Besr PT 12 Q3 01

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Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Accountancy, Business, and Management

Name: Date:

Performance Task No. 1

Code of Ethics
Selecting the appropriate form of business organization brings efficiency to a business. It
determines how a business accumulates capital from its owners and how the business operation
is being managed by these people. Efficiency is an important element in establishing a profitable

However, businesses should not focus on making profits. Thus, a stable company knows how to
establish and manage its business based on fair and beneficial practices. Having a strong set of
company values that proliferates respect, fairness, accountability, and transparency makes a
company admirable; where employees are happy and have higher productivity.

Ultimately, having a code of ethics guides a company or business on how to act within the
organization and towards the society, contributing to its development in one way or another. A
Code of Ethics, a set of guidelines that a certain organization must follow in order to maintain
fairness, accountability, and transparency. It is a list of do’s and don'ts to achieve a harmonious
working environment.

Learning Standards

Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

Standards ● The nature and forms of business organization.
● The purposes of establishing business enterprises.
● The core principles underlying fairness, accountability, and
transparency in business operation and stewardship (respect for
others’ property.
● Common practices in business organizations (decorum, protocol,
policies, marketing, bookkeeping, reportorial requirements and
documentation, etc.)

Unit 1: The Role of Business in Social and Economic Development 1

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Accountancy, Business, and Management

Performance The learners shall be able to:

Standards ● Identify forms of business organizations and their characteristics.
● Explain the purpose of business organizations and their role in
socioeconomic development.
● Explain the core principles of fairness, accountability and
transparency in the socioeconomic development of a country.
● Craft simple “Codes of Ethics” or “Codes of Right Conduct”.

Task Requirements
In fulfilling the task, the following requirements must be met:
● A short business profile. You must think of a business and decide the appropriate
form of business organization (sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation). You
must explain the nature of your business by providing 2-3 sentences explaining the
type of products or services that your business is offering to the community.
● A proposed ‘Code of Ethics’ that can be applied to your own business. You must
provide a 10-point code of ethics that all members of your organization must follow.
It must apply fairness, accountability, and transparency as core principles in
conducting a business. See the provided template in crafting code of ethics in the
Alternative Digital Output.
● A brief presentation of your Code of Ethics, explaining how this code can help
your business grow and contribute to social development.

The goal is to apply the principles of fairness, accountability, and transparency inside a
business organization.

You are a Human Resources Officer of a business organization.

Unit 1: The Role of Business in Social and Economic Development 2

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Accountancy, Business, and Management

The target audience are the owners or CEO of the business organization who will approve
the new code of ethics.

The business organization you belong to is in the process of establishing and approving its
code of ethics. As Human Resources Officer, you were tasked by the owners/CEO of the
organization to prepare the said document and present them to the management for

The product is a 10-point Code of Ethics that will serve as reference for all employees of the
business organization in terms of professional conduct in the workplace. Make sure that
the code of ethics will cover all facets of a typical work set-up based on the type of business
organization selected.

Alternative Digital Output

As an alternative digital output, create a digital copy of your Code of Ethics proposal and
make a digital presentation appropriate for an online business meeting. You may use
any available applications you are familiar with (slide show, video, mixed format, etc.).

For the digital copy of the proposed Code of Ethics document, use this template. Feel
free to customize the design of the document but ensure that in your final output, all
the components found in the template are present.

Unit 1: The Role of Business in Social and Economic Development 3

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Accountancy, Business, and Management

The proposed code of ethics and its presentation will be evaluated using a rubric. The
rubric below is a suggested one. Your teacher may modify it based on your needs. Consult
your teacher for the final rubric.

Performance Levels
Criteria Suggested
1 2 3 4 Score
Beginning Developing Average Advanced
Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency

Application The product The product The product The product

of Core demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates

Business the student’s the student’s the student’s the student’s

Principles emerging progressing partial mastery mastery in the

application of application of in the application of
the core the core application of the core
principles of principles of the core principles of
fairness, fairness, principles of fairness, ×4
transparency, transparency, fairness, transparency,
and and transparency, and
accountability accountability in and accountability in
in business business accountability in business
settings. settings. business settings.

Relevance to Less than 50% 50-70% of the 80-90% of the All points

the Form of of the points points included points included included in the

Business included in the in the Code of in the Code of Code of Ethics

Organization Code of Ethics Ethics are Ethics are are relevant to

are relevant to relevant to the relevant to the the form of
the form of form of form of business ×3
business business business organization
organization organization organization and setting
and setting and setting and setting selected.
selected. selected. selected.

Creativity The product The product The product The product

demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
creativity that creativity that is creativity that creativity that
is below average. It is meets exceeds
expectations. somewhat expectations. It expectations. It ×2
It needs more interesting and is interesting is very
work to makes a slightly and makes a interesting and
become original somewhat makes an

Unit 1: The Role of Business in Social and Economic Development 4

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Accountancy, Business, and Management

interesting. contribution to original original

the field. contribution to contribution to
the field. the field.

Presentation The The The The

and presentation of presentation of presentation of presentation of

Organization ideas (both in ideas (both in ideas (both in ideas (both in

the document the document the document the document
and in the and in the and in the and in the
presentation) presentation) is presentation) is presentation) is
needs incomplete but somewhat complete, ×1
improvement still logical. complete, organized and
to become organized and logical.
complete, logical.
organized, and

Total Possible Score 40

Unit 1: The Role of Business in Social and Economic Development 5

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