29 01 2023 Chemistry - Paper+With+Answer - Morning
29 01 2023 Chemistry - Paper+With+Answer - Morning
29 01 2023 Chemistry - Paper+With+Answer - Morning
37. The correct order of hydration enthalpies is 40. The standard electrode potential (M3+/M2+) for V,
(A) K+ Cr, Mn & Co are -0.26 V, - 0.41 V, + 1.57 V and
(B) Rb+ +1.97 V, respectively. The metal ions which can
(C) Mg2+ liberate H2 from a dilute acid are
(D) Cs+ (1) V2+ and Mn2+
(E) Ca2+ (2) Cr2+ and CO2+
Choose the correct answer from the options given (3) V2+ and Cr2+
below: (4) Mn2+ and Co2+
(1) C > A > E > B > D Official Ans. by NTA (3)
(2) E > C > A > B > D Allen Ans. (3)
(3) C > E > A > D > B Sol. Metal cation with (–) value of reduction potential
(M+3/M+2)or with (+) value of oxidation potential
(4) C > E > A > B > D
(M+2/M+3) will liberate H2
Official Ans. by NTA (4) Therefore they will reduce H+
Allen Ans. (4)
i.eV+2 and Cr+2
Sol. Hydration enthalpies:
41. Correct statement about smog is
(i) K+ > Rb+ > Cs+ : (A) > (B) > (D)
(1) NO2 is present in classical smog
(ii) Mg+2 > Ca+2 : (C) > (E) (2) Both NO2 and SO2 are present in classical smog
Option (D) (3) Photochemical smog has high concentration of
(C) > (E) > (A) > (B) > (D) oxidizing agents
38. The magnetic behaviour of Li2O, Na2O2 and KO2, (4) Classical smog also has high concentration of
respectively, are oxidizing agents
(1) diamagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic Official Ans. by NTA (3)
(2) paramagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic Allen Ans. (3)
(3) paramagnetic, diamagnetic and paramagnetic Sol. Photochemical smog has high concentration of
(4) diamagnetic, diamagnetic and paramagnetic oxidising agents
Official Ans. by NTA (4) NO2 is produced from NO and O3 in the presence
Allen Ans. (4) of sunlight
Sol. Li2O O2- diamagnetic Classical smog contain smoke, fog and SO2 and it
Na2O2 O22- diamagnetic is known as reducing smog, as chemically it is
KO2 O2- paramagnetic reducing mixture
39. “A” obtained by Ostwald‟s method involving air 42. Chiral complex from the following is :
oxidation of NH3, upon further air oxidation Here en = ethylene diamine
produces “B”. “B” on hydration forms an oxoacid (1) cis – [PtCl2 (en)2]2+
of Nitrogen along with evolution of “A”. The (2) trans – [PtCl2(en)2]2+
oxoacid also produces “A” and gives positive (3) cis – [PtCl2(NH3)2]
brown ring test (4) trans – [Co(NH3)4 Cl2]+
(1) NO2, N2O5 Official Ans. by NTA (1)
(2) NO2, N2O4 Allen Ans. (1)
(3) NO, NO2
(4) N2O3, NO2
Official Ans. by NTA (3)
Allen Ans. (3)
Sol. 4NH3 + 5O2
4NO + 6H2O
2NO + O2
43. Identify the correct order for the given property for List-I List-II
following compounds Reaction Reagents
(A) Boiling Point: Cl < Cl < Cl (A) Hoffmann (I) Conc.KOH,
(B) Density: Br < Cl < I Degradation
Br Br
Br (B) Clemenson (II) CHCl3, NaOH/H3O+
(C) Boiling Point: Br < Br < Br
< Cl reduction
(D) Density: I< Br
Br (C) Cannizaro reaction (III) Br2, NaOH
(D) Reimer-Tiemann (IV) Zn-Hg/HCl
Choose the correct answer from the option given (1) (A) – III, (B) – IV, (C) – II, (D) - I
below :- (2) (A) – II, (B) – IV, (C) – I, (D) - III
(1) (B), (C) and (D) only (3) (A) – III, (B) – IV, (C) – I, (D) - II
(2) (A), (C) and (E) only (4) (A) – II, (B) – I, (C) – III, (D) - IV
(3) (A), (C) and (D) only Official Ans. by NTA (3)
(4) (A), (B) and (E) only Allen Ans. (3)
Official Ans. by NTA (2) Sol. Reactions Reagent used
Allen Ans. (2) (A) Hoffmann degradation Br2/NaOH
Sol. Boiling point of alkyl halide increases with (B) Clemenson reduction Zn– Hg/HCl
increase in size, mass of halogen atom and size of (C) Cannizaro reaction conc.KOH/
47. During the borax bead test with CuSO4, a blue 50. Compound that will give positive Lassaigne‟s test
green colour of the bead was observed in oxidising for both nitrogen and halogen is
flame due to the formation of (1) N2H4.HCl
(1) Cu3B2 (2) Cu (2) CH3NH2. HCl
(3) Cu(BO2)2 (4) CuO (3) NH4Cl
Official Ans. by NTA (3) (4) NH2OH.HCl
Allen Ans. (3) Official Ans. by NTA (2)
Sol. Blue green colour is due to formation of Cu(BO2)2 Allen Ans. (2)
CuO + SO3 Sol. CH3NH2 . HCl
NaCN and NaCl
CuO + B2O3 Cu (BO2)2
NaCN gives +ve test for nitrogen and
48. Match List I with List II
NaCl gives +ve test for halogen
List I List II
Antimicrobials Names
(A) Narrow Spectrum (I) Furacin
51. Millimoles of calcium hydroxyide required to
Antibiotic produce 100 mL of the aqueous solution of pH 12 is
(B) Antiseptic (II) Sulphur dioxide x × 10–1. The value of x is _______ (Nearest integer).
