock position in retroareolar region was interpreted as negative.
B, Axial contrast-enhanced subtracted T1-weighted MR image of left breast shows enhancing mass (arrow) at 6-o’clock position.
C, Axial T2-weighted MR image of left breast shows associated duct dilatation (arrow) posterior to mass. Peripheral location of mass in duct explains why only duct
dilatation is seen on ultrasound image in A. MRI-guided biopsy yielded intraductal papilloma.

TABLE 3: Reported Sensitivities of MRI for Detection of Breast Malignancy in Patients With
Nipple Discharge
First Author [Reference] Year of Publication No. of Cases No. of Malignancies Sensitivity for Cancer (%)
Zacharioudakis [70] 2019 82 14 86
Bahl [4] 2015 91 11 100
Lubina [56] 2015 50 8 75
van Gelder [59] 2015 111 5 40
Lorenzon [36] 2011 38 5 100
Morrogh [52] 2007 52 7 88
Nakahara [57] 2003 55 22 100

AJR:216, February 2021 335

Gupta et al.

ing a sensitivity of 75%. Low-grade DCIS was diagnosed in two pa-

tients with false-negative MRI results [56]. Although most of these 12
studies were retrospective and relatively small, they found that
MRI is highly sensitive for detection of breast malignancy.
One outlier study found lower sensitivity of MRI compared 9

No. of Ductograms
with other studies [4, 36, 46, 52, 56, 57]. Over a 5-year period, van
Gelder and colleagues [59] retrospectively reviewed 111 women
who underwent MRI for evaluation of unilateral bloody nipple 6
discharge. Eight additional cancers were detected, two by MRI
and six by duct excision, yielding an overall sensitivity of 40% for
MRI in detecting breast cancer. Malignancy was found exclusive- 3
ly by MRI in less than 2% of the cases, leading the authors to con-
clude that MRI had limited added value in the setting of negative
conventional imaging results. One possible explanation for the 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
lower sensitivity of MRI in this study compared with other studies Year
could be the overall low breast cancer incidence of 5%, the small
number of cases, and differences in diagnostic interpretation. Fig. 8—Bar graph shows number of ductograms obtained over 6-year period
at one academic institution.
Unlike ductography, MRI can be combined with percutaneous
biopsy to determine preoperatively whether a lesion is benign In contrast to ductography, which only identifies abnormalities
or malignant. A concordant benign biopsy finding can indicate in the discharging duct, breast MRI can find additional cancers in
that surgery is not necessary. Conversely, if an MRI-guided biopsy the ipsilateral and contralateral breast (Fig. 9). Several addition-
yields malignant histopathologic findings, preoperative localiza- al studies have also supported the high diagnostic performance
American Journal of Roentgenology 2021.216:330-339.

tion can guide definitive surgical management. of breast MRI [4, 36, 52]. The overall improved accuracy of MRI,
the ability to obtain biopsy samples when MRI findings are in-
MRI Versus Ductography determinate, and the reliability that the examination will be per-
Radiologists are performing fewer invasive procedures in an at- formed successfully have led to an increasing preference for MRI
tempt to promote patient comfort and decrease costs. Sialography compared with ductography for evaluation of pathologic nipple
and venography have become less popular. Venography has been discharge when first-line imaging results are negative.
replaced by venous duplex US studies, and CT angiography is in-
creasingly performed in lieu of conventional angiography. Future Research
An online survey of 177 German breast imaging centers found Previous studies have described MRI techniques involving the
that 13% do not perform any ductography examinations, and the cannulation and injection of gadolinium into the discharging
largest proportion (33%) perform a maximum of five ductography duct, but these techniques result in the same level of patient dis-
examinations per year [60]. Of the centers surveyed, 70% do not comfort as conventional ductography and may fail for the same
perform any ductography examinations or perform fewer than 10 reasons [61, 62]. Instead, a new area of research involves MR duc-
per year. Despite the low usage, 56% of the respondents rated the tography without gadolinium administration. With conventional
diagnostic potential of ductography as high or very high. Although ductography, the offending duct is injected with contrast mate-
the respondents believed that ductography has potential, they do rial and assessed for filling defects. On MRI, even without con-
not perform the examination. A similar trend has been seen at our trast administration, the discharging duct is often dilated, filled
institution, where 12 ductography examinations were performed with fluid, and visualized on T2-weighted sequences. Similar to
in 2012 but only two were performed in 2017 (Fig. 8). The low num- conventional ductography, MR ductography can identify an in-
ber of ductography studies performed, even at academic institu- traluminal filling defect, duct wall irregularity, and ductal ob-
tions, raises concerns about appropriate training of residents and struction [63]. In a feasibility study involving 21 patients, the MR
fellows and the quality of the examinations. ductography sequences did not perform well enough to replace
In a meta-analysis comparing the diagnostic accuracy of MRI conventional ductography [64]. Further refining the T2-weighted
and ductography in women with pathologic nipple discharge, sequence and the improved signal-to-noise ratio of 3-T magnets
Berger et al. [53] found the sensitivity and specificity of MRI to be may prove to be a fruitful area of research.
significantly higher than ductography. For the detection of any The combination of DBT imaging and conventional ductogra-
kind of lesion, they found that the pooled sensitivity and spec- phy also merits investigation. A small study of five patients found
ificity of ductography were 69% and 39%, respectively, and the that tomosynthesis imaging after ductography may be a useful
values for MRI were 92% and 76%, respectively. Furthermore, the complementary procedure [65]. Others have also suggested that
specificity of MRI for detection of breast cancer was 97%. In a pro- adding DBT to conventional ductography may improve the inter-
spective study of 50 patients with nipple discharge, Lubina et al. pretation of the ductogram by reducing overlap [66].
[56] compared MRI with ductography in patients who had nega-
tive conventional imaging results. Ductography was attempted Surgical Management of Nipple Discharge Versus
but could not be performed in 10 of 43 (23%) cases. The sensitivi- Follow-Up Imaging
ty of MRI versus ductography for detection of pathologic findings Central duct excision has been considered the standard for ex-
was 95.7% versus 85.7%. cluding malignancy in patients with pathologic nipple discharge

