Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve
sleeping and he looked very tired and lonely. That's when I decided that Adam needed
companionship. It was time to create another person. So, I created woman...
Eve: Hello...
Eve: Where am I?
Adam: Yes, you're in the Eden’s Garden. It's beautiful. You'll see. These are my friends. This is the
monkey and this is the dog. I think you also need a name. What do you think of Eve?
Adam: I do too. God made this garden for me to live here. Everything is very beautiful, and you can
eat whatever you want.
Adam: That was God. God is the one who created us.
God: There is a fruit in the whole garden that you must not eat. It is the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil. You can eat everything in this garden except for the forbidden fruit.
Adam: Okay.
Eve: Got it. Everything else in the garden except that tree.
Serpent: You know, the fruit from this tree. You can eat it.
Eve: I can't.
Eve: But we're not supposed to eat that fruit. God said we would have serious problems if we ate
Serpent: God doesn't want you to eat from this tree because then you would become intelligent
like Him. You're a chicken!
Eve: I can't.
Eve: Okay, if it won't kill me and it will make me intelligent, it's just a little piece. (takes the apple
and takes a bite) Wow, I'm going to tell Adam. ADAM!
Adam: What?
Eve: I did. It's wonderful. I wish you would try it too. The serpent told me everything.
Adam: But, Eve, if we really take this fruit and eat it...
Adam: I hope not... (takes the apple and takes a bite) I don't know. It tastes good, but... I feel like
I'm naked... Wow, I'm naked!
Eve: Me too...
God: Adam, Eve, what are you doing? Did you eat from the tree of knowledge?
Adam: Well, was her fault, she tricked me (points to Eve)
Eve: It was that serpent that tricked me
God: You will crawl on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life. People will fear you and you
will fear them, that will be your punishment. As for you, Adam and Eve, for disobeying me, you will
have to leave the garden. Outside it will not be so will have to work hard and
experience pain. Now go.