Mil Q1 Module 3

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Media & Information


Compare and contrast
Differentiate the types how one particular issue
of media and their uses. or news is presented
through the different
types of media.
This module is not for sale and is exclusive to the MIL classes of SNHS under Mr. Sentes and Mrs.

Hello there! Congratulations for braving the first 2 modules in this MIL course. Yo


You explored how to responsibly use media and information and how media evolved
from traditional to new media in the previous module.
Here, you will be acquainted with the different types of media and how these media
actually converge or co-exist in order to deliver information to audiences like you. In this
module, you will understand that it is possible for someone like you to get information that is
transmitted simultaneously to different media types such as print media, broadcast media, and
new media.
Your Targets

In this learning module, you will learn to:

1. Distinguish among the different types of media.

2. Explain how media convergence takes place.


Task 1. InterMEDIA Pad. Read the following statements and determine the answer
by writing it on your answer sheet.
1. This word refers to the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver
information or data.
a. gadgets b. smartphones c. media d. personal computer

This module is not for sale and is exclusive to the MIL classes of SNHS under Mr. Sentes and Mrs.
2. This is a collective term for media printed on paper which includes small-circulation
community-based newspapers and magazines.
a. social media b. broadcast media c. print media d. new media

3. This refers to the means of mass communication using digital technologies such as the
a. print media b. new media c. broadcast media d. social media

4. This term covers a wide range of different communication methods that include
television, radio, podcasts, blogs, advertising, websites, and many others.

a. new media b. broadcast media c. social media d. print media

5. This phenomenon involves the interconnection of information and communications

technologies, computer networks, and media content.
a. media convergence b. pop culture c. information overload d. media

pre-test? Did you score 3-5? That’s a pretty good job! Did you score lower? Worry not. You will be acquainted more with the c


Task 2: See-tuation. Read and understand the following situations and determine what media type
the character actually uses here. Write you answer on your answer sheet.
d. She knew she had no choice but
1. to move on. She always made herself busy and what seems to keep her going is this episode titled,

This module is not for sale and is exclusive to the MIL classes of SNHS under Mr. Sentes and Mrs.
es new delicacies for her kids. To keep up 2.
with the trends in Filipino cuisines, she always cuts out recipes from the lifestyle sections of

Noah never goes on a day driving without tuning in to his favorite radio station. With the pandemic limiting his earnings for a week, m


The Dela Rosas make it a point that they

come together for a nice movie at night
after the kids finished their modules and
the parents are done with their work
from home. They love horror and comedy

_ _

ang of it already. You actually have been using these types of media practically every day of your life. In the next parts of this mo

This module is not for sale and is exclusive to the MIL classes of SNHS under Mr. Sentes and Mrs.

Task 3: Explain NATION. Go back to task 2 on page 4 and state your reason why you think the
situation presented the type of media you chose. After a brief explanation, name 1 other example
that falls under that type of media. Copy the table below on your answer sheet to accomplish this

Situation Reason for the Media Type Other Examples

One 1. 1.1
Two 2. 2.1
Three 3. 3.1
Four 4. 4.1


Your daily dealings at home or school inevitably involve media and you may not be fully
aware of it but you are using several kinds of these. Media is defined as any tool that is used to
deliver information or data. Here in this module, your attention will be focused on 3 types of media:
print, broadcast, and new media. Know the differences below.

Print Media. This refers to media consisting paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process
that is traditionally mechanical.

Broadcast Media. This is the type of media such as radio and television that reach target
audiences using airwaves as the transmission medium.

New Media. This involves contents organized and distributed on the internet or digital

More often, the information that we get from one type of media can also be obtained from
another type. For example, while you can view your favorite film from HBO (a broadcast media), you
may also do it on Netflix (a new media). This is a phenomenon called media convergence.

Other definitions of media convergence are stated below.

 The co-existence of traditional and new media.

 The co-existence of print media, broadcast media (radio and television), the Internet,
mobile phones, as well as others, allowing media content to flow across various

 The ability to transform different kinds of media into digital code, which is then
accessible by a range of devices (ex. from the personal computer to the mobile
phone), thus creating a digital communication environment.

This module is not for sale and is exclusive to the MIL classes of SNHS under Mr. Sentes and Mrs.

Task 4. MediANALYZE. Identify each of the tools or media icons in the box below and
group them in the table according to the type of media they belong to. Copy the table
underneath to write your answers.

Pictures taken from Google Images

Print Media Broadcast Media New Media

This module is not for sale and is exclusive to the MIL classes of SNHS under Mr. Sentes and Mrs.

Task 5. Media Overlap. You must have noticed in task 4 that some information can
be gotten from two media tools at the same time. In this task, analyze how a particular
information or data can be obtained from more than one type of media by filling out the
graphs below. An example of this situation which is called media convergence is shown in
the following to guide you in answering.

Can be
obtained using:


A. B. C. DIYs or
news tutorials

1. 4. 7.
Can be Can be Can be
obtained using: viewed using: learned from:
2. 5. 8.

3. 6. 9.

10. I have learned that _________________________________________________ _.

This module is not for sale and is exclusive to the MIL classes of SNHS under Mr. Sentes and Mrs.

Task 6. Converging Media. You have understood that once data or information is
transmitted through multiple media tools, media convergence takes place. In this task, you
are going to identify more media tools and platforms with respect to fields and situations
where media convergence happens. Complete the table below on your answer sheet to
finish the task. An example is provided to guide you.

Media Convergence in the Specific Examples

Field of: (name 2 in each)
Education Learning Management System 1.
Communication Social media 3.
Advertisement/ commercials Product endorsement *Nescafe Classic appearing
in Youtube ads or
*Nescafe Classic mug
painted on sewer covers or
on one of the pages of
Metro magazine.

News News agency 5.

Entertainment Multimedia personalities 7.

You did a marvelous job, my friend! I am proud of you. Now, remember all these concepts you’ve learned in th

This module is not for sale and is exclusive to the MIL classes of SNHS under Mr. Sentes and Mrs.

Task 7. I AM CONVERGENCE. In a short paragraph (2-3 sentences), discuss why media

convergence is important to you as a student.
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _ _.


Media and Information Literacy Teaching Guide for Senior High School

This module is not for sale and is exclusive to the MIL classes of SNHS under Mr. Sentes and Mrs.

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