336 AJR:216, February 2021

Nipple Discharge

Fig. 9—51-year-old woman with history of

intermittent bloody discharge from right nipple.
Mammography result was negative. Previous
ultrasound study (not shown) depicted 0.5-cm mass
in right breast at 1-o’clock position; histopathology
revealed intraductal papilloma. Breast MRI was
performed because of family history of breast cancer.
A and B, Axial contrast-enhanced subtraction
maximum-intensity-projection (A) and axial contrast-
enhanced (B) images of right breast show 5-cm
area of nonmass enhancement (arrows) in upper
outer quadrant. MRI-guided biopsy yielded ductal
carcinoma in situ.

American Journal of Roentgenology 2021.216:330-339.

and negative imaging findings. Potential complications of central tire malignancy, and a reexcision may be needed to achieve nega-
duct excision include interruption of the neurovascular supply to tive margins. Additionally, unlike MRI, which can detect additional
the nipple-areolar complex, loss of sensation to the nipple, and malignancies in the ipsilateral and contralateral breast, duct excision
(rarely) partial necrosis of the nipple or areola [67, 68]. In addition, can only identify a malignancy in the retroareolar ducts. MRI is pre-
duct excision could limit the ability to breastfeed in women of ferred to duct excision in women with average risk of cancer, given
childbearing age. that the sensitivity of MRI for breast malignancy is extremely high
The surgical literature indicates a reliance on duct excision for and the few false-negatives are usually low-grade DCIS.
diagnosis. Given the high NPV of imaging and the low incidence of
malignancy even with pathologic nipple discharge, imaging stud- Conclusion
ies in favor of a watch-and-wait approach are increasing. In a sub- Breast imaging radiologists are an integral part of the medical
set of 142 patients with pathologic nipple discharge evaluated with team evaluating nipple discharge. Patients and referring physi-
mammography, US, and ductography, malignancy was identified cians rely on us not only to interpret multimodality radiologic ex-
in seven patients, six of whom had an abnormal mammography aminations but also to provide comprehensive breast care. With
or US finding. Given the low rate of malignancy with negative con- a complaint such as nipple discharge, the cause of which may
ventional imaging findings, the authors suggested a selective ap- reflect patient age, stage of life, and physiologic status, prob-
proach to duct excision in women who are amenable to follow-up lem-solving includes obtaining a detailed history, performing a
[5]. This approach is also suggested in a previously proposed algo- physical examination, choosing the appropriate radiologic exam-
rithm in which patients with pathologic nipple discharge and neg- inations to perform, interpreting the examination findings, and
ative conventional imaging result are counseled on the low risk of recommending the next steps for management.
underlying malignancy and are offered either imaging follow-up The first step in the management of nipple discharge depends
every 6 months for 1–2 years or duct excision [3, 13]. on the characteristics of the discharge and assessing wheth-
Sanders and Daigle [69] examined the role of breast MRI in er the discharge is physiologic or pathologic. Physiologic dis-
lieu of duct excision in a retrospective review of patients with charge does not require imaging evaluation other than routine
bloody nipple discharge and negative conventional imaging screening mammography. Pathologic discharge requires evalu-
findings who underwent duct excision compared with those ation with diagnostic mammography and US of the retroareolar
who underwent MRI before excision. Of 85 patients who un- breast. If the mammography and US findings are negative, addi-
derwent MRI before excision, eight malignancies were identi- tional management is based on clinical suspicion. The incidence
fied, seven of which were seen on MRI. Given the NPV of 98.2% of malignancy is low even in patients with pathologic nipple dis-
for MRI, the authors suggested that a negative MRI can obviate charge. If additional imaging is warranted, ductography or breast
central duct excision in most patients unless overriding clinical MRI may be performed, although MRI is preferred because of its
considerations are present [69]. increased sensitivity, specificity, and patient comfort. Although
Despite being considered the reference standard, central duct ex- central duct excision is the current standard for evaluation of ma-
cision is unlikely to detect all malignancies. Duct excision may fail to lignancy in patients with pathologic nipple discharge, studies
identify the lesion causing the discharge, especially if the lesion is suggest that, given the high NPV of MRI, surveillance is a reason-
far away from the nipple [69]. The excision may not include the en- able alternative to surgery.

AJR:216, February 2021 337

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