(C) Disinfectants (III) Penicillin-G Assume complete dissociation.
(D) Broad spectrum (IV) Chloramphenicol Official Ans. by NTA (5)
antibiotic Allen Ans. (5)
(1) (A) – III, (B) – I, (C) – II, (D) - IV Sol. pH = 12
+ -12
[H ] = 10 M
(2) (A) – I, (B) – II, (C) – IV, (D) - III - -2
[OH ] = 10 M
(3) (A) – II, (B) – I, (C) – IV, (D) - III -3
[Ca(OH)2] = 5 × 10 M
(4) (A) – III, (B) – I, (C) – IV, (D) - II milli moles of Ca OH 2
Official Ans. by NTA (1) 5 × 10–3 =
Allen Ans. (1) milli moles of Ca(OH)2 = 5 × 10–1
Sol. (A) Narrow spectrum antibiotic – penicillin-G Ans. = 5
(B) Antiseptic – Furacine
(C) Disinfectants – sulphur dioxide 52. The number of molecules or ions from the
(D) Broad spectrum antisiotics – chloramphenicol following, which do not have odd number of
electrons are ________ .
49. Number of cyclic tripeptides formed with 2 amino
acids A and B is: (A) NO2
53. Consider the following reaction approaching 55. Water decomposes at 2300 K
equilibrium at 27ºC and 1 atm pressure
K f 103 H 2 O(g) H 2 g O 2 (g)
K r 102
The percent of water decomposing at 2300 K and
The standard Gibb‟s energy change G
1 bar is ________ (Nearest integer).
27ºC is (–) _______ kJ mol
Equilibrium constant for the reaction is 2×10–3 at
(Nearest integer).
2300 K
(Given : R = 8.3 J K–1 mol–1 and ln 10=2.3)
Official Ans. by NTA (6) Official Ans. by NTA (2)
Allen Ans. (6) Allen Ans. (2)
Sol. G RT ln K eq
Sol. H 2O(g) H 2 g O 2 (g)
Kf 2
and Keq =
Kb P0
3 P0[1–] P0 partial pr. at eq.
10 2
K eq 2 10
G RT ln 10
P0 1 1 ...(i)
– (8.3 × 300 × 2.3) = – 5.7 kJ mole –1
6 kJ 2
mole–1(nearest integer)
H2 O2
Ans = 6 Kp
54. Solid Lead nitrate is dissolved in 1 litre of water.
The solution was found to boil at 100.15ºC. When
(P0 ) 0
0.2 mol of NaCl is added to the resulting solution, it 2 2 103
was observed that the solution froze at –0.8º C. The P0 [1 ]
solutbility product of PbCl2 formed is ______ × 10–6
at 298 K. (Nearest integer) since is negligible w.r.t 1 so P0 = 1 and 1 – 1
Given : Kb = 0.5 K kg mol–1 and Kf = 1.8 kg mol–1.
Assume molality to be equal to molarity in all cases. 103
Official Ans. by NTA (13)
3/2 = 23/2 × 10–3
Allen Ans. (13)
Sol. Let a mole Pb(NO3)2 be added = 23/2 × 2/3 × 10–3 × 2/3
Pb(NO3)2 Pb2+ + 2NO 3 = 2 × 10–2 % = 2%
a a 2a 56. Following figure shows dependence of molar
Tb = 0.15 = 0.5 [3a] a = 0.1 conductance of two electrolytes on concentration.
Pb(aq) 2Cl(aq) PbCl2(s) 0
The number of double bond/s present in the
(A) Over all order of this reaction is one hydrocarbon is ________ .
(B) Order of this reaction can‟t be determined Official Ans. by NTA (3)
(C) In region-I and III, the reaction is of first and Allen Ans. (3)
zero order respectively
17 10 3
(D) In region-II, the reaction is of first order Sol. Moles of hydrocarbon = 1.25 × 10-4
(E) In region-II, the order of reaction is in the Mole of H2 gas
range of 0.1 to 0.9. 8.40
1 = n × 0.0821 × 273
Official Ans. by NTA (2) 1000
Allen Ans. (1) n = 3.75 × 10-4
Sol. Only option (B) is correct as order cannot be Hydrogen molecule used for 1 molecule of
determined hydrocarbon is 3
58. The sum of bridging carbonyls in W(CO)6 and Mn2 3.75 10 –4
(CO)10 is ________ . = 3
1.25 10 –4
Official Ans. by NTA (0)
Allen Ans. (0)
(CO)5 Mn Mn(CO)5