Brochure Balio Ox-360 en

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Auto Hematology Analyzer

72 420 440 650

Ceatius tultices volutpat. Nullam wisinet
ultricies, gravida vitaet dolor sit dolor con-
triburar aenim ipsum.
3 part-diff hematology analyzer
OX - 360 is the best solution for laboratories which perform small number of
samples per day. Thanks to its small size and its solution developed to sim-
plify daily operations, OX - 360 is an economic alternative for laboratories.

Robust and Powerful

OX - 360 can easily find its place in
every laboratory thanks to its compact
size. With a memory of 10 000 results,
3 histograms, OX - 360 offers a full
and complete review of patients datas.

Automated maintenance
OX - 360 provides automated mainte-
nance making daily processes more
convenient. Thus, chambers cleaning,
clogging removal and fluidic elements
cleaning are mechanized and automa-

Intuitive and User-friendly

OX - 360 offers a 10.4" color touch scre-
en simplifying the daily operations. Al-
ways in order to make the work more
comfortable, the patented printer pro-
vides wide 80 mm paper for better re-

Precise and Reliable

OX - 360 is characterized by a wide
linearity range, excellent background
and excellent CV which guarantee the
basis of a first-class diagnosis.
Intuitive and user-friendly software

With 6 different modes, the OX - 360

software offers a modern and intuiti-
ve interface. 3 histograms are availa-
ble to facilitate the results reading. A
flush function is also accessible.

3 part-diff analyzer with 21 parameters Holes automatic cleaning before and after test

Impedance method and cyanide free for HBG Storage capacity 40 000 samples

60 tests per hour Support manual and/or automatic calibration

Double channel for counting Several running status alarms

10.4" high resolution TFT touch screen Sample whole blood volume : 14 µL

Automatic processes Anemia indications

Automatic blank counting OX - 360 provides various patho-

logical indications.
Automatically start a blank counting
and auto-assessment of the results du- Normocytic and normochromic ane-
ring start-up process. mia. Macrocytic and normocytic ane-
mia. Microcytic hyprochromic anemia.
Automatic re-counting
Microcytic anemia.
Automatically re-count after un clog-
ging treatment while a counting hole is Alarms information
clogged, avoid re-collecting blood.
OX - 360 provides text of alarm
Automatic adjusting information is clear.

Automatically adjusting voltage of Multiple alarms of running status inc-

HGB blank. Automatically adjusting luding blank counting abnormal, re-
alarm thresholds of clogging and bub- agents empty, waste full, counting hole
ble of counting apertures. clogged counting area bubble...


21 parameters : WBC, Lymp%, Mid#, Gran#, Lymp%, Mid%, Black flushing, soaking and burning. Automatic unclogging treat-
Gran%, RBC, HGB, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, ment before and after the sample analysis.
3 histograms for WBC, RBC and PLT.
PRINCIPLES. English, French, other languages on request.

Impedance method for cells counting. Cyanide free colorimetric me-

thod for hemoglobin measurement. STORAGE.
Can store 40 000 sample results, including parameters, histo-

60 samples per hour.


Open communication protocol, support connection to LIS.
Double channel for counting.

Non contractual document. Specifications are subjected to change without prior notice.
Diluent 360.20, Lyse 360.5, Cleaner 360.05 One network port, one RS-232 port, 4 USB ports,
Import or export data via USB port,
SAMPLE VOLUME. Upgrading software via USB port,
Keyboard, mouse, barcode scanner, and multiple printers con-
Whole blood : 14 µL,
nected via USB port.
Pre-diluted blood : 20 µL.


Preset five sets of reference values, man, woman, child, baby Inlude 9 QC files, automatically draw quality control
and general. chart, provide the average, SD, CV.


Support manual and/or automatic calibration.
WBC ≤ 2.0 %
HGB ≤ 1.5 %
MCV ≤ 0.5 %
RBC ≤ 1.5 %
PLT ≤ 4.0 % 368mm x 448mm x 475mm and 23 kg.

Built-in patented structure thermal printer, paper 80 mm wide,
easy to load paper. Report printing takes only 5 seconds. 10°C - 30°C temperature and 70% humidity.

G M T S A R L - Z o n e d e L a n a - 3 r u e M u g a B i d é a - 6 4 21 0 B i d a r t - F R A N C E

diagnostics T e l . + 3 3 5 5 9 0 3 19 8 8 - c o n t a c t @ b a l i o d i a g n o s t i c s . c o m - w w w. b a l i o d i a g n o s t i c s . c o m

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